I wanna create a music playlist that fits with the ikesen boys, but so far among my music playlist I can only find songs that can match with Mitsuhide. So let me share a few songs from my playlist that I think describe Mitsuhide the best.
Inuyasha ost. Affections touching across time. Cover by Raon Lee
You need to turn on the english subtitle. The lyrics are painfully perfect for the impending farewell scene where Mitsuhide is crying saying he had to break his promise to you by sending you back to the future to save your life.
Hotaru by Fujita Maiko
I always imagine this song playing in the background when MC had to go along with Mitsuhide during the reconnaissance mission. Really convey how MC unable to tell Mitsuhide's feeling. Despite the pain of not knowing how he actually feels, she still likes him. The similarity with the kitsune mask from the anime is a cherry on top.
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mysticsmollpotatoad · 2 years
Modern enemy of the warlords
This is just a little headcanon I have in mind. During the sengoku era, every warlords' enemy is the opposing warlords and traitors. But if they went to the modern world...who or what will they considered as their enemy?
He has the same VA as Gintoki and there's also an episode where Gintoki went to dentist so it's easy to imagine him wailing like a kid internally.
You will only get him to the dentist because you work together with Hideyoshi to trap him.
No way he would come voluntarily.
Everything about dentist just unsettle him.
The boring waiting room, the sound of the tools, the distinctive odor, and the idea that someone has to gain access to open and meddle with his mouth (only you can gain free access).
Of course it was Hideyoshi who insists his lord to get a check up because his sweet tooth lord won't give up on eating sweets.
cue glaring
But the sound of terror coming from the tools are stronger than any enemy he had faced.
He will cease the glare and throw pitiful puppy look toward you as last resort.
Nope. Not working. Hideyoshi already gave strict instructions to you.
After the treatment, nobunaga never felt this betrayed before. He even prefer Mitsuhide to betray him for real rather than being dragged to the dentist.
Why? If you combine Mitsuhide's trickery and Masamune's recklessness into one occupation you'll get a magician.
Seriously tho...he will get a heart attack if you bring him to watch a magic show with dangerous stunt as a surprise.
It was a bad surprise idea because...
"wait wait wait!!! That's dangerous! Hey you! Wha-"
You need to silence him down before he interrupted the show and start his lecture about safety.
You'll have to tell him that everything is scripted and safe...most of the time.
"But it's still unacceptable to see people play around with their lives like that."
He also dislike them more when you told him that there are also those who can hipnotize other people.
Even a simple card tricks will annoyed him.
Maybe it's because it gave him the same familiar sensation like being fooled by Mitsuhide.
Sushi terrorist
Have you heard the news?
Lately in Japan there's this group who terrorize sushi restaurants by licking the soy sauce bottles, tea cups, and sushi on conveyor belt (the culprits already got arrested).
Masamune as the chef of the group and the one who appreciates food the most, definitely won't tolerate this act of disrespect toward foods.
If the culprits are still running loose, he will hunt them and whoop their asses.
"so you lads were the naughty nasty kittens who ran around licking things? You should have told me. I have better "catnip" for you lads to lick. Oi Ieyasu, give me your best batch of sauce and pepper."
You better believe the culprits find enlightenment after tasting Masamune's "special" course.
Pesky sales
Whether it's shady neighbors who tried to recruit him to join shady group or average sales who diligently offer their products...all of them annoyed him.
"No, I don't need it. Leave me alone."
You started to wonder why he seem to be attracting the attention of those sales.
There were always several sales flocking on him wherever he goes.
Maybe because he looks soft and an easy target for them?
He became more grumpy and decided to wear a hat, glasses, and mask whenever he goes out.
In addition, there was that one time when someone offer free pack of tissues on the street.
He accepted it but he was curious why there is a phone number on it.
He asked you and you told him that's a phone number to order a "service" from those ladies.
(⁄ ⁄•⁄Д⁄•⁄ ⁄) He was blushing hard and found those sales tactic as unbelievable. He became more cynical and suspicious toward any kind gesture from modern people.
He might also have the same problem as Ieyasu since he also look like an easy target. But he managed to unintentionally blinded them with his angelic smile and steer them away...almost like they are being manipulated. Of course that's also thanks to your help for teaching him what's right or wrong in this era.
But even Mitsunari can found something as unpleasant.
It was during a date. You brought him to a traditional japanese festival.
There were a lot of stands but a particular stand picked his curiosity.
It was like a gambling game with prizes.
He was observing how it works. He noticed that something is off.
