mult1tude · 4 years
Could you possibly do an ethan imagine where Ethan and the reader are best friends that are like super touchy with each other and like to cuddle and stuff and one angsty night he just ends up kissing her and confessing his feelings for her? I love what you’ve written so far I feel like your writing style would be amazing for this
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      thanks for the request! you mentioned angsty and i didn’t know how angsty you wanted it so i just went all out, enjoy! pronouns: gender neutral warnings: angst + sad, some swearing words: 1.3k
the staggering amount of offhand comments you’d both received in regards to people believing you were dating came to no surprise. ethan was an extremely affectionate person who wasn’t shy to accepting a hug, especially if it was from you. that however, did not come naturally to you and was only the case since the pair of you had been best friends for a good couple years. you being so adoring and attentive to the happy-go-lucky guy was the main factor to the speculations many acquaintances and even good friends had. not to mention, multiple fans shipped you both. screenshots of you gaily and excitedly hugging eachother, either one of you gazing at the other with adoration as the other spoke. you were both content and were happy to share your friendship with the rest of the internet because there was nothing to hide. right?
the entire day you’d been pestering your best friend, ethan about this date you were having tonight which he seemed supportive about albeit slightly unenthusiastic and disinterested which completely ruined your mood. “don’t you want me to be happy, ethan?” you glumly spoke, flicking through the clothing in your bedroom wardrobe, regretful about everything you owned. an awkward silence filled the room, it was almost deafening. you twiddled your thumbs before unwillingly and slowly turning around expecting to see a sour expression, yet you didn’t. there was nothing.
he stared at you blankly as he was slouched on your bed, folded hands on his lap. “of course i do,” he reassuringly stated with a deadpan tone. despite being sceptical, you just brushed it off as ethan being tired or being moody from his adhd medication wearing off. despite numerous attempts in getting your best friend’s advice on what to wear, he was nothing but reluctant to pursue the conversation. nothing but blunt unsure answers and unwilling to help.
“well, you could at least pretend to be happy for me,” you hurtfully told, ethan’s impartiality felt like a heavy punch to the stomach, emotionally winding you of any happiness you had left. tears beginning to well at your eyes, you wistfully bit the inside of your cheek in an attempt to stop the crying; a heavy lump in your throat burning copiously just made things harder. a small sniffle was the pindrop in the dead repose.
a fragment of life returned to ethan’s sullen and sober-struck manner. making you cry wasn’t even the rearmost thing on his list as it wasn’t even on there in the first place. culpability washed over his face as he began to nervously fidget in his seat. multiple apologies left ethan’s lips urgently and morosely. his inner-brows raised whilst his lips now began to tremble as he registered the effects his actions had. “what’s wrong with you ethan?” you sniffled as your hand gently clasped your neck: it felt like you were suffocating from the tight knot that had recently formed, “recently. you just haven’t been the same around me. what have i done? do you hate me?” the final question broke you as the tears began to descent down your now reddened cheeks.
“no, don’t be stupid,” ethan’s voice cracked as he desperately reached out a hand to pull you into a hug yet you pulled back. there was nothing you wanted more in the world right now than a hug and some comfort from your best friend but he didn’t deserve it right now and you wanted an answer as to why ethan was so dismissive lately as it had been quietly eating you away. he buried his head into the palms of his shaky hands as his breathing began to fluctuate and his shoulders shook as he snivelled with a heavy heart.
“then tell me why you don’t want me to be happy. you’re supposed to be my fucking best friend,” you began to sob, vision almost blurred from the build up of tears that were yet to fall. your dejected tone now had an underlying resentment as you continued to watch ethan bawl into his hands. “you couldn’t give a shit.” you exhaled heavily before lifting your trembling fingers to your face to wipe the sadness away.
“i do, y/n, so don’t you fucking dare accuse me of that.” ethan aggresively retorted as he finally lifted his face from his now tear-soaked palms. his sweat stained hair was beginning to glue to his clammy forehead but despite that, you could still make out the glare he was directing towards you. “i might be a bit selfish y/n, but i’m a fucking human being. i have emotions.” he sharply exclaimed as his timbre redirected to one filled with much more intensity, rage and denial. you stood speechless as your chest heaved as you resisted the crying fit that was looming. the room had a deathly silence for what felt like an eternity, but in reality it was about ten minutes whilst the both of you calmed down.
