#crankgameplays fanfic
emocxnteddie · 11 months
Hi! I loved your platonic markiplier fic! I was wondering if you could make something similar but with Ethan? And reader is his trans brother who gets bullied and Ethan teaches the bullies a lesson? <3
!-! Brotherhood !-!
Pair; Crankgameplays/Ethan Nestor x FTM!Reader.[He/Him Pronouns]
Genre; Platonic fluff & angst-ish.
WARNINGS; Swearing, blood, violence, fighting, transphobia, homophobic slurs, bullying.[Let Me Know If More Is Needed.]
A/N - I decided to base this on an au where Ethan is in his last year of high school & M/N is in his second year of high school.
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M/N stood in the hallway of his high school, trying not to be seen. He had been relentlessly bullied for the past year for being trans. M/N hated it, always being called names.
M/N's older brother, Ethan was however always by his side. Though Ethan wasn't fully aware of everything, he didn't know his brother was bullied for being trans specifically.
Then one of M/N's classmates, a guy named Derek walked up to M/N along with Derek's minions. "Look! It's the faggot!" Derek laughed as he pushed M/N into the locker.
"Leave me alone, Derek," M/N muttered as he was pushed into the locker. He hated high school, all because of the bullying. Derek didn't stop, of course, he didn't. Derek just continued pushing M/N into the lockers, taunting him.
"C'mon, fag! Fight me! Fucking coward!" Derek laughed and M/N tried to push him off but it wasn't so easy. Then he saw a figure dash towards them, it was Ethan. He had gone to get something he'd forgotten in his classroom when he saw his younger brother being bullied by Derek & his group.
"Leave him alone, you piece of shit!" Ethan yelled as he pushed Derek to the ground. Derek stood up and glared at Ethan. "Why are you defending this homo freak!" Derek said in an angered tone. Ethan spaced out and just swung at Derek, hitting him in the face.
"That homo freak is my brother! So you keep his name out of your fucking mouth!" Ethan yelled as he kept punching Derek until he got enough of it, his fist being bloody and Derek's face being bloody. Derek ran off with his friends, yelling names.
Ethan looked at M/N and laughed. "Sorry, got a little carried away," Ethan said in an embarrassed tone and M/N just laughed along. "Thanks for protecting me, Ethan," M/N thanked his brother and Ethan just ruffled his hair.
"You're my brother, I couldn't let those punks treat you like that, I'm the only one allowed to tease you," Ethan said proudly as he heard teachers. "Oh fuck, gotta run! Catch you back home, bro!" Ethan said as he ran away, M/N just chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah, see you back home, brother."
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fizzing-saturn · 10 months
literally sobbing my youtuber egos hyperfixation is coming back except its ONLY ever been markiplier and (mostly) crankgameplays egos and there is NO CONTENT FOR CRANKGAMEPLAYS EGOS anywhere 😭😭😭
theyre so interesting too!!! dark and anti (who admittedly i dont know that much abt) are also interesting and silly/pos but BLANK!!!
hes so sad because hes the embodiment of all the negative stuff! but ethan did. nothing with him! wtf! and the character design is so aggfhdf i really like the idea of a gaunt bonewhite figure with eyes leaking oil and a face perpetually stuck in a sob
and unus 😔 the physical embodiment of DEATH?? he was only alive for one year but he was my blorbo the whole way through
and those are the only ones people really talk about?! i mean some people yeah but i feel like most don’t acknowledge mrs thomson or mad mike or bernice or (idk her name) his yandere ego or father ethan any of the rest of them! its so :((((
any ways. im going to go have thoughts abt Them. very sorry for the long post the tags are also very long but i Have Opinions and i needed them to come out
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franklyshipping · 2 years
You Laughter Will Set You Free ~ A Markiplier and Crankgameplays Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @darkipli-ler
Blankgameplays was full of the giggles, and for a very good reason. He was being hunted by the most intimidating, malevolent, merciless tickler of all: Darkiplier. Blank hurried through the manor with Dark not far behind him, the sharp-suited ego smirking as he chased Blank down yet another corridor – the sound of his bubbly mirth made him more and more eager to tickle the hell out of him. What had Blank done to incur this chase? Nothing whatsoever, the pair of them just felt like being silly and having a little fun together upon the Eve of Christmas.
‘You can’t run forever Blank, you know I will catch you.’
‘No you won’t!’
Dark’s chuckle echoed menacingly as Blank tried to speed up, not daring to look behind him lest he get distracted.
‘Ohh yes I will… and I am going to take great pleasure in making you squeal.’
Blank giggled, his cheeks gaining a tinge of colour as he hurried into the living room. He skidded around the coffee table, his goal to get to the other side and reach the stairs. Of course, Dark adored the thrill of the chase as much as the next ler, but now all he wanted was to capture and play with his ticklish prey. Dark surged at Blank, using his shadows for extra momentum, and hugged him from behind with a smug growl.
