music-et · 7 years
When Snow Falls EXO Baekhyun X Reader One-Shot
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It wasn’t his fault and yet he felt like it was. Now all his feels is sadness when the snow falls. Everytime it snows, memories would come back and tears would stream down his face non-stop.
Got this idea from my friends, so a special shout out to Allicia, Larra and Kiera.
When Snow Falls
Listen to Miracles in December: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVLxRXoLaas
3rd Person P.O.V
He looked out the window on Christmas Night as the first snow fall started to cover the street. Tears fell from his eyes as memories started to flood his head. Not so long ago he was in the perfect relationship, but if only he was there. If only he came home one minute earlier, she could have lived, she could have been right next to him, in his arms, tonight. The pain, the torture, the acceptance of her death are still tearing him apart. He was told to move on, but, nothing worked. It was all a dream that people hoped could happen. He hated himself for not being with her when it happened, only one minute, only one phone call, one text message could have saved her. “It’s all my fault. If only I was there, she would still be alive now. I wouldn’t have to celebrate Christmas alone, I wouldn’t have to hate winter anymore, I wouldn’t have to hate the snow fall anymore.”
Suddenly the door opened, he looked up and saw his best friend there with a sad comforting smile. “Hyung, gwenchanayo?” He asked. “Yeah.” He answered with a forced smile. His friend’s smile turned into a frown. “Hyung. You know better than to lie to me…You know it’s not your fault. She wouldn’t want you to be like this…” He said, he could see his friend’s puffy red eyes and the tear stains on his face. He walked over to him and pulled him into a friendly brotherly hug, tears filled both their eyes before falling. “I-I just, I just really miss her.” He said in-between his sobs. “I know hyung. I miss her too…I miss my little sister just as much as you do.” He said as tears fell from his face.
“I hate this! I hate winter! It took her away from me! It’s taken everything from me! She was my world, but now she’s gone! I can’t even see the beauty in snow anymore! Everytime I see snow, all I see is her. I can see her smile, I hear her laughter, I see all our memories. I can’t do this anymore…I can’t…I miss her…Please come back…Please come back to me (Y/N)…’ He said sobbing, each sentence grew louder before dying down to a pleading whisper full of tears.
He hugged his friend as tears rolled down their faces. “Why did she have to leave me? Was I not good enough for her? What did I do wrong? Why did God have to take her from me? She was…She was finally mine after so long…Everything was going right for once…I loved her…No, I love her…And I still do…I love you (Y/N)….Please come back. I’ll chang, just…just come back.” He sobbed. But all his friend could do was comfort him, he knew exactly why he was like this. She was perfect for him, the two of them were the perfect couple, they overcame so much hardship to be together. They sat in silence for a while before he spoke up, “Chanyeol-ah, do you remember when you first introduced her to us?” He asked. “Of course I do hyung. It was love at first sight for the two of you.” Chanyeol said. A flashback started to flash through their minds.
Listen to XOXO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGt9WjwcEJU
~Flashback Starts~
“Everyone! I was you to meet my younger twin sister, Park (Y/N)!” Chanyeol said. “Annyeonghaseyo! Park (Y/N) imnida!” (Y/N) said cheerfully bowing 90 degrees.
“I’m Kim Joonmyun, you can call me Suho oppa. I’m EXO’s Leader.”
“I’m Wu Yi Fan, you can call me Kris oppa. I’m EXO M’s Leader.”
“I’m Lu Han, you can call me Luhan oppa. I’m EXO’s Deer.”
“I’m Kim Jongdae, you can call me Chen oppa. I’m EXO’s Chencing Machine.”
“I’m Kim Minseok, you can call me Xiumin oppa. I’m EXO’s Baozi.”
“I’m Zhang Yixing, you can call me Lay oppa. I’m EXO’s Unicorn.”
“I’m Huang Zitao, you can call me Tao, noona. I’m EXO’s Panda.”
“I’m Oh Sehun, you can call me Sehun, noona. I’m EXO’s Maknae.”
“I’m Do Kyungsoo, you can call me D.O oppa. I’m EXO’s Umma.”
“I’m Kim Jong In, you can call me Kai, noona. I’m EXO’s Dancing Machine.”
(Y/N) nod at each member smiling and she turned to the last member only to see him starring at her with his mouth wide open. (Y/N)’s head tilted to the side cutely, confused, she waved her hand infront of his face. He snapped out of shock and turned red, “Um, I’m Byun Baekhyun, you can call me Baekhyun oppa. I’m EXO’s Bacon.”
~Flashback Ends~
“You were so star struck by her, you stared at her for the longest time.” Chanyeol said chuckling lightly. “She looked just like you, she was so pretty.” Baekhyun said turning red. “And when you finally asked her out and stole her first kiss.” Chanyeol said. “You were so angry. I thought I was going to die.” Baekhyun said smiling.
~Flashback Starts~
“Go ask her already Baekhyunnie!” Luhan said. “But what if she says no?!” Baekhyun whines. “Be a man and ask her hyung!” Sehun encouraged. Before he could respond Tao accidentally bumped into him pushing him into (Y/N) who only just came into the room. They both tumbled on to the ground with (Y/N) on the bottom and Baekhyun on top with their lips connected. Everyone was in shock when Chanyeol walked in to see his best friend pinning down his sister and kissing her with the members too surprised and frozen in shock. “YAH! BYUN BAEKHYUN! GET OFF MY SISTER!” Chanyeol exclaimed. The members held Chanyeol back and Baekhyun got off (Y/N), Baekhyun helped her up and both very red. “Baekhyun! Confess now! While we can still hold Chanyeol back!” Kris said. “Confess what?” (Y/N) said. “Confess to you.” Baekhyun said and (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion. Baekhyun got down on one knee, “Park (Y/N), from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one. I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked. There was silence before (Y/N) answered, “Yes!” she exclaimed. Baekhyun jumped up and pulled her into another kiss. “BYUN BAEKHYUN! I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!” Chanyeol said thrusting about trying to get out of Kai, D.O, Kris and Tao’s hold.
~Flashback Ends~
Chanyeol laughed loudly, “She’s my baby sister. Of course I’m overprotective.” “And remember when she debuted?” Baekhyun asked. “Of course….How could I forget.” Chanyeol said.
~Flashback Starts~
“Oppa! Oppa!” (Y/N) said running into EXO’s dorm excitedly and tackling Baekhyun into a hug. “Woah! What’s wrong (Y/N)?” Baekhyun asked. “I’m debuting in a month! We’re filming the MV in 2 weeks. I’m going to listen to the song and learn the dance this week! Then in 3 weeks I have the teaser filming and photo shoot!” (Y/N) said happily! “Really?!” “Yes!”
Throughout the week (Y/N) was so busy with dance practice and singing practice that she didn’t have time to see her brother, the EXO members or her boyfriend either. But the end of the week she had recorded the song. It was called Goodbye Rain and it featuring Hyunkyu from Bromance.
The week later she was even busier filming her MV. It took over 48 hours to film as there was so much difficultly with filming the video.
Then on the 3rd and 4th week she was busy with the teaser filming and the teaser photo and in the end it was all worth it.
Teaser Photos: http://image.bugsm.co.kr/album/images/original/4401/440156.jpg (imagine it says Angel instead)
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMnYtjO7dlg
MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_TRlWiqH08
Performance Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ketV7tGfpBw
Her debut performance was amazing. The EXO members couldn’t come to the live show but they watched the live stream cheering her on.
~Flashback Ends~
“Her performance was so good.” Baekhyun said. “That’s true. She could sing and rap amazingly.” “I was quite jealous of Hyunkyu hyung though. He got to feature in her debut video and song.” Baekhyun said with jealousy in his voice causing Chanyeol to laugh. “And when the company found out we were dating and when we revealed to the fans, everyone was so supportive.” Baekhyun said smiling. “Of course! She’s my sister! Everyone has to love her.” Chanyeol exclaimed cheerfully.
~Flashback Starts~
“(Y/N), I want to tell the company and fans about us.” Baekhyun said seriously. “What?! Are you crazy?!” (Y/N) exclaimed, but when she saw his face, she knew he was serious. “I’m serious. I don’t like that other males can flirt with you and I can’t stop them from it. I know you just debuted and all but I think they should know. It means no more hiding and that I can finally tell everyone you’re mine.” Baekhyun said smiling. “Well, if you’re sure.” (Y/N) said. “Great! Let’s go tell me.” Baekhyun said and started to drag her. “N-Now? What about the members? What if they don’t support us? What if your fans leave you?” (Y/N) said as she was being dragged. “The members agreed with me. They actually asked me when I was going to tell everyone. And if the fans don’t support s, they aren’t real fans. Just let me handle everything.” And like that Baekhyun took (Y/N) to SM and told them the truth.
And surprisingly, the company was really supportive and the two told them that they wanted to tell the fans. The company agreed and a press conference was arranged.
“Today I am revealing to everyone that I am dating. Angel, Park (Y/N), is my girlfriend. I hope everyone can support her. I love her and no one can change that.” Baekhyun said. “Thank you.”
The response was crazy. News articles popped out everywhere and the fans, both EXO L and (Y/N)’s fans, Legends, were all supportive.
~Flashback Ends~
“I was really surprised.” Chanyeol said. “I know, but, afterwards, everything was so hard. We were both so busy. We were in Japan while (Y/N) was in America. But, luckily when we had time, we were finally able to move in together.” “She told me…She told me to be home soon. She was going to tell me. And I was going to ask her. Why does God have to be so cruel? If only I was one minute earlier, she would still be here.” Baekhyun said as his smile turned into tears. “It wasn’t your fault hyung. It was that accident.” Chanyeol said.
Listen to Promise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBcR4OkS_tQ
~Flashback Starts~
“Oppa! Come home early today! I have good news to tell you!” (Y/N) said giving Baekhyun an air kiss and waved him goodbye. “Of course jagiya!” Baekhyun said.
(Y/N) stayed home as she had a cold. She waited for him inside the house until 6pm when he was supposed to be home. The house was getting stuffy so she sat on the balcony at but, she fell asleep outside, in winter, and it started to snow, she started to shiver in her sleep but she didn’t get up.
Baekhyun was caught up at work and when he rushed home he was caught in traffic because of a car accident causing him to get home at 8pm. He was about to pull up at the house when the wind started to blow harshly, strong enough for the car to be pushed slightly, and the snow started to fall harshly as well. He pulled up and was about to get out the car when a body fell from the balcony and before he could react the body hit the ground. He froze for a second before recognizing it was (Y/N), he got out the hurriedly, he phoned the ambulance sobbing, she was bleeding and frozen. (Y/N)’s eyes opened for a second as she saw Baekhyun, she tried to say more but only 5 words escaped her mouth, “I love you Baekhyun oppa.” Causing Baekhyun to cry harder, “I love you too (Y/N).” The ambulance arrived 5 minutes later. They arrived in the hospital 3and (Y/N) was brought to the emergency room and Baekhyun was forced to stay outside. 3 minutes after they arrived, Chanyeol, the Park family and the EXO members arrived. “How is she?!” Chanyeol asked. “I don’t know!” Baekhyun said breaking down. Chanyeol punched the wall causing his knuckles to bleed.
They waited 2 hours when an announcement was called. “Code Red! Code Red! Code Red in room 777! I repeat Code Red in room 777!” (A/N: 777 means heaven)
Their eyes widen, it was (Y/N)’s room. Doctors and nurses rushed into the room and after 30 minutes, they came out with tears in their eyes. “I’m sorry. We weren’t able to save her or the child. “W-What?!” “C-Child?!” They exclaimed. “Miss Park was pregnant for 4 weeks. She was frozen, she barely had a pulse left and from the wind and snow earlier, it pushed her off the balcony. I’m sorry but Park (Y/N) has passed away at 00:00 on the 25th of December in 2015, as well as your child. We apologize. If only she was brought in one minute earlier, she could have been saved.” The doctor revealed. “C-Can we see her?” Her mother asked trembling and sobbing. “Of course. We are sincerely sorry for your loss.” Everyone walked slowly to her room, but as soon as they saw her body, they broke, tears streamed down their face as a sob escaped their throat. They fell to their knees, some punching the floor while some punched their hearts in pain.
“Wae jagiya? I wanted to propose to you. I was finally going to ask you to start a family like you wanted. Why?! Why?!” He said.
The news of (Y/N)’s death destroyed the fans but mostly her friends, family and Baekhyun. Her funeral was held 2 days later, from thousands of people to millions of people showed up at her funeral, fans and idols/celebrities from across the world came to her funeral.
~Flashback Ends~
Listen to Sickness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB0LatQ6zjQ
“If only I was earlier. She would still be here, her and our baby. I would’ve been a dad. We could’ve been married.” Baekhyun said crying.
The EXO members one by one entered the room, “Baekhyun hyung, (Y/N) noona wouldn’t want you to be like this.” Sehun said. No one could say anything was listen to Baekhyun crying as tears started to fall from their eyes.
Suddenly a voice spoke up, “Don’t cry anymore. Everything’s going to be okay.” They looked to see (Y/N) there with a baby in her arms. “(Y-Y/N).” Baekhyun stuttered. He tried to get up only to fall on his knees. “God granted me one last wish to see you one last time. It isn’t your fault. Move on.” (Y/N) said. “I can’t. not without you.” Baekhyun said in tears. “You can. Do it for me and Taekwoon.” “T-Taekwoon?” “Appa!” A young voice said. It was a baby boy, he had Baekhyun’s eyes and lips and he had his mother’s face and hair. “This is your son. I was going to tell you but I didn’t make it. I’m sorry.” “No, if only I was one minute earlier, I could’ve saved you both.” “It’s okay. Move on. I love you. we love you. and Chanyeol oppa, take care of him. All of you, take care. Move on, everything will be okay. Maybe…in another lifetime, we can be together again…Goodbye…” (Y/N) said and she and Taekwoon started to fade. “Wait! (Y/N)! Don’t leave! Not again! I love you!” Baekhyun shouted desperately. “I’m sorry. But, move on. I love you.” (Y/N_ said before fading away completely. They broke into tears but smiled as they got too see (Y/N) one last time.
They did as she said, they moved on but every year on her birthday and death anniversary they came and visited. But, Baekhyun couldn’t move on. He just couldn’t and no girl could approach him as they knew he love (Y/N), and only (Y/N).
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music-et · 7 years
Nu’est Ren X Reader
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You and Ren are friends even before his debut with Nu’est in 2012. Ever since his debut he’s been busy and you haven’t seen him since and one day you meet him again backstage for your brother’s comeback stage on M! Countdown with his group Seventeen. What could happen? Will love blossom or disappear?
I’m sorry if it seems a bit all over the place but I swear it gets better…hopefully…
3rd Person P.O.V
~20 years ago~
A pair of twins was born into the world, Choi (Y/N) and Choi Seungcheol. A pair of twins 5 minutes apart. Seungcheol was the younger twin and (Y/N) was the older twin, but, Seungcheol always acted like the older twin, he protected his sister from bullies and from boys who would go after her, he chased them all away. He took up taekwondo along with his sister and even though she was more skilled than him but he always wanted to protect her, but then, he left to pursue his dream, becoming an idol.
He trained for days, weeks, months and years to accomplish his dream. You, as his sister, supported him, helped him through tough times. You went to school and completed middle school and high school and you were in your second year of college majoring in (Subject).
~How You Met Seventeen @ 19 years old~
You were on your way home when you got a phone call from Seungcheol.
(Y/N): Yeoboseyo?
Seungcheol (S): Ne, Yeoboseyo noona.
(Y/N): What do you want Seungcheol?
S: I forgot my lunch at home, could you get it for me please?
(Y/N): Fine, I’ll be there in 30 minutes
S: Yes! Gomawoyo noona!
(Y/N): Got it. Bye Seungcheol! Have fun practicing
S: Ne noona! Annyeong!
And then you both hung up. You went to your car.
You got it as a gift from your parents on your 18th birthday from your parents, last year. You got home in 10 minutes and went inside to see your brother’s lunch on the dining table. You grabbed it and got back in your car. On the way to Pledis you stopped at the store to buy a couple of water bottles and some snacks for the boys. You walked to Pledis holding 2-3 bags and Seungcheol’s lunch. You went to the lady at the front desk, “Um, annyeonghaseyo. I’m Seungcheol’s noona. I was wondering where his practice room was. He called me to bring his lunch.” You said. “Ah, (Y/N) right? Seungcheol told me. Go up the lift to the 3 floor and it’s the 3rd room.” She said smiling. “Ne, kamsakhmnida unnie.” You bowed and followed her directions.
You knocked on the door and a boy with long hair answered the door, “Annyeonghaseyo.” You both said bowing a bit. He opened the door to let you in, you nod your head in thanks and walked in, Seungcheol saw you and ran over, “Gomawoyo noona!” Seungcheol said. “Ne, are they your members?” You asked. “Ne, line up!” Seungcheol yelled and everyone lined up in a line.
“Everyone, this is my twin sister, she’s older than me by 5 minutes which means she’s our noona.” Seungcheol said introducing you, “Annyeonghaseyo, I’m Choi (Y/N). I’m Seungcheol’s noona. Nice to meet you.”
“Well, we’ll go in order of oldest to youngest. I’m Choi Seungcheol, call me S.Coups. I’m born on the 8th of August 1995. I’m the oldest and leader of Seventeen and the Hip-Hop Unit.”
“I’m Yoon Jeonghan, call me Jeonghan. I’m born on the 4th of October 1995. I’m part of the Vocal Team.”
“I’m Hong Jisoo, but call me Joshua. I’m born on the 30th of December 1995. I’m part of the Vocal Team.”
“I’m Wen Jun Hui, but call me Jun. I’m Chinese. I’m born on the 10th of June 1996. I’m part of the Performance Team.”
“I’m Kwon Soon Young, call me Hoshi. I’m born on June the 15th 1996. I’m Seventeen’s Choreographer and Leader of the Performance Team.”
“I’m Jeon Won Woo, call me Wonwoo. I’m born on July the 17th 1996. I’m part of the Hip-Hop Team.”
“I’m Lee Ji Hoon, call me Woozi. I’m born on November 22nd 1996. I’m Seventeen’s Producer and Leader of the Vocal Team.”
“I’m Lee Seok Min, call me DK. I’m born on February 18th 1997. I’m part of the Vocal Team.”
“I’m Kim Min Gyu, call me Mingyu. I’m born on April 6th 1997. I’m the Visual and part of the Hip-Hop Team.”
“I’m Xu Ming Hao, call me The8. I’m Chinese. I’m born on November 7th 1997. I’m part of the Performance Team.”
“I’m Boo Seung Kwan, call me Seungkwan. I’m born on January 16th 1998. I’m part of the Vocal Team.”
“I’m Choi Han Sol, call me Vernon. I’m half Caucasian and half Korean. I’m born on February 18th 1998. I’m part of the Hip-Hop Team.”
“I’m Lee Chan, call me Dino. I’m born on February 11th 1999. I’m the Maknae and part of the Performance Team.”
“Annyeonghaseyo! We are Seventeen!” They said together. “Waah, what a unique group.” You complimented. “Oh, I’ve bought drinks and snacks for everyone on the way here.” You said holding the bag up. The boys ran to you and gave you a hug and grabbed the food shouted smiling, “Gomawoyo noona!” You smiled back and thought, ‘I feel so old now.’
The meeting formed a new friendship between Seventeen and S.Coups’ sister. Throughout the year you met After School, who became great friends, almost sisters, they treated you like a younger sister. You met Nu’est who became great friends, they treated you like a younger sister, all but one, someone you wished to become something more with. The CEO knew of your existence and didn’t mind you hanging out with his idols and he treated you like a daughter, and in return, he was like a father figure to you and you also helped them model for certain things or appear as a guest in MV’s.
Then a year later Seventeen debuted with Adore U composed by Woozi and choreographed by Hoshi.
~Present Time~
You were now backstage at M! Countdown! In Seventeen’s room watching them perform onstage. When they finished their comeback song, ‘Mansae’. The song was really exciting and you were very excited for their comeback stage and you knew they worked very hard for their comeback. Woozi worked for days to write the song and work on the music. Hoshi stayed up late to choreography the song. The rappers stayed up late to work on their raps.  The members practice from early in the morning until the next morning practicing their dance and vocal skills.
Then, they finally had their comeback on September 10th. Then after they performed they ran backstage to where you were waiting, they pulled you into a group hug laughing and smiling widely. “That was awesome!” You exclaimed. You were all talking and laughing when after a while Seventeen were called back onstage for them to announce the winner, even though Seventeen didn’t win they were still very happy and excited.
After they were getting their make-up removed and changing back into their normal clothes. You were talking to the members and responding to the messages when you got a message from Ren.
*Convo Starts*
Ren (R): Noona! :D
(Y/N): What is it? :D
R: Can we hang out tomorrow?
(Y/N): Uhh, sure
R: Great! I’ll pick you up at 12 noon
(Y/N): Okay! :D
R: I look forward to it. Goodnight noona! Saranghae <3 :D
(Y/N): Me too. Goodnight Ren. Saranghae <3
*Convo Ends*
Then you turned off your phone. You didn’t notice the room’s gone quiet until you put your phone away. “What?” You asked finally noticing the quietness. “Who were you texting?” S.Coups asked. “A friend…” You answered. “Yeoja or Namja?” S.Coups asked. “Why does it matter? I’m older than you, is that how you speak to someone older than you?” You asked rhetorically. “I know, but I’m still worried about you, you may be older, but you’re still a girl.” S.Coups said looking down. You got up and put your hand on his head, “I’m know Seungcheol-ah. If I ever need your help, I’ll come to you. Don’t worry.” You said smiling, he smiled back at you. “Ren asked me if I wanted to hang out tomorrow and I said sure.” You said. “Ren sunbaenim asked you out on a date.” Seungkwan said. “What? No! We’re just hangout as friends!” You exclaimed turning red, truth was, you wish was Seungkwan said was real because you had a crush on him but, he was younger than you and you didn’t think he’d date someone older, even though you’re only a couple months apart. “Okay~.” Seventeen said dragging the word out. “Yah!”
~Next Day~
You woke up at 10am and washed up and got dressed and put your make up on and finished at 11:00. You wore a (F/C) cropped top with (F/C) shorts with a (F/C) jacket/cardigan and a pair of (F/C) vans/converse. You had on light make-up and a nude colored lipstick. You brushed your hair out and let it down. You grabbed your bag and you went downstairs. You grabbed some bread to make toast with jam and made a cup of coffee/chocolate/cappuccino. When you finished you watched T.V and then the bell rang. You got up, grabbed your house keys and opened the door and there stood Ren wearing a white top with black skinny jeans and black shades. “Annyeong.” You greeted as you got out. “Annyeonghaseyo noona.” Ren greeted smiling. “So, where are we going today?” You asked as you both walked to his car. He opened the door for you to get in then walked to the driver’s side to get in. “Hmm, let’s go to the park and take a walk around then have a picnic later.” Ren answered. “Okay…Wait, you prepared a picnic?” you asked. “Ne, it’s to make up for missing your birthday.” Ren answered not taking his eyes of the road. “What about Seungcheol?” You asked. “I got Seungcheol hyung something already.” Ren answered. “Ah, okay.” And the rest of the car drive were the two of you talking about random things.
~At the Park~
The two of you arrived at the park and Ren took the picnic basket out and you were both walking together and hand in hand while Ren held the basket. Ren was a couple of centimetre taller than you so the two of you looked like a couple walking on a date having a picnic. You then were started to get hungry so Ren decided to find a place to sit and enjoy the picnic. He set out the picnic blanket and the two of you were eating when an old couple walked past, “I remember when you and I were like that, going on picnic dates, we were so young.” The old lady said chuckling as he husband held her close smiling. The two of you overheard her and blush.
Then after, the two of you packed up and were about to go home since it was getting late, Ren suddenly got down on one knee, “Noona, I know we haven’t known each other for very long but, will you please go out with me?” Ren asked holding a couple’s ring. “Yes!!” You shouted jumping into his arms the people around you were clapping and Ren slipped the ring into your finger, then, he slammed his lips against yours, stealing your first kiss.
~The News~
The news of you two spreading, spread like a wild fire, it was the top news in South Korea. Many fans congratulated the two of you but there were still many fans who didn’t like you.
S.Coups and the members of Seventeen gave Ren a warning even though he was their sunbae he was quite frighten, then again, there were 13 boys there, it’d intimidate anyone. The members of Nu’est and Jason (Nu’est M) gave him the same warning. The members of After School gave him the same warning. Along with (Y/N)’s family and the mangers and the company’s CEO.
~1 Year Later~
Ren and (Y/N) have been together for one year and they were still deeply in love but then, one day, Ren got a voice message that made his whole world come falling and crashing down.
‘Mianhaeyo Ren, but, I’m breaking up with you. By the time you hear this message I would’ve already been gone. Don’t go looking for me. It’s not your fault, it’s mine. I just can’t do it anymore. Move on, find another girl that can give you something I can’t. You won’t be able to find me, Seungcheol doesn’t know and neither do my family. I’m sorry, to tell you this way Ren-ah. But remember, it’s isn’t your fault. Also tell everyone I said goodbye and that I’m sorry. Saranghae.’
Ren was with his members and had he had his phone on speaker so everything was heard, his member’s eyes widen and they were all panicking. Ren immediately tried to call her but the line didn’t connect, ‘I’m sorry but this number does not exist.’ The Nu’est member ran to Seventeen’s practice room bursting in the room frightening their hoobaes. “IS (Y/N) HERE?!” They exclaimed. “A-Aniyo. I haven’t seen her ever since our last photo shoot which was 2 weeks ago. Why? Did something happen to noona?!” S.Coups exclaimed. Ren crashed down on his knees sobbing, Nu’est tried to comfort him while Seventeen were standing there shocked. Ren handed S.Coups his phone and S.Coups put the voice message on speaker letting everyone hear it.
When the message played Ren cried louder and the members were so shocked, after the voice message S.Coups suddenly ran, he ran to his sister’s apartment to where his parents were staying at while they were in Seoul. The Seventeen members and Nu’est members followed him to the apartment only to find it empty apart from the furniture. Everything that belonged to (Y/N) was gone and on the table was a note.
‘I’m sorry that you had to find out this way. I’m no longer in South Korea. I’ve already left a week ago. Don’t look for me. We’ll meet again one day and I’ll tell you why. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you early. Saranghae. I promise we’ll meet again. Saranghae.
-          (Y/N)’
Everyone broke down, all 18 boys broke down crying. To Ren, it was the worst thing that’s ever happened in his life.  All contact was lost there was no way of contacting (Y/N).
Everyone was quite upset and many of the fans were upset to hear that Ren and (Y/N) broke up. Fans around the world tried to look for her but not a trace. No one could find her, even some sasaengs or former sasaengs tried to track her down but it was impossible, it was like she vanished of the face of earth or as she never existed in the first place.
Ren never found a girl to stand in her place, he never dated another girl. He fell into deep depression where the group went on hiatus.
~2 Years Later~
Still, 2 years later, not a word from (Y/N) when one day, Seventeen, After School, Nu’est and the CEO were in a meeting, Ren’s phone rang, he looked at his phone to see it was S.Coups’ mother. “Who is it?” The CEO asked. “Seungcheol hyung’s eomma.” Ren answered. Everyone looked confused including the CEO who motioned for him to answer his phone. He answered the phone and put it on speaker.
*Start phone call*
Ren (R): Yeoboseyo?
Seungcheol’s Mum (SM): Minki-ah, its Seungcheol’s eomma.
R: Ne, eommoni, what is it that you need?
SM: Minki…(Y/N) contacted me.
Ren & Everyone: MWO?!
SM: She contacted me yesterday.
R: Can I talk to her?
SM: I’m afraid that’s not possible
R: Huh? Wae?
SM: She’s gone…She’s dead
R: What?! That’s impossible
SM: She left because she had cancer, a brain tumor. She went to America for treatment, and it didn’t work, it was her last day yesterday. Her body’s being shipped over here within the week. I was just going to invite everyone to her funeral, she’s also got a couple of letters for everyone. *close to tears* But there’s something you should all know. Before (Y/N) died, she was pregnant, with Ren’s child, a baby boy named (B/N). He’s almost 2 years old now and we’re having him fly over with (Y/N)’s body.
R: I have a son…and she didn’t tell me…*crying and members calming him down*
S.Coups: *silence* Ne, gomawo umma. We’ll all go and we’ll take care of my nephew.
SM: Ne, gomawo Seungcheol. I’ll see you then
R: Ne, annyeong.
SM: Annyeong.
*End of call*
The phone call ended and there was silence in the air, tears streamed down their faces, the CEO held his tears back while his artists let their tears fall down their faces. “She’s gone…she never told me she was pregnant…she had to go through all of that because of me…” Ren shouted to himself crying. “She’s gone…she’s gone…and she never told me.” S.Coups cried as Jeonghan tried to calm him down.
~Couple of Days Before the Funeral~
It was a couple of days before the funeral and Nu’est and Seventeen went to Daegu to pick up Ren’s son, (B/N). they went to the S.Coups’ house and when they knocked on the door there was S.Coups’ mum and dad there holding a little boy, he had brown hair and big round dark brown eyes with fair soft skin. He had (Y/N)’s eyes and lips and Ren’s face shape and skin.
