mymommyguide-blog · 8 years
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Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you. -Deuteronomy 31:6 :: When Moses spoke these words to all of Israel, he was reminding them of God’s goodness as Joshua succeeded Moses and prepared to lead the children of Israel into the Promised Land. Not everyone was for the children of Israel. :: God’s children had enemies, and we will too. But through Jesus Christ, we have been assured that He is with us, and He won’t leave us when we are faced with them. :: Remember this when: 1. People don’t support you on your journey to live for God 2. They’re talking about you behind your back 3. People make sarcastic remarks about what you’re trying to achieve 4. You get looked over by a supervisor, a coach, a teacher, a professor 5. You’ve been left out and mistreated by family members 6. The people you thought you could trust the most abandon you 7. The person you thought you were in love with broke your heart 8. Doors seem to be closing, and none seem to be opening 9. People unfollow you or cut you off for reasons uncertain to you 10. You can’t seem to please people, no matter how hard you try :: With all of these things, you have to know that when God goes with you, their words and their actions will not take away from the promise that your God is for you, and because of that, you have no reason to fear and no reason to lose sleep over what people have said and done. So do everything you do not because of what man has said or done, but because of how good God is, remembering that He is with you and He will never you. :: Of course it will be ideal to have the support of everyone, and it’s possible that things could change in the future, but remember what’s most important is having God’s approval and He doesn’t need the approval of others before He begins to do mighty work in your life! Continue to show love to others along your journey in a way that Christ would, and knowing that no matter what happens God is still pleased with you when you work to please Him! :: Written by @morganhnichols for #QWCDevos
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mymommyguide-blog · 8 years
Any suggestions on morning sickness that lasts all day? I'm 5 weeks now & the sickness randomly hit me 2 days ago 😔 I'm so miserable.
Oh my goodness, this is the worst. I had this with both my kids. Sincerely, I feel you and I’m sorry. The best advice I can give you sounds simple, but it really makes a world of difference. ALWAYS keep something in your stomach. NEVER let your stomach get empty. The longer it stays empty, the more acid it produces and the more you feel like crap and keep dry heaving. Find that one thing that your stomach can take - doesn’t matter if it’s healthy or not right now. For some people it’s: oreos, strawberry pop tarts, ice cream, ritz crackers, rice, etc. Whatever it is. And just eat that every day if you have to. But always keep a snack with you and constantly graze throughout the day and even in the middle of the night. I know it doesn’t sound like something you want to do, the last thing you want when you are nauseous is to eat. But it really does help. Good luck to you!
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mymommyguide-blog · 8 years
Love this!
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mymommyguide-blog · 8 years
When should you start brushing your baby's teeth?
Your baby may get his or her first tooth as early as 3 months old while others don't cut their first tooth until after their first birthday - this wide range is completely normal. But how do you take care of your baby's teeth and gums when they are this little?
When your baby starts teething (excessive drooling, constant chewing, swollen gums), go ahead and get in the habit of brushing their gums daily using a wet washcloth or wet gauze wrapped around your finger. This would be great to add to your bedtime routine!
Once baby has several teeth, you can switch to brushing with a small soft bristle brush with water. No need for toothpaste just yet, you just want to brush the milk residue off their gums and teeth.
The first dentist visit should be around 2-3 years old unless there are problems. Toothpaste can be used when your child is old enough to spit it out and your dentist approves.
Next blog post will have more info about teething...stay tuned :)
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
I love my new job!
That moment when you've just helped 2 families get their babies on a schedule that works and they have that 1st night of good sleep!!!
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
Babies and Sleep
Holding your newborn in your arms while they sleep is one of the best perks of being a parent. I still remember holding my oldest son, Evan. I loved feeling his warmth, being able to smell him, and look down at his little face. I wouldn’t have traded it for the world and I still wouldn’t.
After being a nurse and now a mom of two, I’ve noticed that there must be a balance when it comes to sleep. Newborns demand our attention. Rightfully so. They need to be fed, held, and comforted as they learn the world around them. 
I think sometimes as our babies grow, we sometimes get stuck in this newborn stage and forget that the whole family needs sleep. As baby gets older, it’s important for them to learn that they don’t ALWAYS have to sleep in somebody’s arms. This is where sleep problems start. Eventually, you have an older baby that won’t sleep more than a couple hours at a time if they aren’t in mom or dad’s embrace. . Does that mean you are messing your child up for life? No way!
But it does mean that slowly over time, a serious sleep deprivation develops in that family as a whole. Not just mom and dad, but the baby as well. Broken up sleep is expected in the beginning as baby has to feed at night. As baby gets older and capable of sleeping through the night, broken up sleep doesn’t allow them to fully thrive. Their brain development requires that they get long stretches of uninterrupted sleep. 
So sweet mommas, keep in mind that teaching your baby to fall asleep in their own crib and stay asleep without mom and dad’s assistance is a valuable skill they must learn and will help the whole family remain healthy and thrive.
