mybrainjam · 3 years
How Touya can be Saved
I’ve talked before about why I think Shouto will save Touya, and now I want to talk about how. No doubt saving the eldest Todoroki child will be a combined family effort, but I want to specifically talk about Shouto’s role in this because it will be the culmination of his character arc. I also want to tie in how Dabi can make himself seen and understood by crying tears of blood in front of his family. Finally receiving validation after desperately needing it his entire life will be the key to his salvation.
As of chapter 298, Shouto already empathizes with Touya; he feels Touya’s hate and even recognizes Dabi is the person Shouto himself was before the Sports Festival. Shouto is extending his empathy and understanding to his brother the same way he reacted to Iida during the Stain arc in chapter 53, “Todoroki to Iida.”
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Having empathy for Dabi’s resentment is only the first step in reaching him, though. That shared rage doesn’t completely validate Dabi’s pain as an abuse victim, which is something Shouto has yet to recognize about himself. Shouto’s anger has always been about how Endeavor abused Rei to the point she had to be institutionalized and not how Endeavor isolated him, physically abused him, and robbed him of his childhood. Shouto probably hadn’t stopped to think about how the other Todorokis perceived their family situation because, like most families in this situation, no one talked about the abuse - Shouto even expresses surprise and agreement in 192 when Natsuo confronts Endeavor with the entire family’s pain. Shouto thinks back to the memory of wanting to play with his siblings and realizes that specific day didn't only stay with him but that his siblings remember it and were impacted by it, too.
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Like Natsuo, Dabi knows the root cause of their family’s dysfunction was Endeavor, and while he had a problem with what he perceived as each individual member’s blindness to their abuse, he ultimately doesn’t blame the victims and instead assigns all the blame onto Endeavor. Even 10 years later, he still calls Rei ‘okaasan’, Fuyumi ‘Fuyumi-chan’, and Natsuo ‘Natsu-kun’ because he still cares about them and recognizes all of them as victims of a corrupt hero who never set out to be a husband and a father and only used them.
However, Touya's own victimhood has never been validated - in 301 and 302, it was seen that he was the scapegoat for his family, and no matter how much he tried to earn back his father’s approval or call his father out on his unfair treatment, no one was ever on Touya’s side. His mother told him to look away from his father as an example instead of standing up to Endeavor for herself and her children, and Fuyumi and Natsuo were too young to understand and couldn't relate to what Touya went through as Endeavor's prized heir. Touya needs validation that he was abused and neglected. He always has. He still does.
The person in the perfect position to understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of Endeavor’s impossibly high standards, obsession with surpassing All Might, and quirk training is Shouto. But in order to fully empathize with Dabi and show his brother that he can relate, Shouto needs to acknowledge that he too was a victim. In 292, Dabi basically asks Shouto to validate the pain and suffering Dabi had just exposed in the battlefield, but his question still stands unanswered.
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To reach Touya, Shouto also has to show Dabi what kind of person he is - as in, Shouto has to separate himself from Endeavor’s shadow and establish that he too has been holding Endeavor accountable for his actions. We as readers know that Shouto’s entire character arc has been about asking himself, “Who am I?” Often, children who grow up in abusive households struggle with their identity and Shouto is a perfect example of this. This is why he chose his hero name to be his name: Shouto. He’s learning who he is after years of trying so hard to not be his father and becoming exactly like him - cold, distant, tunnel visioned, hateful. It wasn't until he met Inasa that he realized this and wanted to right his wrongs.
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Like Inasa, Dabi doesn’t know Shouto at all. Both Inasa and Dabi knew Endeavor and assumed Shouto would be just like him. Inasa had a valid reason to think this of Shouto of course, because Shouto was standoffish and dismissive during the UA entrance exams, but at the time of the provisional license exam Inasa hadn’t learned that Shouto had recognized this toxic side of himself and had begun working towards the kind of person he wants to be. Shouto had to show Inasa the real him, and in a similar way, he will have to prove this to Dabi. Dabi hasn’t seen Shouto struggle with his identity like we the readers have; Dabi only sees his usurper making headlines and willingly interning with Endeavor. He probably assumes Shouto is proudly training to carry their father’s legacy. Dabi isn’t privy to the nuanced relationship Shouto or their siblings have with their father. All Dabi knows is that Endeavor is seeing and paying attention to Shouto and Shouto seemingly submitting. Dabi has no idea THIS is how it really is:
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Showing others who he is is a way for Shouto to process his own trauma and establish his identity. As the son of the #2 hero, Shouto has always had to prove himself to others - that he’s not his father. He’s even had to prove this to himself by accepting his fire side and making it his own in spite of his father repeatedly calling him a creation or a masterpiece. Not being like his father is such a defining trait for Shouto that he feels compelled to tell kindergarteners during the re-licensing exam his life story and his trauma. He literally bore his heart out to these kids because he knew he wouldn’t get through to them unless he was genuine. I think he’ll apply this concept to Touya, too.
