nalu-week ¡ 4 years
Nalu Week Prompt - Flirt
“I don’t get it!” Natsu grumbled as he paced back and forth in his bedroom. Levy watched the clearly anxious dragon prince from her seat. “How does she not understand that she’s my mate? I’ve shown her so many times!”
“Lu-chan isn’t familiar with dragon culture. She probably doesn’t even know you’re trying to mate with her.” The blunette commented, hoping that would help ease the prince.
“So what I am supposed to do?” He didn’t even try to hide his frustration.
As if she was expecting this, Levy pulled out a book from her bag and held it out to him.
“You’ll just have to flirt with her.”
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
Hi! I’m sorry but I’m on mobile so I wasn’t able to find the general page for the rules. I want to submit a few fanfics but I haven’t been able to finish them. Do you accept late fanfics or once we miss a day, we can’t submit it anymore?
We accept late submissions but I don’t check the tags as regularly after nalu week. So if you tag the nalu week blog in the post or submit the link/send an ask I’ll post/reblog it as soon as I can :D
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
Hey! I posted a coloring for day seven of nalu week a few days ago and it still hasn’t been reblogged. I tagged it as nalu week and even tagged the tumblr account in the comments but I guess it didn’t show up? I just want to let you know. Thanks!
Hi, I didn’t see it but I’ve reblogged it now for you :D
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
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NaLu Week 2020  Day 7: Smile  I’m a few days late, but have some precious smiling nalu babies on your dash lol. 
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
Try, Try Again
A little late but I had to wait until all the prompt dates had passed because I incorporated ALL the prompts into one fluff piece! So here’s my 2020 Nalu Week entry ~ I challenged myself to get it as pared down as possible. How’d I do?
Levy clapped her hand over her mouth, watching avidly as Lucy gave Natsu a little cheek kiss and then stomped over to the tiny script mage. “Fine! You were right! I do that thing without even noticing anymore.”
“Aw Luce, don’t get mad,” Natsu rubbed where his girlfriend had kissed him and smiled wide, “It sure beats the voice you use when you yell at me!”
Lucy pivoted her hands on her hips. “You haven’t left yet, I still have time.” Her glare was for show, but even with Levy as a witness, if Lucy wanted to get loud, she would. “Don’t make me regret my promise. Natsu, get over here!”
“I’ve got to get going, I hear Gajeel calling for me!” Levy was lying but from the looks of it, Lucy was about to give Natsu a piece of her mind and discretion was the better part of valour - especially since once those two started to flirt. Everybody but Mira was tired of seeing them get all handsy and cutesy with each other. Even Gramps, who liked watching that sort of thing; he’d had enough of the spectacle. Not even being in a public space could curb their behaviour - and right now they were semi-private in the basement of the guild - so anything could happen.
Unexpectedly obedient, Natsu trotted over to Lucy and asked, “Yes?”
“Now that Levy ran away, how about we add to that list?” Lucy stroked Natsu’s arm and smiled to show she’d been playing angry to get their guildmate to leave.
Pulling the note from his pocket, Natsu opened it and then offered it to Lucy along with a pen. “It’s your turn.”
She took the paper and pen and read the last thing Natsu had written, her face blushing a hot, bright pink. “Neither of us are ready for that!”
Natsu crowded close, his arms curling around Lucy’s waist as he read over her shoulder. “Pretty soon I’ll get rid of all those shy quirks of yours. Later then, I guess.”
“You think so?” Lucy turned in Natsu’s arms and met his steady gaze with a mighty effort. “It’s gonna be a lot later, no matter how much charm you use to grease the wheels.”
“Grease? You hungry, want some meat?”
Natsu didn’t even flinch as Lucy’s eyes flashed with fire. This was one of the best things in his estimation of having a girlfriend; teasing Lucy to the edge and then making her smile. Yeah, he’d always joked around with his partner; but now he could get her riled and then make peace. Making peace was pretty awesome, nothing sealed the deal like a kiss, unless it was a kiss and a smile.
“You will never change, not even in an alternate universe.” Lucy’s tone was a little sour to go with her narrowed eyes and pursed lips.
“Same goes for you!” Natsu agreed happily, “You’ll always be my shining star, no matter what. Even in some crazy world without magic!”
“How is it you know exactly what to say?” Lucy hugged Natsu and then rummaged in her satchel for the communicator Warren had created last year. “We’re gonna commemorate this moment with a selfie.”
