mukkxn-blog · 9 years
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Like this for a starter~
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Ali-chin 〉:
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     “It’s nice to meet you, Murasakibara-san.” She replied with a smile, turning to the cashier to politely request a bottle of fizzy water and handing them the money for both items. 
Alice could tell that the tall boy wasn’t very much interested in socializing, whether it was just with her - a virtual stranger - in particular or in general remained to be seen. But he’d indulged her very nicely so far.
“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your treat.” She mused, taking her dessert and drink on a tray and turning to look for a table. “I guess I’ll see you in school sometime.” The crest on his uniform was easy to recognize as the one from the school she’d be attending, and given that he was well above the average height, he’d be easy to spot.
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   No response. He had heard thousand of times he had to be polite using honorifics and everything but that wasn’t his style. 
   It was obvious he wasn’t interested at all. Atsushi wasn’t friendly but it depended in the way others approached him. Head tilted slightly. “Ah, so Ali-chin is attending Yosen.” He mumbled giving another bite to his cupcake. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Annoyance 〉:
( ~ F L Y …
         Noisy was annoying…? Rude! Just who did this guy think he was? Still, Shouyou reeled in his energy, if only for the time being. “…I can be less noisy,” he murmurs calmly. “Friends are nice. Friends support you…” He trailed off at the mention of basketball, realizing that he knew little about the sport. 
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         “I never really thought much of basketball… I’m short, so it… I doubt I’d be any goof.” His brows furrowed, however, when he recalled that basketball hoops were not much taller than volleyball nets. “-Hmm. Actually, now that I think about it, I could probably - uh, what’s the term? - dunk a ball? Yeah. That.” ~ )
   It did catch his attention when the other murmured. He didn’t care after all but if he could be less loud then that meant it wasn’t as much as a pain as he thught. Even though, those things the other was talking about were ridiculous to Atsushi.
   And now, that was a lie. He knew short players, maybe the shorter was Kuroko but he had his own way to play and this guy was probably shorter than him. 
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   “Hah?! Liar, you are a midget.” 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Kuro-chin 〉:
❝I humbly accept then, thank you very much, Murasakibara-kun.❞ Although the much smaller boy was very much aware of the other person’s motivation for accepting his own request to touch long locks of dark lilac, Kuroko was more satisfied that he would be able to touch the lengthy strands, lightly threading his fingers through the stray lines for the next few minutes before retreating. Sufficiently satisfied, the phantom sixth nodded and pulled out the previously negociated box of chocolate biscuit sticks, offering it up to the other person.
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❝As promised.❞
   A visible pout on his lips as he waited for the promised box. That was everything he wanted in all honesty and even if he didn’t say it outloud he was thankful Kuroko was able to do this for him. 
   When the box was handed to him he didn’t hesitate in take it, and slight traces of happiness were reflexed on his eyes even if his lazy expression remained. 
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   “Ah, thank you.” He spoke with the usual tone on his voice but he really meant it and without waiting he opened it just to check if it had a prize. 
                         And Kuroko’s luck strikes again. 
   “Kuro-chin, how do you do?” He asked in a more childish tone being impressed of how good was this guy at picking the correct boxes. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈Annoyance 〉:
( ~ F L Y …
          Wow! Rude! Still, he couldn’t help but frown. Was he…? “I’m annoying?” Sure, he knew he could be loud, but the only person who called him annoying was Kageyama, and he was… Kageyama. He was mostly bark and very little bite, and honestly, Shouyou doubted anyone took his insulting persona seriously. 
          But this was different. He’d never met this guy, meaning the stranger’s opinions were mostly unbiased. Probably. It made his self conciousness ignite quite suddenly, and he tilted his head. “It’s rather rude to say that to someone you’ve only just met. I could be be a potential friend, don’t you know? But umm. Yes. You do look familiar…” Now where did he know this guy from…?
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          “…You’re really tall, do you play sports?” ~ )
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   “You are noisy and noisy is annoying.” That was his philosophy, but any cheerful person wasannoying to Atsushi and he didn’t care if he was considerate rude for that. He wasn’t just the kind of human who could tolerate that, it was simply bothersome to see someone being so loud. 
