mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway
This is Part 5 of a series, but it can be read as a standalone fic.
Newt x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) falls asleep on Newt while watching his creatures, and when you wake up, your feelings finally become known to one another. 
( @redsilentwolf28 @purelittleblueberry )
“New York City buzzes with a special kind of energy. I’ve never felt anything quite like it,” Newt observed.
The both of you were inside his case. You’d just finished feeding the creatures and decided to take a break in the shade of a tree. You both sat, almost touching, with your backs leaning against the strong trunk. Unbeknownst to you, Pickett the bowtruckle was climbing around in Newt’s hair and he was patiently waiting for him to stop. 
You asked Newt about his travels and he delighted in telling you. He raved of deserts and snowy plains, high mountains and ocean cliffs, and of course the creatures. You could only imagine how many more stories he had that he wasn’t getting around to sharing. 
“You’re a fascinating person, Newt,” You heard yourself say. Perhaps you were a little sleepy, and that sleepiness was causing you to be a little less self conscious. You noticed that he was blushing. Suddenly, Pickett decided to hop into your hair. “Oh no Pickett, leave her alone,” he reached for him. 
“Oh it’s okay, he’s fine,” you laughed. 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway (Part 1)
(Part Two Here)
Newt x Reader 
Synopsis: The reader is a witch from New Orleans. In a strange turn of events, she has just left an abusive engagement with a no-maj and is leaving to live with her friend Queenie in New York. 
Warning: Brief depiction of domestic violence. 
“Dear Queenie,
I’ve decided I’m going to do it. There’s nothing here for me anymore. I’ve packed my bags and have sent this owl ahead of me. I will be seeing you soon. 
Your Friend,
August in New Orleans felt like walking through a bowl of hot soup. The sun shone brightly on the back of your dress. You were starting to think of it as your “leaving dress”. You had spent your last day at Ilvermorny in it, and you’d spend your last day in your home of New Orleans in it. 
Keep reading
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
you’ve heard of elf on the shelf, now get ready for
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
I just finished reading every part of "The Writer & The Runaway" and I could literally cry at how much I love it and your writing!! ❤️you are so talented and I can't wait to read more! ❤️❤️
Omg thank you so much! I am so thrilled you liked it! ❤️
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
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gif request meme | newtscamanders asked: Fantastic Beasts + Favourite Male Character
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway was incredible ahhh! May I request a fluffy short of Newt x Reader finding out they are soulmates in divination class ?
Thank you, you sweet thing! I'm gonna be out of town for a bit but I'll try to get on this when I get back!
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
oh shit y’all i just realized something i meant to save as a draft i posted publicly. Haha, whatever lets just call it a sneak peak ur welcome. 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway
This is Part 5 of a series, but it can be read as a standalone fic.
Newt x Reader
Summary: (Y/N) falls asleep on Newt while watching his creatures, and when you wake up, your feelings finally become known to one another. 
( @redsilentwolf28 @purelittleblueberry )
“New York City buzzes with a special kind of energy. I’ve never felt anything quite like it,” Newt observed.
The both of you were inside his case. You’d just finished feeding the creatures and decided to take a break in the shade of a tree. You both sat, almost touching, with your backs leaning against the strong trunk. Unbeknownst to you, Pickett the bowtruckle was climbing around in Newt’s hair and he was patiently waiting for him to stop. 
You asked Newt about his travels and he delighted in telling you. He raved of deserts and snowy plains, high mountains and ocean cliffs, and of course the creatures. You could only imagine how many more stories he had that he wasn’t getting around to sharing. 
“You’re a fascinating person, Newt,” You heard yourself say. Perhaps you were a little sleepy, and that sleepiness was causing you to be a little less self conscious. You noticed that he was blushing. Suddenly, Pickett decided to hop into your hair. “Oh no Pickett, leave her alone,” he reached for him. 
“Oh it’s okay, he’s fine,” you laughed. 
“Keep telling me stories, if you’d like, I love hearing them,”
“Oh I don’t know,” he was growing shy, “They’re not that interesting, I tend to ramble.”
“I beg to differ. I wish I could travel like you,” you yawned. 
“Well you could...” He said, but you didn’t think too much of it. 
“Come on, you’ve got to have more,” you smiled. 
So he conceded and began to tell you the story of how he had come into possession of the last breeding pair of graphorns in the world. You could tell he was uncomfortable talking about himself so much, so you let some silence blossom in between you for a while. He seemed grateful for it. You leaned your head back against the tree and closed your eyes. The warmth of Newt’s conjured sun was relaxing as it beamed on your face from behind a cloud. There was a nice breeze that rustled the trees overhead. Pickett was crawling down your shirtfront and into Newt’s lap again. 
You’d never felt so at ease with a man. You’d always known to be cautious around males, but that fear was beginning to fade the more time you spent with Newt. It allowed you to let your guard down, to grow tired as you leaned against the tree. To relax as the silence blanketed you both. 
Newt felt something fall on his shoulder, and his eyes popped open wide when he noticed it was your lolling head. The stared. Had you fallen asleep on him? There was no way this was intentional, was it? He craned his neck to see your sleeping face. Your eyes twitched behind your lids, your lips looked soft and barely parted. His heart leapt wildly, but he settled underneath your head so you’d be more comfortable. He was blushing, unable to believe you could allow yourself to be so relaxed around him that you’d fall asleep. He liked the feeling of warmth around his heart. He liked the tingling he felt where your hair tickled his neck. 
You absolutely took over his mind. Not even Pickett pulling at his earlobe could distract him from his meandering thoughts. They grazed from the way you looked, to the careful way you moved, to your careless way of speaking. Floating to thoughts of your wit, your graceful body, the clothes you wore, the way you flicked your wand, your bravery. From your bravery they were caught up in a breeze that traveled through his mind to what he knew of your past. He thought of your face as you faced the boggart who looked like your ex-lover, and your composure afterward. In that breeze he also remembered your strange way of hiding the way you felt when something was wrong. Like how your reassuring smile was a bit too wide, your eyes a little too empty, and your voice a little too strong. As much as he tried not to, his mind kept bringing him back to your ex-fiance, Magnus. He knew Magnus was a good-looking man, he’d seen him when he saw your boggart. He was brutish, with dark features and a strong jaw and looked just how men were supposed to look. Not so boyish and gleeful and awkward. Newt had never really resigned himself to the constraints of other’s expectations, but he felt a bit unworthy of your time, so he was beginning to feel a new level of self-consciousness. 
You slept there for maybe twenty minutes before he thought that maybe he should wake you up. On some brave, inspired wind he took the hand that lay between you, and touched yours with it. At first, you did nothing. Without thinking, he began to trail his fingers up and down your arm until you began to stir. By the time you opened your eyes and jerked your head off his shoulder in surprise, he was grinning in his charming way. “Hello,” he whispered, his smile teetered on sweet laughter. 
“Oh my, I’m so sorry,” you were blushing furiously. “I was...Did I fall asleep?”
His fingers were still trailing over your inner wrist.
“Not for long. Maybe twenty minutes,”
“I’m so sorry,”
“It’s perfectly fine,” he noticed he was still absentmindedly touching your wrist. For the first time you became cognizant of his touch and your blush burned darker. You didn’t want him to stop, though. It felt good. You couldn’t remember a time where you had been touched so sweetly. On what seemed like somebody else’s courage, you slid your hand into his. Your heart was a flurry in your chest as you waited for his reaction. Slowly, his long fingers curled over your hand in approval. Your heart did a leap of excitement and he heard you exhale in happy relief. You heard a silent chuckle escape him and you wondered how anybody on this earth could be so...so perfect. 
You didn’t say anything, but you sat holding hands for the better part of an hour. Neither one of you knew how to move forward. Was this an act of friendship? Was this a first step toward something else? Your heart thought it knew what you both wanted but your mind swirled with doubt and fear. 
So there you sat; hearts hammering and hands clasped under a tree in Newt’s case. After the initial nerves begun to subside, you leaned your head against his shoulder again, but not to sleep this time; to be close to him. 
Newt’s head went silent at this. He couldn’t think at all, he just felt this warm, frightened, hopeful beast in his chest wake up and begin to stretch after a long hibernation. His head turned and his chin rested in your hair. You smiled and he could feel it. Before he even knew what he was doing, he dropped his head down and kissed the top of your head. Your heart ached from his sweetness. You couldn’t help but think that that kiss, that kiss, as innocent as it was right on top of your head, had more feeling in it than any kiss that had ever touched your lips. 
You looked up at him in wonder. You could feel the earth tilt beneath you as you looked up into his moss green eyes and the space between your lips got smaller. He bit his lip and looked worried, his hand hesitated but in a sudden decision, his hand cupped your cheek and you melted as you closed the space between your lips. You had no time to think about how his lips tasted like an apple, or how carefully his hand held your face, or how tender his lips were. The only thought you could hear echoing around your head was; this is it. 
This was what all the singers sung about, this is what authors write about, this is what it’s supposed to feel like. 
And you cried. 
And he pulled away to apologize.
And you laughed. 
“No Newt...That was...You’re....wonderful,” you whispered in awe. “I’m sorry. I ruined it with the theatrics,” you were wiping your eyes and laughing because you were just—
 “I don’t know why I’m doing this. I’m just so...so...” there was no other way to put it,
In your gaze he could see the truth and he put his apologies away and began to laugh with you. He reached up and brushed some hair from your eyes and when he caught your gaze he kissed you again. 
“You really like me?” you heard him as in the most unassuming, most delighted voice. Your heart broke for his modesty.
“Yes,” you laughed, “Yes, very much,” you reached up and held his face with both hands, examining it. “I really do,” 
His eyebrows were pulled together with the most heart-wrenching wonder. As he looked at you like you held the sun you knew you had not, and would never have, a better love.
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway (Part Four)
~Newt x Reader~
Synopsis: The reader is a witch from New Orleans. In a strange turn of events, she has just left an abusive engagement with a no-maj and has gone to live with her friend Queenie in New York. Her family is now realizing she’s gone and are sending owl after owl to contact her. Meanwhile, a new tenderness is beginning to blossom between her and Newt. 
Warning: mention of domestic violence
( @redsilentwolf28 @purelittleblueberry )
It was the quick rise and fall of your chest upon seeing him that lead Newt Scamander to believe he was in trouble. The morning following your outing together, you emerged from your room barefoot and in yellow. “Good morning,” was that an apologetic hint to your voice? For what were you apologizing?
Was it the peculiar moment just hours ago? The both of you began to relive it in your minds. You thought of the soft curiosity of his features so close to yours. He thought of how close his eyes were to fluttering closed when he swore you looked like you were about to kiss him. Then, like throwing a rock through a window, the image shattered as you both came back to reality. 
“How did you sleep, honey?” Queenie asked you. You wondered if she had read your mind just then. What was Newt thinking? You glanced at him, he was staring off into empty space.
