mshbells · 2 years
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drawing sum gae stuff<33
0 notes
mshbells · 2 years
a drawing on roblox
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hiii im not used to drawing on Pc so it probably looks a bit shit but it was fun to draw:))
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mshbells · 2 years
A dose of haikyuu #2
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19 notes · View notes
mshbells · 2 years
a dose of haikyuu #1
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5 notes · View notes
mshbells · 2 years
me when i chat someone
me: starts typing
the person I'm chatting: starts typing as well
me: you go first
0 notes
mshbells · 2 years
Akaashi wants a pet?
Akaashi: I want a pet, Bokuto-San
Bokuto: Why not get one?
Akaashi: I need to focus on studies and volleyball
Bokuto: I can fix that:D
10 minutes later
Akaashi: What are you doing with Hinata
Bokuto: I got you a crow
Bokuto: Crow is bird
Bokuto: Lets keep him
Akaashi: Suga is gonna kill you
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mshbells · 2 years
Only time Kenma will get off his game
Kuroo: Kenma get off that game we have practice
Kenma: You cant make me I'm literally 47 levels away from ending this shit
Kuroo: ...
Hinata: Oooo hi Kenma
Kenma: Hi Shoyo
Hinata: Can you be my setter? Kageyama won't set for me
Kenma: Ok
Kuroo: Wtf-
14 notes · View notes
mshbells · 2 years
haikyuu x GNreader
eyy! Its me, bells~ So for valentines day even if no one reads this anymore, I decided to do some captains x gender neutral reader fluff! We have here: Bokuto Kotaro Ushijima Wakatoshi Daichi Sawamura Oikawa Tooru Kuroo Tetsuro
So yea! This is abt 12k words so I'm rlly proud! Have fun~
I am aware that it is not valentines day anymore but still-
Daichi Sawamura
About a week ago, the captain of the Karasuno volleyball team, the team you were in, asked you to be his valentine. Yes, Daichi Sawamura asked YOU to be his valentine which of course you said yes! You've had a crush on him since the start of your 1st year (and you're a third-year now so that's a pretty long time) so being his valentine was like a dream!
(Mini flashback)
You were just about to leave school when you heard footsteps behind you. You quickly turned your head and saw Daichi, panting with something in his hands. You looked at him confused.
"Are you okay, Daichi - san?" You asked. He stood up, still slightly panting but he shook his head.
"No, I'm okay. I just have something for you." He says, handing you what seemed like a letter. You took it and opened it up to reveal what it says.
Dear Y/n, "Hi y/n! So as you know, valentines day is next week. I just wanted to take this opportunity to maybe ask you...
Will you be my valentine?"
Love, Daichi
You felt your cheeks heat up as you read the letter but you had a big grin plastered on your face. You looked him straight in the eye and tackled him in a hug.
"You're so cute Daichi! It's so like you to write a letter and be so traditional!" You exclaimed as you wrapped your arms around his neck with joy. He laughs, trying to get the both of you off the ground.
"So is that a yes?" He asks with a blush spreading across his face.
"Yes, yes, yes, a million times Yesss!" You shouted, hugging him again. He giggles and supports both of your weights.
"Careful now. We might fall again and our uniforms will get dirty." He says, hugging back. You chuckle, staying in the same position you're in.
"You two are just like a couple! Why don't you just get together already? It's obvious you both like each other!" Sugawara exclaims, scaring the shit out of you. You stop the hug and look over to where Sugawara is. He was there, smirking. He knew about your little crush on Daichi and promised that he'd help you two get together.
"Oh shut up!! You'll get your turn with me don't worry!" You said, running towards him and tackling him to the ground with a hug, just like you did with Daichi. You let out some laughs and joked around with each other as you all walked home together.
"Daichi is my valentine now~" You said, obviously happy.
"Oh, I thought I was gonna be your valentine again. Just like last year, ya know?" Sugawara says, nudging your shoulder.
"I didn't know you felt that way Sugaaa~ But maybe next year!" You said. Sugawara lets out a chuckle and sighs.
"I guess Asahi is gonna have to be my valentine." He says, looking up at the sky.
"Hey Daichi, don't forget to get me flowers and some food, or else I'll hate you forever!" You said, puffing your cheeks out. Of course, that was a complete lie. You were just teasing him but you really didn't mind if he wouldn't get you anything.
"Don't worry, I won't forget!" He says with a smile and you smiled back at him.
(Flashback end)
You smiled to yourself as you prepared to leave for school. You went downstairs and into the kitchen, opening the fridge door to see if the chocolates you bought for the team yesterday but a few of them were personally made by you! Obviously one of them was for Daichi but you also made some for Sugawara, Asahi, and Kiyoko. You stuffed all the chocolates in your bag and you ran to school.
You entered the school panting for air as you changed your shoes. You made your way up the stairs and into the classroom you, Daichi, Asahi, and Sugawara share. You spotted them talking to each other by the window and went towards them with a huge smile plastered on your face.
"Hey, guys! Happy valentine's day!" You said, pulling out the handmade chocolates from your bag and bringing them towards them.
"You didn't have to but thank you so much y/n!" Sugawara said, opening the small bag of chocolates.
"T-thank you y/n." Asahi says which you found cute. His face was all red. You gave him a nice pat on the bag in an attempt to calm him down. Sugawara was laughing with Daichi as Asahi made a fuss over nothing. Asahi and Sugawara You turned around, getting ready to Daichi his chocolates. His chocolates were slightly different from the others. They were heart-shaped while the others were squares and circles.
"Here you go, Daichi - san! I hope you like them~" You said, handing him the chocolates. You were so nervous that you felt like your heart was gonna leap out of your chest even if you were just handing out some chocolates. You didn't taste them after you made them so you didn't really know how they tasted. He smiles at you and thanks you, slowly opening the little bag you gave him. He took a piece in between his fingers and observed the treat. He puts it in his mouth and chews it, you sit there waiting for his response.
"It tastes good! Where did you buy these?" He asks and you let out a sigh of relief. For something as simple as that it was pretty nerve-racking.
"I didn't buy them, I made them! I guess I am pretty great after all, huh?" You said confidently. He nods and reached for something in his bag. He pulls out a small bag of cookies with a tag that had your name on it. He gives it to you and you excitedly took them from his hands, admiring the beautiful packaging it had.
"Happy valentines day, y/n." He said. You turned to him and with all the courage you had at the moment, you found yourself engulfing him in a nice warm hug.
"Thank you! I'll cherish these forever!" You said. Sugawara was in the background doing this face that told you all about what he was thinking at the moment and Asahi was just sitting there, eating the chocolates you gave him. Daichi lets out a laugh and you separate from him.
"Well you can't keep them forever, they might go bad." He said with a smile. You smirked, hugging the bag.
"Daichi Sawamura just watch me!" You said as you raised the bag as if it was Simba. They just laughed at your gesture. Of course, you opened the bag and ate some of the cookies, watching yourself so that you wouldn't eat it all in one go. You quickly shoved it in your bag when the teacher walked into the classroom with chocolates in hand. Probably from the teachers. He puts them away and ushers the lovey-dovey couples to continue whatever they were doing after the lesson.
