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Hey guys! Here is a super simple Cinnabon dupe recipe, that even the most amateur chefs can follow. Trust me, if I could do it…so can you. THINGS YOU WILL NEED Ingredients for DOUGH 1 cup milk 2 eggs 1/3 cup butter [room temp] 4 1/4 cups all purpose flour [will need extra for rolling…
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Easy Homemade Cinnabon Recipe
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Easy Homemade Cinnabon Recipe
Easy Homemade Cinnabon Recipe ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @MyTherapistSays ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ https://mytherapistsays.ca/homemade-cinnabon-recipe/
Hey guys! Here is a super simple Cinnabon dupe recipe, that even the most amateur chefs can follow.
Trust me, if I could do it…so can you.
Ingredients for DOUGH
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1/3 cup butter [room temp]
4 1/4 cups all purpose flour [will need extra for rolling out dough]
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup white sugar
1 package active dry yeast [about 7g]
Ingredients for FILLING
1 cup brown or yellow sugar
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1/3 cup butter [softened]
Ingredients for FROSTING
4-5 oz cream cheese [softened, depending on how sweet you like your frosting]
1/4 cup butter [softened]
1 1/2 cup confectioners sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
Combine 2 cups of FLOUR [from your DOUGH ingredients] and YEAST in a large mixing bowl.
In a saucepan, combine: MILK, BUTTER, SUGAR, and SALT over medium heat, until temp reaches around 120-130 degrees or butter almost melted.
Add MILK mixture to FLOUR mixture along with 2 EGGS, and mix with a whisk or silicone spatula until blended. Once mixture is a little blended, add the remaining FLOUR and blend it in.
On a clean surface, dust with a little FLOUR and place the mixture onto the surface and knead in as much FLOUR as possible. Keep KNEADING until smooth and elastic [about 5-10 min]
Cover DOUGH with oil or cooking spray and wrap in plastic wrap. Let DOUGH rest covered for 15 min.
While DOUGH is resting, in a small bowl, combine BROWN SUGAR and CINNAMON and set aside.
Roll the DOUGH into an 18×21″ rectangle. [Could be an oval too if too hard] [Since dough is oily, no need for flour for rolling of the dough]
Spread 1/3 cup BUTTER on the DOUGH and top with the BROWN SUGAR and CINNAMON mixture.
Starting with the long side, roll up DOUGH with both hands until you have a long log shape. Cut into 12 even rolls.
Grease a 9×13″ baking pan [any pans you have, you can use as long as you grease them. Make sure they’re deeper than 2″]
Place the ROLLS in the pan and cover with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel. Put aside and let rise for about 45 min to an hour.
Halfway through the rise, PREHEAT oven to 400 degrees F.
Uncover rolls and remove towel and place in middle rack of the oven and bake for about 13-15 min. [Until lightly browned]
While the rolls are baking, combine CREAM CHEESE, 1/4 cup BUTTER, CONFECTIONERS SUGAR, VANILLA EXTRACT, and SALT with a mixer until fluffy and smooth.
Allow rolls to cool for about 5-10 min, spread FROSTING on the warm rolls and serve!
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The Truth about Korean Skincare
The Truth about Korean Skincare ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ @MyTherapistSays ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ https://mytherapistsays.ca/the-truth-about-korean-skincare/
The Truth about Korean Skincare
Firstly let me start by saying this is not a sponsored post, this is my real experience and honest thoughts just wanted to share with you guys!
Everywhere you look lately, whether it’s magazines, Instagram, or dermatologists offices, Korean skincare is everywhere. I became interested in it after seeing so many videos on Instagram of people showing their 10-step skin care routines.
From travelling so much and not being able to have consistent dietary habits, I’ve noticed my skin take a turn for the worst.
Let me give you a brief background on my skin type.
I normally have combination type skin; dry around, and an oilier T-zone. So, taking care of my skin was always an effort, and a priority. The older I get, the more sensitive my skin gets, and because of those factors, I am very picky about my skin care routine and what products I use.
While I was in Seoul, South Korea, I decided to fix my skin since I’ve heard such amazing things about their beauty industry. In this article, I’m going to tell you my honest experience with Korean dermatology, their skincare products, and their MUST FOLLOW advice for amazing looking and healthy skin!
Since I didn’t (and still don’t) know the language, or anything about Korean procedures, my friends recommended for me to reach out to Docfinderkorea, an amazing company that basically deals with foreigners that want to come to Korea for any type of procedures, be it surgical, or dermatological. They went above and beyond with helping me find the perfect clinic that would suit all my needs. They only deal with the most trustworthy clinics in Korea, which was a super important factor for me, as safety for your skin and self is most important.
They arrange an airport pickup and drop off for you, they communicate with the clinics for you, translate everything, and are always with you for support, plus they also have amazing discounts with different clinics, so all my treatment prices were way lower than I had originally planned for! Whether you come alone or with family/friends they are always with you to help guide you through the journey. There really is no downside to using them, it didn’t cost me a cent, and they also picked me up and dropped me off for all my consultations and procedures. It was actually super helpful because in Seoul, it’s very hard to catch a cab without their apps, and if you do manage to catch one, telling them where you want to go in English is very hard for them to understand so most of the time they just reject your ride.
Moving on, Docfinder helped me meet with ID dermatology clinic, where I had my consultations. I had a massive breakout on my face and it was petrifying. I didn’t know the reason and tried everything I could to manage it, including several facials in Los Angeles and Toronto to help.
When I first entered the dermatology clinic, the building is beautifully decorated, everything is accented with gold and they have their own cosmetics line/skincare products on display in the waiting room for you to test out while you wait for your treatments/consultant. I particularly enjoyed that because I was looking for some new products to use since clearly something I’ve been using wasn’t working for me. They were very professional, took down my information, were very friendly and welcoming.
