muriellive · 1 year
I managed to get my account back. Thanks to the Tumblr team!
My profile with this art stopped working for some reason😭
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The worst thing is that this happened at a time when I was just starting to join the Black Clover fandom on Tumblr, but one of my comments was simply brazenly deleted (After that, problems began
This is terrible, I really hope that these two events are in no way connected, but in I already had doubts in my mind, with what is going on in the BC fandom, anyone can be considered a hater, even if he writes words of support in the style of "Don't worry, important characters will not die just like that" (
This is terrible, I hope the Record of Ragnarok fandom doesn't come to this
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muriellive · 1 year
If Adramelech confessed his love to someone~♡
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muriellive · 1 year
My profile with this art stopped working for some reason😭
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The worst thing is that this happened at a time when I was just starting to join the Black Clover fandom on Tumblr, but one of my comments was simply brazenly deleted (After that, problems began
This is terrible, I really hope that these two events are in no way connected, but in I already had doubts in my mind, with what is going on in the BC fandom, anyone can be considered a hater, even if he writes words of support in the style of "Don't worry, important characters will not die just like that" (
This is terrible, I hope the Record of Ragnarok fandom doesn't come to this
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muriellive · 3 years
Arts & characters by MurielS1
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muriellive · 3 years
I recently drew a character from manga. I haven't thought of a name yet, but the magic has already been invented. He can convert his body (including hair) into minerals and minerals. Friends immediately came up with a nickname for him.
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The sketch now looks like the cover of a physics textbook
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muriellive · 3 years
Indra from "Record of ragnarok")))
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muriellive · 3 years
If you, my dear reader, are Russian-speaking, then it will probably be easier for you to read this creation on the site "mangalib" or listen to this video:
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A forgotten village on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Clover - Ankvar, the inhabitants of this village were completely killed during the invasion attempt of the warring kingdom of Diamond. Among its ruins, slowly moving his feet, a tall man of about twenty, wrapped in all black, was waddling about. On his head was a large-brimmed hat with a silvery pattern on the tips, and his face was covered with a torn dark blue mask.
Elbe (and that is what he was called) was looking for a certain magical beast, which, according to rumors, has been raging in the eastern lands of the kingdom for quite some time. Who and why asked him about it is not known, but the man was never interested in the reasons and motives of his customers. "There is money, and okay" - so he thought. Yes, exactly, Elbe was a hunter ... a bounty hunter.
The order this time was very strange: "I have not ordered animals yet ..." - he thought.
But, let's forget about this hunter for a minute and go a little further south ...
Faber is a city on the outskirts, standing at the intersection of trade routes. A young (in fact, not very much, 32 years old is too much) knight magician, straightening a grayish cape with a deer patch, happily blurted out:
- Eh, it was a wonderful day today! - Novakhrono, again running away from his duties, walked around the evening town.
- Look, this is Mr. Julius! Captain of the Gray Deer! - joyful children's voices were heard behind the knight. Responding to their exclamations, the blond turned around, putting on a wide smile on his face, which, it would seem, could banish all sadness and sadness with its one appearance.
- Yeah, kids! Also strive to become knight magicians?
To his rather unintelligent question, the children happily chorus answered "Yeah!"
- Knight mages are cool! - shouted the red-haired boy.
- Cool, huh? - Julius said thoughtfully.
- Yes exactly! When I become a knight-magician, I will be able to fight and attack dangerous opponents with my magic. - the boy rejoiced.
“W-well, this is…” Novachrono tried to explain that the duties of the Knights-Mages are completely different from a simple battle.
“How stupid…” came a high, childish voice, in which, however, there was a certain alarm. The future king of magicians stretched out his neck a little to make out the owner of light brown, tattered hair. Before his eyes appeared a tiny little inch, wrapped in a long scarf and looking towards the children with sad, frightened eyes.
- What ?! - the red-haired boy looked at the girl with an inflated and angry expression on his face. - Nobody asked you, ragamuffin!
- Well, well, don't. - Julius tried to settle the situation. However, here no one even listened to him: everyone sharply turned their gazes to the trembling little girl.
Unfortunately, this attitude was not unusual for her. Yes, it is understandable - the Clovers did not like foreigners, but for a four-year-old child it was very difficult to withstand such pressure.
- I w-wanted ... - the baby began quietly. - …to tell…
- What? - asked Novachrono.
- Knights-magicians, after all, first of all, assistants and only then warriors, right?
It seems to be a simple phrase, but what effect it had on Julius! At that moment, he thought: "really, the mouth of a baby speaks the truth!"
