murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
me 2 me: anything u want princess
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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@prcphesiied​: ♟ : Patching up a wound
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“You’d think with how often we do this it’d be old hat.” Jack watched Harry swipe at the blood oozing from his shoulder for a second before pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it up. He took a long drag and blew out the smoke, speaking around the obstruction. “Patching up wounds, I mean. Not skateboarding. Clearly this is the reason we never skate anymore.”
The things he got up to, or in to, when he was around Harry always made Jack feel more alive. There weren’t many people in this world who were willing to go along with Jack’s hare-brained schemes, but Harry was always to be relied on in that department. 
Their rag caught on a bit of grit that had Jack hissing. “Careful with the goods, love, I’ve still gotta use that arm.”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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@buggeredson​: “ nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you . ”
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“What is it then, the wasted potential? The fact that ‘we could’ve been so much more’? I’ll admit, I’m always delighted t’have a drink with my supposed mentor but you’re always so dour. Y’look like you’ve been sucking on lemons, mate. I mean if that’s what you like to do in your off time, far be it from me to tell you it’s wrong. Lemons keep off the scurvy you know. Actually I’m sure you know all about that one, ey? Lemons and scurvy?”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea. Numerous and sinister crimes against the Crown, smuggling, forgery, sailing under false colours, looting, poaching, brigandage, depravity, vandalism, impersonating a Royal Navy and other British and Spanish officers and a Clergyman, arson, kidnapping, piracy in the Caribbean Sea, perjury, theft and ransacking a rum shipment. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 10001 Guineas for his death.
Mun and Muse 27+
College AU Jack Sparrow
16+ years of rp experience
Ic/Ooc chats
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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@murdermayhemandjack​ said: “ i don’t need to be a hero, but perhaps i’ll learn to be heroic ” | for TJ
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“what  is  being  heroic,  anyway ?”  sipping  on  his  wine,  he  enjoys  the  taste  over  any  kind  of  tipsiness —  his  body  forbids  him  from  getting  drunk.  it’s  the  1920′s,  and  in  summary,  tijasar  has  enjoyed  this  century  much  more  than  the  last.  he  crossed  paths  with  jack  again,  which  is,  to  be  fair,  interesting.  looking  snappy  in  his  dark  purple  suit,  tijasar  is  charming  enough  to  get  the  other  male  a  drink.
“is  it  being  dumb  enough  to  try  to  save  the  world,  or  is  it  being  naive  enough  to  think  that  you  can  save  it ?  saving  everyone  or  sacrificing  what  you  must ?”  he  gets  weirdly  philosophical  at  times.  specially  when  these  are  queries  he’s  done  to  himself.
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“Some sort of strange mixture of all, I suppose.” Jack sips the gifted wine and doesn’t bother trying to hide the sour look on his face. He’s run into Tijasar enough times over the centuries that he’s dropped all pretenses of a polite interaction-- not that there were many to begin with in the first place. 
Two years into prohibition and Jack was still annoyed at the distinct lack of liquor in the states. There were ways around the law, of course there were. There always were. Jumping through hoops to find speakeasies had once been a quaint and fun past time for Jack, and now it had lost its shine. He hoped it wasn’t forever like this, he’d grown quite fond of the States. 
“As for myself, I’ll endeavor to be more...aware. One day some mortal will catch on that there are people like me and you-- you and me, us, and they’ll try their best to manipulate us into doing the right thing. Because we’re good men. But if you’re aware Tij, if you’re aware they can’t get you t’do shit if you don’t want to.”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
“Isn’t she a scientist? That’s next level smart”
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“Maybe that’s why she broke up with him. He couldn’t hold a candle. He does look like a himbo.”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
i’m sure ya’ll have noticed by this point!!! @buggeredson made me a new banner and answered graphic!!! I am so extremely grateful and excited to use them more!!!
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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@kingswannsong​: “Please don’t leave me alone again.” 
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He looked away. “S’not something I can promise, love. You know as well as I.”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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@kingswannsong​: “how   can   i   tell   you   the   truth   when   i   don’t   know   which   version   you   want   to   hear ?”
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“Tell me the truth that hurts the least.” Jack tapped the back of her hand softly with two of his fingers, trying not to notice the smudge of dirt he left behind. Marring the porcelain of her skin with his filth. Much like he’d marred the stained glass of her life with his own jagged edges. 
He had an inkling with how this conversation would go. Knew he’d gotten her with child and that she’d have a decision to make. After all, if she kept it there was no way dear William wouldn’t figure it out. The boy was dense but there would be no denying the truth when he returned from a ten year stint and she had a child clinging to her skirts. 
They could always lie to him, if the child looked like Jack they could say Elizabeth, in all of her kindness, had agreed to foster. But there was no telling what Jack actually wanted. Did he want to be a father? Did he want her to keep the child or did he want her to be rid of it so he wouldn’t have the responsibility, or the fear of fucking up as his own father had.
In truth, Jack just wished that she would do whatever made her happy. 
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
“It might! Maybe he’ll initiate conversation!”