“what do you mean selfish?” you queried with a soft voice, trying not to work ethan up anymore than he was. you held your hand to your chest as your heart felt like it was using your ribcage as a punching bag before you took a deep breath to prevent yourself from hyperventilating. ethan clenched his jaw and shook his head timidly whilst he followed in your footsteps of calming his breathing, his chest lifting up and down as he did so. “it doesn’t matter, y/n. i don’t want to talk about this right now. enjoy your date.” ethan absently admitted, hefting himself from the mattress as he immediately wanted to escape the situation he’d just created because he hated everything about it. but, you were there and he wanted to be with you. he began to traipse to the bedroom door prior to the moment you grabbed his wrist delicately, averting him from leaving.
“i’m sorry ethan,” you apologised as your hand shifted from his wrist to his slightly dampened hands, your fingers playing with his before grasping them. ethan stared down at you with swollen eyes and a sorrowful frown yet he still seemed unattentive. “just speak to me, i didn’t mean to get so upset and angr-” you began to confess before ethan amorously cupped your chin as he pressed his lips against yours causing an explosion of emotions which quickly cluttered your brain. ethan briskly pulled away when the realisation set upon him that you weren’t kissing him back, the regret was as clear as day on his face. he grimaced, “fuck i’m sorry, y/n.”
your best friend confused your lack of participation as disinterest yet it was just shock to the situation. gingerly, your hand advanced to the neckline of his tshirt which was still damp from the tears he had shed. with one gentle yet swift pull, you tugged ethan towards you as you replicated what he had done only seconds before. this moment was just pure euphoria. despite all the memories you’d made with him, this was probably the best. you could feel ethan’s lips curl into a smile right before he unwillingly pulled away to display the biggest joyous smile you’d ever seen on a person.
he let out a small exhale in the form of a laugh as the grin stayed plastered on his flushed face. “i really love you, y/n,” ethan disclosed as his arms wandered to your waist as he pulled you so close a piece of paper wouldn’t have been able to slip through. “that is what i’ve been wanting to tell you for the longest time.” you couldn’t help but smile in return as the swarm of butterflies in your stomach grew. it was also kind of annoying to know that he’d been thinking the exact same thing you were but both of you were too scared to ruin what you had so you remained silent. it was also frustrating that this moment didn’t have to be so delayed. “i love you too.” you gently spoke, adoringly looking up at him as you remained in his arms. the safest place you could possibly imagine. "you might want to cancel that date,” ethan joked causing you to have a much needed giggle. “just shut up and kiss me.”
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mult1tude · 4 years
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prompt: ethan invites you to go on a last minute late night drive. soft & fluffy pronouns: gender neutral words: 920
“are we all ready?” ethan queried, gripping the steering wheel of his car as he admired you giddily jumping into the passenger seat. you nodded with a huge grin, not being able to speak over the crumpling of the snack packaging as they rolled around on your lap as you attempted to buckle your seatbelt.
a soft exhale in the form of a laugh exited ethan’s lips as he grabbed the snacks in an attempt to aid you. “let me help you there, pumpkin.” those words made your cheeks burn a deep fuschia as you finally managed to buckle the seatbelt in it’s place. you fluttered your eyelashes and allowed your eyes to drift over to ethan who was still entranced by you and staring at you lovingly, admiring you. he was biting on the inside of his lip as he made an effort to hide the smirk that was dancing it’s way onto his face.
“what?” you gingerly asked, averting your gaze for a moment so your heart could finally beat at a normal pace. he leaned in close, brushing his fingers through your hair as they trailed down your face before he inevitably ended up cupping your chin. “nothing,” he gently replied before placing a delicate kiss on your lips. ethan pulled away, lingering in you presence before he continued to speak, “you just look so pretty tonight.” your stomach erupted into an explosion of butterflies - you didn’t know that he could make you feel more blissful than you already were.
