#multiverse relations
somerandomdudelmao · 2 years
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I’m having too much fun with this concept lmao
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lovethespoiler · 5 months
"reaper sans is a confident flirty pervert whose only personality traits are being gay and simping for geno looll"
okay cool but did you know that when he was one of the newly created death gods he hesitated to reap chara when they were murdered because of the compassion he felt for their determination to live which ended up causing the reaping to fail and cursing chara to be corrupted forever and he will never stop blaming himself for what he did ? that he no longer hesitates to reap souls or seems to have mercy when he does so even if he feels terrible about it because of the heavy amount of guilt he feels every day ? that chara is the bane of his existence because they are a visual reminder of his mistake ?
did you know he views life and living as something negative for the reason that when people are alive they have to feel pain ? and he used to despise life because he had to see how people were suffering from simply being alive when he was doing his job ?
did you know he hates his job and just wants to be himself in peace but he can't because reaping is what he was created to do ? that every single thing i listed above are just a few examples of his chronic depression and nihilism that shape how he views the world ? I CAN KEEP GOING !!
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violettierre · 3 months
My haitani father Shio headcanon is just a bit too funny cuz of how well it works that it sounds like a waste of perfect canon idea and crossover for both of wakui's works.
Aside from the obvious physical features very very obvious, identical eyes, nose, blonde eyebrows, rindou's face form, ran's hair color palette and (arguably) bonten hair style, blah blah i mean just look a the pictures below, you can also bring up any fact from either manga and add it to the hc and it fits in just SO WELL, i'll give the first example, The Haitanis are very obviously rich spoiled kids like have you seen their apartment? They have a fucking dj set, only rich kids with neglective powerful parents will have no problem paying for that, just saying, and even though i love him let's be real Shio is the type to be that parent, i mean cmon he's rich like crazy rich (filthy yakuza money yum yum) he tots would give his children WAY more than enough allowance so they can leave him alone, also the way they act, i've always the Haitanis were the type of kids that think they own the school cuz their dad is rich .
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Nvm if this never becomes canon or both universes don't collide, it's just so entertaining to keep connecting the dots that were likely never there, like how Rindou is a heavy drinker cuz his father drank alot with the rest of the Yotsurugis and he tried to imitate him from a young age that it became an unhealthy habit or if you want to add more drama he only drinks cuz he looks up to his father but Shio favors Ran cuz he can posssibly succeed him (canon power complex) so Rindou resorted to drinking cuz it's the only thing like his dad that he can do. Heck yeah i made it angsty!!!
You can also add great context to his fear of Yakuza, picture this, when he was a kid he got up in the middle of night after hearing a loud noise to search for his parents and witnessed Shio (canon Yakuza) pew pew-ing some poeple and surrounded with scary men, that probably scarred him for life that he was so terrified when Kakucho got them interfering with some, OH OH something just came to mind, if he's the son of a yakuza yeah he didn't wanna clash with other yakuza families cuz it can end in a blood shed and risk his and his family's lives.
And i'm gonna add this one not very small detail and i swear i'll shut up (for now), i know it's just a stupid headcanon that is very far from becoming reality and i don't have to take it this deep but hear me out, why their last name is Haitani and not Yotsurugi like their dad, Shio is powerful and have many enemies right ? So he simply decided to protect his children and their identity by giving them another last name likely their mother's (yk like minato with naruto style plan ?) So Haitani is actually their mom's family name. I rest my case. Thank you for coming to my useless ted talk.
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ashes-in-a-jar · 7 months
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My feeling right now about the cast
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jadetheblueartist · 2 months
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I just had to :) anyway this is my spidersona and for once, she actually looks vaguely like me so yay art improvement ig
(Oh and ignore the fact that the headshot is the only shaded thing there-)
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plutonicbees · 11 months
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my leading theory on them both existing is that bro also got bitten by a radioactive cat
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phoenixtakaramono · 2 months
I swear to god you were on demon mode when you wrote the multiverse conclusion. My jaw is literally on the floor. I have to compose myself otherwise I’ll just keyboard smash my phone in hysteria.
