Destiny (A Chen X Reader Fanfic) - Part 1
Word count : 3K+
Genre : Fluff (for now).
If it's anything, they should work hard in their studies so that they would be successful in them. So that they be productive in their economy. You believed in being an asset.
You never thought greatly of idols. What if they work hard in their field? Would they continue to do the same thing even when they are 45? Would they be loved the same way as they did even now?
But you loved one such group. You loved them by your heart and wanted to cherish them as much as their other fans do to them. Just that your favorite music which comes from the said group,made you introduce to them.
Basically, you were a nerd. You were a person who disliked being open but knew how to put your thinking out in a way that your voice would reach out and people won't be hurt. It all started three years ago.
It all started with it. Just that one magazine and your life would be same as it was. You regretted. You deeply regretted that you agreed to you best friend, Anh-ri, that one day that you would do what she wanted. She said and you went. There you met him,that person who changed your life,who changed you for good or bad.
She called you early morning at six today just to say that she found something that would give meaning to you and you should go to the bookstore which is located near the local station of the area. When you asked that from where she had gotten this information from she said it was in her book of "astronomies of months - love fate future in your hands" aka 'Destiny'.
You didn't knew this it would go at first. But the more you came to know about him,the more you fell for him. That day three years ago….
"I am going! I am almost there!", you reconfirmed it to Anh-rhi,your best friend,who was continuous ly shouting at you to go to a bookstore where - according to her - your life would 'change for eternity'.
It was the same book that made her meet Hyesung,the guy she fell deeply in love with also being the same guy whom you insulted too much because his visuals were a bit off but his heart was good (and he could deal with your best friend) so you didn't mind her being with him.
But,getting back to the story,you were never such a believer of fate and no,you didn't believed in what she talked about but you didn't want your bff who supported you in your good,as well as bad,times to be heart broken because let's face it - Anhri is much sensitive and you and ONLY you can deal with her (her boyfriend being an exception).
So here you were,phone in your hand,close to your ear where your best friend ranted about dates and all that stuff she does with Hyesung,that could soon happen to you and you didn't even know how much of her talk was what you heard right or not.
"Are you there yet?!", she shouted again. You sighed thinking about just how many times have she repeated this one sentence. More than you she was excited to see what - JUST WHAT - would make your life to change.
You who was a person of scientific mind,who never believed in something sort of thing called 'fate' was going to a place just because you bff told you to from a book called 'Destiny'. Wow..
"How much time is left?",you whispered. You wondered how can your own voice be in contrast to your best friend's? How? You always got to know loud people. Anh-ri was loud,Hyesung was loud,Seung-sun was loud... Seungsun. Your Seungsun.
The one you believed to be your eternal love. That seungsun. It hurted you to remember him. Reminding of seungsun,you thought would you meet him again. This time maybe a bit realistic though. Maybe this time,it wouldn't turn out the way it did before. Maybe he would come back to you. And maybe,just maybe.. You would be happy as you thought you should be. Now. After meeting him. Ypu could be what you were again. Happy go lucky. None of that sadness had you in ,maybe you would become the same version of yourself.
A ray of hope glittered in your heart after all those nights when you cried,when you begged to god that maybe that utmost force in nature might as well help you when none could. Nothing worked though.
After all that time,you became invincible. What is live and what is life? You weren't able to differentiate. You were what you were,only for your best friend who refused to give up on you. Something you will be always grateful to her to.
"Babe!", you flinched,hearing the voice at your ear being so loud. Did you just space out with Anh-rhi on phone? She might as well murder you when she hears the actual reason.
"I am here! I am alive!", you shouted,rubbing your right ear. She could be so horrible at times!
"15 minutes to go,idiot!"she shouted. 15 minutes more. You could die and come back from heaven (or hell) in that time. You were thinking over it when you spotted the cafe next to the book store.
This could work fine,you thought.
You walked up to the shop,telling your best friend that you'll call her after 10 minutes because in no way you would want to go and buy a book and read it INSIDE the shop,waiting for your life to change. No way in hell you would do that. You put your phone in the pocket your jeans had.
You entered the café,bell of the door ringing at your arrival and as soon as you entered you saw EXO's poster. A Nature Republic advertisement? Or so it was. Exo was a global group after all. And you were a fan,not so big of a fan but still you were. And July had passed YET the band didn't had a comeback. You were hungry to see the group performing a new song.
