mult1tude · 4 years
since i work full time, i cannot guarantee a time that my work will be completed. however i will try my best to get everything done whenever i have the time and have the mentality to do so.
my ask is open for suggestions and ideas and potentially requests but please don’t be disappointed if i never get around to it.
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two stars ✰ an ethan nestor story: [1] , [2 in progress]
late night drive - 920 words
confessions - 1.3k words
last edited 12.11.20
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c1rcumspect · 6 years
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man, 1 hate be1ng put on the spot l1ke th1s... he’s def1n1tely up there w1th my mult1tude of close hom1es. but 1 don’t know 1f 1′d say he’s been elevated to bff status yet... espec1ally w1th the uh, compl1cat1ons. 1′m consc1ously hold1ng h1m at arm d1stance now, l1ke... h1m k1ss1ng me l1ke that outta nowhere today d1dn’t help. 1′m just... 1 have to choose to play that off casually, cause 1 always have to. 1 always have to be the troll who just lets th1ngs happen to them 1n order to preserve relat1onsh1ps... wh1ch makes th1s sound really fuck1ng dramat1c, 1 mean, all he d1d was k1ss me... 1 dunno...
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2alcret2 · 7 years
my 2y2tem l0g 2a1d my heart 2t0pped beat1ng f0r a mult1tude 0f 2ec0nd2 la2t n1ght
and even th0ugh 1t wa2n’t even f1fteen 2ec0nd2 1 d0n’t want t0 th1nk ab0ut that
1 al20 0we ch0212 a new table,1 th1nk 1′m g01ng t0 c0ver th12 h0le up w1th a placemat under a tablecl0th and wa1t
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