He confronted the owner by asking a barrage of questions and ended it by presenting his calculations to prove that the game is rigged.
Winner: Mitsunari.
Yes, it's similar to karma akabane but Mitsunari did it without ill intent.
Ah...he is a hard one.
He is too composed and smart for his own good.
But...even Mitsuhide should have his own fair share of struggle in the modern world.
Fangirls with moe power.
Act suspicious and smug all you want, but you are weak against strong and straight forward affections, right Mitsuhide?
His mysterious allure might attracted fangirls, otaku, and even creepy stalker fans like sasaeng.
He learns that people in this era can be more aggressive in their approach when it comes to forming a relationship or admiring someone.
Poor kitsune.
He can't keep up with the power of moe.
You offered to console your exhausted kitsune.
Like Ieyasu, in the end he decided to disguise himself when he goes out.
Pretty much everyone and everything.
He hates the police for forbidding him from carrying his sword.
He hates those scouts who keep trying to scout him into modelling, host, and even boyband.
He hates those small fry criminals like molesters (if they touch you, they die).
He hates those who keep staring at him with glimmering eyes.
Imagine a scene from ouran high school where there is this yakuza guy who glares at a bunch of girls, but the power of moe is stronger than his glare. It's similar with Kenshin.
He has similar problem like Mitsuhide, but Kenshin is too...rebellious to hide himself. Hiding is not in his nature.
He won't disguise himself unless you ask him.
"How dare you order me around. Are you trying to get in my way?"
Oh yeah..he will also hate rules like limited purchase.
This one is unusual. I can't see him as disliking someone strongly. So...
Low ceiling.
Yep, it's a struggle for all tall people who came to Japan.
Walking in the hallway? He need to bent a bit.
Sometimes his head bonk into hanging direction plates.
Just...don't take him to a capsule hotel if you want a steamy night with him.
Host club
(o/////o " ) blushing intensifies
"h-how can all of them flirt in a room full of people? Don't they have some decency?" *closing his eyes with both his hands*
It's like in a room full of lord Shingen.
Poor boy can't take the heat and wanted to leave immediately.
He is more astounded when you told him that they don't even flirt genuinely.
Seems like a fitting job for his lord. Of course, he won't allow it if his lord really did want to become a host.
Is there any?
He is a modern man.
He is used to it and can handle it.
Along with you, he will help the warlords to get used to life in modern time.
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mysticsmollpotatoad · 2 years
A passing thought
I was going to continue my post about how I would react if I were MC in ikesen universe. But something occured to me while I was considering every possible scenarios. Isn't it unnatural for guys with differing personalities and circumstances to fall for the same kind of woman? Shouldn't they have their own preferences when looking for their soulmate? I mean...take this ML opinion to be more clear.
Tumblr media
(Source: fiancee's observation log of the self-proclaimed villainess)
It's just unsettling and kinda ominous to see the suitors fall for the same MC even if they have their own route. I just think having one MC for those suitors makes the experience of enjoying the game became less exciting. Especially when the MCs from ikemen series (except ikepri because I never play it) all have similar personalities. It's getting repetitive and I rarely relate with the MCs. So I was wondering is it impossible for the dev to give us more than one MC in a game? Maybe following the example from norn9 ?
I personally think having more than one MC with different personalities can add a touch of more realistic impression to the game. Furthermore, to make MC compatible with ONLY certain suitors and giving different endings based on compatibility can give an element of surprise as well....as long as the dev or the early players didn't spoil too much.
Imagine you pick an MC and you choose a suitor without knowing whether you'll be compatible or not with him and what kind of ending is waiting for you. It will be more unexpected and feels refreshing. It might be a nice change of pace. But the downsides of that are as the following: it will decrease the romance because not all of the suitors can be romanceable and your favorite suitor might not be compatible with your chosen MC. You might only get bad ending with your chosen MC and suitor. But even a bad ending can be a pleasant bittersweet tragic ending that gave more impact if the storyline is delivered well. I don't mind tho. I just want to see something new.
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mysticsmollpotatoad · 2 years
Wow that's savage comeback😯 as expected of INTP. You remind me of my strict lecturer😂 My INFJ side is crying with these bold critics, but my INTJ side agree with you. Still...my heart can't take it if I need to throw harsh reality at him😢. Also I would get killed as well for bombarding him with facts. So I prefer to end up as his personal therapist while also trying to make him see reason slowly by gaining his trust and gradually "brainwashed" him lol
If I were MC
This is just my personal opinion and I could be biased, but I think the default MC personality in ikesen and ikevamp is leaning more toward ESFJ type. So as someone who often switch between INFJ and INTJ, I could barely relate with MC. So here are things I would like to say and do if I were MC.
