myjunkjournal · 2 years
~2023 Calendar.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
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To all my beautiful friends and followers, may you all have a blessed Christmas Eve.
take care and stay safe,
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~December Journal Entries.
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Well, here we are at the end of the year which is just beyond ridiculous. I know I’m late posting this entry but this month has been hectic and this is pretty much the only free time I’ve had to write this out.
Nothing much has happened this month other than getting ready for Christmas and celebrating mom’s birthday yesterday and today. It’s been great fun.
This will be the only entry I do for this month as things will pick back up as of next week and I’ll not have much time to update.
I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Years.
Take care,
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~November Journal Entries.
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My golly, can you believe we have reached this point in the year? I can’t. I was just telling my mom that I remember thinking how fast October 2nd arrived and here we are, hours away from November 2nd. It’s beyond nuts.
Anyway, last month my mom, gramma and I all contracted colds and thankfully it’s not covid. Mom and I did go to the doctor, and he gave us stuff to help kick it. For mom though, her cold stayed and mine went away, only for it to return a few days ago. That being said, I am typing this while coughing, blowing my nose and dealing with my new symptom, sneezing.
It’s irritating but what can you do.
Other than that, I’ve started decorating for Christmas and so far, I’m in love with my theme this year. Speaking of that, I’ve been toying with the idea of posting a picture of my completed room decor but I’m not too sure, we’ll see how productive and energetic I feel after all my vision comes to fruition.
I think that’s all the update I have for now. It’s only November 1st so we’ll see what happens in the weeks to come.
Oh yeah, between last night and this morning, we got a skiff of snow which I love. People though seem to be upset with it. I mean come on you whiner babies, it’s November 1st and we’ve only just gotten snow. I’d say that we are truly blessed but hey, can’t please everyone🙄🤦🏽‍♀️
I’ll see you in a few weeks with more on what happened this month.
Take care,
~Update One: 
Nothing else really happened except for me getting deathly ill but I have since recovered from that.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~October Journal Entries.
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Today is the 7th of October 2022 and we (here in Canada) are getting ready to celebrate thanksgiving which honestly blows my mind. I feel like the year has gone by so fast and I hardly have time to catch up before staring down the face of another week gone by.
Anyway, if you read my update for last month, you will see that sickness has spread through our house and although we are in recovery, it’s taking its jolly time. It’s so annoying.
Other than being sick and celebrating thanksgiving this weekend, not much is happening this month.
I will see you for an update in a couple weeks.
~Update #1:
Well, the only update I have is that we all got sick. We know that it’s not Covid, thanks heavens! But the annoying thing is that I got it twice. I’m on the mend from the second cold now but hell is it infuriating.
I’ll see you next month.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~September Journal Entries.
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Holy cow! September already, I can’t believe it. Well, I can but it’s come so fast. Anyway, What’s happened so far? I finally got all my fall décor gathered and listed so now all I have to decorate but before I do that, I have a blog to finish scheduling. And yes, I know I said I wanted to have it all scheduled by mid July but obviously that didn’t happen. That’s ok though, not much to do now other then compile the recipes I’m sharing and compile all the info I have on the Witch trials I will be writing an article type thingy on. Should be interesting.
Ok, enough of that garbage, it will all get done in time.
I think that’s it for now so I will see you soon for an update if I have one. Thanks for listening to my rambled and nonsensical mess. 
Update #1:
Well, not much else happened for the rest of the month other than mom, gramma and I getting sick which has not been fun at all. 
I’m going to leave it there as I’m not happy with how we got sick. 
See you next month.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~Christmas themed template.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
Do you like these templates? Would you like a template for yourself? 
Please click the link above to order yours today!
~Harry Potter House Templates~
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Y'all have no idea how hard it was trying to find a decent looking badger, then again, finding a decent looking eagle was difficult too. Nevertheless, I hope you like these templates. If you would like a template of any kind, please click the link to order yours today.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~August Journal Entry.
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Hello, finally in the month we are in now.
Today is the 9th and it’s Great Gramma’s birthday today. Mom and Gramma are celebrating with popcorn twists as they were Great Gramma’s favorites when she was earth side with us. 
So far, not much has happened this month except that mom and I are housesitting for some friends and we are going to start compiling our second book which I’m so happy and excited about. It’s going to be amazing!
Also this month, I’ve decided that I’m going to start decorating for fall and I know, you may be thinking, Laynna, it’s too early. To that I have to say, I know it’s early but I need time to enjoy it and it will get me to get my butt into gear and schedule the rest of my blog posts ready for October....I hope that all made sense.
Anywho, if I can remember to post more of what happens in August, I will add it here but for now, I will say goodbye and see you next month!
Update #1:
Two weeks ago, my mom and I house sat for some friends which was good but it became annoying near the end. The one thing I wanted to do when I got back from house sitting was decorate my room for fall. Yes, I know that it’s too early and all the B.S but when I needed a different scenery so to speak. Anyway, I had planned to do that last Tuesday but things popped up and I couldn’t do it which was fine because I knew I could do that this Thursday when we came home. Figured I could escape and have fun with that.
Yeah right!
Going back a few weeks, my mom found a thing where you could donate Plasma and earn some money. We both talked about it and loved the idea of helping others and earning some extra cash. The only thing you need is your SIN (social insurance number). That being said, this is where shit hits the fan.
I told mom that I didn’t remember getting a card when we moved back to Canada five years ago. I only remember getting a paper sheet. Anyway, I’m not going to get into that little convo but when we got home on Thursday, I saw that I still had garbage on my desks so I organized that and got rid of garbage.
I was really happy when that was done because my desks were organized. I went downstairs to get food and mom said that I needed to find the SIN because we were going to leave it but she realized that I’d need it so that they could pay me which I totally understand but holy fucking hell, I was pissed at that point.