Blank yelped and squirmed, struggling as he started giggling nervously.
‘Nonono using shadows ihisn’t fair!’
‘That’s too bad for you. It seems they rather like you Blank.’
Dark chuckled as his shadowy wisps teased and whispered against Blank’s ears, making him giggle harder as Dark playfully dragged him to the couch. He pushed him down onto it and climbed on him, straddling his legs and smirking down at the flustered, raven haired man.
‘Oh this is going to be fun.’
Blank whined, his skin already feeling tingly from the anticipation… but then his joy faded dramatically when a series of things happened. Dark took hold of his wrists carefully, pinned them down above his head, and then leant in close – so close that Blank could feel his breath against his face. Dark had tickled him so many times before, and each time had brought Blank joy, fulfilment, and the distinct warmth of feeling loved. It just so happened however, that Dark had never actually pinned his wrists down until now. No-one had ever done that to Blank, in fact. The sensation, with great suddenness and intensity, made Blank panic and start struggling.
‘W-Wait n-no let go, l-let go I don’t… I-I can’t…’
Dark’s eyes widened in surprise. Of course, he saw the genuine panic and released Blank instantly, his shadowy wisps receding back into his body as they felt Blank’s distress. Though even as Dark got off him completely and sat on the edge of the couch, Blank was hyperventilating. Luckily, Darkiplier had the most soothing voice known to man.
‘It’s alright, take slow, easy breaths.’
Blank took in the deep, silky tone and tried to focus on it. The panic had made him sit up, tucking in his arms and knees to his chest as his whole bloodstream seemed to seize and shudder.
‘I’m right here Blank, I’m right here and I promise you are safe. You’re doing so well, just keep breathing.’
Blank whimpered with the smallest of nods, focusing on Dark’s careful, loving, repeated words of encouragement. It took some time, for all panics must be treated with patience and respect if they are to be banished correctly. Dark spoke, Blank listened, and back and forth they went until slowly but surely Blank’s breathing started to slow. At one stage Dark hovered his hand nearby, and a nod of consent allowed him to gently rub the top of Blank’s back, which served to comfort him further. Then eventually Blank’s breaths were normal, and he grimaced with a sniffle as he wiped his watery eyes.
‘Th-Thanks… s-sorry I freaked out…’
‘You have nothing to apologise for.’
Dark replied, his voice was calm but his eyes were imploring. No one can be blamed for feeling panicked or afraid, for it is a part of our nature just like everything else. Blank nodded, sniffing a few times as he pressed his mouth against his knees; making himself smaller made him feel safer, Dark knew. Dark tilted his head to him gently.
‘Do you feel ready to talk about what made you uncomfortable? I very much wish to ensure I never do it again.’
Dark asked, and Blank felt another wave of calm at Dark wanting to be so considerate and caring. Blank nodded and swallowed, before he cleared his throat.
‘I-It was… the hand pinning. I just felt so trapped but in a really not-fun way and even though I really trust you I just got super anxious a-and I just–’
‘Breathe Blank, it’s alright, take some more slow breaths for me.’
Blank had started to edge back into nerves, but Dark’s words brought the calm back into his system after a few moments. When Blank was soothed again, Dark cupped his cheek gently with a warm smile in place.
‘I promise I will never pin your hands, and if you want I am more than happy to spread the word within the household. That way, no-one else will make you uncomfortable.’
A wave of relief passed through Blank, and he smiled happily at him.
‘I-I’d really like that, thank you.’
‘You are very welcome.’
The last twitches of anxiety had faded away from Blank’s body and mind now, and Dark wanted to make sure that Blank didn’t fall back towards those unsettled thoughts. Soothing someone from a panic attack is just the start, which is something not many people realise. Yes, you have banished the fear from that person, but that’s where a lot of people stop. What is essential, is now filling that newly empty headspace with something that will bring that person to the brighter, happier end of their emotional spectrum; so that is precisely what Dark intended to do.
‘If you don’t mind me asking, would you still like to be tickled? I am more than happy to oblige, but if you’d rather we do something else together then we have plenty of options. Including napping, if you’d rather rest.’
Blank smiled again, and got pleasant butterflies in his stomach. There weren’t words to describe how happy he felt to be so taken care of, to be given options and choices and to be communicated to with so much patience. It is tempting to want to coddle someone, to wrap them up in cotton wool after seeing them in distress. Dark knew however that only Blank knew what would be best for himself, and so he wanted to show that he would be there to help with whatever that methodology might be. And Blank knew precisely what he wanted, or rather what he still wanted.
‘I-I… I-I’d still like to be…’
He looked away bashfully, making Dark chuckle fondly.
