mudbricksandclay · 4 years
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Who made this? Using the following clues, what can you discover about the life of its maker?
Leonard Todd, historian & writer: “Some of my ancestors here in North Carolina owned Dave at one point in time. During his lifetime, we estimate that Dave produced between 40,000-100,000 pots.”
Inscription found on a jug: “Dave belongs to Mr. Miles / Wher the oven bakes & the pot biles. July 31, 1840”
Harvey Drake, slave owner: “I used to own that one, Dave. He was a strong man, a potter. I won’t say that I taught him to read and write—but I won’t say that I didn’t either.”
Henry, enslaved man and potter: “Whoo! My life is hard with no hands. I still got my feet, though. I’m lucky to have my feet. My friend Dave lost his leg when he was thirty-five, got run over by a train. I’ve got no hands and he’s got no feet—ha! Together we make a real good potter.”
Elijah Green, enslaved South Carolina man: “An’ no for God's sake, don’ let a slave be catch with pencil an’ paper. Such is a major crime.”
John Landrum, Reverend, pottery owner, slave holder: “Dave is the best potter we have. He can make a pot that holds thirty, forty gallons. Too bad about his leg, though…”
Franklin Landrum, son of John, slave owner: “When my papa died, I bought up that man Dave. Eight hundred dollars he cost me! We’ll see to that writing, though. We can’t be havin’ that.”
Inscription found on a jug: “I made this Jar = for cash —though its called = lucre Trash—August 22, 1857”
Name unknown, enslaved woman: “Ahhhh! The Reverend did die, an’ I won’ see my Dave no more. I have new owners now. I won’ see my man no more.”
Lewis Miles, pottery owner, slave holder: “War is coming. I can see it. I get 50 cents for each pot, but that money won’t be no good when war comes. I had Dave make me little jars, and I put aside a little gold in each one. Where they’re buried—that’s my secret.”
Leonard Todd, historian & writer: “It wasn’t an easy life. A female slave who worked closely with Dave in the pottery hanged herself after being whipped severely by their owner, Franklin Landrum.”
Much of the information from Leonard Todd, author of Carolina Clay: http://leonardtodd.com/carolina-clay_279.html 
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mudbricksandclay · 4 years
Hirado paperweight, 19th century Japanese
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What textures do you see? How do you think the artist made those textures? What are examples of additive texture? Of subtractive texture?
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mudbricksandclay · 4 years
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What in this image that you can identify is made of clay?
For more on the Kasbah Telouet, and to see its mudbrick (also clay) exterior, visit: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/kasbah-telouet
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