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“He does seem to have a thing for the bookish types. D’you remember Jane?”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
“   i   don’t   want   us   to   be   strangers   again  .   ” “   i   am   a   horrible   person  and   i   don’t   know   how   to   change ,   not   even   for   you  .   ” “  if   i   hurt   you ,   it’s   not   my   fault  .   i   warned   you  .   ” “   i   want   to   forget   everything   about   you ,   so   i   can   get   to   know   you   all   over   again  .   ” “   it   was   nice   to   hear   your   voice   again  .   ” “   please   don’t   forget   me   and   all   the   things   we   did  .   ” “   maybe   someday   we   will   be   two   people   meeting   again   for   the   first   time  .   ” “   nothing   makes   me   happier   and   nothing   makes   me   sadder   than   you  .   ” “   i   am   so   tired   of   their   stories  .   let’s   write   our   own  .   ” “   sorry   i’m   so   hard   to   deal   with   sometimes  .   ” “   i   like   it   when   you   smile  .   ” “   i   hope   you   understand   how   much   our   little   talks   mean   to   me  .   ” “   you’re   beginning   to   feel   less   like   a   friend   and   more   like   home  .   ” “   how   can   i   tell   you   the   truth   when   i   don’t   know   which   version   you   want   to   hear  ?   ” “   if   i   don’t   leave   now ,   i   will   never   get   away  .   ” “   i   broke   my   own   heart   before   you   could   do   it   for   me  .   ” “   in   loving   me,  you   hold   a   knife   at   my   throat.   in   loving   you,  i   tell   you   exactly   where   to   cut.   ” “   i’d   never   lie   to   you  .   ” “   it’s   not   an   easy   thing   to   admit   when   you’re   wrong ,   and   that’s   why   i   won’t   do   it  .   ” “   please   don’t   leave   me   alone   again  .   ” “   the   horror   you   have   seen   is   not   who   you   are  .   ” “   why   do   good   intentions   always   turn   out   bad  ?   ”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
“I’d have to talk to him first to find out”
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“Ah, well, we both know that’ll never happen.”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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Jack Sparrow
Pirate Lord of the Caribbean Sea. Numerous and sinister crimes against the Crown, smuggling, forgery, sailing under false colours, looting, poaching, brigandage, depravity, vandalism, impersonating a Royal Navy and other British and Spanish officers and a Clergyman, arson, kidnapping, piracy in the Caribbean Sea, perjury, theft and ransacking a rum shipment. The East India Trading Company has a bounty of 10001 Guineas for his death.
Mun and Muse 27+
College AU Jack Sparrow
16+ years of rp experience
Ic/Ooc chats
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
“he’s got arms that could crush my head”
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“He’d probably treat you right. Probably.”
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
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mothica’s  blue  hour  sentence  starters  part  i. change  pronouns/tenses  if  needed ! tw :   addiction,  mental  health.
you’re  messing  with  my  feelings.
it’s  not  my  fault,  it’s  my  fight.
don’t  get  too  close  to  me.
sorry  i’m  not  the  delicate  one.
you  won’t  like  what  you  see.
i’m  lonely  in  the  heart.
everything  at  once.
i  can’t  cry,   i’m  too  anxious.
i  can’t  shake  this.
we  both  know  i’m  fakin’.
i’m  not  feelin’  numb,   i’m  just  feelin’  everything  at  once.
lately  that’s  all  i  can  do.
i  go  through  hell  to  hide  myself.
it’s  not  that  i  feel  undeserving.
just  blame  it  on  the  chemistry.
when  i  stop,   my  demons  talk.
clearly,   i  care  too  much.
i’m  just  feelin’  everything  at  once.
they  tried  their  best  to  warn  me.
nothing  could  have  stopped  me  from  falling  right  into  you.
i’ll  do  anything  you  tell  me  to.
i’ve  always  been  my  own  worst  enemy.
i  can  barely  be  around  you.
i’ve  got  better  things  to  do.
hands  off.
i’m  getting  good  at  lying.
i  feel  too  much  but  it’s  never  enough.
i’ve  been  getting  to  know  a  new  side  of  myself.
yeah,  i  could  use  some  help.
i’d  be  down  for  sweet  talk.
baby,  leave  the  light  on,   i  wanna  see  your  face.
keep  your  eyes  on  me  but  your  hands  off.
don’t  get  ahead  of  yourself.
yeah,   i  know  what  you’re  implying.
you  touch  me  like  you’re  impatient.
feel  like  i’m  just  passing  by.
it’s  not  love  it’s  just  a  guy.
in  the  morning  when  he’s  gone,   i’m  alone  with  all  my  thoughts.
i  really  don’t  know  why  i’m  like  this.
it’s  never  enough,   pass  me  the  cup.
if  it’s  not  drugs  it’s  drinks.
is  it  okay  i’m  not  okay?
i  don’t  sleep  too  much  these  days.
i  hate  being  awake  when  the  sun’s  out.
i  got  habits  i  can’t  hide  in  the  light.
i’m  making  a  fool  of  myself  with  all  these  vices.
blue  hour.
i  feel  so  high  not  being  high  anymore.
i  felt  so  low.
i’m  taking  back  what’s  mine,   it  never  was  yours.
everybody  grew  up  so  fast.
you  wouldn’t  believe  all  the  trouble  i’ve  seen.
oh  no,  i’m  never  coming  back.
i’m  looking  for  my  blue  hour.
i  don’t  know  why  it  took  me  so  long.
it’s  the  strangest  feeling.
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murdermayhemandjack · 4 years
“Fine, I won’t tell you. But it is stunning, isn’t it?”
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“...bitch of course it’s stunning. How did you get that I’ve been trying for weeks to plan this.”
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