Blank’s cheeks flushed afresh as he nodded, which Dark thought was ever so adorable. The suited man stood up, and offered Blank his hand with a playful smile.
‘How do you feel about being the little spoon?’
Simply put, Blank’s face completely lit up. He beamed and took Dark’s hand, which was all the answer Dark needed. Dark led Blank to his bedroom, since he figured the more gothic lighting and ambience would help maintain that underlying sense of safety for Blank. They got snuggled together under Dark’s black covers, Blank cozy in a foetal position as Dark nestled against him from behind – honestly, platonic cuddling is so underrated. Dark’s lips brushed the back of Blank’s neck, and his hand rested gently against his lean stomach.
Blank felt so safe and secure, and then squeaked with a giddy smile when Dark softly nuzzled the back of his neck. Dark chuckled against his skin, his facial hair scratching and making Blank start to giggle – especially when Dark whispered.
Dark’s fingers curled against Blank’s thin black t-shirt, making him snort and squirm in Dark’s embrace.
‘Shuhuhut uhup!’
Blank squeaked, always the first to verbally fight back against even the smallest tickle tease. Of course, even though Dark was tickling out of affection, that didn’t mean he was going to tolerate bad manners.
‘I beg your pardon?’
Dark growled, skittering his fingers over Blank’s stomach as he nuzzled behind his ear, making him squeal very adorably.
‘I hope you weren’t being rude just then. That would be a mistake.’
‘I-Ihihihi wahasn’t Ihi wahasn’t, I dihidn’t sahay ahahanything!’
Blank spluttered in response to Dark’s threatening purr, to which Dark’s eyebrows shot up. Denying his own words? Dark was certainly going to have fun with this. He nipped the shell of Blank’s ear and snuck his fingers under Blank’s t-shirt, grazing them against his bare stomach as his voice got even lower.
‘I think you’re lying to me.’
‘Nononohoho I-Ihihi’m nahahat!’
Blank’s giggles were frantic as Dark dragged his blunt nails in circles and swirls against his stomach, making him tremble and twitch incessantly. Blank knew that no matter what he said now, he was completely screwed… and that made him so happy. Dark grinned, his ler-head thriving from being able to tickle and tease Blank like this.
‘Do you know what I do to people who lie to me, Blank?’
Dark made his hand into a claw shape against Blank’s tummy, and snarled.
‘I make them scream.’
Dark squeezed Blank’s soft tummy with ruthless abandon, making Blank shriek and burst into the happiest cackles known to ego-kind.
Blank out of instinct tried to curl up and somehow roll away, his arms flailing about around him at a complete loss of what to do. Of course, Dark kept him close and secure at his chest, teasing with evil delight.
‘Trying to escape? Interesting, given how much I know you’re loving this.’
Blank let out a very indignant, flustered wail-like noise amidst his mirth because excuse you Darkiplier that was completely fucking unnecessary!
Dark laughed warmly, flicking his tongue behind Blank’s ear as his teasing words dripped out of him like the spiciest liquor.
‘What would you rather I say instead? Tickle tickle tickle, or perhaps kitchy kitchy coo?’
Dark started squeezing Blank’s sides now too, making the poor man yelp and descend into wild laughter – well, that tends to happen when someone tickles you in your worst spot.
Dark smiled and sighed happily, but only spent ten or so seconds tickling Blank there. He could never take it for long, and the last thing Dark wanted was for Blank to feel overwhelmed. So after those seconds passed, Dark had mercy and used his hands to rub Blank’s arms warmly. Dark also had the pleasure of listening to Blank’s cute, residual giggles as he collected himself – he could hear the joy within them, but Dark of course wanted to make certain Blank had enjoyed himself.
‘How was that?’
Blank hid his face in his hands, snorting out of his happy embarrassment as he tried to sort his giddy brain out. Then Dark beamed when Blank reached down, took his hand, and interlaced their fingers together.
‘A-Amahazing… thank yohou.’
‘Anytime, Blank. Anytime.’
Then Dark laughed when Blank rolled over to face him, and promptly buried his face in his chest with a cute yawn.
‘Best Christmas present ever…’
Blank trailed off tiredly, and Dark sighed gently as he wrapped his arms around him and let his eyes slowly shut as he smiled.
‘I couldn’t agree more.’
A few moments after Dark’s whisper, they were both asleep. The already dim room darkened, with Dark’s wispy shadows sneaking out to maintain the soothing darkness. If this tale holds any kind of message, I suppose it is that there is no distress, panic, nor fear that cannot be banished with a little patience, and a little care. There is no void that cannot be replaced with joy, no anxiety that cannot be replaced by relief, and no hand that need remain cold and empty. You will always find someone to hold you, whether they be family, lover, or just a friend. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever you celebrate, there will be a love waiting for you, and it will bring you peace.
