Do you guys have a PO box? You know, so people can send you fan art!
Hello! The crew hears you loud and clear and got The Director open a PO box! The actors each have also opened their own PO boxes as well in case anyone wants to send something to them instead of to the studio!
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Hello everyone I know I've been gone however fret not I did not abandon the blog! In fact I got somethin pretty big planned for it havin to do with a certain MD Fanzine I got accepted into!
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Starring Loraine Prescott as 'Lizzy'.
#Loraine Prescott
American actress and pilot Loraine Prescott didn't think about it twice before jumping to get the role of Lizzy, and yes, she worded is as "get" not audition. She was so enamoured by the character she just had to give it her all to get the role. And she did, the crew was enamoured by her performance right off the bat.
Personality wise Loraine is Viktoria's other half when it comes to being outgoing and planning parties and girl's nights out, when she was told what Lizzy's outfit would be she was over the moon as she noted how she used to be the leader of her cheerleader team back in her highschool years and promptly showed off some of the moves she knows. Loraine also confesses that she used to be a bit of a Pilot Lizzy at the time, however she's grown up, realized her mistakes, apologized and improved herself ever since.
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Starring Lloyd Castillo as 'Thad'.
#Lloyd Castillo
After a coulple years long break from the acting world, Spanish actor and professional surfer Lloyd Castillo makes his big return as Thad in Murder Drones. The crew was over the moon when they went through the list of candidates for Thad and saw Lloyd's name.
Personality wise Lloyd is Thad x100, he's a laid back dude who also likes to party, previously having worked on series in the style of Big Time Rush, Hannah Montana and Victorious, Lloyd thrives in these kinds of roles. However after a bad experience with the last series he worked on he decided to take a break from acting, possibly to even retire from the field all together, turning instead to his childhood hobby of surfing and making of it his brand new career, it wasn't until recent when Nathaniel mentioned Murder Drones that his interest for acting peaked again.
Lloyd gets along well with everyone although he enjoys Nathaniel, Willow and Loraine's company the most. He's the first one to offer his house for parties if Loraine hasn't offered hers yet.
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Starring Anya Kotov as 'Yeva'.
#Anya Kotov
When the recast and rewrite for Doll happened the crew were concerned about finding someone for Yeva's role as originally she didn't even exist. Lucky for everyone Dominika saved the day, bringing over a friend who had a hobby of acting at plays. Anya Kotov aced her audition as Yeva and was warmly welcomed into the team.
Personality wise Anya is a very active girl, despite her role as Doll's mother, Anya is the youngest of the cast, volunteering at her local theater to fill up roles when they need people for them her actual job is being a pizza delievery girl. Her biggest hobby is snowboarding and she hopes to make it to the ranks of the professionals one day soon.
Anya likes spending time the most with Willow, Lloyd and June, asides from with Dominika of course, but gets along well with everyone. Anya moved to America at a pretty young age so while present, her accent is not quite as strong as Dominika's.
-Note from The Director: Anya's accent is around the same as Doll's in the Russian dub for Murder Drones.-
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Starring Dominika Lipovsky as 'Doll'.
#Dominika Lipovsky
Doll had to be recast after the Pilot for two reasons, Daliah Lauren, her old actor became unavailable to film the rest of the series and changes in the script had Doll become a more prominent character as well as made her of Russian origin, meant to fluently speak the language. The crew feared they might struggle with this change at such a short notice, however it was Lauren herself that brought Dominika to the crew who immediatly said yes to their stellar performance and demeanor.
Personality wise Dominika is an ambivert and the 3rd member of the besties group formed by Viktoria and Loraine, they come off as pretty cold and shut in at first but opens up and reveals to be pretty fun and caring when you get to know them. Probably the lowest energy one of the entire cast, Dominika works perfectly to balance out the high energies of Viktoria and Loraine. They and Zilla get along swimmingly.
Dominika notes having had some initial trouble comunicating with everyone else on the set as their heavy accent caught everyone off guard, nowadays however there are no issues understanding what they're saying, however substitles are less of a comodity and more of a requirement when Dominika is being interviewed.
-Note by The Director: Refer to this video by LifeOfBoris to know how heavy Dominika's accent is.-
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Starring Kingston Ashmore as 'Khan Doorman'.
