mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
I can’t say I blame 076-2, it’s a bastard but 105 is pretty damn young.
First of all: the protocol of referring to all SCP entities with it/its was discarded some time ago. Any SCP entity capable of communicating their pronouns will be referred to with the pronouns they specify. He/him was typically what was used for 076-2 in the past and he did not seem to take issue with this so that is what I will use until such a point that he's available to specify further. I suggest you do the same.
But, that aside, I largely agree. He certainly had more sense than we did, quite frankly. He knew more about whatever was there than we did, and I believe part of the tragedy is that we didn't realize that. We should have listened. She should not have been sent in there. None of them should have been sent in there.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
It seems word is getting around that I'm working actively at the Ω-7 case and making some progress. I just had someone come to me independently with some information they thought might be relevant to bring to my attention. Approximately 15 or so separate request from SCP-076-2 essentially attempting to prevent SCP-105 being sent in with the rest of the team. Some requesting that she be removed from the mission entirely or transferred to a different assignment, some requesting that her team be stationed outside to guard or keep watch, even one request that someone be sent in ahead of time to take pictures on her behalf so she could operate from a separate location. He seemed very adamant about not wanting her to go in there. All requests were denied.
Merciful Lord, what on earth did we send them in to.....
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
I'm set to leave for Site 17 rather soon, but Missy seems rather attached to me.... I hope she doesn't get upset when I leave.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
More reasons why that SCP object is presently uncontained:
Subject is unusually easily mistaken for other, unrelated objects, rendering successful containment difficult to assess  
Subject consistently proves just slightly the wrong size/shape to fit through cell door; efforts to construct containment around subject instead invariably stymied by measurement errors  
Containment procedures are easily devised, but any attempt explain them to others results in comical misunderstanding  
Subject’s nature is such that it can never be contained in the same way twice, and we don’t want to use up the really good ones  
Containment specialists report they are “getting around to it”  
Subject uncontained because it’s just a little guy, come on, you wouldn’t contain a little guy, would you, and also it’s subject’s birthday, it’s just a little birthday boy  
Subject ontologically inverts any space it’s confined in such that the interior of the cell becomes “outside containment” and everything that isn’t the cell becomes “in containment”  
Subject could readily be contained, but, like, it’s really annoying  
Subject agrees that it should be contained and enthusiastically cooperates with every effort to contain it, to those efforts’ detriment  
Subject may be contained neither indoors nor outdoors, neither during the day nor during the night, by neither man nor beast, etc.; prophecy loophole research is ongoing  
Each containment effort initially appears to succeed; however, later examination consistently reveals that what was actually contained is a non-anomalous human named Steve  
Containment specialists could have sworn subject was right there
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
The sheep is now named Missy.
Oh yeah, we've been unable to find were the sheep came from or who it belongs to so it looks like Site [REDACTED] just.... has a sheep now.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
Oh yeah, we've been unable to find were the sheep came from or who it belongs to so it looks like Site [REDACTED] just.... has a sheep now.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
This may be a bit of a "water is wet" sort of statement, but multiverse communication is... odd sometimes. Like, it feels strange being able to rather casually interact with a version of SCP-076-2 even knowing that this is not our 076-2. I've never met our version of him, only seen him on a computer screen while pouring over the recordings recovered from the incident, and yet I can interact with an alternate version of him on the internet. I think I'll get a headache if I think about it too hard.
I'm rambling, I think I need more caffeine.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
This may be a bit of a "water is wet" sort of statement, but multiverse communication is... odd sometimes. Like, it feels strange being able to rather casually interact with a version of SCP-076-2 even knowing that this is not our 076-2. I've never met our version of him, only seen him on a computer screen while pouring over the recordings recovered from the incident, and yet I can interact with an alternate version of him on the internet. I think I'll get a headache if I think about it too hard.
I'm rambling, I think I need more caffeine.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
Dr. Graf brought me a coffee, and you know what? This is pretty nice, actually.
Well. It looks like I'm not getting back to my office any time soon.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
Context: I currently have a lap full of sheep.
Well. It looks like I'm not getting back to my office any time soon.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
god i hope whatever bullshit happens next is funny
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
Well. It looks like I'm not getting back to my office any time soon.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
At least it's a nice day out....
0 notes
mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
There is some grassy outdoor space that should work, it's a bit of a walk from where my office is but... considering I just had to stop it from trying to eat my paperwork, I think that's my best option here. I don't think my superiors would appreciate being told "a sheep ate my paperwork."
THERES A SHEEP? -Abel (unchainedabel)
Apparently! Not entirely sure where it came from, it seems the poor thing got itself caught in a spacial anomaly and got deposited in the middle of the site. Now it won't leave me alone and keeps occasionally trying to eat my shirt.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
THERES A SHEEP? -Abel (unchainedabel)
Apparently! Not entirely sure where it came from, it seems the poor thing got itself caught in a spacial anomaly and got deposited in the middle of the site. Now it won't leave me alone and keeps occasionally trying to eat my shirt.
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
It keeps following me around....
So this is how my day is going.
[Video description: Alex is recording as they walk down a nondescript hallway, the camera is facing away from them. The video starts looking down towards the floor with Alex's legs visible as he walks before panning around the hallway a little bit. There is a looping announcement playing in the background warning staff of potential spacial anomaly. Alex is speaking from behind the camera, "so, apparently the site has gone into a mid-level alert over a potential minor spacial based anomaly, it's not bad enough to be Alpha-7 jurisdiction but it's certainly annoying because-" she gets cut off by a "baa" from somewhere behind her. The camera whips around to show a sheep standing towards the other end of the hallway. Alex shouts "WHY IS THERE A SHEEP!?" and the video cuts off]
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mtf-alpha-7 · 3 years
It's trying to eat my shirt.
So this is how my day is going.
[Video description: Alex is recording as they walk down a nondescript hallway, the camera is facing away from them. The video starts looking down towards the floor with Alex's legs visible as he walks before panning around the hallway a little bit. There is a looping announcement playing in the background warning staff of potential spacial anomaly. Alex is speaking from behind the camera, "so, apparently the site has gone into a mid-level alert over a potential minor spacial based anomaly, it's not bad enough to be Alpha-7 jurisdiction but it's certainly annoying because-" she gets cut off by a "baa" from somewhere behind her. The camera whips around to show a sheep standing towards the other end of the hallway. Alex shouts "WHY IS THERE A SHEEP!?" and the video cuts off]
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