also, what are some alternatives yall do to not eat?
like-- I eat pb&js (~210 cals but filling), I drink lots of water, sometimes I just ignore the feeling, and my adhd meds don't make me quite hungry but are there any other ways that are good?
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hey gamers, first post not only here but also on Tumblr in general so here's some background:
around 2 years ago I was 165 lbs (74 kg) but I ate less than 900 cals per day which got me down to roughly 130 lbs (58 kg) which then I stopped.
My weight rn is 145 lbs (65 kg)(it's 5pm rn and I ate 915 calories today 🥲) and my bmi is 24.9 which is literally like 2 lbs before I'm overweight...
my goal weight is 110 lbs (50 kg/18.9 bmi)
I have an attentive family and frequent doctor visits so I can't completely ⭐️ve or anything because it will be noticed and they'll try to stop me :/ I also have a semi-physical job where eating atleast a few cashews or smth is important.
unrelated but I'm also treating my acne which is pretty bad (bad acne is genetic unfortunately)
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