myshadesofwrong ¡ 6 months
As a historian, who has a literal degree in this (primarily British monarchy with some French so a lot of my examples will come from them), I am begging you if you’re going to be anti-monarchy, at least know the facts so you’re no sprouting the same tired rhetoric over and over.
Or in other words, OP is right (about the fandom and the monarchy)
Rants like the reblog from hotaurea make me so mad because the world and institutions are not black and white. The world, people, and the things we create like institutions have both good and bad and most everybody exists in gray. That’s just a fact.
I agree with the OP. No institution is perfect and evolve. Wilhelm could have been the lynchpin to help his institution evolve. Because, believe it or not, the monarchy does do some good. First, hotaurea is right in a way., Anybody can advocate for issues and charities but the monarchy has something you and I don’t. A platform. Their tags about correctly exposing that particular part as ‘bullshit’ is quite literally wrong. Every royal has a cause. Whatever you think of King Charles of England, he has for years been a champion of the environment, highlighting farmers and natural causes. Do you honestly think that the reporters and press would give a shit if he didn’t show up. Same with Queen Camilla of England. She champions and works quite a lot with domestic abuse charities. Prince William, Princess Catherine, and Prince Harry all constantly give attention to mental health issues. And Prince Harry has his veterans work. Now, we all can go and help each of these very important issues but our impact is going to be nil to theirs. Why? The same reason everyone demands celebrities speak up about issues. Platform. People listen. Now we can have a debate on ‘worthiness’ certainly. That’s a fair debate. But the truth of the matter is as the royal family, they have the reach and the interest from the press to bring more attention to the issue. Please no not negate that impact.
As for the ‘homophobic’ accusation, tell me you’ve never done actual research on the monarchy, any monarchy. I can name FIVE LGBTQIA+ monarchs or members of their family right off the top of my head:
Queen Anne of Great Britain (1700s)
Philippe I, Duke of Orleans, brother of King Louis XIV (a known cross dresser as well, actually openly wore women’s clothing at Versailles)
Edward II of England
Ludwig II of Bavaria
And my personal fav:
James VI of Scotland and I of England.
James is a particular favorite because the man was at least bi-sexual and literally commissioned the fucking King James Bible. You know, the one that all the homophobes use as “proof” of homosexuality being a sin. Pull that out at your next party/family gathering. I love seeing people’s expressions when they learn that.
Anyway, if you think monarchies are homophobic, you have no idea of the history. Y’all, historically, royals are fucking wild. Many straight monarchs actually had lovers both male and female. Some did marry and have children while others never did. But here’s my point, they NEVER hid them. These affairs or favorites were paraded with pride throughout courts. Lovers were given prominent roles in households, on councils, were advisors. It is a very modern assumption or concept really that monarchies must be straight and private. Did some hide them, yes. But go back through history and you’ll find countless stories of favorites being paraded around in from of wives, husbands, and courts. And by repeating that concept, you’re propogating conservative rhetoric is trying to hide LGBTQIA+ history. It’s that simple. And let’s not even talk about sex parties and the actual proclavities of some of these royals. Seriously, look them up. You’ll find out the true meaning of truth is stranger than fiction.
Now we can have debates over finances (reminder royals are not actual leeching off of citizens. They do have their own inheritance wealth, as well as I believe real estate is a big one. Again, the origin of the that is certainly cause for criticism but they’re not getting paid by your taxes) and actual worthiness as hotaurea put it but can we please have a non-extremist discussion on monarchy. It’s not either/or. There are good sides and bad sides to it, even in modern times. Actually, I would say modern monarchies are actually more relevant than their colonizer and blood thirsty ancestors. Modern monarch/royals devote their lives to charities and causes. They have no say in most governments and are definitely not sending troops out to war. But I digress.
