n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[Welp... I should start making the 4th head cannons for NYB, a little bit of scenarios before we go dig down towards the game we decide upon ourselves.
Take note, that we may change our minds beforehand. Two people making a visual novel game with a little bit of experience of coding. Nonetheless, both of us really want to portray their characteristics including TK, Lucy and Don.
So you may expect the game with a lot of wholesome scenes between the interaction of NYB including yourself as Y/N. 
I guess that’s all for now. If you had any question regarding to the game or the NYB characters itself, all you have to do is Ask.
The game related ask will fall upon on the tag #NYB Game.
Stay tuned for more details!
-Admin Ren
Here’s a little doodle of the son being confused of our accent changes XD.]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
Meanwhile in A Random Furniture Store:
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[Don’t mind me posting some memes]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
If a random YB fan expecting the NYB game to be like the Original:
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
Short Scenarios #3
You decided to take a stroll on the park. Feeling of nostalgia as you first saw the bench along the way. You decided to sat down. Surprisingly, the bench is still intact. It’s been years that you decided to visit your hometown.
 You graduated college and find a stable job in a city. Thinking that maybe it’s enough for you to live in a peaceful life. You thought that choosing the life of independence is already enough for you. Somehow, you felt something is missing. A part of you that may doubt your decisions. You knew what it was, but you’re afraid to admit. Despite being single for life, you left someone that’s dear to your heart.
 You knew he changed because of your own actions. You knew who he was from the start. But you were afraid, despite he may regain his memories. You were afraid that he may hate you because of it. Acting like you want to help him out of kindness, turns out to be guilt that haunts you every day.
 He may think that you helped him out of pity, but that wasn’t the case. You want to help him, despite his old self. You decided to give him a chance to redeem himself from the causes he did. Even if he didn’t remember, you had a choice to leave him alone by himself. Somehow, you decided to reach your hand and help him.
 Although, for years that both of you living together. He develops feelings for you. You knew he’s not the peter you once knew. He changed. He helped you along your struggles in life. Both of you have wonderful memories of each other. You just felt that he deserves better. If he knew that you were the cause of his memory loss. Will he still have feelings for you?
You have feelings for him as well. Guilt will always have their way to build up a wall between both of you. A wall with a single door that only you could open. He can only wait for you in the other side. You knew he had a patience to wait for you if you’re not ready to answer. You knew he will respect your answer if you turn him down. Somehow you decided to tell him that you’re not ready to answer him. With the expected result. You decided to leave your hometown since you just graduated college and find a job.
 You had time to think about it. Sometimes you almost forgot due to work. It’s been 3 years you left. After spending your life alone. You finally realized, a life without him is meaningless. You couldn’t see him in the couch where he proclaimed as his territory. A freezer with a missing tub of ice cream that he may eat without you knowing. His stern expression that leads everyone misunderstood if he’s in a bad mood even though he was thinking of the cat he saw in the window. Realization which leads you to decide to leave and went back just to see him.
 You were embarrassed to go back to your apartment where he currently staying at. You decided to walk in the park to ease your mind before you meet him. You were sitting in the bench for a while. You remembered that you were confused that he didn’t came to sit next to you as you decided to look for him instead. So, you decided to stand up and looked for the spot were you first met him.
 You eventually found the tree. Surprisingly, you encountered a familiar figure. Laying in the grass, wearing the same purple sweater. He was… sleeping. You smiled, it’s like replaying the old memory were you first met him. Thinking that maybe he still the peter you once knew.
 You felt that you’re ready to take a step, opening the door to let him in. You went closer to him as you crouched, poking him by the shoulder to wake him up. He eventually woke up. He turned around and somehow you could see an awe in his eyes when he landed his gaze unto you.
 “Y/n?... Is it really you?”
 Asking for confirmation whether he’s in a dream or not. You reached your hand towards him.
 “Why don’t you see for yourself?”
 ~Admin Ren
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[ As me and admin Rin were both busy with stuff we decided to make some few changes in the story since some scenes were never been made.
We’ll prob gonna make a visual novel out of this too if we have some spare time. So yea have this wholesome lucy doodles for extra ✌️ ]
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                                                                                                      - Admin billy
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
Hi. Love your blog! Apologies in advance since english is not my mother language.
[I wanted to ask if YB's and NYB's physiques are the same, like the super long tounge thing? If yes, what does NYB think of himself having this specific trait?]
