multi-pursuits · 3 years
Hey all! 18+ Pixel here (she/her) Looking to start up a voltron roleplay as I’m rewatching the series :) I have everything you need to know on my profile, on my posts! I would prefer to do something canon based, with world building, a possible pre-established relationship, and NSFW/mature themes will also be involved! If interested, like this post or message me!
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multi-pursuits · 3 years
Looking for some voltron 👁👁
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Hey everyone! Back here again. Gonna post my rules, and I’m still open for roleplays! Just gotten over my writers block- for those I owe replies, I will get to by this weekend.
[I will play any character from Promare!]
□ yes, I mainly play Lance/Shouto, but I am not opposed to any other roles! I also allow OC x CC, but don’t be surprised if I reject you.
□ 18+ is perfectly welcomed! Don’t be afraid to get detailed with it, I don’t bite.
□ I’m not picky! I’ll do anything you had in mind.
□ don’t control my character! I won’t control yours.
□ triggers! Stay away from the constant self harm, suicide, depression. It gets real boring real fast in a roleplay. Just discuss with me beforehand if you want to add it in, at least!
□ don’t message me constantly if I haven’t replied. Sometimes I’m busy, sometimes I have writers block. I will most likely reply more if you don’t continually message me.
[] I prefer discord than tumblr!
💙- love
❤️- like
💛- alright with
{} klance (either) 💙
{} jance (either) 💙
{} jeith (either) 💙
{} sheith (preferably Keith) 💛
{} shance (preferably Lance) ❤️
{} allurance (either)💛
{} shklance (any) ❤️
{} James x Keith x Lance (either) 💙
{} kinkade x lance (either) ❤️
{} shadam (either) 💙
{} Todobaku (Todoroki) 💙
{} Bakudeku (either) 💙
{} Tododeku (either) ❤️
{} Kiribaku (either) 💙
{} Todobakudeku (Todoroki/Deku) ❤️
{} Shinkami (either) 💙
{} any others, these are just common ones. I’m pretty flexible for any other ship :)
{} Galolio (either) 💙
{} I’m not too familiar with other ships, but I’m open to any of them!
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multi-pursuits · 3 years
Hey everyone! I’m looking for a Keith or Lance to do Klance with. I’ve already got a plot in mind, which is fairly complex and intense. Which means I’m looking for consistent, eager, literate roleplayers to match me! Plot below, and more of my requirements at the bottom :)
Lance of Gryffindor, Keith of Slytherin (houses are subject of change) have been friends since childhood. They grew up as neighbors, and soon entered Hogwarts together almost side by side. As time goes on, feelings crash in, especially on Lance’s side. He sends his owl with a letter, asking Keith to meet him at the fountain to confess his feelings (they’re about fifteen at this point). However, it seems Lance isn’t the only one.
James Griffin, Slytherin (house subject to change), catches wind of this letter. And instead of it being delivered to Keith, James snatches it, and signs his name instead.
When Keith meets James at the fountain, a broken Lance watching from afar, the pain strikes. Keith did that to rub it in his face, obviously. Keith, who was none the wiser, just lost his best friends, a mutual rivalry beginning rockily.
So! This is the premise of the plot. Once I get to know you and we talk this over, I can go in detail about what and where we should start :) I don’t mind NSFW, I have almost no limits aside from the obvious gross ones. I play switch as both of them, so preferably no sub only people. I’m always open to plot changing, ideas, or even spontaneous NSFW, lmao. I’m not picky, I just love this plot and the slow burn of it. If you’re interested, please let me know! I can do Discord as well as here.
#voltron #bxb #romance #action #slowburn #nsfw #1x1 #longterm #drama #klance #vldrp #roleplay #writing
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
I don’t know if anyone will see this OR reply to it, but I just read Heat Wave...
And DreamNotFound is the best thing right now. Considering my writing abilities, I can play either one, and I’ve got so many ideas! Please! Hit me up here or message me for discord and we can plot :)
If you like this post/comment on it, I’m most likely going to message you! So if you don’t want me to bombard you, FYI 😂
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
The last thing Lance expected was for Keith Kogane to get anybody presents. Not to be offensive! Not in the slightest. It just so happened that Lance was fairly sure Keith barely knew what Christmas meant, and the fact he was never a fan of Hunk’s bear hugs (at least, not outwardly) was also a huge giveaway. Besides, going to the Blade, living in space for another while... Lance didn’t know how he did it. Coran was reforming Altea, and had even suggested that Lance came. He had to reject that, because as nice as it sounded, he didn’t want to be reminded of Allura daily. Not when it often brought him pain, or that a glance in the mirror brought up the fact that the giver of bright blue marks couldn’t even take them away.