Anyway, this is getting too long. I just wanted to point out the flaws in hotaurea’s little rant and add that OP was right. Wille could have been the son of a CEO of a big corporation and the story wouldn’t have changed one bit. It made his decision less impactful because we are never shown the actual struggle Wille could have had. Because you will never convince me, a good PR person would not have seen the potential in Wille after his speech and would not have let him champion a LGBTQIA+ cause. Imagine if Fatima would have been like okay, but Wille chose to go the safe route? That makes Simon’s reaction and his own work more impactful in the series. He even tried to tell Wille but it was WILLE who did not want to listen. In the end, maybe if they had shown the good side of the monarchy, it would have made Wille’s decision even more impactful instead of it looking selfish and impulsive. Or he could have stayed and shown what having a platform for good actually is but OP is right. And believe it or not, there is such a thing as IVF where Wille could have had a biological child. Shocking I know. Or a surrogate. Stop ignoring these possibilities.
Lisa was too stuck on the same rhetoric above instead of creating an institution that would have been nuanced and more realistic instead of a one-dimensional villain twirling their mustache.
Too busy to write a 5k essay it deserves but neither the audience nor Wilhelm saw the actual monarchy as an institution worth fighting for or at least worth considering it.
The monarchy was completely absent from the show. You could replace it with a billion-dollar publicly traded company and it wouldn't change the plot. Concerns about public image? Check. Out of control sense of privilege? Check. Spoiled children of rich parents? Check.
No one from the unrealistically small royal family was given a chance to demonstrate or explore the gravity and the positive influence a thousand-year-old institution can have. Does the queen have causes she particularly cares about? Does she invest her time into fundraising for them? Does she think certain problems are overlooked by the society and does she use her celebrity status to draw attention to them? We have no idea, we only have been shown her caring about the public image of the institution she represents.
Same with Wille: in the show he was never given a chance to explore how his status could be used for good. Were there young people for whom his coming out meant a lot? Definitely, but we never heard about them. Would it be equally important for others if the crown prince started openly talking about his struggles with anxiety? For sure. This list is potentially endless but the creators were never interested in showing anything positive about the monarchy.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 6 months
That’s not how it works. Willie is no longer crown prince but a) he technically didn’t abdicate because he’s not king. He gave his place in the succession. And B) he’s still royal and still needs protection. Even prince harry is still Prince Harry.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 6 months
I feel like this was important and why I don't think the ending, i.e. the abdication works.
Besides the just reblogged post about the season showing how they don't work until Wille works on his issues, I honestly thought with this scene and the one where August talked about changing the initiation, Wille would understand that he actually did have power to change things. He had a power in his privilege and position to do what Simon was wanting to do and he could have helped him do that. He could have supported Simon, instead of trying to silence him by order of the monarchy. I think this where Lisa gets the monarchy wrong. Wille was Crown Prince and I think Simon here was trying to show him that he does have power to make choices for himself, choices that can make a difference.
Instead, Wille just rolls his eyes and makes the same noises about not making a stand and not making political statements, even though that's exactly what he did at the end of s2. It just kind of makes the ending seem even more impulsive and not plausible.
if there’s something season 3 did perfectly was Simon’s character, I love how his care for social issues was fully explored, and the fact that he tries to show wille several times the actual power of his privilege is so important and this scene is the perfect example of that!
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 6 months
Thank you!
This is exactly how I feel about the finale.
No adult is going to take a 17 year old's abdication declaration seriously just like that, especially one as impulsive as Wille is shown to be. Especially not for a relationship that has already been on and off multiple times because of their differences.
I also want to add the timing of it all. I think we forget that the show literally takes place over only a few months. A lot happened to both SImon and Wille in that span of time. Wille went through a lot of upheaval in just a few months and anybody with half a brain would make him wait to make such a decision that affects literally the whole country. Because all that upheaval, Erik's death, the pressure, the sex tape, would all mess with his head that already has anxiety and fear.
Really, there's a lot in s3 that I disagree with. Plots suddenly appeared that should have been hinted at to begin with (Erik, Queen's breakdown) and while I'm happy that Wille and Simon ended together, I fully agree that abdication does not set Wille free or magically fix him nor does it mean that he and Simon will last past a year. And I didn't think the season would end like that. I honestly thought the plot building with Wille's issues and flaws being front and center were leading to a more open ended ending with Wille realizing that yes the monarchy needed to change and he needed to work on himself as well to be the best man for Simon. For example, August could have said something about how yes Erik participated in the initiation, whether under his own pressure or pleasure, but August and Nils made the effort to change it when they lead it, showing Wille that he could affect change as well. Things didn't have to remain the way they were and it was shown that Wille had the power of privilege. He could have done it.
