najmlodszyjedi · 16 days
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First two is me, second two is Depa
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najmlodszyjedi · 17 days
Shipping Headcanons! Send Numbers & Ships!
Who cooks?
Who’s the messiest? The cleanest?
Who fixes the vehicle after a breakdown?
Living space has a leak! Who fixes it?
Who buys the groceries?
Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
Would they go to the beach?
Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
Is someone multilingual? Do they try to teach another language to the other? How does it go?
Any pets? Or plants?
Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights?
Can they stand silence? Who talks the most? Who talks the least?
Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
Who is the highest maintenance? Does the other mind?
Vacation ideas: who decides them? Where would they go, if anywhere?
How often do they have sex, if at all?
Who brings ideas? Who initiates?
Any kinks they clash on?
Oddest place they’d have sex?
Favourite positions?
Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Genital headcanons?
Favourite erogenous zones?
Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs?
First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished?
Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm?
How are their afterglows?
Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed?
Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share?
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najmlodszyjedi · 17 days
50 oddly specific headcanon asks.
Send me a number! (some slightly nsfw) || specify muse if needed
How does your muse feel about seafood?
What is their favorite piece of technology?
When did they lose their virginity?
Was their anything their parents pushed them to do? (e.g. sports, theatre, band)
Describe your muse’s worst nightmare.
What is a deal-breaker when it comes to dating someone?
What was the most embarrassing moment in your muse’s life?
What keeps your muse up at night?
What chronic illnesses does your muse have, if any?
Does your muse get carsick?
Does your muse wear glasses/contacts?
What are some warning signs that your muse is getting depressed? 
What is your muse’s favorite candy?
Does your muse have a “victory song” and if so, what is it?
Who do they tend to bicker with the most?
Has your muse ever been hospitalized or institutionalized? 
Does your muse pray, whether it be to a god or some other force?
Has your muse ever lived in poverty?
Do they have any distinct voice mannerisms? (e.g. saying ‘like’ or ‘um’ a lot, stutters) 
Where are your muse’s ancestors from? Do they keep any of their traditions?
When did your muse learn about sex?
What is your muse most thankful for?
What shoe size is your muse?
Does your muse hate their middle name? \ What is it?
How many hours a day do they spend on the internet/watching TV?
Does your muse have any trophies?
If your muse was given the opportunity to go sky diving, would they?
What is the most common lie your muse tells themselves?
Has your muse ever had a pet? If so, what type?
Who was your muse’s first kiss?
What is your muse’s first memory?
How does your muse feel about crocs?
What are your muse’s biggest pet peeves?
What was your muse’s happiest birthday?
Does your muse cross their legs/ankles when they sit?
What simple task is your muse surprisingly bad at?
Did your muse ever own a Tamagatchi?
What was your muses’s first job?
Does your muse usually go for truth or dare?
Has your muse ever been to a concert?
What is your muse’s favorite holiday?
Does your muse reply to scary chain emails/messages?
Describe the first person your muse remembers losing.
Would your muse ever roleplay?
What is your muse’s Hogwarts house?
What is your muse’s first thought upon waking up?
Name a song your muse can sing every word to. 
Who would your muse sacrifice themselves for, if anybody?
How long is your muse’s penis? || What bra size is your muse?
If your muse could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
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najmlodszyjedi · 17 days
Detailed Headcanon Ideas
So, I was reading over some question things for characters and headcanons and thought of putting my own one together (this is by no means an extensive list, just a few ideas I had to waste time with later)
Send me numbers with a character and I’ll tell you –
Please, maximum of ten at a time just to make it slightly quicker for you :)
1) Their favourite time of year 2) If they like reading, and if so their favourite book 3) Their favourite type of landscape 4) Their favourite way to waste time 5) Their favourite type of music 6) Hobbies 7) Their happiest memory 8) Their most embarrassing moment 9) A cute best friend moment 10) Their best childhood memory 11) An awkward moment 12) If they have blemishes and how they got them 13) Their biggest regret 14) Their biggest fear 15) Any nervous tics they may have 16) Their calming techniques 17) How they cope with nightmares 18) Their most prized possession 19) One thing they can’t live without 20) If they collect things – if so, what 21) What kind of keepsakes do they have 22) What they think is the most important sense 23) If they know any other languages 24) If they have a good luck charm, if so what it is and why it’s important 25) How they spend rainy days 26) If they’re a doodler or a writer 27) How they sleep 28) How they hug 29) How they express love (platonically and/or romantically) 30) A skill that they’d love to have 31) If they found out they only had a day left to live, how they would use that time 32) If they were faced with a genie what they’d use their three wishes for and why 33) If they were offered immortally would they take it and why 34) If they had a spirit animal what form do they think it would take 35) Crossover things (e.g. which Hogwarts house would they be in, or what would their role be in a zombie apocalypse)
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najmlodszyjedi · 17 days
Headcanon Prompts
Ok so since I have no ideas for headcanons at the moment, I wanna ask you guys to send in some requests. Just send in a number and a character’s name and I’ll do your request as soon as I can! Or if you wanna use these questions for your own blog go ahead!