It was Christmas! Not Depression-mas. Now was not the time to be mulling over his dead girlfriend. Now was the time to celebrate the fact Keith was actually joining them for opening presents and being part of their little family. Lance could hardly wait to go home and tell his sister and niece and nephew all about the holiday. Lance could barely contain his excitement, but he was always enthusiastic about holidays. Who wouldn’t be? He followed Shiro to the dining table, and took his seat with a satisfied hum. Hunk was excited to share his food with the team, and Lance was eager to hear stories about Keith in space. He missed space a lot, truly. It gave him something else to think about, and if anything, Christmas would be good for him. He hadn’t been able to meet that look Keith gave him earlier— he never found himself able to lie to especially Keith. So, he didn’t bother telling the truth, and he didn’t bother creating a lie.
Dinner wasn’t bad, not at all. Hunk seemed quite proud of the food he cooked and baked for the paladins, and Lance shoved his face with most of it. Even Shiro seemed to be enjoying himself, and as much as Lance didn’t know Curtis, he seemed to be having fun as well. Thankfully. He kind of felt bad for him. Brushing that aside, they finished up dinner with tons of talking. Lots of Lance nagging Keith, praising Hunk’s food, and Pidge making fun of most of them. Shiro settled the peace when a food fight was tempting to be created (yet again), and they were dismissed because supposedly, Shiro didn’t trust them to do the dishes. Lance was perfectly fine with that, truly, and they were instead sent to the living room. Being Christmas Eve, they still had time to kill and then some before bed. Lance was relaxing on the couch, legs kicked up obnoxiously to take up as much space as possible. His eyes were focused on the presents under the tree like a kid looking at candy. “I vote we get to open one present tonight.”
Pidge arched a brow, amusement clear on their features. “Then what’s point of Christmas?” They teased, and Lance rolled his eyes, waving a hand a briefly glancing to Keith. “My point still stands.”
Lance didn’t even need to hear Hunk’s call. He knew as soon as the door opened that Keith was there, and subconsciously his lips cracked into a grin. He only heard the muffled sounds of everyone greeting him, and it didn’t take long for the brunet to bust it down the stairs. In doing so, he nearly fell flat on his face, but in a huff he stood at the bottom of the steps and facing Keith. Keith in all his glory. It was Keith, sure enough- smooth jawline, burned scar across his cheek, and holy crow that was some long hair. Really, really long hair. His fingers practically itched to run through it or make fun of it.
Lance was left in some sort of stupor for a moment, which he quickly shook out of and approached his former teammate with a blooming grin. “Mullet! Look at that, my favorite team member.” He feigned approaching him, before dipping down to Kosmo’s height with a wry smirk pulling more amusedly on his lips. Lance loved to pet the space wolf, all the the hot dog breath and slobber he tried to get on his skin. He veered away from it and ended up standing up, ocean eyes clashing with violet shores. His heart almost caught in his throat. Okay, woah, that’s a bit much. It was just Keith! Muscular, cooler, Keith. Right…
His hand collided with Keith’s back, sliding further to embrace his shoulders and then pull his chest towards his own, other hand wrapping where his arm rested. A firm hug, one he hadn’t experienced with Keith more than once before. He pulled away before he could think about it much more. “Glad you made it on time. And, I just so happened to finish up some presents.” He nudged Keith with his elbow in the side. Lance turned back to the rest of the group, clasping his hands together simply and gesturing to both the couch and the dining room. “Food ready yet? Or should we spend time talking about how we could all braid Keith’s hair?” His eyes slid back to the victim of his sentence, and he heard Pidge give a snort of amusement.
Hunk just grinned a little and nodded. “Food’s all set out! We can catch up more over that?” He suggested, and Lance was already agreeing, glancing to Shiro.
“Oh yeah, your favorite, I’m sure.” Keith rolled violet hues, not even remotely surprised as Lance had pretended to approach him, only to approach the huge space wolf at his side instead. That was just typical Lance, and though it still annoyed him every so often, it was something that he had softened towards over time. Voltron as a whole had really softened him, made him realize he didn’t have to be so closed off, didn’t have to put up a wall to protect himself from getting hurt. They had his back, and he had theirs, and Keith was a lot more smiling and laughing with them now than he had been when he had first been stuck in space with a group of strangers. 