“Quite well, thank you,” you remarked. Queenie insisted you help yourself to some coffee, and so you did. She was lounging on the couch. The windows were thrown open and an early fall breeze was wafting through the apartment. A few of your hairs tickled your face as you closed your eyes and leaned on the windowsill. The brightness of the sun on your skin should have been waking you up, but the warmth of it made you so comfortable you thought you could fall back asleep right there. 
Tina emerged from her bedroom. “I think this Owl was meant for you, Y/N,” She said, carrying a tawny Owl on her arm that you immediately recognized. It was your parent’s. Your heart began to pound erratically. Your face went tomato red. You hadn’t exactly told them what your plan was. You, looking sick, took the Owl from Tina and went to find a knuckle to pay the creature. “There’s something wrong with it, look at it’s wing...Maybe it got caught in some weather on its way here,” Tina observed.  
She was right. “Let me take a look,” said Newt. He gently untied the letter from the Owl’s leg and handed it to you without looking at you. For some reason, this hurt you. As he spoke to the Owl and began to examine it, you disappeared into the guest bedroom to read it. 
“My Daughter,
I hope this letter finds you swiftly. I understand you have felt slighted by your family since the incident with young Mr. Perrigone. Though we have been the subject of some ridicule since your disappearance, you are still a member of this family and are expected to tell at least one of us if you’ve chosen to go somewhere. We never wished you to feel like we didn’t support your leaving Magnus, even if we don’t understand it. If you would just come home and talk to us, perhaps we can think up a solution. If you’d like, I can talk to Magnus for you. Perhaps this is something that, with my help, we can smooth over. 
Please come home. 
With Love,
Your Father”
Your eyes were full of angry tears. Perhaps this is something we can smooth over? You didn’t want to smooth anything over! You never wanted to see Magnus again! Did you have to spell out every crude, violent detail to your Father for him to understand why you didn’t want to see him again? You tore open the desk drawer, slapped the letter inside, and slammed it shut. 
“He didn’t know you were coming?” Queenie had been leaning in the doorway, reading your mind as you read the note. 
“Queenie,” you sighed, wishing she hadn’t. You scrubbed your face with your hands and dropped into the bed. 
“I’m sorry, Honey. I just wanted to make sure you were okay...” Her voice was small. 
“It’s okay Queenie I just...” You wanted to growl you were so frustrated. “Can we talk about this later?” Your eyes were begging. It went without saying that you didn’t want to talk about it in front of Mr. Scamander once again. 
That day Queenie, Tina, Newt, you, and Mr. Kowalski spent the day in picnicking in Central Park and strolling around town. Mr. Scamander slept on the couch again and when you awoke the next morning there was another Owl for you, tapping at the kitchen window. 
“...Magnus said he’d be willing to give it another go if you decided to come home...” said one of the lines in a letter from your Mother. That letter got stuffed in the same place as your Father’s. 
That night when Newt got back from his publisher’s, you were sitting at the kitchen table reading a book. You heard the door open and looked up, your heart lurched. 
“Hello Newt,” you smiled. He noticed that you were no longer distancing yourself by calling him Mr. Scamander. 
“Good evening,” He said, taking off his coat and scarf. You exchanged a few pleasantries and then you noticed the sun had already set. He was fidgeting with his hands, looking unsure of what to do with himself. You smiled and invited him to sit. 
“Tina and Queenie sent me an owl. They had some trouble at the ministry today, they’re going to be quite late,” you said. 
“Oh,” he said, taking a cautious seat beside you, “What’s this you’re reading?” 
“It’s a no-maj book. I was wandering around the city and stopped into one of their book shops today. It’s called The Awakening, I saw it took place in New Orleans so I picked it up...It’s quite...illuminating,” you laughed.
“How so?” 
“Well I haven’t gotten very far yet...But so far it’s about a woman named Edna who begins to realize that she is more than just a wife and mother and she’s actually an autonomous person with feelings and desires so she leaves her husband and has an affair...”
Newt looked interested and bewildered. 
“It’s quite scandalous, really,” you shrugged, tossing it aside.
“That sounds like a good pick for you,” he said. Then he suddenly went red and began to correct himself, “Not the part about the affair! The part about realizing she’s an autonomous person with her own feelings to be considered!” he was laughing uneasily and his face was an adorable shade of crimson. “Not that I feel like you need...”
He realized, to his relief, that you were laughing and you assured him that you knew what he had meant. 
 “Are you hungry? I’m sure we could find something to make,” you said, your stomach was growling. You began to search through the icebox. Together you made a simple dinner, it was ready quickly and you were able to keep the pleasantries going throughout dinner. 
The two of you retired to the living room after. You went back to your book and Newt scribbled into a notepad. You both felt a bit awkward, but neither of you had any desire to leave. After a while of reading, your mind slipped away and sleep began to cradle you. Newt kept stealing glances whenever your head would droop farther down. You kept on reading until your eyes were closed and your breathing was steady. He found himself lost in thought as he watched you. 
A sharp tapping at the window roused you. You jerked upward to see Newt open the window and an owl drop a letter in your lap. You sighed, looking at the handwriting. It was your Mother’s again. You paid the little bird and off it went. 
Newt watched you curiously as you tossed the envelope aside and did not open it. You noticed his gaze and you looked up into it. You knew you had to address it.
“Newt, I wanted to apologize for the rather odd introduction we’ve been having here. I don’t want you to think badly of me and I’m afraid I might be giving you a poor impression of me,”
“I don’t think poorly of you at all,” he insisted. 
“I just don’t want you to see me as...” You struggled to find the words. “I know that right off the bat you knew everything that had happened with me back home...I just don’t want you to look at me and just see...that,”
“I don’t—” 
“Because for a while I sort of let that define me and I don’t want it to anymore. I got lost and I’m trying to put the pieces back together but these...These stupid letters,” you laughed. “They won’t leave me alone,”
“My family,” you sighed. There was a long pause.
“I don’t see you as the things that have happened to you,” he wasn’t elaborating, but you didn’t see Newt Scamander as a person with the agency to lie. 
“I’m sorry,” you heard yourself give an embarrassed laugh.
“What are you apologizing for?” his voice was both curious and encouraging.
“I—I dunno,” your voice teetered on a whisper. 
When you looked back at him you caught his gaze. He almost immediately dropped it. You could have sworn you saw a hint of blush creep up in his face. 
“Would you like to help me with the creatures again tonight?” He was looking up in your direction, but not at you. His lips were pressed together into a charming, nervous smile. His eyes were hopeful. You beamed at him, “Of course I would”. 
You helped him with his creatures every night that week. He even asked for your help in making a healing potion for one of them. You were delighted to feel useful and even more delighted to see that you hadn’t lost your touch when it came to making potions. He watched how careful you were and how nimble your fingers worked. What would it be like to reach out and touch those fingers? What would happen if he did?
One night, while helping him with a potion in his shed, you noticed something was missing. That photograph you’d seen of the beautiful girl was missing. You looked around.
“What are you looking for?” He asked, thinking he’d help you find whatever it was. 
“Where did that—” then you realized you needed to stop talking. Newt had been so kind and patient not to intrude into your past since you’d known him. You remembered what he’d said to you on your first outing.
 “I will not ask where you came from, if you’ll do the same for me”
“What?” He asked. He had a feeling he knew what you were getting at, but was hoping otherwise.
“Oh here it is,” you suddenly picked up a pair of sheers. You laughed too hard and began to clip some leaves off a Shrivelfig plant.
He gravitated toward you, taking your side as you worked. You showed him a better way of extracting the nectar from the shrivelfigs and you made him try it. Between instructions the silence was soft. He knew you had lied. And you both knew why. And that was okay. And the silence was sweet. 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway (Part 3)
Newt x Reader
Synopsis: The reader is a witch from New Orleans. In a strange turn of events, she has just left an abusive engagement with a no-maj and has gone to live with her friend Queenie in New York. Queenie’s friend Newt has offered to escort her through the city (and through his case of magical creatures) on her first day in town.
Warning: mention of domestic violence 
@redsilentwolf28 @purelittleblueberry
You woke up from a nightmare you couldn’t quite remember but you knew who it was about. As your mind settled back into your body you relaxed into the twin bed that cradled you and separated your dream from reality. You could hear people murmuring in the kitchen. Based on the angle of the sun you figured it was quite early in the morning. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and began to rifle through your bags for something to wear. August was considerably more comfortable in New York than it was in New Orleans. So when you walked out into the kitchen and saw Tina, Queenie, and their friend Newt all huddled around the table and whispering, you were wearing a simple, blue, long-sleeved dress with an embroidered collar and matching cloche hat. It was a dress you bought with your own money. Anything that Magnus had bought you, you’d left behind. 
When they all saw you, they immediately stopped talking. By the look on Newt’s face you knew; they had been talking about you. 
“Good morning, honey!” Queenie seemed a little overzealous. “We’re just having some coffee before we head out. Would you like some? Or a muffin?”
You decided not to say anything. They were housing you for free, they could talk about whatever they wanted in their own home. You only wished they didn’t talk about what had happened to you to Newt. You didn’t want him to pity you. Especially when he was supposed to escort you around town that day. 
“Sure,” You said and took a seat across from Tina and Newt. A blueberry muffin appeared before you and aromatic coffee poured itself into your cup. You took a few long sips as the girls discussed work things and picked at your muffin. There was a brief moment where you could feel Mr. Scamander’s eyes on you, you were determined not to be a wet blanket in his view, so you looked up and smiled at him. He returned the smile and it’s kindness startled you. 
“Well we’ve gotta get going” said Tina, “We will see you tonight, Y/N.” 
Your heart pounded as the two girls made their exit. Now it was just you alone with Mr. Scamander; a practical stranger. 
He cleared his throat. “Well I may not be the best tour guide but I am still happy to show you what I know of New York, if you’d like,” he said in his quick lilt. He was organizing a stack of papers into a folder. 
“Sure,” you said, trying to hide how nervous you were. 
“I do have one errand to run, though, if you don’t mind. It shouldn’t take too long”
“Oh that’s fine. Don’t let me get in your way,” you insisted. 
“You wont be” he smiled.
He lead you down to the street and you begun to walk. Your eyes scanned your surroundings curiously as you walked side by side with his briefcase between you. 
“Queenie tells me you’re quite the potions master?” he began.
“Did she now?” You laughed. If there was one subject you absolutely excelled in while you were in school, it was potions. 
“Yes I heard you have quite the natural talent for it”
“I don’t know what it was, I just had an instinct for it I guess…I wanted to teach potions for a while. So many of the books that are issued to students don’t really teach them the most effective ways of extracting venoms or making pastes…A lot of the books are a waste of time, really. They’re only good for ingredients lists”
“Why don’t you write one?” he suggested. 
“Oh I haven’t practiced in so long…I wouldn’t be the right person to do that anymore…”
“Oh. Why is that?” he said.
“I couldn’t practice really…It’s a dangerous time to be a wizard in New Orleans right now. My family and I had to…take certain…precautions” you struggled to find the words.
 He suddenly stopped asking questions. They had to have told him. You began to approach a rather large park. It still had all it’s greenery from the summer, but some of the leaves were beginning to turn. 
“They told you then?” you asked, before you could stop yourself. 