“Seungcheol, welcome home. Nice to meet you Seventeen and Nu’est.” Seungcheol’s mum said smiling holding (B/N). “It’s good to be home umma.” Seungcheol said hugging his family. “Nice to meet you too.” Seventeen and Nu’est said bowing. “Seungcheol, meet your nephew. Ren, meet your son.” Seungcheol’s dad said. Seungcheol and Ren stepped forward to the baby boy, he smiled at them and poked Ren’s cheek and smiled saying, “Appa~!” Ren smiled and picked his son out of S.Coups’ mum’s arms and held his son smiling burying his face in his son’s body and (B/N) pats his father on the head cutely smiling. He then looked at S.Coups and poked his cheek smiling saying, “Samchon~!” S.Coups smiled at him and picked him up out of Ren’s arm and hugged him. “You’re so cute! You look just like your mum.”
~One Week Later~
It was (Y/N)’s funeral day. Her family, friends and her and Ren’s son were all at the funeral.
The members of Seventeen, Nu’est and After School had read the letters that (Y/N) wrote for them 3 days ago before the funeral.
Everyone went to (Y/N)’s apartment, the first time ever since the day (Y/N) disappeared. They opened the door to see the apartment still untouched. On the coffee table were 4 stacks of letters. There were a letter for each person and even ones for the CEO, Staff and one directed towards the fan.
Each person went and took their letter.
After School
Dear Jungah/ Uee/ Raina/ Nana/ Lizzy/ E-Young/ Kaeun unnie,
I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you guys about this. I know you may be angry with me, feeling betrayed or that you feel like I don’t trust you enough but that wasn’t the case. I left because I had a brain tumor and that I left for treatment but I didn’t have the courage to tell you, I’m sorry unnie.
Truth is, the reason I didn’t tell you was because I was worried about how you’d react. You guys are busy and I didn’t want to cause you stress or anything. You’ve been there for me and helped me a lot and when I have stress you’re always there for me so for that I’m very thankful. Saranghae unnie <3!!
And, this may be a selfish wish but may be if we meet again in another lifetime I wish we’d be friends again and that I’d be with you to the end this time.
From (Y/N)
After the After School members read the letter they were in tears and they all whispered, “Saranghae (Y/N)-ah, Saranghae…” “I hope so too. I’d love to be with you in any lifetime…forever.”
Dear JR oppa/ Baekho oppa/ Aron oppa/ Minhyun-ah,
I’m really sorry for you to find out this way. I really wanted to tell you but I guess I didn’t have the courage to tell you.
You’re idols and I didn’t want to burden you so decided to keep it to myself. I know if I told you you’d say, ‘It doesn’t matter. You’re more important.’ But not to me, there’s nothing you can do about this so don’t worry I’ve moved on to another life.
I’m really grateful you were there for me when I needed someone to talk to and when I needed someone by my side so I’m very thankful. Don’t feel like it’s your fault this happened to me, there’s nothing you could’ve done that could’ve prevented this from happening. J Saranghae oppa/dongsaeng.
And, this may be a selfish wish, but, if we very meet again in another lifetime, I wish we’d be friends again and that I’d be with you until the end of time.
From (Y/N)
After the Nu’est members read the letter they were in tears and they all whispered, “Saranghae (Y/N)-ah/noona, Saranghae…” “I hope so too. I’d love to be with you in any lifetime…forever.”
Dear Ren jagi,
You’re now a father!! You’d better raise him well. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I was pregnant and that I was baring your child, but, I don’t regret having him and tell him I’m sorry for leaving him behind but raise him well Ren. His name is (B/N) Choi, your son. I’ll watch over you as your angel, move on and find another girl to love you and let her give you something I couldn’t give you. Move on, but don’t forget about us and love (B/N) and remember that I love you.
I’m really sorry about this. I wish I could’ve told you earlier and that you didn’t have to find out this way. I know I hurt you a lot when I sent that message to you and left you no explanation so I’ll explain everything to you now. The truth was, was that I was diagnosed with a brain tumor so I left to the USA to try and get better so I decided to leave for treatment but the treatment didn’t work. It spread to fast and it failed and now, I’m here in heaven.
I’m really grateful I met someone like you. You made me feel loved and like I was the only girl in the world. You were there when I needed someone and everything. You’re a very important person in my life. Saranghae.
And, this may be a selfish wish but I hope that, in another lifetime, we’d be together and live together forever, and nothing would get in-between us again. Saranghae.
From (Y/N)
After Ren read the letter he was in tears and whispered, “I don’t want an angel, I don’t want another girl…I just want you noona…I will raise him well…he’s my only memory of you left…Saranghae.”
Dear Jeonghan/ Joshua/ Jun/ Soonyoung/ Wonwoo/ Jihoon/ Seokmin/ Mingyu/ Minghao/ Seungkwan/ Hansol/ Chan –ah,
I’m really sorry. I know I’ve hurt you a lot with this, I disappeared without a trace and didn’t contact you, didn’t let you know if I was dead or alive.
Truth was, I knew that you were looking for me, I knew the fans were worried and were looking for me, but I didn’t say anything, I didn’t let you know if I was alive or dead and for that I’m really sorry. I’m sorry I cause you all so much pain.
I left because of a brain tumor and flew to the US for treatment but it didn’t work and I had a limited of time left on Earth, and even then I didn’t tell you and now I have to tell you through a letter so I’m very sorry. I’m sorry for being such a bad noona but remember I love you, thank you for being there for me, saranghae dongsaeng.
This may be a selfish wish but, I hope we’d meet again in another lifetime and that I’d be with you longer.
From (Y/N) noona
The Seventeen members were in tears whispering, “It isn’t selfish to wish that. I wish that as well noona. Saranghae.”
Dear Seungcheol,
You’re now an uncle! J You’d better raise him well and take care of him or else I’ll strangle you in your sleep…just kidding but raise him well.
I’m sorry for being such a bad noona. I made my dongsaeng upset and disappeared without a trace and let you and mum, dad and oppa worried. I didn’t mean for it but I didn’t want to worry you, but I guess I worried you more this way. I saw you crying on TV and begging for me to come back or let you know where I am or if I’m alive and yet I didn’t say anything, I didn’t let you know and for that I’m really sorry.
I was in the US for treatment and the treatment fail and now I’m gone so I’m very sorry for this Seungcheol-ah, but remember noona loves you and that none of this was your fault so don’t blame yourself and if it was anyone to blame it’d be me. So remember noona love you and thank you for protecting me all these years. Don’t blame yourself and move on and achieve your dream and remember I’m cheering for you.
This may be a selfish wish but I wish we’d still be siblings in another lifetime, but, this time, you’ll be the older one. Saranghae, Seungcheol-ah. You’ve been the best brother I could ever ask for and I couldn’t ask for anyone better.
From (Y/N) noona
After reading the letter Seungcheol was in tears saying, “You’re not a bad noona, you’re an amazing noona. I love you noona, I’ll do it for you.”
Everyone was crying and an hour later they went to Pledis to deliver the letter to the CEO and they called a press conference to read the letter for the fans from (Y/N).
Seungcheol and Ren went to the CEO’s office and gave him the letter and left with tears in their eyes. The CEO looked at them sadly and his hands started to shake when he was opening the letter.
Dear Han Sung Soo sshi,
I’m really sorry for worrying you and the idols. I didn’t mean to make everyone worry.
Truth was, I left was because I had a brain tumor and I didn’t want anyone to worry so I left to get treatment but the treatment failed so I only had a week left but I didn’t want to come back. I know I could came back and had my last week with them but if I died there while I was with them…it’d hurt them even more and I can’t do that, so I left and spent time in the US until my last day. I didn’t want to die with my friends and family surrounding me while I died and left them behind.
I’m really sorry. But, I have one request before I die, please watch over Seungcheol for me please. Watch over Seventeen, Nu’est and After School for me please. I may be able to watch over them in heaven but I can’t physically help them or comfort them in anyway. So I hope you can watch over them for me and help them and comfort them.
Thank you for watching over me and helping me land jobs even though I wasn’t a part of the company and thank you for treating me like a daughter. You were like my 2nd father growing up, so thank you…appa, saranghae.
From (Y/N)
The CEO was in tears when he read the letter, “I will (Y/N). I will…Saranghae, my daughter.”
The member of Seventeen, Nu’est and After School called a press conference to read the fans (Y/N)’s letter to them, live streamed. Seungcheol read it to them,
“Annyeong yeoreobun!
It’s me Choi (Y/N). I’m really sorry for you to find out this way. I know you were all looking for me. The truth was, was that I was in the US. I had a brain tumor and was there to get treatment but it didn’t work and now I’m in heaven looking over your guys. It’s okay, it wasn’t your fault and there wasn’t anything you could’ve done about it so don’t worry about it.
I love you guys and I’m sorry for worrying you and for making your oppas and hyungs and unnies and noonas worried and sad and I’m sorry for breaking up your OTP.
I also got news for you all, truth is, is that…I was pregnant, with Ren’s child and I gave birth to a baby boy name Choi (B/N). I know you all won’t accept him but please don’t hurt him he’s our child and I hope you can all grow to love him like I do.
I know they won’t listen to me so remember to remind them to move on and remind Ren oppa to move on and find a girl that could give him something I couldn’t give him. And if you guys won’t listen to me, listen to your oppas and unnies to move on and none of this was your fault and that you guys should be happy.
Saranghae yeoreobun!! If we meet again in another lifetime I hope I’ll be with you guys longer and that we can be friends.
From (Y/N)”
The fans who saw the live stream were in tears at home or with their friends, they cried and cried but they knew they had to follow (Y/N)’s wish and remind their oppas/hyungs and noona/unnies to be happy, “I will unnie…I’ll definitely accept (B/N)…Saranghae.”
~End Flashback~
Everyone walked in to see (Y/N) laying on the alter table with red roses and red petals surrounding her wearing a white dress.
The priest was there talking and saying the prayer but nothing comprehended in their heads, all they could hear was a bunch of mixed up sounds and tears wouldn’t stop falling down their faces.
Then they went up so say a speech before (Y/N)’s body was laid down to the ground, they chose a representative and it was Ren. Ren who was holding (B/N) put him on S.Coups’ leg and walked up to the microphone.
“I remember meeting (Y/N). I remember the time I asked her to be my girlfriend. I remember thinking and planning to ask her to marry me but, that day never came.
The day she told me it was over, my whole world came crashing down. But I had a glimpse of hope in my life when she told me we’d meet again. I just never thought this is how we’d meet again. What I hoped was that I’d meet her again and that I’d immediately purpose to her so she’s never disappear or slip away but, it’s already too late. She disappeared before I could even see her again. But, I know she still loves me and I want her and everyone to know that I love her, I couldn’t ask for anyone better. I know she told me to move on, but I can’t. I just love her so much.
I love the fact that she gave me a baby boy, I love (B/N) so much. He’s all I have left of (Y/N) and I love him. I am still young so I hope you can all help and advise me on taking care of him.” Ren said and he started to tear up again.
He walked of stage and walked over to (Y/N) and leaned down and gave her a kiss on the lips with tears streaming down his face. He then walked over to (B/N) and picked him up hugging him tightly as his son cried on his shoulder crying for his umma.
The audience were all in tears and then, they put the glass on (Y/N)’s coffin and closed it tightly. Everyone then walked outside as they carried (Y/N)’s coffin and put it in the hole and the people began to cover the coffin with dirt as everyone around started to cry.
~After Funeral~
After (Y/N)’s funeral Nu’est, Seventeen and After School went on hiatus for a while giving them time to themselves and for them to have some healing time. That, and time for Ren to raise his child.
~5 Years Later~
5 years have passed, 5 years since (Y/N)’s death. Some have moved on, some have tried to move on and some just haven’t moved on and Ren was one of the people who just haven’t moved on. He went to (Y/N)’s grave early in the morning to go see her. He had (B/N) sleep over at his uncle’s dorm, S.Coups and the Seventeen members.
He went in his car and drove to the flower shop and bought her favorite roses, (F/C) roses. He then arrived at the cemetery and he walked through the cemetery all the way to (Y/N)’s grave. He put the flowers down on her grave and paid his respects. He then sat next to her grave and talked to her. He talked about everything and anything when a hand touched his shoulder. He turned to see it was (Y/N). “(Y/N)!!” He exclaimed and went to hug her but she put her hand up to stop him and shook her head, “Ren-ah.” She said and tears streamed down her face. “Why? Why did you leave?! “Ren shouted and tears streamed down his face. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to. But I had to. It was the only way.” (Y/N) cried. “Y-You didn’t even tell me you were pregnant, you didn’t tell me you were pregnant with my child. You went through the pregnancy by yourself and the labour by yourself while you had a brain tumor. And what did I do? All I did was try looking for you while doing my job…” Ren cried. “I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you…but I just couldn’t…” (Y/N) said.
The two then began to talk for a while when suddenly (Y/N) said, “I’ve got to go. I’ve been here for too long.” “No! You can’t leave! Not again!” Ren shouted. “It’ll be okay. Move on.” (Y/N) said and she touched his face. Ren’s hand went up to hold onto her hand, he missed her touch and her warmth over the past 7 years. “It’ll be okay. Turn around.” Ren turned to see a girl, she looked exactly like (Y/N). (Y/N) gave him and back hug and whispered in his ear, “Go…move on…but don’t forget that I love you…” and she disappeared, she turned transparent and disappeared in thin air.
~5 Years Later~
Another 5 years have passed, Ren got married, he moved on and married the girl (Y/N) introduced to him at the cemetery. Ren and the girl had a baby girl and the two of them got married 2 years after they met and dated. Ren, Miki, (B/N) and (G/N) were the perfect family but Ren and (B/N) never forgot (Y/N). Miki knew she could never replace (Y/N) and she didn’t mind the fact that she couldn’t replace (Y/N), for she was a fan of Ren and (Y/N).
The fans, Seventeen, Nu’est and After School we happy that Ren was able to move on and get a family. Though, they were quite shocked at the resemblance of the two but accepted Miki like (Y/N) had wanted when she died.
It was (Y/N)’s 10th year anniversary and the members of Seventeen were there with their family and so were Nu’est, After School and the Pledis Staff and CEO. They paid their respect to (Y/N)’s grave every year at exactly 12 noon.
On the 10th year, (Y/N) paid one last visit to Earth. She flew down to Earth with God’s permission on last time.
She flew down and surprised everyone, “Annyeong.” She said as she flew down, her appearance changed, he hair got longer and her body matured more and she had a pair of white wings making her look like an angel. “(Y/N)/Noona/Umma!!” They exclaimed. She touched the ground and was tackled into a hug by everyone, after their reunion they released (Y/N) from the hug.
“Umma…” (B/N) said in tears. (Y/N)’s eyes soften looking at her son, “(B/N), you grew up very handsome.” (Y/N) said and gave her son a hug as he sobbed on her shoulder when she kneeled down. “Gwenchana…Gwenchana…I’ve been a bad mother haven’t I.” she said rubbing his back, he pulled away and shook his head smiling, “Aniyo. You’re a great mother. Saranghae.” He said and gave her a kiss.
“Noona…” Seungcheol said and pulled his sister into a hug. “I missed you so much.” He said. “I miss you too Seungcheol.” And she hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. And she did the same to everyone, they missed her warmth, her touch, her voice, her smile, everything, they missed her so much.
When she went to give the CEO a hug, she said, “Thank you for fulfilling my wish.” “It’s okay, I would’ve done it either way.” He said smiling.
She then went up to hug Ren, “Ren-ah…” “Noona…” And Ren ran into her arms, he missed her so much, “I missed you…” “I missed you too.” “I’m grateful that you moved on. I’m thankful you took great care of (B/N). And that’s a beautiful wife and daughter you’ve got there.” (Y/N) said. Ren nod but didn’t say anything, instead, he kissed (Y/N), she was shocked but kissed him back, when they broke a part (Y/N) sent Miki an apologetic look which Miki just shook her head and smiled making (Y/N) smile back.
After, she was introduced to everyone’s husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends who she bonded greatly with.
When (Y/N)’s face dropped, “What’s wrong?” Jeonghan asked. “It’s my time.” (Y/N) answered. “What?!” everyone exclaimed. “It’s time for me to move on to the afterlife.” (Y/N) said. “It’s my last time on Earth. Last time to see you.” everyone was so upset but they knew they had to let her go and Ren pulled her back into one last kiss and she gave everyone a hug and then the light appeared. She smiled at them and began to walk towards the light until she disappeared into the light.
“Oppa! Ppalli! Ppalli!” Shouted a teenage girl. “I got it! I’m coming!” the boy shouted and the two ran to the park where a big group of people were. “(Y/N)! Seungcheol hyung!” shouted a voice. “We’re coming Minki oppa!” (Y/N) shouted and ran into his arms. “Jonghyun oppa (JR)!! Youngmin oppa (Aron)!! Dongho (Baekho) oppa!! Minhyun oppa (Minhyun)!!” She shouted waving at them. “You’re finally here. You guys took so long.” Said a boy with long hair. “It’s not my fault Jeonghan oppa! Seungcheol oppa took forever.” She complained, making the boys and girls around her chuckle. “Yah! It’s not my fault!” Seungcheol exclaimed. “Whatever…Let’s go play Seungcheol oppa!! Jeonghan oppa!! Jisoo oppa!! Junhui oppa!! Soonyoung oppa!! Wonwoo oppa!! Jihoon oppa!! Seokmin oppa!! Mingyu oppa!! Minghao oppa!! Seunghwan-ah!! Hansol-ah!! Chan-ah!!Jonghyun oppa!! Youngmin oppa!! Dongho oppa!! Minhyun oppa!! Ren oppa!! Jung Ah (Jungah) unnie!! Yu Jin (Uee) unnie!! Hye Rin (Raina) unnie!! Jin Ah (Nana) unnie!! Soo Young (Lizzy) unnie!! Yi Young (E-Young) unnie!! Ga Eun (Kaeun) unnie!! Kaja!” She said and ran to the snow and started to play with it.
~4 Years Later~
At the park in broad daylight, “(Y/N), will you go out with me?” Ren asked on one knee holding a silver ring. “Of course.” (Y/N) exclaimed and they shared their first kiss and Ren slipped on (Y/N)’s couple ring.
~2 Years Later~
It was their 2 year anniversary and they were in the park when a stage appeared out of nowhere and there stood Jonghyun, Youngmin, Dongho and Minhyun with 5 microphones and Seventeen and After School with (Y/N)’s family. They pulled her to a chair and Ren rushed onstage with the other members, “Happy 2 year anniversary jagiya.” Ren said and him and the members began to sing Hey Love.
Nu’est Hey Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1orgemUchI
Then Seungcheol pulled (Y/N) onstage infront of Ren. “(Y/N), will you make me the happiness man on Earth and become my wife?” Ren asked on one knee with their friends and family around them cheering. “Of Course!” (Y/N) exclaimed and they shared a kiss and Ren slipped on the ring.
~Wedding Day~
(Y/N) was wearing a beautiful white dress with white heels and with diamond earrings and necklace. She had light make up on and it showed her natural beauty.
Make-Up: Screen+shot+2013-01-01+at+1.29.53+PM Dress: http://cherrymarry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/ball-gown-wedding-dress-with-diamonds.jpg
(Chose the one you like)
In the groom’s room, Ren had a white suit on and looking very nervous while his members were congratulating him and telling him everything will be okay. He smiled at them in thank, he took a deep breath and opened the door as the music flowed throughout the room.
Suit: white-suits-white-suit-for-men-21 
The two of them were very nervous but also very excited. (Y/N) took a deep breath and took her father’s hand and the door opened (Y/N) walked in with her father in hand and saw Ren at the alter looking at her smiling.
Ren turned when he heard the door open, he saw his beautiful soon-to-be wife. She looked so beautiful that he couldn’t help smiling at her and she smiled back making his heart flutter. She went next to him and the priest was talking, and the two zoned out and just looked at each other lovingly.
“Do you, Choi Minki, take Choi (Y/N), to be your wife to love and care as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“And do you, Choi (Y/N), take Choi Minki, to be your husband to love and care as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
And Ren slammed his lips against yours as you kissed back immediately. And everyone cheered for you happily.
1 year later you gave birth to a baby boy you named (B/N). He had your eyes and lip and he had Ren’s hair and face.
You and Ren lived happily ever after.
You, in the end, got your wish, you lived happily ever after with your friends and family again, only this time, it lasted longer and your wish was fulfilled.
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music-et · 7 years
VIXX Leo X Reader
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It’s Leo and (Y/N)’s anniversary 3 years anniversary but what happens when Leo forgets? Will (Y/N) forgive him or will they break up after 3 years of love.
N & Leo = 26 years old Ken = 24 years old Ravi & Hongbin = 23 years old (Y/N) = 22 years Hyuk = 21 years old
Vixx Leo X Reader
3rd Person P.O.V
It was yours and Leo’s 3 year anniversary and you had prepared a surprise for him. You prepared a nice dinner with his favorite food.
Cheese Tteokbokki:
Kimchi Stew:
You also hung up a banner saying, ‘Happy 3 Year Anniversary!’ After you had finish preparing you got dressed into a (f/c) dress.
Some Examples (Choose Your Favorite):
It was about 5:30pm and you were waiting for Leo to come home since he said he’d be home by 6. You waited for hours and hours until you fell asleep at 11pm, you waited for Leo for almost 6 hours.
As you were sleeping when Leo came home, he unlocked the door and went inside as he was walking he saw the light in the living and saw the food you prepared for him and he realized what day it was today, your 3 year anniversary together. Then he started to remember the things his members were telling him this morning, “Hyung, congratulations!” “Tell (Y/N) noona congratulations!” “Have fun today Leo-ah!” etc… He was mentally hitting himself but he kept composure and walked over to (Y/N) quietly and carried her to their bedroom but as he was about to lay her down on the bed he tripped and threw her onto the bed, on her back, waking her up and fell to the floor.
“Leo oppa… You’re home…” You muttered getting up. “Yeah, practice went later than normal.” Leo answered slightly nervous since you called him by his stage name and not by his real name. “Did you know how long I waited for you? You could’ve called or texted me!” You shouted. “I told you! Practice went on longer than expected so I couldn’t tell you!” Leo argued back. “Do you even remember what day it is today?!” You asked loudly and slightly rudely too. Leo lost his temper and slapped you across the face leaving a very visible red hand mark on your cheek, “Of course I do! It’s just our 3 year anniversary, it’s not that big of a deal!” He shouted back, then there was a silence. Leo realized what he said and did but couldn’t back out on what he just did, he was so tired and exhausted that he wasn’t thinking straight. “Fine.” You said, you got up out of bed and grabbed a bag and started shoving your things in there while Leo stood there frozen when you finished he went up to you and grabbed your wrist, “Where do you think you’re going?!” “Anywhere but here. I think it’s best if we take a break from each other for a while, Leo-ssi.” You said yanking your wrist away and left the house leaving Leo in the house he collapsed to his knees and screamed out in anger and pain.
You got in your car and decided to drive to your best friend’s house which happened to be Leo’s sisters’ house. You arrived and knocked on the door, and within a minute she opened the door to see you standing there with a bag. “(Y/N)?! What are you doing here?! Come in.” She said grabbing the bag from you and pulled you inside and she seated you at a couch at her living room where her 2 other sisters were along with her parents and turned on the heater and gave you a blanket to cover yourself. “(Y/N)-ah! What are you doing here? Isn’t it yours and Taekwoon’s 3 year anniversary today?” His mum asked. The suddenly you bursted into tears and his sisters comforted you, his mother went up to you and hug you and when you calmed down she tilted your head up and saw a hand mark on your face, “Omo! What happened?!” They exclaimed, tears then started to stream down your face. “As you know it’s our anniversary and I wanted to give him some big news and so I prepared a dinner celebration and I waited for him to come home but he didn’t come home until 11 so I fell asleep then I woke up later when he carried me upstairs and tripped. I asked him what happened and why he was late and then he started to get angry and he lost his temper and slapped me and I left.” You explained. “Omo. I can’t believe it. I’m going to give him a beating.” His oldest sister said. “I was wondering if it’s okay for me to stay here for a while until it calms down. But, please don’t tell him I’m staying here.” You asked “Of course. You’ve always been like a daughter to me. This is also my apology for what my son’s done. Stay as long as you need.” His mother said. “What was the big news you wanted to tell him?” His father asked breaking the silence. “…I’m pregnant.” You said smiling. “Omo! Chinja?!” the family exclaimed and you nod. “How long?” “I found out 3 days ago. 4 weeks already.” You said. “Omo! I’m so happy for you!” They said.
~1 Week Later~
During the time of yours and Leo’s break you talked to your family, your twin brother was Gong Chan Sik, also known as Gongchan, the maknae of B1A4, your full name was (Y/N) Gong. You talked to your brother and your parents and told them you were pregnant and about what happened. They were very supportive towards you and were quite upset with Leo though. As the week pasted by you hung out with Leo’s sisters and were catching up and you made plans to go to the shops on Sunday with his mum and sisters.
After you left Leo contacted you non-stop and his members the next day, asked him about the anniversary but only to receive a sad look, Leo was reluctant to tell them the reason but ended up telling them. They were quite angry at him but understood his situation and they helped him to contact you but you never answered your phone.
~On Sunday~
You woke up and got dressed in a (f/c) top with ripped jeans/shorts with runners/heels. You were at the mall shopping and you shopped for 3-4 hours as you finished shopping at 4:30 as you arrived at the shops at around 12.
As you were leaving the shops with Leo’s family a car came speeding at Leo’s mum and on instinct you protected her and got the impact of the hit, you were hit by the car to her back and you blacked out worrying about your baby and Leo’s mum. Before you blacked out you heard, “(Y/N) Hold On!” and saw Leo’s sister on the phone panicking and crying as his sisters and mum crouched around you yelling something to you.
Leo was at practice when his phone rang, he went over to it and saw that his sister was calling him,
Leo (L): Yeoboseyo?
Sister (S): Leo!
L: Ne noona. What’s wrong?
S: (Y/N) got into a car accident! Come to XXX Hospital quickly.
And she hung up. Leo stood there frozen for a second before bolting out the room and out of the building making his members and choreographer yell after him and his members to run after him. He ran all the way to hospital with his member puffing and panting after him. He ran to the desk lady and asked where she was and she directed him to room #579 on the 5th floor. He thanked the lady and ran upstairs without waiting for his members and ran to where the desk lady directed him.
Gongchan who was in the middle of filming, A Song For You, got a phone call. At first he didn’t pick up but then it kept ringing and when he finally picked up, he received terrible news.
Gongchan (G): Yeoboseyo?
Leo Sister (LS): Gongchan-ah!
G: Uh, ne
LS: (Y/N) got into a car accident!
G: What?! Where is she now?
LS: She’s at XXX Hospital
G: I’ll be right there
LS: Please hurry
Then they hung up, Kangin then asked him, “What’s wrong?” “I’m sorry but I have to go. I’ll explain next time.” Gongchan said and immediately sped out the building and ran to XXX Hospital.
When he arrived he asked the desk lady where his sister was and she directed him to room #579 on the 5th floor. He thanked her and rushed to the elevator and to her room.
The 8 of them, VIXX and Gongchan arrived at the same time and saw Leo’s mum and sister waiting outside the room and Leo saw his other with a wrapped up arm. They ran towards the four of them as all asked at the same time, “What happened to (Y/N)?!” “We were at the shops when we were exiting and a car came speeding towards mum and (Y/N) out of instinct pushed her out the way and got hit with the impact.” Leo’s sister explained. “And now the doctor isn’t sure about the baby and (Y/N)!” Leo’s 2nd sister said. “Baby?” VIXX asked making them slap their hand over their mouth. “What do you mean baby?” Leo asked. His mother sighed, “(Y/N)’s been pregnant with your child for 5 weeks now. But, when she protected me…I’m really sorry…I don’t know if your child’s going to survive or (Y/N) anymore.” And she bursted into tears making Gongchan collapse to his knees as tears streamed down his face and he buried his face into his hands wailing loudly and Hongbin went to pat his friend on the shoulder. “G-Gwenchana…Gwenchana…” He said. “Why…Why?!” He wailed. “It’ll be okay…She’s a strong girl…She’ll survive…” Hongbin said. Leo just stood there frozen, he didn’t say anything except just stare at his family, looking and examining to see if they were lying as if they were pulling a prank on him, hoping what was happening before him was just a joke to see his reaction. But, he didn’t see anything and tears started to stream down his face until he was sobbing into his hands and his family were comforting him and the members split in two groups, some with Leo and some with Gongchan. When suddenly Gongchan’s phone rang, he picked up still crying.
G: Y-Y-Yeoboseyo?
Unknown: Gongchan-ah! What happened?! Why are you crying?
G: Kangin hyung! (Y/N) got into a car accident!
K: What?! Is she okay?
G: I don’t know! Why did this have to happen to her?! Why!?
K: I don’t know…I don’t know…I’ll call your members and family then I’ll tell your manager. Where are you?
G: Thank you hyung. I’m at XXX Hospital at room #579 on the 5th floor.