What had shocked him more than Lance’s typical response, though, was the actual, genuine hug of affection. He had been worried about Lance, since the loss of Allura. Of course, they had all felt it and all been impacted, but he knew Lance had taken in harder than the others due to his feelings. Keith had shoved his own feelings aside, being happy for his friend. He deserved to be happy, with someone that wasn’t emotionally compromised. Eyes widened a bit, arms frozen to his sides, before moving upwards and embracing Lance, squeezing him tightly against his muscled torso. As soon as they pulled back from each other, Keith’s eyes searched Lance - wanting to make sure the other was okay. 
However, the mention of presents made him freeze. He was….still not completely savvy with the gift thing, because he hadn’t grown up with much, and holidays were still a fairly new thing to him. “I didn’t get anyone presents. I should go and get some.” Keith seemed cool on the outside, but internally he was panicked, like he had messed up everything. He was sure that was why he felt Shiro’s human hand on his shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze. “I’m sure everyone agrees that the fact that you came is more than enough.” Leave it to Shiro to not only be the voice of reason, but to know Keith better than anyone else, and calming him even when he didn’t voice that he needed calming. He visibly softened, giving a small nod. 
“I’m still so new to all this holiday stuff. Even in space with you guys, the war was still always on my mind and - “ Thank fuck, for once, for Lance, coming in with the save in regards to his hair. Keith snorted at this, shooting Lance a look, before Shiro was guiding them all towards the kitchen. Curtis, of course, was there as well, and Keith smiled as he stood, embracing his best friend’s husband. They exchanged their words, Curtis explaining that he hadn’t wanted to intrude on them all catching up - not that Keith would consider it an intrusion, he was their best man after all. Grabbing a seat, Kosmo laid his huge head against Keith’s lap, the paladin laughing and ruffling his fur with a gloved hand. “How about you go play outside, buddy?” Keith tilted his head, giving him a knowing look with violet eyes, and with a sharp cracking sound, the giant wolf had disappeared. 
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
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I’ve got too many rps on my haNDS BUT HEy no better time to start more! Looking for some Voltron roleplayers mainly, look at my rules for what ships and who I’ll play, would prefer 18+ due to mature themes! I don’t bite, and we can def move to discord!
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
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Life imitates art
34K notes · View notes
multi-pursuits · 4 years
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6M notes · View notes
multi-pursuits · 4 years
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KRBK VS TDDK paintball fight!!!!
And the last pridepaint ~! And will be back with that next year for sure!
(As always! I allow reposts with CREDIT to my Instagram Mariliya )
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
Replies will come at some point! Apologies for being spotty :,) this summer has been jam packed with everything. That aside, I’ll do my best to be a little more consistent! If you’re interested in starting a plot with me, like this post or shoot me a message!
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Back here again. Gonna post my rules, and I’m still open for roleplays! Just gotten over my writers block- for those I owe replies, I will get to by this weekend.
[I will play any character from Promare!]
□ yes, I mainly play Lance/Shouto, but I am not opposed to any other roles! I also allow OC x CC, but don’t be surprised if I reject you.
□ 18+ is perfectly welcomed! Don’t be afraid to get detailed with it, I don’t bite.
□ I’m not picky! I’ll do anything you had in mind.
□ don’t control my character! I won’t control yours.
□ triggers! Stay away from the constant self harm, suicide, depression. It gets real boring real fast in a roleplay. Just discuss with me beforehand if you want to add it in, at least!
□ don’t message me constantly if I haven’t replied. Sometimes I’m busy, sometimes I have writers block. I will most likely reply more if you don’t continually message me.
[] I prefer discord than tumblr!
💙- love
❤️- like
💛- alright with
{} klance (either) 💙
{} jance (either) 💙
{} jeith (either) 💙
{} sheith (preferably Keith) 💛
{} shance (preferably Lance) ❤️
{} allurance (either)💛
{} shklance (any) ❤️
{} James x Keith x Lance (either) 💙
{} kinkade x lance (either) ❤️
{} shadam (either) 💙
{} Todobaku (Todoroki) 💙
{} Bakudeku (either) 💙
{} Tododeku (either) ❤️
{} Kiribaku (either) 💙
{} Todobakudeku (Todoroki/Deku) ❤️
{} Shinkami (either) 💙
{} any others, these are just common ones. I’m pretty flexible for any other ship :)
{} Galolio (either) 💙
{} I’m not too familiar with other ships, but I’m open to any of them!