The consultant came to get me and Eugenia (Docfinderkorea) from the waiting room and we moved to a private room where we could discuss my problems and treatments. Their consultant was very knowledgeable and suggested many treatments that would help me, she was on the same page as me when it came to my concerns.
I told ID clinic about my concerns, which were: acne, sagginess, aging, sun damage, and hydration. They told me I needed to get several treatments done to help my skin [treatments and their purpose will be listed below]. I had a total of three days worth of treatments there and my skin felt and looked different from the first treatment!
1st Day of treatment included – Acne Treatment:
E2 Laser
A laser procedure using radio frequency to regenerate skin. It delivers heat to the epidermis layer repeatedly and regenerates skin.
Benefits: Helps scarring, acne, burns, wounds, crows feet, laugh lines, nasolabial folds, skin tone and skin texture improvement, pore tightening
Scaling Treatment
It’s a treatment that exfoliates dead skin, squeezing out acne if necessary, using light therapy, and a mask pack to cool inflammation.
Benefits: Helps discharge dirt/makeup residue in pores and discharge dead skin. It also helps control the amount of sebum for less acne-prone skin.
I would say for anyone worrying about acne, this set of treatments was where I saw the most difference instantly. To this day, my skin is way less oily, especially in the T-zone. My pores look and feel smaller, and my skin texture is smoother than it ever was! I used to have these small bumps under my skin that no amount of facials could get rid of. The scaling treatment and laser took care of that. I would recommend that 100%.
2nd Day of treatments included – Lifting, Rejuvenating & Moisturizing
The procedure uses ultrasound to lift and tighten skin in a non-invasive method. It induces skin to generate collagen.
Benefits: Lifts skin to make it tighter and makes skin generate collagen over time. There are several types, so a customized approach to each person’s age, skin condition, and fat layer is possible.
Platelet Rich Plasma, which includes various growth factors that activate collagen generation and encourage adult stem cell for faster skin healing process.
Benefits: It’s anti-aging, improves aged skin, saggy skin, wrinkles, skin elasticity, and tightens pores. It also helps with skin whitening like dark circles and improves melasma.
Volite Injection
It’s an injection of low molecular hyaluronic acid.
Benefits: It helps improve skin texture, pores, fine wrinkles, and skin elasticity. Simultaneously, it moisturizes the skin and generates collagen.
Co2 Laser
It’s a laser that is used in mole removal, also used for scars, sebaceous hyperplasia, age spots, skin tags, and many other ways.
A quick and less painful way of removing something from your face such as moles or scars using a laser.
This whole procedure was done the next day right after the acne treatment. Because I’m so afraid of pain and so sensitive, and I was doing many treatments in one go, I decided to go under local anesthesia. The result of all these for the next couple of days was minor swelling and bruising. They warned me about the healing process, advising me that swelling, bruising, and pain around the jaw area would be normal. I honestly only had minor swelling and could cover all my bruises with make-up and was able to leave my hotel after just two days. The results of these treatments will be shown overtime.
Ulthera, they told me, would take at least a month to see any difference, however for PRP and the Volite injection, results would be seen sooner, but still take a few days.
3rd Day of Treatment included – De-swelling Treatment
Normally you don’t need this if you don’t want it, but since I was travelling back and had work and so on, I wanted a treatment that would help my skin heal faster from the bruises and swelling. Plus, it felt really good!
De-swelling treatment program:
It’s a 5 step procedure-
Cleansing residue on skin by aesthetician
Radio-frequency treatment
Regeneration light therapy
Mask pack
Finishing treatment including moisturizer and sunscreen.
It relaxes and soothes skin after the injections and laser procedures. Helps calm redness and swelling.
I got this treatment done the day before my flight and was more than ready to take on the 13 hour long flight back. They helped me feel refreshed, relaxed, and more secure about my skin. All in all I would recommend this treatment if you got something that was painful in any way!
ID clinic, being the sweethearts they are, gave me an after care package with healing/recovery face masks as well as an envelope with each treatment and the aftercare necessary, covering all my questions. I’m the type of person that is super careful, and follow instructions to the letter, so those guidelines really helped me. After the treatment was over, Docfinderkorea sent a car for me to go to the airport. It was a huge SUV, that fit all my luggage, with the driver already having all my flight information so no language barrier was felt. All in all, I was, and am, more than pleased with my experience and results! Would I recommend this to my friends, family, and you guys? Absolutely, without a doubt!!! I know how depressing having bad skin is, and how it impacts your self esteem and daily mood. I will definitely plan a trip to Korea for my skin up-keeping at least once a year. Especially with Docfinderkorea being so easy to plan with. It’s as simple as WhatsApp-ing them and they will have the whole team help you plan your next trip.
It’s been two weeks now since my treatment and I can confidently leave the house without make-up. This helps my overall mental and physical health. I haven’t had any breakouts upon my return!
Since I did all these procedures, I also decided to do the 10 step Korean skin care routine, to make sure my skin maintenance is under control. Most of the people I saw in Seoul had incredibly flawless skin, so I decided to follow their advice and invest more time into my skin care routine.
Now, the one main rule all of the people in Korea follow to have amazing skin is…SUNSCREEN!!! I know it’s crazy, but I used to think sunscreen made my skin oily and gave me breakouts, but Korean products have changed my views. I decided to use ID.AZ dermatology clinic products, since when they used them on me, I didn’t have any breakouts and they didn’t give my skin any negative reaction, plus they are made and tested by dermatologists, so another bonus there!
I would definitely call this a miracle for me, as I felt very stressed about my skin this whole summer to fall. Now I will keep you guys posted on the continuation of my journey and how my skin does with ID.AZ skin care products. Look forward to it!
Hope you enjoyed my journey!
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