- Shut up, stranger, they didn't give you your word! - the redhead got angry, offended that he was interrupted. To which he immediately received a slap in the face from his mother, and then a reprimand. The woman, quietly apologizing for the bad behavior of her unlucky son, hastened to disperse the kids to their homes.
The captain of the "Gray Deer" shook his head and was about to leave, when he suddenly felt that his clothes were being pulled. He turned around and saw the thumb again. Now, when she stood a little closer, one could make out her, to put it mildly, "unkempt" clothes, disheveled hair and a filthy nose.
- What do you need?
The girl creased the hem of her cloak a little, and then wiggled her hand, indicating that Julius should bend down. Novachrono looked at the baby in bewilderment, but did not object. She began to whisper, barely audible:
- Could you see me off?
The captain of the Gray Deer was even more surprised!
- To carry out? What for?
- Oh, you do not be angry, knight-magician. - answered for the girl standing next to the old woman. - A girl and her brother came here to us, but he is all at work: where he rushes - do not understand! This animal has also been running around here ever since they arrived here ... - the elderly woman crossed herself at last and bowed and left.
"Animal?" - thought to himself the future King of Magicians. "They haven't reported this to the main headquarters ... I suppose we ought to stay here a little longer."
With these thoughts, Novakhrono took the girl by the arm and led her home ...
Well, have you already forgotten about him? And he had already managed to get to the village of Faber! Elbe walked a little loosely along the streets, between the wooden-stone buildings only 2-3 floors high. He could not find any signs of an attack: he could not find any scratches, no destruction or breakdowns, which means, most likely, the animal does not come to the village itself. “Perhaps he is whipping up the inhabitants on the outskirts,” Elbe flashed through his head.
- But you have a big village. - the hunter heard someone approaching him!
Without thinking twice, he ducked around the corner and listened. On the road to the outskirts of the village, there were two: a child and an adult man. Elbe recognized the captain of the Gray Deer at once, but he did not care about the girl at all. But this is only for now ...
“What is the strongest among the captains of the orders of the Knight Mages doing here? The task? Really, he also hunts the beast? " - the thug was nervous.
- Well, where is your brother? - asked the magician in a gray cape. - What is his profession?
- A? I dont know…
After these words, Julius became wary. Looks like he was a little worried about the girl.
- How long has he left?
- Hmm ... - she thoughtful ... - About two months already gone.
Novachrono's eyes widened in surprise: he looked at the baby with fear in his heart, realizing that there could be thousands more like her in their kingdom! And she walked with a light gait, full of hopes for the return of her brother ...
Having brought Natsuhi, and that was the name of the girl, to her house, which was half ruined, the man did not leave the village, as he had previously planned, but, on the contrary, decided to stay at a local hotel for a short while. Still, it's not a joke: who knows how many more people may suffer ...
Novachrono woke up not so early: at about nine in the morning, and then, not because he wanted to, but from a sudden noise outside. Without thinking twice, he dressed and with a quick and swift step went to the exit, where an unmeasurable number of fans had already gathered to gawk. Pushing aside the passers-by, Julius hurried into the depths of what was happening, where in the middle of the gazing lay a twenty-year-old boy, dressed in black clothes and with a mask on his face. Elb was badly wounded in the chest. Around him, in a barely noticeable whirlwind, swirled dark roc, particles similar to small birds that make up all the magic in this world. But what's strange is that usually they have only one color - white, the captain of the knights-magicians has never seen any other colors before in his life! Of course, the people around him didn't share the same excitement as he did, because they had too little mana to see these particles.
"Black ... from where?" Julius asked. - "It just can't be!"
“E...ars” Elba's whisper was barely audible, but Novachrono could still make out his words. - That girl ... - after hearing the "Gray Deer" fell into a stupor. The young man passed out and vryatli can wake up soon, but one thing was clear ...!
“N-Natsuhi…” The knight-magician decided to visit the girl in view of recent events. - Why did you and your brother leave your home country?
- A? I don’t know… ”She handed the man a saucer of cookies. He accepted and put it on the table, continuing to listen. - Aniki simply said that it became dangerous there, but why, I still did not understand ... - the baby puffed out her cheeks, lowered her eyes to the floor and raised her hand to her chin, thinking.
- Well, I'll go ... - the girl smiled, taking the rocker standing in the corner, and headed for the door.
- Wait a minute! Julius stopped her. - I will go with you. H-help, otherwise it's hard.
- Yes, not so ... - the fair-haired woman was a little surprised.
- No, no, you're a girl, and girls can't carry heavy things!