Lucy opened the magic photo app, holding the device at arm’s length, counting down from three, taking a series of photos, giggling as Natsu suddenly planted a juicy kiss on her.
“Ooh, we’d better take some more, I think those might be blurry.”
Lucy thoughtfully nodded, “We don’t want to take the chance they didn’t turn out…It’s important to chronicle our milestones after all.”
Natsu winked at Lucy. “Yup! Let’s try, try again!”
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
The Truth is not far from Fiction
@nalu-week bonus day AU prompt. Ghost story, modern setting, 7k words
Based on a real life experience.
One day late in the afternoon, Layla Heartfilia hears talking and pops her head into her toddlers bedroom. She sees the four-year-old playing with a doll in the middle of the floor, just babbling away and smiles. “Who are you talking to Lucy?”
The child’s brown eyes beam at her mother. “Mishi wanna pway wich doll.”
Assuming it was just an imaginary friend, the woman plays along. “I see. And are you being a good girl and sharing your toys?”
“Uh-huh, mommy.”
“That’s a good girl. I’ll be back shortly to get you for dinner, okay, you just keep playing nicely with your friend.”
“Otay,” Lucy giggles and looks at the girl sitting across from her, “Mishi you hungy too? Oh.” She then looks back at her mother, “Mishi say no can eat.”
“Why is that dear?”
“Mishis dead.”
From all outward appearances, Lucy Heartfilia was just your typical teenage girl. She had her tight-knit group of friends, a girly-girl when she wanted to be, but deep down was just as comfortable hanging with the guys. Fangirling over the latest manga heartthrob or relaxing with a good book were her two favorite things to do, well that and spending time with her best friend slash boyfriend Natsu Dragneel.
Natsu was born and raised in Hawaii whereas Lucy was a transplant to the islands. After her mother’s death, her father moved them to Hilo when the opportunity to invest in some new property developments came about. It was a small town compared to the big city they’d left behind, but it was a beautiful place and Lucy fell in love with it quickly. She knew her mother would have loved it because if there was one thing Layla Heartfilia had instilled in her daughter, it was a love of the stars.
Every cloudless night on the island provided a perfect opportunity for stargazing thanks to the role of the observatories on Mauna Kea; the islands largest volcanic mountain. Nothing brighter than an orange amber glow was allowed by law, cutting down on the amount of light pollution in Hawaii. Lucy loved it and took any opportunity to simply kick back under the stars picking out her favorite constellations.    
It was now the summer of their graduation from high school and the friends wanted to do something together to kick it off. A few options were thrown around, but when the idea of relaxing under the stars came to mind, Lucy suggested a camping trip. Campfires and smores, maybe some hiking, or even better, snuggling after dark. The group was sold.
“Gajeel’s dad said his contact will let us stay at K.O.E.C in volcano for the weekend since it’s not being used during the summer.” Levy McGarden was the first friend Lucy made after moving to the island and Gajeel Redfox was the girl’s boyfriend.
Lucy tips her head in confusion. “Where’s that? I don’t think I’ve heard of it before.”
“Oh,” Levy chuckles, “sometimes I forget you weren’t born here. In elementary school, all the kids are taken camping there. It’s like an educational retreat cause it’s right next to the national park.”
“Ah, gotcha. So, it’s a camping ground?”
“Mmm, sort of. There’s a building and a big grass area and a bonfire pit.  I don’t know the details if they’ll let us use the main building, but it’ll probably be fine if we just set up tents. Gajeel said the guy will give us a key to the gate when we arrive so we can go in and out.”
“Sounds perfect to me.”
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
What’s in a Name
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Summary: The first time she sees him her home is on fire. [NaLu] [Fae AU] [@nalu-week 2020 Bonus Day: AU]
Read it on ff.net
AN: Well, I’m late per usual but it’s here! Also, I’m sorry but I don’t have the patience go through at search out all the italics tumblr doesn’t recognize, so if you want to read it as it was written please use the link. :)
Word Count: 6106
Warnings: Language
The first time she sees him, her home is on fire.
Flames are clawing up the walls, smoke blacking the ceiling. She coughs into the sleeve of her lace trimmed nightgown and tries to stifle her sobs long enough to scream for her mother. She is only ten years old, and the only thing she remembers from the fire safety course last year is to stop, drop, and roll. She’s not on fire, but after a few moments of running aimlessly around her room and choking on smoke, she sinks to the ground anyway. It is easier to breathe down there. The room is filling with smoke and through the cackling and popping of the flames she can just barely make out the sound of the frantic voices of the staff on the other side of the wall.