How do they feel about people shorter/taller than them?
What are they like on social media? (What’s their username, profile pic, etc.)
Their sexuality?
Preferred weather?
What’s their sleeping schedule?
Favorite music?
How’s their cooking?
It’s movie night, what movie do they pick?
How would they hold up in a pillow war?
What’s their sleeping position?
Who do they go to for comfort?
Something small that they enjoy?
How do they feel about physical contact by others?
What is enough to bring them to tears?
Biggest pet peeve?
How well do they take care of themselves?
What’s something they like that may be surprising to others?
Do they consider others family?
Any bad habits that they have?
What’s their idea of a perfect vacation?
Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?
The strangest thing they have ever seen?
How well do they accept advice?
How much do they swear?
How do they take advice given to them?
Do they like being in pictures?
Is there anything they’re bad at?
What’s their morning schedule?
Any past injuries?
Something that disgusts them?
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najmlodszyjedi · 17 days
* talk about your muse!
send 🍯 for a food headcanon
send🥛for a drink headcanon
send 🐢 for a mental health headcanon
send 🦄 for a physical health headcanon
send ⌛for a sleep headcanon
send 💕 for a love headcanon
send 💣 for a stress headcanon
send 😵 for a sickness headcanon
send 🤲 for a religious headcanon
send 🏡 for a home headcanon
send 🍬 for a family headcanon
send 💼 for a work headcanon
send ⛈️ for a sadness headcanon
send 😡 for an anger headcanon
send 💩 for a ridiculous headcanon
send 🌼 for a happiness headcanon
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najmlodszyjedi · 18 days
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przyznaję się - ten obrazek to porażka
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najmlodszyjedi · 1 month
Wsparcie i miłość
A/N: Akcja dzieje się po tym, jak Qui-Gon przeszedł okropne tortury i nabawił się PTSD.
— Już dobrze. Jestem tu — wyszeptałam, przytulając Qui-Gona. Próbowałam uspokoić go po ucieczce z kryjówki Sithów, gdzie był torturowany. — Chodź, musimy opatrzyć rany.
Pomogłam mu wstać, ale po chwili upadł, ciągnąc mnie za sobą. Kazałam mu się nie ruszać, a sama pobiegłam po kogoś, kto mógłby zanieść Qui-Gona do szpitala. Mace Windu okazał się być pod ręką, więc to jemu powierzyłam to zadanie. Obaj Mistrzowie pozostawali raczej w negatywnych stosunkach, no chyba że któremuś z nich coś się stało, jak na przykład teraz. Mace poniósł mojego przyjaciela i wspólnie poszliśmy do pokoju naszej uzdrowicielki, Ash. Ash Nightshadow była młoda, ale posiadała ogromną wiedzę na temat leczenia. Kiedy nas zobaczyła, odetchnęła z ulgą.
— Och, macie go. Wspaniale.
— No niezbyt — odparłam. — Spójrz na niego. — Ruchem głowy wskazałam na nieprzytomnego młodzieńca, którego trzymał Mace.
Ash przyjrzała mu się uważnie i zakryła usta dłonią. Faktycznie, Qui-Gon wyglądał strasznie: włosy miał splątane i posklejane krwią, bardzo zbladł, jego oczy stały się czerwone od bólu i płaczu, a na całym ciele widać było rany. W swojej bezbronności wydawał się słodki, ale wiedziałam, ile go to kosztowało. Ash kazała nam położyć Qui-Gona na najbliższym wolnym łóżku i się odsunąć.
— Muszę zdjąć ten płaszcz — uprzedziła. Wcześniej tego dnia młody Mistrz stracił część ubrań, więc Mace okrył go swoim płaszczem.
Podeszłam bliżej. Qui-Gon wyglądał jak siedem nieszczęść: przy zdejmowaniu płaszcza kilka ran otworzyło się, więc Ash kazała mi przynieść więcej opatrunków. Po chwili chłopak miał większość ciała pokrytą bandażami. Już nie płakał, ale wciąż wyglądał na zdołowanego.
 — Depa... Podejdź tu na chwilę — poprosił mnie. Spełniłam jego prośbę, a on chwycił mnie za ramiona i pocałował. Byłam tak zszokowana, że nie zarejestrowałam niczego, tak że gdy nasze usta rozłączyły się, nie pamiętałam, co czułam w czasie pocałunku. Widząc moją minę, Qui-Gon zmieszał się widocznie.
