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Haha what an emotional trip this episode was, especially for this boy :,)
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YOU hates terfs
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hewwo darkness my old friend
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this is how my girlfriend and I text
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(Reposting since I accidentally deleted the original post smh)
Commissions for @jasondean of the murder boys! Lawrence and Ren belong to @gatobob
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Me with multiples of my gf
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homophobic that im not a man in 1845 but the sexy version of 1845 where im wearing a poofy cool shirt and its a stormy summer night so i run to the big abandoned mansion for shelter and as i light a candle and walk the corridors i see portraits of a dashingly handsome man who seemingly never ages and then with a clap of thunder the top of the stairs illuminate and i see him standing there wearing a cape and then he tops me for like 7 hours at least
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hey, thots on a powerstruggle with a werewolf? we can take turns with each other -🌖
ohh vampire x werewolf power struggle? wonderful idea :) me trying to charm you and you trying to intimidate me; me trying to bury my fangs in your neck to drain you and you trying to pin me down with brute animal strength. it’d be so hot and powerful... though, i must tell you, i don’t submit :)
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consider: subby vampires. throwing a vampire against the wall and fucking them senseless. feeling their fangs graze your dick as they suck you off. just,,, vampire subs
ohhhh, a wonderful concept, truly! fangs that slip out not only when they smell blood but also when they’re aroused, so you play around with them and watch their little teeth until you see the sharpness peeking through... making them beg to have a taste of your blood; pushing their face into your neck so they have to breathe in the scent and it drives them crazy but they can’t have a single drop yet, not until you decide they’re allowed to... like you said, feeling their fangs on you— catching on your lips and your skin, brushing over your cock... plus, the idea of making a monster submissive is just wonderful in and of itself. monsters are supposed to be powerful; they’re supposed to be the ones you’re afraid of, the ones you’ll do anything to appease. i’d like to get a little monster trembling and wide-eyed and made entirely submissive by my dominance— a little monster bent over my lap crying for me to be gentle with them, kneeling and waiting for my orders with fear in their eyes when i begin to speak. that’s the dream, really.
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You: This generation wants to fuck vampires and shit. What happened to the time when vampires were scary?
Me, an intellectual (who wrote her BA Thesis about this very topic): The Vampire as a literary device literally developed out of east European folk stories as a way to explore anxieties and fears around sex. You’re supposed to want to fuck them, that’s the whole point!
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So, y’all know that battle theme Toby Fox composed for Pokémon Sword/Shield?
Well, someone discovered that the track may have been inspired by a track in “The Baby Is You”, Toby’s Homestuck rock opera where Dave Strider gives birth to his best friend, John Egbert.
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Visit from William Rothberg, commissioner of the tomb expedition in Cairo, 1922.
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The site of the tomb is extraordinary and unlike anything we have seen before. Preparations are being made to explore the only known entrance.
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The bottom entrance of the tomb is a sight to behold. We think that it may date around 2688-2180 BC. Although, we cannot say for sure at the moment.
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The faces of each statue have been destroyed. A curious sight, though not uncommon. This was usually done to the tombs of Pharaohs with bad reputations. To remove the face is to remove their memory and place in the afterlife.
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A tight squeeze through one of the chambers. I managed to make it out just fine.
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The chambers are massive and surprisingly well preserved. We have yet to find the Pharaoh’s chamber, but we are hopeful in finding it soon.
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It was common for Pharaohs to be mummified alongside their cats. But this tomb is filled with chambers of mummified cats. Hundreds of them.
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That’s not the strangest part, though. The mummified cats keep getting bigger the further into the chambers we go. Surely, there cannot actually be cats in these large sarcophagi… But I wonder. We will be taking some of them back for study.
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Most unusual. It would appear that the large sarcophagi held the mummified remains of large felines, but… with heads more closely resembling that of humans.
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We checked to make sure if there were any seams to show that they had been sewn together or fabricated. But there are none. My comrades and I are absolutely baffled.
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It is very interesting honestly. For someone like me, I do not want to have children. My girlfriend and I both do not want children. It certainly has no connection to hating them, in fact our jobs right now involve taking care of kids. We both worked in schools for autism, now we are both providers who do everything a parent does. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, bathing, getting them ready for school and bed, etc; and because of these jobs we have realized we do not want one. The sheer sense of codependency, the lack of freedom that we expect from having kids is what blows us personally away.
I don't want to dedicate a good chunk of life taking care of a child until they are old enough to move out. Weekends, holidays, where we could be spending time with each other would also involve us taking care of someone else. My girlfriend and I both discussed this. We're too independent to do something like that and we don't want to bring a child into the world because as op said, you cannot undo this action. It isn't fair to the child.
Never think that someone hates or feels negatively towards children because they don't want kids. Some people simply don't have the energy, money, time, or even need to take care of one.
I find it fascinating that people who choose not to have children are generally assumed to feel really strongly about not having children (or even to feel really strongly against children, anyone’s children, in general). I am probably not going to have children, not because I REALLY REALLY HATE the idea of having children, but because I don’t really really love it. Out of all the major decisions I will make in my life, this one is the only irreversible one. I can sell a house, quit a job, divorce a spouse, whatever. I cannot unhave a child. I cannot opt out of being a parent once I become a parent. I can’t even take a step back for the sake of self-care or whatever, or else my child will suffer.
So for me, having children is fuck yes or not at all. The default will be to remain childfree. Having children should be an opt-in decision, not an opt-out one. Until/unless I develop really strong feelings about wanting to have children, I won’t have them, even if that means I never end up having them at all.
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This is very much the energy I got playing the game
Me entering the gym getting hyped as fuck to jam to that banger 
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My Cinderace popping out of its Pokeball ready to kill again
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I actually had to stop, pause, and take a breath cause goddammit that is very accurate
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this is a personal attack
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I saw something on Twitter and what I was imagine when that were happened…
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