Again, she screams for help but the smoke gags her. The air is so hot that she feels her lungs blister with every breath she takes. Most of her room has been engulfed, and the ceiling is starting to rain down blackened sheets of drywall—hitting the floor like a bomb. She knows she should move but she doesn’t know where to go. Her bedroom door was long since engulfed by the greedy flames, and the only window is blocked - her pink velvet curtains have long since turned into two towering pillars of heat and flames. There isn’t nearly enough room for her to get through. On her hands and knees she crawls under her bed, because it seems to be the only safe place left. 
Her face shines with a mixture of sweat and tears as she presses her cheek against the wood floor. She gasps for breath, lungs burning for oxygen. The edges of her vision are starting to go black and she forces herself to take larger gulps of ash-laden air. When she calls out again her voice is dry and cracks with every syllable. Still, she forces the words out in a coughing wheeze. “Please! I don't—want to die!” More tears slip down her cheeks, she can almost feel them evaporating on her flushed skin. The voices on the other side of the wall have faded, and all she hears now is the hissing and popping as the fire consumes. 
Her eyes, already burning from the heat and smoke, begin to feel heavy and she feels the overwhelming urge to sleep. Slowly, she blinks, and when her eyes reopen she sees something that wasn’t there before. By the curtains she sees a man. 
She should be suspicious of the fact that the smoldering heat and open flames seem to have no effect on him—but she isn’t. With every last bit of strength, she tries to drag herself toward him. She only makes it to the foot of the bed. He doesn’t see her, she knows he doesn’t, because he is humming and eating the flames licking up her curtains. “Help,” she pleas, but it is only a weak hiss of air passing her chapped lips.
His dark eyes snap to hers, an alarmed expression parting his lips, before her world fades to black.
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
“Selfie” - For Nalu Week 2020
Summary: Lucy wants to take a selfie with her boyfriend but he’s a vampire, which means he won’t appear in the damn photo!
Disclaimer: I do NOT Own Fairy Tail in any way, shape or form.
Notes: I’m on mobile so I’m sorry if the format looks weird.
Lucy frowned as she stared at the photo of herself on her cellphone.
She looked good but that wasn’t the issue. There was supposed to be one more person next to her in the photograph but unfortunately he wasn’t appearing no matter how many times she clicked the “capture’ button on the screen.
“Maybe if you wore make-up the camera-”
“That won’t work.” Natsu sighed as he leaned against his girlfriend’s bedroom wall. Both college students sat on the queen sized bed; Lucy had her back towards the male as she sat between his legs. She continued to stare at the cellular device in her hands, trying to come up with a solution. They had been trying for the last 30 minutes, using lots of lights and moving from area to area in the apartment but nothing worked.
“But why-”
“I already told you Luce. I’m a vampire so I don’t have a reflection, and mirrors and cameras only work on those who do.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against his chest.
“It’s one of the cons of being part of the undead.”
The blonde pouted. “But that’s not fair! Ghosts aren’t even alive and they can still have their picture taken.”
Natsu laughed. “Barely. They end up looking like a bad photoshop project when that happens.”
Lucy let out a low chuckle but remained silent after that. She had really hoped to get a photo of the two of them.
Up until now, she didn’t realize how existing in photos was a gift. Yes, awful photos existed: photos that ruined lives, praised disgusting individuals, and captured disturbing events. Nothing was perfect, and there were huge drawbacks in photography.
What she meant was the ability to have your picture taken was a gift.
Photography was amazing because it not only captured the images of people as proof that they existed, but it also captured moments in time that would never return. Moments that pass too quickly for a painting to be made or for an accurate story to be written in that exact minute.
And right now she wanted a photo to commemorate the moment she and her boyfriend were currently sharing: this simple event of being together and cuddling on a Friday night.
Too lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice that one of Natsu’s arms had released her and a black smart phone was in front of her. She snapped out of it when she heard “click.”
The pink haired student quickly looked at the photo as Lucy tried to turn around.
“Why did you-”
“Bwhahaha!” Natsu roared in laugher. “You look so funny Luce! You look like you’re in a trance.”
