mykpop21 · 10 years
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A special album for their 5th anniversary! Super excited, let's see what they have in store for us! 
I wasn't expecting a ballad feel, I was expecting something like their last album Good Luck, but hey, I'm not complaining! I absolutely loved it, especially from the beginning when they added to the clock ticking, creative and very well done. The drums in the verse were a bit unecessary in my opinion, it would've been okay just to continue with the piano at that time, but when it comes in regularly it sounds good! Overall, 12:30 is very well done! I will definitely be listening to this often. 
Drive starts off with Junhyung's rapping, which I am a huge fan of his style of rap. I also really like the addition of the brass during the chorus, it added a little bit of colour to it. I think with this song, the complexity of the music truely proves how much Junhyung has improved in producing music, also a very good song! The beginning reminds me of Dalmations Drive.. just the VERY beginning with the car sounds. 
I feel like the acoustic guitar intros are very popular lately, a beautiful riff going on for 좋은 일이야 which continues throughout the whole song basically. I like how it was used throughout the whole song, kind of sets a constant riff throughout the whole song.
Another acoustic guitar intro for 눈을 감아도 and another ballad?! The last song and this song are kind of similar to me, with the continuous use of the acoustic guitar, but you know what, I love those two songs, no comment. Just go listen to it yourself, right now! 
가까이 (Stay) has a strong start unlike the others we've heard so far, and is very different from the feel we've gotten so far, it reminds me of the Good Luck and Midnight album. Although it is more upbeat, there's something about it that still feels sad. I love the beat that came on right when Junhyung raps. Give it a listen yourself though, there are certain parts I really enjoy and some parts I don't... 
So that's all for now! Let me know what you thought, did you like this album?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Akdong Musician released a new single, Time and Fallen Leaves.
It's a perfect song to listen to with the changing weather, because I don't know about you but it's getting so cold where I live. 
Soohyun's beautiful voice.. I can't explain how amazing it sounds with this song. To think she's only born in 1999, but she can convey these emotions so well, it makes her an outstanding artist. 
The song itself is also very nice, with just a guitar and piano and strings, they somehow made it seem like a room full of people were playing. It wasn't lacking at all in any expect. 
And of course, Chanhyuk and Soohyun's harmony sounds absolutely amazing, their chemistry is great.. maybe it's cause they're sibling, but nonetheless, amazing song that perfectly suits the weather.. also perfectly suits my ears haha, go give it a listen right now! 
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Hey there! I'm SUPER excited about Roy Kim's Album, Home, so let's get right into it! 
영원한 건 없지만 is a ballad with a soft piano melody, and let me say it sounds absolutely amazing with Roy's voice. I love the simplicity of this song, it makes his voice stand out more, along with the emotions with this song. It's something you can't find in an album of an idol group. I would have liked it more if it stayed simple throughout the whole song without adding the drums in the latter part of the song but it's still amazing. 
가을에 another ballad that starts off with a guitar and violin to make beautiful intro. Then it goes right into what I was expecting, a more ballad feel with just an acoustic guitar. It gives off a similar vibe to the first song. This is the type of song I want to listen to when lying down outside in the country staring up at the stars.. time to go out for a drive!
For Home the feel is a bit different, also while watching the music video it was absolutely beautiful. Although this does kind of stray away from my style of music more than the first two, maybe it's his voice, but I always want to close my eyes to feel the emotions even more. As a acoustic guitarist/singer, his songs are perfect to play and sing along to. There's something about his voice that just grabs my attention. I also think 'home' is such a great title for this song too, there's so much symbolism behind it, it's a lot more beautiful than you probably think! 
The speed picks up a bit for 날 사랑한다면, at the beginning I was a bit unsure if I liked it as much as the others so far, but for some reason the chorus was very nice, the way the melody was made sounded great, also including the pre-chorus. The chorus is really easy to listen to and catchy too, it's only my first time listening to it right now but I feel like I can already sing the chorus. 
