mvpsatan-blog · 7 years
Remember when aperfectwannabegoth thought they’d doxxed me and sent me a letter full of glitter but I never ended up getting the glitter letter because they never actually doxxed me because boy howdy I sure do remember that sad pathetic embarrassment as clear as day
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Imagine yourself.
You are 14. You want to try dating. You wouldn’t want to date an 11 year old though, right? No, no way. You want someone your age!
At 15, an 11 year old is out of the question! That’s just silly. Even 12 is too little– you might even have a younger sibling that age. Gross!
At 16, would you date someone who is 13? (a middle schooler). You wouldn’t, right? As a high schooler, 13 is just a baby.
This phenomenon is NOT lost on adults. Take it from someone who IS one.  As an adult, anyone who is a teenager is a child to us. This is not meant to be condescending; adults see teenagers as people who have growing to do. People who are so much younger, immature even. Small like a younger sibling who needs protecting. If you are underage, and an adult tells you that they see you as an adult and are attracted to you because of it, THIS IS A LIE. They see you as a child. If an adult tells you that they see you, who is underage, as an adult, stay away. That person is attracted to children. That person is a pedophile.
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Fandom’s Race Problem and the AO3 Ship Stats
After four years working on my AO3 Ship Stats project, and having previously addressed issues of misogyny in this data set, I feel like it’s past time to talk about the elephant in the room:
Fandom is kinda racist.
(Hold on folks, this is going to be a long one… If you don’t want to read all the details, skip to ‘Conclusions’ at the end.)
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
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Just in case qos deletes it(oh wait, she already did lmao)
I mean, we all already knew she was racist, but this is some next level racist shit and deserves to be called out. She already thinks the BLM movement is a terrorist group, already says it’s bullshit that white people can’t wear black hairstyles, already uses AAVE all the damn time, clearly looks down on black people, but now this?
Word of advice from one white person to another, qos: You don’t get to use that word, no matter what it fucking means(and no, it does not “basically” mean “dude”), if you are not black. 
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Literally say the fuck out of the anti sebaciel tag
You all hate sebaciel but you all know the truth: SEBASTIAN ISNT REAL!!!!
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
I’ve watched it and tbh, there’s VERY few jump scares, and they’re mostly false jump scares(meaning, most of them aren’t the monster and are actually just people popping up into screen suddenly, but there are 2 or 3 that ARE the monster). It’s mostly atmospheric with it’s scary-ness. As far as I can remember(I marathoned it in one day on little sleep so I might be forgetting some things) the only problem I can remember is cis sexism(as someone else has already replied). Some kids bully the main group of kids for being acting gay as well, but it’s not anything too extreme. I wouldn’t say it’s too extreme, but one of the main kids is slightly ableist? Towards the girl, 11, although I might be remembering wrong. He acts like she’s “cr*zy” and I believe he calls her that as well at one point or two, but again, it’s nothing too extreme.
That’s all I can remember right now, but I need to re-watch it a little more slowly and while not sleep deprived to make sure, but I guarantee it’s not bad! I definitely recommend checking it out! The characters and story are awesome, as well as the music!
should i watch stranger things?
wondering if there are any tws i should know of or anything offensive; and other than that, just if it’s a good plot. any of my followers know anything about it? any info would be appreciated <3 <3 <3
(and how scary is it like. are there jump scares? is it psych horror? pls help)
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
When you’re just minding your own business, browsing your dash, and you see a sebaciel post despite having it blacklisted
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
@ DMS aka therebellioushunter
I haven’t sent you shit, so stop trying to bring me into your little tantrums.
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
We definitely live in not only a rape culture, but pedophilia culture as well. That’s why women are expected to be so thin that they’re flat chested, hairless from the neck down, and use 500 different anti-wrinkle products. That’s why people think school uniforms, pigtails, and innocence are “sexy.” That’s why the word jailbait exists.
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Hey hi what’s up I’m full of energy I can’t use rn so could I have some asks maybe?
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
i really wish people would stop acting like the whole reyIo v anti discourse is simply “i don’t like your ship, mine is better” because it’s not. it’s “this ship romanticizes abusive behaviors and is the result of much deeper issues with racism in fandom and we need to talk about that.”
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Exaggeration is a form of lying just fyi people
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Me: *doesn’t check aperfectdevils blog for weeks*
Me: *checks it once today because why not, some trash reminded me of them, let’s see how the maggot garbage is doing*
aperfectdevil: “bitch needs to hop off my dick like i know it’s you stalking my blog”
Me: *looks into the camera like I’m on the office*
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
Jokes that ARE transphobic
1. Any joke about people “identifying” as some ridiculous thing. 2. Any joke where the punchline is a cute woman “really” being a crossdressing man.
This is NOT open to debate. If the only funny thing about the joke is that you find transgender people ridiculous, deluded, or deceptive, then your joke is transphobic. And no, it’s not just a joke. No, it’s not just referring to some wacky minority of trans people. No, it’s not okay. These jokes tell queer and trans people that they are a joke and that they should not feel safe or respected around you. If you make these jokes, you need to stop.
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
instead of making fun of 12 year old artists on the internet who don’t have a grasp of anatomy can we make fun of the 30-something paid comic artist dudes who don’t understand that women have spines and draw them in impossible poses just for the sake of making jerkoff material for other gross 30-something men
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mvpsatan-blog · 8 years
You ever just look at your cats and feel so damn lucky to have them in your life because holy shit 
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