Her face quickly went red in embarrassment. “Shut up! Delete that right now!”
“Nah, I’m think of putting it on display.” He teased.
After successfully turning over to face him, she thought she had him but unfortunately she wasn’t expecting him to toss them both to their sides. They were still on the bed but with this new position, Natsu was able to drop a leg on top of hers and still trap her in his arms.
“Wallpaper it is.” He breathed, smiling when he saw the bright hue on her cheeks.
“No way. It’s not fair.” She sulked. “I can’t have a photo of you as my wallpaper.”
His smile switched from teasing to gentle. He used the hand that was currently not under his girlfriend to move strands of hair that had fallen onto her face.
The pink hue on her cheeks only brightened. How could such a simple gesture make her blush so easily?
“Look Lucy, I might not be able to take photos with ya but one photo wasn’t going to capture all my love for ya anyways. Not even a million pics can do that!
“So maybe instead of worrying and wasting time on the pics, we should enjoy our Friday night!”
A two seconds passed before Lucy smiled, and leaned her face closer to Natsu’s.
He was right. As much as Lucy would love a selfie, living in the moment was more important.
Photographs can capture moments in under a second but they aren’t always necessary. Like right now; no photo would be able to capture the love this human and vampire were sharing.
There was only so much a selfie could do.
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
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Day 3: Flirt
For nalu week, superupperlate because that’s how I am hahaha
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
NaLu Week Day 7 — Smile
Lucy could have sworn she saw something looking at her. It was a small light that caught itself in the corner of her eye, persuading the little princess to quickly look towards the mass of trees at her side.
But as quickly as it was there, it vanished.
She pursed her lips and turned her attention back to the knight who served her lunch from their picnic basket.
“Loke,” She said after chewing through a bite of her sandwich, the knight perking you as he wiped a breadcrumb from her cheek.
“What is it, princess?” He asked with a smile, resisting the urge to pinch her adorable cheeks.
“I thought I saw something in the forest,” She said, pointing towards the looming trees. “Did you see it?”
“I’m sorry,” He shook his head, feeling his heart clench as the princess pouted. “What did it look like? A fairy?”
“A fairy?! Are there fairies over there?!” The young girl jumped in her seat, Loke laughing as he ushered her to calm down.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if a fairy was watching you, princess. They’re attracted to beautiful smiles.”
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
Fairy Tail / Natsu POV / NaLu
NaLu Week 2020   -   and in my hands i hold your light (and in yours breathes my soul)
 Day 7:  Smile  (we will not be star-crossed)
He ties off the little scrap of paper with his wish, his hopes, on one of the bamboo branches, and looks up at the star-studded sky.
He never used to think much about it before, never used to care about it, the night sky with its sparkling diamonds set into its dark canvas. It was just there.
He’s learned to appreciate it now. It matters now.
The bamboo leaves in the branches by his head rustle softly, and Natsu looks over in time to see Lucy tying off her own tanzaku. She closes her eyes for a long moment, and Natsu watches as the lights from the lighting lacrimas floating around them dance across her skin.
She looks like she belongs up there with the stars. Which, admittedly, fair enough, he guesses. (He won’t let the stars have her, though. She belongs down here with Fairy Tail. With him.)
When she opens her eyes, they meet his own through the leaves, and the smile that blooms on her face leaves him breathless.
Lucy smiles, always. Even when she’s sad, even when she’s sick, even when she’s hurt. She smiles. And it’s always had an impact on Natsu (even at first, when he didn’t know her, didn’t -or pretended not to- care about her).
But there’s something about this one.
It’s different. Something about it is different from any of the ones before, and Natsu can’t even start putting his finger on what exactly is different about it.
It does pull his own grin up to the surface, though.
And as Lucy steps through the bamboo shoots and to his side, he can’t help wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer. 
“Hey,” he says, and breathes her in.
“Hey,” she answers, and rests her head against his shoulder. 
Their smiles remain, bright, carefree, for the rest of the evening.
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
Hot Stuff
Magic Mike AU. Written for Nalu Week Bonus Day: AU.
This is a spin-off of Bite Hard, but can be read as a standalone.
Summary:  After receiving some tough reviews regarding her latest book, Lucy moves to Magnolia in order to relax and find inspiration for her next project. She just didn’t expect it would come from the guy that was assembling her closet.