If you are struggling with getting your baby to sleep through the night, I’d love to help!
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
How often does this motherhood thing tend to grab our souls and make us question yet again if we are enough? If our life is worth enough. “Just a mom,” we so often respond. Like we are somehow less deserving. But God, He sees us as doing something of unmatched importance. Our babies depend us for everything, from the food in their belly to the clothes on their backs. And although most days we may smell like grilled cheese and old milk, He only sees beauty. Who cares if society tells you your contribution is not enough; your life a little less worthy of praise? Does society see you at 3AM, with the sick child who does not care about your successes or awards? How much money you have made or positions you have taken. The child who cries only for momma–whose touch alone will bring the comfort and peace she needs. “I was naked, and you clothed me.”
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
Daytime vs Nighttime
The first few weeks of your baby's life are wonderful, amazing, and....exhausting! Sometimes we tend to shut out the world during this time because we are so tired and we feel like we just can't handle any more stimulation. Don't live in a cave. It's not good for your mental health or for teaching baby how to adjust to real life. 
Start the day you come home from the hospital. Show baby the difference between daytime and nighttime. Open the blinds and let the sunshine in. Leave your bedroom during the day. Spend some time in the living room with your baby and the rest of your family and enjoy this time! Babies don't have circadian rhythms in the beginning so they have to learn. Of course, you will need naps throughout the day, and its important to let yourself rest when you have the chance. But when it's time to be awake, be awake and alive! This period of your baby's life goes by in a blink of an eye. 
At night, keep feedings and diaper changes boring. Don't offer any extra stimulation. This is not the time to play or turn on the TV. Keep the room as dark as possible and teach the baby that nighttime means sleep time.
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
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When you are trying to take a professional, serious head shot to put up on a website, but your 6 year old busts into the frame. "Cheese Mommy!"
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
The pressures of breastfeeding
Let me start off by saying that I completely support breastfeeding. It's a wonderful experience and there are many benefits for both mom and baby. However, I also want moms to know that formula feeding does not make you a bad parent. It seems that the pressure new moms are put under to breast feed exclusively is increasing. When did we start measuring how responsible a mother is or how much she loves her baby based on whether she breast feeds or not? Here is some truth I'd like to share:
Breast feeding does not define you as a mother. Bonding develops with the every day interaction that happens during diapering, holding, bathing, and feeding your baby. Responding to your baby's needs has nothing to do with a style of feeding. A formula feeding mom is not any less of a parent as a breast feeding mom. The love for their baby is the same. One parent is not better than the other. Period. Don't let anyone shame you into believing feeding your baby formula is the same as laziness or irresponsibility. 
 Breast feeding is not for everyone.  Moms and babies are not all made the same. There are medical issues, anatomy differences, and emotions that make everyone's experience different. Motherhood requires that you make the best decisions for you and your family on a daily basis. Formula feeding doesn't mean anyone has "failed".
 Formula does not mean your baby will be sick all the time. It is not a poisonous, toxic substance you are giving your baby. Somehow formula is now being viewed on the same level as cigarettes. Thousands of babies are fed formula every day and survive and thrive and grow up to be smart, capable adults.
 The decision to breast feed or formula feed is NOT the most important decision you'll ever make when it comes to your kids. Motherhood is tough enough without the added pressure and shaming that we give ourselves.
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
The Journey Begins
Turns out starting your own business is a little overwhelming (and expensive). I feel like I just graduated college again. I have SO much knowledge in my head and I just need to put it all to good use by helping some families get the rest and reassurance they need. So...I am officially open for business!!
My Mommy Guide is a consult service where I get to guide new moms and dads to help them get more sleep and feel more confident in every day baby care during those first few months of their baby’s life. For the first time mommy bringing their baby home from the hospital that feels overwhelmed and under prepared. For the exhausted mommy of the 4 month old that still wakes up multiple times a night. For the mom who needs a hand and some guidance while introducing her little one to solid foods. 
The idea of helping parents at home has been on my heart for years. I’ve seen so many parents struggle with the fear and anxiety that comes with introducing a little one into their family. What if an experienced nurse and friend could take their hand and guide them through this journey? A nurse that can come to them in the privacy of their home and show them one on one how to care for their baby and ask all of the questions they need. A relaxed, fun visit that will help ease that anxiety so they can take a deep breath and know everything is going to be ok. 
So here starts my journey. As a Moms on Call trained consultant (which just happens to be the book I used with Evan, my 6 year old, and LOVED). Bring on the new mommies! Here goes nothing...    
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
Swaddle till ya wabble
"My baby doesn’t like the swaddle, he keeps breaking out of it”
“He likes for his hands to be by his face”
“That doesn’t look comfortable for my baby”
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The truth is that a newborn will be much easier to soothe when swaddled. Babies cry. A lot. It’s a fact. Most babies find the snug warmth of a good swaddle enough to calm them down. But even those babies that aren’t immediately soothed from it still benefit. Swaddling is just one piece of the puzzle. When you add other soothing techniques to the swaddle, like white noise, movement, or a pacifier- your baby will calm down sooner!