Comte : *explaining himself about the residents, their circumstances, and his role*
Me : What was arthur's reason for coming back?
Sebastian : apparently he wishes to have more time to drink and spend with women
Me : *throwing questioning look at comte* Did you really bring someone with shallow regret back to life? Did you not ask his reason first? Do you not have any qualifications for those who wish to be revived?
Comte : (⊙_⊙)...
Me : no wait...seeing how all of the residents are prominent historical figures I guess you do have certain qualifications for them and I doubt you would revived them just to let them mess around for their eternity. I also highly doubt that someone at their death bed would still think about regretting something trivial like not having enough drink or women. Which means I think arthur was lying. Well, he gives off that liar vibe last night so I'm not surprised.
Comte :...I'm surprised you could deduce that far. Perhaps you could get along with arthur😊
Me : ಠ╭╮ಠ No. Please no. I'm allergic to flirty people with no sense of personal space. And I don't trust any of the people er..vampire here yet. Sorry, that includes you, le comte. I'm sure you have your own plan and goal for reviving them, but I hope it's not something like world domination or anything bad that could affect the future in terrible ways because reviving historical figures sounds too grand to be a mere hobby.
Comte : (。o_o。)""* shocked pikachu face and having flashback of his argument with vlad*
Me : *observing his expressions and starting to regret for voicing my concern* *shoot it seems I trigger another landmine😶*
Vlad : *slaughtering criminals left and right and using people like chest pieces* I love the world to the point of madness...but you are the only one I can't give up on. Will you come with me?
Me *sweating profusely (•᷄- •᷅ ;)* umm I love you and all. While I can still support your reasoning in getting rid of criminals, I think you'd read too much nietzsche books for going too far by including the residents into your plan. Umm how about we broaden our approach to save the world? How about volunteering in positive activities? Come here...let's have tea and strawberries and talk about your childhood first.
Vlad : 🙂....
Me : If you don't want to talk and continue being cryptic while smiling distantly then I'm going to keep marshmallow as hostage. I've learned that communication is key. One of us has to drop the mysterious facade. Come here before you make another bad decision*drag him by his sleeves*
Vlad : 😳
More to be added later, probably
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mysticsmollpotatoad · 2 years
If I were MC
This is just my personal opinion and I could be biased, but I think the default MC personality in ikesen and ikevamp is leaning more toward ESFJ type. So as someone who often switch between INFJ and INTJ, I could barely relate with MC. So here are things I would like to say and do if I were MC.
Comte : *explaining himself about the residents, their circumstances, and his role*
Me : What was arthur's reason for coming back?
Sebastian : apparently he wishes to have more time to drink and spend with women
Me : *throwing questioning look at comte* Did you really bring someone with shallow regret back to life? Did you not ask his reason first? Do you not have any qualifications for those who wish to be revived?
Comte : (⊙_⊙)...
Me : no wait...seeing how all of the residents are prominent historical figures I guess you do have certain qualifications for them and I doubt you would revived them just to let them mess around for their eternity. I also highly doubt that someone at their death bed would still think about regretting something trivial like not having enough drink or women. Which means I think arthur was lying. Well, he gives off that liar vibe last night so I'm not surprised.
Comte :...I'm surprised you could deduce that far. Perhaps you could get along with arthur😊
Me : ಠ╭╮ಠ No. Please no. I'm allergic to flirty people with no sense of personal space. And I don't trust any of the people er..vampire here yet. Sorry, that includes you, le comte. I'm sure you have your own plan and goal for reviving them, but I hope it's not something like world domination or anything bad that could affect the future in terrible ways because reviving historical figures sounds too grand to be a mere hobby.
Comte : (。o_o。)""* shocked pikachu face and having flashback of his argument with vlad*
Me : *observing his expressions and starting to regret for voicing my concern* *shoot it seems I trigger another landmine😶*
Vlad : *slaughtering criminals left and right and using people like chess pieces* I love the world to the point of madness...but you are the only one I can't give up on. Will you come with me?
Me *sweating profusely (•᷄- •᷅ ;)* umm I love you and all. While I can still support your reasoning in getting rid of criminals, I think you'd read too much nietzsche books for going too far by including the residents into your plan. Umm how about we broaden our approach to save the world? How about volunteering in positive activities? Come here...let's have tea and strawberries and talk about your childhood first.
