mssaboteur · 3 years
also while i’m ranting about gender i always see debate about whether girls are rewarded for being tomboys or not and it’s like. actually girls are rewarded for mirroring whatever the situation demands of them. girls can’t be too prissy and refuse to play in the creek, but girls also can’t show up to girly events covered in mud. girls can’t have makeup art as a hobby or else they’re superficial, but if they never wear makeup they’re a slob and dumpy, etc. it’s not that girls are universally rewarded or punished for being tomboys, they’re rewarded for bending over backwards to always be exactly right for any given situation and punished for breaking those boundaries. so yes a classically pretty girl who cleans up nice is rewarded when she can ALSO be a tomboy. but a girl who is a tomboy all the time is definitely punished for never being able to achieve that prerequisite feminine side. this debate is over now thanks
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mssaboteur · 3 years
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mssaboteur · 3 years
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Tom Holland after someone leaked the trailer
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mssaboteur · 3 years
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(Part 1 of 2)
Anyone else ever work in a place you spend a huge majority of your time in, and one day when it’s quiet and you’re alone it just… hits you that, hey, you could just. Lay on the ground, or sit on a ‘weird’ surface? … no?
… Shh, just let Shep have this.
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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not my best take on quarian face but here is our gal
my twitter is guchaigue
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Ailsa and Fenris cuddling up for Valentine’s Days/whatever.
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Amarillo lizard looks like a tiny dragon
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Ahora sólo nos tenemos el uno al otro...
*Créditos a quien corresponda*
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mssaboteur · 4 years
ZK Fanwork Appreciation Week Day 4: Angst Wednesday
In case Tumblr can’t play the video (or you want a higher than 480p quality version), here’s the Vimeo Link  
Based on Chapter 6 of i’m still here By @owedbetter (owedbetter on AO3) Rated T - Teen and Up Audiences
Is this angst? I am not really an angst person myself (Fluff all day, babey) but I knew I had to do owedbetter’s heart healing scene from i’m still here because it made me cry when I read it *sad lol* I just… it made me so saaad. The setup here is that Azula’s lightning that Zuko took for Katara actually did serious damage to Zuko’s heart beyond the power of the single healing session in the actual finale. So, Zuko is basically dying, everyone has returned from their various battles and are saying goodbye. But in i’m still here, Katara’s bloodbending from The Southern Raiders is actually discussed between Zuko and Katara prior, and that reminds Katara to try everything she’s got to save Zuko.  What I really loved about owedbetter’s story is just how powerfully she writes Katara, especially in this scene. Katara is just so cool. I love that she has the power to both end people and also save their freakin’ lives! And you know I gots to have my full moon imagery AGAIN. Apologies, I can’t stop; it’s like the best framing object to work with. I really think I went a bit overboard on the melodrama and effects too, but I just wanted to try to go as full throttle with neat imagery as I could with the time that I had. Katara deserves some spirit magic glowy shit too, dammit! Haha Hope owedbetter specifically likes it.
Line read by Dante Basco (Thank you for the additional line read, @rufiozuko) 
Music: Requim II - Princess Mononoke (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Requim - Princess Mononoke (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) The Legend of Ashitaka Theme - Princess Mononoke (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) This is all done with no intention of making money off these animatics; it’s purely fanart. >.>
DO NOT REPOST. And if Zutarians are going to screencap some frames, I think it is imperative to also acknowledge owedbetter too, because it’s based on their concepts and story. I simply translated it into visuals.
More art rambling and note to owedbetter below the line
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mssaboteur · 4 years
Feeling Good
Wrote something for @the-smut-cafe, because it’s a lazy weekend and a little dirty interlude is a real nice way to flex the writing muscles. Inspired by this art, which @theravenofwynter​ had the wonderful idea to share with me. Set in the same story universe as Killing Field, where everyone is human. 
