mxxnspells · 4 years
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Spring 2021
Pick a Teacup - What do you need to know right now?
Let me know if you’d like me to add any more links!
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Pick a Card - Spring 2021
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Hello! I hope you’re doing well. Today, I bring you a new pick a card, this one focused on Spring! There are three rows, each one referring to something different:
Life: Where I get the general energy for this season and how it connects to your past, present and future. Any message that doesn’t fit in the next two categories will appear here. Love: Where I read your love energy for the season. Remember that love can come and be in many forms. Money (finances): Everything related with money, your job, career will have its message here. It is also related with practicality and tangibility. If money can buy it or acquire it, then its message fits this category.
I will use Tarot to get the messages, my intuition and the language of flowers (in the life reading) as well since it fits with the spring theme!
How to make your pick: Firstly, take a deep breath. Close your eyes and become aware of your body and ground yourself in the question “What can I expect from this year’s Spring?”. When you are ready, open your eyes and look at the different images. Select the one in each row that sparks a memory in you.
Disclaimer: As always, these readings are for fun. Take what resonates, leave the rest. I am not qualified to give any legal, medical advice. Any major decisions should be consulted by a professional. This reading should not replace any of that.
Feel free to let me know if this resonates with you or not! I’d love to hear your thoughts about this so that I can improve and give you more quality pick a cards in the future! Any suggestions you may have, feel free to leave them in my inbox!
🦋Life #1
Tarot: VII (Seven) of Pentacles (Reversed), The Empress (Reversed), VI (Six) of Pentacles
I feel like you have been holding on to something and you don’t want to let go. I sense this can be someone, rather than something, and for some reason, it has to do with the idea you have of this person, not necessarily them. This has caused you to be extremely confused about where to go and what to do. I feel like you don’t feel capable of letting go of this and in a way, you feel trapped. However, with the VI (Six of Pentacles), help is on the way. I feel like this help will come in form of a conversation. I am getting the strong message that you need to open up. That’s what you need to let go of. These thoughts, ideas, whatever it is... you need to open up to someone about them.
Flowers: White Rose (Worthiness), Sweet William (Gallantry), Rosemary (Remembrance)
This is an advice from the universe to you. Somewhere along the way, you lost yourself. You don’t recognise who you are anymore and that is taking a toll on you. However, you must stay brave and remember you are capable of taking the next step. Remember that by finding yourself, by remembering who you were, you are acknowledging that change can be made. So allow yourself to grow this Spring.
🦋Life #2
Tarot: III (Three) of Swords, Queen of Cups, The Devil
This past year hasn’t been easy on you, has it? I feel like you keep blaming yourself for things that you had no control over, you couldn’t have possibly change that. People come and people go. And someone you loved dearly has left you. It wasn’t your fault, though. I don’t know if this is someone who has passed on or someone who broke your heart. Take what resonates. This Spring, you’ll be walking towards a more compassionate version of yourself. You will accept things, recognise that what is done is done and that the past cannot be changed. This is a different message but this Spring you might be asked to make a choice? Between ending something which you know will break your heart and something that on the surface seems like everything you ever wanted but deep down there’s not a lot of substance. You are the Queen of Cups in this situation. Between a promised white lie and a heartbreaking truth. Remember that whatever ends up happening, you have everything you need to deal with it. Just allow yourself to feel for once.
Flowers: Lilac (First Emotions of Love), Honeysuckle (Generous and Devoted attention), White Rose (Worthiness)
This can be two things. Either you are slowly coming to terms with who you are, learning to love yourself or someone else or this is someone else finally giving into their feelings for you. Just remember your value and self-worth. Remember that above anything else, you are the most important and precious thing in your life. You are worthy of love. And it all begins with your own.