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[ Yup, NYB still haves YB physical features including the tounge.
But he's pretty shy to show case it in public so oof- ]
[Note: Sorry for keeping you on hold annon, me and the other admin we were a bit busy with our lives but we try being active on this blog ^^; ]
-Admin billy
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
Hi! Conversation Pit MC here!
Obviously Rick loves it, but now my question is... would he like a Squishmallow or two for the pit? Maybe even a big one? [Low-key want to draw him with one. So any particular one let me know!]
[ . . . ] [ He'll prob gonna stack up those cute squishmallows in the pit for god sake- And for the big one y e s. ]
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[ Rick prob gonna get the octopus first tho- I mean WHO COULDN'T RESIST THIS ADORABLE YOUNG ONE?????? JUST LOOK AT IT-]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
Hey Rick I know you love a good couch.
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What's your stance on conversation pits?
[Oh MC, he will dominate that pit. No doubt about it...
Ah shit- He saw it *Incoherent Noises Intensifies*]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
Lol so we know canon peter has a therapist, and that shes making things worse, right? Well, seeing as this is an amnesiac peter, wouldnt it make logical sense that the therapist would attempt to contact peter after suddenly no contact, especially if he was still going often before the memory wipe? And then the anmesia could become an excuse for the therapist to increase the amount of time she has access to peter and then well… imagine the damage she could do to a blank slate.
[ An interesting question MC. Although along the route, NYB will try and avoid most of the characters and only interact with someone who are most likely to be Y/n's acquaintances.
Hypothetically speaking, NYB will be confused for the fact that he had a therapist. He would be interested to know who he was before, not knowing how much damage it might cause to his vulnerable self because of the sudden glitch that change his whole life. ]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[I'd like to challenge Rick to an icecream eating contest. The one who eats the most icecream wins (whats the reward? Bragging right idk its funny)]
- ♠
[ He might be serious about it MC. I have challenge myself with him as I won many eating contests before (never been on an eating ice cream contest before sadly). He would be a challenge even for me so I bid you good luck. I'll support you along the way.
And for the reward, hmmm... I guess a sweater printed "I 💖 🍦" on front would be a cool prize for both of you.
Oh shit- He's even more determined to win the contest now. ]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[He really do be swallowing the whole ice cream in a second]
[ He does eat the whole ice cream in one bite, like someone gonna steal it from him. There is an instance that he may eat an ice cream in the middle of the night.]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
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[Mom says it's my turn to use this blog >:V ]
[OC and art by admin Billy (that is me) btw-] [Oh yea, Admin Rin is sick rn cuz of goin’ outside raining without using an umbrella so oof- I’m gonna take care of this blog for now >:)]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[I can already see my friendship dynamic with Rick being:
No braincell available haha impulse go brrr + the guy whos forced to hold said braincell for the time being
Either that or he joins in on the 3 AM chaos in the kitchen]
- ♠
[ He would prob join- I mean who wouldn't want to protecc their fav Ice cream from all the chaos that yall might make in the kitchen? ]
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[I just looked into DJ and he's a no go too– nope noppity nope no bueno hell nah―]
- ♠
[ People have different preferences I guess. DJ seems ok? not like Peter but he still yandere too.
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n0t-y0ur-b0yfriend · 3 years
[Oooh I like this guy already! Is there a route where you can be friends with him? I prefer this guy over the others. Camille is sweet n' all but... I'm aroace, Peter is definitely a no go (if there were a chance I would end him myself.) and DJ is - okay? But still no.
Out of everyone NYB seems to be the chillest and I would definitely hang out with him often. Perhaps even get platonically married for tax purposes.]
- ♠
[ Of course! there is actually a route for both of you will end up being friends. It will be a bit tricky for others who would want to have a romantic relationship with NYB (Patience is the key~). Actually at first, we thought of the route to only lead to platonic relationship for both of you. But, we consider to add a little feature that there will be a route that NYB will gain romantic feelings for you.
I'm actually Demi, and I would like to have a platonic relationship with Camille. Peter is no-no for me as well (Lemme join to bonk his horniness please).
And yes, He would agree to that if you gain his trust first. He would gladly accept the marriage for that... as long he could gain the couch as his territory and a fridge filled with ice cream.
RICK NO- I just bought that ice cream a few minutes ago! HEY! GET BACK HERE SON! ]
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