mzwolfe11 · 4 hours
Danny and Damian are friends (also known as: Damian has a crush on Danny) Part 7
A/N: I hate myself for this one. I'm so sorry Danny.
“Hey, puppy~.” It´s what Tim says the instant Damian crosses by the first floor living room.
And since the whole day Damian’s luck has sucked – except spending the afternoon with Danny, the totality of that endeavor had been beyond magnificent despite Tim’s unrequired intervention –, all of his siblings, Jason and Barbara included, are also spending quality time with Tim in the first-floor living room, probably asking him about his out of world mission. They don’t even use the first floor living room at this time! They all prefer the third floor one during night time after six p.m. because it’s the one closer the cave’s entrance!
This is all Timothy’s fault! Damian thinks as he directs a blazing glare the his less favorite sibling – lies, he admires Tim’s sharp mind but will never say it aloud –.
“Oh? Why are we calling Dami that?” A very curious and interested Dick asks as he looks at his two baby siblings.
“Well, today our lovely puppy had a playdate with a little fwiend~.” Tim practically purrs.
Damian can feel his cheeks heat as he closes his eyes in indignation. Curse his bodily reactions to Daniel’s words!
“Oh, Damian, you have a new friend?!” Dick squeals in delight while the rest of the brood exchange complicity glances between each other. “Come-come! Tell me everything about them!” Dick invites as he makes space for Damian on the couch he’s sitting on.
Damian cannot do anything but sigh in defeat at his most respected brother’s plea. In all honesty, Damian is quite proud of himself, he managed to hide Daniel’s existence from his family for almost six months, not a bad record at all. Also, Damian should have known better, it was obvious that his surrogate grandfather finding out about his beloved was a preamble for the rest of his family finding out as well. Damian walks the walk of shame to where his oldest brother is and then lets his body fall on the couch.
“Wait, for real?” Jason says as he watches Damian just comply to Dick’s whims. “No growling? No dead threats?”
“Tt, it’s not like any of you will stop on finding out about him even if I deny you the information. And Timothy has already seen his face and learnt his name, he must already have a basic file on him that he is aching to share with all of you by now.”
“True.” Tim acknowledges without a sliver of shame. “That I do.” And sends the file.
“Tt, just share the file already, Timothy and I’ll answer your questions.” Damian tiredly accepts his fate.
“Look at you, acting all mature.” Steph says as she opens the file Tim didn’t doubt sharing with them micro-seconds ago on her tablet.
“Cute!” Cass coos at the picture of Tim got from Danny’s school file.
“I take you already have a more complete file on him?” Barbara asks Damian as she reads the few things Tim could get on Daniel Nightingale.
“Yes, but since I know that this family has to privacy when it comes to personal computer files I wrote them in a notebook, that I have already burned before coming home.”
“Look at him, one step ahead at all times.” Jason mumbles to himself as he also opens the file on his cell phone. “Hey!” He suddenly exclaims as he looks at Danny’s picture. “It’s Fix!”
“How do you know that name?” Damian asks.
“You know him, Jay?” Dick asks at the same time as Damian.
“Yeah, I know the kid. Crazy smart, lives in old Gotham with his uncle. He fixes toys and electro domestics in exchange of food.” Jason explains as he erases the file from his phone. He likes Danny, kid is cool and would definitely be a good influence on Damian.
“What does he do with the food?” Barbara questions as she also puts the file away and turns off the screen of her own tablet.
“He distributes it around homeless camps and shelters, he also builds toys for the orphans.”
“D’awww, he’s a little knight.” Dick coos.
“Ha-ha, I wouldn’t call him that. Little shit’s a feral little shit, some guys even call him Screws.” Jason adds.
“Because he’s got some screws loose?” Steph finishes the idea, a savage smile on her face.
“Yeah, he got some mad ideas. You should hire him Timberly, Danny would surely be an improvement for W.E.” Jason suggests.
The rest of Damian’s siblings’ eyebrows rise in silent surprise at Jason’s statement.
“How did you even meet him?” Damian asks, the dread of knowing that Daniel’s has made contact with Jason previously settling a worried feeling in his gut.
