#feel free to ask me anything!
undead-maggot · 10 months
Zombie!au Wally and Barnaby re-design!!
Also small tw for slight blood + guns
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sorrinslays · 4 months
What do you think a 5 star Sampo would be like? Both in lore/personality, and in design or even kit! Hell, maybe how he is introduced as his 5 star version would be cool to think of too. I want more opinions on this, and the idea of his 5 star version makes me more and more excited
Hello anon!!! So, I have talked about it a bit while reblogging @feroluce's post about 5* Sampo ideas but I don't mind elaborating on my thoughts a bit more.
In that post, the idea of Sampo having a 'stage hand' inspired abilities/design was presented and I fell in love with it, so a lot of my thoughts are inspired by it.
First and foremost, I think he would have the fire element as a five star. I've seen a lot of people wanting him to be Quantum, but honestly it doesn't speak to me. Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of the Quantum element in general, I don't know.
I think fire suits him for a variety of reasons, but most importantly, it creates contrast. I'd like to start by mentioning that fire is eye catching, going against his theme of the stage hand, a background entity. Can you imagine? Aha creating Sampo to be eye catching, giving him powers that are meant to be viewed, admired. Sampo being created to be the center of attention, yet he goes against all that. Preferring to stay in the shadows and watch everything unfold from a distance.
I like to think that his design is dark, full of cool colours and drenched in black, showing that he himself wants to blend in with the background and his element being the exact opposite. Him going against his 'nature' you could say. Against his purpose.
If we want to look a bit deeper we can go two ways. Firstly, fire represents enlightenment, self-awareness, rebirth, and rebellion which (if we follow my headcannon of Sampo being a Creation of Elation turned Emanator) would suit him a lot. Enlightenment when he understood the real meaning behind Elation. Self-awareness showing that he understands what he is, what he wants to achieve and how. Rebirth as in leaving the Masked Fools and their flawed view of Elation. Rebellion because he goes against his Aeon, his creator.
Furthermore, it's be nice to see how a character like Sampo would respond to having Aha as a "parent"/creator. The struggle of sharing an ideology yet trying to distance himself from his creator. His appearance being the complete opposite of his powers would be a cool way to show how he resists Aha's view of Elation.
As for his playable path... I want to keep him Nihility. The path of IX is very similar to the Elation at it's core. Both believe that the universe has no meaning, THEY just respond to it differently. Where IX does nothing because there's no point in doing anything, Aha acts in a way that would entertain only THEMSELVES.
Alternatively, it'd be nice if Hoyo made the Elation a playable path only for Sampo's 5* design. It'd be mad funny but also on theme with how meme-y hsr really is.
Now, for his clothing. Like mentioned previously cool tones and dark clothing is the way to go. But, to elaborate more on that I think there's specific parts of his original 4* design that I would like to keep, like his jacket that looks like a ring leader's jacket, just in a different colour and with other accessories/details.
The snake symbolism should stay as well, I think. It's be nice that instead of snake bones it would be leather and shit, to show that it's "alive", that he's back to being an active Emanator.
I also really like the idea of him having two sets on hands that at his fingertips end in different colours that was proposed by the original post I linked earlier. The first set fading to white and the second to black showing how one set is pulling the strings in the background while the other is the one everyone sees.
I think his mask should rest on top of his head like Sparkle's, a plain red thing contrasting with his blue hair and dark clothing, another contrast to Aha.
Personality-wise I think he would be pretty much the same, expect less greedy and money-driven. I don't know, I feel like that's a part of Sampo Koski's personality, not his, if that makes sense.
If you want a bit more on how 5* could work in my mind in the story I recommend you read my post on Gepard's role in the story, although it's mostly about Gepard I managed to sneak in a few thoughts on Emanator Sampo because of course I did
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brainrotgoverner · 5 months
Cinderella boy pokemon AU; #1
Liepard ♀️
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Starter. Ex Libris gives a pokemon egg to everyone once they hit the age of 10, the same age they are allowed to start collecting narratonin, so the pokemon can assist the key bearer. Buddy hatched a purrloin which later evolved into a Liepard.
