my-aog · 8 years
Satu hal lagi yang ingin aku sampai kan. Hari dimana neru masuk, aku dan neru duduk bersebelahan(keyakake 09), saat itu aku ingat pernah bilang "sepertinya aku tidak bisa langsung akrab". Tanpa dipikir 2x aku langsung berbicara langsung ke orangnya, tapi kalau dipikir lagi itu merupakan ungkapan yang jahat, pasti selalu terganggu akan hal itu, maaf yah pasti jadi susah buat bicara. (Berat berat 😢) Padahal itu merupakan kejelekan diriku tapi neru selalu bilang "kamu gak salah kok". Sifat baik hati neru merupakan hal yang disukai member. selalu berfikir tentang orang-orang disekelilingmu, aku suka semuanya Menjadi kennin di hiragana dan kanji pasti sangatlah berat. Tapi Aku akan selalu berada dipihak neru. Ayo kita mendaki bukit bersama dari yone 😢 #米谷奈々未 #長濱ねる #欅坂46 #keyakizaka46 #nagahamaneru #yonetaninanami
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my-aog · 8 years
Keyakizaka, one year after ( part 2)
2016 was definitively Keyakizaka’s year. They took the idol scene by storm with powerful songs, delivering strong messages within their lyrics. One performance after another, they turned all opportunities given to them into concrete visibility to curious fans over Japan. They are now known as the group who broke through kouhaku 8 month after their debut only.
What’s remarkable is, despite being a group that promote unity through intense and packed choregraphy, many fresh traits and personalities emerge from many of them. It’s time to update their profile after one year of growth.
This is part 2.
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Watanabe Risa
Status : Royal guard
Type : Cool
Special skill : Fashionable
Shida manaka and her form “ZA Cool” duo, the cool reference in Keyakizaka. She isn’t someone who naturally show her emotion but her calm aura makes fans comfortable. Having good results in sports, she feels like a jack of all trade but master of none. However her noticeable change in appearance ( haircut, hair color) helped her stand out more these days.
She would benefits a lot from being more active in front, as her current popularity being paired with Shida Manaka can wear off without significant change. Modeling is a possibility. Has a nice smile
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Uemura Rina
Status : candidate to Royal guard
Type : Cute
Special skill : can play trumpet
For those who are familiar with the 48group, i’m sure Uemura Rina recalled many fans of Watanabe Mayu when she was young. thin figure, wide smile, big eyes and long hair. In a cool environnment like Keyakizaka, being cute can turn very quickly to an advantage, even more as Uemura Rina is cuter than cute. However her shy type doesn’t help her stand out in a group where there’s a lot of strong individuality.
Her cuteness alone is a tool for great potential. She has 2 option, either she develop her personality herself to make fans more encline to know more about her, or she let management create a small universe around her and make her stand out. Keyaki is still a young group and the first option might benefit her more in long term. She showed creativity in Individual bonus PV and i’m confident in her success.
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Suzumoto Miyu
Status : Candidate to Royal guard
Type : serious
Skill : dancing
She is the best dancer of Keyakizaka, and a fast learner. She doesn’t show her emotion a lot but is encouraged to, because it was revealed backstage that Suzumoto Miyu was in fact a high-tension/reaction member. Her dedication to dance performance earned her praise from MC host and dance teacher alike. She also showed lot of creativity and smart direction in her individual bonus PV, making her a member of great potential with already many abilities up her sleeves. Unfortunately, keyakizaka choregraphy focus on dance group and doesn’t allow Miyu to release her full potential, and somehow prevent her access to the royal guard status.
When the time where she open up herself more or Management allows dance solo in their choregraphy will come, we can be sure that Suzumoto Miyu will grasp the chance to amaze people with her skills.
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Ozeki Rika
Status : Promising member
Type : Funny
Special skill : instinctively funny
Watanabe Rika is funny without realizing it, while Ozeki is perfectly aware of her funny potential and is making the best out of it. During Keyabingo ( trying to be sexy) or Keyakitte Kakenai (trying to run), even her individual bonus PV ( wrestling big guys), anything is pretext to create a comic situation. Her small, almost plain, girl’s next door look is completely overshadowed by her comic instinct. Oda Nana and her are the mold to develop Keyakizaka’s funny side, something crucial in order to reach national level.
She has a card to play, and even if she doesn’t sold out all her slots in handshake i can’t see people being indifferent to her crazy personality. As long as variety show exist, Ozeki Rika will grow stronger and funnier.
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Harada Aoi
Status : Promising member
Type : Cute
Special skill : smart
In a cool environment, cute turn to be an advantage and Harada Aoi benefit from it. She has a small face, is short and display a wide smile in almost any situation. She is one of the most orthodox of all member of Keyakizaka. But that doesn’t mean she is only cute or clumsy. She is actually quite smart looking at her individual bonus PV. An Hard working, cheerful idol will always be appreciated by fans, and Aoi help Keyakizaka to hold on solid grounds.
It’s hard to grasp Aoi future development in Keyakizaka as this group has an abnormal amount of strong individualities, but the group showed they are capable to reach many different theme. There will always be opportunity.