#Kingston Ashmore
The crew notes the character of Khan Doorman to have been a tricky one, he went through various iterations before landing on the Khan we all know and probably don't love nowadays. Through all of these iterations he had multiple people audition for him, however it wasn't until famous English voice actor Kingston Ashmore stepped in that all the pieces clicked together.
Personality wise Kingston is the complete opposite to Khan, he's a loving man with a soft spot for kids and teens, a fan of animals, previous to becoming a voice actor he worked at an animal sanctuary, Kingston had never acted outside of voicing characters but he never seemed nervous about it. Generally loved by everyone, he likes to invite the crew to pizza every Tuesday.
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Starring Nebula Miller as 'Nori Doorman'.
#Nebula Miller
When first casting for the character of Nori Doorman, the crew found themselves hitting a wall over and over, not being able to find the right actress for her, that is until Zilla Miller stepped in and brought in the mysterious Nebula Miller, when the crew asked her for her background all they found out was that her current job was as a tour guide, nonetheless they gave her a chance and she aced it, rightfully earning her role as Nori Doorman.
Personality wise, Nebula is outgoing and high energy, she likes her job as a tour guide, however she's said she's definitely going to go for more acting roles and maybe a career in the near future. She's mentioned how she finds Nori's character highly amusing and has said how she takes regular inspiration from Zilla to act as Nori. Nebula has challenged Willow multiple times at boxing matches and has yet to win, however that does not seem to bother her the least bit. Nebula seems to get along well with everyone part of the crew.
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Starring Willow Adams as 'Tessa James Elliot'.
#Willow Adams
The Australian professional boxer Willow Adams steps in as Tessa James Elliot in Murder Drones, with no background in acting Willow grabbed her role as Tessa on a chokehold like she does her opponents on the ring. When asked why she chose to audition for Tessa she simply shrugged and said that she just likes trying new things, she tried parkour and loved it, why not acting too?
Personality wise Willow is more or less your average daredevil Aussie, she can, will and HAS suplexed kangaroos before, there's nothing she won't try at least once. Willow is a great friend to have around. She's headstrong and can easily adopt a role of leadership if needed. She's become best friends with Cyntia and there's an unspoken rule not to leave thouse two unsupervised while with eachother.
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Starring June Smith as 'Serial Designation J'.
#June Smith
American actress June Smith is, as noted by the crew, a delight to work with. She may not have many scenes as Serial Designation J but that doesn't mean she wasn't around at all times. June never missed a single day on set, regardless of if she had to record or not.
Personality wise June is still a workaholic, she likes to help backstage whenever she doesn't have to film any scenes which is why she never misses a recording day, she's also nicer and softer than J, she's a bit more introverted and quite soft spoken. June notes having struggled quite a bit at first when playing J as she isn't at all that mean so she'd either undershoot it or overshoot it, it took a while to reach that sweet middle ground where J is at and she oftentimes feels bashful and slightly apologetic to the crew for having made them re-record so many scenes. June notes to be very amused by the simps that scene of J stepping on N seemed to spawn.
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Starring Cyntia Brown as 'Cyn' and 'The Absolute Solver'.
#Cyntia Brown
American actress Cyntia Brown's sixth ever acting performance couldn't have been better suited for her, who better to play Cyn or The Absolute Solver than someone with a degree in quantum science and who has worked on particle accelerators, seriously, what is she doing acting?
Personality wise Cyntia is a wildcard, she's hyper, never stays still and generally just happy to be part of whatever, Cyntia has only played filler characters before, like random people walking down a street, she's never trully acted as such, that doesn't stop her from being terrifyingly versatile at playing characters. She tends to say the most out of pocket things while in camera and you never trully know when she's joking or not.
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Starring Viktoria Lee as 'Serial Designation V'.
#Viktoria Lee
The Irish actress took the crew by storm, her energy simply intoxicating as she auditioned for multiple characters, she almost was cast as 'Lizzy' before she was ultimately given the role of V.
