Head Cannon 100
Every single Northsider who insists they hate the Southside, will still go there, because it's where the Taco Bell in Riverdale is.
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Head Cannon 99
Archie Andrews vehemently refuses to eat carrots and will not eat something if he thinks there's carrots in it.
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What are the kids middle names?
Yes, I made up middle names for the kids who don’t have ones (I think everyone but Chery, Jughead, and Veronica?) that have been canonically given.
Archibald Steven Andrews
Veronica Cecilia Lodge
Elizabeth Lucille Cooper
Forsythe Pendleton Jones III
Cheryl Marjorie Blossom
Antoinette Lilith Topaz
Todd James Fogarty
Craig Gregory  Daniels (Sweet Pea)
Kevin Elliot Keller
Marmaduke James Mason
Reginald Blake Mantle
Josephine Grace McCoy
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idk if you’ve done one of these but could you do barchie headcanons?
(Y’all, even if it’s something I’ve answered, feel free to send me a question. I always have answers)
Archie knows how to braid hair, because he learned to help Betty.
They were always field trip buddies in elementary school.
Archie’s the one who got her the crown sweater. It was for her birthday,
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Head Canon 98
Archie always tries to get someone to go hiking with him, but every single person refuses.
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Headcanon 97
Reggie Mantle will, without fail fall asleep if you play with his hair.
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It's me againnn. I'm the anon from earlier with the Jarchie. But I really gotta ask.... Jarchie cuddling...... how does this go down? (Sorry, I love your blog so much, I legit can't get enough, and Jarchie is my legit weakness)
You don’t have to apologize! It honestly makes my heart so happy to have people asking me things about something I enjoy as much as I enjoy Riverdale!
A concept: It started on a camping trip. Jughead kept complaining that he was cold, so Archie wrapped his arms around him to shut him up. It became a common thing. They could be anywhere. Just “Arch I’m cold.” and they cuddle.
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Ok this is the most important question and I can't seem to figure it out. For Jarchie, who's top and who's bottom? Like who's the big spoon, who's the little spoon? I need answers
I'm a firm believer that Archie tops, but I would gladly accept any evidence to the contrary.
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Head Canon 96
Sweet Pea collects knives.
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Riverdale Couples most to least likely to try pegging?
I’m a little ashamed of how much thought I had to put into this.
Most- Veggie
Whatever the ship name is for Josie and Sweet Pea
Whatever the ship name is for Sweet Pea and Betty
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Varchie headcanons please!!
Veronica can and will fuss until Archie lets her be the big spoon.
It’s mainly when they watch horror movies, because Archie acts all big and bad till they’re going to bed, and she’s having to cuddle him.
“For the last time Archikins, Freddy Kreuger isn’t real, now go to sleep”.
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Got any Jarchie headcanons?
They shared their first kiss at the age of 10 behind Pop’s.
Jughead keeps a journal where he thinks about his ideal future. It involves Archie, a kid, and at least 2 dogs. 
Their usual date night is watching low budget science fiction movies. 
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I absolutely LOVE your headcannons and I have a question. Are they open for everyone to write, and can I post what I write for these on wattpad?
Yes! Of course. Just let me know, I would love to read them. 
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How did Fangs earn the nickname?
I have always gone with the idea that during the gauntlet, he just bit the absolute shit out of Sweet Pea.
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Head Canon 95
Fangs is the middle child of 5. 
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could you do a archieronnie headcanon???
The only Spanish Archie knows is I love you. 
Veronica offered to tutor him.
They bake together
Archie just ends up making a mess, but it makes Veronica laugh.
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Head Canon 94
It’s thanks to Reggie and Sweet Pea that Roman Candles can’t be sold in the Riverdale city limits.
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