🦋Life #3
Tarot: V (Five) of Pentacles (Reversed), The Sun, Queen of Pentacles
Look, I’m just going to say it, good for you! I don’t know exactly why but good for you! I feel like you have been in this semi-hermit stage recovering or planning something and this Spring, you are going to finally show the world your creation. I don’t know what it is but good for you. I am ecstatic, you feel euphoric or extremely happy, don’t you? I want to laugh, giggle, jump up and down in excitement. You are happy and you should be! Whatever it is that is happening at this time, seems to be providing you with stability for the long run. I have a feeling that because we’ve got the Queen of Pentacles, this will take some time to be noticed. I feel like by the end of Spring the fruits of your labour will start to show up. Just allow yourself to fully feel comfortable and then step out of the shadows and into the sun. It will shine on you.
Flowers: Petunia (Soothing Presence), Red Rose (Fidelity and Love), Lilac (First Emotions of Love)
This is a similar message from my teacup reading so maybe you also read that and now you’re here again. This to me, screams commitment. Commitment to someone, commitment to yourself, commitment to something. Whatever you are committing to, it brings you peace. It’s like that feeling “I am where I’m supposed to be,”. It is also something or someone you love with all your heart and you are ready to have it/them in your life for the long run.
🐝 Love #1
Tarot: III (Three) of Pentacles (Reversed), VIII (Eight) of Pentacles, V (Five) of Swords (Reversed)
If you picked this pile, then you are either in a relationship or you have been trying to fix a connection. I sense this is a love connection and I guess there has been a lot of fights, lack of communication, something related to one of you not understanding the other. I get that one of the people involved wants to either go back to studying or do something different but the other party is like “What for? You won’t need it,” which is leaving a big portion of you upset and devastated. You feel like there needs to be better communication and you want to put in the work to fix this. However, you are not sure how the other party feels. Do it. They are also ready to work on this. You need to honest and practical too. Maybe one of you is too idealistic and the other too practical/realistic. Just meet in the middle. And like the card in the middle of your spread, you have both to put in the work.
🐝 Love #2
Tarot: II (Two) of Swords, Knight of Swords, The Magician
This Spring, you will most likely meet someone. I feel like there will be a lot of chemistry between you two and it will come out of nowhere. However, I feel like you are blocking yourself to this connection. It’s not that you don’t want love, it’s just that you don’t know where to find it. But this person will come in quickly and swoop you away. You are not sure whether or not you should give into this connection. “Are they the one?”, “Am I ready for this relationship?”. I feel like these are questions that have crossed your mind at some point in time and you are letting them blind you. The thing is darling, you are the magician. You have everything you need for this connection to work. You may not have all the answers just yet but allow yourself to give in this time. It will feel magical. 
🐝 Love #3
Tarot: Queen of Pentacles (Reversed), X (Ten) of Swords, Queen of Cups
I assume your work has been taking a big toll on you. I feel like you work long hours or spend a lot of time away from the one you love which is causing you and them pain. I also sense that the X (Ten) of Swords here represent your thoughts but also how you are seeing this. I assume you have made up your mind: they will leave me. I will be alone. Or you feel alone. Either way, the Queen of Cups is your partner in this situation. They understand you and they care about you. They are giving you space, that’s what I’m sensing. They know you are busy but they also know how much you value your relationship with them. And they know that right now, you need to prioritise your work. Just tell them you are thankful to have them by your side. They will appreciate it.
🌷Money #1
Tarot: VI (Six) of Swords (Reversed), The Fool (Reversed), V (Five) of Swords
There’s a lot of things you need to deal with but since this has to do with finances, be careful where you put your money in. I feel like you see this opportunity and think “this is great!” and probably invest with not enough knowledge which is not good. I feel like you are trying to get into the stock market or investments and you think you are ready but you aren’t yet. You want financial freedom so you are trying to find ways to make it happen at all costs. Just because something looks appealing, doesn’t mean it is. Remember the long run. 
🌷Money #2
Tarot: King of Wands, The Emperor (Reversed), X (Ten) of Cups (Reversed)
In this scenario, you are the King of Wands. You are passionate, imaginative, you love what you do. Not only that, you are also a great leader. And I feel like you have been looking for a promotion at your job or a job offer for that matter. For some reason, I also sense that even though you are represented by the King of Wands, you are not in that energy yet. That is where you want to be. The leader, the one calling the shots, the one guiding and inspiring. But there’s someone on your way, The Emperor. This is someone who is above you. Someone with more power that doesn’t want to share it with you. The thing is, they know the value you bring but they don’t want others to see it. You are also not easily manipulated which they don’t like. I sense this promotion or whatever you desire will go to someone else. It will be shocking, devastating, heartbreaking. But remember, as I said, you are walking towards that King of Wands energy. You are not there just yet. But soon enough, you’ll get your chance to shine. Just don’t let this get in the way of the big picture.