Liepard's are elegant and sleek pokemon with gorgeous fur, despite their apperences, Liepard's are generally vicious and moody.
Buddy's own liepard isn't any different with generally unfriendly attitude towards strangers. She doesn't shy away from scratching her own trainer if he happens to displease him yet will act like a kicked lillipup if she doesn't get hourly kisses and pets from Buddy.
She is also Buddy's stylist and personal trainer as every morning she spends 15 minutes grooming his hair to perfection and all the excersize Buddy really needs is carrying that spoiled apex predator, which is almost the same height as him, around when she feels like getting babied.
Arbok ♀️
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Tamed pokemon. Ekans is a regular pokemon in the abondened corners of the ex libris dungeon, before he got his first pokemon, Buddy used to spend hours trying to befriend this one. Getting poisoned countless times in the progress. The second Buddy got his first pokemon and pokeballs, he ran to the dungeon to finally catch her. He was so excited that he fumbled the pokeballs so the Ekans headbutted one herself.
She enjoys eating lots of treats, getting tiny scratches with a tiny toothbrush and regularly committing to Buddy's life by wrapping around him as he sleeps.
In her defence, she really loves cuddling and doesn't realize she is squeezing too hard in her sleep. Buddy doesn't mind it one bit.
Ariados ♀️✨
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Shiny (I couldn't miss the chance to make her purple) and Buddy's first catch. The abondened corners of the dungeons of ex libris attract many small wild pokemon and makes it a prime spot to train. Spinarak's prefer forests so Buddy never saw one before catching her.
It wasn't until a whole month later that he learned his spinarak was shiny.
She enjoy creating eleborate patterned lace webs to decorate with and seeing his trainer add them to his clothing. Ariados' has extremly sturdy webs so Buddy regularly wears them and uses them to accessorise. (And, well, she gets sad when he doesn't.)
Salazzle ♀️
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Rescued pokemon. Buddy found her as an injured salandit and sneaked her inside the Ex Libris headquarters until she healed.
But she never left and now Buddy has a giant poisonous lizards bigger than him.
Salazzle is an extremely affectionate pokemon. Combined with her natural strength, you get a pokemon who can easily pick Buddy up and carry him around despite his protests.
Nidoking ♂️
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Caught pokemon. When Buddy first met him, he was an unnaturally large Nidoran that he first mistook as a Nidorino that had a knack for knocking down trees. It took three hours and countless pokeballs before Buddy finally added him to the team and learned that he was still just a Nidoran.
His unnaturally large proportion continued on as he evolved, allowing Buddy to ride him when he was just a Nidorino with no trouble. As a Nidoking, he can easily tower over other of his kind when he is on two feet. But because of his mass, he can't support his weight for too long and always walks around in 4 feet. He almost always has at least one of his teammates hitching a ride on his back.
He is extremely aggressive and territorial. Lashes out easily at strangers which forces Buddy to spend every waking hour keeping him in check. Thankfully, he seems to accept his trainer and teammates as his pack. Showing incredible patience to their shenigans.
Galarian Slowking ♂️
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Stolen pokemon. Buddy saw him at a night fair he snuck out to. He was dangerously underweight and overworked as his trainer used him for 'shows' and neglected to give him breaks or water. After seeing the Slowking pass out from exhaustion, Buddy sneaked backstage and stole him.
After feeding and tending to him, Buddy released the pokemon and went back to ex libris. Around 2 months later, he woke up to his Liepard snarling up a storm and the same Galarian Slowking standing in his room. After that, he never left.
He generally prefers to do his own stuff but hates to be left alone. Carrying his stuff to whatever room Buddy is in so he can tinker with his stuff and bask in his trainers presence. He also enjoy getting fed by hand and claimed the end of Buddy's bed as his own.
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a-fox-studies · 4 months
I saw your answer about study tips! Thank you so much<3 but would u mind giving some tips on note taking during lectures? I always just end up floundering on how to take notes, how to keep up with the professor while taking said notes, etc?
Okay so there is a few things to keep in mind while taking lecture notes like: do you HAVE to take notes while the lecturer is teaching? or is listening enough for you?