Rating: M 
Original Link: [FF]
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
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@nalu-week July 7
I realize that nalu week as two bonus days but I’m not too sure if I’ll be doing those. I’m close to staring school, which means my sport conditioning is starting. So I’ve been really tired, sweaty, and sore for the past couple of days and I haven’t been in the mood to draw or anything. So I think Imma take a break for a little while. (Probably not that long) 
Also, a few ppl had asked for request- and I promise I’m taking thoughts into consideration. I won’t forget, I actually like a lot of them.
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
NaLu Week - Hiding In The Barn
@nalu-week Day 7: Smile
Warning: Smut!
Also published on FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13637333/1/Hiding-in-the-barn
Hiding In The Barn.
Natsu snorted. He couldn’t believe that Lucy wasn’t tired of dancing yet.
They’d been at that country festival for the whole evening and a good part of the night. After eating and drinking plenty, everyone started dancing in the middle of the square. Everyone was wearing medieval dresses and Lucy was dressed with a lovely pink one, her hair prettily braided: it was hard not to look at her, dancing and smiling in the middle of square. Natsu looked at her pretty smile and grinned: seeing her so happy made him happy too. In that moment, a pretty drunken lad came by his side, lying against the wall: he was definitely wasted.
“Yo man!” he greeted Natsu, leaning against his shoulder.
“Hey” he replied a bit confused – the Dragon Slayer never liked to drink, so he never really understood people who got plastered that way.
“Ya know… I always thought… my dream was to become… you know… a great rich something… like an actor… or a politician… but now my friend!” he raised his voice suddenly, embracing Natsu with one arm and pointing with the full cup in hand towards the centre of the square “Now… my dream… is to marry… HER!”
“Her who?” asked Natsu, raising a brow confusingly.
“The beautiful blondie dancing over there… man… I do love her!” he exhaled, enthusiastically.
“I don’t really think so” Natsu replied, shooting a bad glare at him.
“But I love her!”
“No, you don’t.”
“Look at her, she’s gorgeoooous!”
“She’s not only that. She’s also funny and very intelligent” Natsu replied, naturally.
“See? I… *hic*… really have to marry her… I’m gonna take her to the barn… later…” he said, before falling asleep against the wall behind them.
“To the barn?” Natsu asked to himself, confusingly.
She had been dancing for hours and was literally exhausted. Lucy ran towards the edge of the square, where Natsu had been waiting all the time – but he was no longer there. Lucy really wanted to dance with him, but he just kept on refusing her invitation, pouting in embarrassment. So, she just kept on dancing with lots of nice citizens, both old and young, children and middle-aged men, and she had an incredible time. That medieval festival of magic was super exciting and she was so happy to be there, she couldn’t stop smiling.
Lucy started to wander along a small road near to where she left Natsu and, after a few steps, she managed to find him walking towards the square.
“Hey Natsu” she trilled excitedly, running towards him. His face was red and he seemed dumbfounded. “Where have you been?!”
“Oh, Lucy…” he replied surprised, as she swooped happily against him. He immediately felt his temperature rise and the heat he had been feeling seemed to worsen.
“What’s wrong? Where’ve you been?” Lucy asked, looking at him curiously.
“Ah… er… I’ve been… to the barn”.
“To the barn?!” Lucy winced, surprised. She heard the village girls talking as they lent her dress and as they helped her with her hair, and she knew very well what happened in the barn. “Who did you go there with?!” Lucy raised her voice, her smile fading and feeling a strange pulse wrapping her chest.
“N-nobody… I went there alo—” but Natsu couldn’t finish his sentence that a strong thunder rumbled in the night sky, followed by a few raindrops. “Oh, no…”
“Oh! What a pity! All the festival stands and the decorations!” Lucy sighed, but soon she realised that that rain was too painful: in fact, it was hail.
“Let’s run for cover, Lucy!” Natsu said, taking her hand and running away along the road. Soon enough, they found cover from the violent hailstorm that had suddenly started to rage.
“Woah, that’s crazy! Where did this storm come from?!” Natsu started laughing, as he closed the heavy, wooden door behind his back, feeling the suddenly freezing air coming from outside.
Lucy stood in the weak, dim light of the place, her back towards Natsu.
“Why… are we… in the barn?” she asked, looking at him with lucid eyes and trembling shoulders.
“Ah… eh… I didn’t know anywhere else to go!”
“She could’ve gone back to our inn!”