The thing about Shouto is that, while he hasn’t reconciled with his own status as an abuse victim, he sees himself as a survivor. He sees himself as someone who managed through a difficult situation and wants to help others get through their struggles too. That's why getting through to these kids was so important to him, why he took it so seriously. These were problematic kids, and instead of calling them brats or trying to intimidate or manipulate them, he tries to get down to their level and relate. Notice he emphasizes how much he struggled in school at first, how his relationship with his father is strained - in his mind, it's something these kids may be able to relate to.
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Shouto is someone who sets out to understand and make others feel seen and understood. It's what makes him kind. Shouto probably understands why his father abused the entire family - Endeavor's reasons don't excuse him or earn his children's forgiveness, but it's a reason that humanizes him to Shouto. He himself was a cold, bitter person who now believes people can change if given the right opportunity and self-awareness because this is a lesson he's learned from Midoriya and Inasa. This is also something Shouto can grant Touya: understanding, a listening ear, space to be wrong, and a chance to be seen.
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Touya wanted and still craves to be seen, and he has to see in return. He has to realize Shouto isn't his father's puppet. He has to relate to Shouto much like Shouto is relating to him. Shouto will have to pull the same move he pulled on those kindergarteners and tell Dabi his struggles, and then show him he’s making his own path different from their father’s and that the family isn’t blindly following Endeavor anymore or letting him do what he wants. Natsuo has stood up to him, Rei has stood up to him, Fuyumi has admitted to herself she had been trying to play a happy family instead of fixing the internal mess - they as a family will have to show Dabi all of this, and he’ll have to wrap his head around it. He has to realize that his family is different from how they were 10 years ago. This is what I mean by allowing Touya space to be wrong - it’s okay for him to be wrong in assuming all these things about Shouto. Shouto won’t judge him for it.
I've talked before about how the narrative framing as of chapter 309 has set up that a person must express their feelings in a socially acceptable manner before they can be a candidate for saving, and that means crying. As soon as Midoriya saw a glimpse of little Tenko crying, he switched his mentality from "I'll never forgive you" to "I want to save that crying boy." When Toga ran away from Ochako crying, Ochako became concerned and curious. Following this pattern, it makes sense that Dabi also has to show his emotions, but it’s complicated because he can’t cry due to his burnt tear ducts. Every time we’ve seen him cry tears of blood, he’s been alone - he’ll have to cry in front of Shouto and the family for it to sink in that all of Dabi’s destruction and hate stems from deep-seated sorrow and feelings of abandonment. The family does not yet know how the fire that killed Touya started, and they have no idea that Touya’s emotions are linked to his fire and that he died because he was feeling overwhelmingly forsaken and sad. Once they find out, however, they’ll fully understand Touya (hopefully) and recognize they haven’t been understanding him at all. Saving Touya will be difficult because he has to be vulnerable and that's not something he's done as Dabi, but that's where the Todoroki family arc is headed: healing as a family.
As a side note: I’m not saying that the message the manga is giving is the correct one (how you express yourself shouldn’t be a determinant of the help you receive) but it’s what we have to work with. I also think saving Touya will be more complicated than this and will also involve Natsuo, but that’s a meta for another day! ;]
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mybrainjam · 3 years
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Is muscular supposed to be some kind of opposite to Kirishima? Kirishima’s whole deal is he want to live a life of no regrets, And as seen a lot of the bnha villains share similarities with their parogons in the pro hero world: Shigaraki obviously with Midoriya; Shouto literally says he sees himself in Dabi; Ochako’s connetion to Toga; And now we get Muscular’s motivation in chapter 308 (scene above) we know that Goto Imasuji’s quirk can be used as armor like Kirishima, heck even twisting up Kiri’s desire to fight without hesitation.
