mxlokithetrickster · 2 years
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Do you write fanfiction? Do you write fanfiction with characters on the aromantic and asexual spectrums? Are you 18 or older?
If you said yes to all three questions, please participate in this survey about aromanticism and asexuality in fanfiction writing for a master’s thesis project at the University of Texas at Austin.
The purpose of this survey is to better understand how fanfiction writers of aromantic/asexual fanfiction engage with canon and how their own identities play into the stories they create. Aromantic/asexual fanfiction has a space with fanfiction, and the writers of this fanfiction should have their voices heard and projected to other fans for us all to have a better understand each other.
You DO NOT have to be on the aromantic or asexual spectrums yourself. You just have to have written fanfiction with characters on those spectrums. And your fanfiction does not have to be published or posted anywhere. Even if your fic has never let your notes app or google doc, you are still able to respond to this survey.
This survey will take you around ten minutes. There is also an option to continue your participation with an interview. Responses will be collected until November 20th.
For questions and comments, please email [email protected] with the subject line “Aromanticism & Asexuality in Fanfiction Writing Help”.
Thank you so much for your help!
survey link: https://tinyurl.com/AAFWsurvey
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mxlokithetrickster · 2 years
I’ve seen five different authors take down, or prepare to take down, their posted works on Ao3 this week.  At the same time, I’ve seen several people wishing there was more new content to read.  I’ve also seen countless posts by authors begging for people to leave comments and kudos. 
People tell me I am a big name fan in my chosen fandom.  I don’t quite get that but for the purposes of this post, let’s roll with it.  On my latest one shot, less than 18% of the people who read it bothered to hit the kudos button.  Sure, okay, maybe that one sort of sucked.  Let’s look at the one shot posted before that - less than 16% left kudos.  Before that - 10%, and then 16%.  I’m not even going to get into the comments.  Let’s just say the numbers drop a lot.  I’m just looking at one shots here so we don’t have to worry about multiple hits from multiple chapters, people reading previous chapters over, etc.  And if I am a BNF, that means other people are getting significantly less kudos and comments.
Fandom is withering away because it feels like people don’t care about the works that are posted.  Why should I go to the trouble of posting my stories if no one reads them, and of the people who do read them, less than a fifth like them?  Even if you are not a huge fan of the story, if it kept your attention long enough for you to get to the bottom, go ahead and mash that kudos button.  It’s a drop of encouragement in a big desert. 
TL;DR: Passively devouring content is killing fandom.
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mxlokithetrickster · 3 years
Oka, I plan on following everyone on tumblr
literally everyone
Please reblog so I can make this happen
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Ok, since the finale came out, I need to update this. Just to clarify, I’m only up to season 14, but have been informed of the plot of the finale. And I’m fucking sorry for people who spent years of their life on this show. Lord knows you deserved better than some out-of-character bullshit. And I can’t believe that was supposed to be the actual finale and not some weird fever dream that one of the writer’s had 40 years ago that magically got scripted. To repeat my earlier statement, we already knew the show was bullshit with terrible writing but this really took the cake.
Ok, since destiel is now canon (in the worst way possible), as someone who only started watching Supernatural last year I want to say a special sorry to anyone who’s been watching for years. Y’all don’t deserve what the writers gave you and I’m so sorry they did that to you. We already knew the show was bullshit with terrible representation but this really took the cake.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Everyone who reblogs this will get a picture of Thomas Sanders in their inbox based on their blog. This includes all of his characters as well.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
congrats to spn for being gay and homophobic! and above all else, bad ❤️
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Ok, since destiel is now canon (in the worst way possible), as someone who only started watching Supernatural last year I want to say a special sorry to anyone who’s been watching for years. Y’all don’t deserve what the writers gave you and I’m so sorry they did that to you. We already knew the show was bullshit with terrible representation but this really took the cake.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Hey btw this is a pro mary sue/“cringy” oc blog. You’re creating! You’re having fun! That’s all that matters and I’m proud of you.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
I want to mention it now before it’s relevant. This is my guarantee right now, as a white person, that from here on out if you are a person of color and you bring me my writing and point out racism in it, I want to do at least the bare minimum and listen to you about it and acknowledge you.
There’s stuff I look back on from five years ago or even longer that’s blatantly pretty misled or even bigoted, and while I’ve learned a lot since then, I’m sure stuff I wrote even one or two years ago isn’t as high-quality in representation as I thought at the time. I’m not always rereading my old work, but a lot of it is now floating in the Internet, so even if I wrote a stereotype five years ago, it could still hurt somebody who read it today.
For example, I still like my BNHAAU a lot, but in retrospect by making Logan, the “smart one,” half-Asian, I was playing into a stereotype. Doesn’t mean the AU goes in the trash, but if I ever continue it, it’ll be something that’s now on my mind and taken into consideration.