“It’s far from the square and in the rush of the moment… I only thought… about this place” Natsu pouted, his voice trailing off with embarrassment.
“Oh. So…what have you seen in the barn?” Lucy asked, her voice slightly malicious.
The only light illuminating that place, which strongly smelt of straw, was the storm light coming from the dirty windows.
Natsu gulped. “W-well… I-I… I didn’t see anything!”
“Really? People told me stories about this place…” Lucy chirped, ironically.
“A-and what did they tell you?!”
“I don’t know… things… but then again, why were you here? What did you want to see?” she continued with amusement.
“Nothing at all! There was a lad that told that he wanted to bring you here, so I wanted to check what he meant! And you should really thank me for checking up on this place! People do strange things here and…” Natsu’s voice trailed off again. He felt his cheeks on fire as soon as he remembered what he saw there a few moments before. The boy and the girl who were there making out – they were definitely younger than him! – and they seemed to be having a lot of fun, but… the things they were doing… really made him feel strange. Dirty. Even though he felt something catching fire deep within his chest as soon as he saw – and heard – them.
“You know…. I didn’t really understand what was going on there, but… I’m happy that you weren’t there with that drunken lad, Lucy.” Natsu said, almost admitting that truth to himself rather than to her.
“Of course I wouldn’t be here with someone who’s not you” Lucy sighed, lying down on a soft pile of straw. Her blond hair opened wide, mixing up with the golden straw. With a couple of fingers, she started to loosen the strings of the bustier of her medieval dress, letting her breast expand a little.
Natsu gulped. “What are you doing?!”
“Uff… it’s hard to breathe with this thing squeezing my chest…” Lucy complained.
Natsu scratched his neck: why was he feeling so nervous? He had seen Lucy naked more times than he’d seen himself probably, but this time he felt terribly aware of every inch of her skin, every breath that she drew… it was that damn place, it smelt like something strange and intense: it wasn’t the straw, it was something deeply human, a mix of sweat and human breaths.
A thunder roared in the sky once more and the hail turned into violent and deep rain.
“Seems it’s gonna take a while” Lucy murmured as she patted the place by her side on the straw.
With slow steps, Natsu approached Lucy and lied down by her side, taking a big breath.
“What’s wrong?” Lucy asked, turning on her side to face Natsu.
“I dunno know. I feel strange.” Natsu admitted, turning towards Lucy and closing the distance between their faces.
Lucy joggled back, surprised by the sudden motion of the boy, but Natsu gently grabbed her by her wrist, stopping her.
“H-Hey Natsu… don’t get strange ideas…”
“What strange ideas?”
“I mean… we’re in the barn, so…”
Lucy lost it “So I thought you wanted to do… things… that people do… in the barn… with me.” Lucy’s words almost disappeared in an embarrassed mumble.
“Oh.” Natsu replied, widening his eyes. “But we can’t do that stuff. Can we?”
“Of course we can…” Lucy sighed, desperately. He was so dense when it came to love stuff.
Natsu furrowed his brows, a serious look on his face.
“Then… maybe… we should try.”
“WH—” Lucy was totally taken aback, but she couldn’t reply anything because Natsu was already over her, his hands on the sides of her head, a serious but flustered look on his face.
He remained there for a few minutes, looking at her in the eye, uncertain what to do. He could feel a strong stab in the stomach, his heartbeat accelerated, his breath heavy and his throat parched. Lucy’s breast went up and down quickly, following her quick, shuddering breaths.
Mesmerized by the vision of Lucy lying there, beautiful and excited, Natsu let his fingers slide slowly from her damp hair, along her neck, reaching the heat of her breast. There, he let his hand rest on her heart, right between her soft breasts – so hot. His breath quickened even more and he could feel a strange fire he never felt before burning deep inside of him.
“Lu—” he tried to call her name, but he was caught off guard when Lucy’s arms wrapped around his neck, leading him down onto her.
“Natsu…” she breathed softly, rubbing her nose lightly against Natsu’s.
Letting his senses take control, Natsu bent forward, letting his lips brush against Lucy’s. He stayed there a few seconds, but then the image of the young couple making out a few hours before came back to his mind – their kisses were different. He then bit Lucy’s lower lip, making her moan lightly. As her swollen lips opened, Natsu let his tongue slide in slowly, just to find Lucy’s tongue ready to welcome him: the contact had been so thrilling, that his kiss became immediately deeper, more intense, almost violent. Lucy strengthen her grip around Natsu’s shoulder, pushing him against her body, opening her legs to let him rest against her body: he was boiling. It felt like kissing a feverish flame, ready to burn everything around itself.