“Easy, lover boy. We met in a pretty mundane way.” Jason says as he raises his hands in a well-known surrender sign. “Back in summer, beginning of august, I went to old Gotham to buy some books and when I was coming back up my bike did one on me; the damn back tire went limp and I had to park in front of the antiques shop. There were to patch-up places and my damn phone couldn’t pick any signal so I went into the shop to ask for help, that’s went I met Fix. He offered to patch the tire for me, imagine my surprise when he actually did a gods damn good job. I’ve known him since then, he sometimes gives me info too, in exchange I give him cookies or whatever the hell he asks me to bake.” Jason shares. “Ha! When I told him that my gramps was the one to taught me to cook the little rascal went all Is your grampa a God? Because these tastes divine! Ha-ha-ha-ha!” He adds.
“Smooth.” Steph says as she nods in agreement with Danny’s statement.
“Oh, he sounds adorable~, when can we meet him, Dames? Invite for dinner!” Dick pleads as he softly shakes Damian’s arm.
“I’ll do it!” Jason interrupts Damian. “I got his number!” He adds with a devilish smile on handsome face.
“Hold him!” Tim barks the order at the same time Damian jumps.
Steph, Tim, Cass, Duke and Dick hug Damian down while Barbara only smiles at her family’s antics.
“Hey, Jay.” Greets Danny from the other side of the line.
Jason has put the call on speaker for everyone to hear.
“Hey, Fix. When were you gonna tell me you know my baby brother?” Jason greets.
Damian grunts but Tim covers his mouth – is he gonna get bitten? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes. –
“You have a baby brother?”
“Damian.” Jason answers.
“You’re Dami’s Jason?!” Danny exclaims. “How was I supposed to put your face on Dami’s Jason?! You don’t exactly look like someone that would belong to Gotham’s cardamoms.”
Everybody crushing Damian holds their laugher.
“Kardashians, Danny. Gotham’s Kardashians.” Jason corrects, he also is holding his laugher.
“Meh, same thing. You know I don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff.”  
“I know, Fix. That’s why I like you. Anyways, Damian forgot to tell you something earlier and his phone ran out of charge so he asked me to call you when I told him that I knew you. Here, Dami, you can speak to Fix now.” Jason says as he crouches down in front of a fallen and held down Damian. Tim uncovers Damian’s mouth, his palm bleeding, and Jason put the phone right in front of Damian’s face.
Damian silently mouthed a very clear I’ll kill you all in your sleep in the unique dialect spoken by the league before he spoke his first aloud words to Danny. “Good evening, Daniel. I hope you have reached your home safely?”
“Hey, Damian! Yeah, I just got home! All in one piece and no one bothered me, safe and sound!” Danny answers, oblivious to the fact that the bats and the birds are listening in. “What’s up? Jay said you wanted to tell me something?”
“Yes. I forgot to tell you that my father and Pennyworth would like to meet you… So, I was wondering if you would like to come have dinner here, at the manor?” Damian asks, sweet rosy blush on his tan skin.
“Y-yes, sure! I-I would love to! When?” Danny questions, his tone nervous.
“I would have to polish details with Pennyworth and my father… I’ll tell you at school on Monday.”
“Sweet! Sure! Awesome! See you at school then!” Danny responds.
As fast as a speedster Jason moves the cellphone away from Damian – Tim once again covering his mouth, this time with a clean cloth Steph gave him –, and continuing the conversation with Danny still on speaker.
“How come Damian gets to call you Daniel?” Jason quickly asks.
“I like the way he says it, it´s sexy.”
And the instant Danny says those words it’s like someone scratched a vinyl record.
Damian starts to blush from the crown of his head to the tip of his toes.
Dick and Steph exchange an exited gaze with wide open eyes and wide sparkling grins.
Tim and Duke’s eyes and mouths open in perfect Os as soft rosy blushes decorate their cheeks.
Cass and Barbara have covered their mouths, eyes wide open and sparkling.
And Jason, he turns off the speaker mode, and by using all the mental strength given to him by both his bat-training and his training with the league of assassins he manages to say with his most collected voice. “Ewww, Fix, TMI. Anyways, kid, see you around.” And finishes the call.