K: No problem. I’ll come with Amber after too.
And they hung up. The members guided Gongchan to a chair for him to sit down as the others did the same for Leo.
After they hung up Amber looked at Kangin, “Oppa, did you ask?” “Ne, (Y/N) got into a car accident.” Kangin answered sighing and dialled his phone again. “Who are you calling?” “Gongchan’s members. They don’t know yet. Can you tell Gongchan’s manager that Gongchan’s sister got into a car accident and that he’s at XXX Hospital and tell him to call Gongchan’s family too.” “What really?! Aigoo! I’ll tell him now.” Amber said. Amber ran off to the manager and told him what happened and he immediately called Gongchan’s family and told them what happened. Then Jiyoung picked up the phone.
J: Yeoboseyo?
K: Ne, Jiyoung-ah. It’s Kangin from Super Junior
J: Ne Kangin hyung. Is something wrong?
K: Gongchan ran out when we were filming AS4U and it turns out (Y/N)’s got into a car accident
J: What? Is she okay?
K: I don’t know. But Gongchan’s now at XXX Hospital.
J: Okay, we’ll be there soon.
K: Okay, bye.
J: Ne, thank you hyung.
After they finished filming AS4U they rushed to the hospital where they met the rest of B1A4, they went to the front desk to where (Y/N) was. They were told where she was and rushed to the hospital room where VIXX, Gongchan, Leo’s Family & Gongchan and (Y/N)’s family were waiting. Gongchan, as soon as he saw his hyungs ran to them and collapsed in tears, “Hyung!” “Gongchan-ah, it’ll be okay. It'll be okay…she’s strong, she’ll be okay.” Jiyoung said patting Gongchan’s back, comforting him. After he had calmed down the emergency light was flashing and the announcement came, “Code Red! Code Red! Code Red in #579 on the 5th floor! Code Red!” It hit them, it was (Y/N)’s room. Doctors and nurses were rushing towards (Y/N)’s room, they were panicking.
After 1 hour of panicking and no messages from the doctors or nurses, no one walked out the room until finally the light turned off, the looked in through the glass and saw the doctors and nurses with tears in the eyes and they saw the tears fall from the eyes. They stayed in there for about 5 minutes until they finally stepped out. Everyone on the outside saw then crying and the only that ran through their head was that (Y/N) and her unborn child was gone. The doctors and nurse walked out and as they each left they patted Leo on the shoulder before leaving.
They all left until only one doctor and nurse was in front of them. “D-Doctor! How’s my sister? Is she alright?” Gongchan asked. The doctor let a tear roll down his cheek and before he could say anything they fell to their knees, “It can’t be…She can’t be gone…” “Aniyo. She’s fine. The baby and her are both fine.” The doctor said. They looked at him in surprise. “She’s okay, she’s up right now if you want to talk to her.” The doctor said. They immediately got up and ran into the room. While everyone ran off to (Y/N)’s room her parents stayed back and thanked the doctor before walking off.
They bursted into the room to see (Y/N) sitting up on the bed. “(Y/N)!” they exclaimed. (Y/N) turned around to see everyone with tear marks on their faces, “Guys…” They ran towards her and pulled her into a big hug. “C-Can’t breathe.” She gasped out, everyone let her go quickly. “(Y/N)-ah…” Leo said softly. The group gave way for Leo, (Y/N) looked at them and they got the message and they left the two alone. “Taekwoon oppa.” He stood next to you and tears started to fall down his face, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean what I said. I was just so tired. I know I forgot our anniversary. I know and I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. If only I didn’t yell or get angry at you, none of this would’ve happened.” There was a silence until you suddenly let out a soft chuckle until you started laughing, “W-What?” “Oppa, it’s okay. I forgive you.” “Then why did you laugh?” “It’s just, it’s just that that’s the most I’ve heard you speak.” You said. You knew just how to lighten the mood, and that was just one of the things Leo loved about you. He let out a soft chuckle, “Well, then, will you Gong (Y/N) be my girlfriend again?” “Of course Taekwoon oppa.” And Leo gave you a long passionate kiss. You two finally broke away when you heard clapping and cheering coming from your friends and family.
~Time Skip~
After the incident 2 years ago, Leo finally proposed and today was your wedding day. At the wedding, your friends and Leo’s sisters were your bridesmaid and VIXX was Leo’s groom’s men.
 Wedding: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=199594570
Venue: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/Royal_Palace_Banquet_Hall.jpg
Bridesmaid & Groom’s Men: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=199594750
Flower Bouquet: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/86/06/46/8606467add229f190c8eb6d907cc4307.jpg
Wedding Cake: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/74/17/7174176d552ca82b751e2d23f413b69b.jpg
“Do you Jung Taekwoon take Gong (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death tears you apart?” The priest asked. “I do.” Leo answered with no hesitation. “And you do Gong (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death tears you apart?” The priest asked. “I do.” You answered with no hesitation. “Then I pronounce you husband and wife.” And Leo kissed you passionately on the lips and everyone cheered and clapped for you.
At the party you were getting ready to throw the bouquet. “Are you ready?” You asked excitedly to the girls. They all nod excitedly. “Great.” You said and turned around. “Ready? Set? Go!” You shouted and threw the flowers for it to land in
F(x) Amber’s hands.
“Amber! Congratulations! I’d better get an invite to your wedding!” You said to Amber. The girls and guys were congratulating a red Amber who just nod and thanked you shyly.
“Okay, now for the groom to throw the garter.” The MC said. Leo walked towards you and bent down and removed the garter from your leg. Once it was off, “Are you ready?” He asked. The males nod and Leo turned around and threw the garter for it to be caught by
Super Junior M Henry.
The boys congratulated Henry who turned a cherry red, full of embarrassment.
After you cut the cake and had the bride and groom dance.
~After 2 years~
You and Leo have a 2 year old daughter who you both love dearly.
You named her Jung (D/N) and as she grew you she had Leo’s eyes and face while she had your personality.
After your wedding, 1 year later, you got a wedding invitation that invited you and Leo to Amber and Henry’s wedding which you were very excited to attend.
The VIXX member soon started to date and some married and had kids or their wife or girlfriend was pregnant.
You all stayed together as one big happy family. The fans were very supportive of your relationship and adored your daughter. Leo, was still a member of VIXX and VIXX LR became a solo artist while you were a popular model as well as a house wife.
Your daughter grew up in a happy and healthy environment with loving and supporting parents and great supporting family, friends and fans.
 The End
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music-et · 7 years
Reader X Luhan EXO Oneshot
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You are dating Luhan from EXO, but as you continue dating you start getting hates and threats from EXO-L. What will you do? Give up? Continue with the pain? Read to find out.
Reader is 19. Ages from Xiumin – Sehun. The youngest is 21 and oldest is 25. Other Characters that pop up are around 20 years old.
                        3rd person P.O.V
You and Luhan were a couple, you were childhood friends too. You attended college with Luhan and the rest of EXO. You were great friends with everyone on campus, well, except for the EXO fan-girls.
You got hates and you ignored them as much as you could, but it wasn’t easy since they were extremely hurtful.
Even at school there would be hate mail and evil glares and threats.
Finally, one day, at school, you didn’t have any of the boys in this lesson, so the girls threatened you, “You’d better break up with Luhan you slut!” “He’s dating you from pity!” “We’ll make your family suffer for this!” “We’ll hurt everyone you know unless you break you with him!” and many other comments, and you couldn’t take it anymore, you wanted it all to end, “Fine! I’ll break up with Luhan!” and you stormed out.
Finally, after school, the EXO member and Luhan were all outside waiting for you, you were standing at the center of the school when you stopped, making everyone stop, “What wrong (y/n)?” D.O asked. “I have to tell you something Luhan.” “What is it (y/n)?” Luhan asked. “I-I’m breaking up with you.” You said blinking back the tears. “W-What?” “I, (y/f/n) (y/l/n), am breaking up with Kim Lu Han. Everyone presented here is witness.” You said with all the energy that you could muster. Gasp and whisper was passed around, Luhan looked so broken, “P-Please tell me y-you’re j-joking.” “I’m serious, we aren’t meant to be. I’m sorry.” EXO looked shocked, “You’re joking right (y/n).” Suho said. “What happened to make you like this?” Sehun asked. “Did anyone force you to say this?” Kris asked. “No, I’m really sorry Suho oppa. Baekhyun oppa. Chanyeol oppa. D.O oppa. Kai oppa. Sehun oppa. Xiumin oppa. Kris oppa. Lay oppa. Chen oppa. Tao oppa. I’m really sorry, Luhan oppa.” You said, turning to leave, a hand grabbed your’s. “(y/n), please. Don’t leave me.” Luhan said.
Tears ran down his face, you didn’t look back no matter what. “I’m really sorry.” You said without looking back, you pulled away and ran to EXO’s house.
You guys lived together, you ran up the stairs as fast as possible and grabbed all your things shoving them all in your suitcase. You were almost finished when running and shouting raided in from downstairs, it followed to up the stairs, you finished and you jumped out the window onto the tree with your suitcase in hand. You quickly got down and ran away, you ran to an apartment near your school, but far enough so the boys wouldn’t find you. You knew you’d have to face them soon but, you didn’t want to be the reason of why EXO was losing fans so, you, just had to. If it makes people happy, then you’d do it, making me people happy meant more to you than your own happiness.
~The Next Day~
You woke up and did your normal routine. You walked to school and music blasted out your headphones, you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked back seeing EXO and Luhan with puffy red eyes, it broke you to see him so sad, but you forced yourself to look away and you yanked your head away from them. But you were yanked back by Kris, “(Y/n), I know what you said yesterday, you never meant it. So, please, just tell us what’s wrong. Is it the fans? Who is forcing you?” “No one is forcing me to say this.” You answered. “Then, look into Luhan hyung’s eyes and say that you no longer have feelings for him. And that’s it’s truly over.” Tao said. “Fine.” You looked into Luhan’s eyes, it hurt but you said it with a cold emotionless look on your face, “I, (y/n) (l/n), do not, and I repeat, do not have any feelings left for Kim Lu Han. And, nor did I ever care about EXO. Happy.” You said looking at them with a cold emotionless look. And walked of, you walked really fast and to school you ran to the girl’s bathroom. You cried so much, “I can’t believe I did that to him. I broke his heart even worse now. I hate myself so much right now.” Tears rolled down your face, you opened your bag and grabbed out your emergency razor, pulled your sleeves up and you slid your wrist a few times, ‘one for breaking his heart’, ‘one of being selfish’, ‘one for living in this world’, ‘one for not being good enough’ and ‘one for being stupid to believe in love’, and you carved some words into your wrist and arm ‘WORTHLESS’, ‘UGLY’, ‘SELFISH’ and ‘STUPID’. You washed the blood, cleaned your face, pulled down your sleeves and walked out the bathroom. You walked to class and sat at your seat which was all the way at the back next to the window. Then EXO walked into class, ‘Sh*t, I forgot they’re in my class and in every class too.’ They all looked broken and really hurt, ‘I guess my words really hurt them. And when they’re hurt they’ll grow to hate me and that’s what I want, if they hate me they won’t remember me.’ They then sat at their usual seats which was around you.
~After School~
When school ended you ran outta class and quickly sped to your apartment, you didn’t bother looking back to even make sure that anyone was following you. When you got to your apartment you took out your keys and unlocked the door. You walked to your room dropping your bag on the floor and getting changed out of your uniform.
http://www.polyvore.com/street dance/set?id=88264617
You threw on a black hoodie to cover your cuts. You called your friend ‘Youngmin & Kwangmin’ from Boyfriend. They were your childhood friends and you could tell them anything. They were like your older brothers, but, truthfully they were your blood sworn brothers.
Your Convo
You: Youngmin oppa?
Youngmin: Yes, this is Youngmin speaking. How may I help you?
You: Hey, it’s me (y/n).
Kwangmin: (Y/N)!!
You: Yes, it’s me. I was wondering if we could catch up. I need so major help.
Youngmin: Sure, let’s meet up at our usual place.
You: Thanks guys. I’ll see you in 10.
Youngmin & Kwangmin: No problem. You too.
End Convo
You walked to your usual place to meet with the boys. You were 5 minutes early so you climbed up the tree and saw on the branch listening to music, and without noticing you started to sing along with the song.
‘I couldn’t believe (y/n). There must be a misunderstanding. But, the way she said it to our faces, she had such an emotionless and cold expression on. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw her like that. Doesn’t she know how much that hurt us and how much we care about her?’ All of EXO thought. ‘Why (y/n), what did I do to make you hate me and mad at me so much that you broke up with me and with that kind of expression?’ Luhan thought. EXO sat in silence together, the longest they’ve ever been. Finally, it clicked in everyone’s mind apart from Luhan. ‘It’s the fans. The fan girls. EXO-L!!’ they all thought. ‘They must’ve threatened her so she’d break up with Luhan.’
Back to You
Kwangmin & Youngmin P.O.V
We got ready, said goodbye to the boys and telling them that we’ll be with (y/n) and call us if they needed anything and walked to our usual place to meet with (y/n), which was the place where we first met. It was next to a Pink and White Cherry Blossom Tree on top of a hill, the place where you three dropped a drop of blood onto the tree and said your vows to take care of each other forever, not matter the hardship, you’ll help each other through.
*Flashback to when they were 10 years old and (y/n) was 9*
We were always mistaken when we were young, it was upsetting that we couldn’t be told apart, that we would get mistaken for each other. Can’t they understand that we’re two different people? All we want is for someone to understand us, to be able to tell us apart. We finally snapped and ran away, we ran to a cherry blossom tree. We sat at the tree trunk, and we cried, tears ran down our faces. We also heard a soft sobbing voice, we looked up to see a girl about 1-2 years younger than us, and she heard also us crying too. “Why are you crying?” Youngmin asked. She looked up and we saw a handprint on her face, “My uncle hit me. Why are you two crying?” She answered/ asked. “We keep getting mistaken for each other.” Kwangmin said. “Why can’t they tell who’s who?” Youngmin said. “Why did you get hit?” We both asked. “He said it’s my fault that my parents died and hit me.” She answered. “I understand what it’s like to be mistaken for each other. I have an older twin brother, when we were younger we would get mistaken as each other too. But, that was a long time ago.” “What do you mean?” Kwangmin asked. “He passed away along with my parents.” “Oh, we’re sorry.” “It’s okay. Besides, there’s a way to tell you two apart, I just have to know your names.” “I’m Kwangmin Jo, the younger one. And my brother Youngmin Jo, the older one.” Kwangmin said. “Well, I’m (y/n) (l/n). Anyways, Kwangmin’s bottom lip is a bit thicker than Youngmin’s no offence. And Youngmin’s eye is a bit lighter than Kwangmin’s eye. Your personality is different, Youngmin is more demanding and dominated than Kwangmin. Like the pitcher.” “H-How did you know?” “Your voice is different, Youngmin’s voice is more of a rapper’s voice while Kwangmin’s is more of a singer’s voice. If you two try hard enough you’ll make it as a k-pop artist.” Just when we about to say something we heard someone calling our names. “You guys better get going. If we’re lucky we’ll meet again in the future. Maybe I’ll see you guys if you become famous.” And she took off running. We stood there in shock, ‘How did someone we just met today, for less than 1-2 hours know so much about us. We’ll definitely meet again in the future. We’ll become famous and meet you once again, (y/n) (l/n). We promise.’ and we ran to our parents.
And that was a promise we kept.
*Skip 6-7 years*
We kept our promise, we became famous and now we were in a famous k-pop boy band. Tonight is the night where we’ll mention (y/n).
“Tonight we’re going to be talking about your inspirations of why you wanted to become famous.” Said the host. “We’ll started with Youngmin & Kwangmin. So why did you two decide to become K-pop artists?” “When we were young, we met a girl and she inspired us to become a k-pop artist. We were confused for each other a lot and it upset us a lot. When one day we snapped and ran off, we ran to a cherry blossom tree, we met her there.” Youngmin said. “We knew each other for less than 1-2 hours but she could already tell us apart. She knew our personality and everything. She told us that if we tried hard enough we’ll make it as k-pop artists. She knew that I had a voice of a rapper and that Kwangmin had a voice of a singer. So we became famous for her. To finally see her again. To meet her again to thank her. And her name was (y/n) (l/n).” Kwangmin said. “So (f/n) (l/n) if you see this we want to say thank you for everything you’ve done for us. And if we ever meet again, we’d like to meet up again to catch up and see if things have improved for you. And if it hasn’t we’ll help you like you’ve helped us.” We said. And the fans and members ‘awww’ed. And the rest of the interview went on like that.
The Next Day
Walking around in disguises we walked to the cherry blossom tree, and we saw a girl with long (h/c), and (e/c), sitting on a branch of the cherry blossom tree. We ran to the tree, “(Y/N) (L/N)!!” we shouted, she turned and saw us. Shocked to see us but still she jumped off the branch and we tackled her into a hug. We caught up with each other and remained close as always, even until now.
Then one day, we finally blood sworn on the cherry blossom tree, on top of the hill.
Back to the Present
We were at the tree and we heard singing, from the tree and looked up seeing (y/n) on a branch with her headphones on and singing ‘Wedding Dress’ by Taeyang, but the English Cover by J. Reyez & Tommy C. We knew the song because (y/n) kept begging us to listen to it. When she finished we clapped, shocking her and she fell of the branch and we caught her before she hit ground. “Thank god! Thank you! But never do that again. I could off died. Not that it matters.” She said, but the last sentence quietly so wouldn’t hear, but we did. “What was that?” Kwangmin asked angrily. “Uh, nothing. But, there’s something I wanted to tell you. I- I broke up with Luhan.” She said, almost crying “W-what? You two were such a good couple.” Youngmin said. “It’s the EXO-L isn’t it?” Kwangmin said. She nod as tears streamed down her face. “It just isn’t only that. I-I cut, I couldn’t help it.” She said. It broke our hearts to see our dongsaeng like this. “Show us the cuts.” We said sternly. She slowly and hesitantly showed us the cuts, she cut 5 times, and another 5 had something written on it ‘WORTHLESS’, ‘UGLY’, ‘SELFISH’ and ‘STUPID’. “Why, why would you do this to yourself? Don’t you understand that you’re not the only that’s hurting. Don’t you know that maybe one day you’ll cut a vein and die?” We exclaimed, but what shocked us what she said next, “DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?! DON’T YOU THINK THAT WHAT I WANT?!” “W-What?” said a lot of voice behind us. We looked behind and saw, EXO.
““Why, why would you do this to yourself? Don’t you understand that you’re not the only that’s hurting. Don’t you know that maybe one day you’ll cut a vein and die?” Exclaimed two voices from behind we looked to see Youngmin and Kwangmin from Boyfriend and (y/n), but what shocked us was what (y/n), “DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?! DON’T YOU THINK THAT WHAT I WANT?!” “W-What?” we asked. They snapped their heads and saw us, (y/n) had tears running down her face. Kwangmin and Youngmin looked upset and broken, we looked and saw new cuts on (y/n)’s arms and wrist, she had cuts and carvings on them, the words on her arms broke us. (Y/n) snapped out of her daze and tried to take of running, but was pinned down by Luhan/me. “How could you do this (y/n)? What is the matter? What’s the problem?!” Luhan/ I shouted. “The problem is EXO-L.” said Kris. “I should’ve known.” Luhan/ I whispered softly. (Y/n) continued to struggle under Luhan’s/ me and his/ my grip.
“(Y/n), don’t you understand, we don’t care if we get hates. We want you and Luhan hyung to be happy. So what if we lose a couple of fans, what matters is your’s and Luhan hyung’s happiness.” Baekhyun oppa said seriously. “Luhan hyung really loves you. We love you. It broke all of us to see you looking at us with an emotionless and cold look on your face when you told us that you love him.” Lay oppa said. “(Y/n), you have to think about your own happiness as well. Not just other people’s happiness.” Kwangmin oppa said. And Luhan finally got off of me. “(Y/n), why didn’t you tell me about the hates and EXO-L.?” Luhan asked, angry yet sternly. “I didn’t want you guys to lose fans because of me, so I thought that if the fans are happy, I’ll do. Even if the cost is my own happiness. Besides, you could always find another girl to replace me anyways.” I answered. “That’s never going to happen (y/n).” Sehun said. “Why? I’m just like every ordinary girl out there! There are girls out there better than me, prettier than me! So why?! What’s so special about me!?” I exclaimed, as tears started to stream down my face. “Why do you chose me above all the other girls? I’m not beautiful! I’m not perfect! I cut! I have depression! I should just go and die in a ho- -” I exclaimed but was cut off as Luhan slammed his lips against mine. I yelped out of surprised, I wanted to pull away but Luhan grabbed onto my wrist with a strong grip that I couldn’t break free and then I felt Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kai push me closer to Luhan and I knew I had no escape so I kissed back and when I had to pull back for air, they wouldn’t let me so I was started to feel a bit light headed they finally let me breath, I took in a big breath of air. “Sorry.” Baekhyun said sheeplessly as he saw me glare at him and the other 2 boys. “(Y/n), never say that. You’re not like every ordinary girl there are in the world. You’re special, you’re a lot better. The truth is, is that Sa Rang Hae Yo (y/n).” Luhan said, shocking me. “Y-you w-what?” “I love you.” “Please, don’t play with my heart. I know that you’re just dating me out of pity, so please, don’t say you love me if you don’t mean it. Don’t play with my heart. Please.” I begged. “Why would you think that Luhan hyung is messing with your heart? What did EXO-L say to you?” Chen asked serious. “They told me, as I quote ‘“You’d better break up with Luhan you slut!” “He’s dating you from pity!” “We’ll make your family suffer for this!” “We’ll hurt everyone you know unless you break you with him!”’ And I obviously don’t want the people I love and care about hurt so I broke up with him. I had to say those things to you guys for you all to hate me. But, that didn’t work. That just made you guys sad and come after me. You guys figured me out.” I said. “(Y/n), we’ll always figure you out. You’re our best friend. You’re our little sister. But, if you marry Luhan, you’ll be our big sister.” D.O said, making you turn red as well as Luhan. “T-That’s a bit far D.O.” Luhan said. “(Y/n), you have to know, all these boys care about you. You have to, even for once in your life, you have to put your happiness before others. You need to think that if you aren't happy, then what about the people that care about you feel. They’ll feel sad that you aren’t happy. So for once in…” Youngmin and Kwangmin said. “Put your happiness before everyone else’s.” Everyone said, along with other voices, looking around you saw the rest of Boyfriend, Big Bang, VIXX, Super Junior, SHINee, 2AM, 2PM, BTS, B.A.P, B1A4, Block B, BTOB, C-Clown, CNBLUE, GOT7, Infinite, MBLAQ, NU’EST, TVXQ and U-KISS. “W-What are you all doing here?” You asked, obviously shocked. “We were called here by Xiumin.” Minwoo answered. “How, he doesn’t have your number, and I have my cell phone with m-” I cut myself of. “He took of you when you were being kissed by Luhan.” Taemin said. “But, what they said is true. How do you think we’d feel if you were sad?” Shindong said. “A way of saying, what would you do if you saw us sad. You’d want to help us, and we’d want to do the same as well. “U-Know said. “You’re right.” I said. “So now, there’s something Luhan hyung wants to ask you (y/n).” Tao said. “Okay.” I answered as I looked over to Luhan. Luhan got on one knee, “(Y/n), all the times we’ve been together, all the times that you’ve help me and the members. I want to thank you very much. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you, forever. I promise not to hurt you like all the boys have. So (y/n) (l/n), will you marry me?” Luhan asked as he took out a ring with a diamond in the middle, and held it up to my ring finger, as he slipped it on.  Everyone around us chanted ‘Say Yes! Say Yes! Say Yes!’ over and over again. “Yes.” I breathed out. And I tackled him into a hug and kissed him as everyone around us two cheered in happiness as well as ‘awww’ed at us. But little did we know, paparazzi’s have caught our little moment, from when I first saw Youngmin and Kwangmin again. And they caught all our conversation about the fans & proposal and everything, every little detail.
That Night with all the Boys & other K-pop Boy Bands
3rd person P.O.V
You were all watching T.V, when you flipped to the news channel it showed your conversation and Luhan’s proposal, telling the world that Luhan and you were now engaged. Some congratulated you guys, some were angry, some were jealous, some were neutral, some didn’t really care and some supported you guys. Your families found out and your family gave Luhan a strong warning, that if he ever hurt you he’d be dead. But other than that, you families just wanted you to get married soon and so that your parents could have grand-kids. You planned the wedding would be outdoors, near a beach, one month from now. So it’d be on the 5th of the August, on a Sunday. All the boys agreed to come and that they’d all sing a song dedicating it to you guys for your wedding which you were both thankful for.
The Wedding
You were nervous, but you looked beautiful. You wore a long white beautiful dress, you had white heels, and you let your hair out as they flowed to your mid back. You have a white veil on along with a diamond necklace and pair of earrings. You had (b/f/n) as your Maid in Honour in a light blue-ish dress, and your other friends who were your maids as well were dress similar to her. They all wore blue-ish typed dress. They calmed you down from your nerves.
With Luhan
Luhan was so nervous and scared. The boys all tried calming him down. He wore a white tuxedo with a white tie. And his friends were all trying to calm him down, his best man was his best friend, Xiumin. The other boys from EXO were there to support him. They calmed his nerves as best as they could.
Boyfriend, Big Bang, VIXX, Super Junior, SHINee, 2AM, 2PM, BTS, B.A.P, B1A4, Block B, BTOB, C-Clown, CNBLUE, GOT7, Infinite, MBLAQ, NU’EST, TVXQ and U-KISS were all outside waiting outside with your families, friends and the Music Industry CEO’s as well as some paparazzi’s and reporters.
Ceremony Time
It was finally time for the ceremony, Luhan stood in front waiting for you. Your father walked with you down the aisle. To Luhan, you looked like an Angel as well as everyone else. Music started to play as you walked down the aisle, Luhan was their smiling at you. The priest started talking about everything needed, then finally he said, “Do you Kim Lu Han, take (y/n) (l/n) to be your lawful wife?” “Yes, a million times yes.” Luhan answered. “And do you, (y/n) (l/n), take Kim Lu Han to be your lawful husband?” “Yes, a million times yes.” You answered. “Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The priest said and you shared a loving, long, passionate kiss. Everyone either cheered or clapped. Then Boyfriend, Big Bang, VIXX, Super Junior, SHINee, 2AM, 2PM, BTS, B.A.P, B1A4, Block B, BTOB, C-Clown, CNBLUE, GOT7, Infinite, MBLAQ, NU;EST, TVXQ and U-KISS each band went up and performed a song for your wedding.
The Party
At the party you cut the cake, poured the wine, danced, sung and threw the bouquet, and your best friend caught the bouquet. And it seemed that Tao and her have been hanging around each other for quite a while and the two have been getting a bit too close. And once again every band went up to perform once again, but they sang more cheerful songs or their top hit songs either group songs or their individual songs. And at the end, EXO with Luhan went up as a group and sang a song to you. They sang ‘Angel’, ‘X.O.X.O’, ‘Lucky’, ‘Don’t Go’, ‘3.6.5’, ‘Heart Attack’, ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Baby’.