I just trust a lot of my mutuals a great deal and I would want them to trust me back and not be uncomfortable approaching me if I’m a “bigger” blog with a platform. I’m notoriously slow at responding to messages and asks, but I wouldn’t want you to ever think you were ignored or not considered. Have a blessed Tuesday y’all.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
note that i, a person with siblings, don’t want incest shippers to interact with my blog. If you find this offensive please consider that perhaps you don’t know how siblings work at all, and should try to reevaluate your views on those bonds.
This goes for all incest shippers, but ESPECIALLY incest shippers who have siblings. kindly don’t interact with me. Period.
Please do not reblog unless you agree with this.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Let’s hear it for lurkers
So apparently round umpty-zillion of “people are killing fandom by not commenting” is going around, and I’ve seen a few posts trashing people for lurking/viewing/reading instead of actively participating.
My journal and my fic has always been a lurker-friendly zone. I think lurkers are great and people can fight me on this. Here’s why:
We all started out as lurkers. Or at least most of us did. Come on. I’m sure some people out there must’ve jumped into fandom with both feet and started writing and commenting right away, and good for you if you did! But I sure didn’t. I lurked for YEARS. And even now, though I’ve been in fandom since before Y2K, whenever I get into a new fandom or a new social media platform, I still lurk. I hang out around the fringes for awhile to get a feeling for the place before starting to participate. Back in the mailing list/bulletin board days, it was usually recommended that people do that on purpose, watch and listen and learn the local lingo and social rules before diving in. So you know what? You are not doing anything wrong and you are not doing anything that most of the people you see out there commenting and creating and reccing things haven’t done themselves.
We all have lurker days, weeks, months …. Nobody is 100% “on” all the time. Participating in fandom (commenting, reccing, creating content, and so forth) is WORK. It may be fun work, but it still takes effort! Even if you’re sometimes very active in fandom, then you’ll have life fall on your head or the brain weasels flare up, and you won’t have the time and energy to give. Don’t feel guilty about not being able to give fandom your extra spoons. No one in fandom has a right to demand a single spoon from you that you don’t want to give.
Some of today’s lurkers may be your friends tomorrow. How do I know this? Because I’ve made friends with some of them myself! I’ve had people delurk in my comments to say hi after YEARS of reading my fanfic without saying a word. Which I am totally okay with, by the way. And some of these people are good friends today.
So, in conclusion:
It is okay to feel too shy to come out of lurkerhood in fandom until you feel more comfortable there. It is fine, in fact, if you never do.
It is okay to be too busy and have too few spoons to comment or create stuff. You still have a perfect right to be in fandom and read and reblog whatever you want.
It is okay if you meant to comment on that fic or go back and press the kudos button but never got around to it.
It is okay if you have too many accounts already and don’t want to create a new one just to comment/participate on a social media platform. 
It is okay if your personal situation (a stalker ex, controlling parents) makes it unsafe for you to create an account or comment on things.
It is okay if you can’t or don’t want to comment or do any of the other things that constitute non-lurkerhood, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation for why.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Crowley Sees Things from Aziraphale’s Point of View - Chapter 2
Fandom: Good Omens
Warnings: Brief mention of Death
Characters: Crowley, Gabriel, Aziraphale
Chapter: 2/2
Words: 677
Summary: Crowley confronts Gabriel.
It had been a few weeks since the Apoca-nope and Crowley was done with waiting. He knew that it would take Aziraphale a bit to recover from his breakdown, but he was getting impatient. All he wanted to do was hurt Gabriel like he had hurt Az, he just needed permission.
A few days later, Aziraphale was seated in his favourite armchair reading one of his precious books, as Crowley paced around the shop. Gathering his courage, Crowley went to stand near his angelic friend.
“Heyyy, Aziraphale... how’s it going?” Crowley asked, feigning casualty as he leant against a nearby bookshelf.
“Everything’s going well, my dear. Although I don’t know why you’re asking me, we’ve seen each other every day this week.” Aziraphale stated, already seeing past Crowley’s ruse.
Crowley sighed, “Ok, I actually came to ask you a question.”
“Yes?” Aziraphale inquired, putting his book down to pay his friend his full attention.
“Well... you know how the world almost ended?” Aziraphale nodded, “And how we switched faces? Well, I- I want to get Gabriel back, for hurting you I mean- I can’t stop thinking about it, ever since it happened I I’ve wanted to- to get him back somehow, just- just so he knows how he hurt you.” Crowley stopped, hoping for Someone’s sake that he hadn’t said too much.
Aziraphale nodded slowly, taking in the information, “Well my dear, I... wouldn’t strictly be opposed to the idea, although I wouldn’t want you going to far either.”
