chaotic-comfort · 2 years
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Is it an empty desk? Or is it a clean and tidy desk? 🤔 💭
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chaotic-comfort · 2 years
“The Hunt”, is the result of hunger, where there is no hunger, there will be no need to hunt…
Our comfort zone / lack of hunger is often what holds us back. Take stock, stay driven, and most importantly, stay hungry
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chaotic-comfort · 2 years
I literally just sit here all day, waiting for the next acceptable time to eat 😋😆
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chaotic-comfort · 2 years
Starting a Blog...
So the time in my life has finally arrived, whereby blogs do not seem “old school”, “boring” or “useless”... but actually a real platform to learn, create and in my case most importantly, share and organise the chaos of knowledge, skills and ideas that race through my mind on a daily basis. It is worth noting that my mind was not always like this. I have been somewhat...”comfortable”, for a long time now and it is only within the last few months that I have realised that this “comfort”... has actually been a restraint.
I, like many others, saw my life as a plan, with milestones, levels, and chapters that would be reached and achieved. School, college, university, career, mortgage, marriage, children… all of which seemed to fall nicely into place for me. Through hard work, dedication, persistence (and a little bit of luck) I managed to tick off every goal on the “list”. As well as the standard achievements, I also took on extra curricular activities, hobbies such as gym, cycling, motorcycling, reading and even managed to level up my career to director.
I know, all of this sounds amazing, and seems like everything I’ve worked for and tried to achieve, I accomplished - and now is the time to reap the rewards… right? Well a few months ago, my mind went to a place that questioned everything that had led up to this moment. Were my aspirations the right ones? Did I reach far enough? Did I settle and did I underestimate what, with all my efforts, I could’ve gone on to do and then how this would change the way I live my life - day to day?
Please, don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful for every single thing in my life. This keeps me positive, upbeat and humble - all of the time. But then I wonder if I could enjoy it even more, appreciate it even more and embrace the people I love and things I enjoy, even more? For me, the only areas I see that could be improved on are the hours between 8am and 5pm. These hours are somewhat structured and albeit I am the one managing this time and using it efficiently, my influence on it is still restricted by the fact that I am at work, and it is work that must be done.
This, along with many video clips, articles and blogs got, not only my mind thinking, but also my creative juices flowing. Although this has brought yet even more positivity to my outlook on life, it comes with a swirling whirlpool of hectic chaos. Not physically, no. But mentally. The best way I find to describe it when having similar real conversations with people is - “it’s real noisy in here...” whilst gesturing to my head. 
Since my “out of box thinking” epiphany, the shackles of dull and boring days have been lifted. I can no longer look at an item in a shop without wondering how much that very item could be purchased whole sale, and then what it’s resale value would be on an e-commerce platform. No longer can I look at a hand made product without mentally dissecting it, pricing up the parts and assembly and looking at whether I could in fact sell the same product but for cheaper. No longer can I hear or read about something without wanting to be an expert on the topic. Documenting my days with photos and videos and later turn into a montage to share on my socials. Everything in life now looks like an opportunity, an opportunity to hustle, to create, to develop, to learn, and to grow. But most importantly an opportunity to release myself from convention and give me the freedom to live life, my way. Embracing every second of it, enjoying the company of the people I choose to be with, and being in a place that I want to be in. 
No doubt that this new outlook on life will take time to embed myself in fully, after all, for now, I am still that 8 - 5 worker, working for the man. But the passion that has been lit up inside me and the excitement it brings, tells me that it is worth pursuing. And at 32, maybe this is actually just the start....  
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