(Timeskip after class)
"Hey, let's have lunch with the team! I have to give them their chocolates." You said and they agreed. Since Daichi was your valentine, you decided to be a little bold and cling onto his arm as you made your way to the cafeteria. Daichi's face began to heat up but he didn't mind.
When you reached the cafeteria, the 1st years and 2nd years were already there at one table. You ran towards them, pulling Daichi with you as you both almost tripped. You took a seat and Daichi sat beside you as you reached inside your bag. You pulled out the chocolates you bought for the 2nd and 1st years and the one you made for Kiyoko.
" You better thank me for saving your asses! Now you won't have to walk around feeling sad about not receiving any chocolates~" You said as you handed them out. Nishinoya and Tanaka were just looking at you as if you were a God. They probably didn't get as many chocolates as they hoped for. Kageyama and Hinata were fighting over which bag of chocolate has more inside when you put the same amounts for each one. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi just thanked you and put the chocolates in their bags. You distributed the chocolates to everyone else and they thanked you. You began to eat your bento and so did everyone else.
"You know the teachers said class is dismissed for the rest of the day. Pretty cool right?" Ennoshita says. Your eyes widened.
"E-eh?! Why didn't I know about this?" You exclaimed.
"You were too busy praising and worshiping the cookies Daichi gave you so you didn't really pay attention to class.... at all." Sugawara says and you playfully frown.
"That's because it's something that deserves my praise! It's the greatest thing ever!" You said.
"I could buy you the same pack and you wouldn't notice." Tsukishima says.
"I would notice cuz it would be from you! Not from Daichi." You said as you hugged Daichi's arm tightly. Tsukishima just ignored you.
"Heyyy be nice to your senpai! You didn't even give me chocolates after I won that Dino plushie for you..." You said as you pouted. He clicked his tongue and tossed you a small bag of chocolates and you caught it.
"Happy valentines day... I guess. Mom made me buy them for you." He says. Tsukishima was always salty but somehow, he treated you a little bit differently than the others. Probably because he's your cousin.
"Hehe, thanks!" You said as you put it in your bag along with all the other chocolates you got.
"Hey y/n, do you wanna go on a date later?" Daichi suddenly asks, making you choke on your bento.
"W-what?" You asked him.
"It's valentines day and I think we should go on a date after school." He says with a smile. Your face flushed but you responded with a yes. Now, you were beyond excited! No more classes for the rest of the day which means you've got a lot of time to spend with Daichi.
(Time skip to after lunch)
Lunch was over, Meaning we could all leave if we wanted to. Asahi and Sugawara decided they would go home together and play some games, Nishinoya and Tanaka trying to convince Kiyoko to give them some chocolates, and the 1st years fighting among themselves.
"We'll get going now. Happy valentines day everyone!" You said as you let Daichi drag you out of the school.
"So... where are we going?" You asked him.
"Wanna go to that amusement park today? I heard they have a discount on the tickets." He said and you smiled, nodding. He grabbed your hand and walked with you.
"So why did you ask me to be your valentine?" You asked him, feeling bored with the silence.
"Well, I had no one else. And if I'm gonna be honest, I wanted to spend more time with you." He said. You smiled at his response, hugging his arm because why not.
"Awww you're too cute, Daichi! If you wanted to spend time with me, you could have just told me~" You said, making him chuckle.
"If you say it like that, we'd always be together." He says and you smile, looking at his face while still walking.
"I think that would be great! I don't mind being with you." You said, feeling quite flustered about the conversation you two are having. You took your eyes off him and looked forward. You were already at the amusement park! Many people going in and out, it looks like so much fun! You felt the corners of your mouth rise with excitement. Upon entering, you pull out your wallet but Daichi stops you.
"I'll pay for the entry fee." He says and you shake your head.
"No, just because you were the one who invited me doesn't mean you have to be the one to pay!" You said, pulling out your wallet once again.
"No, I'll pay, I insist." He says, pulling out his wallet this time and taking out some cash, handing it to the person at the counter but before he could, you grabbed his hand and shoved your money onto the person's hand. She gives you two entry passes and you thanked her.
"See? Easy peasy, our tickets are paid!" You said, proudly. Daichi sighs.
"I'm gonna pay you back no matter what you say." He says.
"Yeah, yeah now let's go! I wanna ride that rollercoaster!" You said, gripping his hand and running towards the line.
"Don't you wanna eat first?" He asks you, pointing to all the food stands. You felt your mouth water with all the amazing food you saw but you shook your head.
"Nah! If we're gonna ride this, we'll eat after, or else we might get sick." You said and he nodded. You had a point. You waited a bit and then it was finally your turn with a lot of other people. You guys chose the front seats and as soon as you sat down, the bar that was supposed to act as a seat belt dropped down.
That was when you started to get nervous because that's when you realized how tall the ride was. You let out a squeak when you started to move up slowly. You heard chatter from the other people, making you feel more anxious. Dachi noticed this and took your hand in his warm one in an attempt to calm you down.
"Why are you scared? Weren't you the one who wanted this?" He chuckled, looking at you. You looked at him, sweat going down the side of your head.
"I didn't think it would be this scary! Now that I'm on it, it feels so much taller and bigger and-" He cut you off.
"Don't worry, let's just have fun! Everything will be okay, I promise." He said, making your heart flutter. You smiled at him, feeling quite brave.
"Thank you, Daichi... I really appreci- AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
You didn't even get to finish your sentence when the rollercoaster finally reached the top and dropped down at an insane speed. You squeezed Daichi's hand tighter as you let the air go through you, your heart pounding as you went up down and around but you couldn't really tell as your eyes were closed. Soon, you felt the rollercoaster slow down. You got out of your seat, feeling quite dizzy. Daichi let out a laugh as he helped you balance yourself, preventing you from falling face-first onto the hard and rough ground.
"Are you okay?" He said, almost in a giggle. You crossed your arms and puffed your cheeks out.
"I am fine, thank you very much!" You said and he started to laugh. Yes, you were still a bit dizzy but his laugh always made your heart do flips.
"Alright, do you wanna eat now? I'm kinda hungry." He says and you nod, eyeing the barbeque stand nearby. You both agreed to split the bill because why not? You ate the barbeque you bought happily, savoring its amazing taste. Once you were done eating, you rode more rides with Daichi. You enjoyed everything about today, yes even the rollercoaster. It was almost time to go home and you were making your way to the exit with Daichi when he stopped you, grabbing your hand.
"Do you think we could ride the Ferris wheel? Like they do in the movies." He asks with a smile. You felt your heart pound faster and you nod, following him into one of the cars. You looked out the window and admired the night sky. There were many stars tonight. It was silent until you decided to speak up.
"Hey, Daichi? Thanks for today. I enjoyed." You said with a smile. He looks at you with a blush spread across his face. He shows you that warm smile that you love so much.
"I have something to tell you... It's the main reason why I asked you to be my valentine." He says, taking a hold of your hands. You looked him in his eyes, curiosity filling your head. He looks at the ground and you.
"Y/n, I think you're a great person and that you're fun to be with! To put it simply, I like you. I liked you since our 1st year together. You may not feel the same but I just wanted to get that off my chest... Will you be mine?" He says. You were speechless. Your cheeks felt hot and your hands were shaking from the shock. He looks at you because of the silence and panics when he sees tears in your eyes.