[Romanized:] [Baekhyun] Machi amugeotdo moreuneun airo geureoke Dashi taeeonan sungan gachi [Suho] Jamshi kkumilkkabwa han beon deo nun gamatda tteo boni Yeokshi neomu ganjeolhaetdeon ne ape gidohadeut seo isseo [D.O] yeah, dan han beonman ne yeopeseo Bareul matchwo georeo bogopa han beon, Ttak han beon manyo [All] Neoui sesangeuro [D.O] yeah, yeorin barameul tago, yeah [All] Ne gyeoteuro [Suho] eodieseo wannyago [Baekhyun] Haemarkge mutneun nege bimirira malhaesseo [All] Manyang idaero hamkke georeumyeon [D.O] Eodideun cheongugilteni [Baekhyun] Mikael boda neon naege nunbusin jonjae Gamhi
[Baekhyun/Suho] nuga neoreul geoyeokhae naega yongseoreul an hae [D.O] Eden geu gose bareul deurin taechoui geu cheoreom maeil [Suho] Neo hanaman hyanghamyeo maeumeuro mideumyeo [Baekhyun] Aju jageun geoshirado neol himdeulge haji motage Hangsang jikigo shipeo I’m eternally love [All] Neoui suhojaro [Suho] jeo geosen barameul makgo [All] Ne pyeoneuro [Baekhyun] modu da deungeul dollyeodo [Suho] Hime gyeoun eoneu nal ne nunmureul dakka jul [All] Geureon han saram doel su itdamyeon [Baekhyun] Eodideun cheongugilteni [D.O] Neol saranghage dwaebeorin nan ije deo isang Doragal goshi eobseoyo nalgaereul geodwogasyeotjyo (oh no) [Baekhyun] Yeongwonhan sarmeul irheotdaedo haengbokhan iyu [Baekhyun/D.O] Naui yeongwon ijen geudaeinikka [Baekhyun/Suho] eternally love [All] Neoui sesangeuro [Baekhyun] yeorin barameul tago, yeah [All] Ne gyeoteuro [Suho] eodieseo wannyago, from you [D.O] Haemarkge mutneun [Suho] oh [D.O] nege bimirira malhaesseo, oh [All] Manyang idaero hamkke georeumyeon [D.O] Eodideun cheongugilteni
 [English Translation:] This moment feels like I was born as a child who knew nothing I closed my eyes again in case it would be a dream You were standing in front of my desperate self and praying Just once, I want to walk side by side with you Taken by the soft wind to your world You asked me brightly where I came from to your side And I told you that It was a secret Wherever we walk together Will be paradise You are an eye-blinding entity compared to Michael Who would remember you, I will not forgive it Like the beginning when stepping into Eden Believing you every day from the bottom of my heart I always want to protect you So that even the small things won’t tire you out, I’m eternally in love As your guardian, I will block the stiff wind Even though people turn their backs to you If I could become the person Who can wipe your tears on a tiring day It will be paradise I, who has fallen in love with no other place to Go back, my wings have been talen away (oh no) Even though I lost my everlasting life, the reason to my happiness You are my eternity Eternally Love
"XOXO (Kisses & Hugs)" [Romanized:] XOXO XOXO XOXO yeah Salmyeosi immatchun xneun kiss Donggeurake aneun oneun hug Hoksi beolsseo algo isseulkka oh Haruharu mollae sseun pyeonji Geureoke kkeuteumage jeogeotji Geuraebwatja jun jeok eobtjiman ah~ Geurae yosae neon eottae byeoril eobseosseo Cham ppeonhan maldeulman meorissogeul seuchyeo Sasil nae mameun gipeo deeper than the sea Kkok hago sipdeon mal geugeon be with me Saenggakhada jamdeulmyeon (nae kkumsok) Pareul beollyeo ttatteutan (nae pumsok) Neoreul XOXO pume ana XOXO Jomajoma ganjeolhan (geumankeum) Nege daheul deutan (geu immatchum) Neoreul XOXO maeil kkume XOXO Give me XOXO L.O.V.E You’re my XOXO L.O.V.E Nawa isseul ttae neon pyeonanhae Sido ttaedo eobsi jangnanhae Hayan useum useul ttaemada ah~ Geureon ne maeumeun yes or no Naege saineul jwo x or o Jaemieobseo gidarineun geon yeah Han beon yonggi nae jeonhaejwoya halji Tubakhan songeulssi bukkeureoun pyeonji I ne geuljaro malhagin manhi bujokhae Namjadapge haengdongeul boilge Saenggakhada jamdeulmyeon (nae kkumsok) Pareul beollyeo ttatteutan (nae pumsok) Neoreul XOXO pume ana XOXO Jomajoma ganjeolhan (geumankeum) Nege daheul deutan (geu immatchum) Neoreul XOXO maeil kkume XOXO Neoreul wonhae xo naegen ojik neo Naegen ojik neo nae naegen ojik neo Neoreul wihan xo nareul badajwo Nareul badajwo na nareul badajwo Nuni busyeo nae ape banjjeum gamgin Sarangseureon ne nuneul bichun dallim Malhaejullae kkok ige sijagirago like whoa, let’s go Baby every night Saenggakhada jamdeulmyeon (nae kkumsok) Pareul beollyeo ttatteutan (nae pumsok) Neoreul XOXO pume ana XOXO Jomajoma ganjeolhan (geumankeum) Nege daheul deutan (geu immatchum) Neoreul XOXO maeil kkume XOXO Give me XOXO L.O.V.E You’re my XOXO L.O.V.E Yeah baby, oh~ XOXO oh~ duriseo, oh yeah~
 [English Translation:] XOXO XOXO XOXO yeah An X is kiss for a soft kiss An O is for a circled hug Maybe you already know Day by day, I secretly wrote you a letter And that’s what I wrote at the end Although I’ve never given it to you How are you these days? Anything special? Only those typical words pass through my head Actually, my heart is deep, deeper than the sea The words that I really want to say is be with me When I fall asleep as I think of you (in my dreams) I open my arms and into my warm (embrace) I XOXO you, hold you in my arms XOXO As much as I was nervous and earnest My lips almost touch yours I XOXO you, every day in my dreams XOXO Give me XOXO L.O.V.E You’re my XOXO L.O.V.E When you’re with me, you seem so comfortable You keep playing jokes on me Every time you smile your white smile Is your heart a yes or no? Give me a sign, X or O It’s no fun to wait Should I take courage and tell you? My ugly handwriting, this embarrassing letter These four words are not enough Like a man, I’ll show you through my actions When I fall asleep as I think of you (in my dreams) I open my arms and into my warm (embrace) I XOXO you, hold you in my arms XOXO As much as I was nervous and earnest My lips almost touch yours I XOXO you, every day in my dreams XOXO I want you, XO, I only have you I only have you, I only have you For you XO, accept me Accept me, accept me You’re dazzling, you’re in front of me The moon shines in your half-closed and lovable eyes I want to tell you that this is the beginning like whoa, let’s go Baby every night When I fall asleep as I think of you (in my dreams) I open my arms and into my warm (embrace) I XOXO you, hold you in my arms XOXO As much as I was nervous and earnest My lips almost touch yours I XOXO you, every day in my dreams XOXO Give me XOXO L.O.V.E You’re my XOXO L.O.V.E Yeah baby, oh XOXO oh us together, oh yeah
[Romanized:] Gateun narae taeeonaseo gateun eoneoro mareul haeseo Cham haenguniya, cham dahaengiya Sesange dangyeonhan geon eobseo Gwaenchanheun oseul ibeotdeon nal Geureoke neoreul mannatdeon geon lucky Na chakhage saraseo geurae Neoui ireumeul bureugo neoui soneul jabado doeneun na Buseojineun haessareun naman bichuna Na ireoke haengbokhaedo dwae? Naui ireumeul bureugo naui eokkaee gidae oneun neo Jeo haneurui haessareun neoman bichuna Neo geureoke nunbusyeodo dwae? So lucky, my love so lucky to have you So lucky to be your love, i am hmm Gateun saekkkareul johahago Gateun yeonghwareul johahaneun geol lucky Unmyeong gateun sarangin geoya Neoui ireumeul bureugo neoui soneul jabado doeneun na Buseojineun haessareun naman bichuna Na ireoke haengbokhaedo dwae? Naui ireumeul bureugo naui eokkaee gidae oneun neo Jeo haneurui haessareun neoman bichuna Neo geureoke nunbusyeodo dwae? So lucky, my love Sajin sogui hwanhan misowa neowa naui hwansangui johwa I think i’m a lucky guy Neomu joha urin jigeum kkumsogui donghwa Oh my god! Jeil deutgi joheun pop-pop Geunyeo moksorin nal nogyeo like ice cream Geu moseup machi geurim Naui cheoeumi neoraseo i norae juingongi neoraseo Na ireoke utjanha neoman boragu Neo jigeum naman bogo inni? Naege kkumi tto saenggyeosseo deo meotjin namjaga doegesseo Nal boneun ne du nuneun geu mueotboda Nal dasi ttwige mandeunikka So lucky, my love so lucky to have you So lucky to be your love, I am hmm~
 [English Translation:] Being born in the same country Talking in the same language We’re so lucky, it’s such a relief Nothing is for certain in this world On a day that I wore nice clothes I met you, I was lucky It’s because I did good in the past I can call your name and I can hold your hand Is the falling sunlight only shining on me? Can I be this happy? You call my name and you lean on my shoulder Is the sky’s sunlight only shining on you? Can you be that dazzling? So lucky, my love So lucky to have you So lucky to be your love, I am. hmm We like the same colors We like the same movies, lucky It’s a love that’s meant to be I can call your name and I can hold your hand Is the falling sunlight only shining on me? Can I be this happy? You call my name and you lean on my shoulder Is the sky’s sunlight only shining on you? Can you be that dazzling? So lucky, my love We smile brightly in the photo, we’re a perfect harmony I think I’m a lucky guy, it’s so good like we’re in a fairy tale of our dreams Oh my god, it’s the best thing to hear Her voice melts me like ice cream She is picture perfect Because you’re my first, because this song is about you I’m smiling like this, so only you can see, are you looking at me right now? I have a new dream, it’s to be one a better man Because your eyes that look at me make me run once again more than anything else So lucky, my love So lucky to have you So lucky to be your love, I am. Hmm
"Don't Go"
[Romanized:] Jogeuman nalgaetjit neol hyanghan ikkeullim naege ttaraora sonjitan geot gataseo Aejeolhan nunbitgwa mueonui iyagi gaseume hoeoriga morachideon geunal bam Omyohan geudaeui moseube neogseul noko hanappunin yeonghoneul ppaetgigo Geudaeui momjise wanjeonhi chwihaeseo sum swineun geotjocha ijeobeorin nainde Walcheucheoreom sappunhi anja nuneul ttel su eobseo siseoni jayeonseure georeummada neol ttaragajanha Nal annaehaejwo Yeah geudaega salgo inneun gose nado hamkke deryeogajwo Oh, sesangui kkeuchirado dwittaragal teni Budi nae siyaeseo beoseonaji marajwo achimi wado sarajiji marajwo oh Kkumeul kkuneun georeum geudaen namanui areumdaun nabi Oh, woo-hoo-hoo oh yeah- woo-hoo-hoo yeah woo-hoo-hoo Eodiseo wanneunji eodiro ganeunji chinjeolhi yeogikkaji majungeul wajun neo Gapareun oreumak kkakkajin jeolbyeokdo geokjeongma mueotdo duryeoul geosi eobseuni Neoneun ppomnae uahan jatae O! Nan myeot beonigo banhago Sarangeun ireoke nado moreuge Yegodo eobsi bulsie chajawa Walcheucheoreom sappunhi anja nuneul ttel su eobseo siseoni jayeonseure georeummada neol ttaragajanha oh no Nal annaehaejwo Yeah geudaega salgo inneun gose nado hamkke deryeogajwo Oh, sesangui kkeuchirado dwittaragal teni Budi nae siyaeseo beoseonaji marajwo achimi wado sarajiji marajwo oh Kkumeul kkuneun georeum geudaen namanui areumdaun nabi Natseon goseul hemaenda haedo gireul irheobeorindaedo nuguboda soljikhan naui mameul ttareulgeoya Joyonghi nune ttuineun momjit ganghago budeureoun nunbit Geobuhal su eomneun nanikka yeah Nal deryeogajwo Yeah geudaega salgo inneun gose nado hamkke deryeogajwo Oh, sesangui kkeuchirado ttaragalge oh no Nae siyaeseo beoseonaji marajwo achimi wado sarajiji marajwo oh Jogeumahan sonjit naui gaseumen hoeoriga chinda
Woo-hoo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo
[English Translation:] The small fluttering of your wings seemed like it was telling me to follow you The sad eyes and tacit stories in your heart that night in which the whirlwind was raging I was mesmerized by the mysterious you and stared at you and had my one soul stolen Because I am completely drunk at your movements, I even forgot how to breathe Like a waltz, I sit lightly and can’t take my eyes off of you My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk Guide me yeah take me together with you to the place where you live Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow from behind you so please don’t go out of my sight Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear oh This walk that I’m dreaming You’re my only beautiful butterfly Oh, woo-hoo-hoo oh yeah- woo-hoo-hoo yeah woo-hoo-hoo Wherever you came from, or wherever you’re going, up until now you always kindly greet me A steep climb, the cliffs that cut off, don’t worry because there is no place to be afraid of Your elegant figure oh I fall for it many times Like this love, without even me knowing, comes and finds me unexpectedly Like a waltz, I sit lightly and can’t take my eyes off of you My eyes naturally follow you every time you walk Guide me yeah take me together with you to the place where you live Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow from behind you so please don’t go out of my sight Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear oh This walk that I’m dreaming You’re my only beautiful butterfly Oh, woo-hoo-hoo oh yeah- woo-hoo-hoo yeah woo-hoo-hoo Even if we wander in unfamiliar places, even if we get lost I’ll follow my heart that’s more honest than anyone else’s Because I can’t resist your quiet movements that strike me, and your sharp and soft gaze Take me yeah take me together with you to the place where you live Oh even if the world ends, I’ll follow you Oh no don’t go out of my sight Even when the morning comes, don’t disappear oh A small wave of your hand makes a whirlwind strike in my heart Woo woo hoo~ woo woo hoo~ woo woo hoo~ "3.6.5"
[Romanized:] Se beon kkajin budichyeo bwa yeoseot beonjjeum uljirado Daseot beon deo igyeonaemyeon kkeuchi boigi sijakhae Jogeuphage dallil surok jungyohan geol nochil ppunya Nege jom deo siganeul jwo sumeul goreul su itge hae Neul gateun goseseo tteooneun taeyangcheoreom 3-6-5 nan maeil achim jamdeun neol kkaeumyeo harul sijakhae 3-6-5 1bun 1choui teumdo eobseul mankeum hamkke hal geoya Oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 ne soneul japgo Oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 nochi anheulge Sori naeeo se beon utgo yeoseot gogui norael deureo Daseot sigan jago namyeon da byeolgeo anin ge doel geoya Nan neoreul jikineun jeo bichui gisacheoreom 3-6-5 neoui apeseo ojik neoreul iyuro geomeul hwidulleo 3-6-5 machi neol wihae taeeonan geot gateun maeireul salge Oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 eotteon apeumdo Oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 neol bikkyeogage Neol siheomhal unmyeongdeuri nunmureul bureul ttae Eonjerado nan gijeokcheoreom ne ape natanalge 3-6-5 neoui dwieseo jeoldae neoreul wihan maeireul salge 3-6-5 machi neol wihae taeeonan geot gateun harul chaeumyeo Oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 eotteon apeumdo Oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 neol bikkyeogage 3-6-5 neoreul jikilge
 [English Translation:] Get crushed three times, even if you cry around the fifth one If you overcome it five times, you begin to see the end of it If you run impatiently you will only miss important things Give yourself some time so you can catch your breath Always in the same place, like a rising sun 3-6-5 I start my day by waking you up every morning 3-6-5 every minute every second, without any break, I’ll spend all of these with you oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 I’ll grab your hand oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 I won’t let it go Laugh loudly three times, listen to a song five times If you sleep for five hours, it won’t be a big deal I will be like this light’s knight that protects you 3-6-5 in front of you I will brand a sword just for you 3-6-5 as if i was born for you i will live my ways oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 No matter what pain it is oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 I will make you forget about it When the destinies that will test you call for your tears No matter when, just like a miracle, I’ll appear in front of you 3-6-5 behind you I will live everyday for you 3-6-5 as if i was born for you I will fill my days oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 No matter what pain it is oh oh oh oh- 3-6-5 I will make you forget about it 3-6-5 I will protect you
"Heart Attack"
[Romanized:] Nuni meoreo cheoeumbuteo eotteon bitto musaekke hal banjjagim neoneun ganghan flashlight Ajikkkaji neoui moseup girigiri choreuseureumhan jansangeuro nama flash back Gin miro sogeul georeosseo neol darmeun hwanyeong sairo Son daheul deutan ne moseup heogonge soneul jeoeumyeo Meorissoge dama dun dan hananeun only you Kkok hyeonsil gateun hwansange nan michyeoganeun jung Oh no no anigetji jinjja neon anigetji Mam jomajoma jorimyeonseo dagaganeun sungan Sungan heart attack i siganui kkeut Nal apdohaneun sesang gajang hwangholhan neukkimui heart attack I sumi meojeodo joheul mankeum neon gakkawo Heart attack gidarimui kkeut Teojil geot gatdeon nae simjangeul joyonghi umkyeojwin goyoham I sumi meojeodo joheul mankeum pyeonghwarowo jigeum Ireokedo nunbusin i sarajigo amugeotdo ttokgatjiga anhasseo rago Tto gonggideureun jeongchedoego gudeobeoryeo sumeul swil su jocha eobseosseo rago Neoege mareul georeosseo deullineunji moreujiman Geu moksorie nolla neon dwidorabogin haetjiman Chojeom heundeullineun nun naegen jungyohan jilmun Eojjeomyeon na jasindo ajik mitgi himdeun deut Oh no no anigetji jinjja neon anigetji Geu jogeumahan ne eolguri sone danneun sungan Sungan heart attack i siganui kkeut Nal apdohaneun sesang gajang hwangholhan neukkimui heart attack I sumi meojeodo joheul mankeum neon gakkawo Heart attack gidarimui kkeut Teojil geot gatdeon nae simjangeul joyonghi umkyeojwin goyoham I sumi meojeodo joheul mankeum pyeonghwarowo jigeum Mideodo doegenni kkumiramyeon Na ireoke apeuji anheul geoya Hayake bitnaneun neoreul ango Idaero modeun ge meomchundamyeon Sungan heart attack i siganui kkeut Nal apdohaneun sesang gajang hwangholhan neukkimui heart attack I sumi meojeodo joheul mankeum neon gakkawo Heart attack gidarimui kkeut Teojil geot gatdeon nae simjangeul joyonghi umkyeojwin goyoham I sumi meojeodo joheul mankeum pyeonghwarowo jigeum
[English Translation:] My eyes are far Since the beginning, the glint that can make any which light be in shame You are a strong flashlight Still yet your figure forever is left as an afterimage flashback I walked through a long maze Through a vision that looked like you Your figure that seemed that I can reach with my hand Whisking my hand in the air The one that I had inside my head only you I’m in the midst of going crazy in the fantasy that seems just like reality oh no no It can’t be it Really it can’t be you While my heart is nervously fidgeting the moment that is coming closer An instant Heart Attack This time’s end The world overpowering me The most entrancing feeling’s Heart Attack Even if my breathe stops, you’re so close, that I like it Heart Attack The wait’s end The serenity that quietly grasped my heart that seemed like it would burst Even if my breathe stops, right now it’s so peaceful that I like it. After the one that shines so brightly like this disappears Not anything was the same Again the airs become stagnant and hardened that I couldn’t even breath I initiated a conversation to you I don’t know if you can hear Although you turned around because you got surprised at the voice Eyes that can’t focus The most important question to me Perhaps it’s hard for myself to even believe it yet oh no no It can’t be it Really it can’t be you The moment that my hand touches that small face of yours An instant Heart Attack This time’s end The world overpowering me The most entrancing feeling’s Heart Attack Even if my breathe stops, you’re so close, that I like it Heart Attack The wait’s end The serenity that quietly grasped my heart that seemed like it would burst Even if my breathe stops, right now it’s so peaceful that I like it. Can I believe it If it’s a dream I won’t be hurting this much While hugging the whitely lit you If everything stopped like this An instant Heart Attack This time’s end The world overpowering me The most entrancing feeling’s Heart Attack Even if my breathe stops, you’re so close, that I like it Heart Attack The wait’s end The serenity that quietly grasped my heart that seemed like it would burst Even if my breathe stops, right now it’s so peaceful that I like it.
"Peter Pan"
[Romanized:] Nalgeun ilgijang meonjireul teoreonae mundeuk pyeolchin got geu sogen haemarkge Nega isseo ajik neon geudaero yeogi namaisseo Itgo jinaetdeon geurimi tteoolla jageun tteollimi nae mome saemsosa Jom seogeulpeugin hae geuttaero doragal su eomneun ge Neol chajaganda chueogi bonaen tingkeobel ttaranaseotdeon neverland Geu gose naega neowa barabomyeo utgo isseo Nan yeongwonhan neoui piteopaen. Geu sigane meomchun ne namja Seotuljiman neomu saranghaetdeon naui neoege danyeoga Neol manhi goerophyeotdeon jitgujeun akdang modu mullichyeojun gieogi saengsaenghae Geu sunganbuteo neoui mameul eotgo nanun kiseukkaji Nae mameun hangsang gureum tago naratji Neoneun wendi sinderellaboda yeppeotji Gaseum ttwige mandeun dan han saram neol neukkinikka du nuni bitna Neol chajaganda chueogi bonaen tingkeobel ttaranaseotdeon neverland Geu gose naega neowa barabomyeo utgo isseo Nan yeongwonhan neoui piteopaen. Geu sigane meomchun ne namja Seotuljiman neomu saranghaetdeon naui neoege danyeoga (Hamkkehaetjiman japgo sipjiman son naemiljiman oh! Neon meoreojyeo ga tteonaji ma geuttae naega itjanha yeogi oh! Eodi isseulkka) Bunhongbit gamdoneun eolgul gureum wireul geotneun gibun baby boo! Nae gaseumi dugeungeoryeotdeon geurim gatdeon you! Geuttae neoui nuneun salmyeosi useojwotdeon geotcheoreom jigeumdo nae maeumui han kyeone yeollin changmune nega narawajundamyeon Nae donghwa sok dama non neol yeojeonhi maemdoneun sweety girl! Ajikdo tteollyeo gaseum hankyeon neo eomneun igoseun oeroun seom Nae gieok sok jeogeo non neol jiwojiji annneun pretty girl! Ajikdo seolleyeo gaseum hankyeon neo eomneun igoseun Sigyeui taeyeop doneun sai eolmana dallajyeosseulkka Neol sseonaeryeogan majimak han jangeul neomgyeotjiman deo Ilgeonael yonggiga anna seulpeun geureun jiwonael geoya Uri yaegin kkeuchi anil geoya. Dasi mannabol tenikka
 [English Translation:] I brush off the dust on the old diary The inside that suddenly opened up, brightly You are there still Like before, you are remained I recall the pictures that I lived forgetting The little tremblings splurge in my body It’s a bit of a sad thing that we can’t go back to that time I’m going to look for you Tinker bell that the memories sent Neverland that followed through At that place While looking at each other, were we smiling Forever your peter pan. Your man that stopped the that time Although I’m lacking, I’m running to my you that I loved so much The mischievous rascal that bothered you a lot The defeated memories are vivid Starting from that time I gained your heart and even a kiss My heart was always flying while riding a cloud You were prettier than Wendy, Cinderella Because I feel you, the one person that makes my heart beat My two eyes shine I’m going to look for you Tinker bell that the memories sent Neverland that followed through at that place While looking at each other, were we smiling Forever your peter pan. Your man that stopped the that time Although I’m lacking, I’m running to my you that I loved so much The face that shows the pinkish color The feeling of walking on the clouds (Although we were together) Baby boo! The picture like You that my heart beated to! (Although I wanted to hold on) That time like when your eyes that gently smiled (Although I put out my hand Oh!) If you were to fly to me right now through the open window in the part of my heart (You get farther Away) You that I bottled in my fairy tale, as always, lingering around sweety girl (Don’t leave) I’m still trembling the part of my heart that you’re not in this place is a lonely island (The me from that time) You that is written in my memories pretty girl that won’t get erased! (is here right now Oh!) My heart is still beating the one part of my heart that you’re not in (Where could you be) Our relationship that shows of a watch spring How much would it have changed Although I turned one page that I lastly wrote about you in, no longer Do I have the strength to read on I’m going to erase the sad writings It’s not going to be the end of our story Because I’m going to meet you again
[Romanized:] Naega nungama gidohan i sungani Geudae ein mameul anajulge cheoncheonhi Oneuri hanbeonui chance na naeditneun cheot georeum Yaksok halge jal halgeoya Gidaemankeum na yeoksi haengbokhage Uri dul manui kkum geu cheot georeum Nae nuni wae iri nunbusyeo hage dwae Simjangi wae iri michin deut ttwige hae Sum gappa ojiman naegen neomu sojunghae itjima Maen cheoeum ne kkum, ne mal, geu nunmulboda jinhan Tto cheongugui nektaboda dalkomhaetdeon Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby Yaksokhae na meomchuji anheulge Geudaeman bomyeo Naega nun gama gidohan i sungani Geu eolmana son kkobawatdeon geu narinji Oneuri hanbeonui chance na naeditneun cheot georeum Swipji anheul geoya ara Tteoreojin siganmankeum meoreojyeoseo Natseon geu eolgul nal seulpeuge hae Nae nuni wae iri nunbusyeo hage dwae Simjangi wae iri michin deut ttwige hae Sum gappa ojiman naegen neomu sojunghae itjima Maen cheoeum ne kkum, ne mal, geu singgeureopdeon yeoreum Tto cheongugui namjjok boda challanhaetdeon Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby Yaksokhae na meomchuji anheulge Geudaeman bomyeo Neomu babo gatdaneun geol nado jal ara Neo bakke moreuge doen ireon naega natseoreo Jigeum naeditneun cheot georeumeul Ttara girl, please come closer Naui cheongugin geudaeman barabol su itge Maen cheoeum ne kkum, ne mal, geu nunmulboda jinhan Tto cheongugui nektaboda dalkomhaetdeon Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby Gaseum gipsugi ppajyeosseo Neomani jeonburangeol, cheongugirangeol Baby baby baby, baby baby baby Yaksokhae geudaedo naman bomyeo Naman saranghae
 [English Translation:] This moment when I’m closing my eyes to pray I will hug the heart in you slowly Today is a one time chance My first footstep I take I will promise I’m going to do good As expected I, as predicted, happily Us two’s own dream That first step Why do you make my eyes shine like this Why do you make my heart beat this crazily Although I become breathless You are so precious to me Don’t forget In the beginning your dream, your word, thicker than tears Also sweeter than heaven’s nectar Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby I promise I won’t stop when I only see you This moment when I’m closing my eyes to pray I wonder how long I’ve waited for this day while holding my hands together tightly Today is a one time chance My first footstep I take It’s not going to be easy I know Because we’re as far as the time that has fallen The unfamiliar face makes me sad Why do you make my eyes shine like this Why do you make my heart beat this crazily Although I become breathless You are so precious to me Don’t forget In the beginning your dream, your word, the summer that was fresh Also brighter than the heaven’s south side Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby I promise I won’t stop when I only see you I know well that I’m so much like a fool The me that became to know only you is so unfamiliar Right now the first footstep that I am taking Follow girl, please come closer My heaven so that I can only look at you In the beginning your dream, your word, thicker than tears Also sweeter than heaven’s nectar Yes, you are my baby baby baby, baby baby baby I fell deep in the chest that you are my everything, that you are heaven baby baby baby, baby baby baby Promise me that you too will only see me Only love me
You felt like crying tears of happiness, and when they walked of stage you tackled them into a hug and kissed Luhan. And you also went up on stage. “Today, is my special day. And since my wonderful Luhan and his group has sang me songs, as well as my friends from the other groups have. I would like to dedicate these 5 songs to my friends and Luhan. For helping me when I couldn’t move on. They help me to where I am now. Without them, I may have already kill myself. So this is my thank you to you guys.” You said and everyone clapped. You nod at the DJ and he nod back at you and started to play the song. The first song was ‘Ice Flower, by Ailee’ and the second song was an English song, ‘Everytime we touch, by Cascada’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G6QDNC4jPs, the third song was ‘Heart Attack by Demi Lovato’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AByfaYcOm4A , the fourth song was ‘Angel of Darkness by The Cab’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvaIgq5j2Q8 and the finally song was ‘Eternal Snow’ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvaIgq5j2Q8. Everyone clapped and Luhan tackled you into a hug this time and kissed you. And the party ended at the stroke of Midnight.
5 years later
You were still happily married to Luhan and you had twin baby boys that were now 3. You stayed in contacted with the boys and they would come and visit you guys often too. You’d still see Boyfriend, Big Bang, VIXX, Super Junior, SHINee, 2AM, 2PM, BTS, B.A.P, B1A4, Block B, BTOB, C-Clown, CNBLUE, GOT7, Infinite, MBLAQ, NU’EST, TVXQ, U-KISS and EXO often and every one of them has gotten marriage in the last 5 years. You guys were first and the others started to meet with the girl they met at the wedding and now, your best friend was happily married with Tao and she was current pregnant with a 6 month old baby. You are having your Anniversary soon as well as the reunite that’s on your anniversary too.
       The End
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music-et · 7 years
Minwoo X Mysterious Girl
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The most beautiful smile I ever saw…
Was from the girl that I loved very much, but, I was too scared to admit my feelings for her. She was beautiful, her long light brown hair flowed down her back as her blue eyes sparkled. I really liked her…no I was in love with her. But, I can’t confess to her, she’s my best friend, and I know, that if I don’t confess soon, someone else will and I’ll lose her. I can’t bare to see her with another man, and her laying in his arms, it’s going to kill me. But, if she didn’t feel the same, it’d ruin our friendship, and I can’t let that happen. The boys all know about my crush on her and they tease me about it a lot too. They say that I should confess to her, but I’m scared. What should I do?
 The first time I saw him, I knew he was the one, I loved him. But, he’s famous, popular and handsome, there’s no way he’d like a girl like me. He had black hair, and dark brown eyes, almost black. He looked cute but also handsome and manly. And I was just a normal girl who was his fan and the bands. Sure that I’m the band’s childhood friend, but I’m just regular me and they could have like almost every girl they wanted, prettier than me, smarter than me and way more talented than me. But, I loved him, I really do, but sometimes, things aren’t meant to me. He’s and Idol and I’m just a regular girl. I really want to confess to him, but, I know, he’s not going to feel the same. The rest of the band knows I like him and they tease me about it. I want to confess but if he doesn’t feel the same, it’ll ruin our friendship and I don’t want that to happen. Maybe, I should just give up. It’ll be easier. I wrote a note for him and the guys so they’ll understand. I took a blade and slit my wrist, cutting a vain and I fell on my bed and I close my eyes, and the last thing I heard was a knock on the door. The notes next to me as my life started to slowly drift away.