"You can't leave her alone ..."
- Here! See, I can do it myself! - The girl deftly lifted a bucket of water from the well, "hugging" it with her little hands ...
- Yeah ... - Julius clapped his hands. He tried not to show it, but it was clear that the captain was nervous when the little girl laughs so merrily and carefree, not suspecting anything ...
“Do I need to report this? Or is it better to deal with it quietly? " - the magician reflected. Deciding to write a report, Julius first called his confidant, Marcus, to keep order in the village and paid special attention to protecting Natsuhi. He suspected that it was for her that the mysterious beast was hunting.
Elb had been in the hospital for about two weeks. I did not even think to regain consciousness! While he was passed out, images kept popping up in his head: as if a tape had been inserted, but there were clearly gaps in it. But he clearly remembered that very night - the battle was clearly not an easy one ... Ears, more like a cat's, gray eyes and a distorted semi-human silhouette. The hunter has never met such a monster ...
Soryy for such an abrupt narration)
Night. Quiet and calm, starry. However, Novakhrono was in no hurry to surrender to the sweet embrace of Morpheus. He was sitting at a table in a huge luxurious hall, crowned with columns of the Doric order and pondering over the latest events, which had managed to stir up his imagination so well: on the one hand, he was interested to look at a new, hitherto unseen type of magic, on the other, “why exactly Natsuhi? "
This question still haunted him. "What's so special about her?"
Then a white flat image suddenly appeared over his head, which, in bright streams of light, scattered from the middle to the edges, disappearing. It was the magic of Marcus, although he himself, for some reason, was not visible. Usually his communication magic will display an accurate image of himself in a second, but this time it was different, which made Julius tense up! The window slightly trembled and blinked, and then disappeared altogether, after a barely intelligible sound of words came from there. The blond immediately stood up in amazement and, commanding the black-haired boy to get ready and call for reinforcements, instantly went to Cob (Cob Portaport is a spatial magician shown in chapter 113 of the manga and in episode 73 of the anime. He seemed to help Finral with training), so that he could transfer him to the village.
Meanwhile, in the settlement itself, something crazy was happening everywhere: Elb, standing on the main street and holding a barrel of oil in his hands, spilling its contents and setting it on fire! The people around fell into a panic and, shouting and begging for help, ran madly to the outskirts of the village.
- Ha ha! Right! Run, save your pitiful lives!
The fire was arranged by him in order to drive the residents out of this village before the beast, which was already raging in full force in the center, killed everyone. But now a dark silhouette has already burst into the local church! The long, long hair that hid his face hung in strands dirty and slightly scorched from fire. Bright gray eyes darting from side to side and curved limbs with claws. All wounds that would not have inflicted on him instantly healed!
"And how to fight such a monster ?!"
Elb threw the keg at the monster and threw a lighted match. The oil flared up sharply and the fire covered the entire body of the evil spirits, from which it began to wriggle in agony with piercing screams. But even the flame was not able to defeat the monster! It burned, but did not die! The body of this chkdisha completely recovered, even no burns remained.
"This is clearly not a regeneration," Elbe wondered.
Distraught with rage, the monster attacked the hunter, causing both of them to fly a rather long distance. Elb, before landing instantly, purely on reflexes, pulled a small dagger from the sleeve of his uniform and tried to get rid of the attacker by striking a blow. Surprisingly, it worked: when it fell, the monster recoiled from the young man back. Grasping the wound inflicted in the neck, it screamed pitifully!
"Here it is!" - thought the hunter, - "Weak point".
He was already preparing to strike a second blow, crushing! How suddenly I felt that all sounds suddenly disappeared! The flame that had recently destroyed the village went out ... there was a deathly silence. The beast writhed and groaned in pain. Elb just for a second looked away from her to look around, but, concentrating on his goal, he attacked and then the monster suddenly disappeared, and instead of him ...
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The hunter tried to hit him again with his metal magic, but a steel shield appeared in the stranger's hand in a strange way. Or rather, not quite a shield, rather just a mass of steel. The stranger passed his right hand through the air, quickly sketching some symbols. Suddenly the ground cracked and water burst out from under it in violent streams. It's just that a huge amount of water filled the whole area. Then it felt like the skin was colitis. A bright flash of lightning rippled across the water surface and instantly struck Elb ...
After what time a detachment of "Gray Deer" arrived at the scene of recent events, but neither the monster, nor the fire, nor that strange stranger in the silly mask was gone. And only the wounded bounty hunter lay, unable to get up, in the middle of the empty street, remembering the words: "Save me, brother" ...
