mvdwcrld · 2 years
When Lewis sees Sawyer, he considers just walking in the other direction, she had made it clear she had no interest in being in contact with him, or maybe she had just lost her phone? But after over a year, that was just impossible. There was a few weeks where he felt so stupid for missing that one text of hers, but he had since moved on to other things. So what is keeping him from just saying hello to her? And so, that is what he decides to do, “hey, it’s been a while.” he just says, more awkwardly than he thought it would be.
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mvdwcrld · 2 years
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“   Right. Well, for an in person drop off, you can put that box there  —   ”   She gestured to an empty spot down the counter.   “   And I can look through it, make sure everything is useable for me to sort and wash and price later. Do you want an estimated value for tax write offs? I can grab you a form. If you’re in a rush, if we take down your contact info we can call you about it later.  ”
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“ Oh I was not here for the tax write offs, I was just hoping to know what you’d be able to keep and what won’t be useful. I assume some things just end up being thrown away. But I’m probably wrong!” There was also the hope that she was not wasting the younger woman’s time by giving her some unusual clothes. “Maybe I’ll look for something for me. But I’m just awful at finding good stuff when shopping.” 
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mvdwcrld · 2 years
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          “ Oh, and who’s paying for that? You? At least my resolution isn’t gonna burn a hole in your wallet. Or lungs. Where am I gonna find a marathon?”
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“Running isn’t costly, what are you talking about? I don’t know, I don’t care. But a nearby city would be the best option.”
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mvdwcrld · 2 years
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          “ Yeah, but you’re like, white. You know? There’s a difference.”​
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“No actually, I don’t know. Please enlighten me, what’s the difference?”
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mvdwcrld · 2 years
Getting off work early meant that Joshua was able to walk his dog outside of their usual neighbourhood, the beach was always a favorite of his, he could enjoy the fresh air and Caramel - the most original name for a dog - was free to run around as much as she wanted. He was about to throw one of her toys in her direction when instead, she ran the other way toward someone on the beach. “Sorry!” He called out, walking quickly towards where the person was standing. “She thinks everyone wants to be her friend.” 
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mvdwcrld · 2 years
What state do you live in?
constant stress
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mvdwcrld · 2 years
@duststained​ ( sofia ft SIENNA )
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Pushing the door of the Charity Angel Thrift Store, Sofia discovers the unfamiliar place. It feels like she never really goes out shopping, ordering online instead to make it easier with her busy schedule. But after a deep - late - spring cleaning, it was time for her to make good with some of the old clothes that had been staying in closets for far too long. “ Hi, I have a bunch of old clothes, and I thought this was the perfect place to give them to. How do I process with it? ”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
starter  for  :   joshua  /   @mvdwcrld​
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          “ there’s  never  anything  interesting  happening  in  this  town  .   i  almost  want  there  to  be  an  underground  drug  ring  just  to  give  me  something  interesting  to  write  about  . ” 
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“ have you given the drug ring any serious thought? and if so, what has stopped you so far?”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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        “ Or other people can just not piss me off. I like that one better. ”​
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“But you can’t control other people, as annoying as that is.”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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“ Okay, fine. Consider it dropped, then. ”
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"See, this conversation is so... without sense, that I don’t know what you were even talking about anymore.”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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         “ I suffer from rage blackouts. ”     /     @mvdwcrld​
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“I could say I’m surprised but that would be lying. You need to...relax. Maybe?”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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        “ It’s pronounced Tijuana. You’re so white, mom. ”     /     @mvdwcrld​
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“And to that I can say - so are you.” 
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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          “ Know what I’ve always wanted to do, besides sail to Tahiti? That Kerouac thing. Hit the road, stop at diner to diner, the pancake tour of North America. ”     /     @mvdwcrld​
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“See, I thought you were growing up and becoming independent and shit, and then you say things like that, and it’s like you’re thirteen all over again. Are pancake tours actually a thing? Or did you just made that up?
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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         “ Um, obviously not. But keep dreaming, Joshy. Whatever. Fine, what genius resolution have you got for me?”
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“It’s Mister Woods for you.” He rolls his eyes at the nickname, thinking over the resolution he is going to give her. “This year you’re running a marathon...in the North Pole. Or like, you can separate the two, but you got to do them both.”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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         “ Oh, shut up. If you wanted the whole ‘ go to the gym and eat better ’ bullshit you wouldn’t have come to me. Besides, it will make your year better. Because I think it’s funny. Which means I’ll have to start watching. See how much good it’s doing already? ”
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“Yeah, why would I come for you for any healthy good resolutions? That’d just be dumb. And since I’m obviously the smart one out of the two of us...It will make your year better because finally you will know about all the great news that I have to say. But also what the fuck? You don’t watch it religiously everyday? I’m offended. Let’s come up with a resolution for you. One that would make my year better.”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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There’s no use in ARGUING this; Sofia as uninterested in compromise as himself. He imagines Kitty would be, too. A touch of his cheek, and he finds some common ground. If not for him and his mother, then for him and his sister. That’s a new one.
         “ Maybe its your turn to branch out, meet new people
 Open your mind ‘n sh—crap. ‘Cos we’re doing jus’ fine. Seriously. Kitty would say the same thing. ”
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Sofia laughs when Julian turns her words against her. The past twenty five years of her life have been spent caring and worrying about her children, and they knew it. “Oh I branch out plenty, don’t worry about me, darling. Oh now you’re siding with your sister? I see how it is.”
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mvdwcrld · 3 years
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         “ You’re so damn nit-picky. Alright, okay. I think your new year’s resolution should be
” Index tapping against full lips, Minoo embodies the thought she puts into this. A moment passed, and— “ Incorporating as many Hannah Montana: The Movie references into your show as you can. But like, at least one a week. Don’t be a pussy. ”
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In his opinion it still was not exactly a resolution, but there was no point in telling her that again. “I don’t see how it’s going to make my year any better, and isn’t it what resolutions are for? Sounds like you’re just doing this for yourself.” He leans back, arms crossing before adding. “But you know what? I’m in. I know way too much about Hannah Montana thanks to you anyway, might as well put it to good use...well I don’t know if it’s good. But it’s gonna be used at least.”
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