I'm admitted disappointed in the very cliched ending and I know it's an extremely unpopular opinion. I love a good romance and I wanted them as endgame but the ending just doesn't work for me.
S3 ending is basically putting a bandaid on a gunshot. The entire 5 episodes were built to show how bad they are for each other. I mean yeah monarchy was a big part of it but Wilhelm's problems are his problems alone. It's not gonna go overnight just because he will abdicate, neither will the scrutiny on them. Wilhelm will still be privileged, out of touch, someone with anxiety, impulsive urges and anger issues. Taking away his title will mean nothing because now he will have to deal with the real world which he has no experience dealing with and no support or protection from the monarchy. Do you think he will cope well then and wont take it out of simon?
I feel like they wasted 5 episodes worth of time building plots with no payoff. They could have easily explored Wilmon's trouble and their eventual reconciliation in this time. Putting an abdication bandaid doesnt fix their problem.
We can be delulu but in the Wilmon universe, they don't last, they dont work out in the end because abdication doesn’t fix their problems, not really.
I'll just pretend the series ended in s2. Because S2's ending was actually perfect and that Wilmon may have a chance in the world.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 6 months
Not what I was expecting.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 1 year
I think your last anon made a good point. <3
Also: Social media is just a percentage of someone's life and usually shows the positive, brightest sides. But that doesn't mean the people aren't still struggling with whatever demons or worries of their own. We should not forget that. They (the YR cast/producers) brought me so much joy, and I am happy when they are (said as someone who doesn't have the money to travel anywhere this year either, haha).
And since you want to make friends: maybe use social media in a more interactive way (if you don't go on a break, or maybe afterwards)? Like, for example show your favorite blogs why you appreciate them. Tell them you enjoy reading their thoughts, or you love certain gifs etc. etc.
Nothing may "come out of it", but you might have brightened someone else's day yourself, and imo concentration on more positive things simply also makes oneself feel better.
All the best for you and hopefully less stress,
another YR fan
I completely agree on everything here. And it is something I know rationally but the heart and mind aren't always rational! Even when it comes to people in my own life. I see my co-workers have a lunch and I feel left out but I also know that like me, most days they leave and go back to their own lives and they don't post daily (well some do but you know what I mean). The YR cast has been so open about dealing with their own demons/insecurities but I think we sometimes forget when we see sunshine and pools and dancing and you're completely right that we have to remember that as well. I truly do love seeing them enjoying life because you're right, they brought all of us so much joy and they deserve it as well in the best way that makes them happy.
That's a great idea actually! I still kind of want to take a break but I also want to interact more. I'm a very shy person in general (obviously) and often feel like I'm burdening people. I've been trying to challenge myself on doing things differently lately and I think this was a great idea on trying to open up more and maybe be more approachable? Does that make sense?
Anyway, I want to thank you for your response! As I said in another answer to an ask, I've felt more seen than I have in a long time and you have no idea how much I appreciate it.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 1 year
I feel the same what you said in your post!! Sometimes it's just really hard to remind yourself that people's picture perfect moments does not equate to an everlasting bliss in their life, but yeah. Sometimes the negativity gets to you. But yeah, I'm also trying not to spend too much time online. Thanks for making that post! I felt very seen💜
Thank you so much!
It is really hard to remember that these are only snapshots in time and can often be from one day spread out over several and it is very much our own insecurities that can cause these feeling of unworthiness and negativity. It's a battle between what you know rationally and what you feel. The more I think about it, the more I think a break, for me, is long overdue.
And thank you for your comments! I'm always afraid to share my thoughts like this because I'm scared no one thinks like this or might think I'm odd. Everyone responding and liking has made me feel seen as well!
