mstarkeybabe · 3 years
People who make me smile
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They give me so much comfort
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
james potter and jake peralta have the same vibes
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
send me some!! please!!
nosy anons let's go
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
my sister asked me
Niall Horan or Drew Starkey.
Bitch stop. Don’t be mean
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
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you’re enough, you’re perfect, life is just getting good ❤️❤️
Not to be randomly x-rated but I am in desperate need of a hug and for someone to tell me that they love me and that I am enough and doing good!
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
wait do this w me?
soft asks to get to know people
what song makes you feel better?
what’s your feel-good movie?
what’s your favorite candle scent?
what flower would you like to be given?
who do you feel most you around?
say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
what color brings you peace?
tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good. 
what calms you down?
what’s something you’re excited for?
what’s your ideal date?
how are you?
what’s your comfort food?
favorite feel-good show?
for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word.
compliment the person who sent you this number.
fairy lights or LED lights?
do you still love stuffed animals?
most important thing in your life?
what do you want most in the world right now?
if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
what would you say to your future self?
favorite piece of clothing?
what’s something you do to de-stress?
what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.)
what movie would you want to live in?
which character would you want to be?
hugs or hand-holding?
morning, afternoon or night?
what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
hi guys
so i usually don’t ask for help here on tumblr, but i need your help.
my grandfather was tested positive for covid-19, he’s way back at our province, and he’s all alone at the hospital. we are at least a 2 hour drive away from him and we couldn’t go there due to lockdown.
my parents doesn’t know that i’m posting this, but i know they need help with the financial aids. i have no job, meaning i don’t have anywhere to get money from and this is my best shot.
i don’t have any paypal, but my dad’s is connected to my ko-fi. so please, please, if you could help somehow, by donating or reblogging this post- it would mean a lot to me.
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thank you, stay safe!
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
Kinda hate my new theme :/
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
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WHY DID I JUST REALIZE @twinkleimagines like this post?? I legit love their acc
Me: “mom look at this funny meme.”
*hands mom phone*
*shows her meme*
*mom swipes on camera roll*
Camera roll:
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Mom: “do you have a new boyfriend?”
Me: “no”
Mom: “who’s that then.”
*walks away to avoid her making fun of me*
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
What dating Rafe would be like
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* Rafe would be very protective of you. He would make sure that he had eyes on you if the two of you were at a party. He would make sure that you never were in a situation where you felt scared.
* he would be gentle with you.
It would be a little off putting for the people closest to him to see the way he acts with you. Always kissing your forehead and holding you close to him.
* Rafe would get jealous easily.
He was undeniably in love with you. Meaning you were his and his only, you’d have to remind him that smiling at another guy politely isn’t a reason to get angry or upset.
* he loved to cuddle
Having you close to him made him feel calm. You are the high he will always chase. So when the opportunity comes to have you pushed against him, and he could wrap his arms around you he jumps at the chance.
* Rafe loves rough sex
He will pull your hair and spank your ass till it hurts. Saying things like “good girl.” And “take it like the little slut you are.” You’d love every second of it.
* he always asks you to marry him.
Even though you are young, he knows you are it for him. You make him feel good. He doesn’t ever feel like a burden or a disappointment around you.
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
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This picture is just adorable
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
Rafe x y/n (18+)
Warnings: smut language ect the usual
Prompt: Y/n is his tutor and inexperienced and Rafe is well, Rafe.
Request are open!
NOT EDITED. Also very much so my first smut :)
Rafe looked over at y/n. She was reading through is mock essay for his final exam for one of his college classes. And he was exhausted. They usually met up at the library on main street in Outer Banks but today it was closed and they decided to just go to the Cameron estate.
It was currently two am, and this was his last and final chance to wow the girl. Around 12 am, Ward came in and told y/n to just spend the night so his son can get it right. Rafe was a bit hesitant, but he knew he needed her help. After all. She is a eighteen year old senior who tutors college kids.
He had let the girl borrow a pair of his boxers and a tee shirt. She rolled up the boxers a few times and honestly he never really looked at her as something more than a tutor. He has always thought she was beautiful, stunning even. He always look forward to the sessions because she never made him feel like a disappointment.
Lately though, Rafe was over come with a sense of possessiveness when it came to the girl. It was strange because Rafe never understood his feelings about a lot of things. But her understood that Y/n Y/l/n was his without even acknowledging it.
He nervously fidgeted around. Trying not to stare at the girl. She was comfortably laying on the bed her head against the pillows. Holding the paper above her head.
He sat leaned against the head board, her hair was brushing his body, though he couldn’t feel it through his tee shirt. She put the paper down, with a smile. She sat up. Rafe exhaled at her expression.