롱디 (Hold on) has such a nice start, going back to the same feel as the songs in the beginning of the album. Another one of those songs where I want to listen to while looking at the stars, or one I can fall asleep to. That's what I thought until they started to add in the drums. If you've read my other posts before you'll know that if I listen to a ballad I don't really like it when they add in such a strong beat in the background. SO I absolutely loved the first half and the second half was just alright. 
Curtain (Feat. 정성하) JUNG SUNGHA! For those who don't know him is an AMAZING guitarist who uploads a bunch of covers and originals on youtube, and he's performed with many artists including G-Dragon and Jason Mraz, so he's famous not only in Korea but also internationally. When I saw it was featuring Sungha I knew it wouldn't be a slow ballad, but at the same time I knew it would have some unreal guitar, and I wasn't wrong haha. It's amazing how he can do that. Although this song isn't my style, it is still worth listening to because of Sungha's amazing guitar, and of course Roy's amazing vocals. 
멀어졌죠 now this is my style of guitar.. haha. and wow.. Roy's voice when he first starts singing gave me shivers. I honestly can't get enough of his voice. It's so charming.. I just love how everything is put together in this song. It's amazing. Although they do add in the drums near the end, it wasn't a very strong beat so it didn't entirely kill the song for me.. still would've preferred not having it though haha. 
Can you tell I love Roy Kim and the acoustic styles.. haha I waited so long for Roy's album to come out and just super excited to listen to this when I'm on the bus or on a walk. I think my opinion on his songs were similar to his first album, I liked half and the other half were okay. 
BUT you guys should definitely definitely go give his songs a listen, I promise you will not be disappointed!
If you already have listened to his songs, what did you think of them?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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WOO! My girl Ailee is back with her new mini album Magazine!  I was a bit worried at the beginning while she was still releasing teaser photos because of the ones with short hair, all I could think about was, OH SHIT! Did she actually cut her hair short? Then the next day it was back to her regular beautiful long hair.
I might be SUPER biased for this one because Ailee is DEFINITELY one of my favourite artists. So here we go! 
We start off with a very catchy beat, with the piano riff for 손대지마. The music definitely makes me groove along to the beat. And if most definitely shows Ailee's amazing, powerful voice. I've read a lot in the comments that the music and her voice don't match, but I beg to differ. I believe the strong instrumentals just display her voice even more, she can overpower the music any day. This is my second time listening to it right now and I like it more than the first. I do agree, that there might've been a better choice for a title song.. Although this isn't an AMAZING song it is decent. Maybe I'm reminiscing about her Heaven days too much, those were the best days. 
A little bit of a different start for 미치지 않고서야 , we get a feature from Dynamic Duo right at the beginning, but right when Ailee starts singing it sounds so.. dreamy? It's different from the powerful Ailee we often hear, but it's so soft and dreamy which fits this song absolutely perfectly. If anything I would point out Gaeko's rap, it was a little strong for the feel I've been getting so far from this song. Maybe a more laid back, softer rap would've fit better. Choiza's rap suited the song better in my opinion. But nonetheless, still a great song. 
The start for 이제는안녕 is PERFECT. What I like, my ballads. I was waiting for a ballad, Ailee is amazing with her emotions. This automatically made me close my eyes to enjoy, and become absorbed into my emotions even more. I'm not sure what it was, but something about the chorus made me think about my past, and all these memories flashed across my mind. Ailee never fails to impress, I really enjoyed this one, but again I do really like ballads so I'm definitely being very biased on this one. 
문득병 also had a little bit of a different start, we usually don't hear a guitar riff like this as an intro. For some reason, this song had certain parts that reminded me of different songs. At one point it reminded me of Heaven, then at another time it reminded me of 저녁 하늘. I can tell from the chorus that this song is a difficult one to sing! So I'm hoping I can see this one live!
