mufsies · 3 years
What the cunt?
Hello welcome my ADHD themed gameshow, “So you were holding it literally moments ago but now it’s gone” the where YOU look for whatever you were just holding while going increasingly mad
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mufsies · 3 years
I saw this on my feed and felt the need to mention, BPD is born of the exact trauma you described. That's exactly how it develops. When it comes to his interpersonal relationships, he isn't seen as 'sane' (which is massively disrespectful to people with the disorder that you'd imply they aren't), but malicious and cunning, as many BDP sufferers are seen.
The explicit and wildly contradictory statement you made during the description of his traumas alongside BPD is misleading and entirely incorrect. Every scrap of evidence here you've tried to debunk this idea with has essentially provided me with the precise reason he /does/ have it.
For example, the moment at the end of the first Thor movie is a brilliant depiction of what BPD impulsiveness looks like. He experiences a traumatic event, which further solidifies his beliefs that his father loves him less (hence the abandonment issues) and acts out. It is a raw and highly accurate portrayal of someone with BPD having a breakdown.
You say his ability to calculate his actions is another reason he can't have the disorder- you are completely mislead to think this. By insinuating that impulsiveness cannot coincide and work with a high level of intelligence is disgustingly disrespectful and essentially calls people with the condition mindless rage machines. Impulsiveness includes the making of plans and carrying out of such plans; it's dependant on the individual.
His self image is morbidly unstable because of the experience you described. We see this as he shifts from side to side, betrayal and alliance all through the decade he's been on screen. This also counts as self-sabotage and self-destruction, as well as unstable relationships with loved ones.
I think his feelings of emptiness are quite clear to see on his face until someone looks his way and he starts masking again. I don't know how you came to be so misinformed, but it's worrying and sadenning. Reading this was painful.
To summarise, this lengthy debunking of the idea that Loki has BPD was misinformed, ill-taken and highly disrespectful. It barely scratches the surface of how people suffering with BPD act and think, and you've referenced the most surface level of stereotypes to prove a point which was always wrong in the first place. I do not mean to insult you, but never once did I consider holding back my opinion because you've barely treated BPD patients as though they're anything more than something to look down upon. It's disgraceful, but I hope you do better research about this if you see my response. Remember to ask people with the disorder, because the sources you'll find by professionals are always distorted with stereotypes and neurotypical bullshit.
I've thinking for a while that Loki has BPD, among other mental illness. His need to be loved and seen as worthy as and by everyone paired with his internalised racism, added to his low self esteem and depression and finally with a bit of self destruction and violent reactions would explain a lot of his actions. What do you think?
//Well I’ll tell you what, let’s examine Borderline Personality Disorder symptom-by-symptom, while acknowledging that neither of us is a professional psychologist or psychiatrist, and give it our best educated guess! 
My short answer is NO, I don’t think so.  I once discussed this with another Tumblr user (moselle-green/mosellegreen was her username but she’s not coming up as an active Tumblr user now, so she may have changed her name) and she had some good insight into this, so I’d ask her opinion, as well.  
Why do I say no? Because even though Loki exhibits most of the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder, if we really examine context, the CAUSE for those symptoms can be found OUTSIDE BPD and in either LIFE EXPERIENCE or ANOTHER disorder.  Let’s go through the list: 
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment: CHECK. But Loki does this BOTH because of innate predilection, and because learning that he was a member of the Jotun race, literally considered an inferior SPECIES by the racist imperialist Aesir, made him suspicious that Odin’s preference for Thor was due to xenophobic undertones as well as Odin’s admitted planned use of Loki as a political tool to court peace with Jotunheim.  Loki has “evidence” that he is thought worth abandoning both because Laufey abandoned him (if we believe Odin’s story of Loki’s origins) as a physically deformed runt, and because Odin hid the implicitly “awful” truth of that “monstrous” heritage from him. So Loki’s feelings of inferiority and abandonment? They come from a legitimate traumatic experience, not just an inborn predilection. 
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation  NOPE.  Loki spent the first 1048 years of his life forming close, stable, meaningful bonds with Frigga and Thor and, to an extent (so long as he was obedient), Odin.  Loki was considered both by his parents and by Thor’s friends to be the sane and stable sibling, until everything went south and Thor was banished to Midgard.  It’s true that Loki saw Odin in highly idealized terms, and that his adoration for Thor turned on a dime due to his JEALOUSY, but this is again due to his UPBRINGING.  Odin reared his sons to be antithetical and used Loki as a sort of grooming companion horse to Thor’s race horse, to train Thor to be the best possible potential king by being his constant companion and competition. Loki has significant COGNITIVE DISTORTIONS because he’s learned that Thor gets what he wants with comparably fewer consequences, and it makes him frustrated and jealous that he makes identical good efforts without identical rewards.  Odin is CULTURALLY ASCRIBED the end-all judge of ethical “worthiness” not ONLY by Loki but by ALL of Asgard, so it’s natural that Loki first revered, then loathed, Odin, in such a passionately extreme manner.  This is SOCIAL CONDITIONING, not a personality disorder.  
Identity disturbance, such as a significant and persistent unstable self-image or sense of self CHECK. But again, WHY? See the first symptom.  Response to lived trauma, not a personality disorder. 
Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving etc) NOPE.  Loki is an incredibly calculating, cautious, methodical person, to the extent that he’s frankly clinically paranoid.  Does he enjoy chaos for its own sake, and is he a thrillseeker who loves the intellectual jouissance of getting into and out of a deeply dangerous situation using wits and resourcefulness? Yes. But thrillseeking is not unique to BPD.  In fact, it could be as easily a symptom of attention-seeking behavior borne of being so long neglected in the past (so again, emotive attachment issues and a bit of the social conditioning), and a mood disorder. This symptom is comorbid with a shitload of other disorders.  
Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior CHECK. But ONLY after he lost his family, his personal identity, his life goals, and exacerbated after he was tortured in a war zone in deep space.  So again, trauma response, not a personality defect. 
Emotional instability due to significant reactivity of mood (e.g., intense episodic dysphoria, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days) CHECK. But I call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder here.  Now, disclaimer: I do believe Loki is a naturally high-strung, sensitive individual, but only to the point of mild neurosis, before horrible things happen to him.  See above.  The volatility is a hairtrigger coping mechanism that comes LATE in life.  
Chronic feelings of emptiness CHECK. But I call Clinical Depression here.  Loki only seems to have failed to give a shit after Frigga dies.  He’s grieving. That’s not BPD.  
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights) CHECK.  But I call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder here.  Loki has what’s called hypervigilance, and temper control issues, ONLY after he’s fallen into that wormhole in space and met Thanos. 
Transient, stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms CHECK.  Once again, however, I call Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and severe mood disorder.  
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mufsies · 4 years
Beauty ✨✨
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Logan in a skirt!
Do not trace/steal/repost
Pls reblog
Click for better quality
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mufsies · 4 years
Can't help, directly. Sorry x
Pls Hlp
Hello. In light of recent events, my safety has been threatened. I am very broke and in danger. I need to get out of town as soon as possible, but I need some money to split. I have a place to go, but I need gas to get there, and a little money for food while I travel. If you can help, please reblog this! If you can donate, please do so at cashapp: $karso or you can send it to paypal.me/karsonandre
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mufsies · 4 years
Oh, my god, is he separating Roman from the rest?
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mufsies · 4 years
Aycasil. Cute.
last two letters of your first name
middle two letters of your last name
first two letters of your mother’s name
last letter of your father’s name
mine would be Urlelan. Reblog and tag this with yours!
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mufsies · 4 years
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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mufsies · 4 years
You're right, dear, no one.
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A lesson in how to gird your loins.
via The Art of Manliness
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mufsies · 4 years
MOTHER FU- they figured you out, babe. Time to find a new audience.
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(Logan) (Roman) (Patton) (Virgil) (Janus)
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mufsies · 4 years
Iconic as all hell.
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no cops at pride, only roman and his sword
happy birthday roman!!!! and happy pride everyone, this is up on redbubble too if you’re interested
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mufsies · 4 years
Call me out-
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mufsies · 4 years
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(Part 3: Survival of the Fittest, Sanders Sides)
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mufsies · 4 years
Thx fr th Mmrs, Fall out boy, is a subversive gay anthem.
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mufsies · 4 years
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(Part 2: Survival of the Fittest, Sanders Sides)
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mufsies · 4 years
I'm in pain.
If your Apocalypse AU is likely going to remain unfinished, what exactly was going to happen in the storyline? Was Patton hurt, was anyone else going to be hurt? Things like that!
well, i guess there’s no harm in letting yall know what i originally had planned for it
so as the story goes, the boys were all college students sharing an apartment off campus when the outbreak happened. patton’s brother, thomas, lived across country and just so happened to be relatively close to where a safe zone was set up, so it was patton’s hope that he managed to get in before things got too bad. the story is the gang(logan, roman, patton, and virgil) trying to make it cross country to the safe zone and find thomas.
the comic picks up where they have just managed to narrowly escape a horde of zoms that cornered them while they were scavenging an abandoned store. roman, who is the tank of the group, forged a path thru the horde, nearly getting himself killed in the process, and during the brief moment the group was split patton got bit.
he hid it from them, cause there was already sm going on and he didn’t want anyone to worry, but a few days later he collapses and his infection is revealed. after quite the emotional scene(where logan begs and pleads w/ patton for none of this to be real, for him to please dont, you cant patton, you cant leave me, virgil breaks down in hysterics and roman hold him as both a way to comfort and to keep himself from lashing out in guilt and anger) logan is the one who shoots patton
after that its a story of grieving and struggling to move on. virgil and roman find comfort in each other, but logan slowly deteriorates until he is but a husk of who he was, his heart left with the man he had to kill.
eventually they do manage to get to the safe zone, and thomas is there, and he is heartbroken over patton’s death. once logan sees that virgil and roman are going to be safe here, with each other, he leaves again, traveling aimlessly and tirelessly, searching for his own happy ending.
he’s long since given up finding it though, for how could he when his happy ending is 6 ft under, put there by his own hand?
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mufsies · 4 years
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(part 1: Survival of the Fittest, Sanders Sides)
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mufsies · 4 years
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Slimey boi.
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