“let’s get going then,” he quietly instructed, his eyes remaining on your face for just a second more before he had to pay attention to the midnight shrouded road. ethan edged his hand onto your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze as he pulled away from the gas station and onto the desolate road which was blanketed under a navy hue. concrete buildings and swaying cedar trees enclosed the somewhat rural road. it almost would have been eerie if it wasn’t the route the pair of you didn’t reguarly take; one that took you to a quiet and concealed spot that overlooked l.a.
you opened the glovebox and rummaged for a few seconds before you found what you were looking for: ethan’s cd he had burned a playlist on for the both of you. it consisted of your favourite songs, his favourite songs and songs that reminded you of eachother and made your heart flutter. as a matter of fact, it was an anniversary gift he had assembled. he was filled head to toe with anxiety, hesitant to give it to you as he thought you would think it was stupid, soppy or anything in between. needless to say he was thrilled when you started to tear up and told him how much you loved it.
you’d been jamming to the music, and driving in the darkness for about twenty minutes now and you’d almost ate all of the snacks between you. ethan’s giggles filled the car as your poor attempts at trying to throw the food into his mouth resulted in there being hundreds of malteasers hiding in the crevices of his seat and all over the floor. “y/n! you’re so bad!” he breathed out, almost struggling to breathe from laughing too hard. “look i’m trying okay! maybe it’s not me who’s bad maybe it’s you who needs to get better at catching,” you jokingly retorted, shaking the malteser packet in your hand as you were preparing them for the next throw. ethan threw his head back onto the headrest as he continued to succumb to hysterical laughter.
you poked your fingers into the bag and ate a few maltesers yourself between giggling; hearing ethan laugh flipped a switch in your brain and instantly made you do the same, even if the situation wasn’t funny. it was evident that having a laughing fit was starting to become bittersweet as he scrunched his nose and clutched his stomach as he made whiny noises. “y/n why must you cause me so much pain!” he jokingly teased as he exhaled, forcibly trying to calm himself down. he even managed to wipe a single tear which was beginning to cascade from his eyes.
before long, ethan had pulled into a grass pathway. the vehicle rocking back and forth as it crunched over sticks and the uneven landscape. “strap in y/n! it’s getting a little rocky!” he exclaimed in his goofy voice. you watched him as he concentrated on the dimly lit pathway ahead of him, his tongue slightly poking between his lips as a result. due to the bouncing, multiple maltesers which hadn’t melted were now rolling around and were knocking against yours and his feet. a few even rolled from his seat and pummeled the gear stick. again resulting in another giggle fit.
ethan was now pulling up towards the edge of overlook, being cautious not to park too close to the edge. the sight that sat before you was breathaking despite the fact you’d seen it multiple times. the contrast been a bustling l.a during the day, and how quiet it got during the night was beautiful. you loved seeing all of the twinkling lights. “the view is almost as beautiful as you are pumpkin,” ethan spoke affectionately. your eyes glanced over to see that big goofy grin you are so in love with. “i love you ethan.” you shyly spoke before ethan’s cheeks burned just like yours did only an hour ago. “i love you too, y/n.”
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mult1tude · 4 years
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story synopsis: adele belanger, an upcoming star begins to fall in love with a man named ethan nestor after doing a press junket to promote her upcoming series that’s going to push her fame further than she expected. will problems arise?
word count: 3k triggers: none
     adele belanger - the name spoke few and far on the dazzling and glamorous world of hollywood. celebrated for her roles in roles in indie films produced and created in canada, where she was born and raised, she is soon due a big break as she was in the process of getting ready for the rest of the world to know she was starring in netflix’s latest series.
saying the heat resonating from beneath her laptop was hot was an understatement, she didn’t dare to budge or move it in the slightest as she restlessly refreshed the youtube page waiting for the trailer to pop up, almost wearing out the button on her keyboard. the sable black strands at the nape of her neck that had evaded her grasp as she hurriedly tied a ponytail began to itch at her skin but she didn’t have time to fix it, not until the trailer was posted.
after what felt like a lifetime, her eyes were quick to notice a new thumbnail appear on the page and she reactively clicked it, pressing the mousepad button-down slightly too hard out of excitement. the entire video played, a beaming smile was plastered across her face, her dimples displayed prominently as she approached the end of the video. the young actress felt like a firework in a glass jar, so much excitement contained inside of her as she brushed the laptop from her lap, jolted from her rumpled bed and clenched her fists as she excitedly hopped around her tiny apartment and squealed. adele rushed to the dust speckled mirror that was hung near her front door that had a few dozen, in a hyperbolic sense, of her unused coats after moving from canada. she deeply exhaled as she examined her face, noticing her own excitement couldn’t even contain itself as a smile sidled upon her lips as she delicately let out a few words. “i’m going to be famous.”
her emotions shot off again like fireworks, her chest fluttering and her palms tingling and red from the nails she didn’t realise she had dug so deep into her own skin. but it didn’t matter, adele was finally making the biggest leap possible into her career - it was everything she ever wanted.