I'm hoping for another ballad for Teardrop! I absolutely love beats like this! I get so absorbed into songs with beats like this, it's impossible for me not to like it. Ohh! The more I listen to this the more I love it, it's getting really addicting. The piano riff along with the beats sound so amazing, ugh I can't get over how good this song sounds! LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW! 
Another great album released by the amazing album, I would've loved it if Ailee promoted Teardrop instead of 손대지마, just cause it's more my style hahah. But definitely top 2 songs are Teardrop and 이제는안녕! 
So check out her album, what did you think about it?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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TTS is finally back with their second mini album HOLLER! 
Off to a jazzy start with Holler, what I like about TTS is that they're able to show their vocal abilities. Especially with the verses, the music was pretty simple, therefore they need their voices to fill up the music which TTS did perfectly. Although the style of music isn't my style, I feel like the chorus will be stuck in my head, where they repeat Holler.. it is kind of addictive. Not liking the .. rap? by Tiffany. Holler isn't as strong and addictive overall as I would have hoped. In my opinion, it was very mediocre compared to what SM could have done. 
Adrenaline has a different start, not a lot of kpop songs will have a percussion start like this song does. I'm not sure if it's just me, but especially when it hit the chorus, it reminded me a lot of Red Velvet's debut song "Happiness." So personally, I think if you liked Happiness you'll like Adrenaline. I didn't like Happiness.. so I think we all know where this is going. 
Whisper has a slow start compared to the first two, I was expecting a ballad soon! If you've read my previous posts you'll know I absolutely love ballads. But Whisper didn't live up to my expectations. There was something that was lacking about Whisper but I can't seem to pinpoint what it is. But I do like this more than Holler and Adrenaline. 
Another ballad for Stay? Nope! Hahah the intro got my hopes up, the music used, in my opinion, feels very familiar. Another upbeat song with a bass riff going on, reminds me of the 2pm album I looked at yesterday. WHY!? WHY RAP WHEN YOU HAVE SUCH A BEAUTIFUL VOICE?! I rather TTS just stick with their amazing vocals instead of rapping. 
Only U! Another ballad! I personally like this one more than Whisper, I really like the piano. Although it does sound like just a typical ballad from an idol group. And when I say that, you can clearly tell the difference between a ballad an idol group sings from a group like.. Davichi or Fly to the Sky, there's a certain depth and feeling missing from idol songs. 
Lastly we got Eyes! I like the sound.. they made it feel a little but hmm.. how should I put this, vintage during most of the song. They were also able to show their vocal skills in Eyes too! But I think you'll either really like this song or really don't like it, unfortunately I fall at the latter. 
Personally, I didn't really like this mini-album, but SM has been dissapointing me lately with their releases, Girls generation, Super Junior, now TTS.. Maybe it's just their style of music really doesn't match mines. 
But let me know, what did you think of the album?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Sorry I haven't been updating in a while.. But here's the full album for 2pm!
First off we got their title song, Go Crazy. To be honest, I first listened to this song when the music video came out and I wasn't a big fan of it.. maybe it was the dancing cause in my opinion it was a little bit odd. But I didn't really like it. And I'm finally listening to it for the second time, without the music video, and it's actually a lot better than I remembered it to be. The beat is definitely very catchy and automatically makes you move along. Very upbeat, fun song for those of you who like that kind of music, this would be perfect for you. Maybe I'm being bias because this isn't really my style, but I definitely like the old school 2pm better, nothing in specific, but just the general sound of 2pm during their first couple years of debut. 
Next up is 오늘 같은 밤, another upbeat song, but at the same time it has this relaxing feel to it, and a funky bass going on. Not liking the randomly narration in between the chorus and second verse. Again, I'm going to have to be bias, but this song isn't really my style, I can't say it's really good, but it isn't bad. 
She's Ma Girl had a unique beginning, with what I believe to be the saxophone. and continues with the brass sound into the verse, giving it a jazzy feel with the piano and bass. I'm liking this a lot more than the other two we've heard so far. Definitely showcases their vocals better than the first two, especially with Taecyeon singing too! 