"H-hey what's wrong? Was my confession that bad?" He asks in a panicked tone. You snap out of your thoughts and let out a laugh. He looks at you confused. You stopped laughing after a bit and stood up, sitting on his lap and hugging him. He wraps his arms around you.
"I like you too! For a long time now actually. I didn't think you'd like me back, that's why I'm crying, crying out of joy." You said, burying your face in his chest. He smiles and pats you on your head.
"Does this mean we're dating?" He asks. You look him straight in the eye with a smile plastered on your face. You leaned in and crashed your lips into his. He was shocked at first but kisses back. You pulled away and open your mouth to speak.
"Does that answer your question?" You ask him.
"Yes." He answers and smiles. After a short time, the ride ended and it was finally time to go home. Daichi offered to walk you home and of course, you said yes. You walked home, hand in hand as you talked. Once you reached your house, you kissed him on the cheek and went inside, watching his figure get smaller and smaller as he went home.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
It was a week before valentines day and you still didn't have anyone to go with. Tendou was the one you usually came with but he was sick, sadly. You thought about asking Goshiki. He's a sweet boy. But turns out he already has someone to go with. You frowned, thinking of more people to ask. You could always ask Ushijima but you were nervous. He was your crush. And it wasn't just some middle school crush that goes away, no! You were in love with this man big time. You loved everything about him. His voice, his handsome face, his personality, everything! How did you fall for the stoic giant? Let's take a trip down the memory lane, shall we?
You were going to attend a new school called "Shiratorizawa". You heard it was pretty famous but you weren't willing to leave your old school behind. You couldn't do anything about that. No matter what you did to convince your parents not to transfer you, it didn't work. You sat on your bed, knees up to your chest as you buried your head.
"I don't wanna go..." You said to yourself. The only reason why you were transferring was because of your bullies but you didn't mind them. You still had friends that stood up for you and you appreciated them. But now you were gonna leave them all behind. All the plans you made about high school. They were never gonna get done. No use crying over spilled milk. All you could do now was do your best so you can graduate and move out of this shitty home.
The following morning was your 1st day. You were nervous. You got up and showered, ate breakfast after, and left for school. You ran to school because you woke up later than expected. You were almost there when you suddenly bumped into a wall. You squeezed your eyes shut, preparing for impact but instead, you felt arms around your figure. You slowly open your eyes and see a guy with a handsome face. he was holding you up with ease as if you weighed nothing. You stood up properly and thanked him but before he could leave, you asked for his name.
"W-wait! What's your name?"
"... Ushijima Wakatoshi." He responded. You smiled to yourself as you made your way inside the school. He was nice. You hoped to meet him again.
(Flashback end)
Yes, it was that simple to make you fall for him but everything he did made your heart flutter. He was the first person to show you kindness and you loved it. You could only DREAM about being his valentine and besides, he has a line of girls asking him and you don't really wanna bet caught in that mess. But the thought still lingered in your head. You wanted to spend time with him. You were pretty close with him because ever since that day, you would talk to him every time you got the chance to. Until he started to warm up to you and started to actually conversate with you instead of "hm's" and grunts. Perhaps you should ask him to be your valentine. It's only as friends... Right?"
(Time skip to practice)
You gasped for air as you struggled to receive Ushijima's spikes and every time you did, it felt like your arm was on fire.
"Hey, go easy on them, you don't wanna break their arm, do you?" Reon says. You look at him with your exhausted eyes that told him that you were tired and you were ready to pass out right on the spot. You don't know why you asked for Ushijima to spike at you but you did and you thoroughly regret it. Your arm was sore. You sat on the bench and Goshiki brought you your water bottle. You thanked him and began to quench your thirst. Little did you know that Ushijima was staring at you.
"You seem to like y/n. You warmed up to them faster than anyone here." Semi says, putting a hand on his shoulder. Ushijima lets out a grunt and starts talking.
"I guess you could say that. I don't know what it is with them but they make me feel a type of way." He says and Semi chuckles.
"You might in love, Ushijima - san. Why don't you ask them to be your valentine? It's next week." He says. Ushijima just stands there, still staring at you as you hyped up Goshiki.
"Maybe." He says and goes back to playing.
"If you need any help, I'll help you." Semi says, nudging his shoulder. Ushijima nods and walks back to the court. You admired his toned, muscular body from afar. You stood up and decided you would play a bit more.
"Hey I'm okay now, I think I can go for more." You said and he looks at you with his stoic face. You position yourself, getting ready to receive as Semi sets the ball to him. You smile to yourself, diving to receive the ball but it still went out of bounds. You continued to receive the balls he spiked, succeeding every now and then. You were proud of yourself. Ushijima decided to say something.
"You're doing much better than before, Y/n. Keep up the good work." He says and you felt your cheeks heat up. You smile at the compliment he gave you, feeling motivation coming into your system again.
"Thanks! But watch me! I'm gonna receive all your spikes!" You said with confidence. Ushijima cracked a smile at your enthusiasm and nodded. You just knew he wasn't going to hold back. He began to spike balls at you with full force and you receive them but they go out of bounds. You were used to it already. You were doing pretty good receiving and avoiding any injuries when you heard someone call your name.
"Y/n - san! I need help with the chemistry homework... could you help me?" She asked and so you turned your head to face her. You were about to respond when she shouted something.
"Y-Yn san look out!"
You turned your head a volleyball was spiked directly onto your face. You fall onto the ground, nose bleeding. You heard people around you talking, running towards you. The last thing you saw was Ushijima's worried face.
And then, you passed out.
(Switch pov's, Ushijima pov)
I was spiking the balls Semi set to me but I didn't notice that Y/n wasn't paying attention. They look over to me and the ball I spiked immediately hit their face, causing them to fall to the ground with a bleeding nose. I run towards them in panic.
Did I kill them?
I crouched down, asking them if they were okay but they didn't respond. They looked at me one more time before passing out.
"Now you've done it, Ushijima san. Coach is gonna flip!" Semi says as he checks y/n.
"You seemed to be enjoying. You had this small smile on your face the whole time." Shirabu says. I couldn't deny, it made me happy that y/n was willing to play with me. I thought they'd be scared of me but that's not the case. They seem very comfortable with me around which makes me feel warm and happy for some reason.
"I'll bring them to the infirmary." Reon says. I look at him and object. I insisted that I would be the one to bring them there and they agreed. I carried y/n in my arms, walking out of the gym and into the main building. Many people were staring at me but I could care less. In a few minutes, I reached the infirmary and put them down on a bed. I call for the nurse and asked her if she could help y/n, and she agreed, wiping the blood off their face and placing a towel over their forehead.
"Don't you have classes? I can take care of her, don't worry." She says but I shake my head.
"It's okay. I'll just stay here until they wake up." I said and she nods, exiting the infirmary. Now we were alone. I look at them and I instantly felt guilty. I should have paid more attention. Their face looks so peaceful when they're asleep. I wasn't thinking properly. I stood up, went closer to them, putting my face closer to theirs but stopping when my lips were almost touching theirs. What was I doing? I can't be doing this. Sure, I like them but I don't have their consent to do stuff like this. I doubt they even like me back. Before I could get back to my seat, their eyes suddenly opened. My eyes widened and I was frozen in place. What do I do?