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jo-the-intellectual · 2 years
PLEASE I was working on my fanfic and I accidentally wrote “skillet” as “skittle”
I fully blame Ethan Nestor for this 😭
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forget-mad-not · 2 years
Writing About Works In Progress / WAWIP #1.5
AKA quite pointless status report on my Unus Annus fanfic-magnum opus.
[ Hi, @ukulillii! ✨ ]
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I already talked about it in my first WAWIP post, but let me rant a bit about the fact that I have a story in the works, which is called
Would You Like To Play That We Die?
This story is about Memento (later called Unus) and Mori (later called Annus). I've been writing this story for more than two years. I'd have loved to finish this story for the channel's (death) anniversary.
And this post is born out of the guilt that I'm still writing this story, and it's still not finished.
Ironic, by the way; let me share the first sentence of the fic, which could be the motto of the plot:
"Tempus narrabo."
In Latin, this means that "time will tell".
Well, indeed. Time will tell, it seems, when the story of Memento and Mori would like to be concluded under my hands. And anyway, I have come to realise that it is too personal and too dear to me to want to rush it.
It'll be nice and beautiful when it's done. And I only hope that someone after this November will be interested in it.
[ When it is ready, you will find it here: tiny AO3 link ]
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You! Yes I see you! You probably want your fanfics to come alive! Today folks I’m doing requests for writing! I want to improve my writing skills! With these free writing requests they can be long or short/
I’m a creator who loves art and writing! This will give me something to do and maybe could turn this maybe into a side job/
So what fandoms can you request? That simple, YouTubers and their characters!
Jacksepticeye and septic egos
Markiplier and the ipliers egos
Thomas Sanders and sander sides
Plus any people/other egos for example Amy/Peevils.
I will write honestly anything but no NSFW or any hate, I also will not write ships of real people for example Sean x Mark.
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glamorousnightmares · 2 years
One Last Embrace
word count- 739
summary- Unus and Annus have a bit of a fight before they die.
Warnings- crying, yelling, mentions of death
The clock was loud as it counted the mere seconds before they would be lost. They didn’t want to say goodbye, but it was too late. A deal like this couldn’t be broken. A deal that was the fate of only two, yet impacted thousands. 
His heel hit the floor beneath them both, matching the pace of the hands on the clock. Only a minute was left before they would both be lost to time, yet saved in the minds of everyone that had followed their journey. The collar that now seemed to choke Unus became tighter as the numbers went down. The feeling of dread refused to leave his stomach, clinging to him for dear life. Neither men wanted to let go, many watching didn’t either, but it was inevitable. 
“Y’know, I’m kinda scared. I-I mean, that's pretty obvious at this point..” Unus said, fidgeting with his hands. 
“Yeah, well, you're not the only one, haha..” Annus responded, taking a quick glance at the other. His heart was racing as he peeled back the curtain to look at their creators sitting in the same chairs as they were before. How could they do this to them, why would they? Unus and Annus didn’t deserve this, they had played along! They had done everything right and now they were looking right at their doom sitting in front of them. 
“What do you think it’s gonna be like?” Unus asked, looking away from the light pouring from the crack in the curtain.
“What do you mean?”
“The afterlife, do you think we were good enough?
“Good enough? What the hell are you talking about?”
“To go somewhere good, Anus! Like heaven or somethin’” 
“Oh, I.. I don’t know..” Anus said, dropping his hands to his sides. He didn’t think about that, he wasn't religious or anything like that, but that was a good question. No matter what though, he wasn’t going to leave his best friend behind. 
The clock had only 30 seconds left, putting a sinking feeling in Anus’s stomach. His legs became weak under him, almost making him topple over. 
“Only 28 seconds left..” Annus stated, straightening his back. Unus’s throat became dry instantly, his hands shaking even more than before.
“I.. I don’t want to go Annus.. I-I can’t go yet!” Unus said, his panicked eyes running to Anus’s, yet they only responded with more panic to answer his. Thinking on his feet, he breathed in and out slowly, letting himself calm down, yet not doing much.
"Unus, please! I'm trying to think of something, just shut up!" Anus yelled, his hands shaking with his words. Realizing what he'd done, his head snapped over to his friends teary eyes leaking with sadness.
"I-I'm sorry.. here jus-just listen to me, okay?" His heels clicking as he walked over to Unus and took his upper arm in his hand and tried to get the other to face him.
"We knew this was going to happen ever since we came to be, but I understand how you feel. I don't want to go either, but that's just how this is gonna have to go.. okay?" His hands held both of the other's arms in his own. Tears fled from both's eyes and traveled down to the earth below each other, meeting at the same earth they were standing on.
"I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. I don't want to be crying like a baby when I'm about to die.." Unus said through tears, trying to wipe his tear streaked face.