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 1 year
I understand your last post. I feel the same. Speaking for myself, I think it’s better to stay away from social media, when seemingly everyone lives a perfect life. It can feel depressing, feeling we’re missing out on life. There can be other ways to find a fulfilling life. Stay strong
Thank you so much for your message! I can't tell you what it means to me that there are others that feel the same.
I admit I am sometimes the biggest hypocrite when it comes to social media. I'm a firm believer that it has very much led to more damage to society than anything else and yet I'm a rabid user of it. Not so much posting but scrolling and seeing. And you are absolutely right in that it can be very depressing, especially when you are not where you wish you were in life. But what I wrote today has led me to start thinking about taking a break from social media. A real one. I fully admit that it has affected my mental health more than I care to admit through the years. Maybe it's time.
It does feel quite like being stuck in a cycle though. When you have no life or no one to share your joy with fandoms, you turn to online/social media and spend so much time cultivating your presence there to find your community. But if you're not careful, you end up spending far too much there watching other people live their lives while yours drifts by.
Anyway, thank you again for responding and your advice. I'm certainly thinking about it. I think I need to sit down and finally figure out what's fulfilling to me and maybe get some of those experiences myself.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 1 year
I have such mixed feelings about seeing Edvin, Felicia, Fabian and all their friends in Italy on vacation.
Mostly, I'm happy for them. They look like their having fun and enjoying life and that's all I ever want for most people.
That said, I am also quite jealous for numerous reasons. One is simply money. It must be nice to have enough money to travel to another country, rent a beautiful house, and spend at least a week there. Last week alone, I worked over 50 hours including one 13 hour day and my paycheck will barely be more than average. I know for many people including actors, that can be normal but compensation makes a difference. I'll give you one guess what glorious (*sarcasm) country I live in. I'm tired of working every extra hour I can and barely having enough for bills. I'm just tired.
Mostly, though, I'm jealous of their friendship and that they even went together on vacation. Let me explain. I don't have any friends. I rarely did. Growing up I had "friends" in the sense of having people to hang out with at school but we rarely hung out after school, rarely did things together unless it was dances or something like that. And when we graduated, I never heard from anyone again. And the older I got the worse it got. I've tried and tried to make friends but they all leave or they say we're friends but never invite me to join them or hang out and eventually shut me out. I never had any close friends and never had what should be very common experiences.
It really slammed home last week when I was reading some asks on an Edvin blog and someone made the comment of it was obvious some fans were never close enough to have never followed the parents of their friends. I've never done that and it was such a strange concept to me. Though, keep in mind, I'm a fair bit older than most of Edvin's fan and social media didn't really become a thing until I was in college/university. But even now, I'm simply not close enough to anyone to do that and would actually feel a little awkward to do it to be honest, but that's me.
Anyway, the fact is that I just don't have friends. No one to hang out with, celebrate birthdays, have dinner with, go on vacation with, no one to post silly pics on birthdays or just because. No one to fangirl over things like Young Royals, Disney, Taylor Swift, or anything else. I don't even have anybody to text with really. Seeing Edvin and Felicia and all their friends just reminds me of how very lonely I am and have always been, all much I missed out on. I'm envious of something that is so natural and easy for most people. Most people have friends. Most people have these kinds of experiences. And I just never did.
Again, this is not on Edvin or Felicia or Mimi or Wilma or Fabian. They don't know or care that I exist and I hope they have many more vacations with their friends and continue to be comfortable to share them. Like I said, I truly love seeing people getting to have those experiences and living life the way it should be. I hope everybody does.
This was more just to get my own thoughts down about it. It was something that has been on my mind since last week and I needed to get it out.
It's interesting though. Most people dream of romance and finding that perfect partner. All I have ever wanted was friends.
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
He posted the live performance🥰
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
Oops, forgot context 😂
Additional version 🤔
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How many versions did he record😭
But yeah, “additional” could literally be anything😅
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
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Mi casaaaa su casaaaa 💕
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
NetflixBrasil randomly tweeting about Omar 👀
That is random but we love to see it✨
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myshadesofwrong ¡ 2 years
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