“It’s fine if they did…” you took a deep breath.
“They may have clued me in on a little bit” he admitted. “I’m sorry, that was wrong of us to gossip…” 
“I’m not angry…” you murmured. 
After a while of walking through the park in silence, you spoke up again. 
“You know… My parents thought it was the right thing to do… They aren’t bad people”
“You don’t need to explain,” he insisted, “Unless you want to,” he corrected. You breathed a sigh of relief, grateful to not have to answer. 
“I will not ask where you came from, if you’ll do the same for me,” he laughed, scuffing the ground with his shoe. “Follow me,” he said suddenly and you took a turn through the park. You walked and walked until you reached a shining, silver skyscraper. The door opened automatically for you and you noticed that a goblin was holding it open for you. “Oh thank you,” you said, startled. 
“Where are we exactly?” You whispered to Newt as he strode through the lobby towards a receptionist’s desk. “The American branch of my publisher” he said. You hung back as he talked to the receptionist. She invited you to take a seat while you were waiting. 
You sat, reading a magazine for about ten minutes before you heard a sudden piercing scream and all hell broke loose. Suddenly from out in the hallway you could see a very large magical creature that you’d never seen before upturning every person and every thing in it’s path. A woman was trying to outrun it, and Newt was bolting close behind it, yelling “Riddikkulus!” 
Why on earth was he casting that charm? The creature lurched out of the way and Newt missed it. Then suddenly, as a man threw open his office door to see what the problem was, he came face to face with the creature and it shuddered and suddenly whipped itself into a basilisk. The man gave a scream that rivaled the woman who was skittering to a stop behind the receptionist’s desk. “I haven’t got my wand!” the woman cried. 
So it was a boggart! You already had your wand out just in time to watch the tail of the basilisk crash into Newt and send him straight into the wall. “Mr. Scamander!” You yelled, rushing toward him, but then the basilisk turned on you, shuddered, and began to change. 
Your heart flew into your throat and you stumbled backward at the sight of Magnus stalking toward you in a blind rage. His eyes were full of whiskey fueled flame and he was as physically imposing as ever. “You think you can run from me?” He bellowed as he lurched forward to grab you, his hands were at the level of your throat—
“Riddikulus!” You cried before you even knew what you were doing and Magnus fell, almost comically, into a deep hole in the ground. The man whose boggart took the shape of a basilisk suddenly swooped in and caught the boggart in a wooden box and locked it shut. 
People began to laugh in relief, your heart was hammering against your chest. After what you’d just seen, there was no laughter in you. All you could see was Newt’s eyes across the vast space; knowingly, pityingly locking onto yours for the first time.
You rushed to see if Newt was okay. He was covered in drywall, he must have hit the wall very hard. You knelt down beside him. “I’m okay,” he insisted, wincing as he pushed himself up. “Mr. Scamander, your head is bleeding!” You said, reaching into your coin purse for a handkerchief. You folded it and promptly pressed it to the cut on his forehead. You could see his eyes were darting all around your face, he seemed uneasy. 
“Are you alright?” he asked you.  
“Of course, it was only a boggart,” the look in your eyes was hard. Your body felt strange and numb. “I’m fine,” you insisted. Touching him made you uneasy now that you realized you were doing it. “Come here,” you said, and you both scooted away from the wall so you could use your wand to repair it. 
“Well, Mr. Scamander I’m certainly sorry about that, but I promise your manuscript is in good hands. If another boggart decides it’s going to made a home in my office closet and cause a ruckus we will send away to your European publisher for a copy,” the woman without her wand was laughing. “I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. Are you okay?” She asked, noticing he was holding your handkerchief to his head. “Just got the wind knocked out of me is all,” he insisted.
“And thank you for taking care of that for us, Miss….?”
When you left, Newt had his lips pressed together uneasily. You knew he had seen your boggart and you probably owed him an explanation. You just didn’t want him to pity you. You hated the idea of having to air your dirty laundry, but you felt it was expected of you.
“Do you wanna sit down somewhere? Maybe eat something?” you asked. 
“Yeah, that would be fine,” he said. The next sidewalk cafe you saw you decided to sit down. You ordered a coffee and he ordered some tea to go with your sandwiches. As you sipped from your cup you decided to ask.
“Mr. Scamander, what all did Tina and Queenie tell you about me?”
“Not everything.” he said, looking uncomfortable. His eyes were downcast, his lips were parting thoughtfully. When he looked up you were staring at him, looking expectant. He sighed, “Just that you had just left an engagement with a not-so-nice muggle because your family was facing persecution in New Orleans…”
“Well…That’s about all there is to know, then” you laughed. He was delighted to see you laugh. 
“Where are you from, Mr. Scamander?” 
“After this, I think you can call me Newt.” He smiled, briefly glancing up at you from his teacup. 
“Where are you from, Newt?” 
“England,” he answered vaguely. 
“So you went to Hogwarts?” you asked. 
“I did,” you noticed him shift in his seat.
It was strange to be carrying a conversation after so long of being asked not to contribute to them. Your food came and you both began to eat. 
“So how exactly did you meet Queenie and Tina, again? Queenie kind of told me but I don’t think I got the whole tale.” You asked after a while. 
“You didn’t?” You’d never heard him laugh so hard. It was a wonderful sound. It brought a wide grin to your face to watch his eyes crinkle in amusement. 
“Well let me tell you the story…”
Hours later, you found yourself staring out at New York Harbor. Birds were cawing above your heads as you leaned on a railing and watched ships pass. “This reminds me of New Orleans,” you sighed. 
“Is that a good thing?” he asked.
“It is. It’s nice to know that, even so far from home not everything has to be so different,” after some small talk, you asked. 
“So was that the only copy you had of your manuscript?” you asked.
“The only finished one, yes. I have my notes. My publisher in England has one, and now the publisher we visited today has one.”
“Darn…I wanted to read it,” you smirked. “I guess I’ll just have to wait until it’s published.” you shrugged. 
“Well I may not have my book, but I do have something else I can show you…You might even like it better,” 
So he took you back to the only place he knew it was safe to show you. You begged him to tell you the entire journey back to their house, but he wouldn’t. He insisted it be a surprise. 
When you got back to Tina and Queenie’s he laid his suitcase down on the ground, opened it up, and put a foot inside it. You stifled a snort. What was he doing? Then your eyes went wide as he disappeared inside the case. “Follow me,” he directly called up. With your fingers nervously clasped in front of you you inched toward the case, peering down. Inside was what looked like a little tool shed. “Oh,” you breathed. You climbed down the little stairs and looked around the space. It was somewhat dark in there but as your eyes adjusted you could see he had various drawings, plants, and so many potions your eyes went wide. “Are these for your creatures?” You asked, running your fingers over the bottles. 
“Yes, so is this…” He was hiding his smirk as he opened the back door. It opened onto a vast desert landscape. You couldn’t believe your eyes. “Newt…What is this?” You said, grabbing the doorway as you stepped out of the shed. Not far away you could see what looked like a small rainforest and even a tundra. Huge dioramas and replicas of different ecosystems were scattered about the mysterious space.  “You made all of these?” Suddenly a huge creature that looked like a lion mixed with a puffer fish came bounding up to you at top speed. You yelped and ducked behind the shed. 
“It’s okay…tut tut tut,” Newt was making a clicking noise with his tongue behind his teeth that seemed to calm the animal. Newt rammed his head into the animal’s neck and began to nuzzle it and the creature nuzzled back. It put it’s paws up on Newt’s shoulders, knocking him over. Newt fell down with a laugh. “It’s okay, Y/N. He’s a real sweetheart actually. Would you like to feed him?” He asked. You stepped out from your hiding place. “Right there is a ice box with a bucket with his food if you want to bring it to me”. You shyly did as you were told, unable to take your eyes off the strange animal. You heard the roar of another animal distantly.
 “That’s it, I’ll show you. Just grab a handful, don’t look him in the eye, he’ll think you’re poisoning him…That’s good. Careful…”
Then the animal licked the huge handful of what looked like ground beef out of your hand. His tongue felt like sandpaper and it tickled, Newt smiled at you as you giggled. “Come on,” he said after a moment. He put his hand on your shoulder blade and lead you gently through the different habitats he’d created. From graphorns to mooncalves to bowtruckles Newt had tried his best to make a little home for each and every one of them.
“Newt…You did all of this for these creatures? All this time and effort so they would feel at home while you rehabilitated them?” Your heart was melted. Your hand rested on your chest in awe of him. 
“They heal faster when they aren’t scared, so I try to make them feel at home,”
“Oh Newt…This is the most thoughtful, the most wonderful thing I’ve ever seen,” you whispered, looking into his eyes, his darted away. 
Suddenly a mooncalf rammed its head into the back of your knees, causing you to almost fall over. Newt lurched forward but you caught yourself before he had to. “He must like you…They can be a little forceful with their affection,” Newt laughed. You kneeled down to pet the mooncalf and he licked your face. You burst into a fit of giggles. You played with the mooncalf for a while until it was feeding time for them. After hours of playing with the creatures and exploring the case, you decided to go back to reality. On your way out of the case, back in the shed you asked him to describe his potions for you. They were mostly potions that cured different sicknesses and injuries in animals. “How do you administer them to the more aggressive creatures?” You asked. 
“I try not to use spells on them too often, because I want them to trust me,” he said.
“That must be scary. Do they ever hurt you?” you asked.
“When they first come in, yes, they can be quite hostile,” he admitted.
“Does it hurt to let them go sometimes?”
“Sometimes…” He answered. He looked over at you, you were scanning the space, smelling different potions. He noticed you were nearing a photograph and he hoped you didn’t notice it.
“Who is this?” You asked, picking up the very photograph he was hoping you wouldn’t notice.
“Old friend,”
“She’s pretty, what’s her name?” You asked, holding the picture in your hand as you turned to meet his eye. He suddenly looked upset. Then you remembered what he’d said to you earlier. I will not ask where you came from, if you’ll do the same for me. This must have been what he was talking about. You quickly changed the subject, though your curiosity was besting you. 
 “I just can’t believe somebody would do something like this…Something so selfless.”
“It’s nothing really. I like to do it,” he shrugged. 
“Really, Newt, this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen,”
He paused. He wanted to deny it, his lips were tense but his eyes were kind. “Thank you,” he broke into a small smile. 
“But have you been in the case? I told him it was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen!” You raved to Queenie and Tina at the dinner table. 
“It is amazing,” laughed Tina. She was happy that you seemed so happy, but she’d seen the case and some of it’s charms had become normal to her now. Queenie, who never stopped smiling, looked exceptionally happy to see you so happy. Newt was bashfully staring into his peas. 
“Yes she is,” agreed Queenie, suddenly, staring at Newt. What had he been thinking? She giggled at you. What was he thinking about you? 
“Queenie will you please stop reading my mind?” said Newt in his even temper, rubbing his face with his hands. “Oh you’re no fun,” she teased. 