🌷Money #3
Tarot: The Hanged Man, Death, V (Five) of Swords
Do not be scared by the Death card. I feel like this is something you have seen coming. I sense you want to quit your job? Or have a change of scenery, at least. I sense you have been weighing the pros and the cons and for sure you have come to the realisation that quitting will come with certain sacrifices: financial freedom you currently have. However, this step will lead to a new path and you know you need to do this, even if those around you don’t understand it. I feel like your colleagues will be resentful of you. Either because you left them without a notice or because you are jumping ship (which I don’t think it’s the case, this is how they see it). They don’t see you as a quitter, though. Quite the opposite. And that’s why they are resentful, because you were able to take that step whereas they are too afraid to do so. It costs you your financial freedom but I don’t sense you overspend. Maybe you even have some savings which have allowed you to come to this decision. Whatever it is, it has been a long time coming. And you need to leave the old to receive the new.
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Witchy *Free* PDF book list Masterpost
Hey lovely witches! I wanted to share some of my PDF witchy books I have on my computer. I know it’s hard to find these books and not everyone has money to buy them or easy access. I hope I can help someone with this <3
Most of the books are on my google drive library, you can click on the link and then download if you’d like to.
A Manual of Occultism, by Sepharial
Mastering Witchcraft, by Paul Huson
Natural Magic, by Pamela J.Ball
Pagan Spells, Author Unknown
Herbal Magick - Herbal enchantments, folclore and divination by Gerina Dunwich <3
Spell Crafts - Creating magical objects, by, Scott Cunningham and David Harrington <3
The Book of Power, by Idres Shah
The Complete book of Incense, Oils ad Brews, by Scott Cunningham
The Essential Skills of Magick - Benjamim Rowe
The Ultimate Book of Spells - Pamela J. Ball *my favorite spellbook*
50 of The Most Powerful Spells, by unknown author
Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows
The Basics of Magic, by K. Amber
8 Sabbaths of Witchcraft, by Mike Nichols
Witchcraft Today, by Gerald Gardner
Celtic Mythology and Religion, by Alexander Macbain
The Art and meaning of Magic, By Israel Regardie
An Introduction to the Study of Tarot, by Paul Foster Case
The Alchemy of Abundance, by Lisa McSherry
Encyclopedia of Acient Roman and Greek Mythology, by James Belton
Asgard and the Gods, by M. W. MacDowall,
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Spells by, Michael Johnstone
Witches’ Bible by, Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witch’s Master Grimoire, by Lady Sabrina
The meaning of Witchcraft, by Gerald Gardner
Aleister Crowley book collection (google drive)
Lid Off the Cauldron, by Patricia Crowther
A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk, by Peter Paddon
The A to Z of Dream Interpretation, by Pamela J. Ball
The Dream Oracle, by Pamela J. Ball
The Great Book of Spells, by Pamela J. Ball <3
The Techniques of Astral Projection, By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
The Opening of the Third Eye, By Dr. Douglas M. Baker
Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft, By Bailey Michael
The Goddess is in Details, by Deborah Blake <3
Circle, Coven and Grove, by Deborah Blake
A Witch’s Dozen, by Deborah Blake <3
Witchcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake
Egyptian Magic, By Ernest Budge
Advanced Candle Magick, By Raymond Buckley
Amulets and Magic, By Budge Walli
Pen and Ink Witchcrafr , By Collin Calloway
Basic Sigil Magic, By Philip Cooper
The Occult Properties of Herbs , By W.B Crow
Shadow Work Guidebook, by Jessica Cross
Gemstone Sorcery, By Gerina Dunwich <3
Wicca A to Z By  Gerina Dunwich
Every Witch Way By Ellen Dugan <3
Power Of The Witch By Laurie Cabot <3
The Spiral Dance By Starhawk <3
Spiritual Power - Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