The way you write makes it so easy to envision the scene in my head, like word for word you set it up so perfectly that I’m like oh okay so I’m really seeing all these Butchers take on one Homelander. That’s ace, that’s juice, that’s every single compliment I can think of.
I can’t wait for the sequel oh my god oh my GOD. All those HLs with one Butcher? HL on HL? The possibilities are endless. Thank you again for sharing this with us!!
This Ask is regarding this 🔞 butchlander multiverse oneshot threadfic on twitter (tumblr read version: parts 1, 2)
Thank you very much for reading! I had The Name of the Game (AO3) thoughts in my brain that are unrelated to the main story so, whilst that 135ch monstrosity is gonna take its time, I might as well offer some unofficial post-main story or during-main story spin-offs—but as threadfic oneshots so they won’t clutter AO3 and/or taint the reading experience when more chapters are added. The brainworms were strong this time, so I might as well tap into that creative surge of inspiration instead of letting it gather dust and maybe never see the light of day.
Re: the threadfic ending. I’d always planned to have the vice versa switcheroo in this threadfic (where it turns from 7 Butchers + 1 TNotG HL into 7 Homelanders + 1 TNotG Billy 😉) but I had initially been uncertain whether to include it in this threadfic itself or allocate it to a separate sequel threadfic. I saw how long this oneshot threadfic was becoming and, well, after having to essentially retype 60% of what I could recall from memory after the last unsaved 58 tweets were lost to the void, I guess you can say the universe helped make my decision, hahaha.
Fun fact: I’d mentioned this in Part II’s comments, but making it the 5 HLs from 5 of my threadfics + the 1 HL from the Truce universe transmigrated into the TNotG universe is us having mercy on Billy. Because, imagine, you’re the scummy Male Lead who has quick transmigrated (world hopped) into 6 parallel universes, and had a relationship with each parallel dimension’s version of Homelander. And upon returning to your own world, you schemed to to get together with your own world’s destined lover Homelander—and it happened, although probably not how Billy had envisioned it with HL taking initiative into his own hands drugging him and making him participate in a seven-way 0rgy to seduce him. But bam! Murphy’s Law struck, and now Billy has to contend with seven jealous Homelanders. They’re the prideful trophy wives who are reunited with the husband they’d thought they’d lost, but he’s alive, and in their eyes they equate it as him “cheating” on them with a new hot floozy (TNotG’s HL). *laughs*
It’s a lot more dramatic if I made it a reunion, so instead I decided to be merciful on our Male Lead service top and instead make 6 of those Homelanders from my other fics, so the narrative is easier to handle not that TNotG HL wouldn’t also be down for a fun time with TNotG 6 other HLs.
Essentially I am willing to serve y’all the Homelander f*cking doppelgänger Homelander scene that we never got to see, Amazon you cowards. But ramp it up a notch, and toss our somewhat nicer to HL TNotG Billy Prime into the sweaty pile of clingy, needy, h0rny affection-craving Homelanders (but ofc Billy has to pay TNotG Homelander the most loving attention and endearments to smooth his ruffled feathers because hoo boooooy, imagine the cocktail of jealousy, insecurity, entitlement, and competitiveness in that one room alone y’all this is a grownass man who’d canonically gotten jealous and had a one-sided beef with a baby).
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Like^^^ tell me this man wouldn’t enjoy a seven-way selfcest g@ngb@ng 0rgy session with himself, and with a very willing diabolically handsome V-ed up British Supe patiently servicing them in that pile. TELL ME IT WOULDN’T BE ONE OF HOMELANDER’S WET DREAMS.
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buubonita · 12 days
Me likes to think, monsters in Horrortale would consume other monsters who haves some magic with them.
Horror doesn't lets his teammates come to his timeline. But its not because he wants to protect them, its because Dust and Killer could kill them all.
Horror is the only one allowed to remain in his timeline because Nightmare has enough of him and the others with the natural flow of things.