"U-Ushijima san... What are you doing?" They ask. Their face was flushed and so was mine. I made up a quick excuse.
"I thought I saw something on your face... Sorry." I said, going back to my seat. Y/n sits up and looks at me.
"Did you bring me here?" They ask and I nod. A smile blooms on their face.
"Thanks, Ushijima - san! I really appreciate it!" They said, making my cheeks heat up. Why were they so cute? Why do they make me feel this way?
"You don't have to thank me. It was my fault in the first place." I responded, looking at my hands with a guilty expression on my face. I felt a hand on my thigh. I look at y/n. They ask if I could move closer to them and I nodded, moving my chair.
"Do you have a valentine already? They ask.
"No, not yet. What about you?" I asked back. They shook their head, a small frown forming on their lips. I thought for a bit. Would this be the right time to ask them? I decided to fuck it and just ask them.
"Would you like to be my valentine?" I asked them. I watched as their eyes widened as they looked at me.
"Are you serious? You're not joking?" They ask me, grabbing my large hand in their small one. I felt like smiling. I nodded and their eyes filled with joy and excitement, the frown quickly turning into a grin. They jumped up and hugged me, something I did not expect.
"Aaaaa! Thank you! You don't understand how much this means to me!" They said, making me all warm and happy. I wrapped my arms around their figure and stay like that for a bit. I was comfortable and I hope they were too. They pulled away from me and sat in their bed.
"I'm sorry for hitting you with that volleyball." I apologized. They shook their head.
"No need to say sorry! It was my fault for not paying attention." They said and after that, it was silent again.
"Well, I'm okay now so I guess we should get back to the gym." They said and I nodded in response. We made our way to the gym, talking as we walked. I truly enjoyed the time I spent with them even if it wasn't much.
(Time skip to valentines day)
Today was the day! Valentine's day! And after what happened last week, you hung out with Ushijima more. You were happy and excited for today. You put the chocolates and cookies you bought for Ushijima and the team in your bag and ran out of your house before your parents could spot you. You soon reached the entrance of the school and tendou was there waiting. You ran over to him and gave him a big hug. You missed your guess monster.
"Tendou! You're okay now!" You said. He put you down and smiled at you.
"Yep! Also, who's your valentine?" He asks you. You smile widely.
"Ushijima!" You shouted and he smirks. Right before he responds, you hear a voice behind you.
"Did you call for me?" You let out a yelp and jump into Tendou's arms once again. You turned to whoever said that and saw Ushijima with flowers. You got off Tendou and got in front of him.
"Ushijima - san, you don't just come out of nowhere and scare the shit out of people." You said, putting your hands on your hips.
"Oh... I'm sorry. I thought I heard my name so I went towards you and Tendou." He said, looking at you. He gives you the flowers with a small smile on his face.
"Happy valentine's day, y/n." He said, making your heart beat 10x faster and your face flush. You accept the flowers, giving them a nice sniff.
"Who taught you that stuff? I bet semi did!" Tendou said. Ushijima nodded. So it was Semi who helped him.
"He said me and y/n should go on a date." Ushijima said, making your face flush more. Tendou just smiles, giving him a thumbs up.
"So we're gonna go after school?" You asked him and he nodded. You asked where you both would go, he said it was a secret. It made me even more excited.
(Time skip, after the date sorry I'm kinda tired)
You were about to leave the hill you had a picnic on. It was kind of dark already because you didn't notice the time. There were stars spread across the sky and the moon was beginning to come out. Ushijima grabbed your hand in his and looked into your eyes. You couldn't contain yourself anymore. At this point, your feelings were just spilling all over the place! You leaned in and kissed him, his eyes widening. He kissed back after a bit. You separated the kiss and sat on his lap as the both of you watched the sky above.
"I love you, Ushijima." You told him. He smiles to himself, pulling you closer.
"I love you too." He says back. He's never felt this way for anyone. But now that he felt it, he doesn't ever want to let you go. Not in this life.
Kuroo Tetsuro
Kuroo Tetsuro was your boyfriend for almost a year now. He loves you and you love him. How did he confess to you and how did you get together? Well, he actually accidentally did it while asking you to be his valentine. Funny right? but you would never ever be able to forget it.
Today was one week before valentines day and you were beyond excited. Yes, you would be spending it alone but that's not the point! There is a discount on all your favorite pastries at this one bakery and you just couldn't miss it. You felt your mouth water at the thought of all the food you could have. Snapping out of your thoughts, you ran into the school and into the volleyball gym. You were the manager. Upon entering, you saw Yaku, Lev, Kuroo, Kenma, and Yamamoto in a circle, talking to each other.
"Uhm... What are you all doing?" You asked, making their heads turn towards you. They all separated.
"It's nothing, Y/n! We were just... Strategizing for the next practice match!" Kuroo says, making you raise your eyebrow.
"Kuroo, we don't have any scheduled practice matches." You told him and he sweatdrops.
"Well, you never know." He says. You shrug it off and walk towards the coach, showing him all the notes you made yesterday about the team. After that, you went towards yaku, one of your best friends.
"Hey, yaku." You greeted him. He smiles and waves.
"What is up with Kuroo? He seems very... fidgety and weird today." You said bluntly. Yaku shrugs but you felt that he would know since he was part of the little circle they made earlier.
"Hey yaku, do you wanna be my valentine?" You asked him and his eyes widened.
"No! I mean- That would be nice but I already have lev as my valentine!" He said, pulling lev by the arm.
"Wait I'm your valentine-" Lev asked.
"Shut up yes you are!" he whisper yelled to Lev. Very suspicious.
"I didn't know you liked Lev but congrats!" You said, clapping. Yaku and Lev's faces flush red and they deny but you knew they liked each other very much. You didn't know but Kuroo was watching from afar.
"Do you think They'll say yes?" He asks Kenma. Kenma just stays silent and continues playing on his switch. Kuroo just looks at him and sighs.
"You really like y/n, don't you," Kenma asks. Kuroo nods.
"What is it about them that caught your eye?"
"Hm. I don't really know. I think it's their personality and how they didn't talk to me just because of my looks, they genuinely cared," Kuroo looks at you as you talked with Lev and Yaku, smiling to himself.
"But they really are beautiful." He says and Kenma smiles.
"It isn't like you to fall in love with someone so quickly." He says.
"Yeah I know but... There's just something different about y/n." Kuroo responds. He went towards you and slings his arm around your shoulder.
"Heyyyy chibi - chan. How are you?" He asked you. You look up at him and smile.
"I'm doing well, thank you very much for asking." You responded. He nods, staying there as you continue your conversation with Yaku. Feeling left out, he rested his head on your shoulder, his breaths hitting your neck. You flinch and turn to him.
"What are you doing?" You asked him.
"Trying to be comfortable." He responded. You were far too tired to start a fight with him and it seems like he just really wanted to relax so you let him but you forbid him from doing anything else. You ruffles his hair from time to time, you just couldn't help yourself. His hair was so soft.