Book of Shadows By, Phyllis Curott:
Witchcrafting By Phyllis Curott
Spells for the Solitary Witch By Eileen Holland
Wiccan Magick By Raven Grimassi
The Witch’s Familiar By Raven Grimassi
Magical Candle Crafting By Ember Grant
Magical Powder Recipes By Lady Gianne
Wicca For Beginners By Lisa Chamberlain
Scott Cunningham’s Books:
Divination for Beginners
Wicca in the Kitchen <3
Book of Shadows
Living Wicca
Crystal Gem and Metal Magick <3
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
Magical Household, Rituals and spells for the home <3
D.J Conway’s Books:
Mystical Dragon
Norse Magic
Wicca, The Complete Craft
Falcon, Feather and Valkyrie Sword
Celtic Magic
Christopher Penczak’s Books
Gay Witchcraft - Christopher Penczak
The Living Temple of Witchcraft V. II- Christopher Penczak
The Gates of Witchcraft
The Living Temple of Witchcraft V.II 
Mystic Foundation
The Outer Temple Of Witchcraft
The Inner Temple of Witchcraft
The Witch’s Shield
Cassandra Eason’s Books:
A Practical Guide of Witchcraft and Spells, 
Fabulous Creatures, Mythical Monsters and Animal Power Symbols
Candle Power
The Art of Pendulum
The Complete Guide to Psychic Development
Illes Judika’s Books:
Magic When You Need It - 150 Spells
Pure Magic
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft
Ellwood Taylor’s Books:
Pop Culture Magic
The Pop Culture Grimoire
Multi-Media Magic
Manifesting Prosperity
For those of you who wish to see my full library on the drive, feel free to send me a message and I will send you the link!
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Hey! For the tarot reader ask game - 5, 8, and 18! :)
Hello, I hope you’re doing well ✨
🔮Q5. A card you identify with (signifier)?
If I had to pick a card I identify with it’d probably be The Empress. The Empress is a card that stands out to me every time she appears. I love her energy and what she signifies.
🔮Q8. Do you cleanse your deck(s), and how?
I don’t have a specific method to cleanse my deck as I am currently trying to figure out which method works the best for me. I’ll let you know once I have this figured out, though!
🔮Q18. Your opinion on the Tower, Death, The Devil, 10 of Swords and other ‘negative’ cards?
They are not negative, we are the ones that make them ‘negative’. I guess that’s my opinion.
Thank you so much for the questions and I apologize for taking so long to get to them. 🌙
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mxxnspells · 4 years
1 & 17! 💕
Hi, thank you so much for the questions, I hope you’re doing well 💕
🔮Q1. In your opinion, how do your astrological placements influence your reading style?
Honestly, I am not sure how my astrological placements influence my reading style as I haven’t made very readings if I am being honest. I am sure it has some influences but for now, I am unable to give you an answer with which I am satisfied!
🔮Q17. Card(s) you dislike and why?
I don’t dislike any card! But this a pattern in my life, where I don’t dislike things, generally speaking. I guess it has to do with my need to understand all sides of a situation? I don’t know.
Once again, thank you so much for the questions and I apologize for taking so long to get to them! ✨
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Hii Lia! For the GTKM; question 19 and 25 😉 have a good day 🌻✨
Hi Julian! Thanks so much for the asks 😊
🔮Q 19: Do you have any weird or interesting experience with tarot?
I guess the first time I did a reading for myself it was a very interesting (?) experience. I remember that the second the cards made sense to me and the message finally clicked in my mind, I felt chills all over my body and a strange happy sensation. So far, that's the only interesting (?) experience I’ve had with tarot.
🔮Q 25: What other interests do you have?
I love writing. That’s a big interest of mine, one that I’ve had since I was very young. Only for a year now have I been taking it more seriously and it has made a huge difference in my life. I need to write to rest my mind since I am constantly thinking.