JYP is really liking the bass riffs in this album haha, especially with Mine, that's all I hear throughout most of the song. I usually really like the falsetto singing, in the chorus, but for some reason it sounded a bit awkward in this song. Overall it wasn't bad though, maybe if they did something about the falsetto I would like it more. 
Awesome! This one is definitely NOT my style. More awkward Falsetto, everything about this song was.. and I'm also not a fan of the "you look so awesome, you look so awesome" - Yes I look awesome, thanks for letting me know. I couldn't bring myself to listen to listen to the whole song. 
I was expecting a ballad for 비가와, it is a ballad.. but more of a pop-ballad. But from an idol group I guess this is the closest you can get to a ballad. Of course, since I'm being bias, I do like this one the most so far! I listened to the whole thing this time! The very little falsetto there was, sounded better in this song compared to the other ones, maybe just the genre.. because I believe it was Junho who did the falsetto parts.
I didn't like the intro with that whipser for Boyfriend.. but I do like the piano intro, sounds good! I like the verses when they actually started singing, slowed down, although I like the very slow, ballad types of song, I really liked this one for some reason. I usually don't, but there's something about this that I really like. Not a fan of Taecyeon's rap though, even thought that's usually my favourite part. This song is definitely one of the top 3 songs for this album though! 
Pull & Pull has that kinda falling in love kinda music.. is that just me? Was this your idea Nichkhun? *coughTIFFANYcough* But this song is also really good! Very laid back and easy to listen to, this song also shows the members vocal skills.. or rap skills in Taecyeon's case. I don't like the title though hahah
Then goes right into another upbeat song, the music makes me feel like I'm playing an old video game, it sounds like it could be a theme song. I don't know how I thought of that. Since I got that stuck in my head I can't stop thinking about it. Maybe that's why I can't seem to get myself to like this one. I like Taecyeon's rap part since the music changed there for a bit, including Chansung's part. 
Overall, I'm a little bit disappointed, but I expected it since they have been going for more upbeat songs lately. Top 3 songs are definitely 비가와, Pull & Pull, and She's ma girl, not in any specific order. 
Give it a listen, what did you think of their album?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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So I don't know about you guys but I'm SUPER excited about the debut album for winner. As a team A fan, I've been waiting almost a year for this album to come out. I wanted to post this earlier when it first came out but I ran into some problems with my laptop so I'm only posting this now. 
First up with got Empty, which is one of their title tracks composed partly by Team B's B.I. I was expecting a hip hop feel, but we get this smooth acoustic guitar feel with the bass which feels like a hip hop genre. It sounded like a ballad with a slight hip hop feel. But my followers would know I absolutely love this genre so I personally really liked this song. 
I was expecting Empty and Color Ring to be completely different, but Color Ring ended up being more of a ballad than Empty, but I'm not complaining. I actually liked Color Ring more than Empty. One thing I really like is when there's rapping and singing over top of it, like during the verses. I don't know why I think that sounds so good. After I found out that Seung Yoon helped in composing it, it made sense as to the sound of Color ring. You can't go without the acoustic guitar in a song SeungYoon composed. Both raps are on point! I love how Seunghoon and Mino's raps are both so different. Very satisfied with both of their title tracks! 
Don't Flirt is totally different from their two title tracks. To be honest I'm not a fan of the guitar in this song, and the music is very simple and doesn't grab my attention. I was bored with this song so I tried skipping around trying to find a good part but I ended up skipping the whole song in the end without finding a part that grabbed my attention. 
If you like rap, Mino, and Teddy, you'll like Mino's solo song I'm Him. Usually in a rappers song you'll have a featuring from a singer.. which I kinda wish he did, there's an obvious difference with Mino's *singing* and an actual singer's singing. But I personally really like Mino's rapping so I really liked this song minus the fact of the vocals. 