@boohoobeach @stargazer-luna @anarinette @craftyexpertchiid @pro-crastinator14 @olisix823 @someonebored100
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mzwolfe11 · 4 hours
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pizzeria simulator's most horrible comedy duo
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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@thepurplebacon 's au springtrap in endless internal conflict
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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who needs a consistent design anyway. throwaway doodles
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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Alright hear me out! I know most people really like fanfictions where Janet Drake is bad mother, but I really fell inlove with fanfictions where she is good mother. So I decided to draw her! (I kind of her like hair, reminds me of my mum's hair)
P.S. English is not my first language, so I apologize for mistakes 😅
P.S.x2 The biggest I guess inspiration is fanfiction "my baby, you are a gift, one i will cherish" by @scintillyyy
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A little bonus:
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
okay, while janet visits a psychic clearly wins the day i do also have a home alone!tim idea that i'm going to share
so, it is christmas with the drakes. tim is our precocious 7-8 year old boy (he needs to be this age because he has not yet made the connection of batman and robin = bruce and dick AND so dick is still robin)
jack has decided that he's going to make amends with (show off to) his estranged relatives by planning a big old drake bash where they will christmas in paris (and jack can smugly brag about how successful his company is by paying for everything)
jack, however, doesn't really like his relatives so he delegates a lot of the planning and logistics and management of this trip to his beleaguered wife janet (who also doesn't like jack's relatives, thinks this trip is stupid and a bad idea, wanted to just have a quiet christmas and spend time with their son over his break, but the couples counselor they've been seeing has been suggesting that jack and janet try to compromise more and be more open to things that are clearly important to the other one, so here they are) who begrudgingly takes over the management of this trip because someone has to and it's clearly not going to be jack (even though it's his gd family)
so all janet asks is that jack please, please, please wrangle tim while she's doing everything else
so it's the day before christmas and we have the extended drakes over at jack and janet's townhouse in the suburbs (listen you can't convince me that the drakes didn't have a townhouse in the suburbs especially because tim refers to the robinson park condo as the place they would stay when they decided to be downtown. they very much strike me to have a suburb home and a couple of city homes)
and tim is kind of excited about this, but he is also a bit sour and cross that everytime he tries to get his mom's attention she's just frazzled and sorry because her attention keeps getting diverted by jack's aunt or uncle or cousin or cousin's kid (he is only 7-8 after all!)
so tim stands at the top of the stairway and angrily says he's going to his room. unfortunately, no one hears him. especially not his dad, whose only job it is to keep track of tim, because uncle rich asked about whiskey and jack has an excellent one in his study for showing off occasions such as this
the limos come to take them to the airport and janet, who is very frazzled making sure that everyone's suitcases get put in the cars, doesn't do a final headcount as she hurries everyone along because otherwise they're going to be late
and jack, talking to uncle rich about cigars, gets in the second car sans tim. he was just a little distracted, okay?
the extended drakes make it to the airport just in time and onto their flight. since they're all spread apart, since this is a christmas flight, nobody has noticed they forgot tim
"you know," jack says to rich, "i wanted to take the private jet, but we didn't want to leave you all to commercial by yourself while we lived it up in comfort"
tim comes out of his room to realize they forgot him. oh no! he's a little sad, but also. freedom to do whatever he wants? nice. he's going to live it up, and when he's parents realize what they did they'll be sorry!
meanwhile, two bumbling robbers are sneaking around bristol looking for houses to rob.
which catches tim's attention. this is serious business. he tries to call the cops about it, but they were like "what are you, 6? is this a prank call?" so he has to take matters into his own hand and protect the townhouse.
which means it's time for operation: what would batman and robin do? so tim sets up a bunch of traps.
in paris, the drakes arrive and finally realize tim is gone.
janet loses her shit. at jack. he had one gd job, after all
it's probably good that tim isn't there for that fight. it's ugly.
so janet has to immediately fly back to gotham because they forgot her baby boy and he's all alone there! unfortunately, there's one thing that money can't buy, and that's a last minute plane ticket on christmas.
....they probably should have taken the jet.
all she can manage to get after bargaining and begging all the people in the airport is a ticket to wichita, kansas. which is not ideal, by any means, but at least it's the country she needs to get to.
meanwhile, batman and robin have been made aware of some christmas burglars. they talk to commissioner gordon, who mentions a weird prank call they got from a kid
so they go to check it out and dick robin gets caught up in the glue trap that tim drake set up to catch bad guys. dick robin gets very affronted over this.
tim is mortified that he caught robin in his glue trap!! he'll never be best friends with robin now :(
batman tells robin to stay with the kid while he stakes out the perimeter
and the kid has a flying grayson poster in his room which is even more mortifying. dick has to keep a straight face as tim asks if he had every heard of them before, they're amazing, especially that dick grayson. batman can't come back soon enough.
batman does, and does ask why tim is alone.
