musicaldaydreams · 4 hours
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I hope we all make it
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musicaldaydreams · 5 hours
the pokeball glitched and i just slapped the shit out of this poor gabite and I can’t stop laughing
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musicaldaydreams · 1 day
So apparently the way to get me right back down the Love Nikki rabbit hole is to just start doing edits again!
I miss my tiny old three-person edit group but it's still fun!
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musicaldaydreams · 2 days
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musicaldaydreams · 3 days
If so, what is it?
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musicaldaydreams · 4 days
people on my dash are annoying again and i'm tired of being a bitch about it so let me just say - if you read my fics and don't leave a comment, you're fine. it's fine. I'm not mad, I don't think you ungrateful, or an asshole, or whatever other guilt-trippy bullshit people spout here day in and day out. I post my stuff in the hopes of it bringing others joy, too, and yes of course comments bring me joy in return, but I don't think anyone owes them to me. if it brings you joy and i never know, if you "only" leave kudos, if you only lurk, if you literally never interact with me for literally whatever reason, it's fine. i promise. i love you. i hope the words bring you joy without there being any hang-ups about it <3
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musicaldaydreams · 4 days
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Liella my beloved... The funkiest of coconuts
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musicaldaydreams · 4 days
“Hey, so… you know that trouble I was having with that rabbit warren? Well, it turns out they’ve developed into a bronze age society, and I just don’t have what it takes to remove them now.”
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musicaldaydreams · 5 days
trying to just appreciate Endless Ocean Luminous for what it is - which is enjoyable! - but damn, all of us who loved Blue World were so fucking excited for what we thought this was going to be
and it just isn't. it's getting sort of deservedly terrible reviews after building up so much expectation - i just don't understand why the developers would throw out everything that made EO2 good to make something that feels more like a glorified mobile game. no stakes, basically no story (what's there is split into bite-size chunks that are locked until you've collected enough points through shared or solo dives - some of the story "chapters" don't even have any gameplay in them?!?), the procedurally generated environments mean there's no longer any attempt at realism in terms of creature location & that the game doesn't gradually feed out more exciting animals to you but instead it's just the luck of the draw so you might get a whole ton of huge/rare finds at once or nothing
i DO enjoy diving with other people because i love games where you can only communicate through silly little gestures & not everyone is interested in communicating anyway, so when you do find a person who will do backflips with you or beckon you to come see something cool, it's extra special
ah well. i'm gonna swim around with fish & collect the silly light blobs & get my money's worth...but tbh i hope they port Blue World to the Switch
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musicaldaydreams · 5 days
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Alvin be panicking ,when he saw jack came out from the digging site looking like this.
This supposed to be a shit post but i made jack look too pretty….
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
why are there so many posts about asexuals being immune to sirens. people. sirens don’t lure you in with sex (necessarily). they sing about whatever it is that you want most. they could sing about mothman or cinnamon toast crunch and guess what then your asexual pirate is fucking dead
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
This is the highest compliment I can bestow, but Dungeon Meshi reads like it was written for, if not by, Terry Pratchett.
Oh, you have a dungeon with monsters and adventurers? How does it work? Who pays? How do you get enough supplies? People will eat anything when hungry; do they eat the monsters? People will cook feasts from rotten meat and weeds; what feasts can you make with monsters?
By the way, here is a terrible pun about soup.
You want heroes to have peril, but also to live? Easy! Just have a ressurection spell. Well how does it work? What's the point? What would people give to live forever? What would people give to die?
Here's a dwarf whose magical shield is a wok.
And if they come back, it still hurts right? Do people remember? What happens if they forget that, outside of the dungeon, they can't come back? What if the thing that brings them back also ties them to the dungeon more and more, changes them, makes them different without knowing why.
Whilst you were thinking about that, the halfling founded an adventurers guild. It's an actual union with dues etc. btw he's a deadbeat dad apart from this.
The dwarf from earlier carries familial trauma that will haunt you for the next decade. The protagonist holds his sister's skull as the first proof that there is anything left of her. The two female leads share a love so deep that giving it a name would pollute it. The protagonist's sword is a mollusc.
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
i will die without routine. also this routine is killing me
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
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A piece I did for a Draw 'Em All collab on twitter by @/pokeverso! So many of my lovely friends notified me of this and noted how a lot of Volo's pokemon were unclaimed, so of course I'd slap my name on a Togekiss :^D I'll grab any excuse to draw Volo
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
Was wishing there was a positivity post for original fiction writers since I see so many about how fanfic writers are doing so much for their communities even when they're not actively writing, and then I thought:
Be the change you want to see in the world.
So this is a positivity post for the writers out here who are working very hard on stories with no established community. Who can't talk about their blorbos and plot lines and brainstorming to anyone and expect them to know what any of it means. Who don't have much to share publicly, but are hoping they will one day.
You're doing a lot of hard work, and I recognize and appreciate what you're putting into the world, even when you're resting.
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musicaldaydreams · 6 days
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For some other flags do check @glitchven's recent posts, happy pride month with some nexomon starters! All of you matter ♡
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