Crowley beamed “That’s all I needed to hear.” He turned, walking to the door, and standing in the entrance way for a moment, “And don’t worry, I won’t go too far...”
The Demon walked quietly through Heaven, his yellow eyes darting around and his forked tongue flicking out, being extra cautious. He didn’t want to get caught by the wrong Angel.
Luck was on his side apparently, as he came upon his victim standing alone in an empty room, no one around to help him. Crowley slithered around behind him; his abilities appreciated in a way they rarely were. He slowly, menacingly, stood up to his full height behind the Angel, making an ominous shadow along the floor.
“Gabriel.” He hissed, eyes turning fully yellow as his demonic tendencies took over.
Gabriel started, turning around quickly to face his attacker. “Crowley?” Confusion ran over his features.
“I know what you did to my friend Gabriel.”
“Your- Aziraphale?” His face quickly changed from confused to proud, “I knew you two were conspiring against us.”
“We were, but that doesn’t matter now.” Crowley brushed off the Angel’s revelation like water off a duck’s back, he had more important things on his mind. “He told me what you did Gabriel... He. Told. Me. What. You. Said.”
The room around them seemed to darken, Crowley’s anger manifesting itself in the form of shadows. Shadows that slunk along the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. Shadows that looked like snakes, ready and willing to strike at a moment’s notice from their creator. Shadows that didn’t really look like shadows.
Gabriel’s eyes widened, the meaning of Crowley’s words hitting him and digging up the memory he spoke of.
“Shut your stupid mouth, and... die.... already...”
Crowley’s lips pulled back into a terrifying smile, pointed teeth glinting and forked tongue darting out to taste his prey’s fear. “Yes, that’s the one. Didn’t really think that through, did we?”
Gabriel shook his head, fear shining brightly in his eyes.
“No, but you’ll think before you speak next time.” Crowley’s grin grew wider as he stepped forward. Gabriel stepped backward, until there was nowhere else to step. Crowley surrounded him, his snake-like eyes shining and his teeth glinting as he continued to grin his terrible grin.
Crowley lowered his head, his mouth next to Gabriel’s ear, and whispered, “If you ever hurt Aziraphale again, you won’t be able to do anything after.”
Crowley turned, stalking out of the room like he owned it. Gabriel stayed frozen against the wall.
He stayed there for a very long time.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
reblog if you’re a safe place for:
hopeless romantics
non binary folks
the whole spectrum etc…
follow everyone who reblogs ;)
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Crowley Sees Things from Aziraphale’s Point of View
Fandom: Good Omens
Warnings: Mentions of Fire, Mentions of Death
Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel
Words: 764
Summary: Crowley finds out just how bad Aziraphale is treated by the other Angels.
Author’s Note: I might add a second chapter where Crowley confronts Gabriel. 
Crowley had expected the other Angels to be somewhat rude to ‘Aziraphale’, considering the circumstances, but he hadn’t expected this. They were downright horrible to him, especially Gabriel. But Crowley could pin-point the second his feelings changed from hate to loathing. It only took seven words, just seven small words, and Crowley’s every thought of Gabriel had changed.
“Shut your stupid mouth and die already.”
Crowley felt his – well, Aziraphale’s – face tighten an infinitesimal amount and his eyes harden as he gave the barest touch of a smile to the offending Angel in return. He would enjoy this moment so much more now.
He stepped confidently into the fire, breathing out a sigh and cracking his neck as he felt the flames envelop his body. He opened his eyes to stare at Gabriel directly, his gaze as cold as ice, as strong as steel and as harsh as fire. And he bathed in the thrill he got as he blew fire into their terrified faces.    
He walked out of Heaven victorious, leaving the Angels to fumble over their discovery. He paid them no mind, he had urgent business to attend to.
He had waited long enough, he had waited to change back, he had waited while Aziraphale ate, he had waited while Aziraphale collected things from his bookshop and he had waited while they drove back to his apartment. He was done with waiting.
He took his glasses off and the second Aziraphale had closed the door he had pounced,
“How could you let them treat you like that?!” He yelled, far too angry to control his volume.
“I- what?” His friend replied, perplexed by his sudden mood change.
“How could you let them treat you like that?” Crowley said slowly and deliberately, “They treat you like you’ve never done anything right! The way they speak to you… it… it’s deplorable! How can you let them do that?”
“Oh… Gabriel said something to you, didn’t he?” Aziraphale said defeatedly, as if he had been dreading this conversation for a very long time.
Crowley’s eyes glowed with anger, “He told me to shut my stupid mouth and die already.”
Aziraphale looked down, not wanting to look at his friend’s face. All the anger was pushed back and replaced with concern, he bent down and tilted Aziraphale’s face up with his hand.
“Hey, I’m sorry I yelled, I was just angry at them for meaning to say that to you. Has something like that happened before?”