"Ok boys, I think it's time you practice." You said, looking at your watch. They get hyped up and position themselves on the court. Yes, you could play too but you didn't really feel like it. You sat on the bench with your clipboard and pen, analyzing their movements carefully so you could write don't better notes. Kuroo did a pretty impressive block against Yamamoto's team and he's been improving a lot lately. Must have a lot of motivation. You see Kuroo making eye contact with you from time to time. Once the match was over, they were all sweaty. Most of them decided to go change clothes in the locker room but Kuroo on the other hand just removed his shirt right in front of you, showing you his toned body. You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight. You've had a crush on Kuroo since your 1st year and you so badly wanted to ask him to be your valentine. Unfortunately, you didn't dare to ask him. He would never say yes.
"K-kuroo there's a locker room for a reason!" You shouted. He smirks and walked away, leaving you to sigh. What was he thinking?
"You're in love with him, aren't you." Kenma suddenly says, making you jump in your place. You turn around and there he was, standing behind you.
"What?" You asked him. He broke away from his game.
"You like him." He says, making your cheeks flush red.
"No, I don't. Never in a million years! Besides. Even if I did like him, what's the point? He wouldn't like me back anyway." You responded, looking at the floor, unaware of how miserable and sad you looked to Kenma.
"Whatever you say." He says, walking away, gluing his eyes to his game once again. That was weird.
(Time skip to after school)
Classes finally ended. You sigh, getting up from your seat with your bag and making your way out of the classroom. You were making your way to the volleyball gym when you felt an arm snake around your waist. You turned your head and saw Kuroo, with a smirk on his face. Stupid bastard.
"Kuroo, get your hands off me." You said as you tried to pry his hands off your waist. He pouted, retracting his arm. He never meant for you to be uncomfortable.
"Why are you so fidgety today? Usually, you're a cocky bastard that annoys me." You ask him as you were almost at the gym.
"I don't know but I have to ask you something later." He says, making you curious. You weren't really patient with these things so you were probably gonna annoy him until he says something.
"Why not just tell me now?" You asked him. He says nothing as a response, making you sigh. You decided to ignore it and walk to the gym. You had already changed into your gym clothes so you were available to play if you wanted.
"Y/n san!" You hear lev call out to you. You look at him and smiled as you waved hello. He ran towards you, slowing down when he was close enough.
"Can you PLEASE tell Yaku san to take it easy on me?" He says, begging. Yaku then kicks his back from behind, making you laugh.
"Yaku I really think you should take it easy on poor Lev!" You told him and he scoffs.
"If I go easy on him he won't progress. Didn't he say he wanted to become the team's ace?" He says. Lev sweatdrops and makes a run for it, away from Yaku. Yaku notices this and chases him. You laugh and sit down on the bench to observe them once more.
(Time skip again)
Practice has ended and you were getting ready to leave when Kuroo called out to you. You went towards him silently, waiting for him to talk but he just stood there. Getting impatient, You grabbed his collar and pulled him down.
"Well? If you're gonna call me, don't beat around the bush. Speak up." You told him and his cheeks flush with how close his face was to yours. You had a slight blush too. He stammers but finally talks.
"I uhm... Here! Take it, chibi - chan." He says, handing you a small box. You take it, confused as to why he was giving you this. You opened it quickly and your eyes soon widen from shock.
In the box was a small little bear holding a card that said "will you be my valentine?". You felt your cheeks heat up as you furrow your eyebrows.
"Are you serious?" You asked him and he nods. Also, everyone was still inside of the gym just watching the both of you.
"I'm serious, y/n." He says but you decided to ask him more.
"Why? Why ask me to be your valentine?" You asked him, gripping the box hard but not too tightly or it would break. He gulps hard and looks you straight in the eye.
"Because I wanted to. Got a problem with that?" He says, trying to play it cool but you could tell from the tone of his voice that he wasn't calm. At all.
"No, no. I don't think that's it. Tell me the truth, Kuroo." You told him, putting your index finger under his chin. He couldn't take it anymore. No, he really doesn't seem like that but he does get nervous around the people he loves. Nervousness washes over him.
"Damn it y/n! It's because I love you!" He shouted and your eyes widen. Was he telling the truth? He's probably lying.
"KUROO YOU DUMBASS YOU WERE JUST SUPPOSED TO ASK THEM TO BE YOUR VALENTINE!" Yaku shouts and the team aside from you and Kuroo started laughing. Both of you had blushes on your faces.
"Y/n, I didn't really wanna confess this way but... I like you! will you be my lover? And my valentine..." He says, taking a hold of your hands and looking into your eyes. As if you weren't hot enough, you felt like your body's temperature increased. You looked into his eyes and jumped up, tackling him into a hug.
"I thought you'd never ask you annoying bastard!" You said, laughing. The team just... stood there in shock. He started to laugh, hugging you back. You stopped the hug to give him a small peck on the lips. His eyes widened and kissed you, only it was deeper this time.
"Alright no PDA! Stop making me jealous, Kuroo!" Yamamoto shouted, making you laugh.
"I'll be your lover, Kuroo. Your valentine too." You said with a blush. He smiles and gets off the ground, hoisting you up and carrying you.
"I'll walk you home." He says.
"This isn't walking me home, this is carrying me, Kuroo." You told him but he wouldn't budge. You sighed and let him have his way, looking at the small bear he gave you.
(Flashback end)
Yes, it was quite the adventure. You didn't expect him to slip up like that but of course, You loved it. It was a memory you could never EVER forget. But today is valentines day! You were beyond excited... For the sale at the bakery again! They had new valentine themed cookies and cupcakes! The only problem is your mom got sick and couldn't attend work so she didn't receive her pay and you didn't receive your allowance either. . You thought about getting a job but your mother objected so you're just standing here, staring at the bakery sadly. You began to walk towards the school when you were suddenly off the ground and in someone's arms. You looked over your shoulder and you already had an idea of who it might be. It was Kuroo Tetsuro, your beloved boyfriend. He gives you a pick on the lips and looks at you.
"Happy valentine's day, love." He says, making your heart race. You chuckle, giving him a peck on his lips too.
"Happy valentines day!" You exclaim, wrapping your arms around him tightly. He lets you down after a bit and holds your hand in his large one as you walked towards the school.
"Are we going on a date today?" You ask him and he nods, making you smile.
"We're gonna have so much fun today." He says, grinning. You tighten your grip around his hand.
(Time skip to after school)
"Hey, so you never told me where we're going." You said to Kuroo. He looks at you, pulling out something from his bag. He pulled out a cute dolphin plushie.
"I got it for you when I went to the beach. They were selling it and I thought they were cute." He says, bringing it towards you. Your smile widens and you jump up, wrapping your arms and legs around his figure, hugging him tightly.
"Another one for my collection! Thank you so much!" You told him and he wraps his arms around your figure too.
"Anything for you, chibi - chan." He says. You used to get flustered at the name but you got used to it. Not like you didn't enjoy it though. Kuroo never told you where you were gonna go but your eyes filled with joy when you say the bakery.
"H-hey why are we here?" You asked him, your voice filled with excitement.
"Well, I know how much you like the pastries from this bakery. And you also told me about your mother and that you don't have an allowance to buy anything so here we are!" He says and your smile gets wider.
"I have something for you too!" You say, digging around your backpack, pulling out a little sunflower plush with a face on it.