After dinner you all decided to have a glass of wine and talk. You discussed Queenie and Tina’s day as well as your adventure with Newt, leaving out the part about the boggart. Tina turned herself in first, claiming exhaustion. You weren’t sure if she had done it on purpose so you two would be alone together, but Queenie briskly did the same. Then it was just you, Newt, and your wine glasses. Your legs were tucked up underneath you on the couch and you had been cheated toward him the entire conversation with the girls, so thats how you continued to sit. “I really enjoyed my time with you today, Newt,” You smiled at him. 
“And I with you,” you noticed that on the bravery of his drink, he was looking at you. You wondered how on earth he could have enjoyed his time with you, since all you had really contributed was your horribly sad story that you didn’t really fill him in on. He knew you were lost in thought, so he was taking the opportunity to really look at your face for the first time. Once you came to, you noticed he wasn’t really looking away like he usually did. Your eyes scanned his face. They floated over his straight brows and round, perplexed eyes. The freckles on his high cheeks and nose brought a soft smile to your lips. Then you noticed, for the first time, the fullness of his lips. What would it be like to kiss those lips? Just as part of your body began to move to close the space between your two pairs of lips, you froze. A memory of Magnus’ lips capturing yours for the first time flashed behind your eyes. Your head snapped down to your lap, ashamed. 
“I guess I’ll see you in the morning, Mr. Scamander,” you muttered, trying to play it cool. He noticed that you didn’t call him by his first name, like you had begun to. 
“Oh…Yes,” he said, snapping out of his own reverie. “Yes, I suppose so. Goodnight, Y/N,”
“Goodnight, Mr. Scamander,” 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway (Part 2)
Part One Here
Part Three Here
Newt x Reader
Synopsis: The reader is a witch from New Orleans. In a strange turn of events, she has just left an abusive engagement with a no-maj and has gone to live with her friend Queenie in New York.
Warning: mention of domestic violence 
@redsilentwolf28 @purelittleblueberry
Queenie’s wide smile and open arms were a welcome sight. “Oh honey, you’re so tense!” She said once she pulled out of your hug. “Come in!” she said, picking your bags up with her wand and flying them into her living room. 
Queenie must have been reading your mind because she immediately began to speak “You have nothing to worry about, I haven’t told a single soul about the no-maj and they need never find out!” She was grinning in her usual way as your bags settled on either side of the couch. “I did tell Tina, of course, but she won’t say anything, I’ve made sure,” she smiled. 
Queenie was showing you more kindness than anybody had since you’d left Ilvermorny, you thought. It was making your eyes well up a little, but you pushed it down, inwardly punishing yourself for being weak. 
“It’s okay to be upset, honey. Even if you don’t feel like you should be,” she said as a tea tray came flying in from the kitchen. 
“I’m fine,” You insisted, “Honest,” 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” she sat down across from you, drinking her tea while your cup bumped into your knee insistently. You laughed and picked it up, drinking from it. 
“Well, you can just read my mind if you wanna know what all happened,” you said, bashfully. 
“But that won’t make you feel any better,”
After a few moments of her insisting, you finally broke. 
“Well...You know why we were engaged. At first, I thought it was the perfect idea. He was charming and handsome, and he would help keep my family safe. But after a while when his true colors started to show... He was so mean, Queenie...” memories began to take over your mind, both good and bad. Flashes of his arrogance, his wandering eyes, snippets of insults, the curl of his hair at the nape of his neck, his fingers slipping the ring on yours for the first time, his gritted teeth as he told you how stupid you were, how soft his lips were when he kissed you, “other girls would love to do this with me”, his hand in your hand, his hand in your hair, his hand at your throat, his hand cracking across your face as you fell...
Queenie suddenly gasped, looking at you with great concern. “Oh honey...” she came over to your side of the couch and wrapped her arms around you. Something about the gesture made your eyes well up again. “It’s fine Queenie, I’m okay,” you said, fighting the lump in your throat. It had been so long since anybody had touched you so lovingly that your whole body tingled where she hugged you. It felt foreign and too good. You shied away. 
“I hate that he made you feel that way. You’re not stupid, honey. You’re one of the smartest girls I’ve ever met. You deserve so much better,” she tucked some of your hair behind your ear. You could tell she was still running through your memories in her mind. You let her because for the first time you were too busy remembering the girl you used to be. The girl in school who always stood up. The girl who spoke up. The girl who volunteered. The girl who raised her hand. The girl who knew she was special. The girl who swore she would help others and go on grand adventures and learn everything she could.
Now what had you become? What had he reduced you down to? You hated yourself, and you hated that you allowed him to do this to you. Queenie thought you’d had enough of reliving your experience, so she began to talk. She distracted you with gossip about old classmates and told you what she had been up to. She told you about the no-maj she’d met and about a man named Mr. Scamander and all that had happened to Tina as an Auror. The change of subject was welcome, and you sat sipping your tea until you both became quite tired. 
“Do you want to take a bath? Or a nap? I know you’re tired,” 
“I might nap, actually...” You said, wiping your eyes. She brought you a blanket and pillow and gave you some space. You were surprised how quickly you drifted off, and how deeply you were able to sleep for the first time in months. 
When the front door popped open, you stirred, and the sound of voices roused you. 
“Oh,” you heard Queenie’s older sister realize you had been sleeping on the couch. “I’m sorry we woke you. It’s good to see you,” She said, you scrambled up to greet her. Trying not to look like you were totally dazed from your deep sleep. You ran your fingers through your hair, trying to tame it, and turned to look at her company. 
Your hand fell from your hair as you saw a young man with red hair, freckles, and darting, curious eyes was looking back at you. Your cheeks went red and you couldn’t suppress an embarrassed smile. “Y/N this is my friend, Mr. Scamander,” 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” He said in an accent. He extended his right hand and took your fingers to shake. 
“Y/N is going to be staying with us for a while,” 
“Lovely,” His perfect smile was more pointed toward the floor. You remembered a flash of Magnus’ smile, but shoved the thought away. Mr. Scamander wasn’t looking at you, but he seemed friendly enough. You weren’t in any position to be wondering whether or not he was seeing anybody, you weren’t in any way ready for that sort of thing, but you couldn’t help yourself. 
“He’s not!” Queenie sang as she floated into the room. Your cheeks burned, Tina and Mr. Scamander looked at you quizzically. She giggled innocently. “I’m going to make dinner. Oh that does sound good Newt, I’ll make that,” she said and was gone. 
You decided to excuse yourself to bathe before dinner. And by the time you came out of the bathroom, all wet-haired and clean, dinner was ready and another man had arrived. He was introduced to you as Mr. Kowalski. “You’ll have to pardon me I’ve just flown in from New Orleans so I’m a little...frazzled,” you laughed as you helped yourself to your plate. 
“I’ve never flown on an airplane before, what’s it like?” said Mr. Kowalski. You looked at Queenie, who was smiling and leaning on her hand which was propped up by the elbow on the table. 
“Actually Jacob, she flew on broomstick,” it felt odd to hear the words aloud, since you’d been living in secret among no-maj’s for so long. 
“New Orleans, Louisiana. Home of the Rougarou, is it not?” you realized Mr. Scamander was talking to you. 
“Oh yes,” you stammered, brows pulled together. You wondered how he’d known that. “My brother’s had to strike a deal with a pack of them to get them to stop terrorizing fishermen near the delta”. Mr. Scamander’s eyes watched your mouth explain, rather than meet your eye. 
“Have you been to Lousiana, Mr. Scamander?” You asked, “Not many people know about the Rougarou. I brought them up in conversation once at Ilvermorny and not one person knew what I was talking about!” You laughed.
“No, but I would like to,” he moved his food around on his plate, he was smiling still. Your chest warmed. You chalked it up to the warmth the people at the table were showing you. Warmth you’d been missing for a long time. 
“Newt knows everything about magical creatures. He’s writing a book about them,”  Newt. What a charming name. 
“Oh,” your interest was piqued. 
“I would like to help people understand them. So often they are unjustly killed out of fear or ignorance” he expanded. Your eyes softened on him and you nodded. He felt the need to fill the silence, “they’re quite beautiful, most of them,”
 “I’d love to read your book,” you heard yourself say quickly. Queenie was grinning at you and poking you with her foot under the table. You kicked back at her but she knew it was coming and simply giggled as she pulled her foot away. You knew what she was getting at, but you weren’t ready for such things. 
After dinner and dessert you began to excuse yourself. “Thank you for dinner, but I’m exhausted.” You said and cleared your plate, sending it to the sink to wash itself. Mr. Kowalski watched in amusement. You rose from the table and began to head toward the living room as you said goodnight. 
“Oh you don’t have to sleep in there,” said Newt suddenly, rising up. You were confused. Was there a guest bedroom here? 
“Please, sleep in the guest bedroom, I’ll take the couch,” he said briskly. 
“Oh, I didn’t realize I wasn’t the only house guest,” you laughed uneasily.
“We’ve taken in all kinds of rascals lately, haven’t we Queenie?” Tina smirked, sending her dishes to the sink. 
Meanwhile, Newt had levitated his suitcase and it was floating out of what you assumed to be the guest room, through the kitchen, to the couch. It didn’t look like you had much of a choice. 
“Well thank you, Mr. Scamander,” you said bashfully, even though you would have been fine with the couch. 
“Well I’d better be on my way. It’s already so late,” said Mr. Kowalski. Queenie got up to kiss his cheek. “I’ll walk you out,” she giggled and they were gone. 
With nothing else to do, you picked up your bags and began to carry them to the bedroom. It had two beds. You wished it would have been appropriate for him to sleep in the one across from yours, then you wouldn’t feel so guilty about taking his sleeping quarters. You set your bags down and went to grab the last one, but Newt was standing in the doorway with it. 
“Oh, thank you,” you smiled, taking it from him. That was kind of him. 
Tina appeared in the doorway as well. “Queenie and I have to work tomorrow, I’m sorry we’ll have to leave you here all alone. But you’re welcome to anything in the icebox.” she said. 
“Thank you, Tina. That’s okay, it’ll give me a chance to do a little sightseeing” your smile was tired, and maybe a little sad, as you sat down on one of the two beds. 
Queenie had come in from outside and had obviously been scheming. “Newt, do you have plans for tomorrow?” 
“Well I...Well no I suppose not. Why don’t I show you the town?” He grinned. Your heart pounded nervously. You knew you had no reason to be nervous, but your heart wasn’t so trusting. “I don’t know too much about it, but I can show you some things I suppose,” he thought aloud. 
“Newt you are such a sweetheart,” said Queenie, throwing her arms over his shoulders from behind. “Goodnight everyone. Have fun tomorrow,” she said cheekily.
So off the two girls went.
“So i’ll see you in the morning, Mr. Scamander?” you said. He looked at your face. Your lower lip was caught in your teeth, from what he knew of body language yours looked nervous. However, your eyes held what he could be mistaking as a tiny glimmer of hope. 
“Yes, Miss Y/N. I’ll see you in the morning,” His lips pressed into a smirk over his teeth. With his smile cast to the floor, he stuffed his hands in his trouser pockets, turned on his heel, and shut your door behind him. 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
The Writer & The Runaway (Part 1)
(Part Two Here)
Newt x Reader 
Synopsis: The reader is a witch from New Orleans. In a strange turn of events, she has just left an abusive engagement with a no-maj and is leaving to live with her friend Queenie in New York. 