I can’t forget to mention that Thursday was the day that our landlords came over so that we could sign a lease and so that we could take care of other stuff. Once they left, that’s when my blood was really boiling. Not with the land lords because they are super sweet people and we love them, no, my anger is with this fucking number.
I had to tear apart my closet in the hopes of finding this little dick. When we came home that morning, my gramma had vacuumed my room and my bathroom (as well as the house for the land lords coming) and it was so nice and felt so good. Yeah, well, my room was a mess and the floors now look like nothing ever happened.
Long story short, My room is cleanish now, my small bathroom looks like a garbage dump, the decorating I wanted to do has not been done yet because in order for that to happen, my room and bathroom need to be spotless, we have book stuff to take care of and my mom who just wants to write the books and not worry about the technical stuff has basically given all technical stuff to me which I will stress here that I don’t blame her because technology these day is bloody ridiculous and thanks God we have so many awesome people helping us out with this book.
Mom contacted the government to get the SIN for me but the kicker, I need this fucking thing by Monday when my appointment is.
With all of that and I know I’m probably forgetting lots of other things that have added to this overwhelming feeling I’ve had, I’ve proceeded to have many a meltdown over this entire thing.
So, all stories, imagines and fics are the furthest backburner I can think of until all this shit gets sorted.
I apologize for such a scrambled update but this is currently how my brain is feeling and I had to vent on here and basically let you guys know that while I’ll still be on here, I will not be posting any new works for a long while.
Thank you for your patience and for your understanding and for reading this far, if you didn’t scroll, which again, I don’t blame you for doing.
I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and a brilliant week.
P.S: I know that things will get sorted but for right now, I’m just needing things to stop. I also want to say that I am not mad at anyone, I’m more mad at the situation I have been put in. I do have amazing people in my life who have been so helpful and so supportive of not only myself but of my mom as well. Book stuff is going very very well despite all of this and both my mom and I are super excited for the future of our books etc. We are in good hands for sure.
Also, yes, I’m aware that there are probably loads of grammatical errors in this but please ignore that.
Update #2:
Well, the SIN finally came and I was able to donate my first round of plasma which was a little scary but the people are so sweet and brought me heat packs because my blood was cold. That made me giggle. The needle went in smoothly as well which was brilliant, though I did get a bruise but I was expecting that. Anyway, I write that to say that I really had nothing to worry about like I thought I did.
Other than that, the rest of the month went alright but it wasn’t great. I’m glad to see the back of it.
And with that being said, I will see you in September!
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~July Journal Entry.
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Hello, long time no see.
This month was a big one. Lots happened both happy and sad but we will start this entry off with some happy stuff.
On the 1st of this month we celebrated Canada day and that was great fun. Mom, Gramma and I stayed home ate food and enjoyed some Canadian themed tv shows. It was quite nice.
On July 3rd, we went to Auntie’s and had a BBQ lunch with her and family that I had never met. The family I met for the first time have two little girls and they are just so cute, full of energy and have such a zest for life. It was so fun getting to know them. Later that day, some more family came over and we caught up with them and they had their grandson R with them and he is so sweet as well. It was good meeting him.
Now for the sad news. July 3rd as we were traveling home from Auntie’s, Uncle W passed away. We didn’t hear about his passing until the next day from the same uncle that was at Auntie’s place. It was sad to hear but it was also nice to know that Uncle W is no longer in pain.
July 9th, we laid Uncle W to rest. It was a beautiful service. Uncle R did the service and he did a really good job. It was a joyous time which sounds awful to say but I feel like Uncle W would’ve wanted it that way. The weather was stunning and warm as well which was a bonus.
The funeral was the place that I saw another relative that I had not seen since I was a kid for reasons that will remain under wraps. It was nice to see them and somewhat reconnect. All in all, it was a good day and a highlight for me was that in the slide show used for the funeral service, Mom and I were in a few pictures which really meant the world to me. 
As for the rest of the month, nothing much happened this month....well, I did have rib pain or whatever you want to call it the day before Uncle W’s funeral and then I had it the day after as well so that was fun...not. Anyway, that’s it for this month.
See you in August! 
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~June Journal Entry.
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I am a little late to this so please forgive me.
This month I turned 25. It was a bit surreal but it’s nice to say that I’m this specific age.
Also this month we went and had lunch with my aunt which was really nice. We tried a new place at a golf course and although it was a bit of a chilly day, the company and conversation was lovely. I really enjoyed it.
As for anything else that transpired this month, I can’t really remember so I’m going to leave it here for now and if I do think of anything, I will add it but this is goodbye for this month.
See you in July!
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~Little update!
Hi everyone! I thought I'd take a minute to update you all on what I've been working on as of late. 
 As you may know, I started this page for junk journaling templates and it's been great fun but I have decided to branch out from that a little bit and add some other templates to this page as well. They include Bible scripture templates and more recently, book cover templates. 
To have a full view of the book cover designs I have made as well as the Bible Scripture template designs, please click the links below. 
 Have a wonderful week and God bless!
 Bible Scripture website: https://biblejournalingdesigns.wordpress.com/ Book
 cover website: https://laynnasbookcoverdesigns.wordpress.com/
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
I’m excited to start the countdown to my birthday!
~Birthday countdown template design.
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Tomorrow my annual birthday countdown begins. 
I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. It’s mind blowing to think that we are almost half way through this year.
P.s: I made this design with Canva. If you would like one for yourself, click the link below and order yours today!
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~Green polka dot picture template.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~Old notebook/title page template.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~Roman pattern template design.
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If you like this design and would like one for yourself, please click the link below to order yours today.
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myjunkjournal · 2 years
~Trojan Pattern Design.
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If you like this design and would like one for yourself, please click the link below to place your order today.
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