🌙Get To Know Your Tarot Reader Asks✨
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Get to Know Your Tarot Reader!
In your opinion, how do your astrological placements influence your reading style?
Where or how did you start learning Tarot?
Topic/theme you are good at?
Do you read reversal, why and why not?
A card you identify with (signifier)?
Your birth cards; do you see yourself in those cards?
Deck(s) you use?
Do you cleanse your deck(s), and how?
Do you have a ritual or a prayer you do before a reading?
Do you believe decks have personalities? If yes, what are your decks’ personalities?
Decks you want to buy?
Your favorite spread(s)?
Your favorite Suit, why?
Your favorite Major Arcana, why?
Your favorite Minor Arcana, why?
Your favorite court card, why?
Card(s) you dislike and why?
Your opinion on the Tower, Death, The Devil, 10 of Swords and other ‘negative’ cards?
Do you have any weird or interesting experience with tarot?
Any controversial opinion about tarot reading?
5 things you have learned from practicing tarot (about yourself, people, tarot, etc)?
Message/Tips for beginners OR querents?
Your tarot journal/grimoire
Recommendation (tarot readers, websites, videos, books, etc)?
What other interests do you have?
If you are a tarot reader, simply reblog this and tag #ask me, I’ll send you a question from @angularpluto (only valid until 6th march lol). You can also do this as 25-day challenge!
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Yooo that teacup reading was soooo accurate however "contempt" is not a good feeling!! (For teacup 1) it stands for anger and hatred !!
Love your readings~
Hi anon, thank you for letting me know! It was indeed a misused word, what I meant to say was “content”. Thank you for taking the time to send me this message, I hope you’re having a lovely day/night wherever you are 🌙
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Pick a Teacup — What do you need to know right now?
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Hello! Today I am bringing you my first pick a card on this blog! I have decided to do it around “What do you need to know right now?”. I will intuitively pick up messages from the images and use tarot as well.
How to make your pick: Firstly, take a deep breath. Close your eyes and become aware of your body and ground yourself in the question “What do I need to know right now?”. When you are ready, open your eyes and look at the different images. Select the one that sparks a memory in you. If you are drawn to more than one pile, then start from the one who’s connection feels stronger.
Disclaimer: As always, these readings are for fun. Take what resonates, leave the rest. I am not qualified to give any legal, medical advice. Any major decisions should be consulted by a professional. This reading should not replace any of that. 
Feel free to let me know if this resonates with you or not! I’d love to hear your thoughts about this so that I can improve and give you more quality pick a cards in the future! Any suggestions you may have, feel free to leave them in my inbox!
Teacup 1 
For some reason, I am seeing a wedding. I can hear bells chiming (I hope that’s the word), people smiling, it’s a wonderful time. Everything happens outside, in what appears to be a small farm. The feeling I get is content. Finally, everything is where it’s supposed to be. You should not take this interpretation literally, if it doesn’t apply. However, I get a sense of happy ending, everything is where it’s supposed to be. It’s the culmination of something that has been in the works for a long time, finally coming to fruition. I sense comfort, happiness, bliss but also worry about what’s ahead.
You are probably about to make a major choice that will influence the rest of your life somehow. You have been thinking about this, planning and you are ready to commit. You may not know what tomorrow holds but you are willing to dedicate yourself to this for a lifetime. You feel good about your decision, there’s a certain excitement within you.
Tarot: VII (Seven) of Wands, II (Two) of Swords, Ace of Pentacles
I feel like in some ways, the tarot cards mirror the ideas I already had picked up from the image. This is something that you have been doing for a long time, you have reached a point where you are slightly satisfied but there is something blocking your next step, a step you are eager to make. What I picked up from the image is reflected in your last card, the ace of pentacles. This choice is a new beginning, one that you have been tendering for quite some time. Whatever will come after this will be strong, meaningful and grounded.
