musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
I'm probably gonna abandon this blog; it makes you guys do too much.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
I just showed my suicidal friend my note and their goodbye and it made them cry.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
I'm terrified that when I try to overdose I'm going to end up puking.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Why do you want to kill yourself :(
It's better explained in my note.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Suicide is hurting yourself.
I don't much care; I'm not going try anything right now, anyway.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
My suicide note and goodbye compendium are all finished and in my drafts on my main blog, finally. Now I'm ready for the day, if things don't get better.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
I'm such a waste of space in my current condition. What's the point of me. I've become useless and nothing but a worrisome burden to others. I have no value to myself anymore.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Today my therapist made me sign something saying I wouldn't try hurting myself.
L o l.
I'm not gonna try anything yet, but it didn't say anything about suicide.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Six remaining?
Six goodbyes.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
People not liking other people because they're too skinny more like wow fuck you.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Six remaining.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Yes, my last words to my friends if things don't get better and I decide to end it one day.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Working on my goodbyes instead of my homework oops.
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
People have told me I won't be around or actually get to feel relief if I kill myself, but relief to me is knowing I'll be going to sleep for the last time. 
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
I know Emerson is online but I must have upset her or angered her because she's not answering or she doesn't know what to sat what else is new.,
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musingsofafool-blog · 12 years
Unless I talk to someone else who's suicidal, I always get the subject changed on me, and then I just get swept under the rug again.
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