"One with the space for cream. Extra chocolate needed",you went at the counter,the bartender nodding at you leaving for inside to get your coffee. You turned your back to the counter,leaning on the counter as you looked outside the place from the clear glass.
The idea of change seemed exciting to you,something you desperately wished for,but also being something you were terribly scared of. Change has always been a hard thing whether it was when your father transferred to Incheon,or whether when you had to let go of your greatest friends. Well not that these were good things,but you always behaved immaturely. If you were good for something, it would be studies.
You were a straightforward and blunt person, a student of straight A+. And maybe,because of that you were a less experienced person when it came to life problems. Maybe,that was why Seung sun let you go for someone else who was more beautiful, more smart,more intelligent and more lovable than you ever could me.
A drop of tear slid from your eye as you sighed. The lump in your throat not wanting to go down while you didn't want that lump to come up. "Um",you heard a voice calling out. "Your order is ready!",you turned to that voice. You haven't seen her face properly before so you haven't noticed,but that girl was pretty. In fact, after you got dumped every girl you saw looked prettier to you.
What are you doing?,you asked yourself. Girl,you need to shake these thoughts away! You can't be like that!,you scolded the person who was having these thoughts.
You shook your thoughts away and put on a smile. You raised you hand quietly and asked for the coffee. She gave you the mug she had been holding onto and you took your wallet out ready to pay her the money.
"How much was that?", you asked her as you opened the wallet. She looked at you once before smiling and saying "it is free of cost",you weren't sure if you heard right. You made a face that shouted 'What did you say?'. She laughed looking at you.
"You don't remember me!",she whined. Well,you would have agreed if she wasn't so pretty. She definitely looked familiar to you. But if you'd known her you would have remember! You couldn't a face like this You shook your head indicating refusal from your side.
"Ah~", she whined again. "How is that possible? We were so close too!",she continued with her whining. Then it clicked to you. You weren't familiar with her face,but you definitely remembered a whiner in your history.
"Kim.. Chaeson?",you exclaimed. You surely remembered one of your close friends who whined a lot. Kim Chaeson was one of your closest friends when you were in Seoul. She was a perky girl,loud and noisy enough who had a talent for singing. She didn't had great visuals but she was really good by heart. "Bingo!",she winked at you. She became seriously pretty. You didn't even recognize her. You felt guilty for doing that.
"But how? I", you stuttered. It felt so good to know that one of your greatest friends were here. You really felt happy and emotional. "I mean in Incheon? When did you get here?",you asked her. You were at a loss for words. How did she get here? And when? How much time has it been since she came here? Is she living fine? With whom is she living with?
You had so many questions. "Long time. I wanted to contact you but your phone number was not getting dialled. I couldn't contact you at all", she said. You remembered. You had changed your number after you had got dumped.
You wanted to ask her so many questions.
But you couldn't.
Because your phone rang.
And you knew it was your best friend.
"Wait a bit", you excused yourself and as you saw she nodded,you took you phone out and went to the corner,receiving the call.
" Are you in the book store? There is only five minutes left!", She said. You sighed. You couldn't even complete your talk with Chaeson.
"I am in the café besides the store", you sighed, again. You felt so exhausted. Like seriously, you hadn't slept in two nights. Two whole nights and here you were near the station,waiting for your life to be changed (or not). Depends.
"Go there! RIGHT. THIS. INSTANT.",you felt your soul shiver at the tone. Fuck the timing. You will return back to the store in five and then talk your heart out with the girl standing in the room. You also wanted to catch up. But you had to go now.
"Okay. I'll call you in 10", you whispered and put back your phone in your pocket. You went back to Chaeson who was standing there humming some song. As soon as she saw you coming she straightened up smiling at you. "Sorry I took long",you smiled "Uh-huh! It's fine", she moved her hands. You had to tell Chaeson to wait for you while you could go and check out the store.
"Here you go",you took out 30 dollars from your wallet and handed them to Chaeson. At first she looked confused at what you were doing, but once she understood,she frowned. "But I told you it's free!",she whined. You laughed at her reaction.