"It's okay, I'm crying too!" Anus said, his arms flinging wide to exaggerate his words, putting a smile on his face. It seemed to work as Unus started to giggle as he wiped his tears away.
"Yeah, thats true.." Unus muttered as he wiped away the last remaining sadness sitting on his face.
"10 Seconds left!" Mark said behind the curtain separating the groups.
A light gasp escaped from Unus's mouth. This was it. The last 10 seconds of their lives and it was slipping from their hands like sand. Looking at each other, they moved on instinct and grabbed one another in one last warm embrace. The hug could have lasted for the rest of eternity if time had allowed.
"Goodbye, Annus. It was an amazing life with you. maybe we can see each other in another one."
"Goodbye Unus, I wouldn't trade the world for these memories with you."
"3, 2, 1" click
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bee-dot-exe · 1 year
So if you guys wouldn't mind, I think it'd be cool, if I can just *motions to the pinned post on my blog*
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jungjungmochi · 1 year
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Hello! And please welcome to my blog! This is! JungJung Writing. The concept of this blog is to give you fan fiction and cravings of fluff and angst with your creators. Especially some who don’t have fanfic’s on tumblr like they do on other platforms.
I hope you all grow to enjoy the content given! As I will give you more written fanfics and stories as soon as possible!
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Before we get started!
Please remember that the YouTubers/Streamers listed below are real people. And to respect the boundaries of their beliefs. Also meaning smut is not going to be written for creators who haven’t opened up about how it makes them feel and for creators who have and aren’t okay with nsfw concepts tied to them.
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I write for . . .
- BigT ((Tanner))
- Softwilly ((Nick))
- Yumi ((Blake))
- - - - - - - - - - -
- Larrrycroft ((Larry))
- Issacwhy ((Issac))
- - - - - - - - - - -
- Coryxkenshin ((Cory))
- Dashiegames ((Charlie))
- Berleezy ((Berlin))
- - - - - - - - - - -
- Sykkuno ((Thomas))
- Corpse Husband
- Disguised Toast ((Jermey))
- - - - - - - - - - -
- Jacksepticeye ((Sean))
- Markiplier ((Mark))
- CrankGameplays ((Ethan))
- - - - - - - - - - -
- Sapnap
- Ted Nivison
- Quackity
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3 Request at a time from the same blogs please! Give details and absolutely no smut for some of them if you aren’t sure if they feel okay with it. As far as that! Enjoy the blog and writings soon to come!!!!
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List about what I can make •-•
You can make requests from me
• Headcanons
• Oneshots
• Fanfics
• Playlists
• Imagines
I don't write
• family ships (for example: I won't write Dipper x Mabel)
• smut/romantic stuff for child-like characters (it doesn't matter if they're mentally/physically a child. I won't do it.)
• heavy smut for aroace/asexual/aromantic characters
• actually, anything that seems weird to me or makes me uncomfortable-
BUT I can make
• Fluff
• Smut
• Angst
• Character x Character
• Character x Reader
• BxB
• GxG
• GxB
• (Not too large) Age gap relationships
• Yandere
• genderbent and trans characters
• female, male, trans and gender neutral reader
• And etc. :D
• Little Misfortune
• Life is Strange (LiS1, LiS2, LiS:BTS, LiS:True Colors
• South Park
• Stardew Valley
• Markiplier Cinematic Universe
• Jacksepticeye and Crankgameplays alter egos :D
• Undertale
• Marvel
• Dream Daddy
• Voltron: Legendary Defender
• Attack on Titan
• FNaF
• The Security Breach Show
• Sonic The Hedgehog (all sorts of media)
• Cuphead (Casino Cups, DDWTD, The Cuphead Show, DLC, etc.)