Love is a lie is another upbeat pop song. Personally this song isn't really my style.. it's similar to Don't Flirt, where it just didn't really grab my attention.
Next is Taehyun's solo song, Confession. Personally I'm not a fan of taehyun's unique voice. But I really really liked this song! As you guys know I'm a huge fan of ballads, and this suits his voice well. In my opinion he hits those high notes very well. I also like it when he goes from the low to the high notes in the verses. For upbeat songs it's different, but I liked the simple, just the piano in ballads. In the bridge, when they started to add the strings and percussions it made the song feel really grand, like an orchestra, haha. Anyways! Definitely like this one! Good choice for a solo song. 
Here's the acoustic guitar again for But. I was enjoying the song, but all of a sudden in the verse, when Mino was rapping, and Taehyun comes in but the second half is screamed, (Nappasseo!) That kind of just killed the rest of the song for me. I didn't want to listen to the rest of the song anymore. I don't want to say anymore about the song because I'll probably just say I don't like it just cause of that one part.
Different has that acoustic guitar start again! And Mino's rap.. SO GOOD! Another more of a ballad feel. I usually write this up as I listen to the song for the first time. But this time I was so into this one I closed my eyes and listened to the whole thing before I wrote this up. Different is definitely gonna be on the top 3 on this album. Nothing bad to say about this, best part was Mino's rap for sure.. (at least for me).
Tonight is another more ... r&b feel? One that automatically makes you want to move your body along to (even though I don't dance). More of a sexy feel? Hahha, this wasn't bad, but it wasn't my favourite, probably around the middle of my rankings for this album. 
Lastly we have Smile Again. So I have already heard this one during WIN, since they performed this before. I liked it during WIN and I like it here. If you're a WIN fan I'm sure you've heard it before so not going to say anymore about this one. 
Overall it was good! Not THE BEST.. there were a few that I didn't like. But top 3 songs are definitely Empty, Color Ring, and Different! 
Give their album a listen, what did you think about it?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Sonnet Song, or Song Seung Yeon is out with her new album Sonnet Blooms. You probably know her as the singer who sang Let it go beautifully and got recognized around the world for it. 
When I first watched her music video for Love Again I was so surprised and amazed at how good it was. Not even the song, just the music video and how well it was made. It was so powerful and inspiring. I found myself watching and smiling, gave me strength and I absolutely loved it. Of course I also liked the song, her voice made it sound amazing. Definitely suggest you go listen to it right now! 
미친게 아니라구요 is another pop ballad featuring MC Sniper. There's nothing really that special about this song, but I still like it, it's easy to listen to. And of course MC Sniper doesn't fail to disappoint, such a good rapper. It's nice to hear an actual underground rapper featured instead of those kpop idol. 
너의 목소리가 들려, Another pop ballad! Loving this album so far. Again there's nothing too special about her song that makes it stand out, except her voice sounds so strong and powerful especially during the chorus. She's most definitely a very strong vocalist and I love that it shows in her songs. 
살만해졌어 more ballads! Unfortunately I have to say the same thing, nothing that's outstanding about this song other than her powerful voice.
매일 다른 눈물이 is the last song on her album, this has a little bit more of a pop feel to it compared to her other ones. Which is not really my style, but it isn't bad! 
As you can tell I got a little bit lazy towards the end. But I'm going to definitely look forward to her future activities as a singer. I'm glad that she got recognition since her cover of Let it go because she is such an amazing singer.
I definitely recommend this album, just listen to her amazing, powerful voice and you'll be impressed!
What did you think of her album?  손승연 다시 너를
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Hyunah - A Talk
I'm sure you've all heard her new title song 빨개요. If you read my previous post about 4minutes new album, then you'll know I really don't like Hyunah's rapping voice. Definitely like the parts where she's not rapping though hahah. BUT.. The beat for the track is ridiculous. I absolutely love the track. The track is definitely my style, too bad I won't be listening to it often because of Hyunah's rap. Well what did I expect.. Hyunah is the rapper of 4minute. 