Teacup 2
I am tired. I feel like you are either studying a lot for something or you have been giving your all to something that has made you exhausted. I see this image of someone at a library, furiously taking notes and reading books to prepare for an exam or a test. Some of you might wear glasses and may have bangs. Some of you might be brunettes. I felt like this information will be relevant to some of you, not all. I have a feeling this is going to be something unexpected. You had everything planned out, I am getting major Virgo energy from you, and this is going to hit you in ways you weren’t expecting. You are going to spend more hours than expected dedicating yourself to this. My heartbeat changed just now. You are not going to be alone in this. Someone is going to join you, either to help you, guide you, or motivate you. They have an enchanting smile, that will be something you’ll notice about them.
Tarot: Knight of Wands, The Devil (reversed), III (Three) of Cups
This is beautiful. I feel like this reading is about this person you’re about to meet. They will come out of nowhere but their influence on you will be undeniable. They will help you see your true potential. They know you are capable of great things and they will help you get rid of this pre-conceived notions you have about things. I feel like they will help you relax, understand where your true worth is coming from, it goes beyond what you do, it’s connected with who you are. Whatever the two of you will have, will build into an incredible friendship.
Teacup 3 
Overdrive by Conan Gray started playing in my mind. The colours of this image speak a lot to me. Sunset, summer, freckles. You might have freckles. For some reason, I also picture someone wearing a blue checkered dress with a straw hat. Very specific, I know. Take what you will with that. Summer. Whatever this is will either happen during Summer or has happened last summer. I have a sensation that this is about a memory, because the flashes I have in my mind seem like they belong to the past, not so much the future.
Right now you’re calm, contempt. It’s not like you are preparing, I feel like you are resting, allowing the rest of your life to unfold. It’s not like you have become passive to your life, opposite of that. You have finally realised you can’t control everything so you are focusing on what you can and making the most out of it. I hear people laughing. You either have a group of friends that you enjoy doing shenanigans with or you’ll meet people who will understand you and with whom you’ll connect deeply.
Tarot: X (Ten) of Swords, V (Five) of Swords (reversed), VI (Six) of Cups
The cards just confirmed what I was saying but gave me some more context to the memories. Something extremely painful happened to you in your past and you felt betrayed. You did everything, I feel like some of you might be people pleaser’s where you change yourself to fit the idea you want people to have of you. And you’ve done that, a lot. However, you got tired. It wasn’t worth it. You decided to move on. Even though you resent these memories, there is a part of you that lingers for this time. But now you know better. You are finally starting to know your worth, and you are allowing yourself to blossom slowly but firmly into the person you want to be. My darling, you are closer than you think. Maybe summer is indeed your time. 
Teacup 4 
Life feels pretty stagnant for you, doesn’t it? I feel like you have the exact same routine every day and every day you get tired of it but you don’t allow yourself to change. I feel like family may have a saying in this. I am feeling a strong influence for your mother who either monitors everything you do (even if you are already an adult) or she is highly critical of your choices. Still, within this routine, there is something that brings you immense joy. I picture someone sitting in front of a TV, in the afternoon, with a cup of tea (or coffee) in their hand, watching a TV series. It may be a comedy because this person is laughing. There’s something about this TV series that resonates deeply with you. I think it’s a character who’s life story reminds you of your own. They might inspire you to take a stand for yourself and take ownership of your life. Also, this pile feels like the happy single. Someone who lives on their own but enjoys that. Maybe the pressure you feel from your family comes exactly from this. Maybe they want you to find someone but you just want to be by yourself for a while. I have the feeling you haven’t lived everything you want to live yet.
Tarot: V (Five) of Pentacles, IX (Nine) of Cups, The Empress
I feel like this mirrors the message I just got from the image as well. You have stepped out of something that wasn’t fulfilling to you. I feel like you are someone who recently moved out on their own because this energy is from the past. Now, you feel much more comfortable, happy, although you know that is still space for something else. I get that. The Empress can represent your mother but in this reading I don’t get that feeling. I get that this is what you are walking towards. You are about to step into your power with kindness.
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mxxnspells · 4 years
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Pick-a-card: Year 2021 ✨🎉
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Hello everyone! Happy new year! I hope this year will be better than the chaotic 2020. There are 4 piles to choose from. Please ignore my grammar mistakes. Feedback in any form is very much appreciated, do hit the reblog button or send me a message if it resonates! This reading will answer:
Past energy you will bring into 2021
Your 2021
Lesson to learn in 2021
Blessing that will come in after you learn the lesson
Disclaimer: Click Here!