Warning: Brief depiction of domestic violence. 
“Dear Queenie,
I’ve decided I’m going to do it. There’s nothing here for me anymore. I’ve packed my bags and have sent this owl ahead of me. I will be seeing you soon. 
Your Friend,
August in New Orleans felt like walking through a bowl of hot soup. The sun shone brightly on the back of your dress. You were starting to think of it as your “leaving dress”. You had spent your last day at Ilvermorny in it, and you’d spend your last day in your home of New Orleans in it. 
As you walked past Old Ursuline Convent you ducked your head, stared at your newly purchased folded parchment in your hand, and walked a little quicker. You could sense that one of the nuns was watching you. There had been a lot of talk about your family around town and some of the rumours were beginning to sound a little too accurate. Which was why your parents had decided to set you up with a family friend. Magnus Perrigone. Magnus was a no-maj, but MACUSA didn’t have to know that. The chances of MACUSA finding out about your family trying to marry you off to a no-maj were slim. Much like the way Federal no-maj laws in your port city didn’t always apply, MACUSA didn’t really reign here. 
Magnus was one of the wealthiest men in New Orleans. He had the great arrogance and restlessness of a man who had had too much time on his hands since birth. But he was handsome, and he was charming. His smile was white and broad, his eyes shone brilliantly in the southern sun. He had a way of making you feel both very special to be his pick, and very stupid. You weren’t stupid. You had been in Horned Serpent in school and had one of the brightest minds of all your classmates. Had you the confidence to remember just how smart you really were, had you been able to show the no-maj what you could do, things might have not have transpired the way they did the night everything ended between the two of you. 
Magnus always drank too much. In true New Orleans fashion he had brought you to a grand masquerade ball. An award ceremony. You had never worn a dress so heavily jeweled in all your life, it was beautiful, but you had to keep continuously fanning yourself with your bejeweled fan or else you’d sweat your lipstick off. Your eyes flitted from one glittering dress to another as he held your fingers and escorted you inside. He fitted your hand with a drink you didn’t ask for, but you didn’t say no. “Now there are going to be a lot of really important people here tonight, people I’m doing business with so...just be careful what you say, got it?” that was his way of telling you not to talk. In his opinion, you shouldn’t have opinions. You were to nod and smile at everything he or his clients said. When he first met you, he loved to laugh at your witty jokes, but as time went on and he noticed how much people preferred you to him, he began to shut you down.  He would encourage you not to talk, insinuate that you were bad at being “a lady”. He would tell you that women who became good mothers were more nurturing and loving of their partners. Good women were loyal and loved to serve their men.  You, always emotionally distant, would set your jaw and go silent. Your parents kept reminding you that, if you married him, they would be able to escape persecution. Too many nights citizens of New Orleans had vandalized their property, threatened them, and even tried to set your family home on fire on the assumption that your family were witches. With Magnus in the family, with his stunning reputation, that might change.
 Over time, this behavior became quite taxing. Week after week of him squelching your potential turned you into a shell of yourself. So that night, in your heavy dress, in late july heat, you downed your first drink, preparing yourself for another evening of acting like a damn fool. As he lead you through the crowd to listen to him have conversation after conversation that you weren’t really invited to contribute to, your mind began to wander. It wandered back to days when you had dreams of studying and sharing your knowledge at a school. You had wanted to be a professor so badly in those days. You loved the way school made you feel valuable, and you wanted to be of value to others. You didn’t feel that way with Magnus, but he said he loved you. You thought he was beautiful, you thought you could grow to love him. Over time, the urge to win his approval only grew.
“Isn’t that right, Y/N? Y/N?”
His voice ripped you out of your reverie. 
“Oh. Yes,” you stammered and tried to laugh it off. 
“Always a dreamer this one,” Magnus showed his perfect teeth and threw his arm around you, squeezing your shoulder much too tightly. It was his warning to pay attention. “I should ask her for a dance, I’m probably boring her with all this business talk,” he laughed and excused himself, dragging you along with him. 
He put his hand on your waist and began to lead you. You didn’t look at him, you knew he’d be angry with you. “Is it really that hard?” He muttered into your ear and you stumbled on your heels. 
“Are you drunk?” 
“No, I...It’s just hot in here,” You said as you swayed back and forth. You were kind of drunk, actually, and the swaying wasn’t helping. You almost never drank and whatever bathtub gin or moonshine you’d had was much stronger than anything you’d ever tasted. You wondered if it was rotgut and maybe you should tell someone.
“Y/N” he sighed. You could feel him tense up as he practically lifted you upright. 
“Why do you talk about me like that? Like I’m some little child in need of constant entertainment?” You demanded bravely as you danced. 
“Will you be quiet?” He said through gritted teeth.
 “Oh nobody is listening,” you slurred. 
“Listen to me, they’re going to start the awards in a half hour and I’m nominated. I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, but if you don’t get it figured out soon...” You knew he was threatening to leave you. You both knew why you had started this relationship, because of the rumours. He just didn’t know they were true. 
You could smell the gin on his breath as you set your jaw, took a deep breath and feigned an apology. 
“That’s my girl,” he said and kissed your lips. 
When the spotlight came onstage and Walter Clearwater began to introduce the nominees, you had broken into a sweat. Another drink that Magnus had given you, mixed with the stifling heat of the room had you completely dehydrated and totally drunk. Hanging onto Magnus’ arm had become more of a necessity to remain upright than an obligation. You were fanning yourself but your hand was slowing down. Distantly you heard Magnus’ name called. You felt your face smile as he kissed your cheek and left to accept his award. As he left, you stumbled forward and steadied yourself. A few people turned to look at you. Darkness was rising up to envelop you but you were fighting it with all your might. You heard a small shuddering moan escape your own lips and you fainted just as Magnus took the stage. 
Your head was pounding. When you opened your eyes the dim light from the bulb in Magnus’ living room felt like looking straight into the sun as you sat up. 
“You couldn’t do it could you? You couldn’t have one night be about me, could you?” Magnus’ voice was full of malice. You groaned as the memories came back to you. You saw different images of people coming to your aid as you fell, Magnus carrying you, how carelessly he dropped you on his couch when he was alone. It had to be three in the morning now. 
“Look at me!” He said, grabbing your arm and yanking you to look at him. Your heart lurched with fear. He’d grabbed you like this before and when you tried to escape it didn’t end well for you. He was knelt down beside you with a glass of whiskey in his hand, looking vindictive.
“You’re a real selfish girl, you know that? This was supposed to be my night! Just couldn’t have that, could you?” He was spitting, inches from your face. 
“Magnus, I’m sorry,” 
“I mean really Y/N, your theatrics couldn’t have waited until after? Do you know how embarassing it is to have everybody I know talking about how you couldn’t control yourself enough to not get obliterated at the biggest gala of the year?” 
“I really didn’t have more than I usually do--”
“Oh shut up,” he spat. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened!” you tried again, your voice rising hysterically. You were trying not to let his words pierce your heart, but they were anyway. You tried to explain how you thought maybe the gin you were drinking was a bad batch. That tended to happen a lot since prohibition began. But he wouldn’t let you talk. 
“I’m doing your family a favor and this is how you repay me?!” That one stung. He always insisted that this favor of him being engaged to you wasn’t a big deal and he actually did love you. Every time his voice escalated it pierced your skull and made you flinch. 
“I’m sorry, just please calm down!” you moaned, pulling his hands from your face. You were growing more fearful by the second.
“Do NOT tell me what to do!” he roared and seized your jaw with his hand to make you look at him. You tore away as you yelped a loud “Ouch!”
“LOOK AT ME!” He said, grabbing your face again. Your heart lurched with fear. You brought your eyes to his reluctantly, they were welling with tears. How could you explain to him that it was a total accident? Before you had gotten drunk you thought you were doing so good at the party, you’d done exactly what he’d asked of you...
“Oh don’t you fucking cry,” He shoved your face away and stalked across the room. Of course, those worlds wrought a huge sigh from your chest. You felt like an absolute failure. 
“You cry, and now I look like the bad guy!” He put his hands up ad started to pace. “All the while we can’t have five minutes where you aren’t the center of attention!”
“Magnus, I really didn’t mean--”
“For the love of God will you STOP TALKING? You never shut up do you? You’re the most disrespectful woman I’ve ever met! Who bought you that dress tonight? Huh? Me! Who’s money paid for that engagement ring, huh? Mine! What more can I do for you?” 
“It’s not about that! WILL YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!” You knew immediately what would happen after you yelled these words, and you wished you could take them back. 
His hand cracked hard across your face. It sent you to the floor. 
“Do not EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!” He bellowed, grabbing you by the front of your dress. He saw your tears again and scoffed, pushing you back down to the ground. You clambered toward the door the whole side of your face stung. “Where are you gonna go?” His laugh was disdainful.
 “I knew telling your father I’d marry you was a mistake. Sending you off to that boarding school was the worst mistake he ever made. Now you’ve got all these ideas in your head, no wonder they all think you’re a witch. You’re damn lucky I said I’d marry you, I’m the only guy in this town who would,”
“Shut up,” you muttered, feeling rage build inside you. 
“Excuse me?” He stepped toward you threateningly. “I don’t think you know how lucky you are to have me, little girl. Every girl in this town would love to play your role, they’d probably be better at it too,”
“Shut up!” You sobbed, stamping your foot. Somewhere you heard the sound of glass cracking. Something was building up inside you. 
It all happened all at once. Just as his hand flew to your throat and you were pinned against the wall, gasping for air, it happened. Every piece of glass in Magnus’ living room, including the windows, shattered one by one in a quick succession. You both screamed in fear. He ducked, your hand flew to your free throat. 
You knew what you had done. It had been so long since you’d practiced magic, in your fear, it had built up inside you. It was bound to come out sometime. 
“You...” He said, raising a shaking finger. Both pairs of your fearful eyes locked onto each other’s, “You are a witch,” he stammered. 
it ended with an obliviation spell. You couldn’t erase yourself from his mind completely, there’d be too much suspicion among your friends, so you wiped all evidence of the broken glass from his memory after letting him watch you repair it. When it was over, it was you who called off the engagement, but you manipulated him enough to make him feel like it was his idea.
But then you had to tell your parents. 
They were devastated, so were your brothers. They could not have seemed more disappointed in you. They had barely spoken to you since. 
It was Queenie’s idea for you to come visit. You’d been friends since your first year at Ilvermorny and you’d been keeping her updated through letters since you’d left. At first, you declined her offer, but made a last minute decision to take flight. Now, with your newly purchased map of America, you would walk home. Finish packing, and take off at nightfall. 
Leaving this time wouldn’t feel like leaving for school. It wouldn’t hold the bittersweetness and promise of another year at Ilvermorny. No, this time leaving home would feel like freedom. You weren’t sure how long your stay with Queenie would last, but you did know that there was nothing in New Orleans for you any more, and you were never going back. 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
Hi friends. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. Life keeps happening to me, I've politely asked it to stop, we will see if it begins to listen anytime soon.