“ok, i need some water.” she softly spoke to herself, taking another deep breath as she headed towards her apartment’s small open-planned kitchen. her shaky hands picked up a bottle of water from the fridge; she vowed that she would never drink l.a’s tap water after hearing an endless conglomeration of negative things from acquaintances and friends after moving only 6 months ago.
swigging it back and almost completing most of the bottle, she slapped it onto the counter whilst letting out a satisfied gasp for air. a few drops making wet patches on her eggshell coloured sweatshirt that may or may not have a few foundation marks around the neckline. a sudden change of thought, she remembered she needed to send the link to all of her friends and family if they already hadn’t seen it. adele slid the phone from her sweatpants noticing she was already getting congratulatory messages from some of her friends and even people that she hadn’t spoken to in a while. moreso, a lot of the messages from her friends were them completely fangirling over the fact that she had in fact worked with henry cavill.
adele replied to and messaged everyone she needed to before opening twitter and the rest of her social media to find that they were starting to blow up, multiple people talking about how cool the show looked and how excited they were. a lot of them were generic but few mentioned how intricate and interesting adele’s sidekick companion character seemed which made her stomach twirl once more and she felt like she had her ego stroked enough it would last the rest of the week. she put aside her phone and began to practice her bedtime routine before throwing herself back onto her bed where she only was an hour ago. her head smacking her pillow must have activated a switch because adele immediately felt her eyes involuntarily shutter closed and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.
today was the first day of recording stuff for the press. needless to say, adele was super excited. from what the actress was able to gather from her manager jenna, since henry cavill was known to be such a huge gamer online, buzzfeed had organised the cast to play the game version of the new netflix series with a few special guests. it was undeniably going to be a great day and a great way to start the press junket as it progressively and eventually got more tiring and mind-numbing. plus, she had gamed a bit before so it would be funny if she were able to show up a few of her cast members, especially henry.
at 8am sharp, the assigned makeup and hairstylist, and wardrobe stylist arrived at her apartment. she was so giddy with excitement that she wanted to run around and shout and tell everyone but she had to sit silently for the meantime as the makeup artist worked on her face. edging elation bubbled through her every vein as they talked about varying outfits to wear, expensive designer brands she was allowed to borrow. she felt like a proper celebrity.
finally, the crew decided on a casual look for today. her slate black, silken hair was bundled in a half-up loose french plait whilst the rest of it waved down just below her shoulders, the front strands falling in front of her face. light and delicate makeup that made her eyes shine and sparkle like a glossy nephrite stone; the minimal makeup also allowed her ubiquitous, chocolate freckles to proudly be displayed on her face. polished, golden dangle geometric earrings to frame her heart-shaped face and overall elevate the look from simple to elegant. an ivory laced-back milkmaid top with puffed long sleeves, high-waisted, sun-bleached skinny jeans with a few sparse rips and shreds, tattered white thread entwined between the tears and loosely hanging like vines. to finish off the look was some pearly white stilettos and few rings as well as a similarly styled necklace to match the earrings.
“i feel, amazing.” adele faltered in disbelief as she longingly stared at herself in the mirror, turning to the crew exhibiting an approving smile. “thank you.” she softly spoke before squeaking with excitement as she danced on the spot causing her team to giggle in response. “time to get going!” she excitedly commanded herself as she made a poor attempt at trying to control her out of rhythm breathing. the exhilaration and eagerness began to convolute into a ball of anxiousness and fret. it was something new and different which was scary but she didn’t want it to hold her back. another deep breath and she made her way to the contemporary, modern lobby of her apartment block where she spotted the black suv through the towering glass front doors in which her chauffeur was waiting for her.