Center yourself and focus on the topic. Choose a number/picture that you feel the most drawn to, as if it is calling out to you. Try to not choose too many (less than 2). Trust your intuition & read the message under the cut.
May the message resonate. See you in the next reading!
Visit my tumblr and instagram for more readings!
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mxxnspells · 4 years
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Playing card divination meanings, courtesy of Ace Robst.
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Good day to you, Diana. In one of your posts, you told us what each house was supposed to rule over and the god ruling over that house. But in your post about the areas affected by the great Conjunction, the order and domains of the houses wasn't the same (Capricorn was the house of Value, which is believe is traditionally the second and the domain of Taurus). I'm a beginner at astrology so I might have overlooked the reason but would you mind explaining?
ASTROLOGY TIP: Learn How Any Phenomenon Will Affect You
Whether it is a full moon, an eclipse or the Great Conjunction, the Zodiac sign it occurs in receives it in the First House.
For example, the December 14th total solar eclipse occurred in the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius. So Sagittarians felt its effect in their First House. Simple.
If you are not a Sagittarian, all you have to do is count your Zodiac sign’s place relative to Sagittarius.
To illustrate, I am a Scorpio. Since Sagittarius occupies first place in the abovementioned phenomenon, I occupy second place. Why? Because Scorpio is right next to Sagittarius. In other words, Scorpio is second to Sagittarius. Therefore it is my Second House that was affected.
As you can see, the counting is backwards. Whatever Zodiac sign takes first place, the one that precedes it takes second place. Then the one that precedes that takes third place. Which in this case is Libra. That means the total solar eclipse affected Librans’ Third House. It’s basic mathematics.
Let’s try it again. This time, for the Great Conjunction. This phenomenon occurred in Aquarius. So Aquarians felt its effect in their First House.
What is Scorpio’s place relative to Aquarius? Fourth. Why? Because counting backwards, Scorpio is the fourth sign, if Aquarius is first.
Fourth place equals Fourth House. As a Scorpio, it was my Fourth House that was blessed by the Great Conjunction.
You appear to be a Capricornian. What is your place relative to Aquarius? Second. Why? Because counting backwards, Capricorn is the second sign, if Aquarius is first.
Second place equals Second House. Therefore, it is your Second House of Value that was — still is — affected by the Great Conjunction.
Try it for yourself. The June 21st solar eclipse, which coincided with the summer solstice, occurred in the Zodiac sign of Cancer. Do the math and see how it affected you.
To check if you are correct, click here. Happy New Year. ✨
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mxxnspells · 4 years
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As promised, a late Christmas but early new year gift from my side. 💚
Choose the screen you feel strikes a memory from your childhood or your dreams or something that’s been on your mind lately xo
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
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mxxnspells · 4 years
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A little witchy calendar to look forward to next year, since this one was a little bit.. cursed.
This lets you know about the full moons, new moons, wheel of the year celebrations and zodiac entrys, I hope you can use this to aid you on your practice.
