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We are all so much together, but we are all dying of loneliness. -Albert Schweitzer
Natalie Jumper
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Working to channel that creative energy this year.
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Is 2020 your year for love, laughter and adventure? Do you have an upcoming wedding? I would love to talk to you about your special day!!
Tag any friends or family members below that are getting married in 2020!
Running now until the end of January, anyone who books their wedding with me, will receive 15% off of their package!
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Find adventure where ever you are.
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Sunday contemplation
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So I took a huge leap, and entered some of my recent Macro Photography into a global competition. This competition is all about traffic and shares. PLEASE help me rank, by clicking on the link above and ‘favorite-ing’ it and then sharing it on Facebook. 
The further I can get out there with this, the better chance I”ll have at having my work featured in the gallery. Below is another of the photos that’s in the series I’ve submitted.
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Thank you! :)
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I launched my brand new web page today!! I am so excited!! 
Please feel free to check it out and let me know what you think! Drop me a note on the CONTACT PAGE! 
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Tried something a little new. I think it paid off. 
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Always keep your sense of wonder.
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I haven’t posted this on Tumblr yet. I don’t know why… maybe because I’m not usually one that asks for help. I’m the one GIVING the help. Some of you know, but many of you don’t. I am a photographer, and that’s how I make my living. It’s my passion, and joy, and how I explore this world. (It’s also how I’ve been able to travel to so many amazing countries recently.)
On November 18th, I went into San Francisco to pick a friend up from the airport, and show him around the city. We parked my car in a SECURITY CONTROLLED parking garage with cameras. I’ve parked there countless times and have NEVER heard of there ever being a break in there. Can y’all guess what happened next??
Long story short. My camera gear was stolen. I lost EVERYTHING. I lost every lens. My cameras. Filters. SD cards. Batteries. Accessories…..Nearly 10k in camera equipment I have worked so hard to accumulate over the years. I don’t know what I’m going to do. This is my livelihood. It’s how I make money. In addition to that… I had to shell out 250$ to replace a window.
If you’d like to see some of my work, head to my webpage: www.nataliejumper.com or check me out on Instagram: @NatalieJumper  — if you don’t want to do the GoFundMe my PayPal is [email protected]  — If you’d like to buy a print from me, you can send an email to [email protected]
Please. I implore of you guys, I need to replace my camera gear soon. I have had to turn away so much work the last two weeks because I DO NOT have a camera. My business is suffering. ANYTHING will help.
I know that it’s close to the Holidays, so if sharing is all you can do, I appreciate you and thank you.
This is the GoFundMe that @dorkbait created for me:  https://www.gofundme.com/help-recover-natalies-cameras
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Mid flight
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Reblog this if you’re a photographer with original content on your page!
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Looking for new content and people to follow! :)
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