Why Horror and Nightmare made a deal, no one knows.
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ask-misconduct · 6 months
Noooo mis… I’m sorry, I was joking. I wouldn’t actually bite you, promise T^T
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(pretty small drawing and text, consider clicking on it or smth) next
previous (these are just parts of this tiny story)
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raithwithwings57 · 18 days
Avengers and X-Men crossover fic with time travel
(let me say this is movie versions because no one needs crossovers from the comics they literally all live in the same world. Mostly.) This is part of my giant crossover fic that is both a Stucky fic and a Cherik fic. It's got lots and lots of lore though so due to it's ambitious scope it's been a minute since I worked on it. However even without the context i think this part is fun so here, take my unfinished draft.
“We found him. One Charles Frances Xavier. He’s dead, Director. Died 1963, killed by the Winter Soldier. Headshot, body identified by multiple people. Worked briefly with the CIA in 1962. Classified files claimed he was a telepath, but this was never confirmed. Quite frankly sir, we’ve found him, but how does a man who’s been dead for sixty years turn up alive, and having barely aged?”
Fury paused. “He was a target given to Barnes by Hydra?”
“No sir.” Said Coulson. “Wrong place wrong time.”
Fury snorted in disdain. “Sounds like our official story on his death is getting a bit rusty. Wrong place wrong time sounds like he got in the way of something. Where did he die?” Fury continued walking down the hallway, leaving Coulson to trail along behind him.
“November 22, 1963, Dallas, Texas.”
Fury stopped walking abruptly. “Hell.”
“The assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.”
“Why the hell did this guy get offed by Barnes on his way to JFK? I want you to find me answers, stat. All the files we have on him.”
“Yes sir.”
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rustdream · 3 months
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(challenge by! @theizzizzy ) Admitibly I don't have many Aus that change the entire cast? Other than an 'Anti-Lbp' reimagining. However! I figured I'd design the gang in the universe where TBTF!Newton is from. I didn't have many ideas for Papa Machal so I went for a different Papa (hehe). The Captain! Or at least, he used to be. He doesn't remeber,,, I can answer any questions about these lil funky fellers as Well!!
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sec0nd-breakfast · 1 day
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local dumbass madly in love with Harley Quinn
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triglycercule · 3 months
i think that someone should make an multiverse where non-utmv characters invade the multiverse and it's completely error's fault. why? because of this
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(offical CQ) anyways i think that if an error virus was real this is how. i think that the error virus invading the utmv would be really cool and this would be a prime PRIME opportunity for someone to make the best fandom collaboration of all time. error could just be going around multiverses and dragging them into the antivoid. or a bunch of people could fall into the antivoid for no reason at all. antivoid backrooms
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anotherferalrat · 6 months
One of my favorite flavors of bsd fics is (secretly?) established sskk with tragic, pining losers skk. Like sskk will be like damn, so young. Remember when we were like that?
And someone (probably chuuya) will be like stfu i know every single embarrassing thing you've ever done. You dumbasses were still severing limbs and stabbing each other at the point in your relationship where dazai and i were already at the teasing banter stage.
Dazai very conveniently appears to remind everyone that his coat is out of commission due to an angry chibi with a knife and a poorly timed joke at lunch<3
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utmv-rainbow-factory · 2 months
Dream, here's a little something..
(( *Dream receives a banana* ))
It's yellow, like you :)
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banana phone.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 11 months
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As proof of my Aliveness, I am working on that Error ref, here is a wip, the scales are killing me slowly.
I also have a few more wip's, one of which I'll sneak in down below with a quick angst/small blood warning :D It's your favorite baby noodles :DDD Only reasons why that one wasn't posted sooner are because I have some details to fix (it was drawn very fast), and the desire to make a comic for it--
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I blame my online friend group for spurring on the desire to make the "Dream jumping from high places to practice flying" idea, but angstier. I was challenged. Don't challenge me.
I'll make a comic out of this. And an aftermath. One day. One day...
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