multi-hyphenate · 12 years
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merry-changmas replied to your post: peekaboo
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multi-hyphenate · 12 years
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multi-hyphenate · 12 years
You are a wonderful person
fjas;dfea i don't even want to answer this with a gif because i'm afraid it will minimize just how much i appreciate this, and you.
Ashley The Terrible, reducing to me to tears in five words or less
(YOU'RE a wonderful person ♥♥♥ thank you so so so much)
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multi-hyphenate · 12 years
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gothiktenkasen replied to your post: Read More →
You sound like you need a hug *hugs* I know things are hard right now, but they will get better.
thank you so much, sweetie. that truly means a lot to me <3
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
 Marcus Aurelius
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
help i have no internet HELP
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
when you're driving on the freeway and you switch into the next lane and the person in the next lane switches over to the lane you just switched from at the same time and maybe another car or two does it too and you're all so perfectly synchronized you could be in a car commercial
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
feeling really, really guilty for unfollowing someone i have been following for a long, long time
but the pros outweighed the cons! they didn't just post tons of things outside my interests, they spammed them! and they were always so bloody negative!
i wish it was that easy to justify to myself but ALAS i have a heart and it hearts too much
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
me: i just spent two hours cheating on crossword puzzles. god i need a job.
my sister: or a life
me: i was hoping that would be a part of the benefits package
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
Haha darn it. I was originally gonna say all of them but figured that wouldn't be very likely so I cut it in half :P Hm....okay. How 'bout 5, 6, 14, 17 and 20 (I'm not very good at picking just one, especially when I actually would like to know the answers to most of them lol).
mhmMmm tryin ta fool me. i am wise to your cheating ways, jacob
and in lieu of the unofficial rules of those ask lists, i will publish this even though it makes me feel naked. ok here goes! 
5: What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you?: eep this is hard. objectively speaking, it was probably in high school when i was sick one day, this guy i know rollerbladed to my house with my flower to give to me and say "get well soon!" except it's a little soured by the fact that i had no idea how he'd gotten my address. personally, it's the little things that get me, like putting up with my occasional snapping or offering me free food. if anyone ever buys me a burrito 'just cause' i will follow them forever
6: What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die?: FRANCE (dream coming true this winter), the UK (i take the CC stance on it), new york, greece/italy, and lately argentina because i would love love love to meet sophie.
14: What are four things you can’t live without and why?: MAN WHY DID YOU PICK SUCH HARD ONES?  ok 1) i can't live without my best friend. i can't imagine a future without her in it. i wish that i could love her that way because sometimes i honestly feel like she is my soulmate, but alas. 2) music. 3) my family. is this a cop out? i don't know. i just know that even though they make my life exponentially harder, it makes my heart hurt to think of never speaking to them again. 4) food/air/other whimsical slightly douchey answer
17: What are your biggest fears?: i'm not really afraid of anything physically, except maybe burning alive/drowning (because OW), but i suppose the same things as everyone else. pain, rejection, loss. another one of my biggest fears is never being able to make another meaningful connection with another person.
20: If you could write anonymous letters to three people, who would you send it to and what would you say?: guhgdjsalkf;jea. on the one hand, there are some people in my life who are very negative, have done very destructive things with seemingly no repercussions, who i would very much like to call out on their shit. but ultimately i'm a positive person (or i try to be), so let's focus on that. i'd write one to my best friend (man she is getting a lot of love in this post! sorry hehe) thanking her for all the little ways she's been there for me and helped me to develop as a human being and just for being a beautiful person. i'd write much of the same to chris colfer. third, i'd write to my brother, speaking honestly and frankly about how much his actions in the past have hurt me and also shaped me, for better or for worse. i'd recognize how far he's come and how much it means to me to see how much he's grown as a person, and that i always wanted to turn him in but even when i was young and hurt i knew his potential for good and it heartens me to see how he's grown into it.
god this was so hard
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
pretty sure i just got asked out via text
pretty sure that this is not the first time he has asked, and that the only reason i noticed i was being asked out this time was because he mentioned sushi and my brain connects sushi with dates for whatever reason
also pretty sure that this is very, very sad. how many times has a guy dropped hints or made a move on me and i just didn't realize? is my perpetual singledom a state of my own creation?!
not sure at all how to proceed from here. how does this dating business work, exactly? i am in need of pamphlets
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
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jacobdavid replied to your post: WHY CAN’T I WRITE ANYTHING AND WHEN I DO WHY DOES...
First, I love that song. Second, I don’t think what you write sucks. From what I’ve seen you are good. Writer’s block does suck though. Maybe try free writing? Maybe that will get you in the writing zone and something will come to you?
jake is so damn nice
always humoring my creys
you deserve a pie
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
my first cousin had her first child today. i guess this means i'm an aunt?
he's beautiful, and i'm so happy right now. things are looking up.
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
oh and also beyonce was at my school today
and i missed it because i was sick
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
julianna marguiles is presenting chris' category
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multi-hyphenate · 13 years
darren is so nervous and awkward tonight omg i have never seen him like this
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