Vlad : 🙂....
Me : If you don't want to talk and continue being cryptic while smiling distantly then I'm going to keep marshmallow as hostage. I've learned that communication is key. One of us has to drop the mysterious facade. Come here before you make another bad decision*drags him by his sleeves*
Vlad : 😳
More to be added later, probably
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mysticsmollpotatoad · 2 years
🌸Performer MC🌸
How will the warlords (mitsuhide, masamune, kenshin) react when MC show off her skill? I thought about this when I was playing mitsuhide route. I start to imagine how he would react if MC volunteer as a stage performer during their mission together. I only write this to get this headcanon out of my head and done.
-Geisha kitsune dance + chinese classical fan dance
-When you saw mitsuhide's performance you were inspired to perform a mix of traditional geisha kitsune dance and chinese classical dance.
-You grabbed his kitsune mask and a fan.
-Because his curiousity beat his worries, he just let you take the stage after him.
-Your dance was graceful and smooth, but then your movements gradually turned more bold and energetic.
-Mitsuhide never expected his pupil and fake wife (soon-to-be real wife) hide such a lovely talent as a secret.
-"my my, it seems my little mouse never cease to surprise me."
-"is that a blush I see on your face, mitsuhide😯?" "it's a make up😊" "...it won't hurt to be honest once in a while, you know?"😒
-He may always tease you, saying some intimate things, but he will never admit it when he was genuinely flustered or embarrassed or feeling any special feelings for you. At least not yet. Not in this stage.
-However if you show him a modern costume (a more revealing and skimpy clothes) you created and told him you plan to wear it for the next performance, his smile will falter for a moment before it turned into a strained creepy smile.
-"little mouse, I know you are daring, but I'm afraid you have stepped into a dangerous zone. Are you trying to invite more dangerous men? Am I not enough?" *slapped*. You slapped him for creeping you out and that put some sense back into him.
-But he was seriously against it. If you keep being persistent he still has a few cards up his sleeves.
-He will join into the stage as if it was part of performance. Closing in on you and whisked you into his arms while leaving the stage in the same manner so everyone would thought it was part of the performance.
-Mitsuhide😏 You😳.
-Cossack traditional swordsmanship
-It was by accident when he found out your special talent.
-You were bored. You had a lot of free time but no one gave you anything to do. So what did you do? While mama hen yoshi wasn't watching, you went to the armed supplies storage. There you grab two swords and move to more spacious space.
-Masamune was tailing you ever since he noticed you were heading toward the weapons store room. He decided to watch you for a while more from the shadow.
-After a little warming up you began to twirl both swords in each of of your hand proficiently like a sword master. Your movements were swift and elegant at the same time. After having enough you put the swords down and then heard a clapping sound from behind you.
-*clapping* "wooh nice job, lass! I never expect a kitten like you turned out to be a tigress😏 How about this? I'll keep this a secret from hideyoshi and in return you spend some more time with me."
-From that day on, unbeknownst to anyone, Azuchi has one more tiger proficient in dual sword wielding as ally.
-Chinese traditional sword dance
-His swordsmanship was known as graceful but deadly.
-So as a dancer you were ecstatic to see him in action (he was beating some rounin that disturb his drinking time lol😂)
-You decided to approach him first. However the way you talk, the way your eye glimmer and untainted of the cruel world, and that weird passion emanated from you remind him of sasuke.
-Kenshin: "sasuke, is she your sibling?😑" Sasuke:"no, kenshin-sama. We just came from the same hometown."
-He may be cold and indifferent at first, but he is weak against persistent people. Especially if that person also is also soft and cute just like a bunny or like you.
-One day you showed him your sword dance to prove him that not all women are weak.
-Your graceful yet powerful movements managed to struck him in awe.
-Kenshin: "hm not bad." You: "✨expectant look✨" Kenshin:"....what is it that you want now? Just say it." You: "hehe actually the first moment I saw you I was wondering if you could teach me swordsmanship. I want to improvise my sword dance." Sasuke: "do you even know what you are signing up?😐" You: "I know and I'm ready for anything😄✨" Kenshin: *got struck by her radiance* "fine. But I won't go easy on you just because you are a woman😑"
-The next day, Sasuke took a peek from the ceiling to watch how their practice go. Sasuke: "that's unfair of him, but I'm glad he goes easy on her-ah" *stab* a sword pierce the ceiling. Almost striking sasuke's face.
-Kenshin: "and that's how you fling your sword in the air while also taking the enemy down."
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