Title: Feeling Good
Pairing: Jane Shepard / Garrus Vakarian, Mass Effect 
Rating: E (obvs)
Read on AO3.
It’s decadent, to shut off like this, cutting out all responsibilities. A luxurious lunch punctuated with indecent amounts of champagne. Then an early afternoon, August sun still blazing outside, the house all to themselves. 
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Killing Field - Chapter 20 - These Wars, They Can’t Be Won
Deja vu hits fast. Nothing changes here, sand and rock and desolation. Danger in the air. Getting in is the easy part. The border is heavily policed, but bribes open all doors, including into the killing field that nearly the entirety of Syria has become. Fresh offensive is underway. The idea of a safe zone across northern Syria has surfaced again, despite the many disagreements that remain for both allied Turkey and US. Both Archangel and UN sources confirm new incoming resolutions between Turkey and Russia, following negotiations behind closed doors. If they are serious about getting Wrex’s family out of Syria, a better moment is unlikely. Despite the fact that Turkey happily uses Syrian Free Army forces to push into the country’s northern areas, fighting both Assad and Islamic State forces, it also wants People’s Protection Units to move east of Euphrates once the area has been occupied. And though Idlib is far outside of the stretch of land being disputed, the future looks bleak for Syrian Kurds like Wrex and his family. Bleaker; it was never rosy to begin with.
From the small NATO-run observation post in southern Idlib where they land, Jane and Garrus take about six hours to reach the meeting point with the other two squad members. They take several detours and slow down to a crawl to ensure they’re not followed, especially since the particulars of how Arterius found out about Archangel remain another damn knot to untangle. Being in Syria has never felt like a walk in the park. These latest political and military developments, on the trail of years of open conflict, are the lit matchbox thrown into a stack of gunpowder barrels. The countryside is a literal minefield, explosives planted by retreating ISIL fighters to stop aid incoming as one more fuck you to the communities they shredded to pieces. Not even the Red Cross insignia on their battered Toyota pick up truck can save them if they run into trouble, though there’s a healthy arsenal of weapons Garrus insisted they bring along, stashed neatly between the front and back seats.
(Read rest on AO3.)
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Cullen and Garrus are so similar, both like to calibrate shit, both are nerds (not that it's a bad thing I am nerd myself), both want to protect people, both are addicted to work until you (Romance Option)/the third game and have took the stick from up there arse, both beat people with the metaphorical stick xD, both are dealing with a loss, the only thing that doesn't overlap is the addiction which honestly doesn't seem real cause I do think Garrus would have gotten addicted to Stims. The fucker was awake let's say a week, yes Turians need less sleep and Garrus is a Bad Ass but come on the only way he could possibly do it is through taking Stims.
Still my two favourite Men, @kemvee please please please consider doing Garrus holding a Cullen plushie xD
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Sunday speed sketch of husband
Even Cullen is excited 😁
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Avvar Cullen x Annabel -Warpaint
I’m so happy to share this giveaway prize from the always wonderful @kemvee 
I’ve had an avvar au Cullen and Annabel WIP for a long time but with the stress of this year my writing has fallen over. This is the inspiration I needed! 
It’s so perfect. His expression of adoring worship made my heart melt. Annabel is a lucky lady and she knows it. 
I just keep staring at it all the time. Thank you @kemvee I love it so much <3
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mssaboteur · 4 years
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Toxicity within a fandom is no joke, and frankly, to be honest, it is probably the worst thing to exist within fandom in itself. We, as a collective group, are meant to come together to discuss and appreciate and enjoy a topic that we love with all our hearts. Of course, there are going to be conflicting opinions and viewpoints, but that’s the beauty of the human species. That we acknowledge our differences and appreciate other people’s opinions. That should be how fandom works. It should.