"I thought it was cute and they sold it at one of my favorite stores too so..." You said, pushing the plushie to him. He smiles, taking it in his hands and bending down to kiss you on your forehead. You both enter the shop and eat the newly released Valentine-themed pastry that you wanted. after that, both of you went to the arcade and played around d for a bit. taking pictures in booths, Kuroo desperately trying to win you that giant cat plushie, having a good time together. At the end of the day, Kuroo stayed over at your house and cuddled with you.
Oikawa Tooru
Today was a week before valentines day and you already had a valentine who was none other than Oikawa Tooru, also known as "the great king". He was your childhood friend along with Iwaizumi but not only that, but he's also your boyfriend. Its kind of a struggle but you manage. The fangirls are quite annoying though. You were walking with Oikawa, hand in hand when a flood of girls went towards you. He sighs, gripping your hand tighter with a smile.
"We gotta run again." He says, lifting you into his arms as he ran away from the crowd. He was quite taller-- or at least taller than you so he was fast. He went inside an alleyway, making the crowd lose sight of him. Why did they even chase him like that? He was gasping for air as you watched the crowd go past the alleyway, looking for him. You sigh, getting out of Oikawa's grasp.
"I can run too, you know?" You told him and he laughs.
"Well, its not like youre not used to it already." He tells you and you smile, shaking your head.
"You're hopeless." You tell him as he wrapped his arms around you once more, hugging you tightly. You hug back, savoring the comforting feeling of his warmth.
"I love you." He tells you and your face flushes.
"D-dont say that so casually." You say and he chuckles, giving you a kiss, crashing his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened but you soon kissed back.
'I have to stop the kiss before this bastard gets horny.' You thought to yourself, separating from him. It happens quite often actually but he never does anything without your consent of course.
"I think they gave up." You said, peeking your head out the alleyway. He joins you, looking around and seeing no one. He smiles and grabs your hand, getting ready to run.
"We should hurry before they spot us again." He says and you nod, taking off running with him. You were a little behind so he was kind of dragging you.
"T-Tooru slow down!" You say, panting for air. He stops walking and looks at you.
"You know that sounds awfully lewd, right?" He says and you playfully punch his shoulder.
"Stop being horny. Now is not the time." You say, running away from, him and into the school.
"Oh running away now, huh?" He says, grinning to himself as he ran after you. You look back and saw that he was running at you, full speed. Your eyes widened and your sweatdropped, running faster but that didnt work. He got close enough to you and tackled you into the ground.
"Got you!" He laughs and you laugh with him as well. He looks at you as you were under him and smirks. He began to tickle your stomach as you tried not to laugh. But you couldnt hold it in and burst out laughing.
"B-BWAAHAHAH TOORU STOP IT WERE OUTSIDE!" You said, trying to pry him off you but failing miserably. You were unsure on how to stop him so you swung your leg upwards, kicking him in the nuts. His eyes widened as he hunched over to stop the pain.
"A-AAAAAAAAHHHH Y/N WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" He yells and you laugh.
"I'm sorry. I told you to stop but you didnt, lover boy. You need to know your limits!" You said, snaking him in the head as you walked inside the school, up the stairs and into the classroom. How did you even get this guy? Well, you were also unsure but lets take a walk down the memory lane shall we?
It was your first year at Aoba Joshai and you were quite nervous. Eyes were on you, more on Oikawa, but there were eyes on you too and they wernt good. They were death glares from jealous girls who can get their shit together.
'Oh my god, why are they sitting next to Oikawa - san?'
'I know right! They dont even look that good.'
'They arent worthy of sitting next to him.'
'Yeah but we should shut up. Oikawa san might hear us.'
Tears began to well up as you tried not to let them roll down your face. You stood up and walked out of the cafeteria, causing Oikawa to look at you.
"Where are you going, y/n?" He asks you but you didnt respond. Iwaizumi stands up and runs towards you as Oikawa gets swarmed by all his fangirls once again.
"Whats wrong, y/n?" Iwa asks you but you didnt mutter a single word. If you did, your tears would fall. He sighs, patting your back as he tried to calm you down.
"Dont mind them. They are not worth getting sad about and you know that." He says and you nod, walking up to the roof. Iwaizumi leans on the wall, watching you as you watch the people below. You sigh, sitting down on the bench.
"School just started and its already going downhill..." You said, burying your face into your palms. Iwa didnt say a word. He didnt know what to say but you didnt mind. Soon, the door opens so you turn your head, only to be met with a panting Oikawa.
"W-why did you leave me there?!" He whines but you stay silent. He looks at you and Iwa confused.
"E-eh? Whats wrong?" He asks but Iwa just "tch"s and walks out. Oikawa sighs, taking a seat next to you.
"Whats wrong?" He asks you.
"Nothing." You respond. Its not like its a big deal or anything. He found it slightly suspicious but he shrugged it off. The bell soon rings, indicating that it was time for class. You sigh, getting up from your seat.
(Timeskip to after class)
Class finally ended. You got up, getting your bag and running out of the classroom, trying not to get noticed by Oikawa. You were almost at the exit when you were shoved onto the ground.
"Who do you think you are talking to Oikawa san?" A girl asks, stepping on your abdomen, causing you to grunt in pain.
"His friend." You mutter.
"Haah?! Speak up bitch I cant hear you!" She shouts, pressing her foot harder onto you. You wanted to shout for help but its not like anyone would hear. You were in an empty classroom and most of the students have already left.
"Girls, hold her." She says and two other girls go to your sides, holding you still.
"Listen, do you really think you are worthy enough to call yourself his friend? Youre not even that good looking! You are NOTHING. Why dont you be a good student and do our homework?" She says, slapping her homework on your face.
"No, youre a student too! Do your own homework you damn slut!" You shouted, kicking ker off of you. She groans in pain and the girls who were holding you quickly ran to her, causing you to fall. The girl quickly gets up with a frustrated face.
"You bitch who do you think you are?! You are seriously going to regret that!" She shouts, grabbing your collar and smashing you into the ground. You yelp in pain as he started to pull harshly on your hair, dragging you.
"You are gonna do what I say or I'm gonna end your high school life before it even starts, you got that bitch?!" She says, slapping you. You were too tired for this shit so you pulled her hair and pried her off of you and took off running. The girls were searching frantically for you but you were already on your way home, grasping your aching stomach. You thought that would end it but no.
For the next two months, they bullied you, dragged you around, stepped on you as if you were just a bug. You were getting full of it but you couldnt tell the teachers. The girls would only bring you more trouble. You were getting full of it. Getting treated like a slave every fucking day was tiring but whats worse was Iwaizumi and Oikawa paid no mind to it. You did have separate classes from them most of the time so they didnt even notice.
"Hey, do my homework." The girl says, walking up to you from behind, pulling your hair and handing you the homework. You didnt want to. You grabbed her hair and slammed her head on the wall, making her yell in pain. She grabs your hair and throws you to the ground, landing punch after punch on your face. You couldnt do anything.
"Fucking bitch I thought we talked about this already! Now youve done it, I wont go easy on you!" She shouts, getting up and kicking the hell out of you. She kicks your stomach, making you hunch over to grab it. She curses you out as she continuously kicked you. Suddenly, there was no more pain. You looked up with tears running down your face and saw...
He was holding her arm, pulling her off you.
"O-oikawa san its not what you think! They started it!" She shouts.