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
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23K notes · View notes
multi-pursuits · 4 years
Todoroki had his doubts about Bakugou’s pristine image as a student at UA. He was always denying what he suggested and told to do, and sometimes he would even clearly deviate from it.
And it wasn’t that Todoroki didn’t like the individual style, it just wasn’t his groove. If he could come down on Bakugou about it, he’d call it a win-win. It was true that Izuku probably didn’t get this much slack, but with his power it was hard to question the authority and ideas he had behind it. No offense to the spastic blond in front of him, but it was more than worrisome to know he could show up at any moment or not show up at all. Unpredictability was not one of Shoto’s favorite things. He wanted to be predictable, even if it didn’t come so in handy in battle. He was adjusting it; working on it, nonetheless. “It’s not that I’m down on them, I’m just-“ he paused. Worried? Was that the right word for it? “-concerned. Is all.”
In favor of not arguing with Bakugou, the spew of insulting yet cocky words had the two toned hero breathing a sigh. A hand lifted to pinch the bridge of his nose, training an icy eye and a duller one onto red hues. “For now,” Todoroki decided aloud, bringing his hands to slide into his pockets. He walked past the other pro, taking a peek down both sides of the sidewalk. He was sure he could faintly see his intern walking towards them, and he wouldn’t blame him for the slowness. Anyone would want to stay away from Bakugou if they had the chance. “If by ditch you mean you’re going to leave, farewell.” The intern grew closer, and he could definitely tell that was anything but alcoholic. He’d have to thank him for that later, but for now he turned back to the explosive quirked hero. “I’ll call it a night when I make sure he’s at home, safe, and when I am far enough away from you.” He felt rather proud at that one. Maybe the emotional advice Deku had given him was paying off, as his lips twitched into a more defined smirk.
He didn’t consider himself to be all cooped up either in the Hero world— it was nice having a schedule, being told what to do and when to do it, how to do it sometimes. It gave him a purpose, and even as much as he didn’t show it, he enjoyed the life. More or less.
Still, Todoroki found himself listening to the little comments, inspecting the scene surrounding them. One in particular wasn’t the kindest, and Bakugou was lucky they were in public. An icy fist clenched, threatening to impale the other with the solid cold that it could produce so sharply. He relaxed his fist, gaining control over it and spinning abruptly on his heel to approach the other. “My father has nothing—“ he took a deep breath. He knew antagonizing was the main goal here. And boy, did Bakugou make it hard to like him. Yet, somehow, Todoroki’s heart and mind prevailed after all this time. “First of all, any hero can gain the leisure I have. You just have to earn respect, and I know you struggle with it.” His uneven gaze landed on the almost smug hero, standing mere feet away.
“And weren’t you— well, we, just as bad when we started out?” He skeptically pointed out, shuffling a hand through his white and red strands, settling on shoving them into his pockets. A smile even faintly tugged on the corners of his mouth. Almost amused. “He’s new. He’ll learn.” Of course, Todoroki has always considered running off with Bakugou and joining the whole ‘save people at your own want’, as he was fairly sure Midoriya was doing something similar. The last time he’d spoke to him, he was on his way to almost out of the country for something. “Now, are you done berating me on teaching habits you’ll never understand?” He breathed a sigh, exasperated. He thought about offering a dinner, or at least something to do before they split ways. He could talk to Bakugou without it being solely on hero work, and perhaps even learn he isn’t all what his big ego entails. Then again, he didn’t want that to go to the blond’s head.
“I was never like that.” Bakugou was more offended than he should have been but Todoroki’s correction to make it generally inclusive didn’t make him feel better about it. The blond had worked hard to be sure he didn’t walk into U.A as oblivious punk. Sure, he was still a punk but he had his hero career mapped out further than any of them. He’d never admit how much help his friends were. Though it did nothing to change the fact that they had been handling worse things than tonight’s criminal from younger ages.