• Yandere Simulator
• Gravity Falls
• Lego Elves
• Creepypasta
• Baldi's Basics
• Piggy
• Super Mario Bros
• Harry Potter
• Vtubers
• Helluva Boss
• Hazbin Hotel
• Lovelink
• BJ Alex
• Beastars
• Star Stable
• Henry Stickmin
• Rainbow Friends
• Tell Me Why
• Trollhunters
• The Last Guardian
• Your Boyfriend
• Amanda the Adventurer
• Hearts and Heroes
• Night at the Museum
• Sally Face
• My Candy Love
• Garten of BanBan
• Welcome Home
A/N: Oki, this little thing might be change, I know other fandoms too, but at the time, I could write just these bc I'm sleepy and my mind is almost dead xd :")
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lala-the-rebel · 11 months
about me
General info:
You can call me April (or any nickname you can think of)
22 years old, bi, & from California
I rarely tag reblogs, so please keep that in mind when following me (mutuals can ask for things to be tagged if needed)
Not a nsfw blog, but will occasionally reblog suggestive jokes
Original posts are tagged #personally random
Writing/fanfic is tagged #the logince rebel writes
Terfs, blank blogs, and generally shitty people will be blocked on sight
Minors may interact, but please keep in mind what I may post/reblog
Always open to making tumblr friends! Feel free to either dm or send me an ask if you'd like
Writing prompts/requests are always accepted & I'm also open to collaborations! You can contact me through asks or dms with any questions about either one
header gif credit here
Fandoms you'll see content of on my blog include (but are not limited to):
Mob Psycho 100
The Amazing World of Gumball
Dan and Phil
Ace Attorney
Gravity Falls
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
CrankGameplays/Ethan Nestor
Unus Annus
Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides
Monster High
Animal Crossing
Other socials/places to find me:
Discord: applebottomyeets
Main instagram: DM me for user (mutuals only)
tawog fan instagram: lavender.gumball
Nintendo Switch friend code: SW-0918-6433-8498
ao3: lala_the_rebel (link in my blog description)
This post will be updated as needed over time. Please leave a like if you've read through it :)
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ego-archive · 2 years
Discord Server
Hera made this a while ago but I figured we should also have it on tumblr
copy and paisting our disboard listing herexcvffbgd
We're a server that mainly focus' on the Jse egos but we love a little bit of everything from Markiplier to Crankgameplays and Unus Annus and the likes We are a very inclusive server, for Pocs, LGBTQ+, the Plural Community(Two of the Mods are Plural) And have Pluralkit for Systems only.
Now boosted to level 2!
We Have Sleep-overs every Saturday and watch videos and play games together
A room for Roleplaying
A place to share your art and fanfics
Wonderful people to interact with!
All systems are welcome!
A bot for Music and Poketwo!
Now with Colour roles!
And Roles to allow you to be notified when Iris tweets and Mr Bean Man uploads! We hope to see you there dudes!
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franklyshipping · 2 years
Laughter’s Memory (Part 2) ~ A Markiplier, Crankgameplays and Jacksepticeye Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch
Anti snorted, giggling to himself as he wrapped his thick quilt tighter around his shoulders (a fan had knitted it for him and he loved being cozy in it, but shh don’t tell anyone!). He was curled up and watching from his Unus Annus archive, specifically the Cooking With Sex Toys video, which marked the start of his planned content binge. It was all going wonderfully… until the lights in Anti’s bedroom started flickering. He wondered if it was his own happiness affecting the room’s energy, but as the flashes got more frantic he sat up… and then everything went to black.
‘What the hell?!’
Suddenly all the light returned to the room, and Anti let out a rather undignified shriek when he saw Unus and Annus stood by his bed, both staring at him with just-concealed amusement. Anti laughed, his fingers toying messily with his hair as he sighed.
‘Jesus you guys nearly scared the shit outta me, neither of you ever heard of knocking?’
‘Our apologies. We didn’t want to risk missing this… opportunity.’
Annus replied, and something in Annus’ eyes caused a prickle of tension to go down Anti’s spine. His eyes flicked between the two existential beings, and he had the distinct feeling that there was something… amiss.
‘What opportunity? Why are you here?’
Unus and Annus shared a look, and the former’s mouth spread into a warm, devious grin as he spoke casually.
‘Why, to administer your punishment of course.’
Anti’s eyes widened, and before he could react he suddenly felt himself being pinned down by invisible forces. He protested and spluttered as his arms were forced above his head, and his ankles and hips were pinned to the bed by seemingly nothing at all – however, Anti knew that the duo had access to a wealth of powers, so of course it was their doing. They slowly came and sat either side of him as he glared up at them.
‘Punishment for what?! Let me go right fuckin’ now or I swear you’ll regret it!’
Unus and Annus rolled their eyes, not intimidated by Anti for even a moment. They were endeared by him, finding it ever so cute that he hadn’t cottoned on to what was about to befall him. Annus cocked his head down at Anti amusedly.
‘You do not recall your transgression?’
‘What fuckin’ transgression?!’
The duo’s eyes gleamed eerily, and even without any smiles in place Anti could tell that were delighted to explain, with Annus taking the lead.
‘Perhaps you will recall that during our year-long project, we only had one rule. One sacred instruction for our viewers. One signature directive that, when respected, perfectly summarised the significance of what we were doing.’
‘Simply, we asked that our content remain un-duplicated, so that when the final deletion came it would truly be the end.’
‘But you… disobeyed.’
Anti was flushed and incredibly nervous now, realising that he was potentially in the deepest doodoo in history. His heart pounded as the duo leaned over him, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what they were going to do to him. Unus’ mouth curled into a sinister smile as he whispered.
‘And now, you must face the consequences.’