"Shut up! You think I didnt hear about it from the other students?! You make me sick!" Oikawa shouts, and the girl runs away crying. Oikawa helps you get up and he had tears in his eyes. He hugs you tightly.
"Why didnt you tell me." He asks you but you couldnt get a word out. Instead you sobbed.
"Why didnt you tell me, y/n?! Dont you know I care about you?! I love you!" He shouts, making your eyes widen.
"E-eh?" You muttered out and his cheeks flush red along with yours. He leans in and crashed his lips onto yours, kissing you. You kiss back, wrapping your arms around him.
"I've been in love with you since middle school, you know?" He says, making you smile. The rest of the day was spent with Oikawa treating you and your injuries.
"Will you be mine?" Oikawa asks and you nod, burying your head into his chest."
(Flashback end)
Yes, that was how you got together. You had gone through bullying but it all ended when Oikawa became your boyfriend.
(Time skip to valentines day)
Today was valentines day and right as you exit your house, you were greeted with Oikawa, holding a bouquet. Your face flushes and you hug him, taking the flowers.
"Happy valentines love." He says, kissing you an you kissed back.
"Happy valentines day! So where are we going? Its a weekend after all." You say.
"Do you wanna stay over? Or do you want to go to the arcades?" He asks you and you think to yourself for a bit. You didnt really feel like going out today.
"Could we spend valentines day at your house?" You ask him and he nods with a smile, holing your hand in his large and warm one. You both made your way to his house and spent the day watching alien movies and cuddling with him.
"Do you still remember how we got together?" He asks you and you nod.
"Yeah, I got bullied a lot. Mostly because of you." You chuckle and he laughs.
"I wish You didnt have to see me in that state..." You say, looking down at your hands. He pouts, burying his head onto the crook of your neck.
"If I didnt see you back then, you wouldve suffered more." He says and you smile to yourself. Your boyfriend was like a baby.
"True." You commented as you played with his hair. He sits up and looks into your eyes deeply, holding your face. He leaned in and kissed you, you kissed back. You decided to play for a bit. You slipped your tongue into his mouth, catching him off guard as you both fight for dominance. You won, feeling very proud of yourself.
"y/n dont make me horny now." He says jokingly and you laugh.
"Roger that." You said, saluting and he smiles, tickling your stomach as you let out your laughs. You soon stopped and cuddle with Oikawa again.
"I love you, Oikawa."
"I love you too, y/n."
Bokuto Kotaro
Today was valentines day and your boyfriend, Bokuto Kotaro, wouldnt stop talking about how much fun the two of you were going to have. Not that you were complaining though.
"We're gonna have so much fun today! I swear baby owl this is gonna be amazing!" He says happily as he lifts you up and swung you around. You laugh, spreading your arms as if they were wings. He puts you down and hugs you tightly as you played with his hair. He was such a cutie and he always will be. He looks at you with a smile on his face as he leans down and kisses you on the lips. You smile against the kiss, kissing back.
"Thats quite enough, Ko. We're at school and eyes are already on us." You told him and he pouts.
"I dont care if they are all watching! That way, they'll know that youre mine!" He says, joy filling his eyes. You smile. How could you say no to him? Just look at his face! He's too precious!
"Fine, just one more kiss and thats it!" You say and he smiles. He leans in to kiss you, sliding his tongue into your mouth. You kiss back and quickly end it.
"When we get home, I'll give you all the kisses you want so thats enough for now." You tell him and he nods, grabbing your hand as you made your way into the classroom. Bokuto sat next to you and started talking to you about this new technique he was trying to do and that it seemed impossible.
"Its just impossible, y/n! But I wanna be able to nail it!" He says. You chuckle.
"You will nail it, dont worry!" You say, firing him up.
"Hey, if I get it right later at practice, will you do what I want for a day?" He asks you and you nod, not really thinking about it.
"Sure!" You tell him and he smiles.
"You'll see! I WILL get this right!" He says and you smile as you nod along to everything he said. Soon, the teacher entered the classroom and started to discuss. Bokuto looked pretty confused about the lesson. Not that he wasnt smart, he just really didnt get this one particular lesson.
"H-hey, y/n can you help me? I dont understand this..." He says quietly, trying not to draw attention. You nod, leaning over to see what the problem was.
"Oh you messed up the solution. You have to add this first and then you multiply it to the square root of 64." you say and watched as he tried to solve the problem by himself.
"Is this right?" He asks you, showing you his work. You scan it quickly, noticing that his handwriting has gotten much nicer over the past few weeks.
"Yeah, you did great!" You told him, giving him a high five. He looks at you and smiles, making your heart flutter. Soon, class ended and it was time for club activities and in your case, it was volleyball. You walked with Bokuto as he took your hand in yours. You entered the gym.
"HEY HEY HEYYY IM HERE" He shouted, making you chuckle. You see Akaashi walking towards you with a smile.
"Hey, akaashi. What's up?" You asked him.
"Here." He says, handing you a flower. Your cheeks flush and you smile at him, thanking him."
"Thank you!" You said and you saw a pouting Bokuto walking towards you.
"Ne, Akaashi are you trying to steal y/n away from me?" He says and akaashi smiles.
"Dont worry Bokuto - san, I'm not. I'm just giving them a flower because they are someone important to me." He says and Bokuto lights back up. He chatted with Akaashi and you smiled to yourself. How did you end up with this man?
You were bored of school and you weren't even motivated anymore. After class, you quickly grab your bag and run out of the classroom to avoid getting attention. You were a loner and unfortunately, there were these bratty girls who liked to bully and annoy the shit out of loners. The reason why you always leave school by the back gate was that there were fewer people there. You were almost at the back gate when the girl named "hajima", one of your bullies, pulled your arm.
"Hey, be a good slave and lend me some money, would you?" She says. You nod, searching for your wallet frantically. Your eyes filled with horror when you realized that they drained you of your money already. You slowly look up and saw her looking at you.
"Well? Where is it?" She asks. You began to shake slightly.
"I- I don't have money... You took it all and I don't have any left..." You said, your voice filled with fear. You didn't want to get hurt again.
"Tch- How is that my fault?! You trying to make me feel bad, you bitch?! Dont blame this on me!" She says, grabbing you by your hair, making you yelp in pain.
"Dont make too much noise or you'll get me in trouble. You brought this upon yourself." She says, kicking your stomach.
"Ugh! Look what you did! You got me all stressed out, I'm gonna have fucking wrinkles." She complained, walking away from you.
"You better not tell anyone. you know what will happen if you do." She says, leaving you there. You were sick of it. Having to go home all bruised up, your money being stolen from you, it was fucking horrible. You stood up and ran home, tears running down your face. Why did it have to be you?
You soon reached your house, shutting the door behind you and running upstairs to your room only to pass out on your bed. You just wanted someone. Someone who would be your friend.
(Time skip to a few weeks later)
It's been a while and there were new transferees so they didn't always bother you. But when they had the chance, they would force you to do their homework. You managed to escape them for now so you decided to treat yourself with some ice cream for passing the exams. You entered the ice cream shop, wallet in hand and you looked at their menu for today.
'Strawberry supreme, 50% discount'
You smiled. It was one of your favorite flavors so you were happy. You were gonna order but then you bumped into someone. How did you not notice them there? You wobble back a bit and look up to see a man with hair that has black and white strands. Seems like he uses gel.