“Why are you so down on individuals?” Vigilantism made his work sound less honorable. “Does Deku have to put up with this much shit from you or do you save it all with the hopes of running into me?” He was over the constant comparison and competition; having found sturdy common ground with Izuku. However, his tone slipped to softly snarl the name. All Might never bothered with anything more than the occasional sidekick and Midoriya followed in his footsteps though it was doubtful Todoroki wasted time questioning the different path then. Then again, Shoto had the irritating habit of being that nagging voice in the blond’s ear. It was an unavoidable mistake to allow the other to get close when they were younger. He should have set off an explosion in the other’s face the first time he barked an order at him. Maybe then he wouldn’t be so delusional as to think Bakugou needed the extra monitoring. Aim an explosion this way, don’t rush into things, bitching about catching up, interning with Endeavor. He never asked for the other’s help yet he was usually nearby to open his mouth. Todoroki’s habit of telling him what he already knew pissed him off and it seemed neither of them grew out of it.
“Admit it, I do twice the work as you and you’re sick of waiting for action to come to you. AND! If it wasn’t for me, you’d be spending the night writing up the newbie’s injuries and signing off with the police. But since I took him down, that frees you up.” He stood straighter. “So you wanna ditch the hopeful and call it a night?”
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
He didn’t consider himself to be all cooped up either in the Hero world— it was nice having a schedule, being told what to do and when to do it, how to do it sometimes. It gave him a purpose, and even as much as he didn’t show it, he enjoyed the life. More or less.
Still, Todoroki found himself listening to the little comments, inspecting the scene surrounding them. One in particular wasn’t the kindest, and Bakugou was lucky they were in public. An icy fist clenched, threatening to impale the other with the solid cold that it could produce so sharply. He relaxed his fist, gaining control over it and spinning abruptly on his heel to approach the other. “My father has nothing—“ he took a deep breath. He knew antagonizing was the main goal here. And boy, did Bakugou make it hard to like him. Yet, somehow, Todoroki’s heart and mind prevailed after all this time. “First of all, any hero can gain the leisure I have. You just have to earn respect, and I know you struggle with it.” His uneven gaze landed on the almost smug hero, standing mere feet away.
“And weren’t you— well, we, just as bad when we started out?” He skeptically pointed out, shuffling a hand through his white and red strands, settling on shoving them into his pockets. A smile even faintly tugged on the corners of his mouth. Almost amused. “He’s new. He’ll learn.” Of course, Todoroki has always considered running off with Bakugou and joining the whole ‘save people at your own want’, as he was fairly sure Midoriya was doing something similar. The last time he’d spoke to him, he was on his way to almost out of the country for something. “Now, are you done berating me on teaching habits you’ll never understand?” He breathed a sigh, exasperated. He thought about offering a dinner, or at least something to do before they split ways. He could talk to Bakugou without it being solely on hero work, and perhaps even learn he isn’t all what his big ego entails. Then again, he didn’t want that to go to the blond’s head.
Todoroki promptly scoffed at the response. He didn’t need saving, especially not by the explosive hero. His conclusion had been correct; Katsuki had not budged one bit in his irritating nature. It seemed not even age could mature his raw attitude and aggressive stances. Thrilling. He stiffened at the arm around his shoulders, narrowly turning his multicolored gaze onto the other who was leaning towards his trainee. He could always count on Bakugou to say inspiring words, couldn’t he? The kid looked rather intimidated by both his words and the stance he took, and Todoroki was just relieved when he didn’t have a heavy arm slung over his shoulder.
If he didn’t have more self control, he would most definitely be irritably calling Bakugou out on the insulting words. He knew he was just persuading him to let loose, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Getting new heroes started every day sounded like a more promising life, even in his father’s agency. “I’ve not sunk low, I’m helping.” He furrowed his brows, staring more intently on the frustrating hero beside him. “I’m training him just fine, too.” Todoroki didn’t plan on thanking Bakugou for anything— he didn’t ask for his help. So, take that.
Not to mention, he was still being the arrogant ass he had been all that time back at the UA. Damn. It had been so long, and so little had changed. Besides, he wasn’t taking direct orders. Being the son of Endeavor had his bonus points. He got to tell people what to do as well. Todoroki raised a cold hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, exhaling and remaining composed. He was beginning to wonder just how Bakugou was still alive when running on his own like this. Despite Bakugou’s snappy words, Todoroki have a gentle nod to the newbie. It couldn’t hurt— and he was clearly eager to speed off out of the other’s presence. Smooth. “You plan on being a hero while drinking?” He skeptically quirked a brow, glancing around the scene to see if there was anything he could fix. Nothing came to mind, so he had to stay put.