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muriellive · 3 years
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Fandom "Magi", rise from the dead, please, and rate this art :)
This is Myron and my OC, Sumaru🧝‍♂️
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muriellive · 3 years
Live. Пролог.
Без приветствий, сразу! Это история о том, как персонажи пытаются подавить разгарающиеся по всему миру военные конфликты, которая яростно разжигает одна таинственная организация.
Кроссовер "Маги: лабиринт волшебства" и "Чёрный клевер". История многожанровая и не имеет одного главного героя.
Описание максимально краткое, извините.
Если вам интересно, то по этой ссылке вы сможете посмотреть и послушать озвучку этого пролога:
"Он должен быть здесь!" - внезапный взрыв, открывший вход в некую пещеру, прервал мысли блондина
- Эй, а ты уверен, что это именно то место? Не очень-то оно похоже на гробницу великого короля…- произнёс ничего не понимающий проводник.
Перед ним стоял среднего роста паренёк с блондинистыми волосами, собранными в густой хвост. Ничего не отвечая, он шагнул в перёд, выстрелив из руки лучом света, который пролетел довольно большое расстояние прежде чем на огромной скорости врезаться в стену.
- Дальше я сам. – юноша вошёл в пещеру, полностью уверенный в собственной правоте.
«Множество раз я слышал эту легенду…Об эльфе, что поклялся истребить всю людскую знать!» - с улыбкой на лице думал Патри. Он целый год искал эту пещеру, в которой по преданиям был запечатан опаснейший преступник. Эльф, убивший сотни людей целых 700 лет назад… Дойдя до места, куда попала его недавняя атака, парень начал вертеть головой, ища какой-нибудь вход…
Посмотрев влево, он заметил узенький проход, спускающийся вниз винтовой лестницей. Очевидно, то и был нужный ему путь.
Сам спуск был довольно долгий и нудный. Особенно Патри раздражало то, что лестница была украшена по всем людским канонам: высокие колонны и маленькие окошки, в которые, увы, свету не дано было попасть. Кругом разруха, сырость и грязь – всё будто бы держалось на костях, не говоря уже о постоянно падающих камнях и кусках земли, словно сама пещера следила за чародеем, постоянно напоминая о хрупкости своего бытия: одно неверное движение и всё вокруг обрушится!
Спустившись, блондин оказался в большом коридоре, в конце которого находилась почти полностью разломанная дверь. Из этого прохода неведомым образом разливался свет. Ни секунды не думая, Патри зашагал к проходу и, чуть прищурившись, вошёл в огромный тронный зал, посреди которого, пуская свои корни по всему помещению, стоял громадный дуб. Вся комната была в буквальном смысле усыпана цветами и травами. В потолке виднелась сфера, освещавшая всё вокруг. От неё к дубу тонкой струйкой исходил луч.
- И никакой охраны…- удивился парень. - …будто защищать здесь нечего…
«Хм…пусть у меня всего один камень, но его магии должно хватить!» - с этими мыслями Патри вставил магический минерал в отверстие, находившееся возле корней дерева и направил внутрь него свою ману. Мягкое свечение озарило лицо парня; внезапно снаружи раздался грохот и всё вокруг начало осыпаться. На секунду Патри удивился от такой внезапной атаки. Он понятия не имел о том, что сейчас творится наверху.
Ужасающие звуки взрывов разнеслись по всей округе.
- Что это?…- спросоня произнесённая фраза вывела переродившегося эльфа из раздумий и заставила повернуться в сторону голоса. Перед ним стоял среднего роста парень с белёсыми волосами и шрамами по всему телу.
- А? Ты…Уильям Ванджианс, верно?
- Как…?
- Я слышал как мужчина на поверхности называл тебя этим именем. Меня зовут Сумару, а ребята сверху пришли запечатать нас здесь. Не поторопимся – выбраться уже не сможем.
«Так быстро определил ситуацию?» - подумал про себя Патри, но лишних вопросов задавать не стал. Раскрыв свой гримуар, блондин приготовился пробить дыру в потолке, но не успел он оглянуться как зелёные ростки, появившись из-под земли, быстрыми рывками создали довольно обширный проход наверх.
«Это…его магия?»
Патри перевёл взгляд на недавнего знакомого. Под их ногами появился огромный лист, который быстро поднялся вверх прямо к облакам.
- Оя-оя!! – беловолосый внезапно повеселел. – Давненько я не чувствовал солнечных лучей на своём лице!
Светового мага поразила такая резкая перемена в настроении парня. Но ещё больше он удивился его огромному магическому потенциалу.