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Nagahama Neru
Status : Candidate to godhood
Type : Cute
Special skill : Cooking
Neru had a particuliar path before joining Keyakizaka; she auditioned to Keyakizaka without her parents consent to challenge herself and get out of her everyday life. At her surprise she passed and decided to take the final audition seriously. But her parents forbidden her to continue any further and she was sent back home. However Sony management saw in her a big potential and convinced Neru’s parent to give her a chance by inviting them to a Nogizaka concert… and it worked! 
Neru is cute. She has this endearing, sweet, kind, warm atmosphere surrounding her putting people at peace. She showed a lot of determination, confronting her parents to realize her dream. She’s comfortable in variety show and has good interaction with MC host. She showed great acting ability (role very different from her nature) in Keyakizaka early drama. She’s also very smart as her participation to a game show helped her team win 10 million yen (she answered a very hard question). She also earned a honor prize in cooking.
All in All, Neru has almost all the qualities that define a good idol. It isn’t surprising she’s immensely popular in handshake ( fans report 3 hours queue in her lane). What’s frightening is that she can embodies half of Keyakizaka by opposing the main cool image with a softer, cute side. Her potential can also be increased as she lead Hiragana Keyaki, the group second gen. Behind this cute face hide a capable rival. Her rival.
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Hirate Yurina
Status : God
Type : Data not found
Skill : the skill to have all skill
Last but not least, the Ace of Keyakizaka, Hirate Yurina, 15. Idol history has shown that members can ascend to national recognition when emitting the center Aura. In her time, Seiko matsuda had it. Goto Maki had it, and not that long ago, Maeda Atsuko had it. An idol glowing, bathing fans of her light and presence.
Yurina is different. Her stare pierce through your own body, her stance makes her look Irremovable. When she dances, it feels like she’s possessed by the great spirit. Her mysterious aura makes her almost unfathomable. She can either embodies the void ( Yamanotesen) or the storm ( Otona wa shinjite kurenai). She’s a mystery that draws you, like hypnotized by something you don’t understand. She’s the center of darkness.
As an unreachable individual, it would probably repell some fans, but she most likely fascinate general audience as she is intense. It’s true that core fans are important to build a group popularity, but national level can’t be achieved without someone to attract them at first glance. Yurina specifically trigger this emotion on people.
Yurina has blown the concept of idol to set up a new order, without compromising the highest level of performance. The cool image of Keyakizaka has been solely built on her persona alone. This is such a risky deal to bet everything on one person alone ( as when someone is uncompetent the whole system fall apart), but the truth is that the reward was too good to pass by: The opportunity to be different from any other idol group.
Following Keyakizaka feels like an adventure, brought by Techi’s unique charisma. 2016 felt so intense because Yurina answered the equation between insane amount of resources and limitless potential. 
What does 2017 have in store? Which height can keyaki possibly reach after getting into Kouhaku? Can someone challenge Hirate Yurina? What’s sure is that i will be in first row to witness it. The wind of change.
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my-aog · 8 years
Yokoyama Yui as a pokemon
First evolve form
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Evolve form at Lvl 16
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Evolve form at Lvl 36
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my-aog · 8 years
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1K notes · View notes
my-aog · 8 years
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Jurina : Rena, have you heard…I…I wrote a song, its about you
Rena : …
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Jurina : rena… I realize it..once you gone ..I cant live without you.. I really Love you
Rena : …
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Jurina : can you at least follow my twitter already? can we be friend at least?
Rena : …we cant be friend Ju…
Jurina : WHY???
Rena : …because once,  I used to like you, in not like a friend way
Jurina : ?!!
Rena : but I don’t think you like me the way I like you back then… i done move on from you Ju….and i don’t want go back there again
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Jurina :but- but I love you now!! can we–???
Rena : its too late now Jurina, im in relationship with Shinkasen E-2 500 max now , and we are happy
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rena :  i hope you’ll find your fetish love too Ju…bye 
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my-aog · 8 years
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「YS-Web」 Vol.715 (Keyakizaka46)
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my-aog · 8 years
Remember when Shimazaki Haruka invented the nae nae
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because I do
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my-aog · 8 years
Yukosan, Open your heart please 😅 #oshimayuko #大島優子
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my-aog · 8 years
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my-aog · 8 years
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Go Sashi~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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my-aog · 8 years
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On this day, One year ago
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my-aog · 8 years
😅 kok lucu ya Komentatornya #keyakizaka46 #NagahamaNeru #keyabingo
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my-aog · 8 years
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Yuko’s Instagram 2016-07-03 16:42 Good night⭐︎ Sweet dreams💋
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my-aog · 8 years
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Nogizaka46 x From AQUA - Part 2 of 2
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my-aog · 8 years
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Nogizaka46 x From AQUA - Part 1 of 2
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my-aog · 8 years
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Myojo 2016.08 [Shimazaki Haruka]
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my-aog · 8 years
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[Twitter] Shimazaki Haruka 2016.06.22 02:06
だんご3姉妹👩‍👩‍👧 Dumpling made of three sisters 👩‍👩‍👧
[Instagram] Maeda Atsuko 2016.06.22
激レアぱるちゃんアップ💋😍 Uploaded a super rare Paru-chan 💋😍
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