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Hi Lady D! I started following you as a spectator of your highly accurate tarot readings. But you're so good at it that you made me wanna learn it myself! I'm aware you have a treasure trove of tips in this blog (thank u for that!) But as a total beginner I wonder which ones I should learn first?🥰🙏❄️💚
The Ultimate Lesson Plan for the Tarot Beginner
Lesson 1: Bite-Sized Tarot History
Lesson 2: How Tarot Readings Actually Work
Lesson 3: How to Really Learn Tarot in One Day
Lesson 4: Key Meanings for All 78 Cards
Lesson 5: How to Read Tarot Reversals
Lesson 6: The Major vs. the Minor Arcana
Lesson 7: How to Memorize the Major Arcana
Lesson 8: How to Understand the Minor Arcana
Lesson 9: Similar Major and Minor Arcana Cards
Lesson 10: Performing the Celtic Cross Spread
Lesson 11: Understanding Tarot’s Kings
Lesson 12: Understanding Tarot’s Queens
Lesson 13: Understanding Tarot’s Knights
Lesson 14: Understanding Tarot’s Pages
Lesson 15: Yes or No Questions with Tarot
Lesson 16: Predicting Timing with Tarot
Lesson 17: Identifying People with Tarot Part 1
Lesson 18: Identifying People with Tarot Part 2 
Lesson 19: Determining Locations Part 1
Lesson 20: Determining Locations Part 2 
Lesson 21: How to Tell Physical Appearance
Lesson 22: Top 5 Beginner Tarot Decks
Lesson 23: Reasons to Have Multiple Decks
Lesson 24: How to Have Truthful Tarot Readings
Lesson 25: The Secret to Being Good at Tarot
Once you have mastered the above, explore this other list to learn how to use tarot to uncover someone’s true intentions... to avenge yourself... to protect loved ones... to speak to your ancestors... to discover your life purpose... to know which of your dreams will come true and even when your life will end. All that among other things. But first... focus on this list.
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mxxnspells · 4 years
Tarot Tips: Contradiction in a reading
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What to do if you get one card that seems to be contradictory to another card that you get in the same reading? 
When doing a reading about people (personality, feelings, energy, etc), getting messages that seem to be contradictory does not necessarily mean you are wrong. People are complex, they have many sides to them, and different side will give off different energy or impression, hence different cards. 
However, a reading will sound off if the reader strictly follows ‘textbook’ meanings of the cards and makes no attempt to fuse the contrasting messages. 
Let’s say you got King of Pentacles & Knight of Wands to describe a person.
King of Pentacles can be described as stable, consistent, career-oriented, committed, mature, authoritative, etc. 
Knight of Wands can be described as impulsive, uncommitted, fast, passionate, adventurous etc. 
If you say “this person is committed and mature, they are also impulsive and unreliable” (real example I’ve seen people do), then what you will get in your reading is a contradiction and the reading will sound off. 
Create a holistic conclusion by fusing everything together. So in this situation,
Explore how these qualities can manifest
And let your intuition guide you to the strongest message. You might need to explain a bit more than simply labeling the person with certain qualities. Look at the cards and ask questions such as:
Do the cards have a more positive interpretation or negative interpretation?
Is there a specific area of life/situation where a certain quality/energy  manifests? 
Is there a less/dominant quality?
Are the qualities affected by their stress level? 
Are there qualities that they hide? 
Is there a difference in their persona vs their inner self?
Are there qualities that only other people can see? 
Examples of different interpretations for the combination of King of Pentacles and Knight of Wands:
(Difference in real self vs people’s impression): This person knows what they want, they have their priorities and life in order. They are decisive in making decisions because of that, however people who can’t keep up with them see that as impulsiveness. 
(One quality influences another quality): This person acts like the King of Pentacles at work, but Knight of Wands in relationships. They are so committed to their work, causing less consideration and attention being paid to relationship matters. 
(Different quality on the surface vs inside): This person puts on a front that is flamboyant and non-committed, appearing to be someone who likes all the fun and none the seriousness. However deep inside, they are actually seeking a long-term commitment. They feel the need to put on a mask because of the crowd their are in. 
(Qualities blend together I): They are passionate in love, someone who is willing to spoil their partner and do grand romantic gestures. They are the type who is committed to their partner and relationship, and determined to keep the romance and passion alive no matter how long they have been with their partner.  
(Qualities blend together II): They are protective of their relationship and their life. They can act impulsively with their anger when they feel like their stability and love ones are being threatened.
(Different qualities manifest in different situations I): This person regularly works hard in building their life and career, but in the face of failure they can fall into a hedonistic mood just to avoid facing their crushing disappointment. They will get the urge to overspend their money, having meaningless sex and overdrinking; which all can threaten their long-term stability that they have worked so hard for. 
(Different qualities manifest in different situations II): They are ambitious, serious and act like a leader at work, but outside work they are playful and adventurous; regularly going on a hike, camping and enjoying extreme sports in their free time.  
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