— Zrobiłem coś nie tak? — zapytał.
— Nie. — Pokręciłam głową i uśmiechnęłam się przyjaźnie, po czym chwyciłam go za ręce.  — Pamiętaj: zawsze będę przy tobie.
— Kochana jesteś — powiedział Qui-Gon i przytulił mnie.
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najmlodszyjedi · 2 months
Zaraz, zaraz — to mam być ja???? Nie ma opcji! Zwłaszcza to pierwsze zdjęcie — NO WAY!!!
Teraz mieliście okazję zobaczyć zdenerwowanego Qui-Gon Jinna.
POLL: young faceclaim for Qui-Gon
Hello everyone, I’m looking for a faceclaim for young Qui-Gon, on the simple grounds that there aren’t many pic of Liam Neeson in his twenties (and he had short hair, whereas Qui-Gon’s always had long hair).
Pictures of this handsome man crossed my feed, so now I ask you, my friend: could Can Yaman be a good faceclaim? (I need icons, I admit it)
He’s hot as fuck, II’m sure we all agree on this. But does he look enough like Qui-Gon/Liam Neeson to be a good choice?
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Please tell me your opinion! Or if you have any other suggestions, please do bring them forward! ;)
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najmlodszyjedi · 2 months
Czy to wygląda dobrze?/Does it look good?
— It’s okay, I’m here — I whispered hugging Qui-Gon. I was trying to calm him down after escaping the Sith Temple, where he was being tortured. — Come, we have to bandage these wounds.
I helped him to get up, but he fell after a while. I fell with him. I didn’t let him move and I ran in order to find someone who could carry Qui-Gon to the hospital. Mace Windu was here, so I asked him to do it.
Both Masters did not get on well, but if one of them got hurted, like now. Mace took my boyfriend in his arms, and we went to our healer, Ash. Ash Nightshadow was young, but she had huge knowledge about healing. When she saw us, she breathed a sigh of relief.
— Oh, you have him. Brilliant.
— No — I said. — Look at him. — I pointed at the young man.
Ash looked at him and covered her mouth with a hand. Yes, Qui-Gon looked horrible: his hair was tangled and stuck together with blood, he was very pale, his eyes got red because of pain and crying, and in his body, there were wounds everywhere. He seemed sweet in his vulnerability, but I knew what it cost him. Ash told us to put Qui-Gon on the nearest bed and get out.
— I must take off this cloak — she said. Earlier this day the young master lost most of his clothes, so Mace covered him with the cloak.
I approached closer. Qui-Gon looked so bad: during taking off the cloak a lot of his wounds opened, so Ash told me to fetch more bandages. After a moment, the boy had most of his body in bandages. He did not weep anymore, but he still looked sad.
— Depa… Come here for a while — he asked me. I did it, and he held me and kissed. I was shocked, so I did not remember anything. When Qui-Gon saw my face, he got a bit afraid.
— Did I do something wrong? — he asked.
— No — I shook my head and held his hands. — Remember that I’ll always be with you.
— I love you — Qui-Gon said and hugged me.
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najmlodszyjedi · 3 months
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Erin Blackwinter
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najmlodszyjedi · 3 months
Ufaj swoim instynktom.
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najmlodszyjedi · 3 months
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najmlodszyjedi · 3 months
Młodsza wersja mnie
Hej, macie jakieś pomysły na faceclaim jak u góry? Podajcie koniecznie imię.
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najmlodszyjedi · 4 months
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Kazałem AI wygenerować mój portret. Oto, co wyszło.
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najmlodszyjedi · 4 months
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Anakin i Anaki to naprawdę wspaniałe rodzeństwo, kochające siebie nawzajem 🤍
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najmlodszyjedi · 4 months
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Obi-Wan jest dla mnie jak brat i muszę o niego dbać. Powierzono mi opiekę nad nim dwanaście lat temu i od tego czasu nie opuszczam go. Jest jednym z moich najlepszych przyjaciół.
Jak na mistrza i ucznia, różnica wieku między nami jest mała - tylko pięć lat. Ale to nie przeszkadza nam w szkoleniu.
Obi ma naprawdę dobre serce - kiedy ja albo ktoś inny jest w potrzebie, chętnie pomaga. Chociaż... Wobec mnie jest trochę nadopiekuńczy.
Ten rysunek został znaleziony w internecie, ale idealnie przedstawia mój powrót po zgubieniu się w burzy piaskowej na Tatooine. @echo-lover na pewno kojarzy tę sytuację. Generał Eurus bardzo się tym przejęła (podobnie jak pół Świątyni).
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