myeternalclover · 5 months
Entry One
I wonder if she knows that I dream of her everynight. That I think of her every hour. That the thought of marrying her has been on my mind 246 times. I think of her small feminine body, dressed sweetly in a bright white wedding gown, highlighting her dark skin as the veil lifts and her captivating eyes and entrancing lips come into focus. I think of how it'll feel to pick her up, carry her in my arms, the touch of her soft skin, the sensation of her tiny claws digging lightly into my back for support, and the enthralling scent of cocoa and vanilla filling the air.
Her silly half-smile gracing her lips as I bring her home. The taste of said lips when I seize them in the doorway.
I love my puppy more than anything. I'll give her the world.
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myeternalclover · 5 months
Entry Zero
My little lady has so much potential. A bunny born with the heart of a wolf. So sad, that her heart was tortured at a young age. I can see the fire within her that just needs to be nurtured.
I kick myself often over the fact that I didn't start my journey within her birthplace. I could have protected her from so much. And my rampage would have been justified by targeting rats, rather than what i started with: striking at anything getting close, like an injured wolf.
I'm so proud of her, even if she runs occasionally. She tries, she really does. Her fear and insecurity cause her to lash out, and the world isn't kind to a bunny with a bite. It doesn't have to be. She is mine. A being so precious. Patience is necessary to nurture and protect her. She's been through enough. I just need to love her through it all.
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