Her MV though.. I saw it coming though, it was overly sexy, but the male fans will love it. At parts it did remind of Miley Cyrus though.. with the banana and the twerking.. Don't turn into Miley, Hyunah! 
어디부터 어디까지 (With 양요섭) starts off so soft and fresh. I was expecting a lot out of this song because it's featuring Yoseob. In this song, her rap, in my opinion, is better than her other songs because it's kinda a more relaxed rap, and not IN YOUR FACE kind of rap.. you know what I mean? Yoseob never fails to impress though, I like this one for sure, I'll definitely be listening to this one more often than Hyunah's title track. 
Blacklist ft LE... I'm so excited for this one just because I know LE is a sick rapper. This is the rap I don't like from Hyunah though, still prefer the one in 어디부터 어디까지. But LE also doesn't fail to impress, she's an amazing rapper. This song isn't really my style though.. not a big fan of the chorus either.. 
Overall.. I think because Hyunah is a 'rapper' I feel like she should have collaborated with more singers instead. For rappers you usually need a feature in almost every song since Hyunah isn't necessarily the best singer. 
It's NOT BAD.. I do prefer this album over Hyunah's last album Melting, but if I were to pick my favourite track out of all the songs she's released it would be A bitter day ft. G.NA and Junhyung. I was in love with that one.
Anyways! What did you think about it?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Another Eyes, Nose, Lips cover is out by YG, this time for Lydia Paek!
I love this cover too, another English cover was done. The beginning gave a different feel than Taeyang's and Tablo's in my opinion because of the use the guitar rather than the piano. 
I like how she didn't stick 100% to the melody, especially in the second verse, when she hit those high notes. So good, I really like Lydia's voice, it's so unique.
The music video was also well done. It wasn't fancy, it was simple black and white with clips of Taeyang's music video in the background too. Simple, but eye-catching. 
I love that she put out this great cover, I was hoping to see her more active as a singer. So hopefully we'll see her more often in the years coming.
What did you think of Lydia's cover of Eyes Nose Lips?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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SISTAR are back with their new album entitled Touch & Move! 
Their title song is Touch My Body.. even before watching the music video and listening to the song I knew that they were going to be going with a sexy image (obviously) and there's going to be dance moves that are totally unnecessary. The song is catchy, no doubt about it. After listening to half of it I'm already humming along. The dancing wasn't as bad as I thought.. except during the chorus when they slap each others ass.. What I do like is that, at least in my opinion, the ladies of Sistar are not like unhealthily skinny. You do see those kpop idols who are way too skinny. They're fit, a lot of girls would want a body like that. 
So sorry, but I don't have time to do the whole album! I made time to make a quick look at the mv and title song. But keep checking back, I might update this sometime soon. 
In the meantime, what did you think of their song?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Infinite - Back
Infinite made another comeback in a very short amount of time with their new release Back. 
I absolutely LOVE IT! Especially the beginning, if you've read my previous posts you'll know I love that style, with a simple piano and stuff. I thought that when the music started to get stronger that I wouldn't like it anymore, but I still liked it! It's super catchy.
Should I just mention that they look really manly and sexy in the music video, hahah. 
I'm also surprised they did not have any rapping parts for Hoya and Dongwoon. Not saying it's a bad thing, because I liked that they had singing parts, if you watched immortal song 2, you'll know Hoya and Dongwoon can actually sing.. not THE BEST, but they're not bad! 
Definitely recommend this! Glad I like this because with the more recent songs Infinite has released I didn't quite like it, but good thing this one I did like!
They will be releasing the full album in a couple days so follow me and stay tuned for more!  
What did you think of Back?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Henry is out with his second album Fantastic! 
His title track Fantastic really shows his colours. It shows three main things, he can sing, he can dance, and we can't leave out the violin. I absolutely love their idea of using the violin as one of the main instruments in Fantastic, because as you should know, since he shows off so much, that he is an AMAZING violinist. Definitely a good choice in making this song his title track! 
