nadiarizavi Ā· 2 years
the universe's guide to getting over it
step six: how to die in a depressingly boring way
ā€œI have an idea to run by you.ā€
ā€œFamous Lance plans,ā€ Pidge said, rolling over onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. ā€œBut this is annoying. Youā€™re being annoying. Why wonā€™t you just let me go?ā€
ā€œBecause you--ā€ he stopped himself. She imagined what he was going to say, each word in her head poisoning itself in sarcasm and anger.
Because youā€™re a part of this team. Because youā€™re a Paladin of Voltron. Because youā€™re my friend.
ā€œBecause you donā€™t have to go through everything by yourself, for fuckā€™s sake.ā€
Her heart shuddered.
ā€œIā€™m not--ā€
ā€œNo, shut up. Iā€™m trying to get my thoughts out. I was talking to Keith. About you, obviously, cause youā€™re occupying too much brain space. And you made him cry. Or I did. I donā€™t know. But it was like, wow, the fuck are we doing? I--I want to be mad at you, forever. For the rest of my life. I fucking despise you. You used to be so smart, but now youā€™re dumb, because youā€™re what? Self destructing because it hurts? Letting the people who love you get struck by the shrapnel because itā€™s easier to be alone? Is that what you want to do the rest of your fucking life?ā€
She opened her mouth to speak, but Lance kept going.
ā€œIā€™m not going to force you to come back. I know Iā€™m the last person who can make you do that. Youā€™re the cool independent force of nature and Iā€™m--fucking--Iā€™m me. Iā€™m the guy whoā€™s still pretending.ā€
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
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Might not perfect but had so much fun drawing these!
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
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for @a-haunted-sockā€‹ prompt - future domestic blissā€¦Ā  Happy (late) bday, Lee! I finished school portfolio, I am a free human being - at least till 15th - English exam, but itā€™s the last one. I can do whatever I want with my free time - So let me spoil you with fluff otp!Ā  First time painting pregnant PidgeĀ (*ź’¦ąŗ“ź’³ź’¦ąŗµ) Also tried new method for painting shadows with blues which isnā€™t my strong suit still gotta train on that one
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
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Fluffy winter Plance commission for @rueitae <3 Thank you for commissioning me, i loved working on it!
okie dokie, it isnā€™t the last post of this year, so I am not saying goodbye yet!
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
My present from @voltronsecretsanta2k19 for @firstdove15
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The request was about something fluffy, anything fantasy or fairy tale related. I don't know if feudal Altean!Plance is good enough, but I loved working on it.
(Posting stats tomorrow, but I will be away with almost none of internet taking care of my grandma, so posting spam begins today)
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
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Some plance art and the behind the scenes for the photos. Iā€™d like to imagine Shiro getting really into photography and setting up a studio in his basement.
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
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@catra-goddess-of-lesbians so I had time to do another piece. For this one I combined the two tropes (high school and soulmates) you asked for.
I hope you have watched Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name). Itā€™s easily one of my favorite movies of the decade.
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nadiarizavi Ā· 4 years
Hey, I just read 'the universe's guide to getting over it' instead of sleeping on this fine Christmas morning and LOVE it, love how you write all these characters and how you turn a phrase and somehow manage to make such a devastating story so enjoyable to read. I was curious if you have plans to continue it? No pressure obv if not, just want to know if I should be holding out hope, yknow? Either way thank you for writing it!
(also holy shit you're only 20?? how??! how are you so good at writing?!?)
oh my gosh !! first of all happy christmas (i just got home from travelling LOL ;; just now checkin tumblr!!) and thank u so much for ur kind words !!! i love tugtgoi itā€™s my very ambitious baby and iā€™m so grateful you stopped by to say smth
and i do plan to continue it !!! iā€™ve had a busy semester cuz i got 2 jobs and school now LOL and the last couple of months were just a lot of travel and health problems otl but iā€™ve been wanting to update it within the next month or so ;___; !! but yw so much
(also AKSJFKJDS iā€™m 21 now but i guess i forgot 2 change that in my blog desc LOL ;; but u kno . still babyin)
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
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So hereā€™s my Secret Santa gift for @rosieclark! Hope you like it!
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
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ā€œCan youā€¦ please move?ā€
Right. He was blocking her path.Ā Lance obliged.
ā€œSorry. Uh. Hey, Iā€™m Lance.ā€
i shouldā€™ve posted this over a month ago and worked ahead of time, but i was determined to finish it for my collab partner later rather than never. this was made for theĀ Ā @planceminibangā€‹Ā  and my wonderful partner was theĀ Ā @nadiarizaviā€‹!Ā  check her fic made for this bang:Ā Ā ā€œa differentĀ definition of starsā€
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
Undercut couples are for forever (I accidentally drew Lance too muscly and then things escalated from there).
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
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be great.
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
Happy Fic Writer Appreciation Day! Heartbeat in the Brain was what sealed the deal for Plance with me and I've been in Plance heaven ever since. I enjoyed String Theory as well and pop psychology introduced me to some refreshing music. Thank you.
THANK U omg ;_; ur too kind to me huhu but iā€™m glad to get u trapped here in the garden >:3c !! but ur so welcome !! iā€™m so glad pop psych introduced u 2 perhaps 1 of my top 5 of my fav albums ever
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
Hello! Happy fic author appreciation day! Thanks for String Theory. It's the best Plance fic I've ever read, and it even inspired me to write fic for Plance, too! Your writing was so beautiful and moving that I still think about certain emotional scenes from your fic now and then (and I drown of feels without fail). It was just so beautiful, ok? Ok. I also love TUGTGIOI, Heartbeat in the Brain, and LbOSL-EWGR! Thanks for them, too! šŸ’ššŸ’™ Anyway, I hope you have a great day! ^u^
omg ;_; !!!!! thank u so so much for such a sweet message!! iā€™m so glad my writingā€™s inspired u to write that good good plance..!!! string theory is definitely one of my favorite fics iā€™ve written so huhu that means a lot
i hope ur day is wonderful too!!! thank u soo much ;_; !!Ā šŸ’ššŸ’™
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
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nadiarizavi Ā· 5 years
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A quick warm up sketch of my fav ship šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’ššŸ’™šŸ’ššŸ’™
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