Anti shivered and gulped. Would they send him to another realm? Torture him with some kind of magic? Anti had no idea. Goosebumps rose on his skin, and he squirmed as the pair leaned in closer, and closer, and closer… and then the attack came. Annus’ made his hands into claw shapes and dug into his exposed sides, tickling him with mercilessness as Unus decided to watch with a delighted grin. Oh dear.
‘The time for waiting and patience is long past Anti. This is the time for vengeance.’
Unus teased as Anti snorted through his laughter, bucking and thrashing as Unus and Annus smirked down at him. Anti had of course known deep down that the duo wouldn’t hurt him, they were family after all, but oh god he knew this was going to completely destroy him.
‘What, don’t take advantage of your most endearing weakness? Apologies, but you have simply given us no choice.’
‘You brought this on yourself Anti, and you know it.’
Annus and Unus teased, and then Unus decided to reach up and flutter his fingertips up the side of Anti’s neck, making him yelp and scrunch up.
‘You’re welcome to try and stop me.’
Unus grinned as his blunt nails danced and scratched, making Anti flush a very dark pink. No matter how hard he tried he just couldn’t move an inch, his glitching abilities nowhere near powerful enough to overcome the duo’s restraining magic.
Unus giggled at Annus’ cool coo, whilst Anti shrieked at Annus’ sudden shift to pinching at his soft sides. With Unus’ tickling making him snort every five seconds, Anti was becoming more and more bedraggled and frantic. However the duo could also feel the wild joy coming from Anti in huge waves, so they naturally had to comment on it.
‘I think he likes us tickling both places at once, what do you think Annus?’
‘The evidence certainly suggests so. He looks remarkably happy.’
Anti let out a strangled whine, making Annus purse his lips to hold back a laugh as Unus snickered amusedly. Anti felt like he was going to lose his mind from the tickling and teasing combination… but he had to admit, he was rather enjoying the attention (not that he’d ever admit it of course).
‘How kind of you to say so.’
Annus remarked, now using his thumbs to rub deep circles into the dips of Anti’s sides. Poor Anti was too weak to even thrash now, his body barely glitching as all his energy went into his bouncy fits of cackling. Unus smiled down at him fondly, thinking he was beyond adorable. Just as strong as that light of affection, however, was the spark of sadism in Unus’ eyes.
‘I think it’s time we made him scream.’
Unus whispered, and Anti flushed darkly when Annus let out a rare, low chuckle.
‘I quite agree.’
The pair stopped tickling, giving Anti a few precious moments to catch his breath. He did not squander their brief mercy, taking in deep gulps of air and trying to slow down his racing heart rate. But then, the feeling of his legs being sat on made him freeze. Unus and Annus had straddled a shin each, and they both locked eyes with Anti as their fingertips tapped threateningly against his vulnerable thighs. Yup. Anti was certain. This was the end.
‘W-Wait nononono not there don-AAHHHHHHH!’
Needless to say Anti definitely screamed, and the duo barely had to do anything to draw out the wild reaction! They could have easily dug in, treated Anti’s thighs to a rigorous, torturous kind of massage, but Unus and Annus went down the gentler route. They scratched deftly and swiftly with all ten fingers, using their blunt nails to the most devastating, tickly effect.
‘My my, this must be maddening.’
‘Indeed, I wonder if he will even recover.’
‘Perhaps he will simply remain in the ticklish plain, forever hysterical from the mere memories of our torment.’
Annus and Unus purred back and forth as tears sprung into Anti’s eyes, the duo’s skitters and teases effortlessly flooding his head. It was intense, more intense than Anti had felt in a while, but it was a good intense – this was something Unus and Annus knew of course, which was why they were doing it in the first place. There is nothing more devious than the most intimate kindness.
‘Please what?’
Annus remarked with a raised brow.
‘But we’ve barely begun, there are an infinity of things we could do to you as yet. Why should we deprive ourselves of such exploration?’
Unus’ tone was nonchalant, but his grin revealed the true delight he felt at taunting Anti like this. The glitching man’s back was arched sharply as he howled with laughter, his legs trembling and shaking from the tickling. Anti knew he couldn’t take it for much longer, and though it pained him to do so… he was going to have to partake in the unthinkable if he had any hope for mercy. An apology.
The duo’s eyebrows shot up in sync, both of them realising that Anti must have been reaching his limit if he was at the point of apologising. They shared a look, and agreed that they’d have mercy on the dear glitch… after one more little tease.
‘What exactly are you sorry for Anti?’
Annus asked, and he and Unus were amused by the embarrassed whine Anti let out, before he managed to babble.