Natsu traced Lucy’s lips with his tongue, causing her to moan and her nails to dig deep down his back. That mixture of pleasure and pain sent a jolt down the boy’s spine, making him throb between his legs: their bodies attached to each other, Lucy could feel Natsu’s manhood hard and big, pressing strongly against her lower belly – this could end baaaad.
Lucy started to protest, but she was soon hushed by Natsu’s lips, which came back ravenously on hers. She felt his hands sliding up along her bare legs, pulling up her dress.
“Natsu, wait… ah!”
Natsu broke her intense kiss just to slide down her neck, reaching her soft and almost naked breasts to bite them lightly and to suck on them sweetly.
“Oh… my…” Lucy sighed, in ecstasy.
She didn’t want her first time to be in a barn, but damn, she had been waiting for that moment all of her life. And Natsu was so damned good and hot in that moment, she would’ve never thought she would see him in that way. Lucy let her hand slide down against his chest, untying his belt just to let her tiny hand slid inside his pants, under his boxers, to meet something hot and decidedly big. Natsu let out a deep groan, followed by a “Lucy” which was more similar to a growl than to a human sound. She began to pump quickly with her hand, enjoying the intense expressions Natsu’s face was making, hearing his sexy, hoarse moans, feeling his hot breath on her skin.
In that moment, the voices of some people started to speak loudly outside the door of the barn and Natsu and Lucy froze in place – the rain had stopped and people were coming out of the houses to continue with the party. They heard them say they needed straw to feed the animals.
Natsu quickly got up from the straw bed, taking Lucy’s hand and helping her up. They started straightening their clothes and tidying their hair, just before the heavy door opened right in front of them.
“Oh!” the villager exclaimed “Have you tried out our barn, you two?” he smiled mischievously.
“Oh yeah! Thank you for the hospitality” Natsu smiled, as he took Lucy’s hand and both ran outside the barn, smiling and laughing.
“I didn’t know barns could be so interesting!” Natsu smiled, turning towards Lucy.
Lucy replied with one, bright and naughty smile. “But I think the inn’s gonna be better. Just wait and see.”
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
A New Bond is Made
@nalu-week Day 7 prompt Smile
Story idea by @random-rave
By the time Lani was born, Natsu and Lucy Dragneel had already gotten the major points of parenting down. Of course, the first round had been a whirlwind ride since Lucy’s first pregnancy had led to fraternal twins; a girl and a boy. For first time parents, having twins could be a tiresome ordeal that they had no experience to prepare them for. But five years later, they were ready.
She was an adorable child and her siblings Nashi and Ryuu were already fiercely protective of their little sister. At 2 months old, Lani had hit a few milestones. She could hold up her head for a few seconds when on her tummy and her limbs were starting to move in controlled manners. The children could spend hours fussing with her, coaxing the infant to do things like grab their fingers or kick her feet. They even made it a game to see how many times they could get her to make noises.
But the best part for the family was watching the child slowly learn to make different faces. It was common for babies to smile between weeks 6 and 12 and Lani was already making premature attempts at it. When they played with her or did things to make her happy, rudimentary smiles could be seen as upticks in the corners of her mouth. So, they decided to make it a game to see who could get the child to fully smile first.
Oh, how they tried so hard! Natsu, Nashi, and Ryuu spent all the free time they had in this endeavor. They would tickle and tease Lani, pinch at her chubby cheeks, and blow raspberries on her soft tummy. Lani would burble and squeal from their efforts, but a true smile always eluded them. Lucy would watch the entertainment, simply content that her family was spending time with each other and building a bond that she hoped would last their lifetimes.
This went on for a few days, in the mornings before the twins went off to pre-school, when they’d return home, after dinner, all the way up until bedtime if Lani was awake. There were a few times one or the other twin would suddenly start squealing that they’d done it, and Lucy would step in to play referee to stop a fight from happening. But needless to say, no smile.
Then one night while Natsu was away on a mission and the twins were already passed out. Lucy had just finished feeding Lani and put her down for bed. Her bed was calling too, but she still needed to clean up the kitchen from dinner and get the twins school stuff ready for the morning. After checking to make sure Lani had truly fallen asleep, the mother of three set about to finish her tasks.