Next up is Bad Girl featuring Chanyeol of EXO. We get a jazzy feel from this song, especially from all the brass at the beginning and the piano melody during the verse. This song is personally not my style, but for sure I can see why people would like this song, it's pleasant to listen to. Plus the amazing feature from Chanyeol! 
Need you now starts off with a different feeling from the first two, with a nice just sound you'd get while on the beaches of Hawaii.. lol I made that up. But if you listen to it you'll know what I mean with the drums. Another great feature, this time from Infinite's Hoya. Good combo, like I kind of implied earlier, I would listen to this while tanning at the beach or something similar of that nature. If you want a relaxing song, this is the one! 
Back to a 360 degree change! Upbeat pop song, Saturday, with a steady bass rhythm. Is that Henry rapping halfway through the song? If it was it didn't really sound like him.. and it wasn't that good to be honest.. well at least I didn't really like it. BUT the funky beat we got going on during the chorus is pretty addicting! 
Butterfly featuring Seulgi of SM ROOKIES. I was looking forward to this one, cause it was a duet with a female and a trainee who hasn't debuted yet! SM must be confident in her cause this is the first time I'm seeing them do this. Not gonna lie, it does sound pretty good though. Their harmony's sound good and everything! Except Henry stop rapping.. I've confirmed it was Henry in both songs.. hahah please stop Henry! You're amazing at singing, stick to that! Definitely a good song I will listen to often, I would listen to it non-stop but I don't want to hear Henry's rapping that often.
자꾸자꾸 (You) I absolutly love the beat! Except for my personal preference if it was even stronger and louder hahaha. It has such a smooth nice sound though, especially though the chorus, it sounds soooo good! But again there comes the rap.. why is he rapping so often in these songs, luckily it was only for a bit! haha 
Definitely like this album minus a few things here and there. Give it a listen! What did you think of the album?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Every day, Girl's Day!
The ladies of Girl's Day are back after a rather short break since their last releases, let's take a look! 
Their title track Darling has this kinda 60's feeling with the brass at the beginning. If you've read my previous posts, especially for girl groups, you'll know I'm not really the type to like this style. For some reason, I really like Darling. It has this addictive rhythm and I can't stop listening to it! Although I think Yura should get some more lines.. and Hyeri. It's so obvious that their company focuses more on Minah and Sojin, not only in their music but also with their variety show appearances. Not bashing anyone though, I do like Sojin the best in the group! 
Look at me has such a nice start, I love the violin intro. this gave me kind of a fresh feeling for some reason. It gave me a feeling of hope? It was kind of saying to me, "everything will get better, just hang in there." Was that just me? I am not Korean, so I didn't even understand the lyrics other than the ones they said in English. But yes Girl's Day, you are beautiful ladies. 
Only three tracks.. last one is Timing! This one has more of a fun, stronger beat. A great choice for a summer album, blasting this music while having a pool party would be good! Just the genre of the song, it's my least favourite of the three. 
Overall, only it is just three songs, I definitely like this album. I only recently started listening to Girl's Day.. so I can't really compare this to their old albums, but I definitely like this one! 
What did you guys think of it?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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The WHOLE album is finally out, there's a lot so I may NOT comment on all of them, we'll see how the songs are. Hopefully I have the time to do them all. I am expecting a lot from them, let's get started! 
Red Light I have already made a separate post about that, so check out my previous post! 
MILK, what a random title.. I don't know how I feel about this one.. it does have a very catchy beat for sure. But the melody is throwing me off a bit... and the chorus they just keep saying milk milk milk milk.. I DON'T GET IT! The style is very non-kpop though, from what I hear at least. It gives a very African feel if I can say.. with the clapping and the different percussions.. Either way.. don't really like this one! 