“per jenna’s request,” the chauffeur nodded towards the coffee in the cupholder. adele wrapped her hand around the starbucks cup — still hot. “vanilla oat milk latte?” she asked as she brought the almost searing coffee to her lips, the steam floating upwards and brushing past her skin. the chauffeur nodded as he put the vehicle into gear and started to head towards the destination. effortlessly, the sweet drink passed her lips as she took a few sips before she threw her head back in a satisfied manor. surely the coffee would help with the nerves and just overall elevate her mood. she scoured her social media for a short while, taking breaks to finish the rest of her drink before they arrived. it’s l.a, so it was always bound to take a while even if it just was a few blocks over.
discreetly, the car pulled into the back entrance where she was able to enter without getting noticed and was directed to a very bright and lively reception where the young actress signed in. her heels clicking against the laminated wooden flooring as she followed the operations manager who was indistinctively talking through the black earpiece attached to her ear and was clutching a clipboard to her stomach. a few corridors later they had arrived, the manager twisted the handle to the door and entered, allowing adele to trail behind her.
almost blinding, the room was filled with numerous studio lights. littering the floor almost completely, cables and all different sorts of leads and plugs lay disorganised on the floor. a huge monitor was placed in front of the white screen which was the focus of all the beaming lights. “hey adele!” vocalised the director as he approached her, also bearing a black earpiece. “so the premise of today’s shoot is quite simple. you’re going to be playing the game with our two guests over here,” he briefly motioned towards two gentlemen sat in the corner of the room chatting and chuckling between themselves clearly in a world of their own, “and we’ve paired you with henry because we only have two controllers and we want to get everyone to be involved so the others are being shot later. does that sound good?” he queried, concluded his speech.
“of course.” she eagerly spoke with a grin. “great,” the director spoke as he adjusted his wire-frame glasses, “let me introduce you to the guests. they’re going to be guiding you along with the game,” he spoke, leading adele over towards the boisterous men who were still conversing right up until adele and the director were stood only a few metres away.
“mark?” adele apprehensively suspected as she reached her hand out to his, inviting the suave gentleman to shake hands. “yes!” he answered in a shocked yet pleased tone as he stood to be polite and accepted the handshake with a beaming grin. “i think i watched a bit of your stuff a while back,” adele admitted before briefly catching eyes with the other guy who was staring up at her with gleaming eyes and a dopey yet adorable smile. “i’m honoured,” mark softly spoke before looking down at the other guy who was now standing to follow suit. “this is my friend ethan,” mark continued, placing a firm grip on his pal's shoulder.
“hi, nice to meet you.” ethan spoke in a much more gentle manner than mark did as he reached his hand out to replicate the greeting. “nice to meet you too,” she replied, reciprocating the greeting. “have you watched my stuff too?” ethan asked with a bashful smile as he ruffled his hair with his painted black fingernails. adele hesitantly shook her head not wanting to hurt his feelings, “no, but if it’s anything like mark’s stuff i’m certain it’s great.” she stated looking back at mark who had an affirming smirk on his face as he looked down at his younger friend who’s face had started to flush pink.
“henry is meant to be here right now, but he isn’t,” the director addressed somewhat annoyingly, “i’ll go and have a word to see where he is you can just stay here and talk to each other.” the director stated before hurriedly making his way to the door which adele entered through. she sat down in one of the spare seats that sat opposite the boys as they sat down once more.
“can i just say i watched the trailer this morning and i can’t wait to watch it.” he admitted as he began to pull at the strings of his coal-black hoodie. “thank you, it really means a lot,” adele’s cheeks blushed as she began to fiddle with the rings on her fingers yet still keeping her eyes on the boys. “seriously. we’re not just saying this it looks fantastic,” mark chirped in enthusiastically as he leaned forward in the seat, “i’m never usually this excited about a new series. so congrats!” he admitted with a deep chuckle, looking towards ethan who was nodding in agreement.
the conversation was silenced when a huge figure walked through the door followed by the director and operations manager. the director hastily wagged his fingers at adele and the boys who obediently made their way over. “adele!” henry happily bellowed in his charming english accent as he pulled her into a gentle hug, remembering he probably was over two times her size. “long time no see,” she affirmed as she hugged him back before breaking their embrace. her eyes involuntarily wandered over to ethan as the director began briefing henry. ethan quickly darted his eyes to the director as if he just hadn’t been gazing at her causing adele to grin to herself as she put her concentration back to the director.
“great, so follow me and i’ll seat you.” the director asserted as he walked towards the chairs in front of the white screen, two at the front and two at the back yet not parallel to each other. the front seats were more centred whilst the back two were offset so nobody would be getting in the way of each other when seated.