“I’m not joining your little vigilante idea, if that’s what you’re trying to do. Being an ass to my intern isn’t going to score you big points either.” Todoroki stepped towards the rubble of the fight, kicking some rocks out of the way for the police to better access and work with discovering what happened and who this was. “How come you won’t settle on an agency? I’m not being told what to do.” Too much. Todoroki could attempt to be just as persistent and persuading as Bakugou. Probably kinder, really.
“You think that low of me?” He was as straightedge as he’d ever been and never told the kid what to buy him and any nonalcoholic drink he was brought, he’d pass it off to the nearest bystander with the tip to stay hydrated. It was just a way to get the other alone though it seemed human behavior was still a mystery to the two-toned hero. “I wouldn’t dare ask you to leave the red tape world. You wouldn’t know how to enjoy the freedom.” It’d be too much to ask the other to relax a bit. Bakugou took his work seriously but he had fun with it. Todoroki still seemed to be as determined as ever. Head down and structured as if it was a job. Well, the blond supposed it was but he could have seemed more alive by it.
“If I joined an agency, it’d cut into my free time. Then how would you ever see me?” It’d be impossible to find one place to work for that would allow him to keep track of those he needed to. Not to mention he had a hard enough time getting internships. He knew he was a great hero but he was still somewhat of a liability. To find someone to take him on full time would take some convincing. It seemed like a ton of work to have someone tell him what to do and complain about how he went rogue during something. At least on his own, anytime someone complained he could point out the good caused by his chaos. His arms were crossed over a parking meter for support. “Besides, I’m not cut out to be a babysitter.” If he had to train a try hard or a brat- he wasn’t sure how anyone were able to put up with any of them when they were younger. “Y'know, the reins are only loosened on you because of Endeavor.”  
Bakugou knew the nerve that could strike and almost regretted saying it but it was sort of true. The agency was nearly gifted to him along with all of the staff. It was doubtful too many would fight the mini flame on anything he said or did. “You let all your rookies run ahead when there’s trouble?”
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
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Hey everyone! Back here again. Gonna post my rules, and I’m still open for roleplays! Just gotten over my writers block- for those I owe replies, I will get to by this weekend.
□ yes, I mainly play Lance/Izuku, but I am not opposed to any other roles! I also allow OC x CC, but don’t be surprised if I reject you.
□ 18+ is perfectly welcomed! Don’t be afraid to get detailed with it, I don’t bite.
□ I’m not picky! I’ll do anything you had in mind.
□ don’t control my character! I won’t control yours.
□ triggers! Stay away from the dark stuff, depression, all of it. It gets real boring real fast in a roleplay. Just discuss with me beforehand if you want to add it in, at least!
□ don’t message me constantly if I haven’t replied. Sometimes I’m busy, sometimes I have writers block. I will most likely reply more if you don’t continually message me.
[] I prefer discord than tumblr!
💙- love
❤️- like
💛- alright with
{} klance (either) 💙
{} jance (either) 💙
{} jeith (either) 💙
{} sheith (preferably Keith) 💛
{} shance (preferably Lance) ❤️
{} allurance (either)💛
{} shklance (any) ❤️
{} James x Keith x Lance (either) 💙
{} kinkade x lance (either) ❤️
{} shadam (either) 💙
{} Todobaku (Todoroki) 💙
{} Bakudeku (either) 💙
{} Tododeku (either) ❤️
{} Kiribaku (either) 💙
{} Todobakudeku (Todoroki/Deku) ❤️
{} any others, these are just common ones. I’m pretty flexible for any other ship :)
46 notes · View notes
multi-pursuits · 4 years
Todoroki promptly scoffed at the response. He didn’t need saving, especially not by the explosive hero. His conclusion had been correct; Katsuki had not budged one bit in his irritating nature. It seemed not even age could mature his raw attitude and aggressive stances. Thrilling. He stiffened at the arm around his shoulders, narrowly turning his multicolored gaze onto the other who was leaning towards his trainee. He could always count on Bakugou to say inspiring words, couldn’t he? The kid looked rather intimidated by both his words and the stance he took, and Todoroki was just relieved when he didn’t have a heavy arm slung over his shoulder.
If he didn’t have more self control, he would most definitely be irritably calling Bakugou out on the insulting words. He knew he was just persuading him to let loose, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Getting new heroes started every day sounded like a more promising life, even in his father’s agency. “I’ve not sunk low, I’m helping.” He furrowed his brows, staring more intently on the frustrating hero beside him. “I’m training him just fine, too.” Todoroki didn’t plan on thanking Bakugou for anything— he didn’t ask for his help. So, take that.