“This was amazing Rafe. I think you are gonna do amazing come Monday.” She placed the paper on the bed side table.
Y/n was fidgeting with a few things on the night stand that were out of place, she knew Rafe liked his stuff tidy. When she turned her body back towards the blonde she caught him staring at her intently.
She felt he cheeks heat up when he flicked his eyes up to hers. A small smile on his lips. “You’re truly amazing, y/n. How about let’s watch a movie.” He slid off the bed throwing back the covers and signaling for her to come back.
Y/n had always liked Rafe. He was kind to her and rather funny. Though most of his jokes were a bit dark. She still laughed.
She tucked herself in next to the guy, he selected some Horror movie. She couldn’t remember if she told him that she hated them or not, but she didn’t want to complain. Unbeknownst to her Rafe did remember her 10 minute long rant on her hatred for Horror.
As the movie progressed she became more on edge, Rafe smirked to himself when he saw he inching closer to him. The first jump scare, the girl practically launched on him. He quickly wrapped his arms around her body, chuckling as she cursed him out for laughing.
Y/n was aware she was practically on him, her leg thrown over his thigh, her head was laying on his chest. Rafe had one of his arms on her lower back pinning her to his side and the other rested on her hand that is balled up into a loose fist on his stomach. Their bodies practically melded together.
Rafe could feel her body heat and she smelled like strawberries. “You okay?” He smirked down at her and she sent him a playful glare.
About twenty minutes later, Rafe shifted his thigh without thinking. Y/n let out a sharp exhale when his bare thigh grinds against her core. The thin material of the boxers did nothing to lessen the contact.
Rafe heard the sharp exhale, he didn’t say anything about it. Trying to get into a position that was comfortable for him. He bent his knee a bit, pushing his thigh further in between the girls legs.
Y/n absentmindedly grinded her core again his thigh. Rafe noticed her movement. He realized that he was pushing into her with every shift. Rafe moved his thigh, while pushing her lower back closer to him.
Y/n released a soft moan, that sound alone shot straight to his cock. He felt it harden under the waist band of his basketball shorts. He could feel her the wetness against his thigh.
Y/n was throbbing with need. She had never had the urge to do anything past kissing with a guy. She wasn’t a virgin but she just did it one drunken night with some random touron. But right now she needed to do something about her desires right now.
She rolled her hips against him again. Biting her lip to muffle a moan, she gripped his tee in her hand. Rafe moved his hand from her lower back, toying with the waist band that rested on her hip. The feeling of his fingers on her skin sent chills through her body.
Rafe hasn’t said anything so she is under the impression that he hasn’t noticed. Her core is pulsing to the point of pain. She had been biting back whimpers at the loss of stimulation.
Rafe was trying his best to give her the chance to stop this before it starts. She leaned deeper into his body, her hips are forcibly still by her own accord.
He could feel her chest against his side moving in fast breaths. They both didn’t acknowledge anything, and for the rest of the movie they stayed still and quiet.
The end credits rolling on the scene bring each other out of their heads. Their arousal both still very much there. Rafe turned off the tv, and the light. “As much as I love cuddling with you, I can’t sleep on my back.”
Y/n laughed and turned onto her side. Rafe shuffled around a bit. He laid down behind her, gripping her pulling her into him. She froze for a second when she felt warmth. He had taken off his shirt. Rafe had his arm under y/n’s head and she played with a ring on his hand.
“Rafe, during the movie..” she paused trying to find the words to say, “I’m sorry.” Rafe knew what she was talking about. It made him upset that she felt the need to apologize.
“Don’t be. It’s okay.” He meant it. He felt her shaking her head, “No, it was inappropriate, I’m sorry.”
Without another thought Rafe flipped her onto her back, she let out a little squeak of surprise. Rafe moved over her, his arms holding up his weight. His body laying between her thighs. He clenched his jaw, resisting the urge to grind his throbbing dick against her.
“Y/n, what happened is normal. Unless you have a boyfriend, then I suggest you break up with him because I could feel just how wet you were. And if you were mine and getting that worked up over another guy, I’d kill someone.” His voice came out rough, the thought of you having a boyfriend pissed him the fuck off. He never thought to ask. But he wasn’t lying, his possessiveness over you is unhealthy. He would kill someone.
“I don’t have anyone too break up with.” She replied. His words caused tension to build in her lower belly. She rolled her him to find something to relieve the tension. Her clothed pussy brushed against his swollen cock.
He looked down at the movement, a smirk painted his lips. He wanted to test the waters, he pushed his trapped dick against her, her hand gripped his forearm. “Rafe”
He grinded harder against her, as her hip met his movements. A whimper passed her lips, his eyes trained in her lip trapped between her teeth. Her eyes shot open when he stopped his movements. He wanted to kiss her, taste her, fuck her.