Aziraphale nodded.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Crowley didn’t like talking about feelings and such, but he knew it would help Aziraphale and that was his main concern at the moment.
Aziraphale nodded again.
“It’s happened a few times, every once in a while he’ll come down and ‘talk’ to me, he says it’s to gather information and see how everything’s going, but he always says something, some throw-away line, like he doesn’t even think about it.” He slumped down, and he and Crowley sat curled up together on the floor. “One time it was how I ate when I didn’t need to, another it was how much I talked, another it was my weight…” He trailed off, tears flowing down his face and onto Crowley’s jacket where he had hidden his face from Crowley’s view.
“Oh Aziraphale… why didn’t you tell me?” Crowley asked softly, trying not to make it worse.
“I- I didn’t think you would care…”
“Az, look at me.” He looked up, his face still wet from crying, “I will always care, I will never not care, okay?”
“Okay.” He whispered, looking into Crowley’s eyes (something he very rarely got to do).
“Okay, do you want to continue moving your things or…?” Crowley asked, unsure of what else his friend would want to do.
“Could- could I sleep?” His voice was small, almost silent.
“Of course.” Crowley slowly stood up, gathering Aziraphale in his arms bridal style and moving him into his own bedroom. He carefully placed Aziraphale on the bed, taking his shoes and coat off and moving him under the covers. He then walked to the door, planning to sleep on his couch, but a voice interrupted his movements.
“Could you stay, please dear?” Crowley looked at his dearest and oldest friend, tucked up in his bed and almost begging him to stay, how could he say no?
“Of course.”
That night the two beings slept together, wrapped in each other’s arms and having the best sleep of their existence. Their relationship may have been unorthodox, but their love was anything but.
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mxlokithetrickster · 4 years
Crowley’s Heavenly Pain
Fandom: Good Omens
Warnings: Mentions of Fire, Mentions of Death
Characters: Crowley, Aziraphale (mentioned), various Angels and Demons
Words: 625
Summary: Crowley’s pain at standing on the most consecrated ground of all, Heaven.
The second he stood on the ground he knew he was in trouble. He had forgotten, of course he had, it had been so long since he had stood on this plane of existence, and he had still been an Angel then. He had forgotten the pain of consecrated ground and he had forgotten that Heaven had the most consecrated ground of anywhere. And now he, a Demon of Hell, was standing on Heavenly ground, dressed as an Angel. An Angel who would not feel the burn of the floor, who would not feel the pain each second was costing him.
He knew he had to focus, had to keep his emotions in check in a way that was both common and unusual, because Demons wouldn’t bat an eye at a Demon hopping around on consecrated ground, but an Angel would notice if one of their own suddenly acted as if merely standing on the floor caused them pain. He knew he had to act normally, act as his most angelic friend. So he stayed still.
He walked with the group to an area with a single chair to one side. He was motioned into the chair, as the Angels stood a fair distance away. His body burned as he sat down, the chair being just as consecrated as the ground below his feet. The pain increased as the area did, pulsing through his body faster and more efficiently than before. But he stayed still, because he knew the consequences of being found.
The Angels started to speak, but he could barely hear them over the sound of his concentration. Suddenly, a Demon rose into the plane, moving into a clear space in the middle of the area and tipped the jar he was holding onto the ground, bright red and orange flames spilling out and bursting upwards in a fantastical display.
The flames seemed to scare the Angels, as they moved away from them slightly. Crowley was unfazed, he knew this would happen, that was why he was here, to take his dear Aziraphale’s punishment in his place, just as he was undoubtedly doing the same for him in return.
They ordered him up, and he was vaguely aware that he was speaking, using the lines he’d practiced last night to persuade them not to do this. They scoffed, and he knew they had believed his false plea. He walked, slowly – touching the floor felt like fire, ironically. He stopped just before the fire, speaking again, just in case.
The Angel he most hated spoke; words Crowley knew he would remember for the rest of his existence.
“Shut your stupid mouth and die already.”
That was it, the moment he had secretly been waiting for. He felt his mouth curl slightly, preparing for what was about to happen. Crowley stepped into the fire, the Angels cringing away. He sighed and cracked his neck, finally feeling the pain of this plane fade away as he was surrounded by the heat that he so loved and missed. He opened his eyes, staring directly into the fearful purple eyes of his most-loathed enemy. Crowley smirked and blew fire towards them, imagining it flying just a bit further forwards, killing the Angels in the slow and painful death he thought they deserved. But he knew the trouble his friend would get into, so he let the fire die out before it hit.
Crowley walked away, out of his fiery birthplace and towards the exit of the heavenly place he had put himself in for the love of his greatest and dearest friend. And he knew the lack of pain he felt was due to the anger that flowed through his veins like blood. He would be back, soon.
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