For a moment Anti thought they were going to carry on, but they didn’t. Anti gasped as their tickling stopped, and a moment later the restraining magic disappeared in its entirety. Unus and Annus slipped off Anti’s legs carefully, allowing Anti to snort, giggle, and curl up into himself as his face’s redness crept down his neck. He had tears trickling down his cheeks as his body shivered with residual tingles… until a new sensation took precedence. A lukewarm balm passed over Anti’s skin, moving over him carefully from head to toe and banishing away the ghost-tickles. Anti looked up at the duo and saw them smiling, their eyes swimming like pools of onyx liquid as they used their magic to help him recover. Soon enough his breathing and thinking were back to normal, and he smiled at them bashfully.
‘You are most welcome.’
Annus replied in a gentle tone, making Anti’s smile widen. He glanced at Unus, and saw that the younger facet had his head tilted at him curiously – then when he spoke, Anti understood why.
‘Anti, I must ask… why save everything we made in the first place?’
A bubble of apprehension swelled in Anti’s chest at the question, because the answer was a lot deeper than you might expect. Anti nibbled his lip in thought, which made Unus and Annus sit up straighter in concentration – they both listened attentively when Anti finally spoke.
‘What you guys did… there’s nothing like it in the entire world. When it was happening I always knew that whatever kind of day I had, even if it was full of shit, I would always have one good thing. You guys.’
Unus and Annus felt a rare warmth spreading through them. They were moved, and listened further as Anti continued.
‘I guess I was just scared of losing that, of having nothing to fight off the shitty days anymore. That’s why I wanted to keep them… just to have that good something to fight off the bad.’
‘Oh Anti…’
Unus whispered, and before Anti knew it the two of them were embracing him. Anti tensed with surprise at first, but quickly melted into the affection, nestling close as the three of them descended into a thoughtful silence. Unus and Annus contemplated Anti’s words with amazement, now understanding his actions and finding them beyond beautiful. They felt so thrilled at the notion of having brought such joyful feelings to somebody, and they hoped that they’d brought those feelings to others around the world too. The three of them stayed together for a little time before the duo pulled back, and Annus smiled gently at Anti, his words coming from both him and Unus.
‘May we join you in your reminiscence?’
Anti beamed and nodded, and before too long the three of them were settled into warm comfort, their minds and bodies relaxing into something reverent and peaceful. Of course there was still mirth and energy, with the archive of Unus Annus content containing an abundance of laugh-inducing delights. That’s the different between good and bad things I think: the memories of the good always outweigh the memories of the bad. Wonder’s memory, love’s memory, hope’s memory, and of course the greatest of them all… Laughter’s Memory.
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edgyandoverzealous · 1 year
Things I do that I must've picked up from somewhere, some media
But have no idea how when or why. Aka calling myself out and some self analysis because self love is important and I need to do more.
• Cooling my face down with my hands, specifically my cheeks when I'm blushing and flustered. Cringey fanfic, cute fanart of Nico Di Angelo/another grumpy/sunshine dynamic character? Anybody's guess.
• "Gimme hands", specifically when referencing I want affection or something given to me. Some romance/drama/or tween coming of age movie my mom watched with me at the ripe age of 12. Or additionally fanfic/fan comics
• Physically and mentally short circuiting when given too much affection. Like headaches, heartaches, love-dumb inability to think of much else, internal "they're so [insert term of affection here]" y'know, the drill. I don't know which fandom fanart started it, but Logan Sanders comes to mind?? For some reason??
• curling out and then into myself while laughing. The wheeze meme???
• repeating back/yes and-ing is how I tell jokes. Crankgameplays circa 2013??? Another YouTuber??? I d k.
• Semi cynical mf, somehow seen as sweet/affectionate. Not a clue but it--- Percy fucking Jackson???? Leo Valdez??
• Traumatized. All of I have ever consumed but specifically Steve Harrington and Hunter from TOH are good parallels.
• Romanticizing running away from bad situations or when things turn sour. Tangled?? Sonic the hedgehog??? Wander over yonder??? Austin and Ally??? The Teen Titans??? ----NICO DI ANGELO.
• himbo behavior. The main male "love interest" character in any given 2010's original Disney Movie. And Tubbo? Mayhaps.
• 10 yard stare ability. Anime?? Fanart?? Creepypasta??? That one may have just come free on my X-boxtm.
• Weaving in-between people either expertly or nearly running into people. Surprisingly both were probably from the same high school hosts anime.
• Giggling at puns and doing stupidly immature jokes. Definitely Percy Jackson started this. That kid and his sass/childish jokes such as the dam segment made me this way.
• Swinging my feet when they don't touch the ground where I'm sitting. 2010 Love action Disney Movies, shows, and "cringe" fluff fanfiction.
•Looking up though my hair. Any bbg character I adore that's ever interacted with people taller than them. IE: Nico Di Angelo, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, fucking-- Rich from BMC. but listen here, why strain my neck when I can glance up.
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ciceroandthelistener · 4 months
imagine being the person who wrote the crankgameplays/jacksepticeye fanfic that they read on the podcast
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