musicandtings · 4 months
Go grab the AWWOR OST and other amazing music by @musicandtings today!
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musicandtings · 4 months
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Hello, Kobold here!
With Episode 4 around the corner and it being Episode 5 overall, I figured now was a great time for an update on everything and a summary of the past few sessions.
To begin with - THANK YOU! The overall response to AWWOR has been so lovely and we are loving all of the art we've been seeing! That being said there's a couple things we should mention! ✨ We would love to hear your feedback but it would be best where we can see it! You can leave feedback on any of our socials, on the koboldkurios discord or here! We have our inbox open, including anonymous submissions for those who are a little shy. We would love to hear from you! (you can also ask us questions!) ✨ A reminder that if you do some art for the campaign and/or it's characters and would like to see it in the art reels at the end of each session - send them through, either here as a submission or to us via email! Make sure to let us know your social @ so we can credit you!
Composed and created by the wonderfully talented @musicandtings, who has a plethora of additional music AND a podcast for you to check out, the AWWOR ost is a lively soundtrack and will be heard on streams each session! Go check the album out, give his other music a listen to and if you're inclined, consider commissioning him for some music of your own!
Onto some less exciting news, we do have to announce that Sponge who plays Corben will be stepping down. Sponge has some exciting life progressions that will be taking up a majority of their time that they had not expected when initially joining us. We wish Sponge all the best for the future and you may still see them in the stream chat or on the Koboldkurios discord from time to time so don't be afraid to say hi!
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With Pride Month coming up, we would like to remind old and new viewers alike that AWWOR supports LGBT+ rights. With the crew being members of the queer community amongst other minority communities ourselves, we encourage a diverse, welcoming community. You are seen, you are loved. ♥
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Finally, there is some discussion amongst the AWWOR discord regarding potentially moving to a weekly schedule. If this does indeed come to be, you will all be the first to know so stay tuned!
The past few sessions have been an absolute blast and we are all looking forward to seeing where this story takes us. We hope you enjoy the ride too. Until next time, and onto the summary!
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The party convened, traveling to the docks of Yallasch to catch their ship. The party is bound for the small swamp village of Oparl which is currently under the effects of a severe illness. Dr Alligan Hue - newly cast out to experience the wider areas of the Border Kingdoms and Faerun by his college - has been assigned to aid the village and he is not alone, accompanied by Ateris, Saffy, Rhaya and Corben who join him for each their own reasons.
While boarding their ship, Ateris spies a ship she has been searching for for 33 years, a ship belonging to Fulgrim Shay - a past lover and father to her missing son. In an eager rush to hopefully see the man, she makes a run for the vessel while Alligan summons his familliar - a weasel named Yauna - to create a distraction by stealing their captain's coinpurse. With Rhaya aiding in the distraction they delay the ship just long enough for Ateris to find one of the crew and have him agree to pass on a message for Fulgrim. With that done, as her own vessel passes on it's way out of the bay, Ateris makes a daring leap and through some aid from the party, manages to land safely on deck.
Once in Dapplegate, the party picks up a horse and cart and a letter from Fulgrim before continuing onward toward Oparl.
The night before reaching the small village, the party sets camp in a sheltered outcropping out of the rain. The party chat a little and tension between Saffy and Alligan shows as the pair have a mild misunderstanding. Tired from travel, they almost miss the sound of being robbed as three kobolds scavenge through their boxes in the cart. The party proceeds to question, threaten and adequately intimidate the kobolds into returning the majority of the items taken, Saffy manages to charm the kobolds enough that they totally aren't making a cult based on the feline.
With the following rest, the party moves onward, travelling through the swamp. Rhaya and Saffy discover the polarising scent of citronella while the two humans in the cart attempt to avoid being eaten by mosquitos. Rhaya also discovers the magical properties of the dragonflies of the region - having adapted over time with the residual effects of the spellplague.
Hearing a scream from further into the swamp, the party jumps to action - coming to help a young person being accosted by a giant toad. Two giant toads, a saffy snack and some newly aquired frog meat later, the party continues on to the village. As they do they have a blunt but reasonably pleasant conversation with their rescued acquaintance, getting some more information on the recent events of the town.