"Of course it's not! I'll take your treat next time. Or may be..", you thought over it harder. She was going to say something when you cut her off. "later today?",she looked as of she was wondering and thinking it over. Then she smiled,"okay!" "When do you get off work?",you asked her. You really wanted to catch up with her. She was the only one whom you properly trusted with all your heart when you were in Seoul.
"6 PM",she chirped. You definitely liked her. She was cute before but she was even cuter now.
"Then I'll pick you at 6 from here!",you exclaimed. She nodded at you and you left. You hurried off the shop and entered the next door. The door slid open on sensing your presence and you entered. The fresh smelling environment of new books seemed really exciting to you,you looked around a bit. Curious what should you do here or mainly,which book to buy. But the one thing that made you curious was that book which got Anh-ri stuck in it. That magazine because of which Anh-rhi forced you to come here,in this music shop.
You thought hard over it and pressured your mind to remember the name. But your mind couldn't be stuck on the name. You forgot it. That one book whom you thought of reading once you get here and you forgot it.
You must've forgot it when you met Chaeson. The good news was that,that you still had the cover in your mind. A Purple book with silver lining. Classy and elegant, might as well a bit creepy but still it was that book which made your bff meet her beloved.
Anyway,you looked around and spotted a clock which showed the time of 2:00 PM. Isn't this the time Anh-ri told you? You walked deep in the shop searching the book you were looking for. But sadly even after you searched it so hard you couldn't find it. It was getting frustrating by each passing moment. You actually didn't notice but you were seriously so desperate to read that magazine. In the end you gave up after being tired,you decided to take the help of the shop owner.
The shop owner sat in the other end of the shop. Thankfully the ship wasn't big so you walked to the counter where he sat. When you went there you saw a man reading a book,his table had the sign board of "Store Owner" and he looked like he was deeply immersed in reading. You walked up to him,and he got up - as if sensing your presence - asking if there is anything he could help you with. He was an old man,approximately 40-45 year of age. Probably someone who likes reading as well. Saying that,if he didn't like reading why would he open a book store.
"I'm sorry to ask you but do you know where is that magazine that tells about horoscopes and all that? The one with purple color and has a silver borders and lines on it.",you said. The old man furrowed his brows as if thinking where had he kept and then about a minute,he hit it. His face had a look of recognition. "It's on the left corner", he said,pointing it out. You were still confused as to where to find it.
"The door you had entered from,it was in the corner most right on the door", he told you. But wait! Who keeps books at the door side? Keeping it outside you can get,but you didn't get the idea of keeping it furthermost in the side where the door was! You mean,how could people find it like that?!
You nodded,your face in grimace as to the choice of location the shop master had. But as to the details in the shop,you had to say,the book store owner did a great job. Weekly section,monthly section,magazine section, book section,each section was separate. You liked observing minute things like that. These were the smallest things that made you happy. People can call you an old woman if they want but this was what you were. Anyway,you said thank you to the owner and he went to sit back on his chair,reading whatever book it was again. You went to where you came from - the door,of course - looking to the door's left,which was your right. And walking over to it,the corner most shelf,you remembered about the time.
You looked over to your back from your shoulder when you spotted the clock,it was 2:15 PM. Fucking fate. You can't feel your life changing at all. You went to the shelf, picked the book up with the purple cover. This book looked good,at least for you it did. Then you saw the name,you thought Anh-ri could joke about the name but you didn't believe someone could name their magazine in a much old fashioned way.
Wow. You snickered.
You took a book out,going to the shop owner when he stood up. You asked about money,you should pay to him. He looked at you for a second,then said "70 dollars".
That was expensive for a book like this. You just took out your wallet paying him a 100 dollar bill. He sat back and searched in the drawer for the change. He handed you three 10 dollar bills.
Now that you had your money with you,you went to the front door,your way out. You left the shop taking the book with you,which the shopkeeper wrapped in a plastic cover,which you were messily tearing so that you can read the book.
You decided to go to the café where Chaeson works,that way you can have more free time. So hurrily went off to the shop. You opened the gate and shouted her name.
"Chaes-" However you were interrupted buy a strong force that bumped into you,making your book fall. Actually no,you bumped into him. And now that you see your book it was covered in coffee. "Ah! I'm so so sorry", it was a man's voice. And this man was bowing to you now. More than anything you were sad about your 70 dollars going to waste. But you couldn't do anything. He had his 30-40 dollars waste too. "No no. I'm sorry. I didn't see you here-",you tried to apologized but you were again interrupted with Chaeson speaking out loud your name.