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mybrainjam · 4 years
just went on a little monologue about Dabi being a tad attention seeking and said "Dabi exposes himself" and realized what I just said and all I say is "Oh no".
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mybrainjam · 4 years
this is perfect
The combo of sitting at home all day + my tendancy to get too invested in fictional stories led to these self indulgent MHA bingo cards to try to predict what’ll happen past ch 293 (or way past season 5 of the anime - spoiler warning).
Most if not all important plot points have come together during this arc and there probably aren’t that many chapters left of it, so I started to write down possible (and some nonsensical) scenarios of the upcoming chapters. Some are completely contradictory and some appears many times in different forms.
It sort of got a bit out of hand so I decided to have fun with it and made it into (several) bingo cards. And instead of a free space there’s a cursed space.
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mybrainjam · 4 years
just realized that the giant X on Bakugou was kind of a target area
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mybrainjam · 4 years
oh my god, does this count as foreshadowing ??!
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If Endeavor froze here and wasn't capable of saving Natsuo, he definitely won't be able to do shit when he fights Dabi.
Sir, you are going to get killed by your villain son.
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mybrainjam · 4 years
there's a line to be drawn when you are doing math and write " R x (4 - 1)" and you stop cause you think you said "All for one"
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mybrainjam · 4 years
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Remember remember the 5th of November
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mybrainjam · 4 years
I can't possible explain why I relate to this so much
me: uh yeah duh of course dabi is touya
bnha: dabi is touya
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mybrainjam · 4 years
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This is my hot take on the Heroes vs. Villains Discourse™
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mybrainjam · 4 years
does anyone else get that feeling of *finally* being satisfied with their drawings and are on a roll, but sadly the inconvenience of sleep makes them have stop but you know that if you pause it will stop being as good"right now I'm like shark if I stop I'll die"
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mybrainjam · 4 years
is anybody just pure shocked that a fanfic doesn't have more kudos
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mybrainjam · 4 years
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sounds about right, somewhere in 2020 as far as I know
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mybrainjam · 4 years
I'm just gonna call 2020 Endeavour. Because it's an endeavor, as in a journey, but also a flaming pile of trash that might turn out to have redeeming qualities in the end, who knows
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mybrainjam · 4 years
Do you ever wonder that the wizarding world encourages witches and wizards not to feel empathy for non human creatures when you do transfiguration?
Cause that doesn't help the whole house elf discrimination thing, cause the only thing about them that resembles a human is that they walk on 2 feet and talk,
but giants do too and we know how that's going,
I don't know if it's canon but veela are kind of treated as prizes to be won aren’t they? and their descendents are given the same treatment, right?
Mermaid don't walk or talk and so are treated as monsters/creatures,
Are they transfigureble creatures ?
They can transfigure a birds, rats and other animals, but what about snakes?
Palseltounge shows that some snakes have a personality and a conscience, so what about the other animals? fuck them right, we don't know if they can talk,
Do you think they transfigure monkeys? Wizards don't know Monkeys and humans are similar in DNA in all but like 1.6% or just 7%,
They do transfigure people too, as seen with Draco Malfoy [Mr: ferret] and Dudley [chopped off pig tail],
Do they transfigure dragons/ thestrals/ etc ?
Where was Hermione protesting against transfiguration on living things?
In the movies, not sure about the books, there's a scene where McGonagal tells them to tranfigure an animal into a teacup/ goblet, some students grab the offered animals in the class while others use pets, Ronald Weasley transfigures his rat Peter Petegrew into a cup, a man that used transfiguration magic to be an animagi, to be a rat was transfigured into a cup,
then there's the whole thing where people think as an Animagi you have some of the instincts of the animal too, 
how weird it must be for Peter.
I've seen people make characters in Harry Potter that don't like using potions ingredients with animal origin but I have not seen someone talk about the messed up transfiguration stuff.
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mybrainjam · 4 years
did anybody else notice that hawkmoth nose is covered 
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shouldn’t he have a more of a nasal voice
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or does he have little holes there ??
do they actually go up his nose??
damn Gabriel, anything for fashion I guess
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