 We know that they like each other, we want to tell them that they both feel the same way but, we all promised, we wouldn’t tell anyone that they liked each other, we really care about them and we don’t want their trust in us to disappear. But, sure we tease them a lot to give them hints that the other feels the same but, they’re just so oblivious. We wished it’d be easy for them, but since he’s a celebrity it’ll be hard and she’s been through a lot in her life and we don’t want to be it any harder for her and we truly love her, she’s been like a younger sister to us all and he’s been like a younger brother and he’s also the maknae of our band. It’ll hurt to see the one you love with another man/woman, we don’t want them to feel like that, we don’t want them to be hurt like we’ve been. Seeing the love of your life with another man/woman is the most painful thing in the world.
 I’m going to do it. I’m going to confess to her and let her know about my feelings. I know I’m risking our friendship, but, I’m willing to do it. I don’t want to see her with another man and it’s better to make her aware of my feelings even if it does mean risking our friendship, I want to let her know that I love her, and I’m willing to wait forever for her. Even if it means that I’ll get hurt in the process, I’ll do it. I love her too much to let this opportunity slip past.  I went to her door with the boys behind me and urging me to know on the door, I knock and there was no response I knocked it again and still nothing. The boys called her cell and we could hear it going off in her room and that’s when we knew something was wrong. I turned the knob but it was locked we took the key from the door frame and…
He turned the key in the lock and opened the door. To his horror, he saw…
Along with his band mates, his lover, the girl he was going to confess to, she lay still on the bed as colour started to drain out from her face and that when the boys snapped out of their shock and horror and finally, Kwangmin called the ambulance “Hello! We need an ambulance at 55 Manado Street please. My friend her she’s bleeding and we don’t what to do, please help us!!” and they told him they’ll be there in 5 minutes and he hung up. “They’ll her here in 5 minutes.” “Youngmin grab a cloth or any piece of clothing and wrap it around her wrist to stop the blood from flowing out. Jeongmin help me carry her downstairs. Minwoo and Hyunseong grab your keys and we’ll meet you at the hospital.” Donghyun ordered. Everyone did as he ordered, it was to help save their friend from dying. The ambulance came and took her from them and onto the stretcher, taking her to the hospital, Kwangmin stayed with her and the others piled into the van and worriedly drove to the hospital.
They had no idea on why she would do this, why would she kill herself, after all those months and years of being clean from cutting why would she start again, she knew her vain was there and yet she still slit it, what was it that caused her to cut, was it the fans, was it one of them what was it, who was it? All the questions ran through their minds as they parked in they ran to the administration “We’re here for the girl that was just admitted into hospital.” “Ah, right. She in surgery right now, she’s on the 9th floor in the 6th surgery room. You’ll have to wait outside the room for her. And maybe one of you could contact her family too.” Said the nurse. “Thank you and will do.” Shouted Jeongmin as they all took off running.
They waited outside for the surgeons to come out, they waited for hours, and hours, and while they waited, they read your letter you gave them, it broke their hearts and then finally after 4 hours of waiting the surgeon came out, “Are you boys her family?” “No, we’re her friends. We found her in her room and contacted the ambulance.” Donghyun said. “Okay, she’s okay. But, she’s very tired and she has a long history of self-harm. You all have to keep a close eye on her too. You can come in and see her.” He said and walked of, the boys thanked him and ran in to see their friend. They saw you, laying on the hospital bed, looking so peaceful, but you were very pale, you turned and saw them. And when you looked at them, you smiled softly and sadly.
They boys, collapsed onto their knees in relief. They had tears running down their faces. “We thought we lost you. Don’t do that again. Never again. It froze our heart to see you dying. You were dying in our arms. We can’t…I can’t bare seeing you die. Because, I love you. I truly, really love you. We read your note. It tore our hearts. But, now, I know, you feel the same. And I love you just as much as you love me, maybe even more. I love you. 정말 정말 당신을 사랑합니다. 당신은 나의 전부입니다.” Minwoo said, and he kissed her. She kissed back, unable to say anything. But, one thing she did know, was that she loved him just as much. The boys applause and cheered. “So, will you go out with me?” “Yes.” And after getting out the hospital they went on their first date and after 3 years. Minwoo asked her to marry him and her reply was the same as before, ‘Yes’. And after 2 years, she was pregnant with his child and they lived happily ever after. And they still lived with the boys with their girlfriends and/or wives.
They’re family grew and grew, and they died together. So that no one would be left behind, because that was there family rule. Never leave anybody behind
 (Pronunciation: Jeongmal jeongmal dangsin-eul salanghabnida. dangsin-eun naui jeonbu ibnida.
Meaning: I really really love you. You are my everything.)
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music-et · 7 years
~J-Hope BTS One-shot~
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You’re dating J-hope from BTS. It was your birthday and J-Hope had a surprise for you. But, there will be fans, paparazzi’s everywhere and people trying to ruin your relationship. Will you let them come in the way of you relationship? Or not? 
Jin, 23 years old. Suga, 22 years old. J-hope, 21 years old. RapMon, 21 years old. Jimin, 20 years old. V, 20 years old. Jungkook, 18 years old. You’re 18 years old younger than J-Hope by a month.
This one-shot is dedicated to my friend who is a big BTS Fan and her bias is J-Hope
3rd Person P.O.V
You and J-Hope have been dating for a year now, and today was your 1 year anniversary and your birthday. J-Hope called you told you that he’d give you a big surprise on your birthday and remember to where a dress, and he’d pick you up at 6pm. You were so nervous and excited for the surprise that you were so jumpy and happy for the whole day. Then, finally, at 4pm, you took a shower, then put on your dress and makeup, which was only some foundation, eyeliner and mascara.
Outfit: www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=158440478
Make-up: http://imgfave.com/view/2889158?c=166984
When you finished your doorbell rang and you ran to the door and saw Hoseok, a.k.a J-Hope, all dressed up, looking as handsome as ever.
J-Hope’s outfit:  http://www.kimchicrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/jhope_concept1.jpg
“You ready jagiya?” He asked, “Yeah just let me grab my shoes.” And you grabbed your heels put them on then stood up, “Okay, now I’m ready.” You said he smiled at you and then got to his car, he opened the car door for you before getting in himself. The trip was quiet, well, not really. You had BTS’s music bursting throughout the car. You were in the car for 10 minutes then you arrived at the location but, J-Hope got out and opened the door for you and blinded your eyes, “W-What are you doing?” You asked. “It’s a surprise.” J-Hope answered. He guided you then finally you stopped. “You ready?” “Uh, ne.” And he took of the blindfold and showed you a beautiful view.
Date: http://hdwallpapers.cat/luxury_beach_picnic_by_night_island_view_hd-wallpaper-1558878/
It was where you had your first date. “Wow. This is where we had our first date. Did you and the guys re-make this place again?” you asked. “Ne. I knew how much you liked it so I asked the guys to help me. And so we made this. And….” He said as he guided you to your seat you saw the BTS members coming out in butler suits. “Uh…” “We’ll be serving you and J-Hope for the night.” Rap Monster said. “How much do you have to pay them for this?” You asked. J-Hope chuckled nervously, “About $100 each.” He answered. “WHAT?” you exclaimed. “But, it’s all worth it if you’re happy.” J-Hope said smiling. “You’re so cheesy.” You said, playfully punching his arm. “Yes, but you love me anyways.” “You’re right. Even if you’re cheesy and all, you were the guy in fell in love with.” You said. And Suga came out with your meals. It was Spaghetti Bolognese, “Yum.” You both said, and when you were eating, you ate the same spaghetti, and then you got closer and closer, sharing a spaghetti kiss. You both shared a sweet romantic kiss.
Break Up:
You were going to the BIGHIT Entertainment Building because J-Hope asked you to meet him there. Going up to the BTS practice room up saw no one up there, walking in you heard whispering ‘Wouldn’t she be heartbroken noona?” it was J-Hope’s voice, “She would, but just break it to her slowly. If you don’t tell her you’ll be lying to her so tell her and it should be fine.” It was Amber’s voice f(x). “Are you sure she won’t be too angry?” “Maybe, but I don’t think so. Anyways, everything’s set. Just don’t mess this up or else it’s over. And, I can’t hurt her anymore.” “What do you mean?” “Yeah, what do you mean?” You said stepping out. “(y-y/n)?!” They exclaimed. “(y/n), I didn’t know you were already here.” J-Hope said. “What is it that you wanted to tell me?” “Well, uh, I….We…” J-Hope started but he was paralysed, Amber sighed sadly, “I’m going to tell you straight out and I’m really sorry.” Amber began, “The truth is, is that, J-Hope’s been cheating on you with me. He didn’t mean it. I didn’t mean it. It was all an accident. We were all just really drunk.” Amber said. “Y-You’ve been cheating on me?” “I-I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean it. Please, please forgive me.” J-Hope said. “No.” you answered. “N-No?” “No, I will not forgive anyone, any man, who doesn’t have the courage to say it to my face and let a girl say it instead. No offence though Amber unnie.” You said. “(Y-Y/N). Please.” J-Hope begged. “No, I’m sorry oppa. But, I’m breaking up with you. It’s over.” You said, you turned to leave but J-Hope grabbed your wrist, on his knees with Amber standing on the side shocked, “Please, I’ll do anything, please, don’t break up with me. Please jagiya.” You tugged your wrist away and left.
J-Hope was on his knees sobbing with Amber trying to calm him down for an hour. She didn’t understand why you would do this, normally you would’ve forgiven him and said it wasn’t a big deal as long as he promised never to do it again. That’s when she knew, something was definitely wrong. The rest of BTS walked in seeing J-Hope on his knees crying while Amber was trying to calm him down. “Hyung, what’s wrong?” Jungkook asked. “It’s over. It’s all over.” J-Hope sobbed. “W-What’s over? What happened? Noona? What happened?” Jimin asked. “(Y/N). It’s over. They broke up. She broke up with him.” Amber said. “What?!” They exclaimed. “I told her the truth. She was hurt and she broke up with me. I never should’ve told her. It’s all my fault!” J-Hope sobbed. “No, it’s not.” V said. “We’ll get you two back together. But, let her have some time alone. Don’t let the media know about it.” Rap Monster said. But then, their phones started buzzing. “Oh no, it’s too late.” Jin said.
“(y/n) (l/n) was found leaving BIGHIT Entertainment crying. Some reporters came and reported that ‘(y/n) and J-Hope from BTS have broken up.’ (y/n) was escorted back to her dorm where the rest of her group if resting at.” Suga read out, then J-Hope once again bursted into tears. His members tried to calm him down by patting and smoothing on his back calming him down. Once he calmed down a bit Amber left and BTS left for the dorm where J-Hope went to rest while the members tried to figure out what was wrong and how they could help or fix the problem from what Amber explained to the boys over the phone once J-Hope was resting in his room.
Meanwhile with (y/n)
(Y/n) came back to the dorm with tears streaming down her face, her members knew about the break up already. “So, how’d it go?” (1st/b/f/n) asked. “He already cheated on me with Amber unnie.” (y/n) answered. “WHAT?!” The 2 girls exclaimed. “I-It’s not like that. They were drunk and it was an accident. I don’t mind, I forgive him for it. I had to break up with him anyways. Sure the sasaengs are part of the reason but also because of the sickness.” (y/n) explained. “It hasn’t been confirmed that you have cancer yet.” (2nd/b/f/n) reasoned. “It’s okay though. Just in case. Besides, he’d be happier without me.” (y/n) said. (Y/n) then got up, she walked to her room and just laid on her bed as tears streamed down her face.
(Y/N)’s Band
The 3 girls, (y/n), (1st/b/f/n) and (2nd/b/f/n) were a trio, a girl group, they were called ‘XYZ’. (1st/b/f/n) was ‘X’, (2nd/b/f/n) was ‘Y’ and (y/n) was ‘Z’. They debuted with 7 different companies.
XYZ was signed with SM Entertainment.
XY was signed with JYP Entertainment.
YZ was signed with YG Entertainment.
XZ was signed with Pledis Entertainment.
X was signed with Woolim Entertainment.
Y was signed with BigHit Entertainment.
Z was signed with Loen Entertainment.
Back to story         ~The Next Day~
X went to Woolim Entertainment for her solo work. Y went to BigHit Entertainment for her solo work. Z went to Loen Entertainment for her solo work. They decided to meet you at SM Entertainment at 5pm. (Y/N) went to her studio and practiced her songs over and over again trying to get J-Hope out of her mind but everytime she closed her eyes memories of her and J-Hope’s date flashed through her head, it broke her heart to see J-Hope crying so she decided to do what she does best, she went to her composing room, where she composes her songs. She decided to work on a song that’d express how she was feeling.
~Y (2nd/b/f/n) P.O.V~
I went to BigHit and as expected there’d be paparazzi there trying to get more information about (y/n) and J-Hope oppa’s break up. I ignored them and went into the building. I went to my studio and in there was BTS minus J-Hope oppa. “What are you doing in here?” they turned their heads towards me as soon as they heard my voice. “Y sshi, we want to know why (Y/N) sshi broke up with J-Hope, we know she wouldn’t just break up with him because accidently broke up with Amber sunbae.” RapMon oppa said. God Damnit, they figured it out, I thought. “I can’t tell you. If you want to know you’ll have to ask (Y/N) unnie yourself. I promised as well as X that we wouldn’t tell anyone. Unnie’ll be angry and hurt if I tell you.” I said. “Please, we want the two to be back together. You do too, don’t you?” Jimin oppa asked. “Even if I did, which I do. I can’t tell you. Even if it means you’ll hate me forever. Now, please get out.” I said sternly, opening the door for them to get out. They looked shocked and surprised, desperate even. The truth is, I really wanted to tell them, tell me the truth, but I promised (Y/N) unnie I wouldn’t. They looked so sad, as they walked out the door. Jin oppa then suddenly turned around saying, “If you change your mind please tell us.” I nod and closed the door.
~I week after (Y/N) and J-Hope’s Break Up~ ~At the Hospital~ ~3rd P.O.V~
“We’ve ran the tests and everything and it’s been confirmed that you don’t have cancer.” The doctor said. XYZ tears started to stream down their faces, “Thank you doctor.” “You’re welcome. But we’ll still need to keep a close eye on you (Y/N) sshi.” The doctor said. And (Y/N) nod and XYZ left the room. “Now you can get back together with J-Hope oppa and tell them the truth, right unnie?” X asked. “Um, about that…” Z started.
~Timeskip back to the dorm~
“WHAT?! You don’t plan on getting back together with J-Hope oppa?!” X and Y exclaimed. “I can’t do it. I’ve already broken his heart. I can’t do it again.” Z explained. “But-” “No. No buts. It’s over.” Z said and walked out the room as tears streamed down her face without her band members noticing, who were both too shocked.
~1 week later~ ~ (Y/N) P.O.V~
X and Y were both at JYP Entertainment today. And, I’ve had enough. I can’t bare to be alive without J-Hope anymore. Everytime I see him I turn away trying to get away without him noticing me, so today’s the day. I give up. I sat kneeling down on the carpet of the dorm, on the coffee table were pills, pills that’ll take my life away as soon as I swallow it. Ever since our break up, I’ve gotten massive depression and I’ve started to self-harm again. I haven’t told (1st/b/f/n) or (2nd/b/f/n) yet. I left 10 letters on the coffee table which were next to the pills. I took a deep breath and took out a hand full of pills and swallowed them. I felt myself lose consciousness when there was knocking and yelling coming from the door, ‘No!’ I thought before I closed my eyes and drew my last breath.
J-Hope P.O.V
X and Y sshi told us why Z broke up with me. It turned out that she had a high chance of getting cancer so she broke up with me. She didn’t want me to experience the pain of losing her but, her breaking up with me and telling me she didn’t forgive me broke me even more. The rest of BTS and I went to (Y/N)’s house, we knocked on her door calling out her name, after 5 minutes of calling and no answer, I knew something was wrong. We broke the door down to see (Y/N) unconscious with pills on the table and on the floor with a pill of letters on the table. RapMon ran over to see her pulse, but, he didn’t feel any. “Call the ambulance!” He exclaimed. Jungkook immediately called the ambulance. Jin hyung called X and Suga hyung called Y telling them to come to the hospital immediately. Jimin grabbed the pill of letters and I picked (Y/N) up and we all ran down to where the ambulance was waiting.
~At the Hospital~
(Y/N) was in the emergency center in surgery. All of BTS was outside waiting for (Y/N) while her band members, (1st/b/f/n) and (2nd/b/f/n) along with myself, sat outside with our head in our hands as tears streamed down our faces. “It’s all my fault. I should’ve pushed her to come with me to work today.” (1st/b/f/n) said. “Or I could’ve at least made sure she was okay before I left this morning.” (2nd/b/f/n) said. “No, it’s my fault. If I didn’t go to the party or got drunk in the first place none of this would’ve happened.” I said. Suddenly our phones started to beep, the news of (Y/N) incident has already reached the media and that she’s currently in surgery and there’s no guaratee that she’d be alive.
During the time they waited they read the letters:
 Dear (1st/b/f/n),
If you’re reading this (1st/b/f/n) it means I might have already been gone. Mianhae, I’m sorry for doing this to you. We’ve been friends for years now, going through the training together, and when we debut, I decided to do this to you. Mianhae. I just can’t live like this anymore. When I broke up with J-Hope oppa, it took everything out of me. I couldn’t do it anymore. I really loved him. So, please don’t be mad at him, it’s not his fault. You were always like a sister to me. Saranghae, (1st/b/f/n), mianhae.
From (Y/N)
 Dear (2nd/b/f/n),
If you’re reading this (2nd/b/f/n) it means I might have already been gone. I’m sorry to have to say goodbye this way. I know you hate to say goodbye this way. We’ve trained for so long and when we debut I decided to end my life when everything’s going to well. But, truth is, I really can’t live without J-Hope oppa anymore. I know that we made a pack, girls before guys, but I just really love him and mianhae. Please don’t be mad at him, it’s not his fault. You’re like a sister to me and doing this to you, mianhae. But always know, saranghae (2nd/b/f/n).
From (Y/N)
 Dear Kim Taehyung oppa, (V)
If you’re reading this Taehyung oppa, it means I’ve given up. I’m sorry to do this to you. You’ve always been like a brother to me and here I go ending my life after all you shown me was kindness and you were really supportive. I don’t want you to be angry at J-Hope oppa for my death, I’m not worth it that you should mess up your friendship because of one girl. Thank you for your support. I’ll always support you whether I’m here or not. Do you best oppa! Saranghaeyo oppa!
From (Y/N)
 Dear Park Jimin oppa, (Jimin)
I’m sorry oppa, now that you’re reading this, I’ve given up. Mianhae. You were like an older brother that gave me so much support and happiness. You helped me when I had a hard time when I was a trainee and now that I’ve debuted I committed suicide and all the time that you’ve spent helping me was wasted. Mianhae oppa. Saranghaeyo!
From (Y/N)
 Dear Kim Seok Jin oppa, (Jin)
Oppa, mianhae. I’m really sorry I wasted all the time you spent on me, trying to help me and support me with my dream and when we succeed, I end my life. I let you and all of BTS and XYZ down. Mianhae. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I hope you accept my apology and that you know I’m really sorry for doing this to you oppa. Saranghaeyo Oppa!
From (Y/N)
 Dear Jeon Jungkook oppa, (Jungkook)
Mianhae oppa. I’m sorry to make you go through this. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I just didn’t want anyone to know that I could be dying. When I found out that I could be dying, I knew I had to end it with J-Hope oppa. But, by doing that, I caused you and everyone else unhappiness. I’m sorry that you wasted a lot of your time on me and I go killing myself. Mianhae oppa. I don’t expect you to forgive me but know that I’m sorry. Saranghaeyo oppa!
From (Y/N)
 Dear Kim Nam Joon oppa, (RapMon)
Hi oppa! I’m really sorry for doing this to you. You had to lead a group but also make time to help me and the rest of XYZ to debut and after all that time you spent helping us, I leave in a blink of an eye and all the time you spent on us gets wasted. Mianhae. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I hope you know I’m really sorry. Saranghaeyo oppa!
From (Y/N)
 Dear Min Yoongi oppa, (Suga)
Oppa! Thank you for always treating me like your sister. You’ve always been there for me and XYZ, you really supported us. You helped me when I was still a trainee and after all that, I waste your time within a blink of an eye. I never meant to do this to you and BTS but, I guess I just can’t do it anymore. Mianhae oppa, saranghaeyo!
From (Y/N)
 Dear Jung Hoseok jagiya, (J-Hope)
J-Hope jagiya! Mianhae oppa! I didn’t mean for this to happen but I love you too much to let you go and when I found out that I had a high chance of dying, I couldn’t stand to let you go through the pain if it was true, so, I ended our relationship. Don’t think this was your fault. I actually around forgiven you and Amber unnie, it was all an accident and we all make mistakes so it was okay. But, I had to end our relationship so you wouldn’t be so sad, but when I saw you when I broke up with you. I really wanted to tell you at that moment, but, I just couldn’t so I came up with an excuse. So, mianhae oppa. Saranghaeyo! After all your support, I’m really sorry oppa. I hope you find another girl who would be able to bring you happiness and make you happy and do all the things I couldn’t with you. But, don’t forget the things we had. Saranghaeyo oppa. Goodbye.
Also tell Amber unnie I’m sorry for doing that to her on the day we broke up. I didn’t mean to make her feel guilty or anything or get her involved. So tell her I’m sorry and I love her. And that I’ll never forget her.
From (Y/N)
 Tears streamed down everyone’s faces when they read their letters. They couldn’t believe that she could really be gone.
~After 2 hours~
The doctor came out and all of us immediately stood up quickly looking at him with a desperate look on our faces, he had a sad look on his face, “I’m sorry, but, the surgery was a fail. The medication reached her bloodstream and got to her brain too quick. We were unable to save her. I’m sorry. You can go in a see her if you wish.” I collapsed onto my knees into loud sobs, as (1st/b/f/n) and (2nd/b/f/n) who were next to the wall, they slid down the wall in tears as the members who all looked too shocked and sad, tears streamed down their face. The doctor patted my shoulder and walked off. “WHY?!” (1st/b/f/n) and (2nd/b/f/n) screamed as they collapsed into a wave of loud sobs. “Why couldn’t it be someone else?” they cried. I took up the courage and walked into the room to see (Y/N) lying lifelessly on the bed. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I’m sorry.” I cried. The members all slowly walked into the room.
3rd P.O.V
As soon as all the members walked into the room their phones started to buzz, checking it the head line was ‘Leaders of XYZ, Z, has passed away’. That made everyone sadder than ever. After 10 minutes of being in the surgery room, the doctor went into the room and said, “You should say your last goodbyes now. We’ve got to turn of her life support so we can hold the funeral for her soon.” Everyone went up one by one to say goodbye to her one last time. Just then, when the doctors were about to turn of her life support, a beep was heard, snapping their heads up the heart line beeped again until it beeped so fast and so much that the doctors ran to her trying to stop it, when it finally stopped at the right speed, and it stabilized. BTS and XYZ were really worried and didn’t know what just happened. “W-What just happened?” RapMon asked. The doctor turned around shocked and looked at them, “It turns out, that, she came back to life. It’s a miracle.” They looked shocked until the words sunk in and they started to cheer. After the cheered died down, “We don’t know how it happened. But, it’s a miracle. But, she’s currently in a coma. We don’t know how long she’ll be in a coma for, it could be a few days, a few months, a few years even and maybe even forever. But, we’ll keep you posted on her condition. And if anything happens, we’ll call you.” The doctor said. “Thank you doctor. Thank you.” BTS and XY said. The doctor nod and left the room. Then their phones started to beep, ‘A miracle has happened! The Leader Z, has come back to life after dying for 15 minutes’.
~1 Week Later~
One week after (Y/N) came back from the dead and still no news of her waking up. J-Hope stayed at the hospital every day, every night, just waiting for (Y/N) to wake up. No matter what the members say, he just won’t go. He swore, never to leave the hospital room until (Y/N) woke up, and that he’d be the first person she’d see when she wakes up. And every day, he’d talk to her about what’s been going on while she was in a coma and that how much he’d wish she wake up, because in one week, it’d be her birthday.
~1 Week Later~
It was (Y/N)’s birthday and BTS bought new clothes for J-Hope, he went to change while X and Y changed her clothes and BTS went out to buy the cake and presents and decorations for her birthday. When everyone was ready, they live streamed her birthday party, even if she was in a coma.
All her presents were left on one side with the cake in the middle, then, RapMon started to film the part, “Okay everybody, it’s (Y/N)’s birthday today. She’s currently in a coma right now and can’t celebrate her birthday but we want to wish her a happy birthday and want you guys to be a part of it.” RapMon said. And BTS and X & Y waved excitedly at the camera and J-hope brought out the cake.
Cake: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ez1f7mwPRQw/UEyxDhY54UI/AAAAAAAABf0/jhpK3IBGiEw/s1600/cake6.jpg
“Okay, Hana, Tul, Set…” and they started to sing happy birthday,
‘Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear (Y/N)! Happy Birthday to you!’
“Hip Hip!” “Hooray!” “Hip Hip!” “Hooray!” “Hip Hip!” “Hooray!”
After they sung happy birthday a lot of comments were posted saying ‘Happy Birthday Z!’ ‘Happy Birthday Noona!’ ‘Happy Birthday Unnie!’ ‘Get Well Soon Unnie!’ ‘Get Well Soon Noona!’ and many more.
When suddenly the heart monitor started beeping very loudly scaring the bands and viewers. Doctors and nurses ran into the room and started to wheel (Y/N) out the room, BTS and XY followed then while live streaming, they followed the doctors and nurses to the surgery room, “What’s wrong?!” J-Hope asked. “She’s in an unstable position right now. If we don’t start the surgery soon or find out what’s wrong soon, she’s as good as gone.” A doctor explained quickly and ran into the room and the door were locked and the red light switched on. BTS and XY collapsed onto their knees not knowing what to do or react, they’ve been in this situation before, but, they still can’t go cope with it. Forgetting they were still livestreaming, RapMon put the camera down on the chairs while J-Hope stays on the floor not knowing what to do while everyone else are crying their eyes out. The fans, viewer that were watching felt so sorry for them, they didn’t know what they could do to make them happy.
~1 hour later~
Within one hour, news spread everywhere, all around the world with headlines, ‘Possible Death of XYZ Leader’.
The members started to get really worried, they didn’t know what to do if (Y/N) died, right now, all they could think about was (Y/N) possibly dying, they prayed to God, just hoping that (Y/N) would be okay and survive this. Another 2 hours have passed and no doctor or nurse have left the surgery room and more panic flowed throughout the members.
Finally, the doctors and nurses came out the room, one of the doctors were pushed to the front to tell the members the news, “We’ve managed to stabilize (Y/N), but, we know, she’ll most likely never wake up. Those machines are the only thing keeping her awake. If one of those machines die out she’ll die immediately, meaning, she’s already dead, the only thing keeping her alive are those machines, the pills she took, the medication has spread all over her body already. It’d be a miracle if she’d wake up. So, now, you have a choice, to either pull the plug and let her go, or, keep her in pain, hooked to those machines to stay alive.” The doctor said as all the doctors and nurses stood behind him with pain all over their faces. “But, not only that, she used to cut, there were some fresh wounds on her arms that started to open when you brought her in and that made the medication flow through her body faster, when we were doing surgery on her, we noticed powder on her, turns out it was medications, meaning she put pill powder on her skin making it reach her blood stream from the outside. There’s almost no chance of her waking up.” The doctor finished. The members all collapsed to their knees in tears as the camera filmed everything.
“So, you mean, there’s no chance my daughter would ever wake up.” Spoke a voice, turning their heads, they saw (Y/N)’s family. Her mother, her father, her older brother and younger brother. “Mr and Mrs (L/N), no, that’s not exactly it. There is a very small chance, but yes, there’s almost no chance of her waking up. Only a miracle can help her now.” The doctor answered. Tears streamed down her families face. “I knew it. It’s all my fault. I never should’ve allowed this. This is all my fault.” (D/N) said. “It’s not, appa. Unnie will get better. She’s strong.” (L/B) said.
(If you don’t have one make him up same with the older brother)
“Now, Mr and Mrs (L/N), what do you chose, let her go? Or make her stay?” The doctor asked. “Can we have time to think about this?” (B/B) said. “Of course. You can go in and see her if you wish.” The doctor said and the nurse opened the door. The members and her family quickly ran into the room and RapMon grabbed the camera, still forgetting that it’s still on and that everyone’s watching. Going inside, RapMon placed the camera on the table side pointing it towards the members and (Y/N). Everyone could see (Y/N) very pale, with a face mask on her face, her eyes closed and barely breathing into the face mask, all sorts or machines hooked to (Y/N). It pained them to see (Y/N), they knew they had to let her go, but they just couldn’t do it. It hurts too much to let her go, but making her stay, making her go through this pain would be worse. They’d rather let her free than trap her in her own body. Her mother looked at her husband and they nod at each other, knowing what to do.