"Brother! What have you done?!", she shouted,frantically coming up to help you and her brother (approximately) to clean up the mess you both made on the door.
You looked at the said brother. He was a bit taller than you and was wearing a mask and a black cap. His eyes looked familiar.
Wait. Chaeson called him her brother.. Her brother.. You knew her brother.. You couldn't just remembered his name but.. You remembered a person with square glasses. Her brother was loud as she was,just that he looked like an intellect.
Until you could think of anything else you were hugged tightly by someone. It was sudden so you were in a shock of just what exactly happened, indirectly saying that it took you a while to understand what is going on in here. You got paralyzed.
"Oh my god",the person left you and you breathed in relief,the sudden shock gone now. That voice really was familiar. Just from familiar,you remembered a certain person who could hit high notes like they were a walk to the park in neighborhood but you shook that off thinking that something of this sort won't happen to you and this is not the movies we're talking about.
"It's been so long since I saw you!", he shouted (said). Okay. So this was getting out of hand and this was the same voice you heard in TV and radio,and now in your actual life.
"Chaeson told me she met you! Wah-",he breathed. You saw his eyes looking at your face once and then to your eyes. It felt like he was smiling. His eyes had a curve you knew really well. He grabbed your hand and walked inside the shop,you went inside still processing what was going on and when it occured to you that you had just got your magazine wet with the coffee of the said brother,moreover Chaeson had to clean it up,you felt guilty.
You looked over to her getting out of your trance,she mouthed an 'I can clean it up' and signalled you to go.
"I'm sorry for that", the person said,his eyes were on his sister who was now gone to get the mop so she could clean it,otherwise the manager would scold her.
"It's okay!", you replied immediately. Well of course you were not fine with it,but it wasn't like you to make people apologize. And it was your fault too.
"But seriously", he took you to the deep corner of the shop,pulled out a chair for you to sit. You went over impressed by his kindness and gentleman-ly attitude. He went over to chair across,pulling it out and hopping on it.
"You have gotten so big! I wouldn't even recognize you if Chaeson didn't tell me it was you", he said. His attitude was of someone close to you. You could only remember a person whom you saw a couple of times in your school days and well,you couldn't even remember his face. But you did remember playing with the siblings. That was a talk of seven or eight years ago.
"But I hardly remember you..",you whispered. The person started to have a look of hurt at his face. Well,you would also be hurt if a person you'd know wouldn't recognize you. That is common sense.
"A-Ah",he stuttered. You felt a bit sad for saying that. "You still the same",he laughed. Did he mean that you're still the same blunt person you were some years ago. His memory is sharp!
"You mean I haven't changed?",you laughed with him. He nodded. You felt sad that you didn't remember him that well,or you could say the same to him too.
"But you also have changed! I remember you used to wear glasses! Where did they go?",you chuckled. You still remembered bits of him. Oh well,you can just use them or he would feel sad.
"I wear lens now",he said. He looked above your shoulder,maybe to look at the back. Then sighed in relief.
"These masks are such pains",he whispered. You snickered at his comment. You just didn't knew that what could be the reason he would have to go as far as to cover himself that much.
"Why can't you just not wear t-", you were cut off because he took his cap as well as the mask off. It was whom you feared. You figured from his voice that it was him,but you couldn't just able to believe that it was him. Like such luck could never occur to you.
The glasses,his old photos that you often saw on your social media,a familiar voice from the first time you heard it on TV,and you mom saying that she remember that you used to bring two people back home in which he was the one.
Now it all made sense.
And you forgot him. You first crush ever.
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Kim Jongdae,aka EXO's Chen.
(Part 2 to be released on 16/09/2018)
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Destiny (Chen X Reader Fan fiction series )
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Summary : You never knew you'd fall this hard for someone. You never knew that a person who never meant anything to you,would mean the whole world to you someday. You never knew that there would be a day like this when you'd even want to change yourself,just for him.
You never knew that something you never believed in,would change your life to this rate you never suspected. Just because you started to believe in him,you started to believe in what a person would call….
RELEASE DATE : 1/09/2018
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