Babies that are less than 3 months old have no purposeful movement in their arms and legs.They have very little control over these. When their arms are free, the startle reflex can wake them up out of their sleep prematurely. Babies who are swaddled can sleep for longer stretches.
Swaddling properly means practicing and doing a little research. Just like you had to practice and learn how to use their car seat or breastfeed, practice and learn how to swaddle your baby safely. Use a swaddling blanket, made of the right material. No part of the blanket should cover their face at all. The swaddle is only for babies that are less than 3 months old and can’t yet roll over. Once your baby can roll over, the swaddle must be taken away. 
Swaddling your baby properly - on their back - in a crib with a firm mattress - is THE SAFEST position to help reduce the risk of SIDS.
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
Love this. So true.
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Dont Shout at your Kids, Listen instead
Shouting wont help you child to listen to you, they hear the noise but don’t listen to what your saying. No-ones perfect and sometimes as a parent you will be sleep deprived, tired, stressed or anxious and its easy to lose control.
However, If you need you child to listen to you talk quieter…. That way they have to consciously try and hear what your saying, rather than switching off to your words.
Shouting sets an example to your children that its an appropriate way to deal with frustration and in turn they will shout back at you, causing a never ending spiral of escalation.
When your children shout,
keep calm.
Sit down, so your at the same level as them (standing over your child can be intimidating to them and cause them to close themselves off to you)
Establish eye contact.
Talk to them in a reassuring tone and most importantly,
Whether your child can talk or not they find ways of communicating their needs. You as a parent need to listen to those needs and react accordingly. There’s no circumstances where shouting will help and if your shouting, your not listening to your child or their needs, your tending to your own.
Next time you want your child to listen to you, try and imagine which you would rather face, this…
or this
For more tips and advice follow 12-weeks-on
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
Preparing before baby comes
1. Practice using your baby’s car seat. Don’t bring the car seat still sealed in its box to the hospital and ask the staff to help you figure it out.  We really are not given permission to help you with your car seat. Instead, before baby comes - read the directions, install the base in your car, and practice buckling a baby doll into it. Local fire stations can help and check it out for you to make sure it’s installed properly. When you are discharged, you want to get out of that hospital room ASAP and be back to your comfy bed at home. You don’t want to stay an extra hour wrestling with a car seat. This will avoid so much stress at discharge!!
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2. Pick a pediatrician. Talk to your friends that have kids about who they use. Look up local pediatricians online and look at reviews. Not all pediatricians are the same. If you don’t pick one, you’ll be assigned one at the hospital. This is the doctor that you are going to have to call when your baby gets sick and will potentially be your child’s doctor for the next 18 years. Take some time to choose.
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3. Take classes! Childbirth, breastfeeding, baby care, etc. Be prepared. You can find some of these for free. You still won’t know everything and you can’t remember it all, but a little bit of knowledge goes a long way! A typical stay at the hospital is only 24-48 hours after you deliver. Knowing what to expect will decrease your stress-level tremendously.
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
How often should you feed your newborn?
Your newborn should feed every 2-3 hours during the day. Feedings are timed from the start of one feeding to the start of another. So if you started a feeding at 3pm, the next one should start by 6pm. 
When we say to feed "on demand", it means to look for signs that the baby is hungry, like smacking the lips, sucking on fingers, or opening and closing of the mouth. 
One of the biggest problems in the first few days is keeping your newborn awake enough to eat. Babies are very sleepy the first couple days of life and may not wake up when it's time. Because of the weight loss that happens during these first few days of life, it is still important to feed when it is time. Make sure baby is nice and awake before you start feeding or it will be frustrating and stressful for both of you. You can do this by undressing the baby down to the diaper. Skin-to-skin with mom helps to stimulate baby to eat. Scratch the bottom of their feet lightly with your nail. A feeding in these first few days should last about 30 minutes. 
You can choose to breastfeed, bottle feed, or both. You should know that all three of these options are OK! What works for one family may not work for another. Every baby and mommy are different.
Prepare ahead of time. Taking a breastfeeding class before you have the baby will help if you plan to nurse. Invest in a breast pump. Even if you plan on exclusively nursing, reality happens and there will be times when you'll need to pump. If you plan to use formula, have bottles ready when you come home from the hospital and make sure you read and understand the mixing directions on the can. Allow yourself (and the baby) some grace during these first few days. You got this momma.
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mymommyguide-blog · 9 years
When you read to your child, read slowly and pause occasionally to think aloud about a story. You can ask questions (”Do you know what a place is?”), link the story to your child’s own experiences (”The dog has brown fur, just like ours!”) or simply exclaim curiosity (”I wonder what will happen next!”) By doing this, you will help your child develop language and thinking skills. Don’t expect a long discussion or the correct answer each time - remember, you want your child to think of reading as something fun! 
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