“We’ve decided, w-we’ve got to l-let (Y-Y/N), g-g-go.” Her mother said as she tried choking out every word as tears streamed down her face as her husband held his wife also crying. “Y-You’re not serious are you?” Suga asked, close to tears. “We’ve got to. I-I can’t let noona go through any more pain. It’s not right to make ourselves happy just to see her alive and let her suffer for our happiness, its only right to let her go hyungs, noonas.” (L/B) said, tears streaming down his face as he told them holding onto (Y/N)’s hand tightly not wanting to let her go. They looked at him shocked, they’d expected him to cry and say that he doesn’t want her to go and that he’d never want her to leave, but, they received the complete opposite, he may only be 8 years old, but, he was very wise for his age, and at times, even wiser than the adults. “We’ll give everyone all a week to say good bye, before we pull the plug.” (D/N) said sadly. The (L/N) all left the room, not because they wanted to, but because, they wouldn’t be able to face (Y/N) anymore. But, they saw, as soon as they said they’d pull the plug, they saw a smile, they saw that she was happy, happy that she’d be able to leave the world that’s caused her so much pain, but in her smile was sadness, sadness of leaving her friends, family, fans, and mostly, J-Hope, the man she fell in love with since the beginning.
And in the end, the camera was never turned off, everyone watching fell to tears, knowing that the Leader of XYZ was soon to die within a week. Everyone forgot about the live stream and the camera and it filmed the whole week, everything that happened and was never turned off.
~1 Week Later~
“Do you have any last words?” the doctor asked. “Yes, I do.” J-Hope said as he walked to the front. He held (Y/N)’s hand saying, “(Y/N), from the minute I laid eyes on you. I knew you were the one. I knew you were the one I wanted to spend my life with, I’m very sorry for what I did to you. I know you’ve forgiven me, but, I still haven’t forgiven myself for what I did to you, but there’s still one thing I have to say to you, one…last…time.” J-Hope said. He got on one knee and took out a ring. “(Y/N), I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Even though you will past, I want to marry you to say that no other girl shall ever have my heart but you. I love you and nothing is ever going to change that. So, (Y/N), will you marry me?” and a tear streamed down her face, a tear of happiness, a tear saying, ‘I love you too. And yes, I will marry you.’ Everyone rejoices and J-Hope slipped the ring on her finger.
Ring: http://sandiegophotographyweddings.com/simple-vintage-engagement-rings-ideas/
Then, one by one, everyone went up and said something to her.
“Congratulations (Y/N)! I really wish to see you in a wedding dress. You’ve been a great sister to me. I love you (Y/N) and I hope, I’d be your brother in the next life. I’ll miss you little sis. J-Hope hyung’s very luck to meet you. ” RapMon said and kiss (Y/N) on the head before leaving her side for Suga to come up. Before he left, a tear dropped on her face.
“Congratulations little sis! I’m so happy for you right now. You’ve been an amazing friend, you’ve cheered for us the whole way through. I’m glad J-Hope found a girl like you. I’ll really miss you, and I hope we’ll still be friends in our next life. I love you sis.” Suga said and kissed the top of her head, a tear slipped from his eye onto her face. He left her side for V to come up.
“You’re so lucky (Y/N), getting married at such a young age. I’m envious already. J-Hope hyung’s a very lucky man. You’ve been the best friend and sister. I hope maybe in the future in our next life I’ll see you again, but be your brother in the life. You’ve supported us throughout our journey. I’ll really miss you, I love you sis.” V said and tears fell from his eyes onto her face as he kissed the top of her head and left for Jin to come up next.
“Ah, (Y/N)-ah, you’re a lot younger than me and you get married before me. I’m jealous. You’re really lucky, no, J-Hope’s really lucky to find a girl like you. I’ll really miss you. I hope I see you and be your brother in our next life (Y/N). I’ll miss you little sis, I love you.” Jin said as tears streamed down his face which fell onto her face as he kiss her forehead, he left her side so Jimin could say something to her next.
“(Y/N), I can’t believe you’re getting married. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see you in a wedding dress. J-Hope hyung’s really lucky isn’t he? I’m really going to miss you. I hope I’ll be your brother in our next life. I love you (Y/N), I’ll miss you a lot.” Jimin said, and tears streamed down his face which hit her face when he leaned down to kiss her forehead, he slowly left her side so Jungkook could say something to her.
“(Y/N), I can’t believe it. You’re really getting married. You and I made a bet didn’t we, to see who’d get married first, turns out you won. J-Hope hyung better not go after any girls after he’s married you. If he does, I’ll kick his butt for you. I’ll really miss you sis. I love you.” Jungkook said and tears fell from his eyes onto her face as he kiss her forehead, he left her side so (1st/b/f/f) could say something to her.
“Aigoo, I can’t believe you’re growing up so fast unnie. It was only a dream when we were younger but I can’t believe it’s coming true. From the past to now, I have so much I want to tell you, but I guess there are still things I can’t tell you, and I regret that. I’ll really miss you unnie. You’ve been my bestest friend I’ve ever had, thank you. I hope in our next life, instead of being sister-like friends, I hope we’d be siblings. I love you unnie. I’ll miss you.” (1st/b/f/f) said and tears streamed down her face and onto (Y/N)’s face and she kiss her cheek, and left her side so (2nd/b/f/f) could say something.
“Unnie I’m so happy for you. Congratulations! I can’t believe I’ll see you in a dress other than the dresses I’ll stylist have chosen for you. I can’t wait. Thank you for being my bestest friend, you’ve been there for me from past to present from ups and downs. I owe you so much so (1st/b/f/f) and I will back up Jungkook oppa if he cheats. I hope we’ll be sisters in the next life not just best friends. I love you unnie. I’ll miss you very much.” (2nd/b/f/f) said and tears streamed down her face onto (Y/N)’s face and she kissed her cheek one last time and she left her side for her mother to say something.
“I’m really going to miss you (Y/N). I’m sorry for not being the perfect mother for you. You’re my only daughter and I hope I’d be a better mother for you in our next life. I love you my daughter and I’ll miss you very much. Nothing I can say will ever express how much I feel about giving you up like this. It’s hard for me to give you up. I really hope I’d never have to do this, I’m really sorry for not being there when you need me. I love you (Y/N).” Said your mother, tears streamed down her face to fast and fell on your cheek, she kiss your forehead before turning to leave so her husband could say something.
“I can’t believe my baby girls’ all grown up now. I wish I could walk you down the aisle in your wedding dress. You’re my only daughter and you mean the world to me. You’re the only other girl I love apart from your mother. I’m sorry for not being the perfect father. Nothing I can say will tell you how much you mean to me and how hard it was for me and your mother to make that decision. I’m sorry for not being there for you when you most needed me. I hope to be a better appa for you in our next life. I love you (Y/N).” Said your father as tears streamed down his face and onto your face, he kiss your forehead, turning to leave so your brothers could say something.
“Noona! I’m really going to miss you. You’ve been the best noona ever! I really hoped to see you walk down the aisle in a beautiful white wedding dress. You’ve always been there when I needed a shoulder to cry on when umma or appa or hyung weren’t there. You’ve been the best! I’ll really miss you noona! I love you. I hope to be your dongsaeng in our next life. ” (L/B) said and tears streamed down his as and he kissed your forehead and held onto your hand not wanting to let go, then (B/B) picked him up and put him on the bed next to you as he cried lying next to you.
“I can’t believe my dongsaeng’s getting married before me, that’s so sad. But, since it’s you I’ll be okay. I’m going to miss you a lot when you go (Y/N). You’ve been there for me when I needed to cry but couldn’t. You were like an older sister to me, maybe even a mother, I’ll miss you dearly little sis. I love you. I hope to be a better oppa for you in our next life.” (B/B) said and tears streamed down his face that hit your face as he leaned down to kiss your cheek.
Finally, as everyone said their finally goodbyes did the doctors come and pull the plug. And the loud ringing of the machine that supported (Y/N)’s life rang throughout the room as no one could hold it in anymore and everyone collapsed onto their knees and let out a loud cry, crying like not tomorrow and collapsed into loud sobs, everyone hugged the person next to them crying on each other’s shoulders as the cameras caught everything.
~1 Week Later~
News soon spread around about (Y/N)’s death, the funeral date was set and the location. On the day of the funeral, (Y/N) wore a beautiful white wedding dress with her makeup on lying in a glass coffin cover in red petals.
Dress: http://img3.dressretail.com/pri/o/201307/Beautiful-White-Satin-Zipper-back-Floral-A-Line-Sleeveless-Wedding-Dress-23156-84500.jpg
Glass Coffin with Flower Petals: http://modthesims.info/d/410446&h=760&w=1280&tbnid=9uJTaAu6fkPRcM:&docid=gT0DINTWL_d4PM&ei=Sn3eVav3FOPOmwWD8auoDA&tbm=isch&ved=0CB0QMygCMAJqFQoTCKvEntqiyMcCFWPnpgodg_gKxQ
Everyone dressed in black, it was a funeral, but, also a wedding. There was BTS, X&Y, her family but also many K-Pop Bands, J-Pop/J-Rock Bands, C-Pop/M-Pop Bands and Artists, A-Pop/A-Rock Bands there:
Mr.Mr, VIXX, SPEED, EXO, BigBang, DMTN, Shinhwa, MBLAQ, Teen Top, iKon, Seventeen, 1Punch, B.A.P, Super Junior, B1A4, Boyfriend, C-Clown, CNBLUE, XING, Epik High, SMRookies, 2AM, 2PM, GOT7, X-5, ss501,JYJ, 100%, Infinite, Ze;a, Block B,U-Kiss, TVXQ, SHINee, Double A, H.O.T, BEAST, WINNER, Nu’est, BTOB, JJCC, Boys Republic, B.O.M, Cross Gene, Chaos, V.O.S, 4Men, MyName, F.T Islands, 1TYM, Monsta X, UNIQ, A6P, History, Romeo, Twilight, Dynamic Duo, G.O.D, AST’1, F.I.X, F.Cuz, Brown Eyed Soul, Brown Eyes, Trouble Maker, A-Jax, Busker Busker, Double JJCC, LC9, Off Road, Topp Dogg, Orange Caramel, SNSD, 2NE1, F(x), Sistar, Tara, Miss A, Kara, Wonder Girls, After School, A-Pink, Girls Day, AOA, EXID, Secret, Nine Muses, 4minutes, Rania, The See Ya, Mamamoo, Dal Shabet, Ladies Code, Spica, Hello Venus, Crayon Pop, Ocean Girls, Many Solo Artists, Kelum, Soul’d Out, Da-ice, Nightmare, Uverworld, On/Off, One Ok Rock, SID, Aqua Timez, +Plus, Access, Sekai no Owari, Flow, Goose House, Asian Kungfu Generation, Granrodeo, Orange Range, Kat-tun, Baby Metal, Doll$Box, Dream, Tomboy, Wink, AKB48, Shugo Chara Egg, NO3B, French Kiss, Watarirouku Hashiritai, Watarirouka Hashiritai 7, Not Yet, SDN48, SKE48, NMB48, JKT48, HTY48, SNH48, Nogizaka 46, Alexandros, The Hopper, TFBoys, ATI7, Beyond, B2Y, Da Mouth, F.I.R, Grasshoppers, Mayday, Fahrenheit, My Little Airport, Nan Quan Mama, Phoenix Legend, Power Station, Roomie, S.H.E, Shin, Sodagreen, Twin, Many Female Chinese Artists, Many Male Chinese Artists, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping with Sirens, My Chemical Romance, Pierce the Veil, Big Time Rush, One Direction, 5 Seconds of Summer, Maroon 5, Nickleback, The Janoskians, The Vamps, Westlife, Backstreet Boys, Magcon Boys, King the Kid, NSYNC and Many Male and Female  Artists/Actors.
There were also a lot of news reporters and fans there too.
They all attended (Y/N)’s funeral/wedding. (Y/N) was on stage laying still when her hand moved, when she suddenly snapped her eyes opened, and she woke up banging her head against the glass making everyone snap their attention over to see (Y/N) alive, rubbing her forehead from the pain of hitting her head against the glass. J-Hope and BTS ran towards (Y/N) and threw the glass of her, she sat up and spoke, “Did you all miss me?” She asked opening her hands. J-Hope tackled her into a big hug and everyone cheered. No one could believe it, it was dead for a week when suddenly she awoken. At that moment, no one cared how she survived, all they cared about was that (Y/N) was alive and that’s all that mattered. J-Hope pulled away from the hug and kiss (Y/N) passionately on the lips and everyone cheered louder than ever. Breaking away from the kiss, “How?” “I was told it wasn’t my time yet. And, he let me back. He saw how every one of you cried for me and left a tear on my face and all having the same wish, he was touched and gave me a second chance.” (Y/N) answered. J-Hope kiss her once more and (Y/N) got of the flower bed and gave everyone a hug. BTS, X&Y and her Family were so happy to have (Y/N) back, right now, that’s all that mattered. “Thank you for giving me a second chance God. Thank you for giving her back to me.” J-Hope whispered. “No problem.” Was whispered into his ear, he turned to see a shining light with a shadow figure of a smiling man.
The news spread so quick that ‘XYZ’s Leader came back to life.’
After (Y/N) woke up they continued the wedding.
J-Hope in Suit: http://btsjhopethaitrans.tumblr.com/post/69051341779/j-hope-in-black-suit-%25E0%25B9%2580%25E0%25B8%2594-%25E0%25B8%2581%25E0%25B9%2582%25E0%25B8%25AE%25E0%25B8%259B%25E0%25B8%25AD%25E0%25B8%25AD%25E0%25B8%2581%25E0%25B8%2587%25E0%25B8%25B2%25E0%25B8%2599%25E0%25B9%2583%25E0%25B8%25AA-%25E0%25B8%25AA-%25E0%25B8%2597-%25E0%25B8%25AB%25E0%25B8%25A5-%25E0%25B8%25AD&h=960&w=719&tbnid=QAVmu9y_aYiSiM:&docid=YL8w20BYo2KyXM&ei=ln_eVbWKNuLDmQXVioroCA&tbm=isch&ved=0CBwQMygAMABqFQoTCLWt8PKkyMcCFeJhpgodVYUCjQ
BTS in suits: http://data.whicdn.com/images/86405559/large.jpg
Her father walked his daughter up the aisle as her family watched her, they were so happy that their daughter was still alive and that God gave them a second chance. J-Hope held his hand out to (Y/N) and she took his hand.
~Skip to Ring Ceremony~
“Do you Jung Ho Seok, take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawful wedded wife, to love and to care for as long as you shall live?” The priest asked J-Hope. “I do.” J-Hope replied. “And do you (Y/N) (L/N), take Jung Ho Seok to be your lawful wedded husband, to love and to care for as long as you shall live?” The priest asked (Y/N). “I do.” (Y/N) replied. “I give you my blessing. You may kiss the bride.” The priest said as everyone in the church started cheering and J-Hope kissed (Y/N) passionately on the lips.
~Timeskip 1 year later~
“How’s my jagi?” J-Hope asked (Y/N), “I’m fine, and so will your child once you stop blowing on my neck.” (Y/N) answered. “How can I, you’re so beautiful jagi.” J-Hope replied. “You’re so cheesy.” (Y/N) said playfully hitting J-Hope’s arm. “I can’t wait for the baby to come in 2 months.” “I can’t wait either.” And J-Hope kissed (Y/N).
 The End
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music-et · 7 years
Jungkook X Reader
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You were childhood friends with Jungkook from BTS. You were just one year younger, than Jungkook, him being 18 and you being 17. You’ve been with Jungkook through thick and thin even when he had break-ups, you’d be there for him, but, soon, you found out that you developed a crush on him. But, you never confessed, you didn’t want to ruin the friendship, but, you’ve finally gotten sick of him running to you break-up after break-up.
What will happen to friendship? Will there be a happy ending or not? Will he return your feelings or not?
3rd Person P.O.V
“How long has it been (Y/N)?” Jungkook asked. “10 years now. 10 years of friendship.” (Y/N) answered with your head on his shoulder sitting under the cherry blossom. “It seemed like it was just yesterday when we met…”
~The Beginning~ ~The Meeting~
“Oppa! I don’t wanna go!” little (Y/N) whined to her older brother, Kevin, ‘You’ve got to (Y/N). I promise to play with you at school.” Kevin said pleading his sister. “No, you’re gonna leave me like everyone else.” (Y/N) said tearing up. “A-Ah, don’t cry. I promise. I promise. Pinkie promise.” Kevin said sticking his pinkie finger out. And (Y/N) stopped crying and looked at it and smiled. “Okay!” and wrapper her pinkie around his.
~Primary School (Prep)~
“Everyone, we’ve got a new student today, Woo (Y/N). (Yes! Your oppa is Kevin with U-Kiss) Please be nice to her.” The teacher said introducing you to everyone. “N-Nice to meet you.” You said from behind the teacher poking your head out. ‘Wow, she’s so cute.’ Everyone thought.
You waited for your brother to come, “Oppa!” you shouted when you saw your older brother. “(Y/N)!” He said running to you, behind him was a boy around your age, maybe a bit older. “(Y/N), meet Jungkook, Jungkook, meet (Y/N) my younger sister.” Your brother introduced. “N-Nice to meet you oppa.” You said shyly sticking your hand out. “Same to you.” Jungkook said grabbing your hand and pulling you into a hug. “Let’s be friends.” “N-Ne.”
And that was how your friendship started.
~A Couple of Years Later In Middle School~
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Mi-Young confessed to me! We’re finally dating! I’m so happy she likes me back!” Jungkook said running to you. “That’s great oppa!” You said forcing a smile. Recently, you’ve been feeling jealous when other girls touch him or talk to him, at first you ignored it, but then, you realized that you actually had a crush on him. When you wanted to tell him about it, he’d go on about Mi-Young. You we’re quite upset, but, if he was happy, you were happy. “Stay away from Jungkook oppa!” Mi-Young said pushing you against the wall with her gang. “He’s mine!” She said giving you a punch in the guts and pushed you to the ground. Her and her gang started to laugh at you.
And that was only the beginning of your torture.
~3 Months Later~
“Stay away from him!” Mi-Young shouted, pushing you to the wall. “That’s up to him not to you.” You argued. She raised her hand to slap you when a hand grabbed her’s before it reached your cheek. You both looked you to see an angry Jungkook. “Don’t you dare touch her.” Jungkook hissed with his eyes flaring. “O-Oppa, i-it’s not what it looks like. I was practicing for a play and she was helping me. I wasn’t going too actually hi-” But stopped mid-way when she looked at Jungkook. “B-But it’s all her fault. She was going to steal you from me.” Mi-Young said bursting into tears. But, even then, Jungkook’s face didn’t change. “Don’t pretend. I know what you’ve been doing. You’re already dating another guy behind my back. We’re over. Don’t even think about coming back.” Jungkook said, grabbing your hand and dragging you away with Mi-Young glaring at you.
You were both in your treehouse, sitting on opposite side of the house. “Spill it now.” Jungkook said. “S-Spill what?” you asked pretending not to know what he was asking about. “Don’t play innocent. How long has this been going on for?” Jungkook said staring straight into your eyes. “A-A week.” You lied. “Don’t lie. How long?” Jungkook asked sternly. You looked to the floor too scared to look him in the eyes. “Since you’ve started dating her.” Jungkook’s eyes soften. “You should’ve told me.” “I couldn’t. You were happy with her. So, I didn’t say anything.” You answered. “I knew. I knew she was cheating on me. I knew she was hurting you. And yet, I did nothing. I didn’t do anything. What kind of friend am I? What kind of friend knows what’s going on but ignores it when they know their best friend is hurting because of them.” Jungkook said as tears streamed down his face. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here for you. It’s okay.” You said coming over and sitting next to him rubbing his back as you pulled him into a hug. He cried on your shoulder, letting his feelings out and apologizing to you over and over again. But, it happened again and again. Every time he dated a girl, she’d come after you, bully you, threaten you etc… But, Jungkook always found out, and when he’d come to confront her, she’d always try turning it back on you that it was your fault but Jungkook never believed that, and it’d always be the same line over and over again. “Don’t you dare touch her.” Jungkook said with his eyes flaring. “O-Oppa, i-it’s not what it looks like. I was practicing for a play and she was helping me. I wasn’t going too actually hi-” But stopped mid-way when she looked at Jungkook. “B-But it’s all her fault. She was going to steal you from me.” The girl would say bursting into tears. But, even then, Jungkook’s face didn’t change. “Don’t pretend. I know what you’ve been doing. You’re already dating another guy behind my back. We’re over. Don’t even think about coming back.” Jungkook said, grabbing your hand and dragging you away with his ex-girlfriend glaring at you. After, Jungkook would apologize and cry to you. You’d always comfort him, you’d do that at least 3 times a year, and you’ve gotten tired of it too, but you loved him to much to tell him about it. But, the only question remaining is, ‘How long can you hold it in before you explode?’ But soon, that time soon pasted by, so fast, in a blink of an eye, you became high schoolers and almost finished school about to graduate and Jungkook, he became a trainee for BigHit Entertainment and debuted with a boy group called BTS, short for Bangtan Boys or Bulletproof Boy Scout. A 7 member boy group, with Rap Monster as the Leader, Jin as the Face, Suga as the Rapper, J-Hope as the Rapper, Jimin as the Vocal, V as the Vocal and himself as the Maknae. He was so happy and he never forgot you, he’d call you when he had time to check on how you were doing, but when he was busy he couldn’t contact you for days but when he did, he felt sorry and sometimes he was too busy to come to school and when he did, girls would crowd him all the time while guys would come and crowd you. He was in his last years of high school where you had one year left. Jungkook saw you and ran towards you, “(Y/N)!!” You stopped and turn to see Jungkook running towards you and you threw on a bright smile. “Jungkook oppa!” “(Y/N)! Guess what?” Jungkook asked as soon as he got infront of you with a giant smile. “What?” You asked giggling. “I confessed to NiNi and she felt the same!” Jungkook said smiling happily. Your smile dropped but you forced another smile on your face before he noticed, “That’s great! I hope the best for you!” You said with a forced smile. But Jungkook was too happy to notice and nod happily. Your brother, Kevin, and his bandmates, U-Kiss came to pick you up early heard everything and noticed your fake smile and decided to come and save you from another heartbreak. They walked towards the two of you and the girls saw them and started to scream. The two of you turned, you saw them and waved, you ran towards your brother and the members forgetting about Jungkook who just stood there. “Oppa! You’re here!” You shouted giving him a hug. “Ne, I’m sorry for leaving you for so long.” Kevin said. “It’s okay as long as you’re here now.” You said shaking your head smiling. ‘Come on, you’re leaving early today.” Kiseop said. “Eh? Why?” You asked walking to your locker with them following you forgetting about Jungkook, so he just walked away. You put your stuff into your locker and grabbed your bag, and when you were about to put it on, Eli grabbed it of you and held it instead. “Eli oppa! Give me back my bag!” “No, I’ll hold it. We’ve got to go to the office first to sign you out.” Soohyun said. “Ne. But you never answered me. Why am I leaving early?” You said going to the office and Kevin started to sign you out. “Don’t you remember? We’ve got to go to a wedding today.” Hoon said. Your face turned blank, “Whose wedding?” “Your cousin’s remember? We told you 3 weeks ago when you went to the bride to pick out her wedding dress and your dress for the wedding remember?” Jun asked. “……………………..Oh right!” You exclaimed after complete silence. The boys deadpanned. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” “Come on! Let’s go!” You shouted running towards the van. The boys just laughed and chased after you and you all got into the van.
~At Home Getting Ready~
“We’ve got 3 hours to get ready and get at the ceremony.” AJ said. “Okay.” You said and ran upstairs and grabbed your clothes and took a shower for 15 minutes. You got dressed and put on your make-up.
Dress: (choose which ever one you like or if you don’t like it chose something else) uwebus.com/dresses-for-weddings/dresses-for-weddings-of-impr... Informal_Wedding_dress_Cocktail_Dresses_IWD033 cocktail_dresses_for_weddings_1 Plain-Pear-Shaped-Hourglass-Zipper-Sequin-Sleeveless-One-shoulder-Pearl-Pink-Wedding-Guest-Dresses-SD2684 Make Up: hqdefault
You went downstairs where everyone was waiting for you. “I’m ready! Let’s go!” the boys looked up to see you wearing a beautiful dress, their mouths dropped when they saw you. “What? Do I look that bad?” You asked. “A-Ani. It’s just that you look really pretty.” Jun said. “R-Really?” “Ne.” U-Kiss confirmed smiling. “Kamsahamnida.” You said. “Let’s go or we’ll be late.” Kevin said. “Ne.” And you walked to the van, “Also, you all look very handsome.” You told them smiling. “Gomawo.”
~At the Ceremony~
“(Y/N)! You look so beautiful!” Said the bride as soon as you and U-Kiss walked into the room when she ran over to you. “Thank you unnie.” You said, it was your cousin’s wedding. “You look even better than me unnie.” You said smiling. “Ah, (Y/N). Wonderful that you could make it. You look beautiful.” Said the groom. “Thank you oppa. I won’t miss this for the world. And also, you look handsome too.” You said smiling. “Don’t forget about us too~!” Kevin whined. “Ah, oppa~! So glad you could make it.” Said the bride. “We wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Soohyun said. “You look amazing.” The boys commented. “You all look fetching.” The bride said. “You’re performing right?” The groom asked. “Of course.” They said. “What about you (Y/N)?” They asked. “E-Eh?” You exclaimed. “N-No way?” “Please~! For me.” Your cousin whined. “F-Fine.” You said.
~Performing Time~
“Our special guest today is…………..U-KISS~!!” The MC exclaimed gesturing to U-Kiss as the spotlight shone over to U-Kiss. They waved and smiled and stood up and walked over to the stage. “Thank you everybody. We’ll be performing Neverland!” Soohyun said into the microphone. They all grabbed a microphone and got into position and music started to play and they performed a wonderful and emotional performance for the bride and groom.
U-Kiss Neverland: youtube.com/watch?v=nW8UW4yAKEU
“Thank you for the wonderful performance. Our next performer is…….……. (L/N) (Y/N)~!” The MC shouted into the microphone and the spotlight shone over (Y/N) as she stood up and bowed and went onto stage. “Thank you. I will be performing Only One by BoA sunbaenim.” The music started to play and she started to sing and she gave a wonderful performance to the bride and groom.
BoA Only One: youtube.com/watch?v=PQjovLrnvVo ~After Performance~
“That was wonderful. Thank you.” Said your cousin hugging you and your brother and his friends. “It was fun and we had a wonderful time.” You said. “Once again, congratulations.” Kevin said and you said your goodbyes and went home. “The bride will now throw the flowers.” The MC announced. All the girls got really excited and where crowding around behind the bride as she turn to throw the flowers. You just stood behind the crowding girls with your brother and U-Kiss, “Hana….Tul…..Set!” You cousin counted and she threw it the girls were all excited and running around trying to catch the flowers. It instead flew over the crowd of girls and landed straight into your hands. Everyone including U-Kiss were shocked that you caught the flower, you just looked at the flowers because it didn’t occur that you caught the flowers. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. “EH???????? I caught the flowers?!” You exclaimed finally as everyone just sweatdropped/ deadpanned at you. You looked at our cousin and her new husband, shocked, they just winked and smiled at you while everyone was congratulating you. “Congratulations!” “Don’t forget to invite us to your wedding!” “I wonder who’ll be the special boy.” You were quite red by the compliments. “Y-Yah! T-That’s not gonna happen. I-I’m still underage.” You said blushing, badly. But everyone just laugh and patted you on the back or pulling you into headlocks and laughing. And your brother, he was just laughing at you and congratulating you, but he did give you a heads-up warning first though, along with the members. You just laughed along with the members.
~Next Week~
“You bitch!” Ni Ni shouted as she punched you. “How dare you?!” She shouted at she pulled your hair. “You keep trying to steal Jungkook oppa from me!” She shouted as she slapped you and her friends joined in hurting you. Finally, you were losing conscience and you fainted, but before you fainted you heard yelling and someone shouting at the girls and they picked you up and everything went black.
~1 Hour Later~
“Ugh.” You said seating up. “Ah (Y/N) you’re awake.” Spoke a voice. “Huh?” You turned to see Taehyung oppa. “Oppa? What are you doing here? Where am I?” You asked. “You’re at our house... (Y/N), did you know how worried I was? I was on my way home when I saw you just lying there on the ground unconscious with Ni Ni and her friends hurting you.” Taehyung exclaimed. You just looked down avoiding his eye contact. “I’m sorry.” You whispered. Taehyung’s eyes soften, “How long has it been?” There was silence, “How long has it been?” Taehyung asked louder and sternly. “Ever since Jungkook oppa started dating her.” You answered. “What?!” “It’s okay though. It happens all the time. Every time he dates a girl, she comes and attacks me or hurts me. Jungkook finds us and threateners her to leave me alone then breaks up with her because she’s been cheating on him. Then he comes to me crying about it and I just comfort him.” You said. “What about your feelings? Does he know?” Taehyung asked. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said looking away. “Come on (Y/N), I know you like him. Why else do you think the other girls go after you? So, how long have you liked him?” Taehyung asks. “Ever since middle school. When he got his first girlfriend.” You answered. “What?!” Taehyung exclaimed. “What about your feelings?” “He doesn’t know. And I don’t want him to know about it. Please oppa…don’t tell him…I’m begging you.” You said. “Fine. But, I’m here for you if you need.” Taehyung said standing up. “But, just know, you may have high patience tolerance, but there comes a time when you will snap.” He said and left the room. You could only look at the wall and think about the things he said. It’s true though, you may be a person with very high patience tolerance, but, even the calmest person in the world snaps one day.