   At his statement, he just kept quiet. Someone like him couldn’t be his friend, he was sure he couldn’t standing him even if this was the first time they talked. Atsushi knew he was probably talking about the Generation of Miracles, but it was bothersome he really didn’t want to talk about it. Who cared anyway?
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Stranger 〉:
` █ ▌█ ▌✿ –An athlete, I-I suppose, but no one noteworthy. 
【 a half-truth hewn from deprecation and modesty, a maligned murmur as their head dips down in deference for a split second; consternation belies bravado as visage cranes towards the purple-haired boy, amber hues affixed to his features. 】
         –C-Can I help you–? 
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   Truth to be told, that wasn’t the answer he was expecting but well, it wasn’t as he could do something about it. Maybe he was curious at the other or probably they were just blocking his way. 
   “No.” Atsushi kept his answers short to show his lack of interest. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Ali-chin 〉:
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    Alice blinked a couple of times in surprise at his answer and couldn’t help but chuckle. “Fair enough.” She looked over the cold desserts on display and called out to the lady behind the counter. “A pudding, please.”
With her own treat on hand as well, she turned to face the unfairly tall boy. “I’m guessing you’re a regular here?” She mused given that everyone looked pretty much used to his presence there. “I’m Alice. I just moved into town.”
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   Atsushi couldn’t understand why the other acted so friendly, but yet again he is not the kind of person who easily socializes. He thought it was a waste  to only ask for a pudding having variety of sweets, though he saved his opinion to himself since he really didn’t care. 
   Avoiding words to reply, he just shrugged his shoulders and nod taking the  cupcake to his mouth and giving it a small bite. He did was a re gular, almost every day he went there after school just to satisfy his sweet tooth. 
   The male tilted his head slightly, who would like to move there? That wasn’t even his birth place and he was always complaining about the weather. Again, he didn’t care, did he had to reply? 
   "Murasakibara Atsushi." 
   Yes, he thought a good answer was to give his name. Maybe this person wasn’t bad, no--she couldn’t be bad if she was a fan of sweets. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Annoyance 〉:
The fluffball chirps out without any hint to hiding the fact he was suriously surprised by the fact humans could be so tall. But once he hears the comment from the standing lamp that could walk he frowns not scared but afcourse he feels intimidated.
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“Wh-what!? You wanna fight!?”
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              Was really this human being fight him? He was almost like a flea and                    Atsushi didn’t know if he should feel amused or offended. It was truly                    ridiculous, he couldn’t if it was a joke. 
                                ❝ What? I’d crush you in an instant. ❞
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Maid 〉:
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           Kat took a while to wait other tables. She was one of                the most requested maids at the cafe, after all. She                hurriedly moved over to the tall customer and smiled                sweetly, 
                “I apologize about the wait.” Her voice was sheepish,                 “But I’m here now. Have you decided what you want to                  eat yet, sir?”
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           His answer was gonna be easy. After seeing the menu he had clear what                he really wanted. 
                                                             ❝ Everything. ❞
               He mumbled, closing the menu and not showing interest at all. 
                                                     ❝ I want to eat everything. ❞
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
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Like this for a starter~
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Annoyance 〉:
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+  This won’t end well, for the other of course.
        “Really? I doubt it, ya might be a bit taller           than me but that’s all in what you are better.”
  An arrogant smirk adorned his lips, the victory already   written on his features, no fear - no remorse. He wouldn’t   stop provoking the other until he finally snaps. 
        Of course due his childish behavior, Atsushi was actually getting provoked.            That only meant negative resulkts as he could turn kinda violent and sadistic            especially because he hates losing no matter what it is. On the other hand, it            would be a pain to deal with a total stranger but if he was looking for a fight,            then he was going to fact. 
           Walking a few steps clos to him, Atsushi lowered his glance, offering a remarkable            frown showing his disgust. 
