mx-poth · 5 days
Life is just so much better when you’re out and about. Walking around a shop, grabbing lunch at your favorite restaurant, a cold beverage of your choice as both hydration and accessory, the fresh air and loud busy surroundings of a world constantly moving forward. I feel like the plastic bag camcorder freak from American Beauty. The pure poetry of it all.
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mx-poth · 12 days
one time i was in an olive garden bathroom and my packer fell out of my shorts and this ten year old boy just looked at me with absolute terror and without thinking i said "that's what happens when you don't eat your vegetables" later i saw him eating salad at a speed no human should be capable of
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mx-poth · 17 days
5 years ago, I was in Rehab.
10 years ago, I was watching my Potential and Opportunities dissolve and evaporate in an ocean of cheap gin and expensive whiskey.
But 5 years ago, I was in Rehab.
One of the exercises they had us perform was to imagine ourselves happy, 5 years in the future.
Many of us in that room had forgotten how to imagine nice things happening to them. A few snorted (well, I snorted), finding the notion that we’d even still be around in 5 years grimly humorous.
For about half of us, it was the last stop on the way down.
But I indulged the therapist. I was there, after all, because I did not want to die. So, I imagined myself, 5 years hence.
It came to me all at once; an artistic remix on Norman Rockwell’s Freedom From Want, reframed with myself placing food at the table.
Sunday Dinner At My Place, I answered, when it came my turn to share my fantasy. I was asked what food I imagined eating.
It’s not the meal itself, I said, it’s the implications framed around it. Sunday Dinner At My Place means that I have a Place. It means that I have Family that will actually speak to me and friends who actually want to see me. It means money enough not just to feed myself but others too. It means having the time to spare to take the time preparing the meal.
A lot of nodding heads all around me. A struck chord. Many people with no Place, in that place. Nowhere that would lament their leaving.
5 years hence, as I lay down to sleep in my Home, with my Wife and my Son, surrounded by my Art and my Flowers, I reflect.
It was a long road. It was hard. We lost people. So many people. There were long days and long nights and hospital stays. Angry arguments with ghosts. I changed, in ways I never hoped for, or expected. Good ways, finally, for once. Slowly, against the backdrop of a world in chaos, I found my mind.
Sometimes, My Wife wondered aloud, what she did to deserve me. After some stumbling with my feelings, I eventually settled on an answer.
I’m a Rescue.
She gave me a Home.
And, so, I gave her a Family.
It seemed fair
This Sunday, my folks, which whom I have not had a shouting match in years, will come over for dinner. We will cook and eat together. My Friend became My Wife, and she took a piece of me and with it she made Our Son. There will be many hugs, and no violence. Good Things Happened.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you don’t know what the future holds.
don’t give up yet, ok?
It could get good, even.
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mx-poth · 21 days
Okay so I should probably start uploading my oil paintings here.
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mx-poth · 26 days
My 11-month male cat lets my foster kittens nurse on him.
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mx-poth · 26 days
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mx-poth · 29 days
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My drunk ass aimed my phone inside a chip bag and the flash reflected hardcore and got this crazy unedited photo
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mx-poth · 1 month
dealing w absolutely awful anxiety and intrusive thoughts rn as im trying to sleep, u can send like some queer confessions or whatever as distraction :3
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mx-poth · 1 month
ten thousand hornets are on their way to your location as we speak
Don't worry! ^_^ It's OK! I will just
welcome them with a warm welcome! ^_ ^
I will bake a cake for them! ^ _^
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mx-poth · 1 month
wrt my latest unserious project, pico gets trolled
i'm getting better at making the blank eyes of a philadelphian look somewhat expressive. however some asshole with blue hair and pronouns had to throw a wrench in my plans. i understand dr eggman now. anyway i'm pondering whether boyfriend friday night at funkins should be given normal-ish yet badly drawn eyes or should i figure out how to make his fucking 1920's mickey mouse ass eyes look somewhat expressive. alternatively he maybe could get blank eyes but i don't think they'd fit him
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mx-poth · 1 month
*walks up to the bar* get me a white gilgamesh. and make it warm, its gonna be a long night
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mx-poth · 1 month
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mx-poth · 1 month
been getting really into walrus videos and i had to clip this one
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mx-poth · 2 months
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mx-poth · 2 months
sir, a second ballpit has hit the tumblr
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mx-poth · 2 months
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Prepare yourself.
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mx-poth · 2 months
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