Butterfly, has a good start. I like how they keep the main use of the synths constant, with a similar beat throughout the song. Because unlike Red Light, it sounded like a totally different song at certain times. I like the melody of the chorus, with their voices going low then high, i like that sound. The voices were so sweet, but the beat is so strong, but it all worked out in the end because I definitely like this song! 
Rainbow had an odd start but omg.. that drop! LOVE IT! Well I basically love any song with a drop.. but the start...... too weird. I absolutely love this though. The beats weren't TOO confusing too. Sometimes with too many overlaps of the instruments it gets a little bit crazy, but I love how they kept it simple most of the time. 
All Night is another song they were temporarily promoting along side Right Light. To be honest, this wasn't my favourite, I'm not sure why though. It's not bad though, the chorus is catchy, All night~~. Just I'm not sure what aspects just weren't my thing. 
Spit It Out, I wasn't sure if I would like it if it kept going like it did for the first few seconds, then I liked it after they added in the bass, then it got really upbeat and crazy then it wasn't my style anymore, but at the pre-chorus I liked that part, then I definitely liked the chorus! I felt so bipolar while listening to this song, one second I'd be listening like, :D:D:D, then it turned into -.-", then back to :D:D. I think I would listen to it still though, just cause there are more parts I like then I don't like. 
Boom Bang Boom, starts off with a strong beat, strong feel, I'm sure if you follow me, you'll know I like that, so I like this song! OUUUU THAT TRAP! I just got really excited, I'm listening to these songs as I write these, and randomly trap came in and I got really happy. I love trap! I absolutely love this one guys! 
Last one guys! they finally showed off their vocals on their last song on the album, Paper Heart, I wish they did at least one ballad. We all know how well some of the members can sing, I was looking forward to at least one of those. Or at least something like Goodbye summer (Luna Krystal Amber ft. D.O (EXO)).
I know I didn't do them all, the ones I didn't do...I didn't like haha. Not disappointed with it, but maybe it's because I REALLY REALLY liked the Pink Tape album I was expecting more. I am glad that overall they stuck with their electronic style of music, unlike other groups that will go back and forth. So good for them for being consistent! But this is F(x)! So if you liked their previous music, you're going to like this too! 
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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f(x) - RED LIGHT
F(x) is finally out with their new song Red Light! I didn't know what to expect with this.. SM released so many pictures of f(x) with a creepy look to it I didn't know where they were going with it.. but lets take a look! 
I'm glad f(x) sticks with their electronic type of music. Fits them so well.. and can I just say I don't know what it is, but Krystal looks soo good when they first start singing, with her blond hair and hat (it's at 0:28 in the mv). and omg.. when the bass drops when Luna starts singing! SO GOOD! 
The pre-chorus and chorus took two very different turns.. not too sure if I liked it that much. But I definitely love the verses! 
I'm also glad, although it was short, that Amber got a singing part! We all know she's not bad at singing, she just doesn't give the chance to show it off. 
One thing I don't understand is the half makeup concept with their eyes.. can someone explain it to me. 
Overall, in my opinion it's not the best.. maybe it's because I was expecting a lot more because I REALLY liked their last album Pink Tape. There were some parts I loved and some parts that were just okay.. 
  BUT! Their whole album is coming out in a few days so stick around for that. 
What did you think about their music video, Red Light?
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mykpop21 · 10 years
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Eyes, Nose, Lips - Tablo & Taeyang
I'm not sure if you guys have heard yet, but Tablo released his own cover of Taeyang's Eyes, Nose, Lips.
Can I just say that Tablo is a genius, lyrics and everything is just brilliant. Before he released it, I was wondering how he would make the song into his own style but he killed it. It fit so well with him, it reminded me of his Fever's End: Part 1 album. I definitely didn't expect him to also have Taeyang in it, but I love how he changed the lyrics for it too so Taeyang wouldn't sing in Korean.
This is such an amazing cover, GO CHECK IT OUT RIGHT NOW! You're going to regret it if you don't! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhc_UpS6U3Y
What did you think of it?
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