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                           ❝ You are annoying me, y’know? Aside from chattering I                       can’t hear anything else. I’ll crush you and I’ll you who is better. ❞
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Stranger 〉:
mukkxn has entered the court~
( ~ F L Y …
           Shouyou hadn’t expected to run into anyone, literally or figuratively, but when he barely managed to navigate his bike around a particularly tall individual, he mused he probably should take more caution. With shaking limbs, he slowed his bike to a stop, turned around, and backtracked until he was standing within speaking distance to the stranger.
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          “I am so sorry! I mean, I didn’t actually hit you, but I almost did, and that wasn’t very good of me, so I’m still at fault, and I just-” He stopped his rambling just long enough to get a good look at his listener, and tilted his head in curiosity. “…You seem really familiar…” ~ )
          Atsushi was on his way to the store because he was running out of snacks. A              lollipop in his head not really paying attention at the people around him. Actually,              he didn’t even notice the bike and if the other male hadn’t talk he wouldn’t notice              either. 
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             Listening to the other’s voice, he turned around licking his lollipop and not really              showing signs of interest. An iddle glance as he put the lollipop aside to speak:
                                                      ❝ Ah, so annoying. Shut up. ❞
             Still with the same expression he only stayed silent for a few seconds, being slightly              confused. That was the first time he saw that person, right?
                                                         ❝ Do I? I don’t know you. ❞
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Maid 〉:
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            As the cat-girl walked to an open table, her grey tail swung                  behind her. Many people believe that her ears and tail were                 part of her attire, but they were horribly wrong. Either way, they                 did fit her work persona, so she wasn’t complaining. 
                 Soon, she found an empty table and she pulled out a chair                  for the tall man, “Here we are!” She beamed, “Just have a seat                  and I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.” Kat laid                  the menu on the table and hurried off to the kitchen to grab                  another customer’s order. 
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          The male only followed her without saying a word. It wasn’t necessary               though, all he wanted was to taste those pastries, the smell in the place               was good, he couldn’t wait to eat all those sweets. 
              Moving the chair, he sat down taking the menu in his hands. Did he have               to say thank you now? He heard Tatusyta saying that to him lots of times               but he still didn’t say it outloud. Instead, he only took a look and waited for               the girl to take his order. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Kid 〉:
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   ⊰❁⊱ ─── The first thing to cross her mind was jungle gym when she looked up at the very tall person. ❝Mister, would you like some ice cream?❞ actually she needed someone to go with her since she lost track of Jii-san again.
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          He was ready to make a comment about how bothersome a kid was but...              He was practically a kid, so the sound of the words ‘ce cream’ caught his              attention. 
                                                                    ❝ Yes. ❞
              Never say no to ice cream. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Stranger 〉:
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     “Oh.” She was already pulling her hand back and away from said cupcake when he swooped in and took it. “Sorry.” Alice found herself staring for half a second because lord, was he tall! But if he felt so passionate about the cupcakes, maybe he could point out another option. “Are you a regular here? Any suggestions on what I should get instead?”
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           He was already to fight for that cupcake but the reaction of the female               took him by surprise. As he took the cupcake he just shrugged looking               lazily at her. 
                                                ❝ I like them all so I suggest all. ❞
              His answer was easy, he was a sweets lover.
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
〈 Annoyance 〉:
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+  The other was taller, not much but still taller than him, still he didn’t feel in the least intimidated from him, he was after all just a mere human unlike him who came from a race who were already born as warriors. 
             “Try it and you will wake up with two broken legs.”
Closing his eyes for a second, not liking this at all, but he would endure it, just waiting for the right moment where he could pretty much show this one here who the boss here was. 
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                                               ❝ I still can crush your head. ❞
              Atsushi wasn’t intimidated at all, in fact he was amused by the words of               the stranger. And if he was provoked the only thing he was gonna do was               going along with it. 
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mukkxn-blog · 9 years
✘ nagadachi
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                                                        ❝ Ah? Who are you? ❞
          The purple-haired asked with his eyes fixed on them. It didn’t bother him that much,           though he though they were only an obstacle in his way. 
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