I usually take lecture notes for two reasons: 1. I zone out if I just listen, so scribbling down some notes helps me feel grounded and focused. And also I can review them after going home and also refer to the text if I missed anything- and then convert it into study-able notes.
Another thing I keep in mind is that my lecture notes do not have to be neat and organized. Being decipherable is enough. For example:
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If you see this, it's not really neat or "aesthetic" or organized - its just info dumped into a page. I scribble along with the lecturer, and write wherever possible and connect the information with arrows because that is how my brain views information. Through connecting different information. So this really helps me visualize the concept and understand what's going on.
So your lecture notes don't really have to be understandable to others, as long as you know what you're writing down, you're good to go!
(also using different colors is optional. I have three colored pens with me always, and i switch between them to seperate information. Since its dumped everywhere, using different colors helps me read and understand it better. And switching pens take like two seconds maximum for me, so I'm able to keep up with the lecturer too!)
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softshuji · 3 months
omg you’re probably tired of me already i’m the same old anon that asked about your favorite fics or writers. tried to open mitsuwuyaa’s page and it doesn’t exist 🥹 hope they didn’t deactivate, otherwise one more great fic writer would be lost 😭
ty for your answers tho!
No it's okay really! I don't mind at all. It might be that you don't have your age in your blog somewhere or you're a blank blog (a lot of writers prefer to be able to see that because of the content they post) so maybe it's that.
But you're welcome!
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studymoons · 2 years
premed student here: how did you know you wanted to be in the medical field? cliché question but l’m curious.
hi! it was a very gradual realization for me bc when i started undergrad, all i knew was that i wanted to major in biology. then i started volunteering at my school’s food pantry and learned so much about how socioeconomic status and food insecurity affects health in sooo many ways. i thought that medicine was a field that would give me the chance to work with the more scientific aspects of health as well as the more social ones. then i started volunteering at a hospital and even though you don’t get to do much as a volunteer, i loved being around patients so i decided to head down the premed route!
long story short: medicine is a humanistic field where i could approach (and hopefully improve!) health from a biological and social standpoint :-)
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benene-the-banana · 5 days
How are you gonna celebrate your 1k follower milestone?
No clue to be honest!
I guess it just depends if I ever get there, I never really thought I would but that’s probably something most ppl think.
But if I did, probably some art to celebrate? We’ll see, Im also up for suggestions bcuz Im not really sure how I would 😅
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mikeyp16 · 8 months
do you have multiple oc stories you're working on? or are most of your oc's part of the same universe? :0
Yes and No,
I have a couple Oc universes that have a more serialzed story in mind, such as the one for my original webcomic idea, My Spidersona Oc , and a few other universes i made but never really shared
But I also have an oc universe that’s kinda just a place to dump my ocs that aren’t part of any serialized story or are just a silly goober I made for fun! Characters like my Sona oc or any Oc I make that has some lore but aren’t part of a specific story line inhabit that little universe where almost anything happens lol
Those Ocs I call my non storyline Ocs (there’s a folder on my toy house with that name lol) and 90% of the time they’re silly Guys who were made for fun or to draw when I’m bored
It’s a little weird but I like coming up with stories and world building so it’s kinda how I organize everything lol
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a-canceled-stamp · 1 year
Hi! I was looking for your Ao3 and I enjoyed your Save One Person Series. I have a question though. Do you read the comics? If so, what’s your favorite storylines?
Hello there, and thank you for the ask! I’m glad you enjoyed my fics 🥰
I actually don’t, I have never even held a dc comic during my 24 years on this earth…all my references are from other fics, hence the (what I assume to be) butchery of the og characters 😅
Therefore, I really know about any of the storylines in great detail. BUT. I do know that there’s like a dinosaur in the batcave for some reason?? So I’ll pick whatever storyline(s) that includes it. Cus it’s a freaking dinosaur.
Thank you again for the ask!