~The Next Day~
You decided not to go to school that day and your brother had practice with his members and decided to drag you along. You just shrugged and went with him in the end. You got changed and got into the van.
Van: 1297528373114_ORIGINAL
You went to NH Media with U-Kiss and went to their practice room. They were practicing for their concert and you were watching them and observing them practicing them, and even though you weren’t a trainee or anything you could tell when they made mistakes in their dancing or singing or rapping and you’d tell them and they try to improve it until it was perfect. And they knew even though you weren’t a trainee or anything they knew you had the talents for it and hoped that you’d be able to stand on the stage with them in the future. They also knew that without you, they wouldn’t be able to be where they were now since they went through some hardships as a group, especially the member changes really effected them and when they wanted to give up, you’d be there to help them or support them. They were also very grateful you were there to watch them and help them improve.
~After 4 hours of practice~
The members were sweating and panting, you stood up and gave them water and towels to wipe their sweat. When suddenly you got a message:
‘(Y/N), could you come over right now?’ - Jungkook
“Oppa? Is it okay if I go over to BTS’ dorm for a bit?” You asked. “Sure. Just don’t do anything bad or dangerous.” Kevin said. “Gomawo.” You said and gave your brother a kiss on the cheek and hugged the members, “Have fun practicing and good luck with the concert.” You said and ran out.
~Arriving at BTS’ Dorm~
You rang the bell the bell to the dorm, you heard shouting and running, well, stomping, coming to the door. The door opened and BTS (excluding Jungkook) were there to greet you, “Annyeong (Y/N)~!” They shouted. “Annyeonghaseyo oppa~!” You greeted back bowing. “Come inside. Jungkook’s waiting for you.” RapMon said. “Ne oppa.” You said, you removed your shoes and BTS moved aside and let you in. “Come on. He’s in his room.” Jimin said. “Ne. Gomawo.” You said and walked to Jungkook’s room. You decided to have some fun and opened the door quietly and went inside to see Jungkook lying on his bed playing on his phone. He didn’t notice you’ve come and you jumped on him “Oomph.” He grunts. “Annyeonghaseyo oppa~!” You smiled at him widely. “Argh, (Y/N), that hurt~!” Jungkook whined to you. “Hehe, mianhae.” You said and got off him and sat on the bed next to him. “So~ What was it that you wanted me to come over right away?” You asked. Jungkook sat up with his knees to his chest and looked down, his hair covering his eyes. “Ni Ni…She’s just like the others…She just used me to get more popularity as a queenka…Not only that, she cheated on me with Hyun-Ki.” Jungkook said miserably, about to cry as he dug his head into his arms, as he let his tears fall.  “Aww, oppa, gwenchanayo. I’ll be the shoulder for you to cry on. Everything will be okay.” You said as you pulled him into a hug and patted his back affectionately as he sobbed on your shoulder. Finally, he stopped sobbing but still had tears running down his face and looked at you. “I hope I’d meet a girl like you one day.” Jungkook said giving a half smile. When he said that it felt like a stab in the heart to you. You looked down avoiding his eye contact and he noticed. “What’s wrong (Y/N)?” Jungkook asked. “Huh? N-Nothing.” You answered. Jungkook looked at you seriously, “(Y/N), tell me what’s bothering you. We’ve been together long enough for me to know when you’re upset and when you’re lying to me.” You still avoided his eye contact and said nothing then suddenly he pinned you down with both your hands above your head, “O-Oppa, hajiman!” You said struggling to get out of his grip but that only made him tighten his grip on you. “Tell me!” He shouted. “No! Nothing’s wrong. Now let go Jungkook!” You shouted. His grip loosened but tightened once again. “NO!” He roared back. “Fine. I like you okay!?” You shouted back at him. “What…?” He whispered, he was just frozen from your confession. And just in time, the rest of the boys bursted into the room. “What’s wrong?!” Suga exclaimed as soon as he got in but froze. All the members froze, the position you and Jungkook were in was…awkward. “Umm…W-We heard yelling and screaming so we ran in…We didn’t know we’d be interrupting something.” J-Hope said awkwardly. Jungkook slowly got off of you and you sat up. You looked at them and got off the bed and stood up, “No, you weren’t interrupting something. I was just leaving.” You said and started to walk away. “Wait (Y/N)!” Jungkook said grabbing your wrist, but you just yanked your wrist away from him. “No. I don’t want to hear it.” You said and walked out the room. Jungkook collapsed on the floor as his hyungs caught him before he fell. “Jungkook!” They exclaimed, they looked towards you to see you not turning around or stopping, instead, you did the complete opposite of what they were thinking, you kept walking looking dead ahead. You got to the door and put your shoes on and ran off hearing Jungkook call out our name running after you. Jungkook stood up and tried running after you but tears streamed down his face blurring his vision making him fall, he tried getting back up even though he was hurt and injured, his hyungs yelled out his name trying to help him but he just kept pushing them away and tried getting up and run after you while calling out your name trying to get you to come back to him but you ran to fast and Jungkook ran after you even though he kept falling and crying. He saw a car coming towards you and so did you, but, you didn’t move away, you just wanted it to hit you, you prayed to God that it’d just hit you. Jungkook saw and ran towards to, pushing pass his limit and tried to push you out the way but instead embraced you into a hug, getting some of the impact. The members’ eyes widen as they saw your bodies fall to the ground with blood flowing out your limp bodies as the blood soaked their garments. The driver was paralysed from the shock but quickly snapped out of it and opened the car door calling the ambulance telling what happened panicking and their address while he tried to stop the bleed from the two. The BTS members ran to their side quickly ripping out parts of their shirts trying to stop the bleeding and trying to comfort the two of you while screaming for help when paparazzi came and started taking pictures while the members screamed at them in anger. The ambulance arrived and took the two and brought them to the hospital with 3 members in each ambulance van while the driver that hit the two followed behind. V and Jin called your brother and parents and Jungkook’s parents and told them to go to the hospital as soon as possible.
~In The Hospital~
The families were freaking out and rushed to the hospital as soon as they received the phone call. They dropped everything, Kevin who was eating at the practice room slammed his hand on the table and took off running to the hospital while the members hurried behind. Your parents who were at work dropped everything and ran to the car and took off to the hospital immediately. Just like your parents Jungkook’s parents and brother dropped their work immediately and drove to the hospital rushing in. They went to the front desk and asked where the two of you were. The two of you were rushed to the surgery room. Your families were crying and panicking wanting to know what happened. The BTS members explained what happened. Even though they were angry they couldn’t blame the drive since the driver was there waiting and very guilty. They waited for hours for the surgery but to them, it felt like years.
~4 Hours Later~
The surgeons, doctors and nursed finally exited the rooms. They had a relief look on their face which relaxed the families, members and driver. “Are any of you (Y/N) (L/N) or Jeon Jungkook’s families?” The doctor asked. “Ne!” They said and rushed towards the doctor. “Is my daughter/son okay doctor?” They asked. The doctor put his hand up signalling for them to calm down. “They are okay. First I will tell you about Jeon Jungkook. He is okay, but he has a broken arm and his head is injured but there is no memory lost and he is just resting right down. I suggest he takes a break for at least 2 weeks. And stays here for about a week for us to make sure he’s okay and that he is healed.” The doctor said, the Jeon family and the driver relaxed a bit, but were worried for (Y/N). “And for (Y/N), there is a bit of a problem.” The doctor said worrying them. “It’s because she took a lot of the impact she has a concussion and a head injury and a broken arm and is currently in a coma.” The doctor said. “We have done everything we can for her and all we can do is wait for her to awaken. But, we do not know when that may be. It could be within a week or weeks or a month or month or even years, but if it’s very bad, she may never awaken. But, so far, nothing has shown any of that so you do not have to worry about that.” The doctor said. “B-But my daughter is okay right doctor?” You mum asked shaking. “Yes she is. She is just unconscious for now.” The doctor said. The families and driver relaxed a bit. “Can we go and see them?” Kevin asked. “You may. They are going to be placed in the same room right next to each other. I shall lead you there.” The doctor said and they followed the doctor.
~In The Room~
Each family ran to their child/friend. The driver was outside talking to the doctor. They had tears streaming down their face. But suddenly their phones rang, they check to see it was their bosses and managers (just RapMon and Soohyun). They sighed but answered their phones. While they were answering their phones the others’ phones beeped they checked to see hundreds of articles about Jungkook and (Y/N) car accident. The driver went inside, he noticed the tension and put his number on the table and left the room quietly.
~2 Days Later~
Jungkook woke up and immediately asked how and where (Y/N) was. His parents told him and showed her. He tried to get out of bed to see her only to hurt his injury. They got him to calm down and got him a chair for him to sit down on. He was just crying and bawling to see (Y/N) lying on the bed looked so lifeless. His family and hyungs patted his back telling him it was okay and that she’d be okay.
For the next few days he didn’t budge from his seat only to go to the toilet or to eat or when the nurse needed to do something. And over the days he started to think about (Y/N) and how she was there for him through every break-up and there for him whenever he needed her but then he thought about how he treated her. He realised whenever she needed him he’d always be away and that she’s always look so hurt when he told her he got a girlfriend and how she’d always turned down all the boys’ confession for her. He started to realise how stupid he was and how he never noticed you blushing when he was too close to you. And when he started to realise his feelings he felt as though it was too late. Then, one day, he decided to talk to her while she was in a coma. He sat next to her, “(Y/N), I really miss you. Please come back. I’m sorry for not realising your feelings and how you’d always be there for me when I needed you but in return, I was never there for you. And when I’d tell you I had a girlfriend you looked hurt but I was always too happy to notice it, but even then, you’d still congratulate me. You even put up with my girlfriends bullying you. And now, I finally realised why I was dating those girls in the first place. It was just me trying not to think that I like you because you were my best friend and that I’d always try to push my feelings away and try to hide it. And now that I realised it, it’s too late. I’m so sorry (Y/N). Please wake up.” Jungkook confessed as tears streamed down his face and when he tried to wipe them away they kept falling until he was bawling, when he calmed down, “Saranghae (Y/N).” And he stood up and kissed you on the lips passionately. He pulled away and put his forehead on yours. “I really love you (Y/N). I hope you forgive me.” Jungkook whispered. “It’s okay…” Spoke a voice. Jungkook’s eyes snapped opened and looked to see you opening your eyes and smiling at him. “(Y/N)!” He exclaimed and pulled you into a hug. “You’re awake.” “I was awake the whole time. I just couldn’t move.” You said trying to sit up. Jungkook helped you sit up as he sat next to you. You laid you head on his shoulder and he laid his head on yours. “I heard everyone. Nado Saranghae oppa.” You said with your eyes closed. And Jungkook didn’t say anything and just kissed you on the lips passionately when suddenly the door bursted open to reveal your families and the members smiling making you two pull apart. “You’re awake.” They whispered. You smiled, “Yup.” “So you two a thing now?” Kiseop asked. You didn’t answer but Jungkook went on one knee and took out a ring. ‘When did he get the ring? He’s been in here the whole time…’ Everyone wondered, but didn’t say anything in case it’d ruin the moment, everyone stood there expected him to ask you to be his girlfriend but instead, he asked something that shocked everyone. “(Y/N), I’m sorry for making you suffer through all these years. But, could you do me a favor and make me the happiness guy in the universe by……..becoming my wife.” Everyone’s jaws dropped, sure they knew Jungkook could be quite straight forward, but, not like that. You were so shocked but also very happy, happy tears streamed down your face as you smiled and nod. He put the ring on your ring finger, stood up and pulled you into a hug and kissed you passionately as everyone applauded still in shock, because, he was only 18, and his career was rising.
~2 Weeks Later~
News leaked out that Jungkook, that never revealed that he was dating, but to find out that he was engaged to Kevin’s younger sister. Many congratulated him while some were upset that he didn’t say anything about it before and some just didn’t want him to be engaged because he was too young or the fact that they just didn’t accept that their bias was getting married. They did get hates but they also got fans and shippers who were excited. The two decided that they’d get married two or three years later at least because (Y/N) was still underage. And people supported their decision. Big Hit Entertainment was very shocked from the news but were supporting towards Jungkook’s decision as long as he didn’t leave BTS.
~3 Years Later~
(Y/N) was finally 20 and Jungkook was 21 and they decided to have their wedding. Many bands were invited to perform at the two’s wedding. Two definite bands were BTS and U-Kiss. They kept their schedule free for the special day and so did many other bands. (Y/N) was wearing a beautiful white dress with white heels and with diamond earrings and necklace. You had light make-up on and it showed your natural beauty. Your family and the U-Kiss members were telling you that you looked beautiful. Your father was there and happy that he is able to walk his beautiful daughter down the aisle.
Make-Up: Screen+shot+2013-01-01+at+1.29.53+PM Dress: wedding-dress-ball-gown-crystal-pleated-organza-ruffled-luxury-sweetheart-ball-gown-wedding-dress-1 weheartit.com/entry/143191989
(Chose which ones you like) While in the groom’s room, Jungkook had a white suit on and looking very nervous while his members were congratulating him and telling him everything will be okay. He smiled at them in thank, he took a deep breath and opened the door as the music flowed throughout the room.
Suit: white-suits-white-suit-for-men-21 
The two were both quite nervous but very excited. (Y/N) took a deep breath and took her father’s hand and the door opened (Y/N) walked in with her father in hand and saw Jungkook at the alter looking at her smiling. Jungkook turned when he heard the door open, he saw his beautiful soon-to-be wife. She looked so beautiful that he couldn’t help smiling at her and she smiled back making his heart flutter. She went next to him and the priest was talking, and the two zoned out and just looked at each other lovingly. “Do you, Jeon Jungkook, take (L/N) (Y/N), to be your wife to love and care as long as you both shall live?” “I do.” “And do you, (L/N) (Y/N), take Jeon Jungkook, to be your husband to love and care as long as you both shall live?” “I do.” “I announce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” And Jungkook slammed his lips against yours as you kissed back immediately. And everyone cheered for you happily. The groups would come up and perform songs for the two of you congratulating you two.  BTS went up and performed:
24/7 Heaven:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6-IAfKI...
And you went up and performed:
Song for Love by Lyn: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGnEEPUH... After, Jungkook came up and you both performed:
I Just Wanna by Amber ft. Eric Nam: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJmzEN_x...
~The End~
2 notes · View notes
music-et · 7 years
100% Rokhyun X OC
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Rokhyun is from a popular k-pop band called 100%. Rokhyun was wondering the streets when he met a girl wondering around and then she suddenly crossed the streets carelessly and a car took a turn when it was about to hit her, Rokhyun pulled her out the way saving her life. Ever since then the two have become friends and then, Rokhyun started to develop feelings towards her but there’s a problem, the only problem keeping the two apart, and that was that, she’s blind.
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Name: Min
Nickname: Minnie – Only close friends call her that
Personality: Sarcastic, Very Determined, Pretty
Facts: She has a cane for herself
Looks: Kim Seuk Hye
Eyes: https://eyes4all.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/beautiful-freak_woeful-wednesday-7-3-13_blind-eyes.jpg?w=1000 = 2 column & 4th one down
3rd Person P.O.V
Rokhyun was wondering around in Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea. He was walking around the city since he didn’t have practice or any schedule so he got up quite late from the lack of sleep and after he got up he got ready and went outside walked around and greet fans and people who recognized him. He got a drink at Starbucks and was wondering around when he saw a girl walking he was staring at her when he saw her walking across the street on a red light and a car was coming her way when he ran as fast as he could and grabbed onto her arm before the car hit her saving her life.
“Are you crazy? How could you cross the street without looking if there were any cars?” Rokhyun shouted. “H-Huh? W-Who are you?” The girl asked. “I’m Rokhyun from 100%.” Rokhyun said. “Now tell me your name and what you were doing.” “I’m Min. I forgot my cane and was going back home to grab it.” Min answered. “Cane?” Rokhyun asked. “I’m blind, so I have a cane to help I can see.” Min answered. “How about I take you home instead of you walking home by yourself because I’m sure you might need my help.” Rokhyun said. “How do I know you won’t try anything?” Min asked suspiciously. “I’m an idol! There’s no way I’d do that.” Rokhyun exclaimed. “I don’t know that.” Min said smiling slightly. Rokhyun felt his heart beat faster, to him, she looked like an angel when she smiled. Rokhyun smiled, “Come on! Where do you live?” Rokhyun asked holding her hand. “I live at xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.” Min answered. “Oh! That’s near our dorm.” Rokhyun said and kept holding her hand pulling her along.
~ At her house ~
“Oh! You live just a couple of block away door?!” Rokhyun exclaimed. “Apparently so.” Min answered and opened the door. She found her keys and unlocked the door, “Come on in.” Min said as she went to her room and grabbed her cane. Rokhyun sat on the coach and waited for her when he suddenly got a call.
Rokhyun (R): Yeoboseyo?
Anonymous: Rokhyun?
R: Ne, Minwoo hyung?
Minwoo (M): Something came up and we’ve got practice now.
R: Seriously? Fine. I’m on my way.
M: Great. B-By-
R: Wait hyung!
M: What is it?
R: Is it okay if I bring a friend over?
M: Fine, as long as they won’t disturb us.
R: Yay! Thanks hyung!
M: Bye.
R: Bye.
And they hung up. “I’ve got my cane.” Min said walking out holding her cane. “Great. I’ve got practice now. Do you want to come with me?” Rokhyun asked hopefully. “Huh? No way. You’re gonna kidnap me.” Min said jokingly. “I’m not~!” Rokhyun whined. “I know. I’m joking. Well, let’s go.” Min said. ‘Yes!’ Rokhyun air fisted smiling widely.
They got outside and were walking in silence when Min spoke up, “Soo, how old are you Rokhyun-sshi?” “Me? I’m 24 but 25 in Korean age.” Rokhyun answered. “Oh, so you’re older than me. I’m 21 but 22 in Korean age.” Min said outloud. “So you have to call me oppa.” Rokhyun said. “I don’t want to.” Min pouted. “Yes you do~.” Rokhyun said in a sing-along voice. “Ugh fine. Rokhyun oppa.” Min said. Rokhyun’s heart started to beat quickly and it felt like Cupid shot his heart. They were doing a Q&A until they entered the building, took the lift up to 100%’s practice room.
“Well, we are at 100%’s practice room.” Rokhyun said and he opened the door to the members messing around waiting for Rokhyun to show up. “Guys, I’m here!” Rokhyun shouted startling Min. “Hyung~! You’re here!” Sanghoon exclaimed running to him and tackling him into a bro-hug making the two fall to the floor and took Min down with them. “Ow~!” the three exclaimed. “Get off me! You’re heavy!” Min exclaimed startling the members. Sanghoon quickly stood up and pulled Rokhyun up with him and Rokhyun pulled Min up. “Um, who are you miss?” Minwoo asked curiously as the members stood surrounding her. When she looked up they noticed her eyes were light pale blue which they found shocking. “Huh? Who said that?” Min asked looking around, she looked directly at Minwoo who was quite confused and shocked at the same time.
“Oh, that’s right. I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Seo Minwoo, but you can call me Minwoo. I’m the Leader and Vocalist of 100%.”
“I’m Jo Jonghwan, but you can call me Jonghwan. I’m the Vocalist of 100%.”
“I’m Kim Rokhyun, but you can call me Rokhyun like before. I’m the Main Vocalist of 100%.”
“I’m Kim Chanyong, but you can call me Chanyong. I’m the Rapper of 100%.”
“I’m Woo Changbum, but you can call me Changbum. I’m the Rapper of 100%.”
“I’m Jang Hyukjin, but you can call me Hyukjin. I’m the Vocalist of 100%.”
“And I’m Lee Sanghoon, but you can call me Sanghoon. I’m the Vocalist and Maknae of 100%. Sorry about before.”
“Han…Tul…Set…Fully Charged! We are 100%!” They greeted and bowed.
“Um, nice to meet you. I’m Min, nice to meet you. And it’s okay.” Min said and bowed.
“Um, not to be rude or anything, but what are you doing here and why were you with Rokhyun hyung?” Jonghwan asked. But before Min could answer Rokhyun answered instead, “I brought her along to watch us practice.” “Uh, okay then.” “I was wondering, why do you have a cane?” Hyukjin asked. “It’s because I’m blind. I can’t see anything so I have a can so I can see.” Min answered. The 7 boys’ face sadden a bit. “It’s okay though even if I can’t see I can still enjoy life so I don’t mind.” Min answered smiling slightly. The boys were quite surprised but continued their practice.
~1 Week Later~
As the week went by they became friends and learnt a lot of things about her and the one thing they found about her is that even though she’ blind she can be very sarcastic but also very determined. But, as the week went on, the members noticed Rokhyun was acting very different, instead of acting like a goof like he always did, he acted quite mature around Min and when the members were alone with her they could always feel someone glaring at them from behind and then one day they found out that Rokhyun actually had a crush on Min. they were practicing when Teen Top came into the room and greeted them.
“Annyeo- -” Teen Top said but was cut off when they saw Min standing their talking to 100%. “Ah, Annyeonghaseyo.” 100% said and bowed. “Ne, annyeonghaseyo.” Teen Top said bowing. “Umm, who is she?” Ricky asked carefully. “Ah, Min, meet Teen Top. Teen Top, meet Min.” Rokhyun said. “Hana, Tul, Set! Annyeonghaseyo! We are Teen Top imnida!” Teen Top greeted. “Huh? Um, where are they?” Min asked looking around and she looked right at them, they saw her eyes, they were blue, almost white. “Min-ah, they’re right in front of you.” Chanyong said. “Oh, Annyeonghaseyo. I’m Min. Nice to meet you.” Min said bowing. Minwoo gestured for them to come closer.
“Min, this is Bang Min Soo, also known as C.A.P. He’s the Leader and Main Rapper of Teen Top.” And C.A.P reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“This is Lee Chan Hee, also known as Chunji. He’s the Lead Vocal and Visual of Teen Top.” And Chunji reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“This is Lee Byung Hun, also known as L.Joe. He’s the Lead Rapper and Visual of Teen Top.” And L.Joe reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“This is Ahn Daniel, also known as Niel. He’s the Main Vocal of Teen Top.” And Niel reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“This is Yoo Chang Hyun, also known as Ricky. He’s the Vocal and Lead Dancer of Teen Top.” And Ricky reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“And, last but not least, Choi Jong Hyun, also known as Changjo. He’s the Main Dancer, Vocalist and Maknae of Teen Top.” And Changjo reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“Not to be rude, but what are you doing here?” Minwoo asked. “We wanted to talk to you and hang out like old times when we meet Min.” C.A.P answered. “Ahh~.” “Well, I can leave if you want.” Min said. “N-No it’s okay. I didn’t mean it like that.” C.A.P said trying to stop her. “Are you sure?” “Yeah we’re sure. Don’t worry about it. We can hang out together.” Chunji said. “Okay~!”
They were hanging around and talking and playing around in the practice room when Niel asked, “Min-ssi, how old are you?” “I’m born in 1996.” Min answered. “Yes!! We’re all oppas~!” Teen Top exclaimed. “Ah, Min-ah, I’m curious about something. You don’t have to answer it if you’re uncomfortable with it okay?” Ricky said. “Uh okay.” Min said turning to Ricky following his voice and giving him her full attention. “Why are your eyes like that? Why are they almost white?” Ricky asked carefully. There was a silence before Min answered, “It’s because I’m blind. I can’t see anything. I can’t see your face but I can hear your voices.” “Oh…” “But it’s okay. Yes it’s true that I miss seeing the colors but it can’t be helped but, I’m still happy.” Min said throwing on a big smile, but the boys could see that it was a forced smile and that she had a sad look on her face whether she knew it or not.
After all the questions were asked they were able to continue their fun without any hesitations. They played around, talked loudly, played games like truth or dare until they were tired and decided to go home but hang out again tomorrow.
Throughout the week they had many fun times with each other. It amazed the two groups how one girl was able to bring the two group together and hang out despite their tiredness and laziness.
But throughout the week, both groups were able to see Rokhyun’s feelings towards Min. but, they could see Min completely oblivious of Rokhyun’s actions, for example:
-          Rokhyun would glare at the members who got too close to Min
-          Rokhyun would always pull Min close to him when they were sitting around talking
-          Rokhyun would glare at any guy who looked at Min when they were out on the streets
-          Rokhyun would always pull Min close to him when they were out on the streets
-          Rokhyun would smile brightly at her
-          Rokhyun would always want to walk her home without anyone else
And the list could go on forever but Min never paid attention to it. To her it was just Rokhyun’s personality and that he treated her like a sister or a best friend not in any romantic ways like when he hugged her or kissed her on the cheek or forehead when seeing her off.
~1 Week Later~
100% and Teen Top were hanging out in their practice room with Min and laughing when the door opened to reveal their CEO and his band, Shinhwa. They all stood up and bowed at their CEO and their sunbae’s. “Annyeonghaseyo Sajangnim! Annyeonghaseyo Shinhwa sunbaenim.” 100% and Teen Top said bowing at 90 degree. Rokhyun directed Min to the group’s location, “Annyeonghaseyo.” Min said bowing. “Annyeonghaseyo Miss.” Shinhwa said. “Sajangnim, is there something you need?” Minwoo asked. “Ah, yes. I was just going to go to Teen Top’s practice room to talk to him when the members came and when we went to your practice room, it was empty. So we were walking around the building when we heard laughter so we came in to see everyone in here.” Andy said. “Um, if you need, I could leave now.” Min said standing up and grabbing her cane when Rokhyun grabbed her wrist. “It’s okay. You can stay.” Rokhyun said. “Are you sure?” “Yes, it’s alright if you stay.” Andy said. “Thank you.” Min said and bowed her head a little. When she stood straight she looked straight at Shinhwa and they saw her eyes, it was white which shocked them and 100% and Teen Top saw their reaction but the three groups didn’t say anything.
“What was it that you wanted to tell us sajangnim?” C.A.P asked. “Oh, right. I was just here to inform you of your comeback that will be coming up in 2-3 months.” Andy said. Teen Top was so happy and cheering when something clicked in the Shinhwa members mind. “Umm, what is you name dear?” Eric asked.
“Oh, how impolite of me. I’m Min. Nice to meet you.” Min said bowing at 90 degree.
“I’m Mun Jung Hyuk, also known as Eric. I’m the Leader and Main Rapper of Shinhwa.” And Eric reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“I’m Lee Min Woo, also known as M. I’m the Lead Vocal and Main Dancer of Shinhwa.” And M reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“I’m Kim Dong Wan, also known as Dongwan. I’m the Vocal of Shinhwa.” And Dongwan reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“I’m Jung Pil Hyo, also known Shin Hye Sung or Hyesung. I’m the Main Vocal of Shinhwa.” And Hyesung reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“I’m Park Choong Jae, also known as Junjin. I’m the Lead Rapper, Vocal and Lead Dancer of Shinhwa.” And Junjin reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“And I’m Lee Sun Ho, also known as Andy. I’m the Rapper and Maknae of Shinhwa. I’m also the CEO of Top Media, 100% and Teen Top’s Founder.” And Andy reached out to shake her hand which Rokhyun directed her hand towards.
“I’m a big fan of you music.” Min exclaimed smiling. That made the members very happy. They all started to talk and got distracted from why they were there in the first place, they talked for hours and hours when suddenly Eric remembered something and asked, “Min-ah, I have a question. What happened to your eyes?” there was silence until Min answered sighing, “I’m blind. I was in a car accident 5 years ago. And, I lost my eye sight, it took a while to adjust but I got used to it.” “How old are you?” M asked. “I was born in 1996.” Min answered. “You were 15 when I that happened.” Dongwan said outloud. “Yeah, I had a hard time fitting in but I had a lot of oppas and dongsaengs and chinju’s helping me so I was able to cope.” Min answered. After some silence they decided to drop the subject and talk about something else. They talked until it was late when Hyesung pointed out the time. “It’s 2 in the morning. I think we should head back and talk tomorrow.” Everyone was disappointed but listened. They were outside the company talking and they had surrounded Min. “Min-ah, are you walking home again?” Rokhyun asked. “Ne.” Min said making everyone freeze. Junjin grabbed her wrist and she tried to break free, “Yah! Let go!” Min shouted. “What? No way. We’ll drop you off at your house.” Junjin exclaimed. Min was surprised but tried rejecting them but Junjin had a tight grip on her wrist not letting her go. “It’s fine, my house is just a couple of blocks away.” “No way. It’s really late and something could happen to you even if it’s just a couple of blocks away. No complaining. We’ll drop you off.” Chanyong said. Min sighed in defeat, “Fine.” And they all said their goodbyes and went to the van and Min got in the van with a push from Rokhyun and the rest of 100% followed with Jonghwan in the passage seat and Minwoo driving.