"Oh- I'm sorry I didn't see you there! You can go first~" He says and you just stand there for a second before actually saying something.
"O-oh! I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention..." You say and he smiles. He seems really cute.
"Thats not a problem at all!" He says, clearing the way so you could make your order.
"Uhm... Strawberry Supreme please, medium." You said and The man's eyes lit up.
"Hey, that's my favorite flavour!" He says and you smile as well.
"Its mine too!" You say to him. Perhaps this was an opportunity given to you by the gods. An opportunity to make a friend...
"Say, whats your name? You have the same uniform as me, we're from the same school right?" He asks and you nod.
"Yeah, my name is y/n l/n. Whats yours?" You asked him back and he grins.
"Bokuto Kotaro! I'm probably the coolest person you'll meet~!" He said and you laugh.
"You didn't make your order yet." You tell him and he jolts when he realizes that. He turns to the counter and makes his order, the same as you only it was large.
"Maybe we should sit down instead of standing up." You tell him and he nods, taking a seat in front of you, a table separating you.
"Would you like to be friends?" He says and your cheeks flush red out of joy. You nod, smiling. Little did you know, his face flushed red as well because he found your smile to be quite pretty. Soon, your ice creams were ready and they were served to you.
"So, are you a 1st year too?" He asks and you nod.
"Yeah, its been rough..." You mutter to yourself but he heard it.
"Hm, how so?" He asks you and you stopped in your tracks. What if he ends up not wanting to be your friend? You'd lose the only friend you have the moment you got it.
"U-uh i find math quite hard and its quite stressful." You said. Yeah, that excuse is kinda believable...
"Same! I don't really like math, I prefer PE!" He says and you smile. Why was he so cute to you?
"Hey, we should hang out again next time! Youre pretty fun." He says.
"Yeah, sure! I'd love that." You replied as you ate your ice cream.
"Oh uh- Bokuto san, are you in any clubs?" You ask him and he looks up.
"I'm in the volleyball club, Kotaro is fine by the way!" He says.
"Oh alright." You responded. The two of you talked about school, getting to know each other, and even volleyball. He made jokes and you laughed at them. When was the last time you laughed at somebody else's joke? You couldn't remember. Soon, the two of you parted and you went hope with a big smile on your face.
A few days later, you got too comfortable with Bokuto, completely forgetting the fact that you had bullies.
"Hahaha! Hey Kotaro, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." You said and he nods as you walk out of the room. You smile to yourself but that didn't last well as before you could even reach the bathroom, you saw her.
"Well, well well. Youve been ignoring me for the past few days haven't you. Getting to comfortable? Dont." She says, walking towards you as she chewed her bubble gum.
"What do you want?" You tell her. Rather than being scared, you were annoyed.
"Being bratty, I see? Youve changed, y/n. But I wouldn't do that if I were you." She says. You raise your eyebrow.
"Whats gonna happen if I do?" You said in a sassy tone. She smirks, grabbing you by your hair as she slammed your head onto the wall.
"Dont be bitchy with me, y/n. I'm not in the mood." She says, an irk mark appearing on her forehead. You hiss in pain as she kicks your stomach, making you groan.
"I missed this feeling. Dont you, y/n?" She asks me, kicking you mercilessly again and again on your stomach. You hunch over to cover yourself so she kicked your back.
"Fucking hell, because of you I had to do a shit ton of homework by myself!" She says, kicking your face. It was sure to leave a bruise.
"Y/n? Are you okay, you've been out for quite some time no-" You hear someone speak but stop. You slowly opened your eyes, your eyes meeting Bokuto's. Yours was filled with pain while his was filled with horror and anger.
"W-what are you doing?!" Bokuto says, tearing her off of you as he checked your condition.
"I-its not what you think Bokuto san!" She says, not knowing what to say. Bokuto looks at her angrily. Bokuto was quite famous for being a candidate for the next volleyball team captain.
"Go away!" Bokuto shouts and the girl took off running. He looks at you as sadness filled his eyes.
"Y/n, why didn't you tell me you were being treated like this?" He asked you, hugging you tightly. You hug back, feeling your heart beat faster.
"I thought if you knew, you wouldn't wanna be my friend anymore..." You said. His heart shattered into a million pieces. You didn't tell anyone... Because you wanted to stay friends with him?
"Even if you told me, we would still be friends!" He says and you felt tears going down your cheeks.
"Kotaro... You might hate me for this but I cant keep it in anymore... I really like you even if... Its only been a few weeks." You said, wrapping your arms around him tightly as if he would disappear if you let go.
His eyes widened, looking at you as you buried your face in his chest.
"Y/n... Are you telling the truth?" He asks you and you nod. He smiles to himself as joy fills him, but sadness still remains. He lifts your head up so you could look at his and he kisses your forehead.
"I like you too, y/n. I was scared you would reject me if I told you but here we are." He says, chuckling. You giggle, wrapping your arms around him once more.
"Does this mean we're dating?" He asks you and you smile.
"If you want to, yeah." You say.
(Flashback end)
That's how the two of you got together. It was rough, but it was worth it. You knew that this man was the one.
Bokuto calls out to you and you turn your head. There he was, on the court with akaashi, with three blockers getting ready to block.
"Hey, Y/n! If I get this, you have to do what I want for a whole day!" He says joyfully, making you laugh.
"Alright, but only if you get it first try." You said and he smirks confidently. He motions Akaashi to throw him a set and Akaashi nods, throwing the ball up in the air as Bokuto runs and jumps high. The blockers count down before jumping up, spreading their arms in an attempt to stop Bokuto.
Bokuto hits the ball with his palm perfectly, making the ball slam through the hands of the middle blockers and land on the floor. A middle blocker hisses in pain as he rubs his arm. Bokuto cheers and Akaashi fires him up as you clap.
"Good job! First try too!" You say as Bokuto comes towards you. He hugs you tight and lifts you in the air.
"I did it!" He shouts and you smile at his cute behavior.
"Yes you did, now what do you want?" You ask. He smiles at you.
"After our date later, let me stay over, please?" He asks you with his puppy eyes.
"I would have let you stay over even if you didn't nail that spike, Ko." You said and he chuckles.
"Yeah but I wanted to impress you!" He says. You wrap your arms around him tighter.
(Timeskip to after school)
"Where are we going, Ko?" I'm bringing you to the zoo~" He says, smiling. You smile too, walking to the bus stop, hand in hand.
soon, you reached the zoo and paid for the tickets with him.
"Where do you wanna go first?!" He asks you excitedly.
"Wanna go see the elephants?" You said, pointing to them and he nods. You looked at the elephants feeling really happy about everything. Bokuto was taking photos but most of them came out blurry. The rest of the day was spent in the zoo until you had to go home.
"Kotaro, wanna watch a movie?" You ask him.
"Yeah, sure! Can we watch Disney?" He asks you and you nod, grabbing the blankets and pillows as you make a little nest in the middle of the living room. You watched 3 Disney movies in a row before you started to get sleepy.
"You sleepy?" He asks you and you nod.
"I love you, Ko.." You tell him and he smiles, kissing your forehead.
"I love you too."
wordcount: 12028
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