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
Please, 223, 226 and 260 with Draco.
“Shut Up and Kiss Me”
Draco x Reader
“Let me buy you a drink?” “Look at that. I’ve never seen your face get so red.” “Shut up and kiss me.” 
In the days approaching your Sixth year you found yourself in staying in a rather deserted Hogsmeade. Due to your family’s work obligations, you were being put up in a small room in the village until school started. It was your first taste of complete independence and, while you missed your friends at school, you wished you had more time before it started. Day after day you wandered the streets of the village and peered into the shops, read books on benches outside the Bakery while you ate treacle tarts and sipped lattes. One peculiarly lonely night you decided to go out to have a drink. You put on a simple dress, you didn’t feel like trying to put together an outfit. For once, you were pleased with the way your normally uncontrollable hair looked, so you were out the door within minutes of deciding to go out. It was not your intention to go to the Hog’s Head. You knew it probably wasn’t the best place for you to be by yourself, but for some reason you couldn’t quite name, you were drawn to it. 
You sat down at the bar. You weren’t exactly sure what to order. You had tasted your Mother’s elderflower wine before, so thats what you politely asked for. You looked quite different than the other patrons here. Though they were few, they were quite loud. One burly looking man was telling a story about a brawl he was in while holding a cold mug up to his eye like an ice pack. There was a striking, tall witch in the corner whose beauty was not the only thing startling about her. She kept muttering to herself and would occasionally yelp out an exclamation. You tried not to stare at any of them. You could handle yourself if somebody gave you any trouble, you were certain. You would just whip your wand out of your boot and cast one of the many jinxes you’d learned in Defense Against the Dark Arts. You began to leaf through the defensive spells in your mind and you imagined scenarios in which you would use them. 
“Of all the people I could have expected to see here, you were not on the list,” somebody said in a low drawl behind you. You nearly leapt out of your seat. Draco Malfoy’s eyes were locked on yours. You could hardly put together words. He laughed, baring his teeth. “Nervous?” He asked, cocking an eyebrow as he appraised you. 
“No,” you laughed uneasily, “I was just…deep in thought,” 
You’d known Draco all throughout school. He never payed you much attention, until last year.  He started to occasionally throw a whistle in your direction as you walked past or say outrageously flirtatious things in front of the entire class while you were trying to do your work. It all seemed so fake to you. Why would Draco Malfoy be interested in you? Once you had asked your friends why they thought he toyed with you so much. “It’s probably the way you react,”
“What do you mean?” you asked your girlfriends.
“Well…You barely do anything. You basically ignore him. He probably doesn’t like that. It’s a challenge for him” 
You didn’t want to be a challenge for him. You didn’t like him. Sure, he was absolutely gorgeous, and quite clever, but he was mean. That was really the only word for him. 
“What brings you here, anyway?” He asked, as if he had a right to know. 
“I was just leaving actually,” you said, rifling through your purse for some money. 
“Oh come on,” he laughed, “You can’t hate me that much,”
“No really, I was just leaving,”
“Come on, where do you have to be? Let me buy you a drink,” you could tell that he had already had a couple drinks that night. His eyelids looked heavy and his smile was too bright. 
You had trouble saying no to him. “Fine,” you said, sitting back down. 
“So…Y/N Y/L/N…” His voice was low and slow, like he was tracing every consonant and vowel carefully with his tongue. “What brings you to The Hogs Head tonight?” 
You had planned to be completely evasive, but you didn’t see the point. At least he was being nice. “I’m staying in Hogsmeade until school starts. What about you?” You asked. 
“Running a few errands,” he said definitively and immediately changed the subject. “It isn’t exactly smart for you to be here alone, you know,” 
“And why is that?” you said, looking around the room. You knew perfectly well why you shouldn’t be here alone. But you didn’t need protection, you could defend yourself if need be. You took a sip from your wine glass and felt the drink slip down and warm you. 
“Because you’re a beautiful woman and beautiful women don’t usually go lurking around in dank bars on their own. No matter how good they are in Defense Against the Dark Arts.” 
You could feel your cheeks glowing in the darkness. Not only had he called you beautiful, but he had also complimented your ability. He’d never done that before. He laughed. 
“Look at that. i’ve never seen your face go so red,”
You could feel his eyes on you and they burned. “Why do you always do that?” You asked, since you were alone with nobody for him to show off to. you thought you had a right to know why he was always playing with you like that. Like you were the butt of a sick joke. 
“Do what?” 
“Call me beautiful, say outrageous things to me in front of your friends, whistle at me as I walk by? I understand you’re trying to be funny or whatever, but it’s been old since the beginning and it’s honestly mean,”
“How on earth is it mean?” his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and he looked highly irritated. 
“Because! It’s like you’re always trying to get a rise out of me. It’s not like you actually believe any of the things you say to me. You’re using me to entertain your friends and it’s really not funny. It’s really embarrassing. Like, I understand I’m not the most gorgeous creature but you don’t have to highlight it in front of the class every day for your own enjoyment.” you argued. 
He looked taken aback. The cocky smirk had left his face and his eyes had a strange look in them you’d never seen him wear before. “I never meant it that way,” he looked deeply lost in thought. 
“Pardon?” You said, your heart hammering fast from the rush of demanding your explanation. 
“I really did mean those things. I know it made the guys laugh, and sometimes I got carried away, but they were laughing at how I was always failing to win you over. They weren’t laughing because they thought I was teasing you. I think you’re really good looking,”
“Well that’s not the way to show it,” you set your jaw, but your face was warm with blush. This time he didn’t tease you about it. “Making a spectacle out of me…”
You sat in silence and finished your drinks. He ordered your second. You were already feeling the affects of the first. After stewing in your silence for too long, you downed your second drink. He watched and chuckled as you did so. You ordered a third, he copied you. 
“Y/N Y/L/N at the Hogs Head…Still can’t believe it,” he laughed into his third glass.
“Why is that so hard to believe?” You groaned. 
“Because; you’re a good girl. I’ve seen your grades. You’re always nice to everyone, your professors all like you, for the most part… It’s just surprising”
“Well it’s not like I came here to be all self-destructive. I was just bored.”
“What,  you already finished pre-reading the books for the Term?”  
“Oh shut up,” you laughed. You were starting to teeter on the edge of drunkenness. You found that the two of you had much more to talk about than you anticipated. He had you laughing out loud more than once. Once you finished your drinks he stood up. “Wanna take a walk with me?” He said, using his chair for leverage as he stood. 
“Sure,” you said and he began to pay for both your drinks. “Oh it’s okay I’ve got mine,” you said, reaching into your purse. He put his hand on yours to stop you. You liked to pay your own way, but didn’t see anything wrong in accepting his offer, so you just said thank you. 
“You’re better company than I thought,” you noted, unable to wipe the giddy, tipsy smile off your lips. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he smirked as he held the door open for you while you walked outside. The air was more brisk than was seasonable. It felt good in your lungs. 
“Well you’re actually quite funny when I’m not the butt of your jokes,”
“Oh come on, you know that’s not what I meant,”
“I don’t know. You might need to convince me,” 
“You just want me to shower you with compliments,” he teased. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, but he was laughing. 
“And don’t I, who have endured so much by your hand, deserve just that?” you said, placing your hand regally on your chest. He laughed, the sound of it made you giddy. 
“Fine.” He smiled, scuffing the ground with his heel as he walked. “I think you’re very pretty, I like the way you use your want to put your hair in a twist while you’re reading. I also like all this bantering with you. I like to look to see if you’ve beaten me on tests and I use you as motivation to study harder so I can beat you.” He chuckled. You’d never heard his voice sound like this before. It wasn’t showing off, it was unmistakably honest and it made your breath catch in your chest. 
“Okay, that’s enough,” you giggled, curling your hair behind your ear and fidgeting with your hands as you walked down the middle of the road. 
“I dunno.” He was smirking, “Evidently I’ve done some damage, and you see, I like the way your cheeks burn when you’re blushing. Perhaps I should continue,” 
“I can’t decide if this is better or worse than before,” you joked because taking compliments wasn’t ever your strong suit. 
“Really? Should I continue? So you can be sure?” He was toying with you once more. “Because I could tell you how I have gone searching for you in the library before and I always see you at the same table. I could tell you how cute I think it is when you have your legs all tucked up under you and you’ve got both elbows on the table while you’re studying. 
“Draco stop-
“Or how captivating it is to watch you brew potions because your eyes grow so focused and you get this cute little crease between your eyebrows”
 you had stopped walking a long time ago. You were standing in the middle of a deserted street. You turned to face him, your face was curved into a bemused smile. 
“Draco” you said, grabbing his arm as you laughed lightly. 
“Or I could tell you”
“Draco,” you said. He paused and you drew in a breath, unable to stop yourself from smiling as your lips parted to say “Shut up and kiss me”
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
18, 198 and 211 with Draco, maybe?
Prompts: “Come over here and make me.”, “Is that a challenge?”,“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.” 
Just threw this together, it’s super late so I may regret posting this in the  morning lol.
Just Words
Crescent moons appeared in his palms when he thought of you. His teeth ground together, not for anything you had ever done to him, but simply because you existed. You seemed to have to know everything, you were always getting into some kind of fight with somebody over words. That’s all they were, right? Just words people threw around. They didn’t mean anything. Words were what you made of them, and frankly, he was sick of watching you get riled up about meaningless phrases. So the day he smacked Goyle on the back of the head and laughed and spat “you idiot mudblood” and you whirled on him, he had set his jaw for the occasion. He’d practiced what he’d say to you. However, when it was time for the words to come out, they wouldn’t.
“Tell me Malfoy,” malice was dripping from your lips as you called across the classroom. You were not afraid of embarrassing him, you were even less afraid of causing a scene. “Why is it that calling somebody what I am such a satisfyingly nasty insult for you to throw?”
“Tell me, Y/L/N, why do you have to make everything about you?”
“I’m serious, why is it that you think calling Goyle a muggleborn is an insult? What is so horrible about people like me? And why do you think it’s a good idea to call him that, as an insult, right in front of a class full of muggleborns?” You stood up, your professor was out of the room and the whole room went still.
“Oh please, don’t make me highlight the differences. It’ll be embarrassing for you,”
“And what, pray tell, is that difference? Your family? The one you have no control over which you are born? Including you, Malfoy, you had no control over being a pure-blood. You just were, it’s not like you did anything to earn this sanctity you think you have.”
He felt cornered, the words he’d rehearsed in his head had left him. “It’s just a word, Y/N, you’re completely overreacting, as usual”
“Just stop using it! It’s not an insult. Being me should not be an insult for you”
“And what if it is?” He sneered, looking malicious.
“Just shut up, Malfoy. Your commentary isn’t as important as you think it is,” you growled.
“Well why don’t you come over and make me?” His hair was falling over his eyes, he was trying to manipulate you now. He just couldn’t be proven wrong, could he? His friends were making obnoxious reaction noises.
