What I eat in a day: I lost 60lbs in 6 months
Pick one option from each category per day!
banana + 1tbsp peanut butter
cereal with almond milk
slice of toast with peanut butter and honey
slice of toast with ½ cup cottage cheese
pb+strawberry+banana protein smoothie
slice of toast with avocado and cracked pepper
sandwich (turkey, tuna, chicken salad, egg salad, grilled cheese) with soup
chicken salad
chicken burrito bowl
homemade adult Lunchable with sliced cheese, crackers and choice of meat
white chicken chili 
turmeric chicken with broccoli, carrots and brown rice
whole wheat spaghetti with ground turkey
burritos with chicken, black beans, onion, bell pepper
black bean burger with avocado
indian spiced tofu over rice
mini meat loaves with broccoli and baked potato
stir fried vegetables over rice
pot roast with slice of french bread
low calorie pudding cup + whipped cream on top
string cheese
yogurt with fruit + granola
fruit smoothie
handful of mixed nuts
cheese + crackers
dill pickles
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first time instantly working out for, I want to say a couple months. I haven't sweat this hard in years. Super excited. day 1. I hope I stay on track, but with how life goes you really never know.
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Happiness Will Come To You.
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Sometimes I’ve just got to remember how far I’ve come already instead of focusing on what I’ve not achieved yet ✨
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Feb 2017 vs July 2018 ✨ “She believed she could, so she did.”
FINALLY broke through my plateau so i’m officially down 75lbs!!
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Forgot to post this on Tuesday so here’s a super late transformation Tuesday pic 😄
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211-158 and with 25 or so to go!
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Bit of a transformation picture
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I am making a comeback on this account. GuysTHIS TIME it's happening...my journey will be recorded everyday!!!! I can not slip
Please if anyone is still following me can y'all help me make sure I'm consistent with the posts and updates about my progress?!
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Forgot to post this on Tuesday so here’s a super late transformation Tuesday pic 😄
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15 lbs LOST!!!
Yup you've heard it right since May 16 I have lost 15 lbs and I know weigh 190. Thai is an aplccomplishment even though I have been in the 190s most of my high school career but this is different because I'm still in my journey.
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Okay so I really feel like I have failed y'all. Basically what has been going on this past week or two is that I have been having these horrible pains in my lower belly. I didn't know what it was. I still don't know what it is. When I went to the doctors they told me it was constipation. But I'm one of those people who google their symptoms, and I was completely convinced it was something else. But I'm just going to believe my doctor and that the medicine they want me to take. Then will see how I feel after that. Currently the pain is not as bad as it was yesterday. So that has been the bad news. Now for good news. I still have been sticking to eating healthy except for the chocolate cake that I had when i was craving chocolate and occasionally eating fries. But other than then I been eating really well. So hopefully I will be back on my workout schedule by next week. The following week the lasted. Thank y'all for listening(or rather reading) this long ass post. Also welcome to all the new followers that I have been getting.
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