So fed up.
This was you, this was your fault.
Now you sit there like nothing has happened, back to your usual self.
I hate it.
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9518) It bothers me that I have been called a 'pussy' for not wanting to do something (like ask the teacher a question) because I'm anxious. It really really bothers me because it is insensitive. It isn't like I choose to be scared all the time it's just how I am.
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I’m so tired of being tired all the time
(via siru1)
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My goal is to be so warm and full of light that no one has any idea the kind of terrible shit I’ve seen and been through.
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welcome back! how are you? (:
Im okay! Better.
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im what the kids call
fucking annoying
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Ruminating about the past is like trying to drive backward to undo a car accident.
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I just want someone to choose me and never stop choosing me
Someone that won’t do what you did to me (via nudely)
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Walk outside on a clear night and just lookup into the sky. You are sitting on a planet spinning around in the middle of absolutely nowhere.
Michael A. Singer (via llorenne)
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I wish I had the ‘wow’ effect on someone.
(via liebeficktunsalle)
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My feelings are too loud for words and too shy for the world.
Dejan Stojanovic, “Forgotten Home” (via misswallflower)
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Social anxiety isn’t “omg I hate people lol I wish I was sleeping and watching netflix!”
It’s “I want desperately to be able to hang out with people but I hate the feeling of sheer panic and fear I get around them so I don’t/ can’t and it eats away at me every day so I end up just staying home and say I’m sleeping or watching something”
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when someone says they dont like dogs
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Not in my happiest place. Put on a load of weight again. Life is absolutely not the one.
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Literally eating healthier is making me so poor.
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So fucking done.
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