Not to mention, he was still being the arrogant ass he had been all that time back at the UA. Damn. It had been so long, and so little had changed. Besides, he wasn’t taking direct orders. Being the son of Endeavor had his bonus points. He got to tell people what to do as well. Todoroki raised a cold hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, exhaling and remaining composed. He was beginning to wonder just how Bakugou was still alive when running on his own like this. Despite Bakugou’s snappy words, Todoroki have a gentle nod to the newbie. It couldn’t hurt— and he was clearly eager to speed off out of the other’s presence. Smooth. “You plan on being a hero while drinking?” He skeptically quirked a brow, glancing around the scene to see if there was anything he could fix. Nothing came to mind, so he had to stay put.
“I’m not joining your little vigilante idea, if that’s what you’re trying to do. Being an ass to my intern isn’t going to score you big points either.” Todoroki stepped towards the rubble of the fight, kicking some rocks out of the way for the police to better access and work with discovering what happened and who this was. “How come you won’t settle on an agency? I’m not being told what to do.” Too much. Todoroki could attempt to be just as persistent and persuading as Bakugou. Probably kinder, really.
It was anything but relaxing to be working with his own father, Shouto knew that first hand. He’d been doing it since he was kid, whether he knew it or not. Despite his own reluctance to this idea, he couldn’t agree that hopping from agency to agency was some better idea. Unlike someone he knew. That time spent at UA was anything but useless. His quirk had been a little more controlled, and becoming a pro hero, he was learning strategies well enough. Especially without Endeavor looking over his shoulder.
A patrol within Hosu city was something he’d been assigned, and then he was to trade off for the day to another hero. He expected the crime to be low, as it had been the past couple of days, but he knew not to be caught too off guard. That’s exactly what happened, as much as he hoped it not to be. He heard the faint crumble of cement nearby, and with a glance to his newbie in the patrol, he’d came running towards it. Although, it seemed the hero he’d been attempting to train for ambitious; he spurred forward and attempted to take on the situation. Not again..
Shaking his thoughts away, Shouto skidded to a stop at the scene. He faintly saw the criminal get apprehended by another hero. Police officers had already gathered, and that same kid was looking shyly at the ground, scuffing some cracked rocks from his uncontrolled quirk problems. Although, that wasn’t what he’d ended up looking at. It was the familiar blond aggressively dragging the antagonist over to awaiting police. What else did he expect? A smile or a smirk never matched Katsuki’s, his lips still formed into a frown. He could’ve had it, he just had to have been quicker. A police officer grabbed the criminal to tighten up handcuffs around him, the cars waiting to throw him inside and get him back to the station for questioning.
Normally, Shouto would follow and make sure they got satisfied. Except now, this new hero had his attention. He approached a few feet away, heterochromatic eyes skeptically looking at the other hero. “What’re you doing here?” He finally asked, arms settling in a cross position over his chest. “I could’ve handled it. He’s in training.” He gestured to the starting hero who trudged over to them and the less abused side of the scene. “Don’t be hard on him.” Of course, that wasn’t going to stop Katsuki. Never did, but Shouto thought it was worth a shot to at least tell him. Maybe after all this time, he’d matured. It was definitely a doubt.
“Heard you were patrolling around here. I figured I’d come save your ass if anything happened.” With a smug smile, Bakugou shrugged at the lie. He kept tabs on Kirishima and Kaminari but run-ins with the rest of the class were happy accidents. “Training, huh?” The rookie wasn’t much by the looks of it. “Then you suck at training because he’s couldn’t even keep up and that guy was a joke. Hell, even you could have caught him.” An arm was thrown around the temperature hero’s shoulders as he leaned forward to catch the kid’s gaze. The height difference wasn’t drastic but the intimidation was still there. “Is that the problem, kid? Well, when you don’t train with the best- this is what you end up with. I’ll give you some advice even Todoroki here doesn’t know- you thank me when I make your save for you. The way you are, it’ll be happening a lot.”