"my parents forgot me :(" tim says "i know they didn't mean to. i miss them". and now dick does feel bad for the fanboy.
anyways, batman and robin catch the robbers and everything is so cool. tim asks for their autographs. he's never been so sad but so happy before in his life. (silver linings, you know?)
meanwhile, janet is in kansas. desperately trying to make her way back to gotham. she's almost in tears. there's no tickets to be found and she needs to be home, like, 8 hours ago. she almost went on a road trip with a polka band in her desperation. she's sitting outside a terminal, face buried in her hands. a kindly lady and man comes up to her and asks her what's wrong. she bursts into tears as she tells the woman the whole story and how she has to make it back to her son.
the kindly lady and man look at each other and silently agree. christmas is about helping each other out. "we don't have tickets to gotham," the woman says. "but we can give you our ticket to metropolis" they were going to visit their son. after all. but he would understand. and he has other ways of seeing them for the holidays that don't rely on planes.
janet is eternally grateful. she doesn't know how she can evey repay them.
it's christmas day and tim is sad. he had a fun adventure without his parents, but he really misses his mom. he goes to sit on a park bench and mope.
a man comes up to him. it's bruce, in disguise. they talk for a bit and tim cries about how all he wants for christmas is his mom.
"well," bruce is disguse says, "keep your chin up and maybe your wish will come true." he did, after all, hear from superman, who heard from his parents, about a woman desperate to get home to her son.
tim thanks him and goes home. he sits in the living room sad, when he hears a car pull up. it's his mom!!! merry christmas indeed. they hug. tim is so happy.
and then the rest of the extended drakes pull up. uncle rich is well and deep in his drinks and is laughing so hard.
jack called and yelled at their assistant to get the drake private jet to paris asap so they could all return home, which was actually a good idea. jack does feel very ashamed since he was the one who was supposed to be keeping track of tim after all. he'll take his son to a monster truck show to make it up to him.
all's well that ends well. batman and robin watch the happy family reunion, pleased at the outcome.
and dick never forgets the glue trap and is eternally trying to catch tim in one for tim's entire robin career.
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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he looks just like his momma
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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I don't know what to write :/ Just Janet letting Tim find some "treasure"
You have no idea how many times I redraw Tim's pose,
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
The Circus
Jack suggesting they take Tim to the circus when it came to town was a big ask. Performances usually took two hours or more. Even with an interval, they’d barely managed to take Tim to the movies yet without Janet having to take him out in the middle. And this was an environment where if she took him out it would still be overstimulating, with the carnival all around them.
Jack was an optimist. And not the one who’d be dealing with a screaming Tim, Janet thought grumpily to herself. But Jack was also all for it, telling her stories of his childhood memories seeing clowns and jugglers and lions roaring. And it was something they could do as a family.
Luckily, there was a tv special about circuses on that night, including footage of a number of acts. Janet set it up to record on a tape, so she could talk Tim through the process before they went.
Tim had been a warm lump buried into her side on the couch, fascinated by the recording. She’d skipped through the video, just stopping at each of the performances.
“We’re going to go to the circus, Tim, and see acts like these. Do you see the clown juggling? We might see that. Or here’s some trapeze artists, swinging like you do on a swing. Look at their tricks!”
“They go upside down!” Tim seemed entranced.
“Isn’t that clever of them?” And here’s an elephant. Look how big the elephant is!”
Janet’s preparation had worked. Tim seemed fascinated by the sights and sounds and smells of the circus, and didn’t hide behind her when they took him over to meet some of the performers before the show, to make everything feel easier to relate to. One of the acrobats had crouched down to Tim’s height and shook his hand, saying he’d look for Tim in the crowd, while Tim giggled.
“I told you this was a good idea, Jan,” said Jack, looking at Tim getting himself sticky on cotton candy. “It’s so much easier to be able to take Tim with us when we go out.”
“You were right. I was worrying too much,” conceded Janet, as she watched Tim try to feed some of the cotton candy to an elephant. “And it is nice to go places as a family.”
Things continued going really well…right up until the moment they didn’t.
As Janet carried a wailing child out of the tent, through the screams and the hysterics all around them, his snotty nose mushed against her shoulder, soaking through the fabric, she gritted her teeth. At least Tim was so small he wouldn’t remember. Or understand.
The night terrors had her up and resettling Tim down for weeks. It was the worst case of sleep regression she’d had to deal with since Tim was 6 months old. The parenting books had said this would stop happening now he was almost three. But eventually, as every other time, it passed, and Tim wasn’t climbing into their bed and clinging for comfort every night, and he (and Janet!) were able to return to sleeping through the night.