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barghest-land · 2 months
it's my birthdayyyy
hello!! oh well i got older and now i'm 28. just wanna drop some of my works here again for a please-share-my-stuff post, cuz some attention for what i do would be the best gift. i work as a director and art director (i also do character design, backgrounds, storyboards, color and animation keys, voice actors direction and tons of other stuff). when i have some free time i do mostly paleoart (pterosaurs my beloved), sometimes fanart if i feel a bit crazy. and that's exactly what i posts here so feel free to say hi! :D thank u and i hope you all are safe<3
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Guess who’s currently sick 😷🙃
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #142
It was considered a pretty big deal when a new ancient gets born. Danny didn’t and wouldn’t know this when he gets into an accident. A signal went out to all magic users that the ancient of space was born as soon as he stepped out of the portal and then things changed. If you could make a deal with an ancient it increased your power way more than that of a demon. Soon Danny gets chased by all sorts of folk trying to make a deal with him. He then gets caught by John Constantine who takes him back to the safety of the watchtower. What is the safest place to put the space ancient? In space!
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dreamaruu · 4 months
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would u still love me if i was a bug 𝜗𝜚 ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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ghostbox-nostalgia · 5 months
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I am incapable of drawing them not silly
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curioscurio · 2 months
Genuine question, if you are voting for Biden why not just vote independent? Biden is not going to win regardless. Why not just skip the vote for genocide and vote for someone that actually cares about Palestinians
Because I live in Florida, which is a powerful swing state. Giving my vote to anyone other than the person who has the best chance at beating Trump is throwing it away. If Trump dies, I'll vote someone else. If Biden dies, I'll vote someone else. If it seems like everyone in the world has finally agreed on a unanimous third party vote by november, I'll vote someone else. Anything can happen before then, and my vote isn't set in stone.
Until then, the majority of undecided voters are going to vote Biden. There's a lot more people in Florida who are tired of the Trump train than you think. They're seeing his trials, his lies, and they're tired. There are a lot of students in Florida who are now eligible to vote. 4 years worth of 18 year olds who all have tik tok and are very much against all the bullshit in the world. And they all understand how the electoral college works. They know their votes could turn Florida blue.
America does not run on Popular vote, it runs on the electoral college. This means that every US state gets a certain number of votes out of 538 total. Some states, like Wyoming, get 3 votes. That means that my state, Florida, effectively gets 30 votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. But, here's the catch, ALL of those votes can only go to ONE candidate. (There are exceptions in 2 states, Nebraska and Maine.) If Trump gets more votes than any other single candidate in Florida, all 30 votes go to Trump.
It's called a swing state for a reason, because it can swing the race heavily in one candidates favor. Only Texas and Califorina get more votes at 40 and 54, respectively.
If all the Republicans in Florida vote for Trump, but all the Democrats and Independents are voting for people other than the person on the ballot, Trump will still get 30 votes. Even if some Republicans vote Biden, if everyone else is writing different candidates in, when everything is tallied, Trump could still win.
Imagine you have 270 red delicious apples, 200 Green apples, 38 yellow apples, and 30 macintosh apples. There are still more Red Delicious apples than any other kind, so Red Delicious gets the Presidency. Luckily, people in Florida who liked Red Delicious apples last year are getting tired and might pick Green apples instead this time. They are almost guaranteed to not pick a golden or macintosh apple, though.
This is what happened in 2016 that allowed Trump to win when he LOST to Hillary Clinton for the popular vote. More electoral college votes went to Trump than they did to any other person. From person to person, more Americans as a whole voted for Hillary. It's all about where you live physically.
This is the reason why I'm voting for Biden at the moment. If things change, I'll happily change too!
And Obviously I don't support Genocide. My point is that realistically speaking, Trump has flat out said to just "finish them" already, so it's not out there to assume he will push to accelerate this genocide using nuclear retaliation. I'm not trying to fear monger, I'm saying this system is broken, and they're lying to you about how it works in order to take advantage of your ignorance. Whoever gets the most votes win? Not exactly, but if you don't bother to look any closer, you'll never know you were playing a rigged game from the start.
Vote however you need to for your state. But understand where your vote is going. One vote is the difference between 30 and 3 electoral votes.
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raiiny-bay · 23 days
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some WIPs from the 80s AU i never finished
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