Y/n tried to move her hips to meet his, but he moved. Rafe was in charge, he sat up on his haunches. His hands trailed down her thighs. He ever so lightly let his pointer finger trail down the clothed slit.
“Fuck, baby. We haven’t even kissed yet and your this wet for me. You want my cock, huh?” the moan y/n let out at his words sent a thrill of need strait to Rafe’s cock.
He leaned his body down onto her again, letting her needy pussy grind onto his trapped cock. She pulled him down closer, attaching their lips. It was a frantic kiss, teeth clashing and tongues fighting for dominance.
They were full out humping, but they both needed more. Rafe pulled away, tugging the hem of his tee off of her body. “No bra,” he trailed his fingers over her budded nipple. His lips attached to one of the nipples, y/n moaned tugging his hair at the nape of his neck.
She was desperate. Between the two bodies she managed to find a way to squeeze her hand and enter the borrowed boxers, she was rubbing small circles on her swollen clit.
Rafe noticed immediately, pulling off her chest and gripping her wrist. He pulled her two fingers into his mouth, savoring the taste of the beautiful girl below him.
“Don’t do that,” he paused pulling off the boxers throwing them to the side. Placing his hand on her thighs keeping her legs apart, “this is mine, don’t touch it.” He ran two fingers down her bare slit, feeling how wet she was for him.
“Please, Rafe” she was begging. He began making soft circles on her clit, edging her. He leaned down and placed a kiss. “Be a good girl and stay still.”
He went to town of her pussy, her moans driving him to work harder, to please her. He entered one finger into her slick pussy. Y/n thought she would see stars, grinding her core into his face, “fuck, Daddy please.” Rafe pulled away, adding another finger to her pussy.
Y/n was unaware she just called him daddy, but fuck if it didn’t turn him on. He moved to her side keeping his two fingers at a steady pace. She opened her eyes when she felt him move spots. His gaze bounced between her pussy and the girl who’s mouth was slightly opened with pleasure.
He leaned down next to her ear, picking up the pace of his fingers. “Am I your daddy? Are you my needle little slut?” You nodded feeling your inner walls clench around his fingers.
“I’m gonna fuck your little cunt so hard that you squirt all over cock.” His words edged her closer to her peak, “but first your gonna come all over my fingers like a good girl.” And you did, gripping his arm as he praised and kissed you through your orgasm.
Rafe, slid off his shorts getting between your legs. He tapped his swollen cock on your soaked pussy lips. Her body jolted at the stimulation. “Are you ready baby?” His eyes were softer now, he new she wasn’t experienced, he couldn’t stop himself from asking a question that would either piss him off or make him feel like a fucking king.
“Anyone every been in my pussy before?” She hesitated, before nodding. He clenched his jaw, “looks like I’m gonna have to fuck the memory of him out of you.” He rammed his full length into her, he felt angry that he wasn’t the first. Bottoming out, “Daddy, fuc-“ her words died in her throat as he began to move.
He through her legs over his shoulder, leaning down so her knees were near her head. His hand coiled around her throat, “Who’s pussy is this? Huh? Is this my pussy?” He squeezed her throat a bit tighter after every statement, not too much she couldn’t breathe.
Y/n nodded, but when he paused a flipped her around to her stomach she knew it wasn’t a good enough answer. Ramming into her again, he pulled her up and against his chest, reaching around her front, delivering a swift smack to her clit. “Rafe, it’s yours. This is your pussy.”
He fucked her hard, “I’m gonna come,” her words were shaken, he flipped her back into missionary. “I want to see your face while you cum on my cock.”
Her nails pierced his skin, her back arched as her walls squeezed onto his cock. She came with a loud moan, Rafe following behind her soon.
The pair laid next to each other catching their breath. “Would you maybe wanna go out on a date?” She asked, Rafe laughed pulling her into his side, “baby you’ve been mine the second I first saw you fall over a chair in the library.” Laughing at the memory, you give him a kiss.
“But seriously, your mine. If I see someone even hug you I’ll kill them.” Rolling your eyes, Rafe narrowed his eyes, “did you just roll your eyes?” Rolling them dramatically for his own amusement.
“Guess I didn’t prove my point enough. Let me refresh your memory.”
The end
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
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Kinda sick for one of my first posts about drew
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I’m in love with this man
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
Me: “mom look at this funny meme.”
*hands mom phone*
*shows her meme*
*mom swipes on camera roll*
Camera roll:
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Mom: “do you have a new boyfriend?”
Me: “no”
Mom: “who’s that then.”
*walks away to avoid her making fun of me*
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mstarkeybabe · 3 years
Requests are open!
Obx -
Marvel -
I will be open to writing anything. I have a lot of time on my hands!
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