Entering town, the party finds accomodation and board for their horse and cart. Here, Ateris catches up with the barkeep - familliar from her last journey through the region - and she and Saffy learn of a potential job for the party to take up during their time here. Meanwhile - Rhaya makes his way up to the rooms, avoiding the watchful gaze of a group of individuals who seem to recognise his pin. In an attempt to avoid coming eye-to-eye with them on his way back down he climbs out the window of his room to the roof - which he proceeds to fall off.
The party meet Thiddershins, a wood woad who runs the commissary in the village - though most of the residents seem unsure about his motives. The party proceeds to fall in love with him.
+1 favourite NPC
They then proceed to the village healer - a tiefling woman doing her best within the circumstances. They deliver supplies and Alligan offers to take a look at the patients - discovering that the illness is dire, a remnant of the spellplague and likely bought to the village from a previous adventuring party. While inspecting some of the patients, Ateris spies a glowing sigyl appear on Alligan's forehead before the skeleton of one of the patients tears itself from it's body and proceeds to attack the wizard.
once more the party leaps to action, still reasonably spent from their morning fighting toads. Some close calls later, they succeed but not without Alligan pushing his limited healing spell past it's usual daily use, taking a point of exhaustion.
Reeling from the battle and the resulting adrenaline, the party and healer step out of the healing tent where Alligan and Ateris explain to the rest of the party of a previous experience with what they believe to be an ancient black dracolich and it's potential connection to the skeletal attack.
The party continues to discuss matters with the healer and purchase some supplies from her that aren't needed for the ill as Ateris burns the body just outside town to prevent further spread of the illness, before they make their way back into the village, their destination being their accomodation. However as it happens, they make some stops at some of the businesses within the village.
Our absolutely-not-married-at-all housemates stop by what is essentially an op-shop in search of new travelling clothes for Alligan while the others make their way to the blacksmith, perusing the goods. Saffy additionally makes their way back to the store the ranger and wizard are perusing, striking up conversation with the storekeep and whisking off for some DM whispers in the backroom. Alligan finds some magic items, managing to slip a magical seed they found into the ranger's pocket and through the aid of their rescued aquaintence, they make a deal to pay partially and return with further payment after their job the following day.
The party then, makes their way to the commisary, intending to introduce Corben to their new favourite... person? sentient log. Alligan, curious to find out about the magical seed, asks the wood woad if they know what it is. As soon as Thiddershins touches the seed it glows before seeming to absorb it's very essence - splintering and tearing the wood woad apart.
-1 Favourite NPC
Panicking and not knowing what else to do, they place the seed in the wooden corpse, Ateris additionally placing a hand on the creature. As she does, a thorny branch pierces thoroughly through the hand, seemingly purifying and absorbing the blood it draws before retreating. With that and the magical seed, the body transforms into what appears to be some form of Eladrin-dryad woman, leaving a dumbfounded pair of housemates and shocked party.
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musicandtings · 4 months
2 DAYS REMAIN!!! Pre-save on Spotify and ITunes!
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musicandtings · 4 months
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musicandtings · 4 months
A Brand new EP dedicated my wife! This special set of music is dedicated to her nickname and who she is as a wonderful, fun, loving individual!
Pre-save it or buy it on iTunes!
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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a commission for @musicandtings for his a dnd party set in kingdom hearts! these are individual pngtuber reactives for their dnd campaign they record! :D
the chicken wings is the dm sona :)))
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musicandtings · 1 year
My wife and I started a podcast this year about our experiences in music education. We created as a way for young black music educators to have a voice in the field. A lot of adversities and uncertainty occurred during our time in school and work, but we enjoy creating music for students to engage and learn!
Please give a like, share, and even a listen to our podcast. Any bit helps someone who really needs to hear these messages!
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musicandtings · 1 year
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Several years ago, I made a piece of art for my Dragonborn Bard, Faeraxx. A copper dragonborn who played his instrument through his nostrils (no lips, you see) and who had a spectral tail that appeared whenever he played. This started a dragon art journey for me, and apparently he's started quite a few dragonborn OC's. I'm so glad for the love he's received over the years <3
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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musicandtings · 1 year
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On their way to go annoy Miguel <3
(Ft. Meows Morales, Guin Stacy, Rabbitr Prabhakar, Margo Kestrel, and Yotie Brown)
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musicandtings · 1 year
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fresh save
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