“Is that a challenge?” you sniggered. Hermione Granger grabbed your arm, “Just ignore him” she chided. You shook her grasp off and stepped toward him.
“For once, Granger makes a good suggestion. Mind your own business, Y/L/N” he said, stepping close to you. He could feel the electricity buzzing between your skin and his. It wasn’t a hate he was familiar with.
“This is my business,” you said, producing your wand as he did his.
“Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself like this? Is it a game for you? Because it’s quite amusing for all of us” his tone was as condescending as you had ever heard it.
“No, but it is a hobby of mine to prove you wrong,”
“Children, take your seats at once! Ten points from Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Wands away!” Professor McGonagal shouted and forced you away from each other as she swept through the room.
For the rest of class he sat there, stewing. He watched you. You had to be faking your satisfaction. There was no way you were so calm after that. So unbothered. He longed to get under your skin again. He loved to get a rise out of you. He sat there, marinating in his thoughts and embarrassment. He would not learn his lesson about those words that day. But he would learn it. You would be the one to teach him. But until that then, they were just words to him. He would continue to assume his own correctness, but you’d stay plastered to the walls of his mind until that day came.
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
70,83,& 154 with Draco please !
A Taste of Liberation
Draco x Reader
Draco’s family shows up to a party your family is throwing and you make a connection. 
Prompts: “I almost lost you.”, “I can’t swim!” & “I’m freezing!” 
The sky was burning out a deep orange and pink, backlighting the green hills on a warm Summer’s evening. His lips were stretching over his straight white teeth as he followed you out onto the rolling lawn. You two were racing out of the back of the gothic mansion your Mother called home with a stolen champagne bottle and a lust for a story to tell. “Aren’t seekers supposed to be fast?”  You teased as you sped past him toward the trees. He laughed, and you spun around, skipping backward to see how that laugh touched his eyes. He didn’t take your comment lightly, he picked up speed and surpassed you with seemingly no effort. Eventually, at the tree line, you had to stop to catch your breath. You burst into laughter. “I almost lost you!” you said pretending to be angry. You were joking like you had been trying to run away and shake him off your trail the whole time. “Yeah right,” he chuckled. 
“I hate parties like that,” You admitted between ragged breaths. “I’ve always wanted to just run out like that” you said before a fit of giggles. 
 “Are you drunk?” Draco laughed, taking the champagne bottle from your hands. He’d never considered just leaving like that before. It was exhilarating. “Let’s see how much you shook this thing up on your way over here,” he smirked and popped the cork off. Foamy white liquid shot out and missed you by an inch. “Sorry!” He laughed. You’d never seen him laugh so much. He took a swig straight from the bottle and handed it to you. 
You’d never hung out with Draco Malfoy in your life, but when his family showed up to the party your Family was throwing, you were forced to play your stuffy, uncomfortable roles, until nobody was watching and you were able to talk freely. Freely enough to where you’d convinced him to follow you outside. 
“it’s my opinion that champagne tastes better straight from the bottle,” you noted. Your heels were sinking into the dirt as you sauntered into the trees. “C’mon, lemme show you something,” you smirked, whipping your shoes off and throwing them on the lawn behind him. He had to duck out of the way of your second shoe, “Watch where you throw those things! They look deadly,” he said as he followed you. 
“You know, I never painted you as a thief,” he said as he walked beside you. You both passed the bottle back and forth as you drank from it. 
“Well you’ve never taken the time to talk to me, you know,” you countered. 
“That can’t be true,” 
“I can promise you, this is the first time Draco Malfoy has stooped down to my level. And only because we were forced into the same room together. It’s sad really,” you said, taking another gulp from the bottle. 
“Well I’ve obviously been missing out. I’m terribly sorry,” his voice had that knowing cockiness about it, but it didn’t bother you, in fact, it was making you smile. He always sounded like he was challenging you. 
“So where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” 
Not long afterwards the trees parted to reveal a cliff. The property backed up onto the ocean and you were only feet from the small cliff that dropped down onto the foaming, crashing waves below. 
He looked impressed by the view. The sun was just about to disappear beyond the horizon. The waves were glittering gold and passing that same gold over his pale face. He didn’t notice you stirring next to him. His eyes watched as the last sliver of sun slipped down under the water. Suddenly, a shape whizzed by him on his right and he whipped around just in time you see you running straight toward the cliff. Only a pile of robes lay where you’d just been standing. 
“Hey!” He yelled, in a sudden panic, but before he could grab onto you, you jumped. You jumped and your body plummeted straight toward the water below. 
“Y/N!” He yelled, but watched your body unfurl into a perfect dive. He held his breath. You didn’t come up. Why weren’t you emerging from the water? Where were you? He drew his wand and just as he was about to run down there and part the waters to find you, your head bobbed up to the surface. He heard your high laugh and an relief took him over. 
“ARE YOU CRAZY?” He yelled, but was so relieved that you were okay that his outrage soon turned into laughter. 
“Come on!” You waved him down as you tread water. 
“No way!” He said, backing away from the edge. 
“Draco!” You whined. “It’s fun, come on, you’re already all the way out here,”
“No! Nope! Not doing it,” 
“Why not?”
“Because!” He yelled down to you. He could see you were still wearing a dark slip. “Just come back up here,” 
“Fine, but you have to jump first,” 
“I can stay here alllllll night,” you said, filling up your lungs so you could float on your back. “Come on Draco,” 
“I can’t swim!” He yelled. 
“Liar!” You called and he laughed knowing it was worth a shot. 
“Come on, Draco! You’re gonna regret not  doing it more than you’ll regret doing it. It’s perfectly safe, I do it all the time!” you insisted. 
“Fine, fine,” he said, throwing his hands up. He began to take off his belt and you smiled as you watched him from below and began to swim backwards to give him landing room. You watched him take off his shoes, socks, shirt, and pants until he was just in his boxers. 
 You put your fingers between your teeth and whistled loudly. “Shut up!” He laughed and you saw him draw backward, probably about to run and jump. 
Draco’s heart was hammering against his chest. He had never done anything like this. Maybe it was the alcohol lighting up his veins, or maybe it was your influence. He wasn’t sure, but he knew that in the moment his feet lifted high off the ground and he began to plummet toward the water, that moment was the most free he’d ever felt in his life. It felt like it took ten minutes for him to finally hit the surface. 
It was like being pricked with a thousand needles it was so cold. Under the water his body plunged and he could only hear the deep gurgles of the waves above his head. He opened his eyes and saw the last rays of daylight streaming above him and he swam for them. “Merlin’s beard! I’m freezing,” he said as he shivered and wiped water from his face. You were beaming at him and you dove underneath the waves, despite your own goosebumps, and resurfaced in front of him. “You did it! I didn’t think you would!” You laughed and threw your arms around him in excitement. 
“That was probably the stupidest, craziest thing I’ve ever done,” he said, you weren’t sure if he was annoyed or not, but as he treaded water he licked some of it off his lips as he registered how close you were to him. “Was it worth it?” You smiled and he felt your warm hand graze his under water. Both your chests were rising and falling heavily. 
“Yeah,” he laughed, staring at your lips, like you were staring at his. The moment swelled beneath you until you finally, achingly snaked your hands behind his back and gave into the kiss your body was begging for. His lips were soft on yours but his hands found the back of your neck and held you with strength. He hungered for you and that little taste of freedom you gave him. He was right to think that too, because that was only a taste of the liberation you could open up to him. If he would let you. 
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mysecretchapbook · 7 years
Ooh ooh! I wanna play! Send me some of these? 
390 Prompts!!!!
1. “A wedding?” 2. “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?” 3. “Am I supposed to be scared of you?” 4. “Are you drunk?” 5. “Are you hitting on her for me?” 6. “Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’!” 7. “Are you okay?” “Why do you ask?” “You’re wearing two different shoes.” 8. “Are you really taking his side against me?” 9. “At what point did you think that was a good idea?” 10. “Babe, you have a problem, please, let me help you.” 11. “Be my wife.” 12. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 13. “BOOM! That oughta show you not to mess with me!” 14. “But the carnival is right down the street! Can we please, please go!?” 15. “Can I kiss you?” 16. “Come back to bed.” 17. “Come on, let’s throw the dice, see what happens.” 18. “Come over here and make me.” 19. “Come with me.” 20. “Could you be happy here with me?” 21. “Crocs? Who hurt you so much in this life?” 22. “Damn. You clean up good.” 23. “Delete that immediately.” 24. “Did I just say that out loud?” 25. “Did I stutter?” 26. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” 27. “Did you hear that?” 28. “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?” 29. “Do you ever stop eating?” 30. “Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?” 31. “Do you ever think we should just stop this?” 32. Do you like me? Check yes or no. 33. “Do you need me to get anything from the store?” 34. “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant?” 35. “Do you think she could have loved me?” 36. “Does he know about the baby?” 37. “Don’t fucking touch me!” 38. “Don’t say that. Not now.” 39. “Don’t say you love me.” 40. “Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!” 41. “Don’t you ever do that again!” 42. “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!” 43. “Excuse me, I’m terribly lost. Can you help me?” 44. “Everyone deserves a second chance.” 45. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 46. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.” 47. “Frankly, I couldn’t care less.” 48. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.” 49. “Game’s over you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!” 50. “Give me 5 bucks, I’ll explain later.” 51. “Go on then, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.” 52. “Go then, leave! See if I care!” 53. “Guess who’s going to be a father?” 54. “H-How long have you been standing there?” 55. “Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?” 56. “Have I ever lied to you?” 57. “Have you ever wanted to hate someone?” 58. “Have you lost your damn mind!?” 59. “He’s missing, not dead.” 60. “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” 61. “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.” 62. “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” 63. “His ego is so visible, I can almost watch it grow.” 64. “Hold me back!” 65. “Hold my hand dammit, we gotta make this look convincing!” 66. “How about we put the gun down and let’s talk about this?” 67. “How could anyone be that cruel?” 68. “How dare you!?” 69. “How long has it been?” 70. “I almost lost you.” 71. “I am not losing you again!” 72. “I beat you at Mario Kart and now you’re banishing me to the couch for the night?” 73. “I came here to explain what happened, and I’m not leaving until you listen.” 74. “I came home to a Nerf gun on the front porch and a note that says ‘Here is your weapon. I have one too. Loser cooks dinner. Good luck. xo’” 75. “I can manage on my own.” 76. “I can’t… I can’t lose you.” 77. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 78. “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.” 79. “I can’t get you out of my head.” 80. “I can’t let you do that.” 81. “I can’t start over again.” 82. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” 83. “I can’t swim!” 84. “I choose you.” 85. “I could never leave you, I love you too much!” 86. “I did a pregnancy test.” 87. “I didn’t ask for any of this!” 88. “I didn’t know you could cook.” “Oh, trust me I can’t.” 89. “I didn’t know you could sing.” 90. “I didn’t know you were so competitive.” 91. “I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” 92. “I didn’t think it was even possible for you to be so intelligent.” 93. “I don’t care what he said, it doesn’t mean jack squat.” 94. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” 95. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 96. “I don’t snore, do I?” “Like a chainsaw.” 97. “I don’t want to have a baby.” 98. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 99. “I don’t want to let you down.” 100. “I got you a present.” 