- Эй, ты чего это уставился? – Сумару обратился к Патри. – От тех ребят внизу мы ещё не избавились.
Как только были произнесены эти слова, многочисленное количество световых мечей уже успели поразить все цели.
- Ого! Да тут не только я люблю выпендриваться~
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muriellive · 3 years
Hi. Hopefully fans of a franchise like Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic are not extinct yet. For the survivors, I made manga felts, light novels, but not a simple one! This is a crossover with one of the now popular anime - "Black Clover". Even if you do not like any of these works, feel free to read anyway, because the work has its own atmosphere and plot. This is a completely new way of looking at events and characters. Here will be present: humor, drama, a little bit of politics (solely to advance the plot and add realism), tactical and combat actions, a well-developed system of magic, travel, riddles and romance. There is no main character here, so you don't have to worry that someone is given less screen time, but it also means that someone has no story armor and you have to worry about your favorites). Hope I intrigued you! Happy reading ~ ☆
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"He should be here!" - a sudden explosion that opened the entrance to a certain cave interrupted the blonde's thoughts
- Hey, are you sure this is the right place? It doesn't look very much like the tomb of the great king ... - said the guide, who did not understand anything.
Before him stood an average height boy with blond hair gathered in a thick ponytail. Without answering, he stepped forward, firing a beam of light from his hand, which flew a fairly long distance before crashing into the wall at high speed.
- Then I myself. - the young man entered the cave, completely confident in his own righteousness.
"Many times I have heard this legend ... About an elf who swore to exterminate all human nobility!" thought Patry with a smile on his face. For a whole year he was looking for this cave, in which, according to legend, the most dangerous criminal was sealed. An elf who killed hundreds of people as much as 700 years ago ... When he reached the place where his recent attack hit, the guy began to turn his head, looking for some entrance ...
Looking to his left, he noticed a narrow passage descending down a spiral staircase. Obviously, that was the path he needed.
The descent itself was quite long and tedious. Patri was especially annoyed that the staircase was decorated according to all human canons: high columns and small windows, into which, alas, the light was not allowed to enter. There was devastation, dampness and dirt all around - everything seemed to be resting on bones, not to mention constantly falling stones and pieces of earth, as if the cave itself was watching the sorcerer, constantly reminding of the fragility of its existence: one wrong move and everything around would collapse!
Going down, the blonde found himself in a large corridor, at the end of which there was an almost completely broken door. Light spilled out from this passage in an unknown way. Without a second thought, Patry walked to the aisle and, slightly squinting, entered the huge throne room, in the middle of which, taking its roots all over the room, stood a huge oak tree. The whole room was literally strewn with flowers and herbs. A sphere could be seen in the ceiling, illuminating everything around. From her to the oak a ray came in a thin stream.
- And no protection ... - the guy was surprised. - ... as if there is nothing to defend here ...
"Hmm ... even if I only have one stone, but its magic should be enough!" - With these thoughts, Patry inserted the magic mineral into the hole near the roots of the tree and directed his mana into it. A soft glow lit up the guy's face; suddenly there was a crash outside and everything around began to crumble. For a second, Patry was surprised by such a sudden attack. He had no idea what was going on above.
The terrifying sounds of the explosions echoed throughout the area.
- What is it? ... - the phrase uttered asleep brought the reborn elf out of his thoughts and made him turn towards the voice. Before him stood an average height guy with whitish hair and scars all over his body.
- AND? You ... William Vangians, right?
- How…?
- I heard a man on the surface call you that name. My name is Sumaru, and the guys from above came to seal us here. If we don't hurry, we won't be able to get out.
"Did you identify the situation so quickly?" - thought Patry to himself, but did not ask unnecessary questions. Opening his grimoire, the blonde prepared to punch a hole in the ceiling, but before he had time to look back as green sprouts, emerging from the ground, with quick jerks, created a rather extensive passage upward.
"Is this ... his magic?"
Patry glanced over at a recent acquaintance. A huge leaf appeared under their feet, which quickly rose up straight to the clouds.
- Oya-oya !! - the white-haired suddenly cheered up. - It's been a long time since I felt the sun's rays on my face!
The light mage was struck by this sudden change in the guy's mood. But he was even more surprised at his enormous magical potential.
- Hey, what are you staring at? - Sumaru turned to Patry. - We haven't gotten rid of those guys downstairs yet.
As soon as these words were spoken, a large number of lightsabers had already managed to hit all targets.
- Wow! I'm not the only one who likes to show off here ~
To be continued...
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