Personality wise Viktoria is pretty outgoing and funny, a hundred percent extroverted she's the one you'll see organizing all the girl's nights and parties, she had a hard time playing V because she's used to playing characters that are closer to her real self, nonetheless she says she's having a blast as V and is glad she got her instead of Lizzy. Viktoria didn't know any of the other actors before but quickly became best friends with Doll's actress.
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Starring Nathaniel Anderson as 'Serial Designation N'.
#Nathaniel Anderson
The talented American actor Nathaniel Anderson was actually handpicked for the role of Serial Designation N, when discusing the character of N, the crew immediatly knew they wanted Nathaniel on board, when he was asked if he'd be interested he said yes in a heartbeat.
Personality wise Nathaniel is somewhat simmilar to N, however way less of a puppy boy, he's a bit of a rascal at times, generally good friends with everyone in the cast and whoever he meets, Nathaniel notes to have a lot of fun playing N, he's said that as someone who certainly does not let anyone step over him, he's quite proud of N's overall improvement at standing up for himself.
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Starring Zilla Miller as 'Uzi Doorman'.
#Zilla Miller
The talented singer and musician Zilla Miller, musical alias 'Anarchy Heliotrope' debuts her first protagonist role as an actress in Murder Drones.
Having had minor roles as background characters in smaller shows, this is Zilla's first big role, the African American actress was notably nervous during her auditions but her performance proved her to be perfect to play Uzi Doorman.
Personality wise, Zilla is quite simmilar to Uzi just a bit more toned down, she's more open with others and definitely not quite as edgy. Her passion for her music was enabled by her more shut-in personality, however as 'Anarchy Heliotrope' he is quite the high energy junkie guy. People who have been to Anarchy Heliotrope's rave parties always speak highly of him and his music, claiming it to be a shame when the party's over.
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Welcome to Murder Drones: Director's Cut, a light hearted actor AU made by Crowtaclysm!
This AU is interactive! This means that the more you ask, the more information will be added to each of the characters' profiles, if you wanna know something but it isn't in their profile, shoot an ask!
If you wanna ask something to the blog owner label it as an ask for The Director!
▪︎Basic stuff▪︎
About The Director
▪︎Character Profiles▪︎
>When in a character's profile, click on their hashtag right under their "Starring" headline to see all the posts related to them.
-Uzi Doorman
-Serial Designation N
-Serial Designation V
-Serial Designation J
-Tessa James Elliot
-Nori Doorman
-Khan Doorman
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Hi! It's me, the creator and owner of the AU! Here is where you'll find info about me!
You may call me Crow or Fleabag! I'm a 22 y/o self taught artist, I'm Spanish and learnt English on my own so the grammar deffo won't be perfect, feel free to correct mistakes tho!
This is my second Murder Drones AU, the other one I have is mainly art based.
My main Tumblr blog is Crowtaclysm.
You may find all my other social medias in my Carrd!
In universe The Director is a stand-in for me! I will sometimes draw him to answer asks when directed to me, be it in-universe or asks directed to me as the blog owner, or when answering as The Director fits best!
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Carefully read these rules and follow them before sending an ask! If any need clarification feel free to ask about it!
This should go unsaid but, no hate of any kind, towards anyone including characters, AU, owner, other askers and anything/anyone else.
This is an ACTOR AU, that means that you shouldn't expect the actors to be the same as the characters in the show. Please don't be rude and send asks about how "Uzi is out of character" or "J would never" or "I don't like how you characterized [insert character here]" because the actors and the characters aren't the same!
Be respectful, no homophobia, racism, ableism, yada yada. Keep the asks apropiate, this blog is for all the same ages as Murder Drones is.
If you send an ask and it goes unnanswered for a while, be patient. I have a life outside this, but it could also be that I'm making a comic to go with it, that it has already been answered in another ask or that I'm waiting for the right time to answer it. Reminder, however, that not all asks will be answered with art! Some might not require so.
Please do NOT reupload/repost my art anywhere, I have multiple other social media by the same name(Crowtaclysm) and I guarantee that I will upload my stuff wherever I want it to be. If it's not there, it's because I don't want it to be.
Comic dubs are totally okay and encouraged! All I ask is to be credited and to have a link to the blog be added to the description of the video! As well as to please send an ask linking the dub, I'd love to watch it!!
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