About 40 minutes later she hears Lani starting to fuss in her crib, perhaps a little gas had woken the child up. She wipes her hands and walks over to their bedroom. But as she gets closer, she hears another female voice wafting through the cracked door; and one she knows very well.
A sheen of moisture wells up in Lucy’s eyes and she stands there frozen in place, just listening to her second mother soothing the child. From her vantage point, she can see Aquarius holding the infant in her arms, rocking the girl gently, and singing the same lullaby the spirit would sing to her as a child whenever she couldn’t fall asleep. She clasps a hand over her mouth in order to stifle the happy sobs welling up in her throat for it was working. Lani had stopped fusing and was drifting back to sleep.
It was rare for the spirits to enter their world without being called, but there was no question in Lucy’s special bond with the tempestuous water bearer. Even though it had taken her years to find Aquarius’ new key, that connection was never broken. Her heart soars at seeing her spirit friend appearing for her daughter now.
Oh my! Lucy gasps lightly, unable to hold back anymore. Lani was smiling in her sleep! The child was beaming as the melodic voice rocked her into dreamland. She braces against the door jamb, still unable to move away, and just watches as the spirit places the contented child back in the crib. Aquarius then pulls the blankets up and tucks it around the child, leaning back for a moment to make sure the child would stay asleep.
Without turning to face her, Lucy hears the spirit speak, “I was never here,” then disappears back to the Celestial realm. Same old Aquarius. But nothing could wipe the smile from Lucy’s face at seeing her old friend or her daughter smile for the first time. Sooner or later Natsu or one of the twins will win their game, but Lucy and Aquarius will know who the true winner really is.  
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
We’re All Made Of Stars
Summary: Natsu is in love with Lucy, but he swore he wouldn’t tell her before she gets back something very important to her: Aquarius’ key…
Word Count: 3,5k
Tags: Fluff, light angst, some humor, getting together
A/n: The conclusion of Nalu Week is here - Day 7: Smile! This one’s pretty close to my heart, mostly because Aquarius’ story was really important to me and I’m still sad about it, but also because I wrote this while feeling bad about my writing. Sure, it’s most definitely no good, but at least I wrote it and I posted it and I didn’t quit. I want to thank everyone who encouraged me to keep doing what I love the last few days, everyone who liked or reblogged a story and especially the nice comments (especially @nalu-trashytrash, you have no idea how encouraging your comments were). Thank you so much. It means the world. Also, obviously, Thank you @nalu-week for organizing all of this! It was an amazing event! That being said, I will probably not participate in the bonus days, which is a shame because I was incredibly excited for them. I had planned to post the first two chapters of my WIP, but my laptop might be on its last breath and needs instant fixing and I’m not entirely sure yet when I will get it back. If I get some confidence back by then I might still start posting that WIP after - at least if anyone would be interested? Anyways, after five hours of rambling (so sorry), onwards to the story: Title is from “Stars” by Pentatonix.
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nalu-week ¡ 4 years
A Smile Like the Sun
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Characters: Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia
Hey, everyone! :) This here is my submission for Day 7 of NaLu Week, for the prompt “Smile.” Unfortunately, with so many requests and events happening right now, I’m not able to do all the prompts, but I wanted to show just a little love for this adorable couple! Hopefully, I can go back and do the rest. Regardless, enjoy! :D
If Natsu had to choose the thing he loved most about Lucy, it would be her smile.
Natsu had never seen a smile as radiant as hers. It illuminated rooms like a beacon, filling the space to every corner with a warm, gentle light that no darkness could taint. Her smile seemed to be a sun in itself; not only was it bright and radiating, it possessed its own gravity. Natsu would find himself lured in by its magnetic pull. Lucy’s smile embodied everything about the luminous girl that Natsu adored- her kindness, her optimism, her friendliness, her beauty. Yes, Natsu Dragneel loved Lucy Heartfilia’s smile.
That’s why he immediately noticed its absence when he slipped into Lucy’s house to find her morosely lounging on her living room couch. A handful of crumpled tissues were scattered on and around the coffee table. Lucy lay on her back, sniffling despondently as she stared at a tear-stained piece of paper in her hand. Eyebrows knitted together in concern, Natsu walked into the living room and timidly asked, “Lucy? Are you okay?”
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