Later, when Janet thought about it at all, the idea that seeing a clown would be a happy bonding experience between parent and child made her shudder.
They were out of VCR tapes and going out for the evening, and she wanted to record Dallas. Janet sighed, and went to look at the pile of recordings Tim hoarded. Surely there was something in here that he’d outgrown and wouldn’t miss. If she asked him, it would become a whole drama as he insisted that every single tape was special and he couldn’t possibly give it up, but there had to be an old recording of Sesame Street buried at the bottom or so.
Crocky. Crocky. (Tim was still mildly obsessed with Crocky). A recording of Robin Hood. The Jungle Book. Mr Wizard. He-Man. Another Crocky… she stopped and squinted at the next tape. The spine label read ‘circus’ in her own neat handwriting, but Janet couldn’t recall any TV shows or movies that matched that, and she was sure she’d never seen Tim watching anything about a circus.
Janet inserted the tape into the VCR. It started halfway through, in the middle of an interview with some circus performers sitting to one side of a stage. The performers were wearing red and green leotards.
It clearly wasn’t anything that Tim would watch, and Janet wondered how on earth it had gotten mixed up in the pile of Tim’s videos.
He wouldn’t miss this one.
Tim came up to her in the kitchen, as she was putting away some dishes. “Yes, sweetheart?” He looked distressed.
“Did you take one of my tapes? Only Dad said he didn’t and it’s missing…”
“Oh, Tim, I’m sorry. We were out of tapes and I’ve never seen you watch that one. Was it special to you?” It was important to acknowledge your child’s emotions, Janet repeated to herself, even if said child had never shown any attachment to the object right up until 30 seconds ago.
Tim shifted from foot to foot, looking uncomfortable. “It’s just that that one was my tape. And now I can’t get it back.” His eyes started to fill with tears. Oh no. “You should have asked, Mom.”
“I am sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Tim stared at the floor, digging the edge of one shoe into a line of tile grout. “No. They won’t show that program again.” He sounded downcast. “If you’d asked I could have told you which tape was okay!”
“I’ll do that next time,” Janet promised. Tantrum seemed averted. Please.
Later that evening, Tim was sitting on the floor of the living room, playing with trucks, when Jack flipped over to the History Channel.
“Are you sure you want to watch ancient aliens again, dear?” Janet asked Jack. The historical inaccuracies grated at her, given her archaeological training.
“It’s hilarious, Jan. The people writing these shows have clearly never been to a dig in their life.”
Tonight however the next show wasn’t ancient aliens or Atlanteans or Bigfoot trackers; it was someone tracking their local cryptids and showing blurry video footage of various criminals and the Bat-Man. Jack was obsessed with this sort of thing, and was laughing at the grainy footage.
Janet saw Tim look up from his trucks for a moment and seem caught, eyes wide, the light from the television screen playing across his face, as he watched fast-moving costumes spin and flip across the screen.
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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this one looks better in the dark, so click to see it in its full eerie glory
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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my special little guys!!!!!
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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'shut up!'
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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The last resort
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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i dont know why i was suprised lol
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tim who succeeds both the brucie persona (with bonus weaponized transmisogyny) and an oracle role (after a series of compounding, debilitating injuries)
tim's wearing the necklace from this comic btw
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
could we have a draw of chubby tim battling the heat? i'm looking through your older art posts and i'm kinda obsessed with the few drawings you have of sweaty tim(no ac! the horror!(but also i'm from texas so that genuinely sounds awful to me lol)) and that one drawing of chubby tim
obviously you don't have to answer this request but it would soothe the brain worms
HI I GOT CARRIED AWAY BC SWEATY TIM IN QUOTIDIAN SCENES IS A WEAKNESS -- anyway waiting for the bus in the city during summer is a special kind of hell but at least it's iced strawberry matcha latte season
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mzwolfe11 · 5 hours
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| NOT MY ART - ART BY @kodasea |
"I've enjoyed the way you looked at me, officer."
Had the immense luck to commission this amazing artist for @time-alien FNAF AU and mine ❤️
So meet William Afton and D.I Zachary Larson !
They pictured it so wonderfully, I don't even have the words for that.
I am obsessed with them and what we create around so you will definitely see more about them.
Currently on the making of some comic pages test. 💥
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