He pulled his arm back to his side and stood up, shifting his attention back to the Pro. “You should be thanking me too, bastard, instead of trying to tell me what to do. You can’t even control your rookie.” If the youngest of them didn’t pay attention to the two toned one, there was no chance Bakugou would take the suggestion of being nice. “Training newbies. Ugh. You’ve sunk so low.” Another agency issue he didn’t have to deal with. If there was someone he say potential in he’d make a point to inspire the future heroes without signing hours sheets or putting up with insecure tears. “Guess that means you’re still taking orders from the top?” Being told what areas to patrol, when to start and finish, being bound by policies. It was too strict a life for the blond to commit to. “When are you going to learn?”
He could have left; should have left. Though he was reaching into his side pocket to dig out a few bills. “Kid, go get me a drink. We’ll watch things out here for you.” The questioning look the rookie gave Todoroki pissed him off. “The fuck you looking at him for. I told you to go. He’s fine with it.”
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multi-pursuits · 4 years
It was anything but relaxing to be working with his own father, Shouto knew that first hand. He’d been doing it since he was kid, whether he knew it or not. Despite his own reluctance to this idea, he couldn’t agree that hopping from agency to agency was some better idea. Unlike someone he knew. That time spent at UA was anything but useless. His quirk had been a little more controlled, and becoming a pro hero, he was learning strategies well enough. Especially without Endeavor looking over his shoulder.
A patrol within Hosu city was something he’d been assigned, and then he was to trade off for the day to another hero. He expected the crime to be low, as it had been the past couple of days, but he knew not to be caught too off guard. That’s exactly what happened, as much as he hoped it not to be. He heard the faint crumble of cement nearby, and with a glance to his newbie in the patrol, he’d came running towards it. Although, it seemed the hero he’d been attempting to train for ambitious; he spurred forward and attempted to take on the situation. Not again..
Shaking his thoughts away, Shouto skidded to a stop at the scene. He faintly saw the criminal get apprehended by another hero. Police officers had already gathered, and that same kid was looking shyly at the ground, scuffing some cracked rocks from his uncontrolled quirk problems. Although, that wasn’t what he’d ended up looking at. It was the familiar blond aggressively dragging the antagonist over to awaiting police. What else did he expect? A smile or a smirk never matched Katsuki’s, his lips still formed into a frown. He could’ve had it, he just had to have been quicker. A police officer grabbed the criminal to tighten up handcuffs around him, the cars waiting to throw him inside and get him back to the station for questioning.
Normally, Shouto would follow and make sure they got satisfied. Except now, this new hero had his attention. He approached a few feet away, heterochromatic eyes skeptically looking at the other hero. “What’re you doing here?” He finally asked, arms settling in a cross position over his chest. “I could’ve handled it. He’s in training.” He gestured to the starting hero who trudged over to them and the less abused side of the scene. “Don’t be hard on him.” Of course, that wasn’t going to stop Katsuki. Never did, but Shouto thought it was worth a shot to at least tell him. Maybe after all this time, he’d matured. It was definitely a doubt.
The myth of the hero world was that of agencies. Throughout his time at U.A. everyone had tried to push the need to create a team and lock themselves into one agency. Katsuki couldn’t have disagreed more. There were plenty of Pros that never climbed in that box. Though conforming wasn’t the only reason he never joined there was a ton of reasons he stayed on his own. He was able to check in with and work with a bunch of his friends, his name made the headlines instead of a group, fewer people had to worry about him and fewer people he had to look after as they got hurt. His internship with Hakamata showed him what happened when things when bad and the internship with Endeavor proved only the top guy got the glory.
Besides, he saw more than enough action on his on. He was currently proving that as a blast boosted him in front of what he could only describe as a rookie with two left feet. “Damn rookies.” As much as he wanted to yell at the young hero for getting in the way and not knowing how to handle themselves, he couldn’t because they allowed some low level criminal get the best of them. The blond shook his head thinking about how the could would probably end up getting the interview. With another explosion, he was able to close the gap and aim for the criminal’s ankle.
One hit and a light tackle was all it took to take the guy down. Bakugou braced his hand over the man’s face with a devious grin. “Gimmie a reason.” It was slightly disappointing to not get one; just a whole lot of whining about a shattered ankle. “Stop bitching.” Raising him to his feet was done a little less gingerly as he started walked towards the crime scene with grip around the criminal’s arm. “I’m not dragging you. WALK.” Crossing paths with the wannabe hero, a scoff of annoyance escaped him. “First day with the new quirk, kid?” Once he was able to view the scene, the familiarity was spotted. “Tch.” A soft smirk played his features. “That guy never changes.”
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