myownlittlehell · 9 months
Selfshipping is always going to be an extension of self love for some of us. It's always going to be a way of self-soothing. It shows us a part of ourselves still has the capacity to love us.
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myownlittlehell · 9 months
i just like imagine me and my f/o living together. like grocery shopping together to fill our fridge, planning meals together, and talking about work right when we get home ( or flopping onto the couch only for my f/o to rub my back). Owning an apartment together, looking at pets, going furniture shopping for the first time. My f/o reminding me to brush my teeth and take my morning meds, my f/o bringing back some random cute plushie to put on our bed because we can.
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myownlittlehell · 9 months
This is so cute! 💚
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made this with my friend @dosbanderass ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ
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myownlittlehell · 9 months
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drew out some different flavors of weavile for fun because they're something i've thought about before but never got around to actually drawing...
the weavile found in sinnoh tend to be larger and lighter colored, with hooked claws and asymmetrical ears from the sneasler influence. they're also diurnal and not really pack hunters like their johto relatives. weavile bred for competitive battle are more catlike than the wild versions...
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myownlittlehell · 9 months
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Both with and without effects! Recently my health has taken a turn for the worse and I was struggling on doing anything really, so I wanted to resort to a portrait drawing of one of my fav DDLC girls Sayori!
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myownlittlehell · 10 months
Wow I'm Not Dead Have Art
Hi. I know it's been a long time since I've posted or even really been on here. I've been going through the longest art block I've ever been through, for a moment I though I could never finish a piece. Throughout all of that, I'm beyond grateful for the attention my pieces of art has recieved. The response I got is more than I could imagine really! I'm so grateful that people like my stuff, and it definetely helped give me the motivation to push through this. I hope to make more art in the future, but I do wanna try to be on here even if I'm not posting art. Maybe show off my shiny Pokemons mayhaps? Until then, here's a bit of an updated sona of mine!
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With and Without Effects!
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myownlittlehell · 11 months
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Everything Across the Spider-verse All at Once
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myownlittlehell · 11 months
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It's been a very good week
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
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Y’know a few years ago if you told me my comfort character would become a robot from a horror game….I probably would have believed you tbh 🚶‍♀️
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
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Thank you @cheemken and everyone who got me to 5 reblogs!
Also lol at this
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Tumblr literally made it it was a notification for getting reblogs thing. Lmao Tumblr being Tumblr.
I painted a handsome lad
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
Spirit Work Foundations - Discernment
This is the second in our Spiritual Foundations 101 posts. Please look here for more of our posts.
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In the Spirit Work community discernment is brought up as one of the most important aspects of Spirit Work, and while it is mentioned often, not many people actually show methods to help create a discernment practice. While it’s true that discernment is best when created in a way that matches you and your practice there are some tools that can be used to further learning this skill. What is discernment? This is probably the most common question when coming into the community and trying to find your feet. The answer is complicated and tends to change based on who you ask. But for our purposes discernment is the act of trying to discern fact from fiction and mundane from magical with the work that we do. It’s trying to ground your practice in reality instead of fantastical. Which is a hard line to follow when you literally work with Spirits.
Much like spirit communication, discernment is a skill that requires constant growth and figuring out tools that will help you on the journey to creating a practice that works for you. Many people will say “you just do it this way or it’s not real/valid/authentic/verifiable” but like with much of what we do, there are tools that will work for some people, and not for others. While shufflemancy might really call to one person, to another it might just be gibberish and easy to explain away.
Creating a discernment practice is a way to ground your practice in reality and to define the boundary between thoughts and spiritual communication. When you have a well developed discernment practice it will be easier to tell what is spiritual and what is mundane, or something with another explanation.
It’s important to not become frustrated as you grow this practice and to not judge yourself as you learn and evolve and grow your methods. This is a skill and will take time to find a way and method that works for you. There is a balance that needs to be maintained between discernment and disbelief. It is easy to shut off all ability to sense because you are so wrapped in doubt and mistrust in your own abilities.
As with everything it takes balance and finding the spot that works for you. If you need more checks that are undeniable (keeping in mind undeniable will be different person to person) and rooted in the physical that is perfectly ok and will help you to find a way forward out of the doubt. If you prefer having other people to help you discern that’s also valid. Just make sure you don’t build your entire practice based around the opinions of other people.
The most important part of a discernment practice is trust. Trust in yourself and trust that your Spirits and Gods will get the message across in the way that it’s meant to be given. If you are constantly in a state of disbelief with your senses and your practice you will only breed more disbelief and it will be impossible to find solid ground. It is very easy to explain away absolutely everything that happens as a part of Spirit Work. You can disprove everything. It’s in finding the aspects that speak to you, specifically, that you will find ways to create a good base for reality in your work. What this means is if shufflemancy creates more doubt for you that is not how you should discern. If signs only create anxiety that is not how you should discern. Find a way that makes the most sense to you and create and build on top of that until you have a fool proof way of grounding your practice.
You may ask ‘Now how do I discern?’ Well… it depends. Certain situations will require different methods. What methods work for me may not be valid in another’s eyes. That doesn’t mean it’s bad. It just means that doesn’t work for them and that’s ok.
Some tools for discernment:
Use Tarot, or any other divination method. Pull cards and see if their meanings align with the words you are hearing, or what you were sensing.
Ask for a sign. Ask for a specific sign in a certain amount of time. “Please send me three black blooming roses in two hours to show you are here.”
Ask for a manifestation. Now this one it’s important to recognize that manifestations will match their abilities, so don’t expect them to move physical mountains. But listen to what changes around you. Pay attention.
Ask a friend to double check what you received. Now this is important that you don’t lead them too much when doing this. Blind checks will always be harder to disprove and easier to trust.
One of our favorite ways is to look for inconsistencies. Ask the same questions spread out over time and listen to the answer and see if it changes. Sometimes you may be too emotional to hear an answer right away and waiting to ask again later will give you better results.
Time. Time will be your best friend. Sometimes it takes more information and time to get to the root of an issue.
Keeping accurate notes will help you in the long term as well. Keeping a record of manifestations, or signs, will help to build a better idea of how that Spirit or God communicates.
By using your Clair abilities. This one is big. The best way to tell if a sign is from a Spirit is the energy on it. Trust your gut.
Creating and maintaining a mediation practice can also help you decipher mental chatter from Spirit chatter. When you know the pattern of your own thoughts it’s easier to hear what doesn’t belong.
Cross reference methods. Use multiple methods to help you see clearer results. Asking a friend and also using tarot with signs etc can help you create a clearer picture of what you are discerning.
Discernment is making sure to keep your feet on the ground so to speak. And using tools and checks to make sure your mind doesn’t overwhelm your senses. The hardest part of discernment is maintaining the balance of checking yourself and also not shutting down your senses with doubt. Doubt will shut you down quicker than anything. Discernment can help with that doubt but it’s also easy to go so far into the aspect of “I need physical proof” that you lose sense of the spiritual and cut yourself off in anxiety and fear.
Finding balance in all that we do will help you reach further than just aligning one way or the other. Check yourself as much as you can but also have trust in your abilities and the Spirits around you.
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Withering Woods is an 18+ Spirit Conjuring, Divination, and Devotional Jewelry shop. We focus on connection and the many ways that manifests in our lives.
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
I painted a handsome lad
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
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Some Lacey fanart! I tried to mimick the Sailor Moon background kinda, but then I had to add a nebula and some contrasts lol.
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
These designs are amazing!!!
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
this fucking guy really says “my good fellow” unironically
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
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myownlittlehell · 1 year
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ig: dovneon
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