Today I got called a (tldr) “pedo”, on a blogpost that had been written by a friend of mine, meant to help get more of my stories out there. Instead, I am called out by someone I don’t even know, for something I have never, and will never, do. Mind you, I tag all my fics appropriately (Alternate Universe-Canon divergence, Post-Canon, Aged up characters), and I always try to tag appropriately on tumblr so that people who don’t appreciate Zutara can avoid. Now I find out that a few blogs here have actively targeted and attacked several ZK blogs (myself, @firelxdykatara, @zutarawasrobbed) and call us “pedos” because we supposedly ship “a 16 and a 14 year old actively having sex.”
Here’s the thing. I have fought against this argument so many times. Fictional characters- FICTIONAL CHARACTERS- are not forever in stasis. They grow with us. I was barely 8 years old when atla aired, and now, 15 years later, I am 15 years older. Therefore, the characters in atla are 15 years older as well, although, let me be ABSOLUTELY CRYSTAL CLEAR. THEY. ARE. FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Got it? Great. Also, they’re technically 80-something years old now, or are you gonna say LOK isn’t canon? Cuz guess what? It is.
Do you (blogs that have attacked me and my friends) even know the weight behind your words? Do you even know what it is exactly you are calling my friends and I? Do you understand the depravity behind calling someone a pedofile? Because I’m not sure you do. I’m about to discuss some triggering content, so full on tldr below the cut:
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mssaboteur · 4 years
I was genuinely worried (scared) for second, don't do that, you have to write Cullen Smut for ever, it gives me life xD and don't think I won't kidnap you to have a constant supply, seriously your work is like a drug.
I regret to inform you all that with immediate effect I will not longer be romancing Cullen... Indeed I shan't be participating in any Fandom spaces at all.
A recently circulated video has informed me that as a woman over 30 I should get myself back into the kitchen.
I will now exclusively be posting chicken nugget recipes, Providing unasked for parenting advice and maybe sharing the odd knitting project (if I'm feeling particularly bold)
I dearly hope that taking this step will save my failing marriage.
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mssaboteur · 4 years
Juuust a succu!wolf AU Cullen? A sketch? A line? I miss him so, so much! Kisses!
D’awww :,) Nonny! Here, have todays warmup ♥
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mssaboteur · 4 years
@kemvee, @joufancyhuh, @thealexmachina, @tinderwulf, @agentkatie, @zutaralover94, @zutarawasrobbed, @thewhitelotuses, @scahill42
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So. I know I just did all those commissions but I’m also going to do a little fic giveaway! Here’s how it works! 
Reblog this post and @ someone to nominate THEM to receive a gift fic! You may also @ them in the replies to give them a SECOND entry. You can also nominate yourself by kudo’ing, but it’s all about nominating other people! You must be following THIS blog to nominate someone. And if a person is nominated multiple times, they get multiple entries. You may also nominate more than one person.
Here’s what your friends can win!
First Drawing:
One ~5k fic of any rating featuring a couple/multi ship that is platonic or romantic.   
Second Drawing:
One ~2.5k fic of any rating featuring a couple/multi ship that is platonic or romantic.   
Third Drawing:
One ~1k fic of any rating featuring a couple/multi ship that is platonic or romantic.
If you’re requesting NSFW fic, you must be 18+
I prefer to write fluff, smut, and angst. If you are asking for smut I’m going to warn you in advance to check out my style because I have a much easier time with filth than poetic and flowery (but people seem to love the filth!) I am, honestly, VERY good at dwarves and I’ve got a weak spot for rare pairs. I will try any character though! 
This is for Dragon Age characters only, but any dragon age character may be included. I will also write OCs but you’ll need to provide me with a physical description, a personality description, and any fic/art already featuring them. 
I’m squicked out by some kinks: daddy/mommy talk, incest, non-con/dub-con, A/B/O, vore, and anything about toilets. If you come up with something I’m not comfortable with or cannot do well - no judgement. I’ll recommend we do something else and if we can’t come to an agreement I’ll draw a new name. 
You have until 11:59 EST October 31st to enter! Fics will be done by the end of November! 
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