101. “I guess I was wrong about you. You’re not so bad after all.” 102. “I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 103. “I had to see you again.” 104. “I hate you!” “No you don’t.” 105. “I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be.” 106. “I just need you to do this one thing for me.” 107. “I just really need to have you here right now.” 108. “I just want this.” 109. “I just want to be alone right now.” 110. “I just wanted you to know that when I picture myself happy… it’s with you.” 111. “I know, but… I love him. You can’t give up on a person you love.” 112. “I know, but he’s your partner for this.” 113. “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it” 114. “I love you.” “I know.” 115. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you and – Oh, screw it!” 116. “I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck.” 117. “I love you for you, don’t you dare think otherwise!” 118. “I love you more than anything in this world… which is why you have to stay here.” 119. “I love you, you asshole.” 120. “I made a mistake.” 121. “I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.” 122. “I may despise you with the burning white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” 123. “I may have… ripped my pants.” 124. “I miss her so damn much, and it’s killing me that she’s gone!” 125. “I need you to forgive me.” 126. “I never believed in soulmates until I met you.” 127. “I never learned how to whistle.” 128. “I never meant for anyone to get hurt!” 129. “I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.” 130. "I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” 131. “I swear if you weren’t so attractive, I’d have punched you in the face nine times by now.” 132. “I swear it was an accident.” 133. “I swear it was like that when I found it!” 134. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.” 135. "I think I’m in love with you and that scares me to death.” 136. “I think we need to talk.” 137. “I think we should have another.” 138. “I think you’re just afraid to be happy.” 139. “I thought you were a dream come true.” 140. “I thought you were dead…” 141. “I trusted you!” 142. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.” 143. “I want my best friend back.” 144. “I want to go back to before….” 145. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.” 146. “I wasn’t planning on asking you, but I’ve come to realize that life is short. Will you marry me?” 147. “I wish I could hate you.” 148. “I won’t give up if you won’t.” 149. “I won’t let you fall.” 150. “I-I can’t trust you anymore.” 151. “I’ll be right over.” 152. “I’ll sleep under the sheets, you sleep on top of them.” 153. "I’m flirting with you.” 154. “I’m freezing!” 155. “I’m laughing because you’re angry. I swear I didn’t do it!” 156. “I’m like 20% sure this plan will work. The other 80% means we could die horribly and violently, but honestly it’s a really solid plan.” 157. “I’m not good enough for you.” 158. “I’m not happy here.” 159. “I’m not surprised that you murdered him.” 160. “I’m not the only one who thinks that.” 161. “I’m only human!” 162. “I’m pregnant.” 163. “I’m sick of being USELESS.” 164. “I’m so happy you’re alive.” 165. “I’m so sorry! I will never doubt you again!” 166. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.” 167. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” 168. “I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you anymore.” 169. “I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry her.” 170. “I’m sorry, run that by me again.” 171. "I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 172. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.” 173. “I’m tired of being your secret.” 174. “I’m up to the challenge.” 175. “I’m yours.” 176. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life.” 177. “I’ve got good news and bad news.” 178. “I’ve moved on.” 179. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before… and it scares the shit out of me.” 180. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I can’t see you.” 181. “If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m going to kick his ass.” 182. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” 183. “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” 184. “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!” 185. “If my parents knew what I was doing, they’d kill me.” 186. “If this is love, love is easy.” 187. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” 188. “If you don’t want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don’t just lie and say it’s fine.” 189. “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.” 190. “If you shove cake in my face this will be the worst wedding night of your life.” 191. “IF YOU USE UP ALL THE HOT WATER ONE MORE TIME, I’M GOING TO BAN YOU TO THE COUCH FOR A MONTH.” 192. “If you walk out right now, it’s over for us.” 193. “If you walk out that door, you’re no longer one of us. You’ll be one of them and that means I’ll treat you like one of them.��� 194. “Is… is that even possible? Like, can we do this?” 195. “Is… that my picture in your wallet/as your home screen?” 196. “Is it really you?” 197. “Is it supposed to look like that? Are you sure?” 198. “Is that a challenge?” 199. “Is that an apology?” 200. “Is that real?” 201. “Is that what I think it is?” 202. “Is that what you’re doing? Trying to make me to hate you?” 203. “Is there a problem?” 204. “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?” 205. “Is there something you want to tell me?” 206. “It could be worse.” 207. “It made a difference to me.” 208. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 209. “It was just a dream.” 210. “It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” 211. “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.” 212. “It’s all your fault.” 213. “It’s been fun. We’ve had a good run, but you parked in my spot. I’m going to have to kill you now.” 214. “IT’S NOT COMING OFF!” 215. “It’s not what it looks like…” 216. “It’s okay, I’m here for you.” 217. “It’s okay to cry…” 218. “Just leave me ALONE.” 219. “Just talk to me!” 220. “Keep your head up.” 221. “Kiss me.” 222. “Let him go! It’s me you want.” 223. “Let me buy you a drink?” 224. “Let’s do something wild and crazy!” 225. “Look at me - just breathe, okay?” 226. “Look at that. I’ve never seen your face get so red.” 227. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” 228. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…” 229. “Make a wish.” 230. “Marry me?” 231. “May I have this dance?” 232. “Meet me at midnight. Alone.” 233. “Meet me on the bridge in an hour.” 234. “Meet me on the roof in ten minutes.” 235. “Mind if I cut in?” 236. “My parents asked about you.” 237. “No! I’m tired of doing what you say!” 238. “No one needs to know.” 239. “No one will ever hurt you again.” 240. “None of this makes sense.” 241. “None of that matters now.” 242. “Not a day will go by that I won’t think of you.” 243. “Oh, my God! You’re in love with her!” 244. “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.” 245. “Please don’t cry.” 246. “Please don’t do this.” 247. “Please, don’t give up on me.” 248. “Please, don’t leave.” 249. “Please listen to me-” 250. “Please say something.” 251. “Please, take me instead!” 252. “Promise me you won’t let anything happen to him.” 253. “Promise me you’ll stay.” 254. “Remember our first date? When you took me to Starbucks and it took me 15 minutes just to choose a flavour of Frappuccino? I was never sure about anything, never. But I was so fucking sure about you!” 255. “Run, and don’t ever look back.” 256. “She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 257. “She’s missing, not dead.” 258. “Shit, are you bleeding?!” 259. “Shopping? Do I have to go?” 260. “Shut up and kiss me.” 261. “Since when do you drive a motorcycle?” 262. “So? It’s not your problem so butt out.” 263. “So, I found this waterfall…” 264. “So there was an accident…” 265. “Somebody’s in love!” 266. “Sorry, I thought I was alone…” 267. “Stop taking pictures! I’m fucking stuck. Be useful and help me!!” 268. “Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound.” 269. “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.” 270. “Teach me how to play?” 271. “Tell me a secret.” 272. “Tell me again why I let you convince me that this was even remotely a good idea.” 273. “That came out wrong.” 274. “That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.” 275. “That is not coming in this house!” 276. “That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!” 277. “The joke’s on them.” 278. “The paint’s supposed to go where?” 279. “The sign said not to push the button, so naturally I had to push it!” 280. “The skirt is supposed to be this short.” 281. “The three seconds rule doesn’t apply to sticky foods.” 282. “The way you flirt is shameful.” 283. “There are plenty of people out there who love you.” “Yeah, like who?” “Like me.” 284. “There’s no getting out of this. You ruined me.” 285. “There’s something I need to tell you.” 286. “Things don’t always turn out how they should.” 287. “This is… this is somewhere I never imagined I’d be.” 288. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” 289. “This is so going on YouTube!” 290. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.” 291. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” 292. “Time’s up!” 293. “Twins? We’re…we’re having twins?!” 294. “W…Was that you making that noise?” 295. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 296. “Wait, do you two know each other?” 297. “Wake up! Please, please wake up.” 298. “Walk it off!” 299. “Wanna bet?” 300. "Wanna dance?” 301. “We could be amazing!” 302. “We could’ve had it all.” 303. “We have to pretend to be married.” 304. “We missed our chance.” 305. “We’ll finish it the same way we started it…together.” 306. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” 307. "Well….don’t keep me waiting” 308. “Well, this is awkward…” 309. “Well, this is where I live.” 310. “What are you afraid of?” 311. “What did I ever done to you?” 312. “What other hidden talents do you have?” 313. “What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!” 314. “What the hell was that?!” 315. “What were you thinking?? Were you trying to get yourself killed?” 316. “When are you going to realize that I don’t care?” 317. “When I come back, that better be exactly where you found it!” 318. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 319. “Where did that cat come from?” 320. “Where did you find this?” 321. “Where did you learn to dance?” 322. “Where were you? Do you have any idea how worried I was?” 323. “Who brought pot brownies to the bake sale?!” 324. “Who gave you that black eye?!” 325. “Who’s gonna stop me? You?” 326. “Why are you baking muffins at three in the morning?” 327. “Why are you covered in mud?” 328. “Why are you dressed like that?” 329. “Why are you lying?” 330. “Why are you up so early?” 331. “Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 332. “Why can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” 333. “Why choose me?” 334. “Why do I even bother?” 335. “Why don’t they just kiss already?” 336. “Why don’t you say that to my face?” 337. “Why wouldn’t you come to me with your problems?” 338. “Will you just shut up for a moment so I can say something nice to you!” 339. “Will you please just give me a hand?” 340. “You are nothing like them.” 341. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 342. “You better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn.” 343. “You braided his hair?” 344. “You broke what?!” 345. “You came back!” 346. “You can trust me.” 347. “You can’t just sit on the sidelines your whole life!” 348. “You can’t leave me in the dark. You have to tell me these things.” 349. "You can’t protect me.” 350. “You deserve so much better.” 351. “You did all of this for me?” 352. “You did this for me?” 353. “YOU DID WHAT?!” 354. “You didn’t tell me it was karaoke night…” 355. “You don’t have to stay.” 356. “You don’t know you the way I do.” 357. “You don’t need to protect me.” 358. “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 359. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?” 360. “You had me at ‘free pizza!’” 361. “You have no idea what I’ve done for you.” 362. “You have the most amazing eyes.” 363. “You have to make a choice.” 364. “You have to remember!” 365. “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” 366. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.” 367. “You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice.” 368. “You know my name?” 369. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with him…” 370. “You know, it’s okay to cry.” 371. “You lied to me!” 372. ″You look beautiful.” 373. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.” 374. “You need to leave. Right now.” 375. “You need to let her go.” 376. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 377. “You never told me you had a fucking twin.” 378. “You say the nastiest things when you’re angry, so yes, I’m walking away from you now.” 379. “You shouldn’t have even been there!” 380. “You walked away. Not me.” 381. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 382. “You’ll be the death of me.” 383. “You’re hiding something from me.” 384. “You’re my one exception.” 385. “You’re not alone.” 386. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 387. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.” 388. “You’re too good for me.” 389. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” 390. “You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
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