“adele if you sit in the front left seat, henry in the right.” he requested as he took a step behind the camera and watched the monitor to see if it was what he had envisioned. adele and henry sat which the director reacted with a thumbs up. “okay, ethan if you sit on the left and mark on the right please.” the director concluded as he continued to watch the monitor. the boys did as they were told before mark immediately remarked. “gosh it’s bright behind here,” he joked shielding his eyes as he laughed, eliciting a few giggles from everyone as the director adjusted some of the studio light placement with a few apprentices.
after everything was adjusted to the directors liking, they were ready to roll. the director placed his 3 fingers up as he counted down whilst mouthing the numbers. the thumb was up, which meant everyone introduced themselves and surprisingly it didn’t need multiple takes. “today, adele and i are going to be playing the symbols of shadows game which is very similar to the new series on netflix september 4th.” henry beamed, clutching the xbox controller in his hand as he looked over towards adele. “and i’m going to win. i’m going to beat henry.”
henry scoffed, dismissing adele’s statement as mark and ethan giggled behind them. “we’re also going to try to help, but it looks like they’re gaming experts,” mark spoke, wavering his tone with the last two words as he jokingly mocked adele and henry. “well, there’s only one way to find out.” ethan spoke energetically in a slightly goofier voice than what he was speaking in before. ethan looked at mark before they both turned towards the camera with a raised eyebrow. “okay great. we’ll cut there. let’s load the game up.” the director approved, leaning back in his chair, fixing his corduroy jacket as one of the apprentices loaded the game up and set up the first level. “we just want you to complete the first level so don’t try and rush.” the apprentice handed back the controller to adele as he quickly rushed out of view.
the camera began to roll again and the pair began to get a grasp of the controls and the setting of the game as they intentionally tried to set each other up in the game: pushing one another of the map, friendly fire, stealing points and collectables, and deliberately annoying each other which resulted in many laughs around the room. matter-of-factly, ethan and mark didn’t really do anything to help, however, they did make for a great commentary and supplied multiple belly-aching jokes.
the screen faded to black as they’d finished the first level; mark and ethan clapped and congratulated the pair in between giggles as adele and henry carried on the bit and refused to display any means of sportsmanship. “guys, i don’t know about you but i definitely won.” henry retaliated as adele shook her head and rolled her eyes. mark and ethan were laughing so hard it was almost silent. “this was a team game,” mark giggled as the pitch in his voice heightened. “let us know in the comments who you think won. because it was moi.” adele stated confidently, trying to hide the smile that wanted to appear on her lips so badly. the pair promoted their netflix series as they wrapped up filming. “okay, great. that’s everything. thanks, guys.” the director spoke as he picked up his macbook from the desk and began typing away. “if you just wait here until someone comes and collects you,” the director struggled to speak as he was too busy multitasking. he pressed the side of his earpiece and spoke to himself as he called for the cast to be escorted.
“you’re really good, i was impressed.” ethan spoke to adele softly, as everyone got out of their seats. “you really like to flatter me don’t you.” she joked which caused ethan to halter in his thoughts for a moment. “it’s not a bad thing,” she reassured him, “it’s really nice to hear. especially coming from you.” delicately spoke, eyes quickly moving over to see if anyone was listening but mark and henry were engulfed in their own conversation. ethan’s cheeks flushed pink again as he displayed a meek grin.
he was about to respond when the door re-opened and the manager stepped through, immediately grabbing everyone else’s attention. ethan bit at his lip as anguish washed over his face as he realised the conversation was over. adele was disinclined for a moment, lingering for a few more seconds as the butterflies in her stomach began to fade. “it was nice talking to you. talk soon?” she asked which brightened up ethan’s face as he nodded, “of course. see you soon.” he timorously spoke with a contemptuous smile as he waved goodbye, for now.
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mult1tude · 4 years
since i work full time, i cannot guarantee a time that my work will be completed. however i will try my best to get everything done whenever i have the time and have the mentality to do so.
my ask is open for suggestions and ideas and potentially requests but please don’t be disappointed if i never get around to it.
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two stars âś° an ethan nestor story: [1] , [2 in progress]
late night drive - 920 words
confessions - 1.3k words
last edited 12.11.20
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