Without the 3 groups and Min knowing, a paparazzi was there and took a picture of Min and a picture of Min getting in the van with 100% and when the three groups and Min exited the building and when they were saying farewell to each other as well as when Junjin grabbed Min’s wrist and them surrounding her.
~Next Day~
It was all over the news.
‘Teen Top, Shinhwa, 100% with a mysterious girl’
In the morning she got a phone call waking her up, she sat up and answered her phone:
*Star Phone Call*
Min (M): Yeoboseyo?
Anonymous:  MIN!!!
M: Nuguya?
Anonymous: It’s me Rokhyun
M: What is it oppa?
Rokhyun (R): Have you seen the news?
M: Oppa may I remind you that I’m blind
R: Oh, right…sorry.
M: It’s okay. What is it?
R: Oh right! You’re on the news!
M: What?!
R: A paparazzi may have taken your photo last night and now you’re all over the news
M: Oh great
R: Sorry, we should’ve been more careful but it was just so late last night that we forgot to watch out for paparazzi’s
M: It’s okay. But, what are we gonna do?
R: I don’t know. But how about this. We’ll come over to your house I’m an hour okay? Then we’ll talk about it
M: Sure. I’ll see you in an hour
R: Bye~! See you soon
*End Phone Call*
“Well I’d better get ready.” Min said and got out of bed. “Oppa!” Min shouted and foot stomps where coming toward her room and the door bursted open. “What is it?” Her older brother exclaimed. “Help me.” Min said. “Okay.” Her brother said smiling.
‘Who’s her oppa?’ you must be wondering, it the one and only………………….Park Chanyeol from EXO. Now you must be thinking, ‘What are you talking about? Chanyeol only has a noona.’ Well, that’s not the case. Chanyeol had a yo dongsaeng, but truth was when Chanyeol was about to debut his parents were in a car accident and were killed and also because of that accident his younger sister became blind, his noona was at a party so she was able to avoid the accident. But then after the incident, when Chanyeol found out that she was blind that made it dangerous for her, if she was ever caught around Chanyeol and an EXO-L was around she would be hurt and Chanyeol didn’t want that to happen so she was kept a secret.
Chanyeol helped her to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then he picked out her clothes for her. He picked out her outfit.
He even helped her with her make-up. “All done.” Chanyeol said smiling. “Gomawo oppa.” Min said and jumped up to kiss his cheek. “What’s the occasion?” Chanyeol asked. “Well, Shinhwa, Teen Top and 100% are coming over today so we can discuss what to do.” Min answered. “Oh yeah, the news.” Chanyeol said and Min nod. “How did you meet them anyways?” Chanyeol asked. “Umm, I was crossing the street and I didn’t have my cane so I was almost hit by a car when Rokhyun oppa pulled me back in time and saved my life. Then I met 100% and a week later I met Teen Top then yesterday I met Shinhwa. And when we were going home 100% dropped me off and a paparazzi caught me getting in 100%’s van and now it’s all over the news.” Min answered sighing. “Mianhae oppa. I didn’t mean for it to happen.” Min said looking down almost crying. Chanyeol saw and held her chin softly and made her look up, “Hey, hey, it’s okay. It was bound to happen one day anyways. I’m not mad. I’m just worried about the fans and paparazzis.” Chanyeol said softly.
~1 Hour Later~
The bell rang and Chanyeol got up to answer the door. He looked through the peep hole to see the three groups. He opened the door with a big smile. “Annyeonghaseyo!” He exclaimed and he saw everyone with a shocked looked on their faces. “Come in, Min’s in the living room.” Chanyeol said and invited everyone in. Everyone was still very shocked and surprised but went inside anyways. They followed Chanyeol to the living room to see Min sitting on the couch facing the screen with her eyes closed. “Min, they’re here.” Chanyeol said and sat next to her. “Ne, gomawo oppa.” Min said and kissed his cheek. “Chanyeol-ah, what are you doing here?” Eric asked. “Oh, that’s right. You don’t know. Min’s full name is Park Min. She’s my dongsaeng.” Chanyeol said smiling. “Huh?!” “My sister and I decided to keep her a secret so she wouldn’t be hurt or anything so no one knew, including the company and members.” Chanyeol said. “A-Ah, I think that explains it. Whenever we met her she introduced herself as Min, only her first name not her last name.” Minwoo said.
Everyone then sat down, some on the floor, some on the couch, some on the armrest etc… “So, what are we going to do?” Min asked. “I think you should just tell them the truth because the press is already coming up with stupid scandals and rumors. For example, ‘Idols Kidnapping Young Girl’ and that’s gotten many reporters attention.” Chanyeol said turning on the T.V
“This morning at around 2am, three Korean boy bands revealed to be, Shinhwa, Teen Top and 100% taking a girl into their van. The girl is yet to be found and many have suspected that the three groups have kidnapped her as the pictures are evident. No comments or reports have been heard from either groups about the incident but at around 9-10am the three groups have been spotted leaving their house and dorms to a house in Seoul. More information later in the day.” The reporter said before Rokhyun turned the T.V off. “Yeah, let’s do it quickly.” They said. “But Chanyeol hyung, are you sure you want your sister to be revealed to the world like this?” Changjo asked. “Truthfully, this is not how I pictured my sister would be revealed but better now then never right?” Chanyeol said. “True.” Everyone muttered. “Let’s go it via the V App. It’s easier.” Niel announced. “Everyone was a bit hesitate but did it anyways.
~Around the world~
Every fan girl and fan boy’s including many idols phones let out a ‘ping’ telling them someone was on the V App. They turn it on to see that it was the three groups including EXO’s Chanyeol and the mysterious girl.
“Yeoreobun annyeonghaseyo!” They all said. “We’re recording to tell you the truth about what’s happening on the news right now, so please bare with us.” Andy said. “Umm, A-Annyeonghaseyo. Park Min imnida. I’m Chanyeol’s dongsaeng.” Min said bowing. “We’re doing this chat to clear up the misunderstandings that happened a couple of hours ago.” C.A.P said. “About what’s happening on the new about them kidnapping me is not true, I’m just a friend of 100% and then after a while I met Teen Top and became good friends with them when I met Shinhwa yesterday. We talked and played around until quite late as you saw, it was around 2 in the morning. The picture from the article, was when they decided it was very late and they decided to take me home but I refused. I could’ve gone home alone but because it was so late they decided to drop me off and you can see me struggling because I was refusing their offer of dropping me off but in the end I got in the van but was pushed in by Rokhyun playfully, not being shoved into the van.” Min said. “We’re really sorry about everything and we hope this clears up everything. We’re sorry if we worried any family or friend and fans through this incident.” Minwoo said. “But now that we’ve got everything cleared up we hope everyone can keep supporting us and that everyone can accept Min too.” Chanyeol said. “Now, I guess it’s time to say goodbye.” “Annyeong~!” Everyone said and stopped recording. They turned on the news to see their chat already at most searched. “Aigoo~.” Chanyeol exclaimed. “Let’s push the comeback back for a while until everything calms down.” Andy said. “Ne sajangnim.” Teen Top said. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean for this to happen. I’d understand if you don’t want to hang out anymore.” Min said. “Min-ah, it’s okay.” Rokhyun said.
~2 Weeks Later~
The news was all cleared up and everything was back to normal and everyone was okay Teen Top was preparing for their comeback and 100% were hanging out with Min as usual. When they decided to leave the practice room and go to a restaurant to eat. They went to the restaurant and were waiting to be seated when some fans recognized 100% and wanted their autographs and wanted photos.
100% were a bit uncomfortable and worried for Min but couldn’t disappoint their fans so agreed when a fan pushed Min and yelled at her, “Yah! What do you think you’re doing? Hanging out with our oppas like that!” Min was on the floor trying to grab onto something to stand up when the fan pushed her down again, “Hahaha, you’re like a blind person. Hahahaha!” and the fans started to laugh and the members were trying to get to Min but the fans started to come and got crowded. Rokhyun saw from the corner of his eye that the fans were hurting Min and he lost it and yelled, “Yah! Get away from her!” And everything went quiet, he ran over to Min and helped her up. “What were you thinking? You don’t bullying other fans or hurt them! Especially if they’re our friends!” Rokhyun shouted and the fans looked down. “Rokhyun oppa, it’s okay.” Min said quietly, even though she couldn’t see him but from his voice and tone she knew he was very angry. “O-Oppa…” The fans cried out. “It’s true okay. She’s blind. She can’t see. So please, stop hurting our friends and fan.” Rokhyun said, almost desperately. “Rokhyun, let’s go.” Minwoo said and put a hand on his shoulder. “Sorry ajumma, we’ve got to go.” Sanghoon shouted and they all left the restaurant. They all got in the van and went to Min’s house and just ordered Chinese food.
The news was buzzing all about Rokhyun exploding on the fans and about how angry he was. A lot of fans blamed it on Min about Rokhyun exploding on the fans like that but everyone kept quiet and didn’t speak of it.
~As The Week Went Past~
As the week went by fans started to send hates towards Min and took advantage of her blindness. She would get ‘gifts’ and ‘mail’. She’d open the letters or mail and get cut by razor blades. She’s open the ‘gifts’ and get like poison for her to commit suicide or pills or razors etc… at first she kept quiet about it when Chanyeol came home early and was going to surprise his sister when he found her about to open letters and gifts when he notice them having band-aids on her finger and at lease 3-4 on each finger about 15-20 band-aids on each hand and it made him suspicious and he kept quiet and didn’t make a single sound and watch her open the letter to see her being cut with razor blades and see her finger started bleeding and it clicked in his mind immediately about what’s happening to his sister. He saw her sigh and continue to open the boxes and when she opened it, she pulled out razor blade packets and multiple pill bottles and multiple poison bottles. Even though she was blind she could tell what they were, she started to cry silently.
It pained his heart to see his sister crying and was about to storm in the house he saw her opening the poison bottle about to drink it, he ran inside and threw the bottle aside and puller her into a hug so tight and cried on her shoulder and patted her back as she cried her brother’s chest. “It’s okay Min, everything will be okay.” Chanyeol said trying to calm both him and his sister down as she sobbed loudly. She cried so much that it exhausted her and she fell asleep.
Chanyeol heard the sobbing calm down and come to an end. He looked down to see his dongsaeng asleep. He sighed and picked her up and took her to her room. He put her on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. He closed the door quietly but had one last look at his sister before closing the door and going to the living room and calling 100%, Shinhwa and Teen Top and telling them to come to the house a.s.a.p. he then called EXO’s leader, Suho, to tell him he can’t make it to practice today and didn’t give the leader any explanation or time to argue and hung up.
While he waited for the 3 groups to come he started to put the ‘gifts’ and ‘letters’ back into the box. As he put them away, tears started to stream down his face and thoughts buzzed in his head just wondering and asking himself, ‘Why did this have to happen to my sister?’ he was so lost in thought that he didn’t notice the 3 groups ringing the doorbell for 5-10 minutes and let themselves in. they walked in on Chanyeol putting the things away. They saw poison, pills, razors etc… being put into a box and they saw tears streaming down Chanyeol’s face and they started to worry.
Eric was the first to snap out of his trance and walked over to Chanyeol and tapped his shoulder, snapping Chanyeol out of his trace, “Eric hyung.” Chanyeol exclaimed smiling and wiped the tears from his face. Eric smiled back, “We’re here now. What was it that you wanted to talk about?” “It’s the fans and anti-fans.” Chanyeol said sadly. “They’re attacking her now aren’t they hyung?” Chunji asked. “Ne. In the box.” Chanyeol said pointing to the box. Rokhyun walked over to it and opened the box, everyone gasped at the sight. There was tons of letters and tons of suicidal ‘gifts’. “Omo!” “This is going too far! How long has this been going on for?” Dongwan asked. “I don’t know, but from the looks of this box probably at least a week.” Chanyeol said. “This has got to stop.” M said. “We know hyung, but what can we do?” Chanyeol asked. There was a silence before Eric spoke up, “I know.” “What is it?!” The others exclaimed. “We’ll stick to her, hang with her and make sure she’s almost never alone and protect.” Eric said. “She may reject us and tell us to leave her alone, listen to her but watch over her. And make sure the fans don’t hurt her.” Eric finished off. Everyone agreed.
~1 Week Later~
The groups have been following Eric’s advice and everything’s been going smoothly and Min was able to meet EXO and became quite close to them. Chanyeol took her to the dorm where she met EXO.
“I’m Kim Min Seok, you can call me Xiumin. I’m the Lead Vocalist and Lead Dancer of EXO M. I’m also the eldest. I have the power of Frost.” Xiumin said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Lu Han, you can call me Luhan. I’m the Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer and Face of The Group of EXO M. I have the power of Telekinesis. I’m one of the four Chinese Members.” Luhan said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Wu Yi Fan, you can call me Kris. I’m the Main Rapper, Vocalist and Leader of EXO-M. I have the power of Flight. I’m one of the four Chinese Members.” Kris said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Kim Joonmyun, you can call me Suho. I’m the Leader of EXO K and EXO and Lead Vocalist of EXO K. I have the power to Control Water.” Suho said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Zhang Yixing, you can call me Lay. I’m the Main Dancer and Vocalist of EXO M. I’m have the power to Heal. I’m one of the four Chinese Members.” Lay said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Byun Baek Hyun, you can call me Baekhyun. I’m the Main Vocalist of EXO K. I have the power of Light.” Baekhyun said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Kim Jong Dae, you can call me Chen. I’m the Main Vocalist of EXO M. I have the power of Lightning.” Chen said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Do Kyung Soo, you can call me D.O. I’m the Main Vocalist of EXO K. I have the power of Beastly Strength.” D.O said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Huang Zitao, you can call me Tao. I’m the Lead Rapper, Vocalist and Maknae of EXO M. I have the power to Control Time. I’m one of the four Chinese Members.” Tao said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Kim Jong In, you can call me Kai. I’m the Main Dancer, Vocalist, Lead Rapper and Face of The Group from EXO K. I have the power to Teleport.” Kai said and shook her hand with Chanyeol’s help.
“I’m Oh Se Hun, you can call me Sehun. I’m the Lead Dancer, Rapper, Sub-Vocalist and Maknae of EXO and EXO K.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Park Min, Chanyeol’s younger sister.” Min said bowing. Suddenly she asked, “Oppa, what’s your position in EXO?” “You don’t know?!” they exclaimed and she nod.
“I’m Park Chan Yeol and you can call me Chanyeol oppa. I’m the Main Rapper and Vocalist of EXO K.” Chanyeol said and hugged his sister.
After the introductions were over they started to play around the dorm.
At first there was disagreement but everything was solved until one day, a sasaeng fan took it too far. She pretended to be friends with Min and then threatened her and Min kept quiet and Rokhyun found out.
And now, she’s at 100%’s dorm with Rokhyun arguing and Teen Top, Shinhwa and the rest of 100% were watching her and Rokhyun yell at each other.
“I told you! You should’ve listened to us in the beginning!” Rokhyun shouted.
“So what? I made a mistake okay!” Min argued.
“I don’t care if you made a mistake! It was a stupid idea! You’ve already got us! We were only doing what was best for you!”
“Who decided for you to protect me huh?! Because it definitely wasn’t me!”
They were arguing back and forth when Rokhyun shouted, “That’s it! You’re so fucking annoying! Why can’t you just understand what we’re doing what best for you?! You’re being an annoying fucking bitch right now!”
There was silence and the tension in the air was quite thick like you could cut it with a knife.
Min was so angry she turned and ran off. She ran outside and it was dark outside and it was raining outside and it was very windy.
“Rokhyun! What were you thinking?” Andy shouted. Rokhyun couldn’t answer, he only stared at the door in shock, he couldn’t believe what flew out his mouth, he didn’t mean any of it, he was just so angry that it just came out his mouth. “Omo….what did I just do?”
“W-Wait…It’s raining outside.” Chunji exclaimed. “She didn’t grab her cane!” Niel shouted making everyone’s eyes widen they all jumped up and ran outside following after Min.
They ran through the rain and they finally spotted Min, they ran towards her but when they looked up, she was running across the street and a car was coming towards her. They ran faster, faster than they’ve ever run, “MIN! WATCH OUT!” but when they were just 5 meters from her, she turned her head and the car smashed against her body and her head hit the ground and she laid lifelessly on the ground as blood flowed out her body. Rokhyun ran to her trying to stop the blood and apologized, he was crying and begging her to hold on and was begging her to forgive him and that he didn’t mean any of it and everyone was crying while Eric was calling the ambulance and Dongwan called the police since the car that hit her ran off, hit and run.
The ambulance arrived and put her on the stretcher and Rokhyun and Eric went with the paramedics while the others got the taxis and asked them to follow the ambulance.
~At the Hospital~
Andy called Chanyeol telling him that Min was in a car accident and was currently in surgery. Chanyeol panicked and left the practice room immediately and called his sister telling them that Min was in the hospital in surgery and the EXO members followed after him worried. The 3 groups waited outside the surgery room and Chanyeol and EXO arrived. “How is she?” Chanyeol asked. “We don’t know. She’s in surgery right now. It was raining and the car hit her and ran off.” Andy explained. Chanyeol collapsed on the chair with his hands covering his face and he started to cry and 10 minutes later Min and Chanyeol’s sister arrived. “Chanyeol! How is she?” His noona asked. “I don’t know noona. I don’t know.” Chanyeol whimpered still crying. His noona started to cry and so did everyone else.
The doctor suddenly walked out the room. Everyone ran up to him, “How is my sister?!” Chanyeol asked. The doctor shook his head, “Not good. She lost too much blood and right now, ee don’t have enough blood. Her blood type’s RH-O, which is extremely rare. We don’t have enough blood. Do you know anyone who has that blood type?” Everyone started to cry harder until Baekhyun’s mind clicked. “DK!” “Huh?” “DK from the rookie group, Seventeen. He has that blood type!” Baekhyun shouted. “Call him!” Baekhyun took out his phone and called DK.
DK: Yeoboseyo?
Baekhyun (B): DK-ah!
DK: Ne sunbaenim? What’s wrong? Why are your crying?
B: We need you to come to the hospital
DK: Huh? Wae?
B: Chanyeol’s sister got into an accident and they don’t have her blood type, RH-O and she’s dying!
DK: WHAT?! Okay, I’m coming. Which hospital?
B: Gangnam Hospital
DK: Okay, I’ll wake up hyung. We’ll be there in 10 minutes
B: Gomawo.
And they hung up.
DK woke up the member and told them the situation and S.Coups drove them to the hospital going a bit over the limit and they arrived at the hospital faster than expected, in 5 minutes.
The doctor went and got blood from DK and was able to complete the surgery. 100%, Teen Top, Shinhwa, EXO and Chanyeol and Min’s sister were very grateful for him. They took 3 pints of blood so DK was quite exhausted but happy he was able to help save a life and was still quite worried for Min.
~2 Hours Later~
It’s been 2 hours and no one’s left the surgery room and everyone was so worried for Min, then the doctors came out. “Who’s Park Min’s family?” “That would be us.” “Okay, we’ve manage to stabilize Min but because of the impact she’s got a small concussion and a broken arm so she’ll be in a cast for 2-3 weeks but other than that she’s okay. You can go and visit her.” The doctor said. Everyone thanked him and ran inside to see Min laid on the bed with a cast on her right arm and an oxygen mask on her and a couple of tubes and machines connected to her as she laid motionless on the bed.
It’s been 1 week since the incident and no movement from Min and everyone’s getting worried when one day, everyone was in the room, 100%, Teen Top, Shinhwa, EXO, Seventeen and her sister. Her hands started to move. It started to move and her eyes flew opened and she sat up suddenly, and the first thing…not first person she saw was…Rokhyun and her heart started to beat quickly. Everyone jumped up in shock, they looked at her eyes, it was brown, not white-ish blue. They pressed the button for the doctors and nurses to come in.
“I-I can see.” Min said. “Who are you?” “M-Min, it’s me, Chanyeol.” Chanyeol said. “O-Oppa. I can see. I can see color. I can see again!!” Min exclaimed happily but yelled from pain. “Ow.” “Are you okay?!” Everyone exclaimed. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine.” Min answered then the doctor ran into the room to see Min awake. He ran over and laid her back down, “It’s dangerous for you to get up, please lay back down.” The doctor said and Min laid down. “I’m your doctor, Dr. Kim. And it seems like your eye sight is back is that correct?” Dr. Kim asked and Min nod. “It seems like the impact of the car triggered a core and it’s brought back your eye sight.” Dr. Kim continued. “You’ll have to stay at the hospital for 2 days just so we can check up on you after that you can be discharged.” Dr. Kim finished. Min nod with a smile. Dr. Kim bowed and left the room but before he left he stopped at the door and said, “It’s a miracle you survived and regained your eye sight, some people don’t have that chance. You’re a living miracle.” He said and left the room. Nobody could see it but, he had tears in his eyes just threatening to fall from his eyes.
When Dr. Kim left the room, everyone had a huge smile on their faces, “It’s great to have you back Min.” Rokhyun said as everyone nod in agreement. “Yeah noona!” A voice shouted. Min looked to see a familiar group of boys. “Hmm…Who are you guys?” “That’s Seventeen. The rookie boy group.” C.A.P answered.
“I’m Lee Seung Cheol, you can call me S.Coups noona. Born from Daegu, South Korea. I’m the Leader of Seventeen and the Hip-Hop Unit as well as Main Rapper.” S.Coups said shaking her hand.
“I’m Yoon Jeonghan, you can call me Jeonghan noona. Born in Seoul, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s Angel. I’m the Sub-Vocal apart of the Vocal Team.” Jeonghan said shaking her hand.
“I’m Hong Jisoo, you can call me Joshua noona. Born in L.A.  I’m Seventeen’s Gentleman. I’m the Sub-Vocal apart of the Vocal Team.” Joshua said shaking her hand.
“I’m Wen Junhui, you can call me Jun noona. Born from Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. I’m Seventeen’s Quiet Chinese Member. I’m the Vocal and Dancer apart of the Performance Unit.” Jun said shaking her hand.
“I’m Kwon Soonyoung, you can call me Hoshi noona. From Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s 10:10. I’m the Lead Vocal and Main Dancer and Performance Team Leader.” Hoshi said shaking her hand.
“I’m Jeon Wonwoo, you can call me Wonwoo noona. From Changwon, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s Deepest Voice. I’m the Main Rapper apart of the Hip-Hop Unit.” Wonwoo said shaking her hand.
“I’m Lee Jihoon, you can call me Woozi noona. I’m from Busan, South Korea. I’m Seventeen Producer. I’m the Lead Vocalist, Main Dancer and Vocal Team Leader.” Woozi said shaking her hand.
“I’m Lee Seok Min, you can call me DK noona. From Yongin, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s Happy Virus. I’m the Main Vocal apart of the Vocal Team.” DK said shaking her hand. “He’s also the one who gave you blood. “Eh? Seriously! Thank you so much.” Min said. “It’s okay noona, we blood types need to stick together.” DK said smiling, and Min smiled back.
“I’m Kim Min Gyu, you can call me Mingyu noona. From Anyang, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s Visual. I’m the Main Rapper and Face of the Group, apart of the Hip-Hop Team.” Mingyu said shaking her hand.
“I’m Xu Ming Hao, you can call me The8 noona. From Anshan, Liaoning, China. I’m the Vocalist and Dancer apart of the Performance Team.” The8 said shaking her hand.
“I’m Boo Seung Kwan, but you can call me Seungkwan noona. I’m from Jeju, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s Mood Maker. I’m the Main Vocal apart of the Vocal Team.” Seungkwan said shaking her hand.
“I’m Hansol Vernon Chwe, but you can call me Vernon noona. From New York, America. I’m the Lead Rapper and Main Dancer apart of the Hip-Hop Team.” Vernon said shaking her hand
“I’m Lee Chan, but you can call me Dino. From Iksan, Jeollabuk-do, South Korea. I’m Seventeen’s Giant Maknae. I’m Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, and Maknae apart of the Performance Team.” Dino said shaking her hand.
“We are…Say the name SEVENTEEN!” S.Coups started and everyone joined in doing hand gesture.
“Wow…Nice to meet you guy. Thank you again for saving me DK.” Min said smiling. Rokhyun then walked up to her bed and kneel down right next to her. “Rokhyun oppa…what are you doing?” Min asked looking at him in the eyes and at soon as she made eye-contact, she blushed and her heart started to beat quickly.
“Min-ah, I’m really really sorry. I didn’t mean for it to happen.” Rokhyun said. “Oppa, it’s okay. It’s really okay. If it wasn’t for you I’d still be blind.” Min said. “But also because of me, you almost died.” Rokhyun said as tears streamed down his face. Everyone was very shocked but decided to leave the two alone and went outside for the two to have some one-on-one talk. Chanyeol was dragged out by his sister and members while he whine and cried out, “No~!!! Not my baby sister~!!”
Min sat up slowly with Rokhyun’s help.
“Also, if you didn’t meet me this never wouldn’t happened. If you didn’t meet me none of this would’ve happen. And if you didn’t mee- - -” Rokhyun said but was cut off but Min kissing him. Rokhyun was quite shocked but kissed back and the two closed their eyes. Chanyeol was outside crying about how his baby sister is growing up etc… while everyone outside was fanboying but in Chanyeol’s sister’s case, fangirling, about the new couple and trying to stop Chanyeol from running in and ruining the moment.
They broke apart, “You talk too much.” Min said smiling. Rokhyun smiled back, “If that’s how you’re gonna shut me up I’ll do that all the time.” “You’re so cheesy.” Min said hitting Rokhyun playfully as he smiled. “But I really am sorry.” “And you’re forgiven.” Min said. “Well, now, Park Min, will you go out with me?” Rokhyun asked. “Yes.” Min said and Rokhyun kissed her again. And everyone bursted in the room congratulating the blushing couple.
A week later the two revealed that they were dating and there were fans who congratulated them but there were also fans who sent hates and threats.
~3-4 Years Later~
A few years later, Rokhyun proposed to Min at the park near the place Min and Rokhyun met.
Min wore white dress with sequins on the top part and she had white heels on with her hair like rose petals held up by a diamond clip.
Dress: www.aliexpress.com/item/32321615492.html?productld=32321615492&productSubject=Luxury-Crystal-Cathedral-Train-Ball-Gown-Wedding-Dresses-with-Strapless-Sweetheart-Bling-Sequins-Lace-Applique-Tulle&tracelog=wwwdetail2mobilesitedetail
Min was very nervous but her friends and siblings helped calm her down and that everything will be fine and okay.
Rokhyun wore a white suit jacket with a black bow tie with black pants and with black pockets, jacket collars and black shoes.
Rokhyun was nervous as hell but his members calm him down and told him everything was okay.
EXO, 100%, Teen Top, Shinhwa and Seventeen along with her sister were the special guest at the wedding.
It was finally time for the ceremony, Rokhyun stood in front waiting for you. But because your father passed away Andy form Shinhwa stood in as your father, he walked with you down the aisle. To Rokhyun, you looked like an Angel as well as everyone else. Music started to play as you walked down the aisle, Rokhyun was their smiling at you.
The priest started talking about everything needed, then finally he said, “Do you Kim Rokhyun, take Park Min to be your lawful wife?” “Yes, a million times yes.” Rokhyun answered. “And do you, Park Min, take Kim Rokhyun to be your lawful husband?” “Yes, a million times yes.” You answered. “Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” The priest said and you shared a loving, long, passionate kiss. Everyone either cheered or clapped. EXO, 100%, Teen Top, Shinhwa and Seventeen cheered the loudest while other bands like SHINee, SNSD, F(x), Red Velvet, Nu’est and After School cheered for the two couple loudly and after each band went up and performed a song for your wedding.
~The Party~
At the party Min and Rokhyun cut the cake, poured the wine, danced, sung and threw the bouquet, and Min’s sister caught the bouquet. And it seemed that Minwoo (100%) and her have been hanging around each other for quite a while and the two have been getting a bit too close. And once again every band went up to perform once again, but they sang more cheerful songs or their top hit songs either group songs or their individual songs. And at the end, 100% with Rokhyun went up as a group and sang a song to Min.
Song: 100% U Beauty www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCIULipejac
Then Chanyeol and EXO went up and performed.
Song: EXO K Beautiful www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiUanB8tBaM
Then Teen Top went up and performed.
Song: Teen Top Miss Right www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p8pVAyQux4
Then Seventeen went up and performed.
Song: Seventeen Adore U www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rUFQJrCT7M
Then Shinhwa went up and performed.
Song: Shinhwa Venus www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqsHnxo35cg
Then multiple other groups went up and performed and for the end, the closing, Min went up and performed.
Song: AOA Heart Attack www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pBgMBBsv4k
After 1 year of marriage, on your one year anniversary, Min gave a surprising news, it was that… Min got pregnant with twins, 1 boy and 1 girl for 2 months already.
9 months later Min gave birth to a pair of healthy twins. The boy was the older one, he was older by 3 minutes, his parents named him, Kim Chin-Mae, which meant ‘Truth’. And his sister was younger by 3 minutes, her parents named her, Kim Chin-Sun, which meant ‘Truth and Goodness’.
And the family lived happily ever after with their friends and family.
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